In anticipation of the release of Windows 8, Microsoft released a large cumulative update, KB2756872, something it has never done before for client operating systems. However, when installing the update, it was waiting for me unpleasant surprise- error 80073712 .

Today I will talk about how to overcome this and a number of other installation errors Windows updates 8 using new opportunity maintenance - built-in component recovery (in-box corruption repair).

This post begins a series of articles about what's new in Windows 8 maintenance. And no, it has nothing to do with automatic maintenance using the scheduler. First I'll show you how I solved the problem with installing the update, and Then I’ll tell you about the technology.

Troubleshooting Windows Update caused by component storage corruption

In previous Microsoft OS help for the error 80073712 There is a description from which it follows that the cause is damage to the component store. For Windows Vista and Windows 7, the System Update Readiness Tool (CheckSUR) was released, designed to eliminate a number of Windows Update errors

List of errors


To fix these errors in Windows 8, the CheckSUR utility is not needed, because everything you need is already built into the system! You can repair damaged components using the PowerShell cmdlet (recommended method) or DISM.exe utility

Stage 1 - Recovering a Corrupt Component Store

Restoration can be performed without installation disk Windows 8, but in some cases you may need it.

Recovering without an installation disc

In this case, storage files on the local disk and Windows Update are used.

In anticipation of the release of Windows 8, Microsoft released a large cumulative update, KB2756872, something it has never done before for client operating systems. However, when installing the update, an unpleasant surprise awaited me - error 80073712.

Today I will talk about how to overcome this and a number of other errors when installing Windows updates using a new service feature - in-box corruption repair.

This entry begins a series of articles about innovations in Windows servicing. And no, it has nothing to do with automatic maintenance using a scheduler. First, I will show how I solved the problem with installing the update, and then I will talk about the technology.

Today on the program

Troubleshooting Windows Update errors caused by component store corruption

In previous Microsoft OS help for the error 80073712 There is a description from which it follows that the cause is damage to the component store. The System Update Readiness Tool (CheckSUR) was released for Windows Vista and Windows 7 to help resolve a number of Windows Update errors.


To fix these errors in Windows 8 and newer operating systems, the CheckSUR utility is not needed, because everything you need is already built into the system! You can repair damaged components by using the PowerShell cmdlet (recommended method) or DISM.exe utility.

Upd. 28-Jul-2015. Microsoft has released a special update that brings built-in component recovery to Windows 7, similar to Windows 8+.

Stage 1 - Restoring a Damaged Component Store

Restoration can be performed without installation Windows disk, but in some cases you may need it.

Recovering without an installation disc

In this case, storage files on the local disk and Windows Update are used.

The state of the component store is indicated by the parameter Image Health State. He has Healthy means that everything is fine with the component store. For further diagnostics, proceed to the integrity check system files just below ↓ If the storage corruption is not fixed, you need to try to do it using the installation disk.

Recovering using the installation disc

When the system fails to restore any components, the original installation disk can help you.

  1. Right click on the ISO image and select from the menu Connect. Pay attention to the drive letter that the mounted image received.
  2. In PowerShell, run the command: Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth -Source:WIM:E:\sources\install.wim:1

    Here the letter “E” corresponds to the letter of the attached image, and the number “1” corresponds to the edition index in the image (in the example, a Windows 8 Enterprise image with a single edition is used).

  3. At the end of the procedure, make sure that the component storage is in order (Healthy).

Stage 2 – checking the integrity of system files

Strictly speaking, this stage is not related to the restoration of components. However, technical Microsoft support recommends that after checking the integrity of the component store, you should also check the integrity of the system files. To do this, in a command prompt running as an administrator, run the command:

Sfc /scannow

One of my files was damaged, and the SFC utility successfully repaired it.

Cases where the system was unable to recover any files are beyond the scope of this article (I'll cover those another time).

Stage 3 - installing the update

So, two teams restored the integrity of the component store and system files. It's time to try installing the update again.

As you can see, it worked for me this time!

What is Windows Maintenance and why is it needed?

Benefits of Windows Integrated Component Recovery

Let's compare the key points of component recovery in different operating systems.

Windows Vista and Windows 7

Purpose of the test (working system and images)

The purpose of the check may be: installed system, and an image in WIM or VHD format.

Checks the running system.

Checks the connected offline image using the path specified after the parameter.

Checking and restoring storage

To determine the status and repair of components, the Repair-WindowsImage cmdlet provides three parameters that check the store. The scan result can be:

  • no damage (Healthy)
  • presence of damage that can be repaired (Repairable)
  • presence of damage that cannot be repaired (Not repairable)

However, the functions of the parameters are different.


Instantly checks whether the system registry marker indicating damage. This marker may appear while the maintenance system is running.


Checks storage for damage. This operation takes longer than simply checking the token.


Checks the storage for damage and repairs it. This operation is the longest of the three.

Source for recovery components

To restore components, they need to be taken from somewhere. When the source not specified, the scan automatically uses the local component store and Windows Update.

This point is not documented anywhere, and you should understand that when testing a standalone Windows image from another edition or Windows versions The source must be indicated.

In both cases, you can specify more than one source and even block Windows Update while doing so. The following options are intended for recovery purposes only, and are therefore only valid in conjunction with -RestoreHealth.

You can use the path to:

  • a running system that can be accessed over the network
  • offline image, and its preliminary connection is not necessary

What is interesting here is the ability to specify the path directly to the publication in the WIM image without first copying it to local disk and subsequent connection. It is secret knowledge, not yet reflected in the documentation;) This works thanks to the WIM automatic connection function, implemented in the last stages of Windows 8 development.

You can list multiple paths separated by commas. Additional sources are used only if no suitable components were found in the previous ones.

When using a WIM image as a source, you must specify the image type and its index:



Blocks access to Windows Update during scanning.

PowerShell Command Examples

I will give several examples of practical use of the Repair-WindowsImage cmdlet with different purposes and verification sources. You already saw the first two at the beginning of the article.

Recovering the storage of a running system using local files and Windows Update as a source:

Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth

Restoring the storage of a running system using Windows Update and the WIM image as sources:

Repair-WindowsImage -Online -RestoreHealth -Source:WIM:E:\sources\install.wim:1

Checking the offline VHD image storage. First it mounts to the C:\mount folder (this happens very quickly), and then the check is performed.

Mount-Windowsimage -ImagePath C:\vhd\Win8.vhd -Index 1 -Path C:\mount Repair-WindowsImage -Path C:\mount -ScanHealth

Restore a standalone VHD image storage using a WIM image as a source. First, the VHD is mounted to the folder, then the image is restored, after which the VHD is disconnected and the changes are saved.

Mount-Windowsimage -ImagePath C:\vhd\Win8.vhd -Index 1 -Path C:\mount Repair-WindowsImage -Path C:\mount -RestoreHealth -Source:WIM:E:\sources\install.wim:1 Dismount- WindowsImage -path C:\mount -Save

Scan and recovery results

In addition to the results in the console, you can find a detailed report near the end of the %WinDir%\Logs\DISM\dism.log file

The first half of the above fragment shows the specific components and the result of their recovery (success or failure), and the second half shows a summary of the operation, including the time it took to complete.

Checking System Update Readiness. (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt (Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-lpksetup_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16384_none_7a23086df63cad13 (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt (Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf 3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_2422e0b40b0ac235 (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt ( Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_2a982e5d65c9a294 (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt (Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad 364e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_53ea2a36610cb913 (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt ( Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_879ccd7f3842e229 (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt (Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad3 64e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_8e2bd9e9b9aeac5f (p) CSI Manifest Corrupt ( Fixed) amd64_microsoft-windows-l..oyment-languagepack_31bf3856ad364e35_6.2.9200.16384_ru-ru_c73545896a8993dd Summary: Operation: Detect and Repair Operation result: 0x0 Last Successful Step: Entire operation completes. Total Detected Corruption: 7 CBS Manifest Corruption: 0 CBS Metadata Corruption: 0 CSI Manifest Corruption: 7 CSI Metadata Corruption: 0 CSI Payload Corruption: 0 Total Repaired Corruption: 7 CBS Manifest Repaired: 0 CSI Manifest Repaired: 7 CSI Payload Repaired: 0 CSI Store Metadata refreshed: True Total Operation Time: 221 seconds.

As you can see, I had 7 manifests damaged, related to language pack, which became an obstacle to installing the Windows update. All damage has been corrected.

Of course, this material does not imply immediate practical application, although check the condition of the storage Windows components you can right now. Moreover, in three years of working in Windows 7, I have never had any problems installing updates.

However Windows errors Updates related to storage corruption are not at all uncommon, even judging only by the OSZone forum. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with them.

It seemed to me that part of the blog audience was frankly bored by a series of articles about modern Windows interface 8 and applications. Of course, everything there is primitive, there are no technical subtleties, and most importantly, some people have the feeling that there is nothing new in Windows 8 besides the Modern UI. This is wrong…

I had been planning a series of posts about changes in Windows maintenance for a long time, and the problem that arose with installing the update only forced the publication, at the same time forcing me to change the order of the articles in the series.

Did you have enough technical subtleties today? ;)

If not, the next entry in this series will not only give you an insight into the history of Microsoft OS maintenance tools, but also a unique opportunity to try yourself as a Windows g-assembler! But before that, blog entries will appear on other topics.

As you know, developers are constantly working to improve their applications and regularly publish updates to them. However, in practice it often happens that for some reason programs in automatic mode stop updating. Therefore, we will devote this article to analyzing the question of why Windows 8 updates are not downloaded, and what can be done to fix this problem.

To update your PC software, you can find all the necessary information in Windows Update.

You can view his log as follows:

  1. By clicking Win+C on the desktop, go to the “Settings” tab, and then sequentially: “Change computer settings” - “Update and recovery”.
  2. Clicking on the “View update log” link will open the required window.

First of all, if problems of this kind are detected, you must resort to the troubleshooting tool of the Update Center, which checks automatically. Often such actions lead to the desired result.

What to do if applications do not update

If you still cannot update any individual or several programs automatically, you should:

  • try to do this manually. In practice, it happens that errors arise due to poorly chosen execution time, caused by the congestion of Internet sites, low network connection or a number of other factors;
  • if the terms of the license agreement for the use of the product in question were not initially accepted software— reinstall it, read and accept the license terms;
  • check if the device has enough free space to download a package of changes for a particular program. You may need to remove temporary Internet files, unused files, unnecessary programs, etc., and then repeat the installation. You can check the amount of available disk space by using the Disk Cleanup tool included in Windows;
  • check your Internet connection and whether the process of downloading changes was stopped on your own;
  • analyze what Windows applications 8 are not updated. Quite often, updates to device drivers, for example, video adapters, cause errors because the installed files either do not match the OS installed on the user’s computer or are damaged. List of all latest versions Drivers for the OS installed on the computer in question should be generated automatically by Windows Update, so if you encounter difficulties, you need to contact the device manufacturer.

Windows 8 updates won't install: Video

Computer freezes while searching for and installing updates

In Windows 8, there are a variety of problems with updating applications, and PC freezing is one of the most common.

Therefore, if the computer stops responding to user requests while searching for updates, you must:

  • re-check for suitable updates;
  • If this step does not work, try to troubleshoot through Windows Update;
  • Look for the answer in the device documentation or on developer websites.

If the computer stops responding after rebooting the system as a result of installing updates, you need to use the “ ” function and roll back the OS to a previously saved state.

Windows 8 apps won't update: Video

When trying to update Windows 8.1 to Update 1, some users encountered annoying errors x800f081f And 0x80071a91. Typically, such errors occur when trying to install the largest update component. KB2919355. Microsoft developers responded to the problem quickly enough and offered a simple and effective solution to fix it. So, the first thing to do is to remove the update package that caused the error. To do this, run as administrator command line and run the following command.

For 64-bit systems:

dism /online /remove-package /packagename:Package_for_KB2919355~31bf3856ad364e35~amd64~~

If you are using a 32-bit operating system, then instead of amd64 we write x86, leaving the rest of the command unchanged.

You may also need to get rid of other update components. To do this, run the following command:

dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

After the cleaning is completed, go to the standard Windows Update and install the update again. If the problem cannot be solved this way, download a special “patch” from the official Microsoft website KB2939087, use the method described above to remove all incorrectly installed components, and then install KB2939087, reboot the computer and install the package KB2919355 from Windows Update.

Good afternoon, dear readers and subscribers of the blog and channel, remember not so long ago I told you how I solved the problem that Windows 7 was looking for updates for a long time, and so I caught something similar in the eight. As you know, every quarter I try to reassemble my assemblies with operational Microsoft systems, sewing new updates into them so that you can keep a fresh image at hand at any time and not waste time on updates. So in the eight before there was no glitch with endless updating, but apparently the insidious hands of Microsoft came there too, and today I will show you how I solved it endless update windows 8.1, I will try to cover this topic in as much detail as possible so that everyone can install the latest security patches.

Why does Windows 8.1 update endlessly?

And so let's figure out why Windows 8.1 Update makes an endless search for updates, leading to nothing but a waste of your time and nerves. There are several reasons, which we will discuss in detail below:

  • Updates in the folder C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution are corrupted
  • Microsoft servers are not available
  • Problem with Windows Update 8.1
  • Glitchy update
  • The latest Windows Update Agent is not installed

I'll tell you my own story. As I wrote above, I started assembling a fresh build of Windows 8.1. I did a clean installation of Windows 8.1 and naturally the first thing I did was go to System Update. Until this moment, I had never had problems with downloading and installing them, but now I saw a very familiar picture, in the form of an ever-running green slider, I even waited a day for the purity of the experiment, but the picture did not change.

For the sake of the purity of the experiment, I looked network activity, it was zero and I did not find any requests or downloads from Microsoft servers.

Let's now figure out what needs to be done to stop your Windows 8.1 update from endlessly searching for updates.

Cleaning the SoftwareDistribution folder

Endless search for windows 8.1 updates, maybe due to corrupted updates that managed to be downloaded in background or may have been loaded before. To get rid of them, I advise you to delete the contents of the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution folder.

Update for Windows 8.1 for systems based on x64 processors (KB3065988) -

Update for Windows 8.1 for systems based on x64 processors (KB3138615) -

I would like to note that installing data standalone packages updates, should only be done with the Windows Update service turned off

To do this, press Win+R and enter services.msc and press Enter.

As a result, the Services snap-in will open, at the very bottom find the Windows Update service, right-click on it and select Stop.

And to avoid glitches with an endless search for additional updates themselves, set the option “Do not check for updates” in the settings settings.

As soon as the service finishes its work, you can begin installing updates that will correct the endless search for updates in Windows 8.1 Update. First install KB2999226, then KB317342 and only then KB3172614.

The Offline Update Installation Wizard will not require anything from you.

When finished, you will see that the installation is complete.

We do the same with KB3173424

and with KB3172614, but unlike the others, this is a cumulative package of fixes for July 2016.

Once KB3172614 has installed, you will be prompted to reboot to apply the fixes, do so.

After rebooting, go back to Windows Update 8.1 and try to search for updates, in my case it was a win, after a minute I was able to find 189 important updates.

If, when installing updates, the download window hangs for a very long time and you are worried that nothing is happening, then in order to understand whether Windows 8.1 updates are being downloaded or not, you can check the following things.

Open resource monitoring, go to the Disk tab and make sure that the WinSxS folder is being accessed, and you can also check whether new files have appeared in the C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\downloads folder.

By the way, when searching for updates, you may see error 80244019, I have already told you how it is solved, but before you try the methods described there, check this.

Go to Settings.

And make sure you set it to Install updates automatically (recommended)

If you already have these updates or their installation did not produce results, then installing the monthly set of quality security patches for Windows 8.1 systems under the code KB4048958 will help you, you can download it from the link /Search.aspx?q=KB4048958 and KB4057401

Troubleshooting Windows Update

As we know from the last operating room Windows system 10 Redstone, they are far from ideal. The number of glitches in the system has grown greatly over the past year, plus Microsoft has transferred all its efforts to the top ten and thereby worsened support for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1. If the described methods for installing KB did not help you and in Windows 8.1 the search for an update runs endlessly, then try using the system troubleshooter.

To do this, go to Control Panel > Troubleshooting

Under System and Security, click Troubleshoot using Windows Update.

Yours operating system will try to detect problems that may cause you to endlessly search for updates in Windows 8.1, and at the same time it may find something else. In general, the product is very good, and in some cases it can help out a lot.

To complete the task, the troubleshooter may ask you to run it with administrator rights, do so.

Since when installing, for example, the same anti-virus solutions or hypervisors, the TCP/IP stack may be affected,

I also advise you to try disabling your antivirus while trying to install updates, it may be preventing access to Microsoft servers

I hope the methods described above can help you eliminate the endless search for Windows 8.1 updates and you can close all the security loopholes in it, in general, this is another stone in Microsoft’s garden, it’s a shame, comrades, to abandon their old products with official support.
