GOST 19.504-79

Group T55


Unified system program documentation


Requirements for content and design

Unified system for program documentation. Programmer's guide. Requirements for contents and form of presentation

MKS 35.080

Date of introduction 1980-01-01

By Decree of the USSR State Committee on Standards of January 12, 1979 N 74, the implementation date was set at 01/01/80

EDITION (January 2010) with Amendment No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81).

This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of policy document"Programmer's Guide", defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2095-80*.
* Access to international and foreign documents mentioned in the text can be obtained by contacting Customer Support. - Database manufacturer's note.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1.1. The structure and execution of the document are established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The programmer's manual should contain the following sections:

purpose and conditions of use of the program;

program characteristics;

access to the program;

input and output data;


Depending on the specifics of the document, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

2.1. The section “Purpose and conditions for using the program” must indicate the purpose and functions performed by the program, the conditions necessary for the execution of the program (volume RAM, requirements for composition and parameters peripheral devices, software requirements, etc.).

2.2. The section "Program Characteristics" should contain a description of the main characteristics and features of the program (timing characteristics, operating mode, means of monitoring the correct execution and self-healing of the program, etc.).

2.3. The section “Appealing to the program” should contain a description of the procedures for calling the program (methods of transferring control and data parameters, etc.).

2.4. The “Input and output data” section should describe the organization of the input and output information used and, if necessary, its coding.

2.5. The "Messages" section should indicate the texts of messages issued to the programmer or operator during program execution, a description of their content and the actions that must be taken in response to these messages.

2.6. The appendix to the programmer's manual may contain additional materials (examples, illustrations, tables, graphs, etc.).

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
Unified system of program documentation:
Collection of national standards. -
M.: Standartinform, 2010

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Programmer's Guide

  • 1. Purpose and conditions of use
  • 2. Characteristics of the program
  • 3. Access to the program
  • 4. Complete list of modules and components
  • 5. Message to the user

1 . Purpose and conditions of use

This software product can be used directly to carry out activities in the Prof&Elite organization, which is engaged in the installation of plastic structures, including windows. software plastic window

The Prof&Elite software product is used to collect information about clients, employees, and measurement data for the manufacture and production of products. Provides centralized data storage. The product has a simple and intuitive interface, so the user will not have problems mastering it.

The design of this software product will help automate the work of the dealer relationship manager.

Requirements for hardware:

· Intel Pentium processor IV and higher;

· RAM 512 MB and higher;

· AGP/PCI Express video card 64 MB or higher;

· free space 12 MB on disk;

· video monitor with a resolution of 1024x768;

· keyboard;

· mouse;

· printer for printing reports;

operating room Windows system 98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8;

· Microsoft Access, Borland Delphi 7.

2 . Program characteristics

In test mode, a request was made to the input/output form and data was entered into the main table, which made it possible to visually assess the workload central processor(CPU) and the use of allocated (virtual) memory using the “Task Manager”, as shown in Fig. B.1 and Fig. B.2.

Fig.B.2 - Allocated memory and loading time

3 . Access to the program

The application can be launched by clicking on the icon of the program itself, located in a special directory. After launching the application, the main window is displayed on the screen, with which you can control all the functions of the application described in section 4 of this user manual.

Launch this program can be done directly through the Delphi shell. To do this, you need to open the project file Project1.dbr, located in the directory with the program. Next, press F9 to compile and run the application.

It is possible to launch the program via the command line. Launch the command line “Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt” Next in command line must be entered full path to the program, then write the name of the program (Project1.exe) and press Enter. The program has started.

Another way to start the program: from the Start menu, select Run. As a result, the “Program Execution” window will open on the screen. In the Open field of the Run a Program window, enter the path to the file of the program you want to run.

You can exit the application by clicking the “Close” button or using the program menu item “File/Exit”, or you can also use the Alt+F4 key combination.

4 . Complete list of modules and components

The main form contains a list of all modules used in the program and several executable statements that ensure the creation of the necessary windows and the connection of the program with the Windows OS. All the main work of the program is controlled by the code contained in the modules.

This software product includes the following modules:

Unit1.pas - main module programs where order data is directly filled in;

Unit2.pas - sending an order to the dealer (dealer terminal);

Unit3.pas - program module where data on product (window) measurements is filled in;

Unit4.pas - program module where data on the installation of the product (window) is filled in;

Unit5.pas - search, filtering, sorting by orders;

Unit6.pas - module “About the program”.

The main form contains the components shown in Fig. B.3. The figure also shows a “tree” of all components of the form (Fig. B.4).

Figure B.3 - Main form components

Main form components:

TADOConnection - used to specify the database and work with transactions;

TADOTable - table accessible via ADO;

DataSource provides a mechanism for linking data access components (Table) with visual components that display data (DBGrid, DBEdit, DBListBox, etc.)

TADOQuery - performs a query (selection) to the database;

TMainMenu - creates the main menu of the program;

TDBGrid - displays data from the database in the form of a table;

TEdit - field for entering text messages;

TButton - button;

TComboBox - drop-down list;

TDBCtrlGrid - used to display the table in the form of “bricks”;

TLabel - labels;

TGroupBox - a panel as a separate element with other components;

TDBNavigator - component for managing navigation and data editing;

TDBEdit - database record editing field;

TDateTimePicker - date picker;

TSpeedButton - quick button;

TBitBtn - a button that transfers an action to the form;

TBevel - designed in an application to simply outline something with a frame.

The main form components are necessary for displaying tables from the database, for changing, adding, deleting, filtering, searching, moving to other forms, and for other actions.

Figure B.4 - Component structure

5 . Message to user

If the user has entered incorrect values ​​to filter database data, the message shown in Figure B.5 is displayed.

Fig.B.5 - Error message

If an error occurred when deleting data, then the error message shown in Fig. B.6 is displayed.

software plastic window

Fig.B.6 - Error message.

The user forgot to enter the invoice number when saving the order, then the error message shown in Fig. B.7 is displayed.

Fig.B.7 - Error message

When you try to delete, the message shown in Figure B.8 is displayed.

Fig.B.8 - Dialogue with the user

If the user has already entered the number of an existing invoice when saving the order, the message shown in Fig. B.9 is displayed.

Fig.B.9 - Dialogue with the user

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Unified system of program documentation

GOST 19.504-79

(ST SEV 2095-80)


United system for program documentation.
Programmer's guide. Requirements to contents and form of presentation

By Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated January 12, 1979 No. 74, the introduction date was established

from 01.01. 1980

This standard establishes requirements for the content and design of the program document “Programmer’s Guide”, defined by GOST 19.101-77.

The standard fully complies with ST SEV 2095-80.


1.1. The structure and design of the document is established in accordance with GOST 19.105-78.

Drawing up the information part (annotations and contents) is mandatory.

1.2. The programmer's manual should contain the following sections:

  • purpose and conditions of application of the programs;
  • characteristics of the program;
  • access to the program;
  • input and output data;
  • messages.

Depending on the specifics of the documents, it is possible to combine individual sections or introduce new ones.

2.1. In the section “Purpose and conditions for using programs” the purpose and functions performed by the program, the conditions necessary for executing the program (the amount of RAM, requirements for the composition and parameters of peripheral devices, requirements for software etc.).

2.2. The “Program Characteristics” section should contain a description of the main characteristics and features of the program (timing characteristics, operating mode, means of monitoring the correct execution and self-healing of the program, etc.).

2.3. The section “Accessing the program” should contain a description of the procedures for calling the program (methods of transferring control and data parameters, etc.).

2.4. The “Input and output data” section should describe the organization of the input and output information used and, if necessary, its coding.

2.5. The “Messages” section should indicate the texts of messages issued to the programmer or operator during program execution, a description of their content and the actions that must be taken in response to these messages.

2.6. The appendix to the programmer's manual may contain additional materials (examples, illustrations, tables, graphs, etc.).

* Reissue (November 1987) with Change No. 1, approved in September 1981 (IUS 11-81)



Application software for recording applications and monitoring their execution using the example of Integrated Transport Network LLC.

      1. Programmer's Guide

  1. Annotation

A software programmer's guide is provided for recording applications and monitoring their execution using the example of Integrated Transport Network LLC.

A software product must be developed for an organization designed to automate customer interaction strategies, in particular, to increase sales, improve customer service by storing information about customers and their personal data. An email distribution to users of this product should also be implemented, as well as statistics showing how many requests the user has made per day, per month.

The programmer's manual discusses the purpose, characteristics, conditions necessary for executing the program

  1. Purpose of the program

The software product will be used at NetTrans (Integrated Transport Network LLC) in the technical support, subscriber and construction departments as an interaction model that believes that the center of the entire business philosophy is the client, and the main activities are measures to support sales and customer service. This software can only be used by registered users; registration, in turn, is carried out only by the administrator, by adding a new user to the database; it is also possible to maintain operator statistics that make up subscriber requests.

  1. 2. Conditions necessary for program execution

To operate the software product, the following hardware and software configuration is required:

    Windows 7,Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows Vista Service Pack 1,Windows XP Service Pack 2,Windows XP Service Pack 3;

    32-bit systems: computer equipped Intel processor or a compatible processor with a clock speed of 1 GHz or higher (2 GHz or higher recommended, only one processor is supported);

    64-bit systems: processor with clock frequency 1.4 GHz or higher (2 GHz or higher recommended, only one processor supported);

    availability DBMS: MS SQL 2008;

  1. 3. Program characteristics

  2. 3.1. Program operating mode

Dialog. Web interface in the browser (with HTML5 support).

    3.2.Means for checking the correct execution of the program

The correct operation of the program is checked by executing specific examples. The program displays a message when entering incorrect data (Fig. 2.20):

Rice. 2.20. Invalid phone number entry

    3.3. Program operation after failures

In the event of an emergency termination of the program caused by external reasons, the program is loaded again when the cause of the failure is eliminated. Any data not saved before the failure will be lost.

      Access to the program

To start the program you must perform the following steps:

    Launch the program on your PC, with Microsoft support.NET Framework (or on a remote server) if it is not already running;

    Open your favorite browser (for example chrome, internet explorer, mozilla firefox);

    Enter the server IP address in the address bar, with a predefined port;

    The home page will open;

    Start working with clients.

The programmer's manual refers to operational and technical documentation. Such a document is being developed for software products. Intended for familiarization by a programmer who will solve certain problems related to the operation of this program.

When is programmer guidance needed?

Programmer's guidance is needed in several cases:

The program for which documentation is compiled is a development environment or library.
This software product provides a platform for writing standard programs or systems.
The product is distributed in conjunction with program code or it is constantly modified by the developer.

With the help of such a document, the programmer should be provided with all the necessary information that can be used to create their own software products based on this system. Information must be provided in sufficient quantity. Developers, with the help of the programmer's manual, have the opportunity to record the current state of the released product in order to avoid confusion when releasing new products.

Typical tasks of such a document include:

Clarification and explanation to the specialist of the current state of objects, their location and methods of interaction. Also, the programmer's management must clearly distinguish between objects that are initially included in the system and objects that the programmer creates independently.
A list of additional development tools that will be required when working, in addition to the current product.
Clarification of system requirements, software environment, and tools required for launch.
