If anyone doesn’t understand what I mean, then I’ll explain that this is what opens when you right-click on My Computer and is located in Properties:

And this information is also displayed in other programs, on websites and everything else that asks for such information.
Above I showed the information that we will change.

There are two ways to change Windows information.

Method 1 - changing computer information through the registry.

Open (keyboard shortcut Win+R and enter regedit) and go to the branch


For windows 7 and 8

Here we see the following window:

In it you can change all the information about Windows. I’ll explain some parameters if it’s not clear:

Manufacturer - name of the manufacturer,

Model - computer model,

SupportHours - support service hours,

SupportPhone - support phone number,

Logo - logo of the manufacturer's company.

To change, double-click on the desired parameter and in the window that appears, write whatever you want:

1) If this section is empty, then you need to create these parameters (top menu Edit -> Create -> String parameter).

2) If you want to change the logo, then first prepare a picture in bmp format and indicate the path to it in the field. For an example, see how it is written there.

If you want to remove information, just delete the value.

To change information about the processor, go to the registry branch


Finding the parameter ProcessorNameString and change it in the same way as the parameters above:

Method 2 - how to change information about Windows through the program.

Exists free program Windows 7 OEM info Editor

It is suitable for both Windows 7 and Windows 8. Not tested on XP.

It does not require installation and is not Russified, but it is quite easy to understand.

We download, launch, see this window (I have already changed the parameters there):

As you can see, all registry settings are the same. Only the processor cannot be changed.

Just enter the required values ​​in the fields and then save with the button Save.

To change the logo it’s even easier - press the button ... and showed the file.

If you have any questions about how to change information on a Windows computer, write in the comments.

» How to change screen settings in Windows XP?

How to change screen settings in Windows XP?

Quite often, users need to change screen settings or simply change some of its values. This need may arise due to malfunctions of the video adapter, lack of necessary drivers, incorrect calibration, or software failures. In such cases, you most often need to format and re-register the display driver settings. There are also cases due to which short-term changes occur correct settings screen and to return the original parameters you need to perform very simple steps. Let's take a closer look at what can be done in each situation and how you can change the screen parameters.

Options Tab

One of the most simple ways, which allows you to change the current settings and screen parameters, is to use the “Options” tab, which is located in the “Properties: Screen” window. Using this tab, you can effectively configure screen properties, solve problems that interfere with normal operation, and even change configuration settings. Windows settings XP, which affect the operation of the video adapter. What exactly does this tab contain?

  • Color rendering quality. Using this tab, you can select the desired screen color quality. Previously, this feature was useful because there were monitors that did not support high quality. However, today color rendering quality does not carry mandatory functions. As a rule, the default is set to high quality, so it is not recommended to change this setting.
  • Screen resolution. Using this item you can change the current monitor resolution. Windows XP defaults to the highest possible resolution. If the settings are lost, you can reset them to their original value. To do this, you just need to drag the slider to the right or left and select the previous resolution, then click the “Apply” button.
  • Diagnostics. As the name itself suggests, using this tab you can diagnose devices paired with the screen and diagnose problems with your monitor.

The “Options” tab contains the “Advanced” item, which, when clicked, opens a new “Properties” dialog box. In this dialog box, you can not only configure or change screen parameters, but also format current values ​​and register new parameters for the video adapter or monitor.

Monitor properties

The Properties window contains five main sections: General, Color Management, Diagnostics, Adapter, Monitor.

In addition to them, there is also a sixth partition, which is installed independently by the video adapter on Windows XP. Thanks to this tab, which is responsible for the settings of the video adapter, you can only change the parameters of the adapter itself, while other tabs are designed to configure the monitor parameters. Let's take a closer look at what each of the tabs can be used for.

  • “General” tab. Allows you to define the scale Windows display XP or its individual components. Using this tab may be necessary if you need to change or format the screen resolution in relation to the monitor diagonal.
  • “Adapter” tab. Designed to obtain all information about the video adapter that is installed in the system. If it is impossible to adjust the screen resolution through the “Options” tab, you can go to the “Adapter” tab and find a list of all resolution modes that the adapter supports on your computer.
  • “Monitor” tab. Using this tab, you can register the monitor refresh rate (recommended only on CRT monitors). The tab also indicates the type of screen connected to the computer.
  • “Diagnostics” tab. Allows you to set and format the level of graphics hardware acceleration that is supported by your video adapter.
  • “Color Management” tab. Allows you to select the monitor color profile. Typically, these options are often used by graphic designers and professional photographers.

You can format and change all the functions and settings of your screen using these standard Windows tools XP. In most cases, the average user does not need other additional features.

To fix some problems when running a website, you need to change the values ​​of parameters in the PHP configuration. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Change the value of a parameter in the configuration file php.ini. After editing the file, you must restart the web server for the changes to take effect. File access php.ini, as a rule, only the server administrator has. Users virtual hosting usually do not have the ability to edit this file and can use the second method.
  2. Override the value of a parameter in a file .htaccess. Basic rules for file formation .htaccess are:
    • if the parameter can only have values On or Off(or 1 or 0 ), then to the file .htaccess you should add a line like this: php_ flag

      For example:

      Php_flag display_errors 1

      display_errors,short_open_tags, log_errors.

    • in other cases the line in the file .htaccess should look like php_ value PARAMETER_NAME PARAMETER_VALUE

      For example:

      Php_value memory_limit 64M

      Examples of parameters whose values ​​can be changed in this way: memory_limit,post_max_size, max_execution_time.

Attention: Overriding PHP configuration settings using a file .htaccess may not be allowed on your server. For example, such files are not taken into account by the IIS web server, as well as by the Apache web server when using PHP as CGI. To change parameters on such servers, you must either edit the file yourself php.ini, or contact your system administrator.
  • What files store the database connection parameters?
  • How to change a setting in PHP configuration?

For those who don’t understand what we’re talking about, I’ll show you everything in pictures:

This is what the boot menu looks like when installing the latest Windows 8 OS.

This is what the menu looks like when installing the latest OS Windows Vista, 7.

Before Windows Vista (Windows 2000, XP), all changes to downloads were made to the file boot.ini. Boot.ini is a system file that contains information about the Windows operating systems installed on your computer. This data is displayed while the computer/laptop is booting. In order to change the boot parameters, just open the boot.ini files with any text editor and make changes.
Starting from the operating room Windows systems Vista (Windows 7, 8, 10) boot.ini file has been replaced by the Boot Configuration Data (BCD) file. This file is more versatile than boot.ini and can be used on platforms that use a means other than the BIOS to boot the system.

But how do you make changes to boot options in Windows Vista 7, 8, 10? There are two ways for this provided by Windows developers:

1 With GUI;

2 Using the command line.

Change boot options using GUI in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

To use this method, press the key combination "Win" + "R", In the "Run" line, type msconfig, and press Enter.

It must be said that quite a few settings are available this way, but for most users this will be quite enough. This tool will allow you to:

1) Get information about the current and default boot systems.
2) Edit time (timeout). After this time, the default operating system will be loaded without user intervention. To do this, specify the time (in seconds) in the "Timeout" field.

3) Change the default system to boot. To do this, select which system you want to boot by default (without external intervention) and click the "Set as default" button.

4) Remove unnecessary entry from boot menu. Select the entry you want to delete and click the "Delete" button.

All changes will take effect after pressing the "OK" button and rebooting the system.

Change boot options using command line (bcdedit) in Windows Vista, 7, 8.

The bcdedit utility provides more extensive options for changing boot parameters. Bcdedit is a command line tool designed to manage boot configuration data. It can be used for a variety of tasks: creating new repositories, modifying existing repositories, adding boot menu options, and much more.

To get to know this team better, run command line with administrator rights and run the command:


In this article I would like to go into more detail on examples of using the bcdedit command .

Example of using bcdedit.

Before you start making changes to Windows boot loader, you first need to create it backup copy. To do this, create a BootBackup folder on any disk and enter the following command at the command line (the command line must be run as Administrator):

bcdedit /export D:\BootBackup\bcd

If you feel that something went wrong, in order to return everything to its original state, run the BCD restore command:

bcdedit /import D:\BootCopy\bcd

Where is D:\ drive where the BootBackup folder is located.

The next step is to find out basic information about your BCD. To do this, run the command bcdedit.

identifier– ID of a particular record;
device– shows the partition on which the download files are located (this can be the operating system or the BOOT folder);
osdevice– shows the section on which the system files operating system. Typically, the device and osdevice parameters are equal;
path– if device defined a disk partition that contains operating system files, then this parameter defines the rest of the path to the operating system loader;
default– shows the ID of the operating system that is loaded by default, if the operating system in which the command line was launched is loaded by default, the default parameter is assigned the value (current);
displayorder– shows the order in which records about bootable systems are located;
timeout– timeout (see above), the value is shown and set in seconds;
locale– indicates tongue boot menu or menu additional parameters downloads;
description– shows the name of the operating system displayed in the boot menu.

How to change the default operating system.
Specify the value /default and the ID of the OS that should boot by default.
bcdedit /default (ID)
Now the operating system with the specified ID will boot by default.

How to change the boot delay value
To change the delay before the operating system starts loading, run the following command:
bcdedit /timeout XX
where XX is the number in seconds, the default is 30 seconds.

Removing an entry from the BCD and boot manager done with the command:
bcdedit /delete (ID)
There is a peculiarity in executing the command: if a known record is specified as the ID, for example (ntldr), then the command must be executed with the /f switch:
bcdedit /delete (ntldr) /f
If the ID is written in alphanumeric code, the /f key is not needed.

In order to obtain more detailed information about the capabilities of the bcdedit utility, you must use the help bcdedit/?

How to change computer data?

Another small, albeit completely useless trick (from a performance point of view) from the Computer76 blog. Its essence is that the user can independently change some information about the equipment installed on the computer. And, using this opportunity, you can change the computer data in such a way that the system information in this case will display a unique system assembly. You can appreciate this hack if you specifically point it out to your friends. On the other hand, in our time of widespread surveillance of users (and it doesn’t matter with a licensed software whether it works or not) taking extra steps to mislead the bourgeoisie overseas about your identity won’t hurt.

ATTENTION. After applying some updates (not all), all changes may disappear.

A little later (if there are requests from you) I can add an article where we automate the deception. Judging by the reviews, readers like to wishful thinking. And because:

So, it is described step by step:

Change computer data: how does it work? Windows XP.

As you know, general information about the installed operating system, processor and amount of installed memory can be read by clicking on the icon My computer right mouse and selecting Properties. I propose, simply out of sporting interest, to correct this information or even completely change the data. To do this, we will go along the following path:


And we will find a file called OEMINFO.INI. Let's open it using Notepad. It will look something like this:

Now let’s add our information here, any information we want. Fill in all the lines (opposite Line) as you please. You can include name, address, phone numbers and addresses. And, therefore, we look at the result (My computer - Properties– tab Additional information) . After such an upgrade, my personal computer acquired very interesting characteristics:

In principle, you can write whatever you want there. This has no practical benefit, but it is another step towards hacking Windows. And a lot can be changed in it. Another reason to brag to your friends that you are different from others operating system on a computer or laptop.

Now let's change the data about the processor installed in the belly of the computer. To do this, we need to correct something in the registry. Open the editor with the command regedit and find the following option on the left side of the editor window


Right-click on the ProcessorNameString parameter and click Change… You can write whatever you want in the window. Let this be the top title. Nothing will change, of course (the frequency per core will still betray you treacherously). But you can brag to your friends about the top-end hardware of your laptop. By the way, this is also what the PrcRenamer program does.

Disadvantage of the method.

The system is not stupid, and therefore the changed data is saved until the first reboot, after which Windows reads the manufacturer's information again, and the deception is revealed. Therefore, a little later we will try to deceive the victim completely in such a way that even after a reboot the processor and other things remain “pumped”. But more on that later.

How to change computer data: in Windows 7 and later.

Here, too, you can cheat something. Here's how to change your Windows Registered Owner information. Use the registry editor to find this hive:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion

and in it there is a key called RegisteredOwner. Do you recognize your computer name? You can change it to anything:

Check the changes. Call the search WIN + R and enter winver. Let's look:

We are not going far from the registry. We are looking for a new bush:


It may be empty or filled by those who made the computer and installed Windows. If there is nothing, you can add your own values:

  • Manufacturer - manufacturer
  • Model – model
  • SupportHours – support hours
  • SupportPhone – technical support phone number
  • SupportURL – technical support web address
  • Logo – logo

Like this, for example:

Now check the system properties:

At the click of a button Technical support , you will be taken to the address that you specified in the string parameter. If you are going to add your logo, just indicate to it full path(it must be in bmp format) in the format C:\Windows\System32\oemlogo.bmp with preferred dimensions of 100x100 pixels.
