Most important characteristic character in Skyrim, especially in battle, is about protection. Thanks to a large number of armor points, the character can not only withstand more damage received, but also the armor affects the appearance of the hero. Many players are sensitive to what the hero looks like. So how to find the ideal option between the character’s appearance and his defense. How important is this parameter for different classes? What armor is suitable for which character class?

This article will describe everything related to armor. It will be useful for both novice players and more experienced ones who already understand the world of Skyrim.

Maximum protection

In TES 5: Skyrim, the maximum defense value is 567. This is the highest level of armor that can be found in the universe. Yes, you can install additional mods, but for now we are talking about a game without add-ons.

The highest level of armor is achieved when the character is equipped with a full set of armor. A full set of armor also provides nice buffs. +25 points for each piece of armor set from the same set. The result will be +100 armor units.

The calculation of damage received based on the character's defense is determined by a special proportion. For example, if the defense is equal to the maximum, 567, then the damage received will be reduced by 80%.
This means that if a player collects a full set of the best armor, his character will receive only 20% damage.

Magic as a way to increase defense

It happens that it is quite difficult to find a complete set of armor, or the character’s outfit does not imply wearing a single set of armor. In this case, you can increase defense units using magic.

The best option would be to use the Dragon Skin spell. It increases defense to maximum for half a minute. Thus, the character will block 80% of the damage dealt to him. The spell will be useful for magicians who do not have the opportunity to wear heavy armor, and this spell will help them make up for the lack of protection.

To learn the Dragonhide spell, the player must learn the corresponding skills. As you study, the character will be able to use less powerful, but still effective spells, which are similar in effect to “Dragon Skin”. Here are the magic skill data: “Oak Flesh”, “Stone Flesh”, “Iron Flesh”, “Ebon Flesh”.

By the way, you can improve the Change perk with the help of special potions. They are quite difficult to find, and they are also extremely expensive, but an experienced alchemist can create a sufficient number of such potions.

Using the crafting system to increase defense

The process of creating game items is called “crafting”. IN The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are three skills to create and improve items. And so, in Skyrim you can craft alchemy, learn blacksmithing and enchantment.

It was previously written that you can increase the amount of armor by improving the Change skill, which enhances the spell that gives the hero the maximum defense value.

The blacksmithing skill will allow you to create any piece of armor. The only caveat is that to craft a high-class item, the character level must also be high. It is best if the skill level is one hundredth, as well as the level of wearing Light or Heavy Armor. But it all depends on what kind of armor you need to create. You also need to complete the “From the Depths” quest, which will allow you to learn the “Ancient Knowledge” talent.

It will speed up the leveling of blacksmithing skills, and will also provide an additional 15% armor when wearing the Dwemer armor set.

The process of increasing armor using enchantment is quite simple and perhaps familiar to many. A useful skill that allows you to set the same defense-increasing skill for each piece of armor. But besides this, it is possible to enchant clothes, rings and other things.
If the goal of achieving the maximum defense value has been achieved, then there is no point in further improving the armor, because it will not be possible to get more than 567 units - the game is created in such a way that it cannot be increased without mods.

Best light armor

Light armor is suitable for heroes who want to maintain mobility and at the same time have good protection. This armor allows you to perform covert actions, and it will not take up much space in your inventory. Yes, it will not provide the protection points that heavy armor can provide.

To achieve more protection from light armor, you should learn the skill of wearing “light armor” to level one hundred. You can also speed up development by learning from teachers and reading books. The skill will give more armor units when wearing a particular armor.
In the fifth part of Skyrim there are two sets of light armor that definitely deserve attention: “Nightingale Armor” and “Dragon Scale Armor”

Nightingale armor is a magical armor set that increases stamina and damage from one-handed weapons. You can get the armor by completing the “Reborn Triad” quest. You can get it from the Thieves Guild.
The maximum upgrade will increase stamina by 40 units, “Frost Resistance” by 50%, and also add 25% damage from one-handed weapons.

This set of armor will also be useful for thieves, as it increases the level of secrecy and simplifies the process of picking locks. Spells from the School of Illusions will cost 17% less.

Dragonscale Armor
– the best light uniform in the game. You can reach protection level 567 with it much faster, since it has a large amount of protection. And many players will like its appearance.

You can get it thanks to the crafting system. To create, you need: dragon scales, iron ingots and strips of leather. In addition, you should unlock the “Dragon Armor” perk and level up your blacksmithing skill to 100.

Battle of the heavyweights. Best Heavy Armor

There are no significant differences between the types of armor. After all, as already mentioned earlier, the maximum threshold for a hero’s defense is 567. It doesn’t matter what kind of armor gave this value - you won’t be able to do more. But with the help of heavy armor it will be possible to achieve maximum protection faster. And plus, you can experiment with incomplete armor sets.

There are two sets of heavy armor that are higher in performance than other sets - “Daedric Armor” and “Azidal Armor”.
The first set of armor is the best among the heavy ones. It has the highest protection rates. The appearance is also quite nice. The character looks quite nice.

It is possible to craft Daedric armor using ebony ingots, Daer hearts (they can be obtained as a reward for completing special quests) and leather strips. To create it you will need a blacksmithing skill level of over 90.

Azidal's armor is awarded for completing the "Excavation" quest. Armor can be enchanted to have an effect that paralyzes opponents. You will need to pay 25% more for the skills of the school of witchcraft, but their range of action is much greater.

A character of the Dovahkiin class will receive an improvement in the “enchantment” skill by ten points if he is equipped with a full set of Azidal armor.

Recipes for crafting light and heavy armor

Some armor sets can be obtained by completing various quests, and they can also be obtained from monsters. Not all types of armor can be crafted. And if the player still decides to create armor himself, then first he should level up his blacksmithing level and understand the recipes and necessary resources.

For crafting you will need ten strips of leather, 17 ebony ingots and five Daedric hearts.

Creating Dragon Armor will cost the player six dragon scales, the same number of dragon bones and ten leather strips.

Dragonscale Armor is crafted from dragon scales, leather, and iron ingots.
For the last two you will also need the Dragon Armor perk and the hundredth level of blacksmithing skill.

Daedra Hearts can be obtained by clearing the Shrine of Mehrunes - this very quick way. Strips of leather cost 3 gold from merchants, and can also be made at a workbench. Ebony bars will be available only upon reaching character level 27, and will cost 150 coins per unit. Dragon bones and scales, which are needed to craft armor, can only be obtained by killing dragons.

Armor in Skyrim is one of the types of clothing that increases a character's defense. Armor in the game is divided into two classes: light and heavy armor. Light armor provides little protection, but high speed of movement and strikes and maneuverability in battle. Heavy armor, on the contrary, provides better protection, but has more weight and limits the character's movement. Light armor includes: Fur, Elven, Riveted, Leather, Rawhide, Glass, Elven Gilded Armor, Lamellar, Lamellar Gilded and Dragonscale Armor. Heavy armor includes: Iron, Steel, Dwemer, Orc, Steel, Ebony, Dragon Armor, Plate, Daedric armor. The armor set is divided into: Helmet, Shield, Boots, Armor, gloves and bracers. Armor can be purchased from merchants, obtained as a trophy, or made yourself by mastering the Blacksmithing skill. Increasing your armor skill increases the effectiveness of wearing armor. Since finding good armor in the game is quite difficult, you can make this process easier for yourself by using the following cheats.

Obtaining the required armor set: player.additem [armor_code] [quantity]

For example, to get one Dwemer boots, press the [~] key and enter: player.additem 0001394С 1

Example: player.additem 0001394E 1 - get 1 Dwemer gloves

Dwemer Armor Set:

0001394F - helmet
. 0001394C - boots
. 00013950 - shield
. 0001394E - gloves
. 0001394D - armor

Daedric Armor Set

000D7AF6 - heat shield - cold resistance +70%.
. 000D7A8B - boots of silence - Silent movement.
. 000D7A8C - fire suppression boots - fire resistance +50.
. 000D7AF9 - grounding shield - electrical resistance +70%.
. 000D7A8A - mammoth boots - to “carrying capacity” +50 units..
. 0001396B - armor 0001396D - helmet
. 0001396C - gloves
. 0001396A - boots
. 0001396E - shield
. 0010DFA3 - denial shield - magic resistance +22%.

Leather Armor Set

00013921 - bracers
. 00013920 - boots
. 0003619E - armor
. 00013922 - helmet

Glass armor set

0001393C - shield
. 00013938 - boots
. 0001393A - gloves
. 00013939 - armor
. 0001393B - helmet

Dragonscale Armor Set

0001393E - armor
. 0001393D - boots
. 0001393F - gloves
. 00013940 - helmet
. 00013941 - shield

Imperial armor set

000135BA - shield
. 000136D6 - boots
. 000136D5 - armor
. 000136D4 - bracers
. 00013EDC - helmet

Dragon Shell Armor Set

00013967 - gloves
. 00013966 - armor
. 00013965 - boots
. 00013969 - helmet
. 00013968 - shield

Elven Armor Set

0001391A - boots
. 000896A3 - armor
. 0001391D - helmet
. 0001392A - gilded armor
. 0001391C - gloves
. 0001391E - shield

Ebony Armor Set

00013962 - gloves
. 00013961 - armor
. 00013963 - helmet
. 00013960 - boots
. 00013964 - shield

Orc Armor Set

00013959 - helmet
. 00013946 - shield
. 00013957 - armor
. 00013956 - boots
. 00013958 - mittens

Blades armor set

0004B28D - gloves
. 0004B288 - boots
. 0004B28F - helmet
. 0004F912 - shield
. 0004B28B - armor

Forsworn Armor Set

000D8D4E - boots
. 000D8D52 - helmet
. 000D8D50 - armor
. 000D8D55 - bracers

Nightingale armor set

000FCC12 - hood
. 000FCC0F - armor
. 000FCC11 - gloves
. 000FCC0D - boots

Ancient Nordic Armor Set

00056B17 - gloves
. 00056A9D - boots
. 00018388 - armor
. 00056A9E - helmet

Companions armor set.

000CEE7C - boots
. 000CEE7E - gloves
. 000CAE15 - armor
. 0004C3D0 - helmet

Stormcloak Officer's Armor Set

00086981 - boots
. 0008697E - armor
. 00086983 - gloves
. 00086985 - helmet

Thieves Guild Armor Set

000D3ACC - armor
. 000D3ACE - hood
. 000D3AC4 - gloves
. 000D3AC2 - boots

Thieves Guild Leader Armor Set

000E35D8 - gloves
. 000E35D7 - armor
. 000E35D9 - hood
. 000E35D6 - boots

Unique armor with bonuses

000F9904 - "Scientist's Diadem" helmet - All spells consume less magic.
. 000295F3 - Ingola helmet - +30% cold resistance.
. 0007C932 - armor “Archmage's Ornament” - +100% to the speed of magic recovery; Mana consumption is 15% less
. 000E41D8 - Ysgramor's Shield - +20% magic resistance; +20 units health.
. 000FC5BF - “Tarch of Bloodthirst” shield - A blow with a shield deals 3 units. damage for every second for 5 sec.

Accessories with bonuses

000С8911 - “Akatosh’s Amulet” - Magicka recovery speed +25%
. 0002D773 - “Amulet of Gauldur” - +30 units. health, stock of silmans, etc.
. 000C891B - “Amulet of Mary” - Restoration spells consume 10% less magic. Essential for a wedding.
. 00100E65 - “Necklace of immunity and disease” - immunity to disease +100%

Helmets (Masks) with different bonuses

00061CA5 - “Maskap Nakrin” - spend 20% less mana for spells from the school of restoration and destruction; Adds 50 units to mana
. 00061CAB - “Wolsung Mask” - discounts on all products increase by 20%; +70 to underwater breathing
. 00061CC9 - “Mask of Vokun” - spells from the school of illusion, change and witchcraft spend 20% less mana
. 00061CB9 - “Mask of Krosis” - +20% to hacking, archery and alchemy skills
. lifting capacity
. 00061CC2 - “Otar Mask” - increases electricity, resistance to fire and cold
. 00061CCA - "Wooden Mask"
. 00061CC0 - “Mask of Ragot” - to +70 stamina units.
. 00061C8B - “Mask of Morokei” - To the speed of mana recovery +100% to
. 00061CC1 - “Hevnorak Mask” - immunity to diseases and poisons appears
. 00061CD6 - “Konarik Mask” - When health is low, the Mask heals the wearer and deals damage to nearby enemies.

Today we will be interested in Skyrim armor. Without this component it is difficult to imagine this game and your character. After all, it’s no secret that armor plays a huge role in any toy. What types of armor are there? Where can I get them and what do I need for this? Understanding everything is not as difficult as it might seem.

General information

Skyrim armor is a type of clothing that is intended solely to increase the character's defense. They differ slightly in appearance, but it is better not to use armor as an outfit. By the way, it is with the help of this component that survival rate can be increased. This is the only way of additional defense.

In Skyrim there is a division of armor - there is light and heavy. Accordingly, to level up a character, there are two separate skills - the use of light armor. and heavy.

Skyrim armor can be varied. Very often they are assigned some additional properties. In other words, due to them, the player’s characteristics increase. Heavy armor is usually used for combat abilities, and light armor for magic.

Armor types

The game provides several types of armor. Each element plays its role. Usually players try to use all the components at once. That is, collect full armor. It doesn't have to be the same type. For example, the top may be light and the bottom heavy. Skyrim armor includes:

  • Armor - it protects the character’s body.
  • Boots (boots) - provide protection for the feet.
  • Gloves/bracers - protect the character’s hands.
  • A helmet is used to keep the head safe.
  • The shield helps block attacks.

All this can be found in the game. The armor is complemented with rings and pendants. Such means help provide the character with high protection from opponents. It is worth noting that light and heavy armor is divided into many varieties. Each has its own distinctive features (besides appearance) and properties.


It is not difficult to guess that armor in the game serves as the main clothing. Therefore, many players are concerned about the appearance of the armor. It depends on what kind of protection you are wearing. As already mentioned, in the game different armor looks different, because you always want the character to stand out in some way.

Therefore, an armor mod was invented for the Skyrim game, and not in a single quantity. Such utilities help give existing armor a new “look” or add custom armor that is more fashionable and beautiful.

Usually it is enough to simply install a mod on the game to see the features provided in it. Skyrim armor can be varied - everything is limited only by the imagination of the mod creators.


The last important point that players may be concerned about is obtaining armor. Users often wonder where to find Skyrim armor. A significant role is played by what kind of ammunition you are counting on. Depending on this, you will find armor in one place or another. For example, Dwemer armor can be found in the caves of the same name. The whole game is built on this principle.

In general, if you are wondering where exactly to get this or that armor, we can recommend the following options:

  • buying ammunition from a blacksmith;
  • booty from the dead;
  • search in caves;
  • Receipt for completing quests;
  • independent creation.

The last point may cause some difficulties. To be able to create Skyrim armor, you need to level up your blacksmithing skill. You will also need certain resources for this. They can be found throughout the reality of the Skyrim game. The higher your skill, the more armor you can create.

Let's go, friend! In honor of the release of Skyrim Special Edition, an updated version with HD textures, we are releasing a series of articles on this topic. The first will be an article about choosing and finding the best weapons and armor. And, since I prefer speed and lightness, we will start with one-handed weapons, shields and light armor.

So that you don’t have any unnecessary questions, Skyrim Special Edition includes all the additions to the original game, so all the items described below will be available to you.

The best one-handed weapon in Skyrim

Undoubtedly, the most powerful weapon with base damage is the dragon weapon, but it is also significantly heavier (except for daggers, where a dragon bone dagger is only 0.5 kg heavier). Conceding one unit of base damage, a Stalhrim mace or ax will be much lighter and overall better, with the exception of swords, where the vaunted Daedric blade has greater base damage and almost the same weight.

All of these weapons can be enchanted, but you can't enchant unique artifacts (in most cases), so some of the weapons below may only be good if you don't have that specialization.

Mace of Molag Bal
16 18
“Steals 25 units of magic and 25 strength per hit. Soul Capture."
The weapon is forged from ebony, it is 1 kg lighter than nameless samples, and has the base damage of a dragon. You can get a task with it in an abandoned house in Mokarte.
Miraak's sword
16 3
"Steals 15 strength per hit"
An incredibly light sword, only 3 kg and damage to the most powerful dragon weapons. Unfortunately, you can only get it at the end of the game, during the main storyline (taking into account the availability of the Dragonborn add-on).
Mehrunes' razor
11 3
"Instant death occurs with a 1.5% chance."
3.5 kg lighter than the dragon dagger, but 2 less base damage. Despite this, due to its effect, it makes a dagger good option for the left hand. You can start the quest by visiting the museum in Dawnstar.

The best light armor in Skyrim

The two most powerful light armor available from crafting sets in the game are Stalhrim (with the Dragonborn add-on) and Dragonscale. The difference between them is small, and if one element of armor is better, then the other is worse.

Stalhrim boots, bracers have the same base armor parameter as dragon armor.

Not everything is clear with the breastplate and helmet.

The breastplate is 3 kg lighter, but has 2 less armor. It makes sense to wear Elven gilded armor, the armor class is lower by 6, but its weight is 6 less.

The shield is undoubtedly made of dragon scales - the weight is 4 lighter, losing only 1 in armor.

The helmet is 2 kg lighter, but has 1 less armor. But in terms of armor, any other light helmet pales in comparison to the Masks of Dragon Priests. Krosis, Volsung or Miraak (Dragonborn) will suit you. You can collect all 8 main masks and go to the past, where you will awaken the heavy mask of the leader. Krosis is the best freely available, to get it go to Double-Headed Peak.

Legendary light armor of Skyrim

If you don't enchant armor yourself, then you will be interested in the legendary sets, and if you don't have the DLC installed, the best you can get is a scolding from the Dark Brotherhood, or rather her old version in the factional quest “Find an Assassin from the Past”. Her kits have, if not the same parameters, then a little bit better.

Owners of the Dragonborn expansion will have access to two more powerful sets.

Balance between security and attractiveness? Is the protection rate important? How much does it reduce damage taken?

This guide covers everything you need to know about armor in Skyrim. It will be useful to anyone who is looking for the best protection - both in terms of quantity and appearance. Guide for all versions of the game, including .

Maximum armor level

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has such a thing as maximum defense. It is 567, and this is the highest level of armor that can be obtained without resorting to the use of mods.

Of course, to achieve this figure you need to wear a full set of armor. At the same time, Skyrim has bonuses when wearing armor elements from the same set: +25 for body armor, helmet, gloves and boots. There is no bonus for the shield. Total +100, which is very good.

How exactly does defense level affect damage received? There is a balance in the game between protection and actual damage reduction. If the character's defense is 567, then physical damage received is reduced by 80%.

Thus, when wearing the best armor in the game, the character will receive only 20% of the damage, that is, only a fifth of the physical damage dealt.

How to increase defense using magic

If the character does not yet have necessary items to achieve maximum security or according to the player’s plan, he does not have to wear a full set of armor, he can use magic.

Most the best option is the spell “Dragonhide”. She gives maximum protection for 30 seconds, that is, it increases the defense rate to 567 and due to this reduces the physical damage inflicted on the character by 80%. This spell is very useful for magicians who cannot afford heavy luggage.

Of course, Dragon Skin is one of the two best spells from the school of Change. To master it, you will have to develop the corresponding skill. Therefore, for some time the character will be able to effectively use simplified versions of this spell:

  • Oakflesh;
  • Stoneflesh;
  • Ironflesh;
  • Enbonyflesh.

Interestingly, the effect of these spells can be greatly enhanced if the Alteration skill is not high enough. To do this, you need to use skill enhancement potions. They are quite rare and expensive, but with some skill, an experienced alchemist will be able to provide himself with a good supply of such “flasks”.

How to increase defense using crafting

There are several skills in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim that allow you to craft and upgrade items. This process in games is usually called “crafting” (from the English word “Craft”). Here are three crafting skills:

  • Alchemy;
  • Smithing;
  • Enchanting.

As mentioned above, alchemy can be used to increase knowledge of the school of Change, which in turn enhances the effect of spells that increase armor.

Smithing allows you to forge almost any set of armor in Skyrim, but the best items require a high level of skill. Ideally, you should have level 100 Smithing, level 100 Light or Heavy Armor (depending on what you want to forge), and complete the Unfathomable Depths quest to get the Ancient Knowledge talent.

The latter accelerates the development of Blacksmithing and gives a bonus of 15% armor when wearing a full set of Dwemer armor.

Enchanting is another useful skill that makes it easier to achieve maximum defense. Everything is very simple here: each item worn on the character must be enchanted with the same Fortify Smithing effect. It is important to understand that enchantments are applied not only to elements of armor, but also to clothing and jewelry (rings, amulets).

If a character has reached the maximum defense level (567), then further increasing this indicator does not make any sense, since the percentage of reduction in physical damage received, in principle, cannot be higher than 80%. Alas, that's the game.

The best light armor in Skyrim

Light armor is very convenient for characters who want to find a middle ground between mobility and protection. They do not take up much space in your inventory and do not interfere with the use of stealth. Of course, light armor is almost always inferior in effectiveness to heavy armor, but this is the price for the advantages mentioned above.

To get more protection from Light Armor, you should improve the corresponding skill to 100 as early as possible. In principle, it grows on its own if you use light armor, but development can be accelerated by reading books and paying teachers for lessons. The higher the skill, the more armor any armor set will provide.

If we talk about specific sets, then in The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim there are 2 most valuable sets: Nightgale Armor and Dragonscale Armor.

Nightingale armor. A magical set of light armor that increases Stamina and improves damage dealt with One-Handed weapons. Nightingale armor can only be obtained as a reward for completing the last mission of the Thieves Guild - “Trinity Restored”.

At maximum upgrade, full Nightingale armor increases stamina by 40, improves cold resistance by 50%, and adds 25% additional damage to all attacks with one-handed weapons.

But that's not all. Nightingale armor is useful to any thief: it improves the effectiveness of Sneaking, makes Lockpicking easier by 25% and reduces the cost of Illusion spells by 17%.

Dragonscale Armor. In terms of its protection indicators, this light armor is the best in its class. It is the easiest way to achieve the maximum level of protection. Plus she looks really cool.

You can get dragon scale armor only through crafting. In this case, you will need the following resources: dragon scales (“drops out” only from killed dragons), iron ingots, strips of leather. You will also need to raise your Blacksmithing skill to 100 and unlock the Dragon Armor perk.

The best heavy armor in Skyrim

Due to the fact that the game has a defense threshold, there is no fundamental difference between light and heavy armor, since in the end everything will be the same: 567 defense and an 80% reduction in physical damage. However, heavy armor allows you to reach the maximum faster, and also leaves room for experimentation with incomplete sets.

As with light armor, The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has 2 sets of armor that can be considered the most effective: Daedric Armor and Ahzidal's Armor.

Daedric armor. This set of equipment has a very high armor value, in fact it is the best armor in Skyrim, if you do not take into account the content of official add-ons. She also looks very impressive.

Daedric armor can be forged from ebony ingots, Daedra Hearts and Leather Strips. To do this, you need to have a developed Blacksmithing skill (at least 90) and an open perk with the appropriate name.

Armor of Azidal. Can be obtained by completing the mission “Excavation” (Unearthed). The armor has several very useful enchantments. First of all, it gives a chance that opponents attacking the player character will be paralyzed. Conjuration and rune spells cost 25% more but have increased range.

And if you attach 4 items from the set to Dovahkiin at once, he will receive an increase of 10 points to his Enchantment skill.

How to forge the best armor in Skyrim

Not all armor sets can be forged. For example, Nightingale armor and Azidal's set can only be obtained by completing certain tasks. An experienced blacksmith does not necessarily need to go through them, because he can get maximum protection without leaving the forge.

Daedric Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Daedric armor”;
  • Level 90 Blacksmithing;
  • 10 leather strips;
  • 17 Ebony Ingot;
  • 5 Daedra hearts.

Dragon Plate Armor (Heavy Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 6 Dragon Scales;
  • 6 Dragon Bone;
  • 10 leather strips.

Draconic Scale Armor (Light Armor):

  • perk “Dragon Armor”;
  • Level 100 Blacksmithing;
  • 14 dragon scales;
  • 4 leathers (Leather);
  • 2 iron ingots (Iron Ingot).

Leather strips can be cut from leather at a special workbench or purchased from merchants (average price - 3 gold per piece). Iron ingots are available for about 7 coins from the very beginning of the game, and Ebony ingots are available only after reaching level 27 (cost approximately 150 gold).

The fastest way to get a lot of Daedra Hearts is to clear the Shrine of Mehrunes Dagon in the White Coast area (The Pale).
