Magnetic starters are an electromechanical device for turning on/off the electrical circuit of an electrical installation, the design of which includes an electric motor of small and medium power.

The main area of ​​application of magnetic starters is production. Machine tools, industrial equipment, ventilation of workshops and buildings, elevators, all this is turned on through magnetic starters. The starter can be included in the built-in electrical panel of the equipment itself, or mounted separately in distribution boards in switchboard rooms. Starter control buttons (on/off, start/stop) can be displayed remotely in any convenient location.

Operating principle of a magnetic starter

The main purpose of a magnetic starter is to close (turn on) or open (turn off) the power supply of an electrical installation. High power of the electrical installation causes high starting currents. High currents do not allow the use of simple mechanical switching devices (switches, knife switches); they are replaced by magnetic starters.

The general principle of operation of a magnetic starter is not complicated. There is an electrical circuit that needs to be closed or opened. The starter has two groups of contacts: some contacts are movable, the other are non-movable. The movable contacts of the starter close when the armature moves towards the core. The core is powered by a separate circuit, and the armature is activated using a power button installed in the starter circuit. We press the “Start” button, the armature is retracted, and power is supplied to the electrical installation. We press the “Stop” button, the power is removed from the armature core, it opens and the electrical installation is de-energized.

It is immediately worth noting that the starter (contactor) itself is not a functionally independent device, for example, like an RCD. The contactor must be included in a circuit, the components of which will be: the contactor itself, paired control buttons (the “Start” button and the “Stop” button). In addition, to protect the electric motor from current overloads, a thermal relay is installed in the starter circuit.

Magnetic starters - device

The magnetic starter consists of the following main parts:

  • Housings, casing covers, arc chambers, insulating cross-beam;
  • Electromagnetic system (coil, core, armature);
  • Contact systems (main moving and fixed contacts, additional block contacts).

Magnetic starter connection diagram

Let's look at the wiring diagram for a magnetic starter with a 220 volt coil with a thermal relay in the circuit.

  • The phase wire is connected to one contact of the “Start” button (4);
  • The “Stop” button (5) is closed, and the phase passes through it without obstacles;
  • The neutral working wire (N) passes through the thermal relay (2) and approaches the second contact of the magnetic coil (6);
  • Click the “Start” button (4);
  • Thus, we feed the phase wire (L) to the coil (6);
  • Voltage is applied to the core, and the electric magnet of the starter, when activated, closes the main contacts of the starter (3);
  • Power supply (electric current) goes to the engine.
  • The “Start” button is released after pressing, but the contact block of the starter (7) remains closed.
  • When you press the “Stop” button, the phase-coil-electric motor circuit opens and the engine stops.

The sparking of the main contacts is extinguished by special arc extinguishers located in the casing cover, and the input and output contacts are separated by an insulating traverse.

Connection diagram for a 380 Volt magnetic starter

When connecting a 380 Volt magnetic starter, the connection diagram is similar, only we change the “zero” to the second “phase”.

Complete set of magnetic starter with thermal relay

Modern magnetic starters are often equipped with thermal relays that protect the motor from overload. The design of the starter is such that the thermal relay is simply inserted into the front part of the starter.


Moreover, modern starters can be equipped on all sides with additional protection and control devices.

Example of a starter with body kits

I will give an example of a starter or, as ABB calls it, a contactor with additional devices.

1-Starter (Contactor)

2- Voltage limiter;

3- Reversible locking;

4- Additional side contact;

5- Additional front contact;

6- Contact block;

7-Start delay timer.

8-Thermal overload relay.

Domestic models of popular starters

In the classification of starters, the most popular starters are: PMA, PME, PM 12. About them and how to choose a magnetic starter in the following articles.

For a person far from electrical engineering, a household device seems like some kind of black box in which something is spinning. Everyone knows about the electric motor, but few know how it is connected to the buttons on the panel. Meanwhile, any circuit that contains an electric motor also contains a device that closes the circuit and connects the motor with the same power button. This device is called a magnetic starter, although its correct name is an electromagnetic starter.

Principle of operation

For an electrical appliance to work, the circuit must be closed. This is provided not by the button, but by the switching device that is located behind it. There are many types of such devices, for example:

  • contactor;
  • switch;
  • fuse;
  • relay.

Moreover, there can be several of them in one chain. So, the fuse opens the circuit when overloaded, although there are simple switches in the circuit after it. Emergency opening can also be provided by thermal relays. But to find out why a magnetic starter is needed, it’s worth understanding its structure.

Internal organization

Such a switch consists of two parts - mobile and fixed. The stationary part is a coil on the armature, the stationary half of the core, and also contains stationary contacts. The moving part is the second half of the core and the moving contacts.

When you press the button, you complete the circuit and current flows through the coil. It attracts the moving part to itself and the button can be released: while the coil is powered, the contacts will be closed. If the circuit is opened with the shutdown button, the moving part of the starter will return to its original position thanks to the built-in spring. In short, the principle of operation of a magnetic starter is simple.

Connection diagrams

The simplest diagram for connecting a three-phase electric motor using the “turn on and off” principle looks like this:

This diagram shows:

  1. Start - power button.
  2. KM-1 - magnetic starter.
  3. R - thermal relay.
  4. C - shutdown button.
  5. PR - fuse.

From the figure you can see that the place under which two letters are written - “BK” - will remain closed after you release the button. Please also note that the engine is protected: a fuse and a thermal relay are included in the circuit. If overheated or shorted, the circuit will open.

In practice, the most common schemes are those that ensure the engine rotates in different directions - that is, with reverse. Such a circuit can be equipped with both different switching devices and one reversing starter. The reverse circuit looks simplified like this:

If you look closely, you will notice that when the engine rotates in one direction, the second chain is blocked - this can be seen by the designation KM-1 on the chain where KM-2 is located, and vice versa. In electrician jargon this is called foolproofing.

If the engine is connected to a simple single-phase circuit, which is found in any apartment, then the switching devices are placed in phase, and resistance is added to them.

Assortment and labeling of devices

On the market of such switches you can find various modifications. This is due to both the variety of devices that contain electric motors and the parameters of the circuits where they operate. Magnetic starters are found almost everywhere: in forced ventilation systems and air conditioners, washing machines and electric stoves with grills, elevators, and recently some electricity consumers have begun to install them in switchboards - they are much more convenient than simple switches.

To choose the right starter, you should pay attention to the following:

  • what are the maximum currents in your circuit;
  • do you need reverse;
  • where you will place your switching device.

The latter is important if you are planning to install the starter in a panel near the house. There are now products on sale that are suitable for installation on DIN rails.

Starters are equipped in different ways. So, most of them connect the motor in a delta configuration, this way the starting current can be reduced. A number of products also contain thermal relays. They are worth paying attention to when your electric motor runs for a long time and overheats. To avoid damage, a thermal relay is installed. This is a simple bimetallic plate, which bends to the side when heated: the metals, when heated, expand differently, and the circuit opens.

Since the wiring is heated by current, the relay is selected so that the current in its marking is 10% more than the rated one. In the passport of the latter, the value of this denomination must be indicated, and sometimes marked on the case. The current value at the magnetic starter is also indicated.

As a rule, starters are packaged in a housing. It can be different and this determines the degree of its protection. When the starter operates in a sealed housing of the main device, this parameter is not so important, but if it is located in a shield where dust or precipitation gets in, it is worth taking care of good protection. Contamination can lead to an unpleasant situation - the device will hum, or even fail altogether.

Some starters are equipped with varistors, which prevent voltage surges in the network. It is advisable to put them in circuits when you live in a private house and during a thunderstorm, all your equipment, primarily your computer, may fail.


Electromagnetic starters of domestic production are marked according to GOST 50030–4 -1−2002. First of all, you need to pay attention to his contacts. Designations L1, L2, L3, etc. are connected to the control circuit, and T1, T2, T3 and subsequent ones are connected to the load. The number of contacts may be different, and their connection diagram is contained in the passport and sometimes on the case. Contacts A1 and A2 come from the coil, and NO are auxiliary, which are placed in the device, as they say, just in case. Some products can even be expanded: a number of manufacturers produce contact attachments.

Most often, the starter marking begins with the abbreviation PML and four numbers.

If the device can operate in a 380 V circuit, then the load current value is set on it. This is the first digit after PML, although the current value in direct form can also be indicated on the housing.

  • 0 - 6.3 Amperes;
  • 1 - 10 Ampere;
  • 2 - 25;
  • 3 - 40;
  • 4 - 63;
  • 5 - 100;
  • 6 - 160;
  • 7 - 250.

The presence of reverse and thermal relay is also indicated by a number, it is the second:

  • 1 - without reverse and without TL;
  • 2 - without reverse with TL;
  • 3 - with reverse without TL;
  • 4 - with reverse with TL;

The device has four degrees of protection: IP00, IP20, IP40, IP54, while the first of them assumes an open design, and the last - a dust-splash-proof design. Depending on the degree of protection, the presence of buttons and indications, the product is marked with a third digit as follows:

  • 0 - IP00 without buttons;
  • 1 - IP54 with a “relay” button to return to its original state after operation;
  • 2 - IP54, “start” and “stop”;
  • 3 - the same as 2, but with an indicator light;
  • 4 - IP40 without buttons;
  • 5 - IP40 with start and stop buttons;
  • 6 - IP20.

Finally, the fourth digit indicates the number of contacts:

  • 0 - 1 make and 1 break;
  • 1 - 2 closing and 2 breaking;
  • 2 - 3 and 1;
  • 3 - 4 and 1;
  • 4 - 5 and 1.

The numbers 5 and 6 mark devices for DC circuits as 1 making and 1 breaking, respectively.

Some factories indicate the possibility of mounting on a rail, the placement category and wear resistance, but more often you can find exactly four numbers.

For PM type starters, the first two digits are the series number, and the next three are the current rating in volts. The sixth digit indicates the presence of reverse and thermal relay: 1, 2, 5, 6 mean the same as 1, 2, 3, 4 for PML, and the value of the seventh is completely the same.

PMEs are marked with three numbers: current value, degree of protection and the presence of reverse with a relay. The markings on the PMA are approximately similar to those on the PML.

This variety of markings is explained by the fact that magnetic starters are long-used devices and some factories use old markings, while others use new ones, and the order of the numbers may vary. Therefore, you should focus not so much on it, but on various tables and instructions on the case, and also look at the product data sheet. This is especially true for foreign-made products.

Contactors and starters

These devices are no fundamentally different from starters. Their purpose, device, and principle of operation are the same. The difference is that contactors are designed to operate in circuits with high currents and voltages, so their dimensions are appropriate.

They do not have a protective housing, so they are placed in enclosed spaces, protected from external influences.

Contactors are equipped with more powerful power contacts and arc arresters; starters don't have them.

These devices are equipped with electric locomotives, trams, trolleybuses and industrial enterprises, where they close and open power circuits.

The connection diagram for a magnetic starter (small-sized contactor “KM”) is not difficult for experienced electricians, but for beginners it can cause many difficulties. Therefore, this article is for them.

The purpose of the article is to show as simply and clearly as possible the very principle of operation (operation) of a magnetic starter (hereinafter referred to as MP) and a small-sized contactor (hereinafter referred to as KM). Go.

MP and KM are switching devices that control and distribute operating currents along the circuits connected to them.

MP and KM are mainly used for connecting and disconnecting asynchronous electric motors, as well as their reverse switching using remote control. They are used for remote control of lighting groups, heating circuits and other loads.

Compressors, pumps and air conditioners, heating furnaces, conveyor belts, lighting circuits are where and not only you can find MP and KM in their control systems.

What is the difference between a magnetic starter and a small-sized contactor, according to the principle of operation - nothing. Essentially, these are electromagnetic relays.

The found difference for a contactor - power - is determined by the dimensions, and for a starter it is determined by the values, and the maximum power of the MP is greater than that of the contactor.

Visual diagrams of MP and CM

Rice. 1

Conventionally, MP (or CM) can be divided into two parts.

In one part there are power contacts that do their job, and in the other part there is an electromagnetic coil that turns these contacts on and off.

  1. In the first part there are power contacts (movable on the dielectric cross-arm and stationary on the dielectric body), they then connect the power lines.

A traverse with power contacts is attached to a movable core (anchor).

In the normal state, these contacts are open and no current flows through them; the load (in this case, the lamp) is at rest.

A return spring keeps them in this state. Which is depicted as a snake in the second part (2)

  1. In the second part we see an electromagnetic coil, which is not supplied with its operating voltage, as a result of which it is at rest.

When voltage is applied to the coil winding, an electromagnetic field is created in its circuit, forming an EMF (electromotive force), which attracts a moving core (the moving part of the magnetic circuit - the armature) with power contacts attached to it. They, accordingly, close the circuits connected through them, including the load (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2

Naturally, if you stop supplying voltage to the coil, the electromagnetic field (EMF) will disappear, the armature will no longer be held and, under the action of the spring (together with the movable contacts attached to it), returns to its original state, opening the circuits of power contacts (Fig. 1).

From this it can be seen that the starter (and contactor) are controlled by applying and cutting off voltage to their electromagnetic coil.

MP scheme

  • MP power contacts

Schematic diagram of MP connection

Scheme of linking the main elements of the circuit diagram with MP

As can be seen from Figure 5 with the diagram, the MP also includes additional block contacts, which are normally open and normally closed; they can be used to control the supply of voltage to the coil, as well as for other actions. For example, turn on (or turn off) a signal indication circuit that will show the operating mode of the MP as a whole.

Connection diagram in fact with connection of contact groups to the circuit diagram of the MP

  • MP power contacts
  • Coil, return spring, additional MP contacts
  • Push-button station (start and stop buttons)

Schematic diagram of KM connection

Scheme for linking the main elements of the circuit diagram with the CM

Connection diagram in fact with connection of contact groups to the circuit diagram of the CM

  • “STOP” button – “Stop” button
  • “START” button – “Start” button
  • Kn MP – power contacts MP
  • BC – block contact MP
  • KTR – thermal relay contact
  • M – electric motor

Connection diagrams for MP (or KM) with a 220 V coil

  • “STOP” button – “Stop” button
  • “START” button – “Start” button
  • KMP – coil MP (magnetic starter)
  • Kn MP – power contacts MP
  • BC – block contact MP
  • Tr – heating element of thermal relay
  • KTR – thermal relay contact
  • M – electric motor

The designation of elements is similar to cx. Higher

Please note that the circuit involves a thermal relay, which, through its additional contact (normally closed), duplicates the function of the “Stop” button in the push-button station.

The principle of operation of a magnetic starter and a small-sized contactor + Video explanation

Important: for clarity, in the diagrams the magnetic starter is shown without an arc-extinguishing cover, without which its operation is prohibited!

Sometimes the question arises: why use MP or KM at all, why not just use a three-pole machine?

  1. The machine is designed for up to 10 thousand shutdowns and starts, and for MP and KM this figure is measured in millions
  2. During power surges, the MP (KM) will turn off the line by playing
  3. The machine cannot be controlled by remotely applying a small voltage
  4. The machine will not be able to perform additional functions of turning on and off additional circuits (for example, signal circuits) due to the lack of additional contacts

In a word, the machine perfectly copes with its main function of protection against short circuits and overvoltages, and MP and PM do theirs.

That's all, I think that the principle of operation of MP and CM is clear, for a more clear explanation, see the video.

Happy and safe installation!

In addition to the article, I am attaching technical documentation for KMI series contactors

KMI series contactors

Regulatory and technical documentation

In terms of their design and technical characteristics, contactors of the KMI series meet the requirements of Russian and international standards GOST R 50030.4.1,2002, IEC60947,4,1,2000 and have a certificate of conformity ROSS CN.ME86.B00144. According to the All-Russian Product Classifier, contactors of the KMI series are assigned code 342600.

terms of Use

Application categories: AC,1, AC,3, AC,4. Ambient temperature
– during operation: from –25 to +50 °С (lower limit temperature –40 °С);
– during storage: from –45 to +50 °С.
Height above sea level, no more than: 3000 m.
Working position: vertical, with a deviation of ±30°.
Type of climatic modification according to GOST 15150.96: UHL4.
Degree of protection according to GOST 14254.96: IP20.

Designation structure

When selecting KMI contactors, pay attention to the structure of the symbol

Main technical characteristics

Power Circuit Specifications

Control Circuit Specifications

Connecting the power circuit

Control circuit connection

Technical characteristics of built-in auxiliary contacts

Options Values
Rated voltage Ue, V AC current up to 660
fast. current
Rated insulation voltage Ui, V 660
Thermal resistance current (t°≤40°) Ith , A 10
Minimum making capacity Umin, V 24
Imin, mA 10
Overcurrent protection - gG fuse, A 10
Insulation resistance, not less, MOhm 10

Electrical circuits

Typical electrical circuits

Contactors of the KMI series can be used to create standard electrical circuits.

Reversing electrical circuit

This circuit is assembled from two contactors and a blocking mechanism MB 09.32 or MB 40.95 (depending on the type), designed to prevent the simultaneous activation of contactors.

This starting method is intended for motors whose rated voltage corresponds to the delta connection of the windings. Star-delta starting can be used for motors starting without load, or with reduced load torque (no more than 50% of the rated torque). In this case, the starting current when connected to a “star” will be 1.8–2.6 A of the rated current. Switching from star to delta must be done after the engine reaches its rated speed.

Design and installation features

Connecting clamps ensure reliable fixation of conductors:
– for dimensions 1 and 2 – with hardened disc washers;
– for sizes 3 and 4 – with a clamping bracket that allows you to connect a contact with a larger cross-section.

There are two ways to install contactors:

  1. Quick installation on DIN rail:

KMI from 9 to 32 A (dimensions 1 and 2) – 35 mm;
KMI from 40 to 95 A (dimensions 3 and 4) – 35 and 75 mm.

  1. Installation with screws.

Today, switching starting electromagnetic devices are used in various electrical equipment. They are an intermediate link between power units and electrical equipment control systems, controlling the switching on and off of electrical circuits. Read below to learn how magnetic starters are designed, what types of devices exist, and what their purpose is.

Magnetic starter: device and principle of operation, equipment

A magnetic electric starter is a low-voltage device for monitoring and distributing current energy. The design of the device is quite simple: the device consists of two parts - upper and lower, combined into a plastic case.

At the top of the starter there is:

  • Block of moving contacts;
  • Arcing grid;
  • The moving part of the electromagnet.

The contact power block, in this case, is closely connected with the moving part of the electromagnet. The arc extinguishing grid in the device acts as a device that serves to prevent and eliminate electric arc fires. A traverse with a magnetic system armature and bridges of power and additional contacts with springs slides along the runners at the top of the device.

The lower part of the electromagnetic device has in its design:

  • Retractor coil;
  • Return spring;
  • Part of an electromagnet.

The retractor coil has a cylindrical shape and a winding made of copper conductor. The number of turns of the coil depends on the calculated supply voltage. The magnet in the device consists of W-shaped, steel, electromagnetic plates. The armature and the core make up the magnetic circuit.

The principle of operation of the device is quite simple: it is based on the effect of a magnetic field on various moving parts of the starter.

So, current is supplied to a coil located on the core. After the current supply is stopped, the magnetic field disappears, the return spring sends the upper part of the device to its original place. At the same time, the contacts that were open are closed, and the closed ones are opened.

Power contact system: magnetic starter device

Modern magnetic starters can be equipped with additional protection and control devices. Most often, starters are equipped with thermal emergency shutdown relays and low-current contact starting control groups. Reproduction of contacts when modifying a magnetic starter is carried out through a contact block. Therefore, the contact system of the starter is called an attachment.

The contact power system of a three-phase magnetic starter consists of three power (main) contacts and one auxiliary.

Power contacts are used to switch powerful loads. Therefore, they are made from copper jumpers coated with technical silver. The additional contact in the block acts as a blocking contact: when using a standard connection diagram, it locks the starter in working condition.

Depending on the type of influence on the electrical circuit, power contacts are divided into:

  • Normally closed;
  • Normally open.

The contacts are activated when current enters the starter coil. During this, the core pulls the contacts along with it, which makes the normally closed contacts open and the normally open contacts closed.

Auxiliary contacts for time delay starters

To increase the number of power contacts of the electromagnetic device, additional attachments are used. At the same time, the contacts in such attachments are selected taking into account the maximum current of the main ones. So, for starters of the first and second values, the current of the additional contacts must be equal to the current of the main ones or be less than the maximum value. Separately, there are additional contacts (attachments) with a delay. The main task of such set-top boxes is to maintain a certain time when turning the device on and off.

Pneumatic attachments are used in control circuits for electric drives:

  • With a DC voltage of 440 V and a frequency of 50 Hz;
  • With an AC voltage of 660 V and a frequency of 60 Hz.

If a pneumatic PVL attachment is already installed, in order to increase the number of auxiliary contacts of the electrical control circuit, use a contact side attachment of the PKB series. The attachment is mounted using special latches on its body.

What types of magnetic starters are there?

Magnetic electric starters are distinguished by their ability to work with loads of different powers. Domestic starters are divided into 7 groups and can switch power in the range from 7.5 to 45 kW.

In addition, according to their design and operating principle, starters are divided into:

  • Reversible (for example, PML 1502, 3100);
  • Irreversible (for example, starter PME 211, PAE 311 or “frog”).

Reversing starters have two magnets in their design, thanks to which they are able to spin and move in any direction depending on the operator’s command. Moreover, regardless of how the starter is designed, it may or may not have overload protection.

Depending on the installation location, magnetic starters are of closed and open type.

Separately, dust-proof electromagnetic contactors are distinguished. The first types of starters are installed in standard places that are not characterized by large accumulations of dust or mechanical influences from foreign objects (for example, electrical cabinets). Dust-proof starters are not affected by sunlight and precipitation, and can be installed under canopies on the street. To identify the type of starter, a standardized decoding has been invented that allows you to determine the meaning of each letter and number in the designation on the electrical device.

Main functions and purpose of a magnetic starter

What is a magnetic starter used for? The main purpose of the starting electromagnetic device is to turn the engine on and off. A study of arc suppression in AC contactors indicates that, most often, starters are used to control asynchronous three-phase electric motors. This is explained by the simplicity of the starter design. In addition, when included in the circuit, starters not only turn the electric motor on and off, but also monitor its operation.

Thus, a magnetic starter performs the following functions:

  • Provides engine starting and engine acceleration;
  • Controls the continuity of work in accordance with a given time period;
  • Protects the motor from overloads;
  • Changes the direction of rotation of the motor;
  • Responsible for countercurrent braking;
  • Provides engine shutdown.

At the same time, the starter provides zero protection for the electric drive. So, in the event of an unplanned power outage, the engine ignition switch (controller) may be in a non-zero position. Zero protection prevents the motor from spontaneously turning on when power is restored: the motor starts up only after the operator’s command.

Why do you need a magnetic starter: scope of application

In addition to controlling a three-phase asynchronous motor, a magnetic starter can be used to control the operation of powerful electricity consumers (for example, a pump, an air conditioner). In everyday life, magnetic starters are most often used to turn on a heating system (for example, heating elements).

In addition, starters are used in circuits:

  • Remote control of lighting devices;
  • Control of thermal furnaces;
  • Compressor control.

Thus, the scope of application of starters is extremely wide. This is due to the simplicity of their design and the ease of incorporating devices into the circuit. In addition, finding a starter at an affordable price is not difficult: buying used electrical devices is especially popular today.

Magnetic starter device (video)

Almost no modern electrical equipment can do without a device for turning on and off the electrical circuit - a magnetic starter. A modern magnetic electric starter is a modified two-position electromagnetic electric contactor. Knowing how a magnetic starter works and what types of devices are distinguished, you can include a contactor in any circuit. And the above recommendations for installing additional contacts will help you improve your device!

To understand how to connect a magnetic starter, you need to understand the principle of its operation. It is simple and completely identical to the way any relay works.

The main task is the remote connection of a powerful load, which can be done both manually and during the algorithmic operation of an industrial automated installation.

The main components of a magnetic starter are an inductive coil that creates an armature, mechanically connected to one of the contact groups, and another pair of contacts.

It is included in a control circuit consisting of sequentially connected “Stop” buttons with normally closed contacts and “Start” buttons with normally open contacts. Parallel to the “Start” button, another contact pair is turned on, which closes simultaneously with the load being connected.

A magnetic starter works as follows: when you press “Start,” the current passes through the closed contacts of this button and the “Stop” button (after all, they are normally closed), which means that until this button is pressed, the circuit will not open. When an electric current passes through a coil, a magnetic field appears in it, attracting an armature, which, in turn, connects the contacts - there are four pairs in total. Three of them are basic and are designed to power a three-phase payload, such as a powerful electric motor. The fourth pair is connected in parallel with the start button, which can then be released, and the current in the circuit will pass through these contacts.

In order to disconnect the load, it is enough to open the solenoid circuit. This is what the “Stop” button is designed for, the contact group of which is closed in the normal position and opens when pressed. Now everything happens in the reverse order: the circuit is interrupted, the magnetic field of the coil disappears, all contacts open - both power and holding ones. The “Stop” button can be released - no more current will flow through the control circuit, because the contacts of the “Start” button are open when not pressed. That's it, the magnetic starter is turned off.

As a rule, the magnetic starter coil is designed for alternating current with a frequency of 50-60 Hertz. It is better not to use devices in the circuit that use magnetic coils or transformers designed exclusively for a frequency of 60 Hertz - they may fail, but a domestic or European magnetic starter can be used in America without restrictions.

A typical installation mistake is connecting the control circuit not between neutral and phase, but between phases. In this case, 380 Volts instead of 220 gets to the coil, and it burns out.

Despite the simplicity of the device, the design of the magnetic starter is constantly being improved. Design bureaus creating new ones strive to reduce noise during operation and reduce the electric arc formed at the moment of connecting or disconnecting contacts. This is especially true for high-voltage starters designed to operate with voltages of a thousand volts. Thus, the Swiss-Swedish joint venture Asea Brown Boveri Ltd has been producing switching equipment for electrical circuits since the end of the nineteenth century, and it has accumulated vast experience in the production of this equipment. The ABB magnetic starter is what the Rolls-Royce is to cars.
