Practical Job 1


Exercise1 . Make an invitation according to the sample.

Operating procedure

1. Open text editor Microsoft Word.

2. Set the desired screen type, for example - Page Layout (View/Page Layout).

3. Set page parameters (paper size - A4; orientation - portrait; margins: left - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm, top - 3 cm, bottom - 1.5 cm) using the command File/Page Settings(tabs Fields And Paper size).

4. Install line spacing- one-and-a-half, alignment - center, using the command Format/Paragraph(tab Indents and spacing).

5. Type the text below. While typing, change the style and font size (for heading - 14 pt.; for body text - 12 pt., paragraph alignment types - centered, justified, right-edged) using the buttons on the toolbars.

Sample assignment

6. Frame the invitation text and fill it with color.

To do this: select the entire text of the invitation;

Run the command Format/Borders and Shading;

On the tab Border set the border parameters: type - frame; line width - 3 pt.; apply - to paragraph; line color - at your discretion;

On the tab Fill select a fill color;

Specify the condition for applying the fill - apply to paragraph;

Click the button OK.

7. Insert a picture into the invitation text (Insert/Drawing/Pictures); set the position of the text relative to the picture - “Around the frame” (Format/Picture/Position/Around Frame).

8. Copy the standard invitation twice onto the sheet. (Edit/Copy, Edit/Paste).

9. Edit the sheet with the two invitations received and prepare for printing ( File/Preview).

10. Save the file in your group folder by following these steps:

Task 2. Create on the next page of the document (mode Page break) table with auto-format, calculate the sum of a column.

1. Create a table (number of columns - 8; number of rows - 7) with auto-format, using the commands Table/Insert/Table/AutoFormat/Columns 5 (Fig. 1)." width="602" height="143 src=">

Rice. 2. Table form to fill out

3. Calculate the amount of the “Salary” column using the command Table/Formula(previously place the cursor in the “Salary-Total” cell) (Fig. 3)." width="25 height=20" height="20"> - (left aligned) 1.5 cm;

For the 2nd column - (center aligned) 7.5 cm;

For the 3rd column - (with decimal point alignment) 10.5 cm.

Tabulators select in the left corner of the ruler and set it on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 5) or by specifying a command Format/Tabulation.

Volume personal computers, thousand rubles

Company 2008 2009

Hewlett-Packard 5.035

Packard BellNEC 5.07

Rice. 4. Sample table design using tabulation

Rice. 5. Ruler with installed tabulators

When typing tabular data, move along the installed tab stops using the [Tab] key.

Task 4. On the next page of the document, create a table based on the sample using merging cells.

Type a table of changes in the growth of supplies of computer equipment for 2005...2009 according to the given sample, using a union of cells (Table/Merge Cells).

% of deliveries

Save and close the document.

Task 5. Create a calendar for the current month using a Template.

1. To do this, in the document creation window (File/New/Templates - On my computer) on the tab Other documents select Calendar Wizards(Fig. 6).

2. Consistently choosing style, sheet orientation And month/year, create a calendar for the current month.

3. Save the document in your folder.


Sample assignment

Analytics and Expertise Sector To the Director of the GANL Center


The sector cannot complete within the specified time frame
examination of the marketing research project of the Astra-N company due to the lack of complete information about the financial condition of the company.

Please give instructions to the sector technical documentation provide complete information about this company.

Appendix: protocol on the incompleteness of the technical documentation of the Astra-N company.

Head of Sector

analytics and expertise (signature)

Task 7. Create a memo based on the Template.

1. Create from a template Standard note memo (File/New, tab Notes/Standard Note) (Fig. 7)." width="457" height="365 src=">

Rice. 8. Memorandum created based on the Template

Task 8. Create a template form “To-Do Calendar” working week».

Brief information. A form is a document that contains the elements:

Text and graphic elements that cannot be changed;

Blank areas where information is entered.

1. Create a document “Working Week Calendar”, as in Fig. 9.

2. Enter fields in the month entry space and in the table cells. To do this, open the toolbar Forms (View/Toolbars/Forms), place the cursor at the place in the document where the form field for input is specified, and click the button Shading form fields And Text field(ab|) panels Forms. A shaded box appears in the document for you to enter text into the form.

Working week calendar

For the month of March


Rice. 9. Sample document “Working Week Calendar”

3. Set form protection (Service/Protect document). In mode Editing restrictions set the document editing method Entering data into form fields or click the button Form protection(lock)

Rice. 10. Protecting the document form

4. Save the form as a template. To do this, when saving, specify the file type - document template, and the file will receive an extension. dot. Close the form template.

5. Open the newly created template form and fill out the form fields (Fig. 11). Save the created document in your folder.

Rice. 11. Completed template form “Working Week Calendar”


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of creating, editing and formatting documents containing tables.
Tools. PC IBM PC, MS Word program.


1. Information technology in professional activity: training manual/ Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Educational and Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004.
2. Workshop on information technology in professional activities: training manual / Elena Viktorovna Mikheeva. – M.: Educational and Publishing Center “Academy”, 2004.


Task 1. Create a table with auto-format, calculate the column sum.

Work order.

1. Open the Microsoft Word text editor.

2. Create a table (number of columns – 8, number of rows – 7) with auto-format, using the commands Table/ Insert/ Table(columns – 8, number of rows – 7)/ Autoformat/ Table-List1(Fig. 3.1).

Fig.1. AutoFormat Table Dialog Box

3. Design the table according to the sample (Fig. 2) and enter arbitrary data.

Fig.2. Table form to fill out

4. Place the cursor in a cell Income-Total and calculate the column sum Income using the command Table/Formula(using the formula =SUM(ABOVE) (Fig. 3.3).

Fig.3. Set a formula to calculate the sum of a column

Task 2. Create a table using tabs.

Work order.

Type the table below in column form (Fig. 4) using tabs.

Fig.4. Example of table design using tabs

Before typing tabular data, place tabs of a certain type on a horizontal ruler.
The type of tabulator and its position on the ruler are shown below:

For the 1st column – (left aligned) 2 cm;
View of the tabulator with left alignment:

For the 2nd column – (center aligned) 7.5 cm;
View of the tab stop with center alignment:

For the 3rd column – (aligned to the separator) 10.5 cm.
View of the tabulator with delimiter alignment:

Select tabulators in the left corner of the ruler and install them on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 5) or set them with the command Format/Tabulation(Fig. 6).

Fig.5. Ruler with installed tabulators

Fig.6. Setting tab stops in a window Tabulation

When typing tabular data, move along the installed tab stops using the [Tab] key.

Task 3. Create a table based on the sample using merging cells.

Work order.

1. Type a table of changes in the growth of supplies of technological equipment for 2001-2005. according to the given example (Fig. 7), using the union of cells ( Table/ Merge Cells).

To align text inside table cells, use the alignment buttons on the “Tables and Borders” toolbar (Fig. 8).

2. Save the file in your group folder.

Additional tasks

Task 4. Draw up a table for analyzing the volume of production by product (Fig. 9).
Calculate the sum by columns.

Brief information.
To change the direction of text, select a group of cells and use the command Format/Text Direction.

Calculate the sum by columns using the command

Task 5. Create a table (Fig. 10) using tabulation.

Brief information.
Use tabulators of the following type:
for the 1st column – (left aligned) 1 cm;
for the 2nd column – (center aligned) 8 cm;
for the 3rd column – (aligned with the separator) 12 cm.

Task 6. Draw up a document containing a table according to the sample (Fig. 11).
Calculate the staffing level for each wage group.

Brief information.
Upper part format the document using a table (line type - no border). Calculate the sum by columns ( Table/Formula/ =SUM(ABOVE)).
Insert a date into a document using the command Insert/Date and time.

Target: formation in students of basic concepts and skills of creating a table, converting text into a table.

Contents of the work:

Most quick way add a table - select a table of the required sizes in the gridTable .

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and select the required number of rows and columns of the table.

    Click and the table appears in the document.

A section will also appear.Working with tables with tabLayout , which contains options for selecting different table colors, styles, and borders.

Other ways to add a table

When using a grid, a simple table is inserted. If you need a different result, you can use one of three ways to create a table.

To more accurately set table dimensions, open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectInsert table . You can then specify the exact number of rows and columns and adjust the table dimensions using the auto-fit options.

If you have text that would look better as a table, you can convert it to a table.

If your data is too complex to fit into a simple grid, you can use the table drawing tool to draw exactly the table you want.

Convert text to table

To insert a table from a collection of preformatted tables into your document, you can use table templates. Table templates contain sample data to help you evaluate how the table will look after you've added data to it.

    In the text you want to convert, insert a tab or semicolon at each place where you want to start a new column.

    Insert a paragraph mark at each place where you want to start a new line.

    Select the text.

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectConvert to table .

    In the dialog boxConvert to table in the areaSeparator set the switch to positionTab character orSemicolon .

Drawing a table

If you need to create a table with rows and columns of different sizes, you can draw it. To do this, follow the steps below.

    Click the location in the document where you want to create the table.

    Open the tabInsert , press the buttonTable and selectDraw a table .

The mouse pointer will change to a pencil shape.

    To define the boundaries of the table, draw a rectangle. Then, inside this rectangle, draw column and row lines.

    To erase a line, in the sectionWorking with tables click the buttonEraser and click the line you want to erase.

Progress and order of work:

    Create tables according to the example:

INVOICE – INVOICE No. ________ FROM “___” _______________ (1)

Seller ________________________________________________(2)

Address ___________________________________________________(2a)

Seller's INN ________________________________________________(2b)

Shipper and his address ______________________________(3)

Consignee and his address________________________________(4)

To payment and settlement document No. ________ dated_____________(5)

Buyer ______________________________________________(6)

Address ___________________________________________________(6a)

Buyer's INN ________________________________________(6b)

Product name (description of work performed, services provided)

Unit of measurement


Price (tariff) per unit of measurement

Cost of goods (works, services), total without tax

Including excise tax

Tax rate

Tax amount

Cost of goods (work, services), total including tax

Country of origin

Cargo customs declaration number

Total payable

Head of the organization: ________ Chief accountant ___________

(individual entrepreneur)

(details of the certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur)


ISSUED BY ________________________________


NOTE: The first copy is for the buyer, the second copy is for the seller.

    Enter text, converting it to a table:

First 14 25 rub. Second 15 12 rub. Third 11 3r.

Security questions:

    List ways to create tables in a text editor?

    How to merge cells in a table?

    Is it possible to delete rows (columns) in a table after it has been created?

Practical work 2


Purpose of the lesson. Studying the technology of creating and formatting documents containing tables.

Task 2.1. Create a table with auto-format, calculate the sum of the column.

Operating procedure

    Launch the Microsoft Word text editor.

    Create a table (number of columns - 8; number of rows - 7) with auto-format, using the commands Table/Insert/Tablestsa/Autoformat/Columns 5 (Fig. 2.1).

Rice. 2.1. Dialog box Auto table format

Job title

Marital status


Rice. 2.2. Table form to fill out

Rice. 2.3. Set a formula to calculate the sum of a column

    Design the table according to the sample (Fig. 2.2) and enter arbitrary data.

    Calculate the amount of the "Salary" column using the command Tabface/formula(previously place the cursor in the “Salary-Total” cell) (Fig. 2.3).

Exercise 2.2. Create a table using tabs.

Type the table below in column form (Fig. 2.4) using tabs.

Before typing tabular data, place tabs of a certain type on a horizontal ruler. The type of tabulator and its position on the ruler are shown below:

    for the 1st column - (left aligned) 1.5 cm;

    for the 2nd column - (centered) 7.5 cm;

    for the 3rd column - (with decimal point alignment) 10.5 cm.

Tabulators select in the left corner of the ruler and set it on the ruler with a single mouse click (Fig. 2.5) or set it with the command Format/Tabulation.

Rice. 2.4. Example of table design using tabs

Rice. 2.5. Ruler with installed tabulators

When typing tabular data, move along the installed tab stops using the [Tab] key.

Task 2.3. Create a table based on the sample using merging cells.

Operating procedure

1. Type a table of changes in the growth of supplies of computer equipment for 1995... 1999. according to the given example, using merging cells (Table/Merge Cells).

Task 2.4. Arrange the previous table in accordance with methodological instructions on preparation of reports on practice, coursework and diploma works.

    Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals and sequentially numbered throughout the work. The number should be placed in the upper left corner above the table title after the word “Table”. Numbering of tables within the entire work is allowed. The number should be placed in the upper left corner above the table title after the word “Table”. Numbering of tables within a section is allowed.

    If there is only one table in a work, it is not numbered and the word “Table” is not written.

    Each table must have a title that is placed below the word "Table". The word “Table” and the title begin with a capital letter; there is no period at the end of the title.

    Headings of table columns should begin with capital letters, subheadings with lowercase letters, if the latter are subordinate to the heading. Column headings are indicated in the singular.

    The column “Item No.” should not be included in the table.

    When transferring a table, the table title should be repeated, and the words “Continuation of the table” should be placed above it, indicating its number. If the table heading is large, it is possible not to repeat it: in this case, you should number the columns and repeat their numbering on the next page.

    If there are no digital or other data in any row of the table, then a dash is added.

    Diagonal lines are not permitted between headings and subheadings.

    If all indicators given in the table are expressed in the same unit, then its designation is placed above the table on the right.

    It is not allowed to replace numbers, mathematical symbols, percentage signs, material grade designations, and regulatory document designations that are repeated in the table with quotation marks.

    If there is a small amount of digital material in the text, it is not advisable to arrange it in a table, but should be given in the form of text, arranging the digital data in columns.


Table 1


Sound cards

Price, $



ASUS Bondled Creative Virba 16C



Creative Labc

Sound Blaster 16



Sound Blaster SB 32



Turtle Beach

Tropez Plus TBS-2001



Pinnacle TBS-2002



Virtual reality

Helmet Pro Version




passive Sound Junior Qs-806, 2W



active Sound Force QS-835, 3W



active AT-75, 80W



Additional tasks

Task 2.5. Draw up a document containing a table according to the sample. Calculate staffing levels for each wage group.

Brief information. Design the upper part of the document using a table (line type - no borders). Calculate the sum by columns. Insert the date with the command Insert/Date.

2.5. Prepare a table for analyzing the volume of production by product in accordance with the sample. Make calculations in the table.

Brief information. To change the direction of text, select a group of cells and use the command Format/Directionlenition of the text.
