Here's everything you wanted to know about footnotes but were afraid to ask! After reading our guide, readers no longer have difficulties adding and editing footnotes in Word documents.

Footnotes are used to explain some part of a document. They are inserted into the text and are indicated by a special icon. At the end of the document there is a special section, most often called "Notes", which discloses the information referred to in the footnotes. This could be a quote, an indication of the author or literature used, etc. Text editor Word allows you to create them semi-automatically. The process is similar for all versions - 2003, 2007 and 2010. In relation to the MS Word program, there are two types of footnotes:

  • Regular
  • End

The main difference between these two types is that a regular footnote is located at the bottom of the page on which the information including this footnote is located. Each type includes footnote text, and a special footnote character.

Please note. We have already worked with the editor. Last time we dealt with... It was a good article.

How to Insert a Footnote in a Word Document

In our work we will use Word 2010. To insert footnotes we will use the "Links" ribbon:

As you can see in the picture, here we have buttons for inserting both types of footnotes. All settings are located in the Footnotes dialog box. To call it, click the button in the lower right corner of the block:

Select the desired location for footnotes, their format, etc. Place the cursor in the place where the footnote icon should be located. This will either be one word or the end of a paragraph at which you need to insert a note. Then click the "Insert Footnote" button.

In the picture you can see all the main elements: cursor location, footnotes, Insert buttons, and hotkeys that allow you to use the keyboard. Now you need to fill in the footnote text.

Please note. So that the topic is not difficult for you, we have prepared detailed instructions by setting it up.

Editing and deleting

To change the text of a footnote, just edit it like regular text. Go to the footnote area, place the cursor where you want it, delete the information, and enter a new one. If you need to delete a footnote from the document text, highlight the footnote symbol and click the Delete button.

Footnotes can be useful in almost any document. It doesn’t matter what you are writing, an essay, a thesis or a fiction novel in general, the need to explain something or refer to something can appear at any moment. In products Microsoft Office The process of placing footnotes is automated and quite convenient. The required actions vary slightly from version to version, so it is better to consider all versions of this program.

Microsoft Word 2003

How do you make footnotes in Word 2003? It's simple! In the menu, look for the item “Insert” -> “Link” -> “Footnote

In the window that opens, you can choose where the explanations for the footnotes will be located:

You can also determine how the footnotes will be numbered; there are many options: letters, numbers, and footnotes can also be marked with any symbol you like by entering it in the appropriate box.

In the end it will look something like this:

By the way, when you hover over the footnote icon, you can read the explanation for it:

Microsoft Word 2007/2010

In these two Microsoft versions In Word, the process of adding footnotes is exactly the same, so they can be combined into one section. First you need to go to the “Links” tab, there will be a small section where all the buttons for working with footnotes are collected.

Place the cursor where you need a footnote in the text and click on the “Insert footnote” button.

By default, footnote legends appear at the bottom of the page and are numbered. To somehow change the settings, you need to click on the small square with an arrow in the lower right corner of the block.

A window will open, almost the same as in Word 2003 with all the footnote settings.

It is the same as in a similar window in 2003 Microsoft Word You can customize the symbol for displaying footnotes, their position and the beginning of numbering.

Microsoft Office 2013

Just like before, clicking on the button in the lower right corner will bring up the footnotes menu.

Unlike previous versions, Microsoft Word 2013 has a function to arrange footnote explanations in the form of columns; this is done in the footnotes menu.

The main feature of links in Word is their interactivity, that is, when you click on it, you will be taken to an Internet resource or another place (it all depends on what is written in the link.

There is also such a tool as footnotes - they can also be located at the bottom of the page, but their function is completely different.

There are two types of them - regular (they can be located anywhere on the page) and end (they can be seen at the bottom of the page in Word).

Now you will learn how to make them.

First, select the place in the text where you want to enter the link.

In the top menu of the program, click on the “Links” item, and inside click on “Insert footnotes”. You will see that a number with the inscription one has appeared near the word at the top, and a line has been drawn at the bottom of the page in which there will be a blinking cursor and the number one. In this field, write a text explanation for your button.

If you want to install another one, again place the cursor in the place you need and click on the inscription “Insert footnote”. Everything is similar - the number two will appear just above the word and below.

Now let's take a closer look at what an endnote is. To do this, without changing the menu item, click on “Insert endnote” at the top.

So, you managed to make two types of footnotes on one page at once. You can distinguish them by their number indexes.

If you need to change appearance these numbers, right-click on the bottom field of the footnote and in the menu that opens, select “Properties” or “Options”. In another window that opens, you will see editing tools.

Right-click on the field.

An endnote can be seen in other ways than at the end of a document. To do this, click on the inscription “show footnote” and you will see it.

How to make a link in Word 2007

Launch the program, open any text document and find a word, a fragment or the entire sentence. Using the left mouse button, select what you need. You will see that the text has been highlighted - a background will appear around the letters. Right-click on the background. A window will open with a menu in which you need to select and click on “Hyperlink”.

After this, the hyperlink creation window will open. As you can see, here you can associate text with addresses of Internet resources, with places in the current document, and even with other files hard drive computer.

For example, the website address can be pasted into the “Address” field, and you can take it by copying it from the top line of your browser and pasting it into a Word document.
In the same menu you can implement a very convenient and necessary function. It's called "Hint" and it appears in the program when the mouse cursor hovers over the link. Click on the Hint item and enter the text there.

The selection you made into a hyperlink will immediately change its color in the document. Don't forget to save the changes you made to the text file before closing.

How to do it in a Word 2003 document?

Word 2003 is older than 2007, so everything is done there a little differently.

Go to the “Insert” menu item (top left in the program) and select “Bookmark”.

In the window that opens, click “Add”. Now in the very top line you can name the bookmark as you like, but remember that the name must begin with a letter and have no spaces in the name. However, the correct name has already been created there, so you don’t have to change it.

Open a text document and select the text for the link. Now right-click on the selected area and select “Hyperlink” from the menu that opens.

A window will open for adding it, in which you can link the selected text in any way. In our example, we associate with "Place in Document". Click on this inscription in the window, then select a place in the text where the user will go after clicking and click on “Ok”.

I hope that you are once again amazed by the variety of functions that Word has.

Video lessons

Completing a coursework or dissertation often takes a lot of time and effort. At first glance, it seems that making a footnote in Word is a labor-intensive job, but we all make mistakes sometime. Most often you can see callouts in works of art and scientific literature. When an author uses different abbreviations in a document, then footnotes are added at the bottom of the page. Take theses, they indicate throughout the text interlinear references to the literary publications from which fragments of the text were drawn. The reader will not waste time trying to decipher an abbreviation or an unknown word; by looking down the page, he will receive the necessary explanations.

Adding footnotes at the bottom of a page in Word 2007, 2010

It is much more convenient if, when you encounter an incomprehensible word, you can immediately look at the callout on the same page from below, rather than scrolling to the end of the entire text. Let's look at this moment. The following steps will help you create links in Word 2007 and 2010 at the bottom of the page:

1. Use the cursor to indicate the place that needs a note.

3. Select Insert Endnote.

A footer will appear at the bottom of the page, under which there will be all explanations for words or phrases that have the “Footnotes” sign throughout the text of the page.

4. It remains to add an explanatory fragment.

This method is called “Page by Page”. When creating a new page footnote, the listing will be sequential (i.e. in order).

The countdown of footnotes will start over if you start adding them on a new page. The pagination of footnotes can be arranged in different ways; in the “Links” tab, select the arrow in the footnotes section. Next, a window with parameters will open where you need to set the desired link format (option - Roman numerals).

Hotkey combination

You can quickly add endnotes by pressing the key combination Ctrl+Alt+D and a callout for writing an explanation will appear. This combination of buttons also creates a note at the bottom of the page.

Inline Links

An option for those who need callouts in square brackets immediately after the proposal. Here's what inline footnotes might look like (written manually):

  1. ;
  2. ;
  3. ;
  4. .

First of all, indicate the number of the source from which the quotes were taken (according to the literature list), add a semicolon and write down the pages, it can be one page or several. There is also a possibility that it is necessary to write “s.” - thereby indicating the word “page”. These subtleties in design should be clarified with educational institutions.

Callout after sentence

It will not appear at the end of the entire page, but after the quote. Let's see how to set it up:

Footnote numbering

If on each page you need new numbering, which will start anew (from 1 and, for example, to 7), then the following steps should be taken:

Don't forget to change the position of the leader to the one you need. In this case, the callout will be at the bottom of the text. You definitely need to make a page break. And on the new sheet the footnotes will start again from 1.

In order to set the numbering and it continues, you need to go to the “Links” tab, find the arrow in the “Footnote” area and set “Numbering - Continue” in the parameters. Even going to new page, numbering will continue.

Let's say you need to add several footnotes to the first sheet of the document so as not to confuse the numbering. To do this, set the numbering in the “Footnotes” field to “In each section.” First select “Links”, then the arrow and the main settings window will appear.

Removing numbering

To remove numbering, you need to place the mouse arrow after the word, namely behind the digital footnote, and press the “backspace” button; the second time you click, the number will be deleted. The note at the bottom of the page in the list of all notes will also be removed.

Attention! If you delete the callout numbered 7 and it was not the last one, the numbering will move automatically, and the description that related to this footnote will also be deleted.

A footnote is a number above a word that needs clarification. IN Word program it is divided into two parts. The first is the actual number above the word itself. The second is a number at the bottom of the page with a precise or brief explanation of the word.

Footnotes are often made in term papers, dissertations, scientific reports, and abstracts; they are often found in books of various genres. Therefore, in order to make a footnote in Word, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations.

How to make a classic footnote in Word 2007-2013?

To footnote a word at the end of a page, follow these steps:

  • Opens a document. We find a word or sentence that needs clarification. Place the cursor behind the word and go to the “Links” tab. Select "Insert footnote".
  • The program will automatically take you to the end of the page, where there will already be a number and a place for explanation.

  • Let's add an explanation.

  • We make the following footnotes in the same way.

How do I make a footnote and place the transcript at the end of the document?

There are times when the transcript for a word needs to be placed not at the end of the page, but at the end of the entire document. To do this we do the following:

  • Place the cursor behind the word that needs clarification and select “References”, “Insert endnote”.

  • The footnote space will appear at the end of the entire document, not the page.

How to make page footnotes?

If you want footnotes to be placed on each page, that is, page by page, follow these steps:

  • Highlight the footnote. Go to the “Links” tab, click on the arrow to get to the parameters.

  • Set the type of footnotes. We indicate “For each section” or set the page.
