Today everyone is familiar with a computer. Even if he doesn’t spend a lot of time with it, he at least encounters it sometimes.

If you encounter any problems with computers or laptops, you can contact us, our experienced technicians will help you.

Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know the device system unit computer, at least superficially.

After all, a computer (PC) has, for example:

  • operating speed
  • performance
  • information storage

and it would be nice to know what they depend on and how to improve them.

Moreover, since information is stored on a PC, it is very important not to lose it. Knowing some rules, you can significantly improve the security of data storage, because no one would want to lose years of home videos or photographs, collections of films, important work data, and so on.

Therefore, let’s look at the design of the system unit and find out what each component is responsible for and whether it can be improved or updated.

And so, the system unit (system unit, SB) is an iron box under the table in which the main PC parts are located.

It is thanks to them that we see everything that appears on the monitor screen. In order to get into the SB you need to unscrew its side cover.

Inside it (in the standard version) contains:

  1. power unit
  2. Motherboard
  3. CPU
  4. RAM
  5. Video card
  6. Hard drive (hard drive)
  7. DVD drive

In general, these are all the parts that are needed for the normal functioning of the PC. It is clear that there are some other details inside (a separate sound card, an additional video card, etc.), but they are not so important for the average user to have a good understanding of the design of the computer system unit.

Computer device. What does a computer consist of?

Let's look at each part separately, what it is needed for, whether it can be updated or improved, how to care for them in order to extend their operating time.

Let's start with the power supply unit (PSU). It is usually located at the top left and is an iron box with multi-colored wires.

It is needed to convert the electrical current from the outlet into the required current for the parts inside. It’s worth saying right away that when buying a power supply, you should never skimp on it. It depends on it how stable the system will work and whether breakdowns will occur, including loss of data.

You can read more about choosing a power supply in the article. In order to extend its normal operation time, you should pay attention to a special uninterruptible power supply (UPS).

It is needed so that, when a surge or unstable current comes from the outlet, it can drown out this interference or convert it into normal or turn off the PC altogether.

This is said for a reason; very often, it is because of poor-quality current in the electrical network that PC parts fail.

Plus she links them all and organizes them working together. Important characteristics for ordinary users it does not. Therefore, you can buy an inexpensive modern option. Of course, the purchase has its own nuances, so you can see more detailed information about motherboards.

It’s difficult to somehow extend her work from outside. Probably only if there is a good power supply and uninterruptible power supply, as described above.

Processor (percent, stone). This is the brains, so to speak. It carries out various computing and other operations.

For normal PC work (movies, small games, music, social media) the simplest processor model is also suitable. But if you want to play powerful games, like GTA 5, then you need a productive copy.

The processor, due to its high power and impressive performance, generates a lot of heat, which is why the cooling system described above is provided. That is, it heats up, and the radiator takes the heat, and the cooler, in turn, blows on the radiator. Thus, we get cooling of the processor.

Here lie many familiar problems - the fan is noisy, the processor is heating up, you can read more about them at the link Cleaning your computer from dust. Also, normal and long-term operation depends on a high-quality power supply and uninterruptible power supply, plus cleaning from dust and replacing thermal paste.

It is a good knowledge of the design of the computer system unit that allows you to avoid problems with overheating.

Random Access Memory (RAM) is often confused with the computer's permanent memory. Let's figure it out.

RAM comes from the word “operative”, that is, fast, fast. This means that the information is not stored for long. In a PC, RAM is needed to save data about operations while the PC is running. It is while it is working that all our actions, be it copying files, watching movies, playing games and other actions, go through the RAM.

The larger it is, the more data it can miss. As soon as we turn off the computer, all data from the RAM is deleted.

Assembling a computer system unit. Assemble/Build system unit.

That is, we conclude that RAM is needed while the PC is running, all the operations we perform are carried out through it. And it has nothing to do with permanent memory (hard drive), on which information is remembered and stored after the PC is turned off. More about her below.

At the back of the system unit, a cable from the monitor goes to it. Responsible for displaying the image on the monitor (not to be confused with the monitor, it is needed to display the image that has already been created this map). For undemanding users (movies, music, small games, social networks), the simplest one, even built into the mat, is suitable. fee.

If you need to run powerful modern games on a PC, then the video card must be correspondingly powerful. More details about their characteristics and tips for choosing when purchasing can be found in the article Which is the best video card. You also need a good power supply, plus cleaning from dust.

So, in the question about the design of the computer system unit, we got to the detail, which, unlike RAM, stores information permanently (at least until it breaks) - hard drive (hard drive, screw).

Outwardly it looks like a small iron box to which two wires go. One from the power supply to provide the necessary current for operation, and the second from the mat. boards in order to connect it with other devices for common operation.

We repeat, it is needed for constant memorization of information. It does not tolerate shocks, falls, or vibrations due to its high-tech device and settings. It is important to avoid any falls, shocks, etc. Plus, as always, a good power supply is important.

A DVD drive is needed to read or write data to magnetic disks. Now there is a need for this device is constantly falling due to the development of the Internet (everything is there, why write something on disks) and flash memory is an order of magnitude more convenient and faster, that is, ordinary flash drives for recording information.

These are the parts that make up the computer system unit. The article provides introductory information on these devices. Read more about them in the links provided next to them. After all, simply by familiarizing yourself with them, you can solve a number of sometimes arising questions, for example, why the PC slows down, how to make powerful games start working, or how to assemble an inexpensive PC for movies, surfing and social networks.

To summarize, I would like to note that for good long-term operation of the system unit, the choice of power supply and, if possible, the purchase of a good uninterruptible power supply (UPS). Of course, all other components should not be from cheap, unknown manufacturers, plus balance is important.

If, for example, you have already decided to take action to purchase or update the configuration, then show the final version to someone else, for an outside perspective. And so, in general, that’s all. We examined the issue of the design of the computer system unit. We hope that the information presented will be useful to you and you will be better prepared in your further actions. Thank you for your attention.

What does the system unit case hide behind?

A standard computer requires the following components:

  • motherboard
  • CPU
  • RAM (random access memory) or random access memory
  • hard drive (winchester)
  • power unit
  • video card, sound card
  • CD-ROM drive or CD-RW drive (for compact discs)
  • if necessary, an FDD drive (for floppy disks).

In this article we will talk about motherboard, processor, RAM, hard drive.

Read about the power supply, video card, sound card and disk drives.

Motherboard (system) board

Has a middle name: system board. It is often called simply “mother” because it provides communication between all the dissimilar elements of the system unit.

It is to the motherboard that the processor is connected, hard drive, disk drives, video card, monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, modem, etc.

To do this, there are connectors (or slots) on the board, some of which have an exit to the outside, while others do not. On the back wall of the system unit you can see connectors that come out of the computer and are intended for connecting external devices (keyboard, mouse, printer, monitor, etc.)

But those connectors on the motherboard that are not visible to us from the outside are used to “stick” into them the main parts that are responsible for the speed of the computer as a whole. The most important element that is attached to the board is CPU.

This is the brain of the computer. Its main characteristics are capacity and clock frequency, the higher these indicators, the more powerful the processor. The speed of the computer depends on the frequency of the processor (number of operations per second). Frequency is measured in hertz.

Fan (cooler)

To prevent the processor from “boiling its brain” from hard work, they install it directly on top of it. fan. The fan tries very hard to cool the processor and, unfortunately, sometimes starts to buzz. The fan is also called cooler: from English “cool”, which should not be understood in the sense of “cool”, but as cooling or cool.

Old computers did not have fans at all; they were not necessary. However, with the increase in computer power, some elements, consuming electric current, began to overheat and fail. There was a need to cool them, so fans appeared in system units. Now coolers can be installed inside the power supply, on the processor, or on the video card. An additional cooler can be installed on the system unit to cool the entire unit.

Random Access Memory (RAM)

In addition to the processor, the motherboard also contains a random access memory device (abbreviated RAM).

RAM in English is Random Access Memory or RAM for short. This memory is called operational. It is needed in order to store the information that the computer is working with at a given time. That is, it exists in order not to constantly “rummage” through a huge amount of data on the hard drive, but to work only with a certain volume, thereby reducing the time it takes to complete specified operations.

The more memory, the faster the computer runs. In addition, RAM is responsible for how many programs can be executed simultaneously.

There are several slots allocated for RAM on the motherboard, so over time, when it starts to run out, you can insert an additional one. Together with the original memory, they will make a good duet.

Hard drive (hard drive)

When you turn off the computer, all information from RAM is deleted. However, everything you need to save is always saved on hard disk (HDD) abbreviation for English Hard Disk Drive). You just need to remember to save your job!

A hard drive is often called a “screw” or a “vinch”. Located inside the system unit. This is a magic disk on which everything we need is recorded.

When you turn off the computer, all the information that was recorded on the hard drive remains. If you want, you can check it. The main thing is to have such a useful habit while working at the computer as periodically saving your work on the hard drive. As they say, “trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

By the way, do you know where this name comes from? hard drive- "Winchester"? In 1973, IBM created the first hard drive model, which had 30 tracks and 30 sectors. Therefore, the engineers who developed the disk, communicating with each other, used the short name “30-30”. This accidentally coincided with “Winchester 30/30” - the marking of the cartridge of the same company, which had a caliber of 0.30 inches, that is, 7.62 millimeters, and a standard charge of 30 grains (about 2 grams) of smokeless powder. Just as a rifle without a cartridge will not fire, a computer without a hard drive will not work.

External hard drive

Since 1973, the hard drive has been called “hard drive”.

In addition to the hard drive, which is located inside the system unit, if necessary, you can also connect the so-called “external hard drive” or “ external hard drive».

It can be connected to several computers and moved from place to place. It is especially relevant for laptops, where the resources of the built-in hard drive are usually small.

External hard the disk is also often used for archiving and backup information on the computer.

Hello, computer device- the system unit, what it consists of, today we will talk in detail about this topic. In the last issue of the blog I told and showed.

In this article, I will tell you in detail and show the structure of a computer, what our personal computers are made of, additional computer devices, and much more. The material is quite extensive, so I will divide it into two parts. In the first we will talk about the design of the system unit, and in the second about.

Box with parts

Two weeks ago, my parents asked me to buy and assemble a personal computer for them. I spent about a week studying the market and selecting the necessary components. The total amount came out to about $1300.

When the choice was made, we went to the desired computer store, bought all the spare parts, and that evening I put everything together (system unit and everything else). Loaded what you need software, showed and told everything, and also explained a little to the parents how to use it.

Many of you who are now reading this material understand and understand a little about the structure of a computer, but there are also those who understand almost nothing about it. So, especially for you, I published this material. If you know everything and you are not interested, then you can safely close this page and do any other thing.

A computer consists of many parts, but for the most part they can be divided into two classes:

The system unit is the computer case (it is called by different processor, black box, computer and other options), which is stuffed with a lot of spare parts. It is usually located under or on the desk, and all peripheral devices are connected to it.

Peripherals— these include all the things that are connected to the system unit, including a monitor, speakers or headphones, mouse and keyboard, printer, modem, scanner, webcam and others.

System unit

Here I will tell you in detail what the system unit - the computer device - consists of. If you're interested, you can take a screwdriver and carefully unscrew the two small screws that are located on the back of your computer, then remove one of the side covers and look inside.

A little warning. If you recently purchased your computer, it is under warranty and there are warranty stickers located at the places where the side covers are attached, then it is better not to break these seals. Failure to do so may void your warranty.

I will try to describe all its components in a language accessible to everyone:

  1. Frame
  2. System board
  3. Microprocessor
  4. Computer memory - RAM, ROM
  5. Video card
  6. power unit
  7. HDD hard drive
  8. Optical drive - CD, DVD ROM
  9. Flopik - storage device on flexible magnetic disks (floppy disks) FDD
  10. Card reader - there are both internal and external
  11. Connectors and ports peripheral devices

There may also be other devices in the system unit, for example a PCI modem; network card; sound card; various expansion cards and more. I don’t have a flop or card reader, so they are not shown in the photographs. Let's take a closer look at each of the components listed above.


Housing - acts as a box where all the components are collected.

They come in different colors and appearance.

System board

System board - it is more often called the motherboard or “mother”. It performs many functions and contains many important components.

A microprocessor (processor), RAM, video card and other PCI cards are inserted into it. The hard drive is also connected to the motherboard, optical drive, power supply, as well as peripheral devices, which we will talk about a little later.


Microprocessor - CPU computer or "stone". It plays the role of the brain if we compare it with human organs. Today, there are two common companies that produce them: Intel and AMD.

The more cores and the higher the bit depth of your processor, the faster and more operations per second it can perform. It's very rare for a CPU to break down, but it does happen, so be prepared for it.

Computer memory

Computer memory is divided into external and internal. The internal memory includes such storage devices (memory) as ROM, RAM, ROM, RAM and Cache. In external memory includes FDD, HDD, CD, DVD-ROM, USB (flash drives, hard drives) and SSD solid state storage devices.

RAM(random access memory) is a high-speed memory device that uses the central processing unit to store short-term information while you work on the computer. For normal computer operation, it is recommended to use from 1 to 4 GB of RAM or higher. I have 6 Gigabytes installed on my computer.

There are cases when you come across memory sticks with bad sectors, while your computer may not work correctly, freeze, reboot, or issue blue screen death. In order to check the RAM, you can download the Memtest program and check it for the presence of bad and damaged sectors.

ROM(read-only memory) - it stores permanent reference and program information. This type of information includes your computer’s settings in Bios.

Bios- This is the basic input/output system (the cerebellum of the computer). The first program that turns on when you start the computer and checks the functionality of all its components is Bios.

If everything is fine, it emits one “peak” signal; if something is wrong, it can emit different signals or be completely silent. Some computers do not have a speaker that notifies the user about its operation (a small beep). If you are interested in this program, you can read a little about it in the article.

CMOS is a type of memory that stores all of your computer's configuration settings. As soon as you turn on the computer, it checks all previously saved settings. In order to change something, you need to go to the BIOS Setup tab and change the necessary settings, for example, set to boot from CD-ROM, HDD or USB.

Cache- ultra-high-speed operational and intermediate types of memory.

Video card

The video card converts the image received on the motherboard and displays it on the monitor (TV). The more powerful your video card, the more games and different programs you can run on your computer. If your external video card breaks, you can replace it at any time.

But if your internal video card burns out, you will have to completely replace the motherboard. I don't have an internal video card on my motherboard, so I use an external one. Most motherboards have an internal (integrated) video adapter.

power unit

The power supply receives a voltage of about 220 volts, which is converted to a lower voltage and is then distributed and powers all the necessary components of the system unit.

If your power supply burns out, you can buy it for around $40-60.

Hard drive

The HDD hard drive stores all physical memory with which you fill your computer with music, movies, programs, various documents, operating systems and so on. There are two types of hard drives that connect to the motherboard and exchange information with it: IDE and SATA.

IDE is one of the first standards, an example of which is that you can take a hard drive and see little yellow needles behind it. Nowadays, new computers use the SATA standard. It has a faster data exchange speed compared to its predecessor. In terms of data capacity, they vary from 8 -16 Gigabytes to 8 - 16 Terabytes. One terabyte contains 1024 gigabytes.

Optical drive

Using an optical drive, you can write and read discs with information.

Drives come in CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and BD-ROM types.


This is a flexible magnetic disk drive FDD. Flopik reads and writes floppy disks. Now almost no one uses them, perhaps only some banks. One such floppy disk holds 1.44 megabytes.

Card reader

A card reader is an auxiliary device with which you can view or write data on small flash drives Compact Flash, Memory Stick, SD Card, Micro SD, SDXC, SDHC from cell phones, cameras and similar equipment. They can be either internal in the system unit or external, which can be connected to the computer via USB.

Peripheral connectors

We can connect various peripheral devices to our computer, such as a keyboard, mouse, webcam, flash drive, printer, and so on. The following types of connectors are available: LPT, COM and USB.

Today, almost all such devices are connected to the computer via a multifunctional USB connector, which can be found on the back and front of the system unit.

Cooling and ventilation systems

A computer may have two or more fans (coolers). It all depends on the case and components of your computer.

The first cooler is located above the central processor and cools it as it heats up.

The second fan is located in the power supply, depending on its power, the cooler can be located either at the back of a small one or at the bottom a little larger.

Some cases have original coolers installed at the factory; they can be found on the back wall of the case. If you don’t have them, you can buy them at any computer store; they are inexpensive.

Expensive motherboards have small fans that cool the north or south bridge of the motherboard. These are large microcircuits (microchips) on the motherboard, on top of which you can sometimes find a small iron cooling radiator.

My motherboard does not have additional coolers, but sometimes my northbridge gets very hot. In order to cool it, I bought a small fan and attached it to the radiator of my northbridge.

All more or less normal video cards should have at least one cooling cooler. If you have a good video card, then there may be several or even three such fans. I have an average video card with one cooler.

HDD cooling

The rarest thing you can find are cooling systems on hard drives. What are they for, you ask me. If your hard drive gets hot, then all the processes that occur inside it slow down, which can lead to your computer freezing or not working properly.

The optimal HDD operating temperature is 25 - 35 degrees Celsius. If the temperature rises higher, the life of the disk decreases. Special mounts with one or two small fans are sold. Screw them to your hard drive and voila.

Problems with elevated temperatures are mainly experienced by hard drives located in laptops. Due to insufficient space for air ventilation and cooling system, the temperature rises, which negatively affects its service life. In order to avoid this, I recommend doing dust prevention at least once a year, not only of the laptop, but also personal computer.

Computer structure from the inside, system unit in 3D | website

Well, that's basically it brief overview computer device, namely the system unit.


Today we talked in detail about computer device system unit. I hope you found it interesting. In the next part I will talk about the computer structure - peripheral devices. So as not to miss important information subscribe to my newsletters.

Perhaps you have or have any questions related to the design of the computer system unit, you can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as use the form with me.

Thank you for reading me on

A personal computer is a universal technical system.

Its configuration (equipment composition) can be flexibly changed as needed.

However, there is a concept of a basic configuration that is considered typical. The computer usually comes with this kit.

The concept of a basic configuration may vary.

Currently, four devices are considered in the basic configuration:

  • system unit;
  • monitor;
  • keyboard;
  • mouse.

In addition to computers with a basic configuration, multimedia computers equipped with a CD reader, speakers and a microphone are becoming increasingly common.

Reference: "Yulmart", by far the best and most convenient online store where for free You will be advised when purchasing a computer of any configuration.

The system unit is the main unit within which the most important components are installed.

Devices located inside the system unit are called internal, and devices connected to it from the outside are called external.

External additional devices designed for input, output and long-term storage of data are also called peripherals.

How the system unit works

By appearance system units differ in the shape of the case.

Personal computer cases are produced in horizontal (desktop) and vertical (tower) versions.

Vertical housings are distinguished by dimensions:

  • full-size (big tower);
  • mid-size (midi tower);
  • small-sized (mini tower).

Among the cases that have a horizontal design, there are flat and especially flat (slim).

The choice of one or another type of case is determined by the taste and needs of upgrading the computer.

The most optimal type of case for most users is a mini tower case.

It has small dimensions and can be conveniently placed both on the desktop, on a bedside table near the desktop or on a special holder.

It has enough space to accommodate five to seven expansion cards.

In addition to the shape, a parameter called form factor is important for the case. The requirements for the devices to be placed depend on it.

Currently, cases of two form factors are mainly used: AT and ATX.

The form factor of the case must be consistent with the form factor of the main (system) board of the computer, the so-called motherboard.

Personal computer cases are supplied with a power supply and, thus, the power of the power supply is also one of the case parameters.

For mass models, a power supply of 200-250 W is sufficient.

The system unit includes (can accommodate):

  • Motherboard
  • ROM chip and BIOS system
  • Non-volatile CMOS memory
  • Hard drive


Motherboard (mother board) - the main board of a personal computer, which is a sheet of fiberglass covered with copper foil.

By etching the foil, thin copper conductors connecting electronic components are obtained.

The motherboard contains:

  • processor - the main chip that performs most mathematical and logical operations;
  • buses - sets of conductors through which signals are exchanged between the internal devices of the computer;
  • random access memory (random access memory, RAM) - a set of chips designed to temporarily store data when the computer is turned on;
  • ROM (read only memory) is a chip designed for long-term storage of data, including when the computer is turned off;
  • microprocessor set (chipset) - a set of chips that control the operation of the internal devices of the computer and determine the main functionality motherboard;
  • connectors for connecting additional devices (slots).

(microprocessor, central processing unit, CPU) - the main computer chip in which all calculations are performed.

It is a large chip that can be easily found on the motherboard.

The processor has a large copper finned heatsink cooled by a fan.

Structurally, the processor consists of cells in which data can not only be stored, but also changed.

The internal cells of the processor are called registers.

It is also important to note that data placed in some registers is not considered as data, but as instructions that control the processing of data in other registers.

Among the processor registers there are those that, depending on their content, are capable of modifying the execution of commands. Thus, by controlling the sending of data to different registers of the processor, you can control the processing of data.

This is what program execution is based on.

The processor is connected to the rest of the computer devices, and primarily to the RAM, by several groups of conductors called buses.

There are three main buses: data bus, address bus and command bus.

Address bus

Intel Pentium processors (namely, they are the most common in personal computers) have a 32-bit address bus, that is, it consists of 32 parallel lines. Depending on whether there is voltage on any of the lines or not, they say that this line is set to one or zero. The combination of 32 zeros and ones forms a 32-bit address pointing to one of the RAM cells. The processor is connected to it to copy data from the cell into one of its registers.

Data bus

This bus copies data from RAM to processor registers and back. In computers built on Intel Pentium processors, the data bus is 64-bit, that is, it consists of 64 lines, along which 8 bytes are received at a time for processing.

Command bus

In order for the processor to process data, it needs instructions. It must know what to do with the bytes stored in its registers. These commands also come to the processor from RAM, but not from those areas where data arrays are stored, but from where programs are stored. Commands are also represented in bytes. The simplest commands fit into one byte, but there are also those that require two, three or more bytes. Most modern processors have a 32-bit instruction bus (for example, Intel processor Pentium), although there are 64-bit processors and even 128-bit ones.

During operation, the processor services data located in its registers, in the RAM field, as well as data located in the external ports of the processor.

It interprets some of the data directly as data, some of the data as address data, and some as commands.

The set of all possible instructions that a processor can execute on data forms the so-called processor instruction system.

The main parameters of processors are:

  • operating voltage
  • bit depth
  • operating clock frequency
  • internal clock multiplier
  • cache size

The operating voltage of the processor is provided by the motherboard, so different brands of processors correspond to different motherboards (they must be selected together). As processor technology develops, the operating voltage gradually decreases.

The processor capacity shows how many bits of data it can receive and process in its registers at a time (in one clock cycle).

The processor is based on the same clock principle, as in ordinary watches. The execution of each command takes a certain number of clock cycles.

In a wall clock, the oscillation cycles are set by a pendulum; in manual mechanical watches they are set by a spring pendulum; For this purpose, electronic watches have an oscillatory circuit that sets the clock cycles at a strictly defined frequency.

In a personal computer, clock pulses are set by one of the microcircuits included in the microprocessor kit (chipset) located on the motherboard.

The higher the clock frequency arriving at the processor, the more commands it can execute per unit time, the higher its performance.

Data exchange within the processor occurs several times faster than exchange with other devices, such as RAM.

In order to reduce the number of accesses to RAM, a buffer area is created inside the processor - the so-called cache memory. This is like “super-RAM”.

When the processor needs data, it first accesses cache memory, and only if the necessary data is not there does it access RAM.

Receiving a block of data from RAM, the processor simultaneously enters it into cache memory.

Successful accesses to cache memory are called cache hits.

The larger the cache size, the higher the hit rate, which is why high-performance processors come with a larger cache size.

Cache memory is often distributed across several levels.

The first level cache runs on the same chip as the processor itself and has a volume of the order of tens of kilobytes.

The L2 cache is either on the processor die or on the same node as the processor, although executed on a separate die.

The first and second level caches operate at a frequency consistent with the frequency of the processor core.

Third-level cache memory is performed on high-speed SRAM-type chips and is placed on the motherboard near the processor. Its volume can reach several MB, but it operates at the frequency of the motherboard.

Motherboard bus interfaces

The connection between all the motherboard's own and connected devices is carried out by its buses and logical devices located in the microprocessor chipset (chipset).

The performance of a computer largely depends on the architecture of these elements.

Bus interfaces

ISA(Industry Standard Architecture) is an outdated system bus of IBM PC-compatible computers.

EISA(Extended Industry Standard Architecture) - Extension of the ISA standard. It features a larger connector and increased performance (up to 32 MB/s). Like ISA, this standard is now considered obsolete.

PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect - literally: interconnection of peripheral components) - an input/output bus for connecting peripheral devices to the computer motherboard.

AGP(Accelerated Graphics Port - accelerated graphics port) - developed in 1997 by Intel, a specialized 32-bit system bus for a video card. The main goal of the developers was to increase performance and reduce the cost of the video card by reducing the amount of built-in video memory.

USB(Universal Serial Bus - universal serial bus) - This standard defines the way a computer interacts with peripheral equipment. It allows you to connect up to 256 various devices having a serial interface. Devices can be connected in chains (each subsequent device is connected to the previous one). The performance of the USB bus is relatively low and amounts to up to 1.5 Mbit/s, but for devices such as a keyboard, mouse, modem, joystick, and the like, this is enough. The convenience of the bus is that it virtually eliminates conflicts between different equipment, allows you to connect and disconnect devices in “hot mode” (without turning off the computer) and allows you to combine several computers into the simplest local network without the use of special equipment and software.

The parameters of the microprocessor kit (chipset) to the greatest extent determine the properties and functions of the motherboard.

Currently, most motherboard chipsets are produced on the basis of two chips, called “north bridge” and “south bridge”.

The North Bridge controls the interconnection of four devices: processor, RAM, AGP port and PCI bus. Therefore, it is also called a four-port controller.

"South Bridge" is also called a functional controller. It performs the functions of a hard and floppy disk controller, ISA - PCI bridge functions, keyboard controller, mouse controller, USB bus, etc.

(RAM - Random Access Memory) is an array of crystalline cells capable of storing data.

There are many different types of RAM, but from the point of view of the physical principle of operation, they distinguish between dynamic memory (DRAM) and static memory (SRAM).

Cells dynamic memory(DRAM) can be thought of as microcapacitors capable of storing charge on their plates.

This is the most common and economically available type of memory.

The disadvantages of this type are associated, firstly, with the fact that both when charging and discharging capacitors, transient processes are inevitable, that is, data recording occurs relatively slowly.

The second important drawback is related to the fact that cell charges tend to dissipate in space, and very quickly.

If the RAM is not constantly “recharged,” data loss occurs within a few hundredths of a second.

To combat this phenomenon, the computer undergoes constant regeneration (refreshing, recharging) of RAM cells.

Regeneration occurs several tens of times per second and causes wasteful consumption of computing system resources.

Static memory cells (SRAM) can be thought of as electronic microelements - flip-flops consisting of several transistors.

The trigger stores not the charge, but the state (on/off), so this type of memory provides higher performance, although it is technologically more complex and, accordingly, more expensive.

Dynamic memory chips are used as the main RAM of a computer.

Static memory chips are used as auxiliary memory (the so-called cache memory), designed to optimize the operation of the processor.

Each memory cell has its own address, which is expressed as a number.

One addressable cell contains eight binary cells in which 8 bits, that is, one byte of data, can be stored.

Thus, the address of any memory cell can be expressed in four bytes.

RAM in a computer is located on standard panels called modules.

RAM modules are inserted into the corresponding slots on the motherboard.

Structurally, memory modules have two designs - single-row (SIMM modules) and double-row (DIMM modules).

The main characteristics of RAM modules are memory capacity and access time.

Access time shows how much time is needed to access memory cells - the shorter it is, the better. Access time is measured in billionths of a second (nanoseconds, ns).

ROM chip and BIOS system

When the computer is turned on, there is nothing in its RAM - neither data nor programs, since RAM cannot store anything without recharging the cells for more than hundredths of a second, but the processor needs commands, including at the first moment after turning on.

Therefore, immediately after switching on, the start address is set on the processor address bus.

This happens in hardware, without the participation of programs (always the same).

The processor goes to the specified address for its first command and then begins to work according to the programs.

This source address cannot point to RAM, which does not yet have anything in it.

It refers to another type of memory, read-only memory (ROM).

The ROM chip is capable of storing information for a long time, even when the computer is turned off.

Programs located in ROM are called “hardwired” - they are written there at the stage of manufacturing the microcircuit.

A set of programs located in ROM forms the basic input/output system (BIOS - Basic Input Output System).

The main purpose of the programs in this package is to check the composition and functionality of computer system and provide interaction with the keyboard, monitor, hard drive, and floppy drive.

The programs included in the BIOS allow us to observe diagnostic messages on the screen that accompany the startup of the computer, as well as interfere with the startup process using the keyboard.

Non-volatile CMOS memory

The operation of standard devices such as a keyboard can be supported by programs included in the BIOS, but such tools cannot provide operation with all possible devices.

For example, BIOS manufacturers know absolutely nothing about the parameters of our hard and floppy disks; they know neither the composition nor the properties of any computer system.

To get started with other hardware, the programs included with the BIOS must know where to find the settings they need.

For obvious reasons, they cannot be stored in either RAM or ROM.

Especially for this purpose, the motherboard has a “non-volatile memory” chip, called CMOS according to its manufacturing technology.

It differs from RAM in that its contents are not erased when the computer is turned off, and it differs from ROM in that data can be entered and changed into it independently, in accordance with what equipment is included in the system.

This chip is constantly powered by a small battery located on the motherboard.

The charge of this battery is enough to ensure that the microcircuit does not lose data, even if the computer is not turned on for several years.

The CMOS chip stores data about floppy and hard drives, the processor, and some other devices on the motherboard.

The fact that the computer clearly tracks time and calendar (even when turned off) is also due to the fact that the system clock is constantly stored (and changed) in CMOS.

Thus, programs written in the BIOS read data about the composition of the computer's hardware from the CMOS chip, after which they can access the hard disk, and, if necessary, the flexible disk, and transfer control to the programs that are recorded there.

Hard drive

Hard drive- the main device for long-term storage of large amounts of data and programs.

In fact, this is not one disk, but a group of coaxial disks that have a magnetic coating and rotate at high speed.

Thus, this “disk” does not have two surfaces, as a regular flat disk would have, but 2n surfaces, where n is the number of individual disks in the group.

Above each surface is a head designed for reading and writing data.

At high disk rotation speeds (90 rps), an aerodynamic cushion is formed in the gap between the head and the surface, and the head floats above the magnetic surface at a height of several thousandths of a millimeter.

When the current flowing through the head changes, the intensity of the dynamic magnetic field in the gap changes, which causes changes in the stationary magnetic field of the ferromagnetic particles that form the coating of the disk. This is how data is written to the magnetic disk.

The reading operation occurs in reverse order.

Magnetized coating particles flying at high speed near the head induce a self-induction emf in it.

The electromagnetic signals generated in this case are amplified and transmitted for processing.

The operation of the hard disk is controlled by a special hardware-logical device - hard controller disk.

Currently, the functions of disk controllers are performed by microcircuits included in the microprocessor kit (chipset), although some types of high-performance hard disk controllers are still supplied on a separate board.

The main parameters of hard drives include capacity and performance.

It can be stored on your hard drive for years, but sometimes you need to transfer it from one computer to another.

Despite its name, a hard drive is a very fragile device, sensitive to overloads, shocks and shocks.

Theoretically, it is possible to transfer information from one workplace to another by moving a hard drive, and in some cases this is done, but still this technique is considered low-tech, since it requires special care and certain qualifications.

To quickly transfer small amounts of information, so-called flexible magnetic disks (floppy disks) are used, which are inserted into a special storage device - a floppy drive.

The drive's receiving hole is located on the front panel of the system unit.

Since 1984, 5.25-inch high-density (1.2 MB) floppy disks have been produced.

Today, 5.25-inch drives are not used, and 5.25-inch drives are not included in the basic configuration of personal computers after 1994.

3.5-inch floppy disks have been produced since 1980.

Nowadays, 3.5-inch high-density disks are considered standard. They have a capacity of 1440 KB (1.4 MB) and are marked with the letters HD (high density).

On the bottom side, the floppy disk has a central sleeve, which is captured by the drive spindle and rotated.

The magnetic surface is covered with a sliding curtain to protect it from moisture, dirt and dust.

If a floppy disk contains valuable data, you can protect it from being erased or overwritten by sliding the security flap to create an open hole.

Floppy disks are considered unreliable storage media.

Dust, dirt, moisture, temperature changes and external electromagnetic fields very often cause partial or complete loss of data stored on a floppy disk.

Therefore, using floppy disks as the main means of storing information is unacceptable.

They are used only for transporting information or as an additional (backup) storage device.

CD-ROM drive

The abbreviation CD-ROM (Compact Disc Read-Only Memory) is translated into Russian as a permanent storage device based on a compact disc.

The operating principle of this device is to read numerical data using a laser beam reflected from the surface of the disk.

Digital recording on a CD differs from recording on magnetic disks in its very high density, and a standard CD can store approximately 650 MB of data.

Large amounts of data are typical for multimedia information (graphics, music, video), so CD-ROM drives are classified as multimedia hardware.

Software products distributed on laser discs are called multimedia publications.

Today, multimedia publications are gaining an increasingly stronger place among other traditional types of publications.

For example, there are books, albums, encyclopedias and even periodicals ( electronic magazines), released on CD-ROM.

The main disadvantage of standard CD-ROM drives is the inability to write data, but in parallel with them there are both CD-R (Compact Disk Recorder) write-once devices and CD-RW write-once devices.

The main parameter of CD-ROM drives is the data reading speed.

Currently, the most common devices are CD-ROM readers with a performance of 32x-50x. Modern examples of write-once devices have a performance of 4x-8x, and write-multiple devices - up to 4x.

In this lesson we will look inside the system unit and Let's get acquainted with all the main internal components computer.

In the third lesson we learned what a processor, RAM and hard drive are needed for. In the fourth lesson, we saw the outside of a computer and learned what the various buttons and connectors are for. Today we will open the cover of the system unit and get acquainted with all the internal components.

Computer internals

When people talk about the internal structure of a computer, they usually mean those components that are located inside its housing. For a desktop computer, the case is the system unit; for laptops and netbooks, it is the lower of the opening halves (let me remind you that we were dedicated to types of computer equipment).

System unit components

To begin with, let's take a system unit that is not too new, but also not too old, in which all the main components are installed. And then we compare it with a more inexpensive option with fewer additional components.

So, let's look at the photo of the system unit of the IT lessons website.

What we see if we remove the cover of the computer system unit

The first thing that catches your eye is a lot of all sorts of printed circuit boards, “boxes” and wires. All boards and devices in a separate case are components that perform different tasks. Using wires, components exchange information and receive electrical power.

Let's look at all the components one by one.

1. Motherboard

All computer components are interconnected by one of the largest printed circuit boards (which can be immediately recognized in the photograph by their size), it is called system board or motherboard (in English version motherboard or mainboard).

System board (system unit component)

Some components are installed directly into the connectors located on the motherboard, while other components are connected to it using special wires into the corresponding connectors, and are installed in special compartments of the case.

You can learn more about the motherboard from subsequent IT lessons, but at a higher level of knowledge.

2. Power supply

In order for all components to perform their task, they must be powered with electrical energy. To supply this energy it is used computer power supply(in English power supply unit or PSU), from which wires stretch throughout the system unit.

Most devices have a special connector for connecting power, but some receive electrical energy through (which in this case will be an intermediary between the power supply and the device).

3. Central processor

We already got acquainted with the processor in, let me remind you that the task of the processor is to process information.

CPU(English) central processing unit And CPU) is installed in a special connector on the system board (the English name of the connector is “ Socket"). The processor socket is usually located at the top of the motherboard.

After installing the processor in the socket, a cooling system is installed on top - cooler(aluminum radiator with fan).

In the photo we see the cooler, under which the central processor is located.

4. RAM

We also got acquainted with RAM in the third lesson.

RAM(RAM, Random Access Memory, RAM), like the processor, is installed in special sockets on the motherboard.

RAM (system unit component)

RAM is made in the form of a small printed circuit board with memory chips installed on it, this whole design is called “ memory module" Due to the specific shape of the board, it is called a “bar”.

The photo shows that there are four connectors, and two RAM modules, and they are installed in connectors of the same color to increase operating speed (more about this mode in subsequent IT lessons at more “advanced” levels).

5. Video card

Video card(video adapter, graphics adapter, graphics card, graphics card, video card, video adapter, display card, graphics card, etc.) is designed for processing graphic objects that are displayed in the form of an image on the monitor screen.

The photo shows that in this case the video card is made in the form of a printed circuit board ( expansion cards), inserted into a special connector on the system board (expansion slot). Since this video card gets very hot, you can see big system cooling(yes, this is also a cooler).

For the first time in IT lessons, we came across the concepts of “expansion card” and “expansion slot”, so we will immediately set a definition from which we will build in the future.

Expansion card– a device in the form of a printed circuit board with a universal connector for installation on system board(for example, video card, network card, sound card).

Expansion cards are installed in addition to the main components in order to expand your computer's capabilities, they can have different purposes (graphics, sound processing or connection with computer network etc.).

Example of an expansion card (a simpler video adapter)

Expansion slot- a special universal connector on the system board, designed for installing additional computer devices in the form of expansion cards.

We've sorted out the new definitions, let's move on.

6. Network card

Network card (network adapter, Ethernet adapter, network adapter, LAN adapter) is designed to connect a computer to a computer network.

Network card (system unit component)

In this case, the network card is also made in the form of an expansion card (printed circuit board), which is installed in a connector on the system board.

7. Sound card

Sound card(audio card, sound adapter, sound card) processes sound and outputs it to speaker systems(speakers) or headphones.

Sound card (system unit component)

Like the two previous devices, a sound card is a printed circuit board inserted into a connector on the system board. True, this sound adapter is not an ordinary one, it consists of two printed circuit boards, but this is an exception to the rule.

8. Hard drive

On hard drive All computer programs and data are stored (more about this in the IT lesson).

The hard drive, unlike previous components, is not installed on the motherboard, but is attached in a special compartment of the case system unit (look at the photo).

Hard drive (aka hard drive)

In such bays you can install several hard drives and increase the volume internal memory computer.

Hard drive is sometimes referred to by the acronym NMJD(Hard Magnetic Disk Drive), often said " Winchester"and on English hard disk drive or HDD.

9. Optical drive

Optical drive(DVD drive, optical disc drive or ODD) is needed for reading and DVD recording and CDs. Like a hard drive, an optical drive is installed in a special compartment system unit.

Optical drive (system unit component)

This compartment is located at the top front of the case, it is wider than for the hard drive, since the DVD drive is noticeably larger.

System unit components (option 2)

So, we have looked at all the main components of the system unit. Now let’s see how the internal structure of a computer can differ using an example less expensive PC option.

The photo shows the same components, but no expansion cards are visible (video cards, network and sound card). How will this computer work without these components? In fact, these components exist, but they are not visible at first glance.

Built-in Components

The point is that some components may not be made in the form of expansion cards, but may be built-in(integrated) into the motherboard or central processor.

In this case, additional chips are installed on the motherboard that perform the functions of a network and sound adapter. The video adapter is built (integrated) into the main chip of the motherboard.

In the photo, number 1 is the video adapter, number 2 is the network adapter, and number 3 is the sound adapter.

At the same time, expansion slots (number 4) remain on the motherboard for installing more functional components (if the built-in ones, for some reason, do not suit you).

Laptop components

In principle, it would be possible to make a separate lesson on internal structure of laptops and netbooks. But, in essence, there are the same components as in a desktop computer, only these components smaller size and are attached differently.

Each of the components listed in this IT lesson performs its task, but perhaps it is interesting to know which components most affect the speed of your computer?

Since most of the calculations are performed CPU, then it most affects the performance of the computer.

RAM The processor needs it to supply data and programs to perform calculations. Therefore, the amount of memory also significantly affects the performance of the entire computer.

If you need a computer for playing or working with 3D graphics , then the speed of operation is of great importance video adapter.

But if the computer is used to surf the Internet, as well as text documents, photographs, watching movies and listening to music, then you can get by with the slowest (but modern) video adapter, including one built into the motherboard or processor.

Video supplement

To reinforce the new information, there is a very interesting video that describes in simple language the purpose of computer components. Unfortunately, the comments are in English, but there is a translation with subtitles (use the pause to have time to read).


So, in the seventh IT lesson we got acquainted with internal device of the computer and briefly reviewed everything system unit components. For the Beginner level, this knowledge is quite enough to consciously work in most programs that you may need.

In the next lesson we will learn what other devices can be connected to the computer (external devices), it is called.

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