The topic of compressing a volume or disk partition in Windows was touched upon. Here I want to show you how you can use the unallocated disk space and create a new volume or partition using the Disk Management tool or using the Command Prompt.

How to create a new volume or partition through Disk Management

Open the Disk Management tool. To do this, open the Run dialog (Win + R), enter the command diskmgmt.msc and press Enter.

Right-click on the unallocated space and click Create Simple Volume.

In the Create Simple Volume Wizard window, click Next.

Enter the amount of space you want to use for the new volume (or partition) and click Next.

In the next step, you can change the formatting options, but this is not necessary, especially if you are happy with the default settings. Additionally, you can change the volume label to any name you prefer, but it's best to use something descriptive: for example, "Movies", "Documents", " Backups» etc. You can also enable the option to compress files and folders. When all settings are selected, click Next.

Review your selections. If you want to change anything, click "Back" to return to the previous steps. If you are happy with everything, click "Done".

After this, a new partition should be successfully created on your computer.

How to create a new volume or partition via the command line

Open command line with administrator rights.

Enter diskpart and press Enter.

In the DISKPART line, enter list disk. This command will list the drives on your PC. It will also help you determine the disk number with unallocated space.

Now enter the command select disk with the volume number and press Enter: for example, selectvolume 0.

Advice: you can manually specify the size of the new partition. To do this, you need to add size=x to the create partition primary command (where x is the partition size in megabytes). The entire command will look like this: create partition primary size=1000

Now that the partition has been created, enter the command list volume and press Enter. As a result, you will see a volume (in my case volume 3) with a RAW file system. However, it would be more correct to say that this is a volume without a file system.

Next, you need to format the partition to the NTFS file system. Enter the command format fs=ntfs quick(Where quick- this is an indication that it should be used quick way formatting) and press Enter.

You have just successfully created and formatted a partition. The last thing to do is assign a drive letter to the new partition. This is also a fairly simple task.

Enter the command list volume, note the number of the new partition and enter the command select volume, not forgetting to indicate the section number. For example, in my case the command would look like this: select volume 3.

Now you have two options to assign a drive letter: you can simply enter the command assign, but then the DiskPart tool will automatically assign one of the available letters to the new partition (this is what is shown in the screenshot below); or you can enter the command assign letter=f, Where f is the drive letter. If you choose the second option, make sure that the letter you want to assign is not already assigned to another drive.

That's all! Everything written above works in Vista, Windows 7 and 8.x.

Have a great day!

Adding new sections C:/ D:/ E:/

In this article I will talk about how divide hard drive into several sections directly from under the Windows operating system itself.

I can say that there are many programs, such as Acronis Disc Director, that allow partition the hard drive, format, change file systems and many many other things. I will describe and explain how to use other programs for the same purpose in other articles, I hope you will find them interesting.

And I will devote this article to how manage hard drive partitions and in general, specifically the hard drive standard means Windows OS.

The example will be given on MS Windows 7 Ultimate. Basically, in operating systems for the Windows family, the work will be similar or not much different from the example.

So, if you have one partition, that is, in the Computer folder there is only Local Disk C, then of course you will need it split - add one or more sections.

What are the disadvantages of having only one section?

— Data loss may occur if you store any necessary files on the desktop and accidentally delete them or someone deletes them (if they are on another partition and on the desktop, then perhaps if you delete the file from the desktop, the file will remain on the other partition)

— Virus attack. If suddenly your computer becomes infected with viruses for some reason and the system needs to be reinstalled, then all data will be lost

— Clutter on the hard drive. If you store all your personal files on the system partition, then it may slow down the system due to some reasons.

What are the advantages of having 2 or more sections?

- For the most part, you will have order on your computer. Let's say you can store important documents, photos, music and movies on one partition. And on the other there are games (if you like to play) and programs. Although, programs work stably if they are on the system partition.

— If you reinstall the operating system for some reason, all your data will be saved, you don’t have to worry about it in this case.

— Installation of several operating systems is possible. It is recommended to install only one operating system per partition.

Now you understand the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

And now it will be described how to partition a hard drive without losing data.

Opening Control Panel and enter the menu Administration .

Control Panel

Choose Computer management .

Computer management

In this menu, open the item Disk Management (Located under spoiler Storage devices)

Disk Management

We see that it is displayed main section (C:/) (if your hard drive is already partitioned, then several more partitions will be displayed) and the system partition - Reserved by the system (This partition stores parameters Windows activation, OS boot files). Its size is usually 100-300 MB. and it’s better not to touch it. Since if it changes, the system may simply not boot.

In order to split, right-click on the drive (be it C:/ or any other letter) and select context menu Shrink Volume .

We are waiting for indexing to take place.

Choose size of compressible space :

Size is indicated in megabytes , this means if you want to create a partition of 50 Gigabytes, then it will be equal to 50,000 Megabytes

Size selection produced from available space for compression. The more memory is occupied, the smaller size you can create a section. Take note.

Choosing a compression size

Select the size you need and click Compress .

After this it will appear unmarked area (in the disk partition plan it will be indicated in black and, accordingly, the volume that you created will be written).

Leave the size as indicated and click next.

Assigning a drive letter . You can select any of the ones provided, click next.

Format this volume as follows:

File system - NTFS

Cluster size - Default

Volume Label - Specify the desired disk name . It will appear in the Computer folder

Uncheck the Quick formatting and click next.

We check all entered data and press the button Ready .

Well, that’s all, actually!

Now another one will appear in the Computer folder local disk to which you can now upload information.

From this article you learned how split your hard drive into one or more partitions (local disks).

If you have any suggestions, write in the comments and subscribe to the site news.

Partitioning a hard drive using Windows 7

Partitioning the C:\ drive in Win7

When purchasing a new computer or laptop with the Windows 7 operating system pre-installed, many users are faced with the problem of separation hard drive into several sections.

Partitioning the hard drive into several partitions is important both from the point of view of ease of use of the system interface and the ability to save data after reinstalling or restoring the operating system.

Main partition C:\

As you know, when you reinstall the operating system, all data located on the C:\ drive is lost, while the data on the remaining partitions of the hard drive remains intact. All important files can be easily used after the system has been restored to functionality.

Partitioning a hard drive is also convenient because programs and applications are installed on the system partition C:\. If the C:\ drive is the only one, then when you add all kinds of files and folders to it, confusion arises between system files and regular folders added by the user. In this case, it is easy to get confused in the files and inadvertently delete some important system file. Therefore, partitioning the hard drive is necessary.

In order to split a hard drive in Windows 7 into several partitions (logical drives), many use specialized programs, like Partition Magic and the like. Using such programs, you can split a disk into several partitions. But Windows 7 provides the ability to split it using system utilities. In this case, the need for third party programs disappears completely.

To partition a hard drive in Windows 7, you need to go to the computer control panel.

You can do this in two ways:

It is clear that the first method is simpler.

In the “Disk Management” tab you can view all the information on our HDD and its partitions. In addition to the main partition C:\, there is a possibility of finding hidden section recovery.

Main partition C:\ and hidden recovery partition

The recovery partition is used to store information to restore the operating system in the event of a serious failure when the system does not boot. It is not indicated by a letter. It is worth noting that the amount of memory occupied by recovery files can reach several gigabytes (usually about 15GB). Also, in addition to it, there is a section on the disk System Reserved , volume 100 megabytes. These sections are official, since they are not used by the user in any way and serve for the normal functioning of the operating system.

So, let's turn our attention to the C:\ drive, which is to be divided into sections - additional logical drives.

In order to split it, right-click on the conventional image of the disk. In the drop-down menu, select “ Shrink Volume…”.

Item "Compress volume..."

After the request is completed, a window will appear in which the compression parameters will be indicated. If the disk has not been partitioned before, then by default the utility will offer to split it approximately in half. If the HDD initially had a memory capacity of, for example, 1.8 Terabytes, then after division two sections are formed with a capacity of approximately 900 Gigabytes each.

The window that appears indicates the size of the C:\ volume before compression (in megabytes) and the size of the compressed space. The size of the compressed space is the amount of memory of the new partition that will be created. The total size after compression is the size of the C:\ volume after compression. It will be slightly larger than the newly created one. As already mentioned, the system will offer to divide the available memory approximately in half.

If you have the desire and confidence in your abilities, you can indicate your numbers and divide the disk according to your needs. In any case, it will be possible to carry out the reverse procedure - volume expansion and return everything to its previous state.

After familiarizing yourself with the separation parameters, click the “Compress” button. After a short process, another partition with the inscription “Unallocated” will appear on the HDD.

The item "Create a simple volume..."

The “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” will launch. Click “Next”. The “Specify volume size” window will appear – click “Next” again. In the next window, select the letter of the new volume in the “ Assign a drive letter" You can choose any letter you like.

Assigning a letter for the new partition

We confirm the choice and specify the file system in the new window. In paragraph “ Format this volume as follows:” specify the file system NTFS , leave the cluster size at default. Put a tick in the checkbox “ Quick formatting ” and click “Next”. A window will appear with all the specified parameters. If everything is correct, then click the “Done” button.

If you are not satisfied with the default parameters set by the system, then, of course, you can set your own. But in most cases this is not required.

After a few seconds, the new HDD partition will be formatted, a letter will be assigned to it, and the inscription “Good (Logical drive)” will appear in the symbol field. Now the C:\ drive will be divided into two.

New HDD partition - New volume (E:)

If desired, you can change the name of the new section, and instead of “ New volume”, give another. You can do this in several ways:

    1 .In the computer control panel in the disk management window, select the one whose name you want to change. Right-click and select " Properties". In the name field, enter a new name and confirm by clicking OK.

If you have a solid-state drive (SSD) installed in your system instead of an HDD, then the separation technique is similar.

Many users who have a hard drive with only one system partition “C” often wonder how to make a drive “D” that could act as a virtual partition or an optical media drive emulator. Here you should take into account some nuances, without which these procedures may fail.

How to create disk “D”: main directions and techniques

First you need to decide what exactly the user wants to create. Depending on this, the proposed solutions will be applied. For example, there is the option of creating a virtual disk drive, or you can use the technique of creating a virtual partition, either permanent or detachable.

And if previously all these operations required special programs, then with the advent of Windows 7 and the modifications above, the problem disappeared, since you can use the built-in tools.

Mounting the virtual drive

First, a few words about how to create a “D” drive on Windows 7, 8 and 10, which would act as an optical drive. Naturally, the easiest way is to install programs like Nero Burning ROM, UltraISO or Daemon Tools.

Any such application has a special section for creating an emulator. In UltraISO this is done by the command to mount into a virtual drive; in Daemon Tools this is the Virtual CD/DVD-ROM section. But in all cases you will need a previously created (recorded)

In Windows 10, this procedure is simplified to the limit. When the user double-clicks an image file, it is created immediately and completely in automatic mode, after which the system reports that a new device has been found. It works without first installing drivers in the same way as if the corresponding disk was inserted into the “iron” drive.

Creating disk “D” (new) using Windows: where to start?

The previous procedure is quite simple, so there is no point in dwelling on its technology in detail. In this case, we are more interested in the question of how to create hard disk partitions.

The most primitive solution is to split the hard drive into several partitions at the system installation stage. But there are situations when you need to split a disk with information and installed programs already on it, and even so that after that everything works and the data is not lost. The advantages of a virtual partition are obvious, because even when reinstalling Windows or formatting the system partition, the data on it is not affected. But first things first.

So, how to create a “D” drive on Windows 7 and above? To do this, computer management is used, where a similar partition for disks is selected. You can call the corresponding menu by right-clicking on the computer icon or from the “Control Panel”.

Here on the main panel you need to use the action menu, where you select the command to create a virtual disk. In the settings window that appears, you should specify the hard drive partition on which the image of the future virtual partition will be stored. In this case, there is no choice, because there is only one disk. We indicate it.

Then enter the desired size and preferred format (dynamically expanding or fixed). It is better to use a fixed type, since due to the excess of the used disk space, its shortage will be compensated by the system partition, which can sometimes lead to problems in the performance of the entire system (it is believed that for the normal functioning of Windows, at least 10 % free space, compared to the full volume of the section). After entering all the necessary parameters, confirm them by pressing the “OK” button, after which the creation of a new section will begin automatically.

Initializing a new partition

But this was only the first step. When solving the problem of how to create an additional local disk, you should take into account that even after the “Wizard” has completed its work creating the virtual partition, it will not work just like that. Initialization is required. This is done so that the so-called “Local Disk Manager” can gain access to control and manage the new partition.

To do this, right-click on the newly created section and select the corresponding line with the command in the menu. In the parameters window, only the disk number will be visible, and not the letter, as many users assume. This is fine. We leave the values ​​unchanged and activate the start of the process.

Creating a Volume

Now comes the crucial moment in solving the problem of how to create the “D” drive. It seems to have been created, but in reality it is not yet ready for work.

Again, use the right-click menu on the partition and select the command to create a simple volume, after which the “Wizards” window will appear. Basically, you can simply follow the instructions by clicking the continue buttons. In the window for specifying the size, you can also leave everything unchanged (you can reduce the size of the created volume if you plan to split the partition into subsections in the future).

Next you will be asked to enter the section letter. As is already clear, select “D”. But here it is important to remember that if it is initialized under the same letter, you will have to either change the letter of the virtual partition or change the drive letter (the command is available from the right-click menu on the disk).


Finally, all that remains is to select the file system type. As a rule, NTFS is suggested, which can also be left unchanged. After this, the formatting process will be launched, after which the new partition will become fully functional. If you want to make the partition bootable, in the action menu you need to select the attach virtual disk command and specify the path to the saved image, which was defined in the steps described above.

Specialized programs

Of course, not all users will want to solve the question of how to create disk “D” exclusively using the built-in operating tools Windows systems. Most people prefer to use special utilities that allow them to partition the hard drive into partitions using a simpler method.

Among all software packages of this type, the most common and popular are considered Acronis Disk Director, Partition Magic, Paragon Partition Manager and the like. Sometimes applications that are (VirtualBox, WMWare, Microsoft Virtual PC, etc.) can be useful. But it will be much more difficult for an unprepared user to work with them, because such packages are not limited to only creating a virtual hard disk, but recreate a full-fledged computer configuration.

Preference Issues

But, as you can already understand, the problem of how to create the “D” drive in a system with only one system partition can be resolved quite simply. By and large, you can give preference to narrowly targeted software products, since in them all processes are facilitated due to full or partial automation, and the proposed settings in most cases can be left unchanged. As for the tools of Windows systems, although they look somewhat cumbersome, nevertheless, in the absence of special software, they can also be used. They are only available in the seventh version and higher. For other modifications, you will have to install additional applications for the partitions.

Preparation of hard drives has a number of features associated with their significant volume and the ability to create several logical volumes on one physical storage medium. When working on personal computer It may be necessary to create or delete partitions on a hard drive, convert them, or restore them. If during the initial installation of Windows 7 the creation of volumes takes place interactively and the process is intuitive, then making changes to the created partitions requires a certain skill. Without any experience in these matters, you can perform the wrong operation, which will lead to irreversible consequences from complete loss of information to failure of the hard drive.

Rules for hard disk distribution in Windows 7

The sequence of preparing hard drives for installing Windows 7 is as follows:

  • low-level pre-formatting;
  • partitioning of a physical drive into logical volumes;
  • installation of software on logical drives.
  • All modern hard drives come formatted at a low level. After mounting in system unit or on a laptop they need to be partitioned and formatted as logical volumes. This is done at the initial stage when installing Windows 7 on a computer. You can carry out the distribution later by creating a single, common logical disk during installation, using all the free space on the hard drive for this.

    A number of specialists in the field computer technology believes that there should be only one partition on the drive, and the presence of several only slows down the performance of the computer. This is not entirely true. Storing personal folders on another volume provides certain advantages, as it avoids accidental destruction when reinstalling the system or deleting old files and directories. And also the second volume allows you to unload the system partition and reduce the movement of files on it, which does not lead to large fragmentation of clusters.

    To directly resolve issues of partitioning into volumes, Windows 7 has a built-in Disk Management utility. This is a practical visual tool that is used to manage hard drive volumes, configure volumes, and perform other service operations.

    Using the built-in Disk Management utility allows you to:

  • create and delete volumes on the drive;
  • compress volumes;
  • add volumes without rebooting;
  • manage local and remote network drives.
  • There are several methods for launching the Disk Management utility.

  • The Start key services menu is applied:
  • The console “Administrator: Command Line” is used:
  • Launch using the Run service:
  • Another option: click on the “Start” button, select “Control Panel”, activate the “Administrative Tools” service, in the “Run” panel that opens, select “Computer Management”, and then “Disk Management”.

    What actions to take if the hard drive is not allocated

    Before installing Windows 7 on a hard drive, you need to prepare it for this.

    Most hard drives are sold prepared for installation of Windows 7, that is, with the main partition already created. Operations for distribution onto several volumes are carried out during system installation. Installation is carried out when booting from an optical bootloader or USB drive. When performing one of the initial installation steps, a window appears asking you to select a space for installing Windows 7.
    In the “Windows Installation” window, select the logical drive for installation

    Then you need to follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The installation program itself will guide you through all the steps.

    If the hard drive was not prepared for immediate installation of the system before going on sale, then all operations will have to be done by the user. To do this, you will need a bootable optical disc or USB drive.

    Before installing the system, you must log in software BIOS (Basic Input Output System) and set to boot from DVD or USB drive. Entering the BIOS is done by pressing the F2, “Del” or other keyboard combination, depending on the manufacturer, when the computer starts booting. You can use the F11 key for this purpose, pressing it at the initial stage to display the bootloader panel.
    In BIOS, select boot from USB drive

    To create a system partition on a hard drive, all free space is used. The creation of other logical partitions is carried out after installing Windows 7. For these purposes, it is best to use bootable media with Windows PE, the assembly of which has built-in “Acronis Disk Director” or “Partition Magic”, which provides management of logical partitions of the hard drive.

    In the absence of such boot media, you can boot from an outdated boot media for Windows 98 containing the Volkov Commander software shell.
    Find and run the utility “Fdisk.exe”

    Volkov Commander launches the system utility “Fdisk.exe”, which is used when creating a system partition. The drive is then formatted using the utility.

    Rules for creating volumes on a hard drive in Windows 7

    A new volume is created in a free area of ​​the hard drive that is not yet part of a formatted volume. In the Disk Management console, this space is highlighted in bright green, and in the legend line it is indicated as “Free”.

  • Before creating a volume, we compress an arbitrarily defined partition. Thus, we take away part of the volume of this volume:
  • Enter the size of the space to be compressed and click the “Compress” button.
    In the volume compression panel, select the size of the space to be compressed and press the “Compress” button
  • When compression is complete, right-click on the compressed area, which is highlighted in light green, and in the drop-down context menu click “Create simple volume...”.
    Right-click on the free space and select “Create a simple volume” from the drop-down menu
  • The simple volume creation wizard algorithm will begin to execute, in which the volume of the new volume is selected.
    Press the “Next” button
  • We determine the storage capacity for the created volume.
    Select the simple volume size and press the “Next” button
  • We assign a letter to designate the volume.
    Assign a drive letter and press “Next”
  • Set quick formatting options. The volume is formatted as a file NTFS system, leave the remaining parameters unchanged. Turn on the “Quick Format” switch.
    Select the file system, cluster size and volume label. Enable quick formatting
  • In the final window, click on the “Done” button. A logical volume with the specified letter is created.
    Press the “Done” button
  • Video: creating new partitions on a hard drive in Windows 7

    Rules for converting an MBR drive to a GPT drive

    GPT is a fundamentally new organization of the disk system structure, used when preparing a hard drive for the installation of Windows 7. It was developed and began to be implemented simultaneously with the release of Windows 8 to the market. It is gradually replacing the format of drives with MBR and a basic input/output system (BIOS).

    GPT disks have a number of advantages:

  • support up to 128 partitions on a physical drive;
  • work with hard drives up to 18 exabytes (EB);
  • information about partitions and boot information is stored in several copies in different places;
  • performance is better than that of an MBR drive and allows you to restore files if they are damaged;
  • stores code redundancy values ​​(CRC), which allows you to determine information corruption.
  • Before converting an MBR volume to GPT, you need to copy all the information from it, since during the conversion process all information is destroyed. After conversion, the information is returned to the storage volume.

    To change the MBR format to GPT, there are two options:

  • The command utility “Diskpart.exe” is used:
  • Use the built-in Disk Management utility:
  • You can modify an MBR drive into a GPT drive using third-party developments. The most popular are “MiniTool Partition Wizard” or “Acronis Disk Director”. These developments are not supported by Microsoft and although they have proven themselves to be positive, 100% results can never be guaranteed.

    How to properly configure a network drive

    Before creating a network drive, select the directory that will be designated as such in local network and open it public access. The directory size is unlimited and varies depending on the free space on the hard drive. Before selecting a directory, set up network Windows settings 7:

  • go from the desktop through the chain “Control Panel” - “Network and Sharing Center”;
  • Click on the service “Change” additional options general access";
    Select “Change advanced sharing settings” in the left panel
  • A console opens containing settings for two main profiles:
    • current profile;
    • general profile.
  • in the profiles we turn on all the switches for network discovery and sharing.
    In the panel, turn on the switches for network discovery and sharing
  • After finishing the installation network settings for Windows 7, proceed to opening shared access to the selected directory and mapping a network drive.

    Creating a public access:

  • find the directory on the hard drive, right-click on it and in the drop-down menu click on the “Properties” line;
  • in the “Properties: Contacts” panel, go to the “Access” tab and click on the “Sharing” button;
    In the “Properties” panel, select the “Access” tab and press the “Sharing” button
  • enter the word “Guest” in the top field, press the “Add” button and give him certain rights to work;
    In the “File Sharing” panel, add “Guest”, assign him rights and click on the “Sharing” button
  • public access is opened;
    We are waiting for the folder to be shared
  • When the opening is complete, click on the “Done” button.

    Click on the “Finish” button
  • Creating a network drive:

  • right-click on the “Computer” service on the “Desktop” and in the drop-down menu click on the line “Connect” network drive»;
    In the “Computer” pop-up menu, select “Map network drive...”
  • in the panel that opens, indicate the drive letter to connect;
  • Click on the “Browse” button and find the desired directory;
    In the panel, select the drive letter and the required folder
  • select the directory, click on the “OK” button and in the next panel click on the “Finish” button.
  • You can create such a disk on a local network on any local computer.

    How to remove drive C

    It is not possible to remove a system drive that is currently in use by Windows 7. If you try to do this, the system will issue a warning that the partition is in use and will not allow the operation to be performed. This is a kind of fuse against rash user actions that can lead to the loss of boot and system files. You can delete the system partition only during the process Windows reinstallation 7.

    How to properly delete the “System Reserved” partition

    System Reserved - a hidden partition designed to save the boot Windows information 7. The partition is used to provide information necessary when the computer fails to boot and is not reflected in the logical drive tree of Explorer. It is not recommended to delete a section; it can be made invisible to the user if it begins to appear in Explorer. This is done very simply:

  • go to the “Disk Management” snap-in;
  • right-click on the backup volume and in the drop-down context menu click on the line “Change drive letter or drive path...”;
    In the drop-down menu, select “Change drive letter or drive path...”
  • in the panel that opens, click on the “Add” button; in the next panel, indicate the letter that denotes the reserved disk;
    In the panel, enter the drive letter to delete
  • Double-click on the “Delete” button.
  • I do not recommend deleting this partition; it is better to leave everything as it was created when installing Windows 7. A size of 100 megabytes does not affect anything and is not worth breaking the system. It seems to me that Microsoft did not come up with it in vain.

    Video: how to hide a “System Reserved” volume

    How the “System Reserved” section is created

    A backup volume always identifies itself as active, system, and primary. It can be used to launch one or two operating systems installed on a hard drive. If the partition was not created automatically during the system installation process, or was intentionally deleted, you can create it again by executing a certain command sequence in the administrator console:

  • opening the “Run” panel, in the “Open” field enter the line “Diskpart.exe”;
    In the panel enter the command diskpart.exe
  • enter the line list disk - display information about partitions;
  • enter the line select disk - select the volume with working Windows 7;
  • enter the line shrink desired=100 - shrink the volume by 100 megabytes;
  • diskpart reduces the volume by 100 megabytes;
  • enter the line creat partition primfry - create a volume;
  • diskpart creates a partition;
  • enter the line format fs=ntfs - format the volume in the NTFS file system;
  • diskpart will format the volume;
  • enter the line activ - the volume becomes active;
  • enter the line assign letter J - assignment of an arbitrary letter;
  • enter the line exit - exit the program;
  • termination of work "Diskpart.exe";
  • enter the line bcdboot C:\Windows - boot files are created in the “System Reserved” volume.
  • This completes the creation of the “System Reserved” volume of 100 megabytes in size.

    Popular programs for dividing a hard drive into partitions

  • “MiniTool Partition Wizard” is a small utility that allows you to quickly manage hard drive partitions. It has a clear Russian-language interface that allows you to use it without much difficulty. Provides the ability to convert MBR drives to GPT drives without loss of information. Provides support for drives larger than two terabytes. The program has all the basic functions for working with hard drive partitions. Allows you to do backup information.
    Start panel of the MiniTool Partition Wizard program
  • Acronis Disk Director is one of the most famous programs used for hard drive partitioning and partition management. Often included in boot media assemblies to divide the drive into logical drives before Windows installation 7. Has the ability to divide a volume into two parts and install two different operating systems in them. Supports all modern file systems. It has the function of converting, without loss of information, MBR drives into GPT drives. Can clone the system to another drive. Allows you to use a wide range of functions for working with partitions.
    Main window of the Acronis Disk Director program
  • Video: Partitioning a hard drive with Acronis Disk Director

    Despite all the variety of programs for working with hard drives, you should only use proven ones. There is always a danger that after processing the disc unknown program You can lose information that has been accumulated and stored for a long time. If you are not completely sure, then it is better to use the disk management utility built into Windows 7, developed by Microsoft, or a program from the bootable media assembly. The programs from the assembly have wider functionality for processing hard drives, but require certain skills in operation. An error when working with them can lead to irreversible consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to start using them only after thoroughly familiarizing yourself with their capabilities.
