So. Another article on the Acronis topic. We have already installed a fresh Windows, configured everything, and everything works fine. But some trouble happened. A virus, prono banner, or simply ruined Windows... What should I do? Easily. We restore the image that we created with Acronis.

So. Windows has crashed, there are a lot of viruses on it, it’s just terribly stupid... What should I do?

We restart the computer and see a screen that asks you to press F11 to launch Acronisa. This is exactly how the security zone works.

Press F11 and Acronis starts loading. After downloading, a window will appear that will suggest actions. In my case, this is either starting Acronis True Image Home or starting Windows. Select Acronis True Image Home

The following screenshots are taken from Windows, but you will have to do everything in the Acronis security zone. The settings are no different. 🙂

Select System Restore

We will be greeted by the System Restore Wizard. Click next.

In the next step, select the location where the archive with the image is stored to restore the system. In our case, this is Acronis Secure Zone. Click next

Select: Recover disks or partitions and click next.

Specify the section or hard drive to restore the image. In my case this is drive C:

Select the disk partition on which we will burn the image. We select the C: drive, because the image was originally taken from the C: drive, and information can be stored on steel drives. And if you select another drive (for example D:), then all information on drive D: will be erased without the possibility of recovery.

Specify the type of partition to be restored. Drive C: must be Active. If you specify a logical one, there is a possibility that the hard drive itself will no longer be detected and will have to be hooked up to another computer for recovery.

In the next step, don’t touch anything and click next.

Use the default recovery options and click next.

After that, click start... And image restoration will begin.

When the system recovery is complete, a sign will appear. Click OK on it. Let's reboot. And we get a newly configured system, with all the programs and files that were on drive C: at the time

What does this give?

You can install Windows on your computer and make a backup copy of the entire disk, on which there will be nothing except Windows, only clean Windows. Reinstalling the operating system takes at least 30 minutes of real time, and restoring the operating system using Acronis True Image will not take more than 5 minutes. The same can be said for a hard drive with already installed programs and all kinds of files, for example, walkthroughs of games or a thesis. With standard recovery, this data will definitely be lost. A diploma can take several months to complete, and then may not be restored.

Acronis True Image allows you to get rid of the fear for your data. You can copy your data to another drive, hidden section or to an FTP server. New version True Image has received full integration into the panel Windows management 7, which allows you to do archiving with virtually no effort. The program can be used for free in trial mode, and then you can purchase it. Learn how to create backup copies Windows systems and restore. Perform cloning of the Windows operating system. By purchasing this video course you will be satisfied


VIDEO COURSE Restoring Windows using Acronis 2016

Acronis True Image is already a fairly popular system recovery application known to many people, backup data and archiving. This program gives you confidence in the safety of your data and its easy recovery on your computer. You can set it to only back up separate folders or files, any user data of your choice, and possibly copying entire sections and even hard drives fully.

What does this give? You can install Windows on your computer and make a backup copy of the entire disk, which will contain nothing but Windows, just clean Windows. Reinstalling the operating system takes at least 30 minutes of real time, and restoring the operating system using Acronis True Image will not take more than 5 minutes. The same can be said for a hard drive with already installed programs and all kinds of files, for example, walkthroughs of games or a thesis. With standard recovery, this data will definitely be lost to you. A diploma can take several months to complete, and then may not be restored.

Acronis True Image allows you to get rid of the fear for your data. You can copy your data to another drive, a hidden partition, or an FTP server. The new version of True Image has received full integration into the Windows 7 control panel, which allows you to do archiving with virtually no effort. The program can be used for free in trial mode (Trial), and then it can be purchased for about $30 (at the time of writing Acronis True Image Home 2016

Having found an alternative to the standard Windows functionality for data backup and recovery, software product from the company Acronis work on resuscitation of the operating system can be carried out both in desktop mode, and from removable media, and even in its own recovery environment. Just as you can get into the Windows 7 pre-boot troubleshooting mode by pressing the F8 key while the system is booting, you can get into the Acronis recovery environment by pressing the F11 key while booting.

The Acronis recovery environment will be discussed below. Let's look at how the functionality works Acronis True Image 2016 in Windows preboot mode.

  1. Acronis Recovery Environment when Windows boots

Enter Acronis Recovery Environment when booting Windows much easier than fiddling with the standard system environment. IN Windows versions 8.1 and 10, the moment from computer self-testing to the system boot process passes very quickly. And the F8 key, as well as the combination Shift + F8, with which ideally supposedly starts the standard recovery environment, the operating system simply does not have time to perceive it. The Acronis bootloader will also flicker on the monitor screen for only a short time, only a couple of seconds, but this time will be enough to press the saving key F11.

Acronis Recovery Environment when Windows boots- this is the same functionality that True Image offers on bootable removable media created in the desktop mode of the program. This is the ability to restore Windows, non-system disk partitions and individual files in pre-boot mode Acronis work True Image, regardless of operating system. In case of critical failure Windows operation, when it stops loading, you can get into the Acronis Recovery Environment without bootable flash drive or DVD, just by pressing the F11 key. And there already carry out an operation to restore the system from a previously saved one backup copy.

Acronis Recovery Environment, of course, increases the normal Windows boot time by the very couple of seconds allotted for pressing the F11 key. But it eliminates the need to create and store bootable media. Thus, many modern PCs and laptops are equipped without a DVD drive, and the only bootable media in such cases can only be flash drive. If there is no other person in the house computer device, so that you can quickly create a bootable Acronis True Image flash drive with its help, you will have to initially sacrifice a separate flash drive in case of problems with Windows.

Alas, not all users will be able to use the Acronis Recovery Environment when booting Windows at a critical moment. Many device owners with BIOS new format UEFI will have to forgo its benefits and enable the regular BIOS if they prefer to use a tool like a third-party Windows boot recovery environment. In the future, perhaps this problem will be solved.

Activation of the Acronis Recovery Environment when Windows boots is carried out inside the True Image desktop program. We will look at how the recovery environment works below, using the current 2016 version of Acronis True Image as of the date of writing this article.

  1. Activating Acronis Recovery Environment

Launch True Image.

When using the trial version of True Image 2016, which can be downloaded for free on the official Acronis website and freely tested for a month, click the button.

In our case, we already have two Windows backups stored on a non-system disk partition.

Switch to the program section and click on the inscription "More Tools".

System Explorer will open with individual True Image utilities. Let's launch the utility.

In the window for activating the recovery environment when loading Windows, click, respectively.

The recovery environment has been successfully activated.

That's it - after that every time Windows startup for a couple of seconds we will see the Acronis bootloader window with a notification that you can get into the recovery environment by pressing the F11 key.

  1. Windows Recovery

Having entered the Acronis recovery environment using the F11 key, if problems arise with Windows, we can return it to the state from a previously created backup copy. Press Enter in the boot menu window.

We get to home page True Image functionality in pre-boot mode. We choose.

In the next window click "Update backups" so that all files on the computer ".tib"- Acronis True Image backup format files - appear in the table below. If Acronis backups are not automatically detected during scanning, you can specify the path to them manually using the search button below. After the available backups appear in the table below, select the current one, call up the context menu on it and select .

The recovery method for resuscitating Windows is disks and partitions. Click "Next".

We put marks on boot entry MBR, and to the section with Windows . Click "Next".

We do not change anything in the recovery configuration. Just click "Next".

In the target disk selection window (the disk to which the data will be restored) in our case, only one hard drive is visible. Therefore, you don’t need to choose anything. Click "Next".

The Windows recovery process has started. We can wait until it completes, or we can use the options to automatically turn off the computer or reboot.

After restarting the computer, we will find Windows in the state in which it was saved at the time the backup we just used was created.

You can disable Acronis Recovery Environment in the same way as you can enable it. Go to the program section, click on the inscription "More Tools", launch the utility from the system explorer. Only now we press the inscription "Deactivate".

Download Acronis True Image 2016 from the official website.

Today started like many others: I woke up, had breakfast, turned on the computer and... got cold - the usual download didn’t work. The computer is stuck - unpleasant system messages appeared on the black screen.

I immediately remembered that I had been planning to install and try out ACRONIS True Image Home for six months now. And since the notik came to life the second time, I decided that it was not worth tempting fate any longer and began to improve my information reliability.

The multifunctional software package ACRONIS True Image Home not only provides data backup, but also provides reliable protection against a wide range of threats, including computer viruses, installation of unstable software and failure of hard drives.

With this product you can create both full reserve copies of hard computer disk, so backups most important files and data.

By creating backup copies of your data in a timely manner, you can, if necessary, fully restore the functionality of your computer in the event of software or hardware failures, as well as restore any accidentally damaged or deleted files.

The price of 1 license is 499 rubles.

1. Download and install the program

After installing the program and restarting the computer, a shortcut will appear on the Desktop:

2 Click the ACRONIS True… shortcut

The ACRONIS True Image Home main window will open:

The main part contains traffic light stripes and category icons.
The type (color) of the traffic light allows you to assess the current state of the system with regard to backup at a glance. This bar also displays information about the date and time of the last backup performed and its result, as well as whether backup jobs are scheduled or not.

Detailed information about the purpose of the 4 main categories can be obtained from HELP (F1).

And before continuing to use the program, I recommend that you first study at least the first 2 sections of the Help:

  • Getting started
  • Archiving and recovery

The rest is as you master the program.

To be able to recover lost information, or return the computer to a certain operating state, you must create an archive user data or the entire system.

If you are planning protect only certain data(for example, your current project) and you are less concerned about the ability to restore the operating system with all settings and applications, make a backup necessary files and folders. The small size of the archive will save disk space or reduce the number of removable media used.

Backup ( image) total system disk will be larger, but will allow you in a few minutes restore the system in case of serious damage to data or equipment. In addition, the creation process image is in principle faster than archiving files and can significantly reduce the time it takes to back up large amounts of data.

Let me give you some guidelines that you can use to plan your backup.
The system disk image should be saved to Acronis Security Zone or, even better, not in partition C: on the main hard drive, but on another hard drive. This provides additional assurance that you will be able to restore the system in the event of failure of the main hard drive.

You should also keep your data separate from the operating system and applications, for example, on drive D. This allows you to speed up the process of creating images of a disk (or partition) with data, as well as reduce the amount of information that will need to be restored.

Let's start with the main thing - Backup entire system disk (C:):

4. In the Backup and Restore window, click on the operation Data archiving
(or select the menu item Actions -> Create archive).

You can also start backup directly from the window Windows Explorer by right-clicking on the desired drive and selecting New in context menu. Then the program itself will select the My Computer backup type.

Follow the further instructions of the Backup Wizard:

5. In the Backup Type window, select “My Computer” and click the [Next] button.

6. In the Select data to create backups window, select Disks and partitions.
This will allow you to create an image of an arbitrary set of disks/partitions.

A disk archive is less compact and takes longer to create than a file archive, but it allows you to restore the system in a matter of minutes after software or hardware failures.

7. In the window Selecting partitions select the disk WITH: and click the [Next] button.

8. In the next window Excluding files do not change anything and click the [Next] button

9. Since we are performing a backup for the first time, we click the [OK] button

The window “ Archive storage location».

The “farther” you place the archive from the copied folders, the higher the likelihood that it will survive if the data in these folders is damaged. For example, saving an archive on another hard drive will protect it in case the original drive becomes damaged.

You can also store archives on network drive, FTP server, removable media - this is also reliable, but there are some technical features (see Notes in the Help section Where to save the archive).

IN as a last resort, you can store archives on your computer in Acronis Security Zone or in Archive repositories. In this case, you do not need to enter a file name. In order to take advantage Archive repository it must first be created using the Archive Storage Wizard. This is done in the 4th category "Controls" (see Fig. 3)

Since I have an external hard drive (K:), I will create a “rezerv” folder on it and save the archive file in it:

10. Choose external drive(in this example – K:)

11. Click the [Create a new folder] button

12. Enter the name of the folder, for example “rezerv” and click the [OK] button

13. Enter the name of the archive file or click the [Name Generator] button:
the “address” of the archive will appear in the Folder field - K:\rezerv\MyBackup.tib

The Backup Mode window will open.

15. Since we are performing a backup for the first time, we select Creating a complete archive and click the [Next] button.

Acronis True Image Home can perform complete, incremental And differential backup.

At complete backup, the archive includes all archived data as of the time the archive was created. The full archive always forms the basis for subsequent incremental or differential backups; you can also use it as an independent archive. The recovery time for a full archive is minimal compared to the recovery time for incremental and differential archives.

Incremental The archive contains only data that has changed since the last full or incremental archive was created. Therefore, such an archive usually has a much smaller size and is created somewhat faster. But, since it does not contain all the data being archived, to restore it you must have all the previous incremental archives and the full archive created first. Incremental archives and the full archive must be in the same folder.

Unlike incremental backup, which adds another file to the existing "chain", when differential copying creates an independent file containing all data changes relative to the last full archive. As a rule, a differential archive is restored faster than an incremental one, since a long chain of previous archives is not processed sequentially.

Thus, for ordinary users who are not keen on frequent system changes, it is advisable to occasionally make a full system backup, for example, once a month. And if you are only interested in the latest state of the data, to restore it in the event of a fatal system failure, it is reasonable to regularly (for example, once a week) apply differential copying. This method is especially effective when the changes occurring in your data are small relative to the total volume of that data.

This is also true for incremental copying. Incremental copying brings maximum benefit when needed often save the state of the data and be able to return to anyone from these states. Creating a full archive once a month and an incremental archive every day, you will get the same result as if you did a full copy every day. Incremental archives are significantly smaller in size than full or differential archives.

Don't forget that you need to store all incremental and differential archives in same folder, where the full archive is located. If you create a new full archive, you will need to save the associated incremental and differential archives in the same folder as the full archive.


The incremental or differential archive created after disk defragmentation may be significantly larger than usual. This is because the defragmentation program changes the location of files on the disk, and these changes are reflected in the archive. That's why After defragmenting the disk, it is recommended to re-create the full image.

16. In the next window, leave the option Use default settings and click the [Next] button

17. The “Archive Comments” window will open. If you wish, you can enter your comment or immediately click the [Next] button

18. In the next window, click the [Proceed] button.

After some time (20 - 30 minutes), the program will please you with a message about the successful creation of the Archive.
From 44GB we got an archive of 29GB.

Congratulations! We have completed the main part of the work.

Let's add one more finishing touch - create boot disk.

In some cases, Acronis True Image Home can be launched exclusively from boot floppy or CD (for example, if the damage to the information on the disks is so severe that the computer will not boot).

If you purchased the program on a CD, then this disk is bootable and is quite sufficient. The installer also prompts you to create bootable disks. However, you can create them after installation is complete.

You will need a blank recordable or rewritable CD or other removable media that your computer can boot from, such as a Zip drive.

Let's create a boot disk on a CD-R blank:

19. Insert a blank disc into the drive.

20. Select a menu item Service -> Creating a boot disk.

22. Click the [Proceed] button.

After creating the disk, label it and put it in a place where it cannot be damaged.

That's all for today!

But in order to get maximum protection in the future you need to develop your own backup policy in accordance with the characteristics of your system and your tasks, i.e. you should determine with what regularity and what types of reservations are optimal for you and strictly implement them.

I will share this information later - as I master Acronis.
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with you general purpose and the settings are very useful program Acronis True Image 2015, designed to backup your data and entire operating systems. We have also created a backup copy of Windows 8.1 in Acronis and, for example, restored from this copy.

Friends, without reading the first article You will not understand what will happen now, so I strongly recommend that you first read the first article and then move on to this one.

In this article we will make things more difficult for ourselves. Let’s imagine a situation where our Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 does not boot due to some problems, then how can we restore the system from a backup using Acronis True Image 2015?

Most users under such circumstances and just reinstalls operating system , but you and I have the Acronis True Image 2015 program and we can very easily restore our operating system from a previously created backup using the program’s boot disk.

How to make a boot disk or bootable USB flash drive for Acronis True Image 2015

  • Note: You also need to create a boot disk or flash drive for Acronis True Image 2015 because in most cases you will install trial version Acronis program and after 30 days it will stop working, and the boot disk will always remain functional and you can always use it to restore your operating system from a backup copy.
  • Not all new laptops with UEFI BIOS can be booted from such a flash drive; if you come across such a laptop, create one.

Launch the program and click on the button Tools. Choose Bootable Media Builder(create bootable media to recover your computer if it stops booting)

In this window you can choose which bootable media to create. You can create an ISO image of the program and add it to or download from it.

You can also create a simple CD, DVD disc with the program.

I will choose creating a bootable flash drive with the program Acronis True Image 2015. The flash drive must already be connected to the computer.

Get started.

The process of creating a bootable Acronis flash drive begins.

Acronis bootable media was successfully created on my flash drive.

In the computer boot menu I select the flash drive

Acronis True Image 2015

Recovery. Discs.

We find our backup on the New volume (M:) of the portable hard drive. Select it with the left mouse once and click OK.

Check all sections.

In this window we see three disks:

Disk 1 is our flash drive with Acronis True Image 2015.

Disk 2 - portable hard drive USB disk, on which a backup copy of the operating system is saved.

Disc 3 is ours solid state drive The SSD to which you want to deploy the backup. So we choose it.

First, select the Section (Reserved by the system) (E:) with the left mouse and press the button Accept .

Select drive C: with the left mouse and click Accept.

Select the target disk for MBR recovery.

Select our SSD solid state drive and select it with the left mouse, click Next.

Get started

The recovery process begins and ends successfully.
