It's no secret that many computer users treat their devices carelessly, but in vain, because often after such treatment, even the most insignificant devices can break down and thereby significantly complicate life. We will now look at the problem with broken plug stuck in your computer's sound card, and we'll tell you how to fix it. this problem without resorting to the services of a specialist.

To begin with, I would like to talk about how this problem can appear: firstly, you can simply accidentally pull the wire of the speakers or headphones, and pull it so hard that the plug simply breaks. Secondly, carelessly connecting or disconnecting this plug will cause it to break as well. And finally, thirdly, there may be various force majeure circumstances, for example, children accidentally broke something or a dog chewed it or something else, there can be many reasons, but this is not more important to us, since it happened, because somehow we have to decide this problem.

It is worth noting that the problem we are considering is quite non-standard and occurs quite rarely, but this does not mean that this can be neglected. So, now we will look at four ways to solve this very strange problem:

Method one - non-standard

One of the simplest ways to remove the stuck plug from the sound card socket, is to glue it and just pull it out from there. In a little more detail: first, we buy a box of matches, or find another thin object at home that can fit into a narrow nest. Then you need to purchase special glue. Best buy universal superglue, which can glue any surfaces, including metal and wood. Important: when buying glue, it is worth remembering that it must be a gel, that is, glue-gel. This glue will not spread inside the sound card socket and therefore will not damage it. After everything is ready, you can proceed directly to the procedure itself. To begin, disconnect the system unit from the power supply, as well as from all wires, and place it in a well-lit place. Then take a match and lubricate its tip with the purchased glue. As soon as this is done, immediately insert it into the sound card socket, and insert it so that the tip of the match touches the center of the broken plug. As soon as you feel that contact has occurred, hold the match in this position for several minutes. A good sign that the glue has worked is if when you release the match, it stays in the same position. When you are completely convinced that the glue has dried and securely glued the plug with the match, all you have to do is pull the match towards you, which will pull the stuck plug. Incredible, but true, with the help of such a very simple method, you can solve this problem.

Method two is even simpler

It would seem much simpler than the method that we have already described, but no, there is an even easier solution to this problem. In this method, the only thing we need is hands growing from the right place and small tweezers. After the word tweezers, everyone probably guessed what we would do. And strangely enough, this method is really quite simple. All you need to do is carefully grab this plug with tweezers and pull it towards you, sooner or later you will pull it out. Do not despair if nothing works the first time; the tweezers may slip during the first attempts and it will be difficult to pull out, but rest assured that after several attempts you will get the hang of it and easily achieve your goal. The only problem that may arise is where to get such small tweezers? For some, this may indeed be a problem, but if you think about it with your brain, it will be solved. To begin with, it’s worth saying that tweezers can be bought in a specialized store, but if you feel sorry for spending money, then pick up the phone and call your friends. Surely one of them will still have tweezers, because this is such a thing that is necessary in many fields of activity, from pharmacists and chemists to builders.

The third way is extreme

The next method that we will talk about can be called in only one word: extreme. It is recommended to use it only if you are really confident in your skills and are not afraid of breaking your computer, and, of course, if you are an extreme sports enthusiast. To solve this problem using this method, you will need an electric drill, a drill and a self-tapping screw. You need to find a drill with a diameter of approximately 2.5 millimeters and a self-tapping screw of approximately the same size. With the help of a drill and this small drill bit, you should make a hole inside the plug, and then screw a self-tapping screw into this hole and after that, again, just pull this structure towards you and the problem will be solved. At removing the plug Thus, you need to be extremely careful, because if you work carelessly, you have a high chance of getting damage to the socket itself, and this is a more serious problem. In addition, when everything is ready and the plug is removed, do not forget to perform one more step: before connecting the computer to the network, you need to remove the metal shavings that have formed from the socket. There will not be much of it there, but, nevertheless, it is unacceptable for foreign objects to be there. The easiest way to get rid of the shavings will be with a cotton swab - carefully clean the nest, thereby leaving no chance for foreign objects to remain there. You can also use a regular vacuum cleaner to suck out all the dust and shavings. If you do everything right and everything works, then you can proudly call yourself a jack of all trades.

The fourth method is the most expensive, but the most effective.

Although this method is the most expensive of all, it is also the most effective and is suitable for those who still doubt that they can hold a drill in their hands or not overdo it with glue. To use this method, all we need is buy a new sound card. It's simple, isn't it?! Nowadays there are a large number of sound cards in different price categories on the market, and which one to choose depends only on you. If you don’t have a good sound system, but have ordinary speakers, then you definitely shouldn’t go for the high price; you can buy the simplest sound card, which costs 10-15 dollars. If you want something special, then you should take a closer look at other, more advanced models. After you have made a purchase, all you have to do is install the card either in the PCI port, which is located on motherboard, or in USB port. Where to install depends on what sound card you bought. Also, do not forget about the drivers, which should be included in the kit, and if they are missing, you can download them from this site. After successfully installing the drivers, you can safely start using the new device and, in fact, you simply won’t need the old sound card.

So, we looked at four ways to solve a very non-standard and rather rare problem, but after reading this article, you now know what to do in such a situation. In addition, after this article we can conclude that in case of a breakdown it is not always necessary to contact a computer technician. Sometimes you can solve some problems yourself, because in addition to saving money, you also gain invaluable experience in getting to know your computer.

There is no big secret that careless handling of any equipment leads to breakdown of the latter, and makes your life much more difficult. Among modern technology, the computer is considered the most gentle to handle. Failure of even the smallest computer devices will create a lot of trouble. We suggest considering a problem such as a broken plug stuck in the sound card of your computer. We will tell you how to fix this problem using our own efforts.

There are three ways this problem can occur. Firstly, the plug may simply break if you accidentally pull the wires of the speakers and headphones too hard. The second option for plug failure is careless connection or disconnection of the plug. In the third option, we can consider unforeseen circumstances, “force majeure”.

For example, children may accidentally break something, a dog may have chewed it, or other completely unexpected reasons may arise. There can be extremely many reasons. We should not spend a long time trying to find out all the reasons why such a rare and such a strange breakdown occurred. But it is important for us to decide how to get rid of this problem.

It should be said that the problem we are considering is non-standard and one that does not occur so often. However, you should not neglect it. We would like to suggest four ways to resolve this very strange problem.

First extraction method. Stick and pull out

The first method is non-standard.

The easiest way to remove a stuck plug from a socket is to glue it, then grab it and pull it out of the socket. A little more about this method. You need to have a box of matches or we can use any thin object. The thickness of the object should be such that it can be easily pushed into a fairly narrow card slot. You need to have special glue. Universal superglue is perfect for this case. This glue easily sticks to any surface. Bonding metal and wood is no exception. When buying glue, you need to remember that the glue is a gel. In other words, you should buy adhesive gel. The adhesive gel will not spread in the sound card socket and, as a result, will not be able to damage it. After completing the preparation process, you should begin the procedure for removing the plug. To do this, the system unit must be disconnected from the power supply, disconnect all wires from system unit and place the block in a well-lit place. The tip of the match should be smeared with the purchased glue and instantly insert the match into the socket.

The match should be inserted so that its tip touches the center of the broken plug. After the sensation of contact appears, you should continue to hold the match without changing position for several minutes. A sign that the glue has done the job is that when you release the match, it will not change its position. After making sure that the glue has dried and that the match and plug are securely glued together, you just need to pull the match towards you. The match will pull the stuck plug. It’s simply amazing, but with very little effort, we achieved the desired result.

It’s great that there is such a completely simple way to solve this situation.

Second extraction method. Using tweezers

The second method is even simpler.

Well, it seems more simple way than the first one simply does not exist. You're wrong, it exists. This method provides a completely easy solution to this problem. We only need very skillful hands and small tweezers to help. So what are we going to do? Everything is completely easy and fast. You should carefully grab the stuck plug with tweezers and gradually pull it towards you. That's how you get him out.

Don't despair if your first attempt is unsuccessful. The tweezers can slip and get twisted out of your hands. However, after a small number of attempts, taking into account the acquisition of dexterity and experience, the goal will be achieved.

The problem of purchasing small tweezers can be easily resolved with the right brainwashing. The answer is simple. Such tweezers are sold in special stores. But, if you don’t want to spend money on purchasing an item that may never be useful to you again, then by calling your family and friends by phone, you can certainly borrow small tweezers from them. After all, such tweezers are used by pharmacists, chemists and others.

Third way. Drill out

The third method is extreme.

This method should be used if you are confident that you will not break your computer, that you have dexterous hands, dexterity in your hands, and that you are an extreme sports enthusiast.

You must be able to use an electric drill, and you must choose the right drill. You will need a self-tapping screw. The diameters of the drill and screw should be the same, approximately 2.5 millimeters. Use an electric drill with a drill to make a hole in the plug. Next, a self-tapping screw is screwed into the hole. After this, you just need to pull the entire created system towards you, and the situation will quickly be resolved. Removing the plug should be done very carefully so as not to damage the socket itself. And this will turn into a very serious problem. After removing the plug, you must carefully check the socket for the presence or absence of possible foreign objects. At a minimum, there may be metal shavings. It can be removed with a cotton swab. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to clean the equipment from dust and shavings. If, after doing all this and turning on the computer, you are convinced that everything is fine, then you have the right to be proud of yourself. You are a master - golden hands.

Fourth way. Buy a new sound card

The fourth method is the most expensive, but most effective method. Despite the fact that it is the most expensive of all, it is truly the most effective. It is especially appealing to those who have doubts about their ability to work with an electric drill or are afraid of the problem of excess glue when gluing, and do not want to look for special tweezers. This method requires purchasing a new sound card. Everything seems to be quick and simple. There are many sound cards sold on the market, varying in price. If you're not good enough speaker system, but there are simple speakers, then you should not buy an overly expensive card. You can buy the simplest sound card, costing from 10 to 15 dollars. If you want to have something special, you should pay attention to other models.

These models are more modern and differ in pricing policy. Having purchased a new sound card, you must use the PCI port located on the motherboard to install it. You can use the USB port. The type of port depends on the type of newly purchased sound card. Now let's think about drivers. They can come as a set. If there is no such option, then you should download them. There is a website for this. After the drivers are successfully installed, you have the right to use the new device. You can say goodbye to your old sound card. There is no longer any need for it.

Our puzzle is finally complete. All four ways to solve our rare problem are considered. Now you are a pro in this situation. And in case of a breakdown, you don’t necessarily need a computer technician. Solving the problem yourself saves you money, gives you the opportunity to gain invaluable experience in understanding your computer, and gives you self-confidence.

Hi all! In this post I want to share how you can restore the plug on a wire from a laptop or any other device with your own hands. This is a very common problem when the wire breaks right at the base of the plug. Most often it breaks off so much that nothing is visible. You can only understand when the device is working, but you move it a little or bend the wire and that’s it... everything goes out.

But this time the power supply that was brought to me already revealed its problems and the wires came out. So there was no need to guess. This time there will be little text and a lot of photos, I think everything will be clear from them.

In the beginning it looked like this.

We take a bite without regret.

Now don’t forget to prepare a heat-shrink tube of different diameters, one to fit over the central core, the second on top of the two cores, and the third on top of everything and on the base of the plug - the longest one.

We prepare the plug.

It should look something like this.

Now that everything is prepared, don’t forget to put on the heat shrink tubes. However, this can be done later, the main thing is not to forget before you solder it.

You need to tin the ends, but so that the heat shrink does not begin to shrink ahead of time. To do this, move it further away or hold the wire with tweezers, so the heat will go to the tweezers and prevent the insulation and heat-shrink tube from overheating.

The task here is not to solder it thoroughly, you need to grab it.

We prepare an additional copper wire and make a bandage.

Now we solder it well, make sure that the heat shrink is kept away, otherwise it will begin to narrow and then it will not be possible to put it in the right place.

We stretch the heat shrink and warm it up.

We solder the shielding braid.

We stretch the second layer of heat shrink, here I didn’t go all the way, but it’s not scary.

We coat it with glue, it can be polyurethane or moment type, when heated it will bake and fix everything well. Another good option is to use hot glue from a glue gun.

We stretch the heat shrink.

And when heating, we compress it, best option use a gas burner - you can’t evenly crimp it with a soldering iron and the matches smoke. We do everything with quick movements, twisting the wire around the axis and along the entire length of the heat shrink. If you used hot melt glue for filling, it will melt and its excess will be squeezed out over the edge of the heat shrink, let it cool and it will easily come off. At the same time, it will fill everything inside well.

The result is a well-soldered and fixed plug.

It is known that the breakage of the plug at the end of the wire is the most common malfunction of headphones.

Due to frequent kinks, strong jerks and other mechanical loads, thin wires break or tear. In this case, as a rule, one ear stops working or, as in my case, both at once.

Sometimes the common wire breaks, in which case the sound is distorted beyond recognition: high and mid frequencies almost completely disappear. This happens because the right and left amplifiers of the phone/player are turned on in antiphase and their output signals almost completely cancel each other out.

It also happens that the stereo effect simply disappears.

Often there is no sound in the ears, but the microphone works as if nothing had happened. However, if the microphone wire breaks, the control buttons on the headset cord stop working along with the microphone.

Most often, the cause of any described malfunction is a broken wire in the immediate vicinity of the plug.

Sometimes damage to the wire is visible to the naked eye, but most often it is hidden under the insulation.

How to fix headphones at home if the wire comes off the plug

Now I will tell you how to fix vacuum earbud headphones with your own hands if the wire has come off the plug.

I will show the repair process using the example of the Monster Beats by dr Dre headphones, which I received along with the HTC Sensation XE phone. They served faithfully for almost 4 years until the plug finally broke.

The plug in these headphones is a regular mini-jack (3.5 mm) with four contacts - right ear, left ear, microphone and general. By the way, what’s interesting is that this headset has buttons so that you can rewind songs forward and backward, but there are no special contacts on the connector for them. All the buttons somehow miraculously use the same microphone contact.

In short, now I’ll try to repair these headphones at home, and if something goes wrong, screw it! - I'll go buy new ones. Moreover, the choice today is simply huge. And especially since I’m far from an audiophile and any kind will suit me, as long as they’re comfortable.

Initially, the headphones looked like this:

Headphones with a microphone and control buttons, so the plug has 4 contacts and 5 wires inside. The headset connector is, of course, non-separable.

As I already said, this method Repair is only suitable if the problem is in the connector - one earphone, right or left ear, microphone does not work, buttons are not pressed, the sound disappears if you move the wire at the plug, etc. etc.

So, if you are firmly convinced that the headphone plug really needs to be replaced, move on.

How to fix headphones if one ear (or both) is not working

In order for us to get the highest quality and super-creative plug that no one else has, we will need:

  1. Two .38 caliber shells. Suitable for Makarov pistol or similar. For example, I took brass sleeves for trauma (AKBS 9mm P.A.)
  2. Drill with drill bits (3, 3.5, 7 and 9.5mm)
  3. Hacksaw for metal
  4. Epoxy glue
  5. Syringe for 5 cubes
  6. Small vise
  7. Sandpaper
  8. Soldering iron with a sharp tip (solder, flux and an aspirin tablet are welcome)
  9. A small board, approximately 30x30 mm and about 20 mm thick

We will make an L-shaped plug, because... it is better than straight (more reliable and more compact). So, let's go.

Step 1

To begin with, we’ll make some small equipment to make it easier to work with the sleeves, so that you can safely clamp them in a vice without denting or scratching them. We take our piece of wood and drill a hole in it with a 9.5 mm drill, then make a cut with a hacksaw.

You should get something like this:

Step 2

Now we can process our sleeves without fear of spoiling their chic appearance:

Step 3

Since I had spent cartridges, there were dents on the primers from the firing pin. But we need everything to be beautiful, so we knock out both capsules using an awl, a hammer and straight hands:

Then we straighten one of them with light blows from the inside using something suitable (I took the shank from a broken drill of a suitable diameter).

To make it even more beautiful, you can sand it a little more with sandpaper:

Then we press the beautiful and even capsule into its original place:

If you have brand new cartridges, not fired, then knock out only the primer from one of them (you can immediately throw it away, it will not be needed). We do not touch the second sleeve for now.

Step 4

Then we clamp the sleeve without primer in a vice and drill out the bottom from the inside with a 7 mm drill. You need to drill so as to make the bottom of the sleeve as thin as possible. Those. the drill should come almost close to the hole from under the capsule (I left about 0.5 mm of margin).

Then carefully cut off the bottom to make a puck like this:

Step 5

Now we take our sleeve with a primer and shorten it to 13 mm:

We carefully process the edges with sandpaper to obtain an even cut that is strictly perpendicular to the axis of the sleeve.

As a result, the two halves should fit perfectly into each other:

Step 6

Now is the time to deal with the old plug and wires.

To begin with, very carefully, using a sharp knife, unscrew the old connector to remove all excess and leave only the plug itself with four contacts and soldered wires:

We remember, or better yet write down, where which wire was soldered. My HTC headphones (with microphone) had the following pinout:

Step 7

We unsolder the old wires from the connector, strip the cable, tin the ends and shrink a piece of heat shrink (diameter 2.5 mm, length 21 mm).

To service wires in varnish insulation, it would be nice to take an aspirin tablet, but I didn’t have one, so I made do with regular rosin. If you work with aspirin, then know that the vapors of this nasty thing are terribly poisonous. You have been warned.

Step 8

Drill a hole of suitable diameter in the wall of the sleeve. In my case, a 3 mm hole turned out to be ideal:

Step 9

We thread the cable through the hole and solder the headphone and microphone wires (in strict accordance with the pinout!):

Step 10

Well, the last step: using a syringe, measure out 0.5 ml of hardener and 5 ml of epoxy resin. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly.

Then, to expel all air bubbles, heat the mixture in a water bath to 80 degrees.

We fill our sleeve with the resulting composition to the brim, put everything in its place and, with the help of ingenuity and improvised devices, fix it all for at least 12 hours (or better yet for a day):

Last step

When everything hardens, we take the structure out into the light of day and receive aesthetic pleasure from the work done.

What could be more enjoyable than fixing your broken phone headphones yourself?

Eh, if I also had headphones in the form of cartridges, it would be a fairy tale :)

If this is too difficult for you and you would like something simpler and faster, then we present to your attention the restoration of a headphone plug using an old ballpoint pen and epoxy resin.

Well, now you know exactly what to do if the headphones in the jack break. And if your arms and legs grow from different places, then everything will work out much better than mine!

Not everyone has a soldering iron these days. But almost everyone has headphones, and even more than one. And as everyone knows, any headphones tend to die... And as always, at the most inopportune moment. So today we will get out and you will learn how to fix headphones without a soldering iron. The only tools you need are a knife, a lighter and tape :)

Of course, such a repair can hardly be called ideal. But it is ideal, for example, if you have a long train ride ahead of you, and your headphones suddenly died in the most vile way.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to solder headphones without a soldering iron.. Of course, if you wish, you can solder with a hot nail. But to do this you already need to know how to solder. So we'll forget about soldering.

We need an AUX cable. AUX cable is now sold in any stall or passage for absolutely ridiculous money. It is used to connect your audio device to a subwoofer or car radio and looks like this:

The AUX cable costs a pretty penny, but it doesn't have a microphone. Therefore, if you have a headset, you will have to come to terms with its reduced powers and the deprivation of a microphone and buttons.

But how nice it is to repair headphones with your own hands without a soldering iron, and you can survive the lack of buttons.

Thanks to the Chinese brothers, now there are quite tolerable laces starting from $0.5. The wire used in the article cost about a dollar. Well, I think every house has a paper knife, a lighter and some scotch tape lying around in closets.

So they scraped the bottom of the barrel, found all the tools, and drove them to the stall for beer string, what's next?

Unceremoniously cutting the AUX cable

We cut the wire 5-7 centimeters from the connector, or better yet, even further. There is no point in cutting it shorter. If you screw it up, there will be no reserve left for a second maneuver. It is also better when the connection point is located away from the connector.

Remove the cable braid

Especially for this article, the dumbest knife was found in order to experience all the difficulties for yourself :)

It is most convenient to cut the braid exactly as in the photo. You don't need to press the blade too hard. Thanks to bending, the braid will diverge on its own, regardless of its shape. We turn the wire, making cuts and, when we have gone through the circle, we tighten the braid. The main thing is not to cut through the wiring.

It is better to expose about 2 centimeters of the wiring, this will make it easier for us and the contact area will be larger, which will increase the reliability of the contact.

The wiring is varnished and needs to be cleaned off. You can do this with a knife. But if your knife, like mine, is dull, then the result will not be very pleasing.

The wires are very thin and the dullness of the knife leads to them being torn off along with the varnish. In principle, this can be done quite easily with a sharp knife. But we don’t have a sharp knife, so we’ll use a lighter or any other source of fire.

Cleaning off the varnish with a lighter

The headphone wires are intertwined with nylon thread. And nylon, as you know, burns well. It is possible, by the way, that the varnish also burns.

For a split second we bring the end of the wire into the fire. It quickly flares up and lights up slightly. When 1-1.5 centimeters have burned, extinguish it with your fingers.

Varnish and nylon leave a small residue, which can be easily removed with a fingernail. As a result, we have undamaged wiring cleared of varnish.

The main thing is not to keep the wires on fire for too long - they can simply burn and fall off ((Some may find the option with a knife more convenient.

Cut off the headphone jack

Usually, headphone wires break right at the exit from the connector. To be sure to cut off the broken part, cut it 2-3 or 5 cm above the connector. It is possible even higher - it’s up to your taste.

The connector itself is of no value to us, so it goes in the trash.

Lots of wires

After cutting off the headphone jack, remove the insulation from the wire. We do everything the same as with the AUX cable. But there is a small catch.

There are clearly more wires in the headset than three - there are five of them. Two wires are for the microphone, and three for the headphones. That's what we need.

Disheveled gold wire (ground) was wound over a thin white microphone. We twist it into a separate wire and clean all the wiring from the varnish.

Now we are faced with the impossible task of twisting the necessary wires together. It's really simple! Three AUX wires need to be screwed to three headphone wires.

In my case, it turned out that the colors of the wires matched. What if not?

How to determine the purpose of headphone wires

To put it simply, you can use this simplest method:

We plug our connector into any audio device lying at hand. Turn on the music and now we will twist the wires while working.

Most common color

  • earth (common) - yellow (golden)
  • left - blue (green)
  • right - red

In fact, the common wire is neither yellow nor gold, it is the color of pure copper coated with a clear varnish. But for clarity, let's call it yellow.

Like any rule, this one also has exceptions, especially when it comes to headsets. For example, it happens that right is green, left is blue, and red is This microphone. Sometimes the wires are not completely the same color, but have a colored stripe in combination with yellow .

But clean YELLOW Always EARTH. Mixtures of colors with yellow, in most cases also earth, but you need to check.

The yellow one goes to both headphones, so it is common; current flows through it, as it were, from each speaker, and through the other two colored wires, current flows into the speakers. Well, if that's sooooo rude :-)

Therefore, the first thing we do is twist the yellow wires of the headphones and the AUX cable together.

Now we alternately twist the headphone wires with the AUX cable wires. The bottom line is that the red wire of the AUX cable connector needs to be twisted with the red wire of the headphones and then the right earphone will start singing.

In order to ensure maximum contact, it is better to first loosen (unwind) the two wires being twisted, place one on top of the other, and then twist tightly.

In your case, the colors may differ and it may be that red needs to be combined with blue or in some other way. The main thing is yellow with yellow, and screw the rest so that both headphones play.

Have you determined? Great! Now the wiring that remains unclaimed can simply be cut off.

So, the wires are twisted, the headphones are singing - there’s a smile on your face)

We isolate the wiring

We removed the varnish from the wires, which means they now have no insulation.

If you close the twists together, you will either make yourself mono or cut off one channel. Therefore, they need to be isolated to prevent short circuits between themselves.

First, we isolate each twist separately. In addition to the insulation itself, this will also strengthen the connections. For some reason I did this with masking tape, probably lying closer. It doesn't matter.

Now let's wrap everything together with wide tape, 3-4 or 5 layers - a matter of taste)


Here is the long-awaited result of all our efforts :-)

It may have looked like a long time, but it’s not at all! The whole process will take 10 minutes. The main thing is to understand what you are doing.

Please spend an extra minute to like/dislike or comment - it will be a huge help to my project

Thermal tube instead of tape

Using tape is not entirely kosher. Therefore, I propose to improve the technology a little, again without a soldering iron.

You will have to buy a heat-shrinkable tube, also known as thermal casing, at an electronics store or hardware store. This is such a cunning tube that can shrink in diameter by at least half when heated. This miracle costs about $0.1 - $0.5 per meter.

We will need two thermal tubes with different diameters: 1-2 mm for the first and 4-5 mm for the second.

We put pieces of thin thermal tube on our twists. We cut the pieces with one and a half margin.

Now you need to heat the thermo tube. Usually I did this with a soldering iron, but we agreed that I didn’t have one, and the story was about how to fix headphones without a soldering iron, so I had to get out.

The method turned out to be quite effective and the thermo-tubes shrank. You can also use any other heater or put them in boiling water like Easter eggs. In principle, people can do it with a regular hairdryer.

While the thermotube is still hot, you can further flatten it with your fingers, then it will slightly stick together inside.

But you need to remember to put a thick thermo-tube on the cable before you twist the wires. It won't fit through the connector anymore.

This thermo-tube must subsequently be put on the joint and also compressed with the heat of the lamp. In general, you can squeeze lighters on fire, but you can accidentally set fire to excess.

I used a piece 8-10 cm long. To strengthen the structure, the end of the thermal tube was put directly on the elastic band of the connector.


As you can see, this is not at all difficult as it seems. Now you know how to fix headphones without a soldering iron. Such a repair cannot be called complete; it is rather an alternative for emergencies.

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