Laboratory work No.2

Standard ApplicationsMicrosoft Windows. Data archiving.

Purpose of the work: familiarize yourself with a set of standard Windows applications, study their purpose and operating features. Gain practical skills in creating archives and working with archival data using the 7-z program as an example. Learn how to prepare laboratory reports.

Theoretical information

Installing and uninstalling software

Software installation is the installation and registration of programs with special using Windows. The standard installation (and uninstallation) means is to launch the installer using the Start/Settings/Control Panel/Add or Remove Programs command. Installation begins by clicking the Add/Remove button, which launches the Installation Wizard. Use the Browse button to specify the location of the Setup program. exe, which should be included in the distribution kit of the application you are installing, and click Finish. Before installing an application, you must close other running applications.

Uninstalling Windows applications. Removal is carried out using the same dialog box. In the list of registered applications, you need to select the object to be deleted and click the Add/Remove button.

There are other methods for installing software. However, these methods, as well as the standard installation of unverified and unlicensed software, do not guarantee subsequent reliable operation and are considered potentially dangerous.

During installation, the program is registered in Windows registry, which is a file with data about programs installed on the computer.

Standard Windows applications

Windows comes with a number of useful standard programs:

· text editor Notepad;

· graphic editor Paint;

· text editor WordPad;

· calculator, etc.

To launch the standard applications in question, you must execute the commands: Start/Programs/Accessories/…

Text editor Notepad

Notepad is a simple text editor that can be used as a viewing and editing tool. text files type. txt and some others.

A text editor is a program designed for creating, editing and viewing text documents.

Text editor Notepad takes little time RAM, and therefore it is convenient to use for making short notes, notes, and for exchanging text fragments between separate applications using the clipboard.

Notepad provides limited tools for document design. For example, in this program you cannot use different fonts for individual parts of a text document, but you can change the font type, its size and style throughout the entire document.

Notepad does not automatically wrap words at the end of a line. If a word does not fit in the rest of the line in the editor's working area, it is either moved to the beginning of the next line or continues the current line, shifting the text in the window to the left. Switching the mode is done through the Edit/Word Wrap menu.

The cursor is a vertical line on the screen indicating the entry point of the next character. The cursor should not be confused with the mouse pointer. However, the mouse can control the cursor: clicking the mouse sets the cursor to a new position.

Switching the font is done using the SHIFT or CapsLock keys. To enter uppercase (capital) letters, use the SHIFT key. If you need to enter a long sequence of capital letters, use CapsLock key, which works inversely. If CapsLock mode is turned on (see the indicator on the keyboard), then the SHIFT key changes its effect: when you hold it, lowercase (small) letters are entered. Switching between Russian and Lat is performed using the combination Alt+Shift (Ctrl+Shift) or by clicking on the language icon on the display panel (to the right of the taskbar).

Font parameters are set using the Format/Font command. In the "Font Selection" window, you can set the font type, style and size. The most popular font types: Times New Roman, Arial, Courier. Style: regular, italic, bold, bold italic. The size is specified in points (a typographical unit equal to 1/72 inch or 0.353 mm). The most commonly used sizes are 12 or 14.

You can open a Notepad document either by double-clicking on the document icon or its shortcut, or by using the command File/Open...

The document is saved using the File/Save or File/Save As… command. The last command is used to save the newly created document, specifying its name and the folder where it should be located. Team File/Save As... can also be used to save a previously created document with a new name.

Editing a document:

· moving the cursor to the screen page - Page Up or Page Down;

· moving the cursor to the beginning or end of the line - Home or End;

· moving the cursor to the beginning or end of the document - Ctrl+Home or Ctrl+End;

· deleting a character to the left (right) of the cursor - BackSpace (Delete);

· switching Insert/Replace mode - Ins;

· selecting a word - double click the mouse (Shift+cursor keys);

· selecting a line - click the mouse to the left of the line (in the selection area);

· selecting a text fragment - drag the mouse to the left of the fragment in the selection area or Shift+cursor keys or Ctrl+PgDn.

Comment. To select text accurately, it is better to use the keyboard. Very often, mouse and keyboard operations are combined in one selection.

Selected text fragments can be copied or moved. Copying and moving occurs via the Windows clipboard. Clipboard– a memory area in which a cut or copied fragment of a document is temporarily placed. The command for this is Edit/Cut (or Copy , or Insert ). The same operations are performed by key combinations: CTRL + C – copy to clipboard; CTRL + X – cut to buffer; CTRL + V – paste from clipboard.

Notepad allows you to automatically specify the creation dates of documents. To do this, you need to enter a command from the keyboard at the beginning of the document (in the first position of the first line). LOG. After saving this document, each time it is subsequently opened, the current date will always be automatically inserted at the end of the file.

The current date and time of creation of the entry can also be entered using the menu command of the Notepad program window Edit/Date and Time . For automatic insertion current date and time, you can also use the F5 key.

Printing a document created in Notepad is done using the command File/Print .

Window menu command Search/Find allows you to search for the required records. To do this, enter a word or sequence of characters to search in the Search dialog box.

Graphic editor Paint

Graphic editors are editors designed for creating and editing images. Paint is the simplest raster graphics editor. IN raster graphics the image is constructed from dots (pixels). Another type of graphics is vector graphics, where images are described by mathematical formulas. The methods for working with these types of graphics are fundamentally different.

The Paint program allows you to create and edit arbitrary drawings, diagrams, drawings, diagrams, inscriptions, insert and edit ready-made objects created in other applications. Objects created in Paint can be saved as desktop wallpaper.

The drawing process in the Paint program is carried out using a special Toolbox And color palette. When creating a drawing in the Paint program, the mouse pointer changes its shape depending on the selected tool and the nature of the operation being performed, using the appearance of a pencil, eyedropper, magnifying glass, spray, square, crosshair, double arrow, etc.

The toolbar contains the following drawing tools:

· Line - for drawing straight lines;

· Pencil - for drawing arbitrary lines;

· Curve - for drawing smooth curved lines;

· Brush and Sprayer - for free-form drawing and painting;

· Rectangle, Rounded rectangle, Ellipse - drawing the corresponding shapes using the broaching method;

· Polygon - for drawing arbitrary polygons with a series of arbitrary clicks. If the last point coincides with the initial one, then the polygon is considered closed and can be filled automatically.

· Fill - serves to fill closed contours with the main (left mouse button) or background color (right mouse button).

· Caption - for entering text captions.

If an incorrect action is performed while drawing, you must select the Edit/Undo command or Ctrl+z.

The background color is selected by right-clicking on the color in the color palette.

Drawing correct shapes is done by holding down the Shift key.

When you select some tools, additional Use Options panels (a board with alternatives) appear at the bottom of the toolbar.

The Tool Customization Palette panel looks different for each tool and allows you to set:

· line width;

· eraser size. To select a simple eraser, press the left mouse button, and a colored eraser, press the right button;

· shape of the brush;

· the size of the "smear" of the sprayer;

· type of filling a figure with color (a hollow figure with an outline; a figure filled with color with an outline and without an outline);

· background type (transparent or opaque);

· scale – normal, with magnification of 2, 6 and 8 times for detailed elaboration of the drawing (point by point).

For detailed elaboration of the drawing by points (pixels), you can also use the menu commands View/Scale/Large, Select, Show Grid.

When starting to create a document in the Paint graphic editor, you need to install required size fields for drawing (using the menu command Drawing/Attributes). This is due to the fact that when the field size is reduced, the design may be cut off and the lost part cannot be restored even if the field size is subsequently increased.

The thickness of the lines is set in the settings palette.

To select individual parts of a picture for copying, use the Select and Select an arbitrary area tools.

Transformation of the picture is performed through the Picture menu and involves:

Rotate the pattern by an angle multiple of 90;

· stretching and tilting the pattern;

· replace a color image with a black and white one, change the color to the opposite.

The status bar provides a hint about the purpose of the selected tool, displays the coordinates of the graphic cursor in pixels and the dimensions of the text field or selected fragment (in pixels).

Use the tool to enter text into a drawing. Inscription. After selecting this tool, you should click in the desired place in the drawing, stretch the text frame to the required size and enter the text using the keyboard. Font type, size and style can be changed using Text Attribute Panels, which is displayed by setting the corresponding menu switch View.

A graphic object is inserted into a Paint document in the upper left corner of the working field, and a text fragment created in a text editor is inserted into the cursor location inside the text frame.

The Paint program provides the ability to replace any color in the standard palette with one of the 48 colors in the base palette, create your own colors and save the created palettes. To do this, use the corresponding commands in the Options menu.

The main format for saving drawings created in the Paint program is the (.bmp) format, which has the following varieties:

· black and white image;

· 16-color pattern. This format has an extremely limited color gamut, but the file takes up little disk space;

· 256-color drawing. The file takes up twice as much disk space as if saved as a 16-color format;

· 24-bit drawing. This format provides the most high quality color reproduction, but the files take up a lot of disk space.

Other formats for saving pictures are also acceptable, among which the most used are (.jpg) and (.gif) - compressed formats, but with a partial loss of image quality.

WordPad word processor

WordPad is a relatively simple word processor.

Unlike text editors, word processors perform the function formatting documents, i.e., the use of different fonts, different alignment methods, embedding figures and tables into the text, control over text wrapping around graphics, automation of routine complex operations with text, etc.

WordPad is a simplified version of the more powerful Word program.

Basic formatting options:

· setting up printed page parameters (File/Page Layout);

· setting paragraph parameters (Format/Paragraph);

· Creation bulleted lists(Format/Marker);

· tabulation management (Format/Tabulation);

WordPad allows you to create large documents (unlike Notepad) and save them in various formats, such as Word 6.0, RTF or as MS DOS text.

WordPad word processor is single window application, i.e. in it you can open only one document window at a time.

The WordPad program supports the technology of inserting and embedding objects, and when exchanging data between applications, WordPad can be both a server (source) and a client (receiver).

WordPad allows you to develop presentations with multimedia elements, including showing slides and short videos, and connecting audio.


The calculator is a convenient tool for performing relatively small calculations. Windows has two calculator options: regular and engineering. The figure shows an engineering calculator. Switching to another type of calculator is done through the View menu in the Calculator program window.

A regular calculator performs simple arithmetic operations, calculates percentages, and extracts square roots.

The engineering calculator, in addition, allows you to calculate standard mathematical functions and perform quite complex ones, such as statistical calculations.

The calculator has memory for storing intermediate calculation results. The results of the calculator's calculations can be copied to the clipboard. In addition, you can paste numerical data from the clipboard into the display line of the calculator for use in subsequent calculations using the calculator.

You can perform calculations using the mouse by clicking on the corresponding buttons on the calculator panel, or using the keyboard by pressing the keys that match the calculator buttons shown on the screen.

Technology for linking and embedding objects

(OLE technology)

Communication and embedding of objects created in various applications is carried out in Windows using a special technology called OLE(Object Linking and Embedding - connection and implementation of objects).

OLE technology is a universal mechanism for creating and processing composite documents that simultaneously contain objects of different origins, of different nature, for example, text, tables, photographs, sound, etc.

OLE technology uses the following terms and definitions:

· OLE object(OLE - object) - an arbitrary element created by means of any Windows applications, which can be placed (embedded and/or linked) into a document in another Windows application. The object can be an entire file or just a fragment of a file.

· OLE Server(OLE - server, source application, source application) - an application through which an OLE object is created, i.e. a program that serves another application.

· OLE client(OLE client, receiver application or container application) – an application that receives an OLE object, i.e. a program that uses the services of an OLE server.

Under implementation objects implies the creation of a complex document containing two or more autonomous objects. The usual means of introducing objects into a document is to import them from the finished file in which the object is stored. To do this, use the command Insert/Object... . In the dialog box that opens Inserting an object To import the inserted object, select the radio button Create from a file, and selection on disk is provided by the Browse button... You can embed graphic objects, texts, fragments of sound recordings and video recordings into a text document.

When saving a complex document, both the text and all objects embedded in it are saved. The size of the original text document increases by the size of the embedded objects.

Another way to place a picture in a text document is tying. In the same dialog box Inserting an object there is a checkbox called Connection. If you check this box before inserting, then linking occurs, i.e., another type of insertion. In this case, the object itself is not inserted into the document; instead, only a pointer to the object's location is inserted. When viewing a document, when the user reaches the index, the word processor will go to the address in the index and display the drawing in the text of the document. If objects are linked, the size of the resulting file will practically not increase, since the pointer takes up very little space. However, when using the method of linking objects, it is necessary to control the integrity of connections between objects, which can be broken when moving objects.

Different Windows applications support OLE technology to varying degrees. Some programs, such as Notepad, do not support it at all. A number of programs - WordArt, Microsoft Equation, etc. can only act as an OLE server. Information systems, on the contrary, most often perform only the role of a receiver, i.e. an OLE client.

The most powerful Windows applications, such as Word, Excel, etc., can perform the functions of both an OLE server and an OLE client.

OLE technology allows you to:

· embed into a document objects or fragments of documents created in other applications, as well as edit these objects using the means of the application that created them;

· establish a connection between an object and a document in another application. When a connection is established, this object continues to “live” its own life and serve other documents.


Utilities are designed to maintain your computer and operating system. They allow you to find and eliminate file system defects, check both hard and floppy disks for physical defects and the correctness of the logical structure, optimize hardware and software etc.

Utilities are accessed through the command Start/Programs/Accessories/Utilities.

The most used program is Check Disk - a disk check program. It allows you to eliminate logical errors in the file structure (standard scan) and physical errors associated with defects in the disk surface (full scan) on hard and floppy disks. Standard check carried out after each incorrect shutdown of the computer. Full hard check disk inspection is carried out twice a year or in case of doubt about the reliability of operation. For a floppy disk, a full scan is recommended for file read or write failures.

Disk defragmentation is a program designed to improve disk performance by eliminating fragmented file structure. When editing files for a long time or when the disk is full, the system begins to fill not all clusters in a row ( cluster– the smallest unit of data storage on a disk), but only free clusters. Therefore, the file is “smeared” across the disk and the access time to it increases. When defragmenting, files are rewritten so that each of them is contained in a group of consecutive clusters.

Formatting a floppy disk is done by right-clicking on the disk icon and selecting Format... Although floppy disks are sold already formatted, reformatting them eliminates defects in the diskette's layout that cannot be corrected by Check Disk. However, the recorded data is lost. Formatting can be quick or complete. In the first case, existing files are only deleted; in the second, the disk surface is also checked and defects are eliminated.

Archiving files

The term "archiving" is not entirely accurate. The main purpose of archiver programs is to compress files in order to save memory. Since it is often impossible to work with compressed files for their intended purpose, they are used to store copies of files, i.e. for archiving them. The following can be compressed (compacted): files, folders, disks. Compressing files and folders is necessary either for transporting them or for backup, or for exchanging information over the Internet. Disk compaction is used to improve the efficiency of using their working space (usually for disks of insufficient capacity).

There are many archiver programs that have different indicators for the degree and time of compression; these indicators can be different for different files (text, graphic, executable, etc.), that is, one archiver compresses a text file well, while another compresses an executable one.

An archiver (packer) is a program that allows you to create copies of files through the use of special information compression methods. smaller size, as well as combine copies of several files into one archive file, from which you can, if necessary, extract the files in their original form.

The entire range of archivers existing today can be divided into three groups, which we will roughly call file, software and disk.

File archivers allow you to pack one or more files (for example, the entire contents of a given subdirectory along with its subdirectories) into a single archive file. The size of the latter is, as a rule, smaller than the total size of the source files, but you cannot use packed programs or data while they are in the archive until they are unpacked. To unpack an archive file, the same archiver is usually used.

Software archivers operate differently. They allow you to pack one single file in one go - an executable EXE-type program, but in such a way that the archived program will immediately unpack itself in RAM after it is launched for execution and immediately begin working.

Disk archivers allow programmatically increase available hard drive space. A typical disk archiver is a resident driver that, unnoticed by the user, archives any information written to the disk and unpacks it back when read. However, file read/write operations are somewhat slower as the processor takes time to pack and unpack.

For archiving, special programs are used - archivers or archive managers. The most famous archivers: WinZip; WinRar; WinArj. These programs provide the ability to use other archivers, so if the computer where the files compressed in them are transferred does not have specified programs, archives can be unpacked using another archiver. Corresponding programs created in MS DOS, but capable of running in Windows, are still widely used.

Almost all archivers allow you to create convenient self-extracting archives (SFX - Self-extracting archives) - files with the extension . eh. To unpack such an archive, you do not need an archiver program; you just need to run the *.exe archive as a program. Many archivers allow you to create multi-volume (distributed) archives, which can be located on several floppy disks.

The main characteristics of archiver programs are:

· speed of work;

· service (set of archiver functions);

· compression ratio – the ratio of the size of the source file to the size of the packed file.

The main functions of archivers are:

· creating archive files from individual (or all) files of the current directory and its subdirectories, loading additional files into one archive;

· adding files to the archive;

· extracting and deleting files from the archive;

· viewing the contents of the archive;

· viewing the contents of archived files and searching for strings in archived files;

· entering comments to files into the archive;

· creation of multi-volume archives;

· creation of self-extracting archives, both in one volume and in the form of several volumes;

· ensuring the protection of information in the archive and access to files placed in the archive, protection of each of the files placed in the archive with a cyclic code;

· testing the archive, checking the safety of information in it;

· recovery of files (partially or completely) from damaged archives;

· support for archive types created by other archivers, etc.

Archive types

Various algorithms are used for compression, which can be divided into reversible and lossy compression methods. The latter are more effective, but are used for those files for which partial loss of information does not lead to a significant decrease in consumer properties. Typical lossy compression formats are:

· .jpg - for graphic data;

· .mpg - for video data;

· .mp3 - for audio data.

Typical compression formats without loss of information:

· .tif, .pcx and others - for graphic files;

· .avi - for video clips;

· .zip, .arj, .rar, .lzh, .cab, etc. - for any type of file.

Basic compression algorithms

When talking about compression algorithms, we will mean reversible algorithms.

The RLE (Run-Length Encoding) algorithm uses the principle of identifying repeating sequences. Compression records a sequence of two repeating quantities: the value being repeated and the number of times it is repeated.


Initial sequence: 3, 3, 12, 12, 12, 0, 0, 0, 0.

Compressed information: 3, 2, 12, 3, 0, 4.

Compression ratio: 6/9*100% = 67%.

The KWE (Keyword Encoding) algorithm involves the use of a dictionary in which each word corresponds to a two-byte code. Compression efficiency increases with the volume of encoded text.

Huffman's algorithm involves encoding not by bytes, but by bit groups. There are three main stages in it.

1. The frequency of repetition of each of the encountered symbols is determined.

2. The more often a symbol occurs, the fewer bits it is encoded.

3. A correspondence table is attached to the encoded sequence.


Explore the built-in office tools of the operating room Windows systems and use them to create a lab report. Using the archive manager, gain practical skills in working with archive data. The results of data archiving should be presented in the report, having analyzed the sizes of the source files and their archived copies.

Execution order

1). Working with the program Microsoft Paint::

– Open Paint via the main menu:

– By means Paint draw a picture according to the number of your version from the section “ Options for work assignments." The height of the image should be 9 cm.

– Close Paint.

2). Working with the Calculator program:

– Open the program Calculator via the main menu: Start - Programs - Accessories.

– Through the menu View change the calculator view to Engineering.

– Using a calculator, find the value of the expression: , where N is the number of your option.

– Take a screenshot Desktop with an image of a calculator with calculation results by pressing the key on the keyboard « PrintScreen"

– Open the program Paint

– Edit the drawing so that only the image of the calculator with the calculation results remains.

– Close Paint, And Calculator.

3). Creating archives and working with archived data:

– Open the program 7-Zip File Manager via menu: Start – Programs – 7-Zip.

– Using the navigation buttons file system in the program 7-Zip File Manager go to the folder where the files you created are located Image_Lab02 And Calc_Lab02.

– Select these two files and click on Toolbars button Add.

– In the window that opens Add to archive enter the name of the archive Drawings, Archive format –Zip, Compression level – Ultra. Pay attention to what other parameters the archive has, but leave them unchanged .

– Press OK and observe the process of creating an archive. The file should appear in the program window

– Take a screenshot Desktop with a picture of the program 7-Zip File Manager.

– Open the program Paint. Paste the desktop image from the clipboard there.

– Edit the picture so that only the image of the archiver window remains on it.

– Close the program Paint.

– In the archiver window appears new file Arh_Lab02.bmp. Using the context menu on this file, select the menu item “ 7- Zip" - "Add to archive..."

– In the archive name input field, select the archive name from the pop-up list Drawings and press OK.

– Close the program 7-Zip File Manager.

– In your personal folder, create a folder “ Archive files" and move the file there

– By calling the context menu on the archive with the mouse, select item "7-Zip" - "Unpack" ("Extractto “Drawings\””)

4). Creating a lab report in the program WordPad:

– Open the program WordPad via the main menu: Start - Programs - Accessories.

– Using this program, prepare a laboratory work report using the template shown in the figure below. Inserting the necessary pictures is done from your personal folder through the program menu item: “Insert” - “Object...”- switch " Create from file". Font used: Times New Roman.

5). Report to the teacher when completed.

Security questions

1). What standard programs come with Windows?

2). How to run standard Windows applications?

3). What is the purpose of Notepad?

4). What types of text files can Notepad edit?

5). What is a cursor?

6). How do you switch fonts in Notepad?

7). How are font parameters set?

8). What are the main types of fonts and their characteristics?

9). How to open a document in Notepad?

11). What are the main features of editing a document in Notepad?

12). What is a clipboard?

13). How can you put an object on the clipboard?

14). How to paste an object from the clipboard into a document?

15). List the main elements of the Notepad window and indicate their functional purpose.

16). What editors are called graphic editors? What is their purpose?

17). How is an image constructed in raster graphics? in vector?

18). What type of editor - raster or vector graphics refers to the graphic editor Paint?

19). What drawing tools are available on the toolbar? graphic editor Paint? What is their purpose?

20). What is the purpose of the Color Picker and the Tools Customization Palette in Paint?

21). Where are the coordinates of the graphics cursor displayed?

22). What's the difference text editor from a word processor?

23). What does the document formatting feature include?

24). What are the main formatting features included in Word Pad? How are they implemented?

25). What formats does WordPad allow you to save documents in?

26). What is the Calculator used for?

27). What types of calculators are included in Windows? How do you switch from one type of calculator to another?

28). What are the main features of simple and engineering calculators?

29). What is OLE technology?

30). What is an OLE object, OLE server, OLE client?

31). In what ways can external objects be embedded and associated with a destination document?

32). List and describe the ways in which an OLE server object can be associated with a destination document.

33). Compare the methods of embedding and linking objects.

34). To what extent do various Windows applications support OLE technology? Give examples.

35). What are the capabilities of OLE technology?

36). What is the purpose of Windows utilities?

37). How do I access Windows utilities?

38). What is Check Disk used for?

39). How often should a standard and full inspection be performed? hard drive?

40). What is the purpose of a disk defragmenter program?

41). What is disk defragmentation?

42). What is disk formatting? In what cases do you use formatting?

43). How can I format a disk?

44). What are the features of quick and complete disk formatting?

45). What is the purpose of archiving programs?

46). What are compressed files and folders used for?

47). What programs are called archivers?

48). By what indicators do archiving programs differ?

49). What are the capabilities of disk archivers?

50). List the most famous archivers.

51). What archives are called self-extracting? How are such archives unpacked?

52). What archives are called multi-volume?

53). What are the main characteristics of archiving programs?

54). What are the main functions of archivers?

55). What types of compression algorithms can be divided into?

56). How do lossless compression algorithms differ from lossless compression algorithms?

57). What are the typical lossy and lossless compression formats?

58). What are the main compression algorithms?

Options for tasks to work

Figure No.

1. Launch Excel (Start Microsoft programs Excel). 2. Create a new workbook (Create button on the standard toolbar) 3. Double-click on the current worksheet tab and give this worksheet the name Data. 4. Give the command File Save As and save the workbook under your name _____.xls and save it to the Desktop. 5. Make cell A1 the current cell and enter the title Measurement Results into it. 6. Enter arbitrary numbers in successive cells of column A, starting with cell A2. 7. Enter the line Double value in cell B1. 8. Enter the line Value Square in cell C1. 9. Enter the line Square of the next number in cell D1. 10. Enter the formula =2*A2 in cell B2. 11. Enter the formula =A2*A2 in cell C2. 12. Enter the formula =B2+C2+1 in cell D2. 13. Select cells B2, C2 and D2 by dragging. 14. Hover your mouse over the fill handle in the lower right corner of the frame that encloses the selection. Left-click and drag this handle so that the frame covers as many rows in columns B, C, and D as there are numbers in column A. 15. Make sure that the formulas are automatically modified to work with the value of the cell in column A of the current lines. 16. Change one of the values ​​in column A and ensure that the corresponding values ​​in columns B, C and D in the same row have been automatically recalculated. 17. Enter the line Scale factor in cell E1. 18. Enter the number 5 in cell E2. 19. Enter the line Scaling in cell F1. 20. Enter the formula =A2*E2 in cell F2. 21. Use the AutoFill method to copy this formula to the cells in column F that correspond to the filled cells in column A. 22. Verify that the scaling result is incorrect. This is due to the fact that the E2 address in the formula is specified as a relative reference. 23. Click cell F2, then in the formula bar. Place the text cursor on link E2 and press F4. Make sure the formula now looks like =A2*$E$2 and press ENTER. 24. Repeat filling column F with the formula from cell F2. 25. Verify that by using absolute addressing, the cells in column F are now calculated correctly. Save the workbook _____.xls. A We learned how to enter text and numeric data into Excel spreadsheets. We learned how formulas are entered and calculated. We also found out how formulas are copied using AutoComplete, and determined when to use relative and absolute references. Studying archive managers WinZip and WinRAR 1. Preparation for work Using the specified literature, study: the theoretical foundations of data compression; compression methods; lossy and lossless compression formats; method for estimating the compression ratio; algorithms for reversible compression methods; data compression software; requirements for archive managers and methods of working with them. 2. Test questions 1. Using examples, explain the property that causes data compression. 2. How to evaluate the compression ratio of a file? 3. List the factors that determine compression efficiency? 4. What objects and in what situations are subject to compression? 5. Explain the essence and scope of compression methods. 6. List lossy compression formats and their scope. 7. To what types of data and why are compression methods with controlled information loss applicable? 8. List compression formats without loss of information and their scope of application. 9. Explain the fundamental principles of reversible compression methods. 10. Why modern means are archiving managers called archive managers? 11. Give the concept of a self-extracting archive. How is it created? 12. Give the concept of a distributed archive. How does the process of creating a distributed archive differ between WinRAR managers and WinZip? 13. How to protect archives? 14. What service functions are inherent in archive managers?

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8.1 Theoretical information

Archiving data is a reduction in the physical size of files in which data is stored, without significant information losses. Archivers(utilities - packers, programs - packers) - programs (set of programs) that perform compression and recovery compressed files in its original form.

To accomplish this laboratory work you need to familiarize yourself with data archiving methods and the capabilities of the archiver WinRAR presented in the lecture course or other sources of information.

8.2 Purpose of work

Getting to know the archiver WinRAR for Windows OS and acquiring skills in archiving, extracting files from archives, adding files to archive.

8.3 Problem statement

To acquire skills in working with WinRAR, follow these steps:

  1. On drive E: create the directory and file structure shown in Fig. 8.1.
  2. In the AUDIT folder, archive the audit_1 file using various compression methods.
  3. In the AUDIT folder, archive the audit_1 file, creating self-extracting files (SFX file) with various compression methods.
  4. In the ECONOMY folder, archive the MANAGEMENT folder, placing the archive named management.rar in the DATA folder.
  5. Remove the file ment_1 from the created archive.
  6. Extract the files from the management.rar archive into the DATA folder.
  7. Add the files group_1 and rate_29 to the management.rar archive.
  8. Delete the management.rar archive.
  9. Add two folders ECONOMY, BAS and files group_1, rate_29 to the bas.rar archive, placing the bas.rar archive in the BAS directory on drive A:.
  10. Create a continuous archive.
  11. Test the archive.
  12. View archive information.
  13. Rename the archive.
  14. Convert a regular archive into a self-extracting archive.
  15. Delete the archive.

Rice. 8.1.

8.4 Step-by-step execution of work

8.4.1 Turn on PC

Click the button Power on system unit PC.

8.4.2 Creating a directory and file structure

On drive E: create a structure of folders and files in any way in accordance with Fig. 8.1. As source files, use any files with the .doc extension that are located on your PC.

8.4.3 Get to know the WinRAR archiver

Launch the WinRAR archiver from the Main Menu and in the window that opens, familiarize yourself with the menu bar, toolbar and other elements of the archiver window.

8.4.4 Creating archive files

IN WinRAR select the AUDIT directory and archive the audit_1 file using various compression methods.

To archive, do the following:

  • select the specified file;
  • in the toolbar, click on the Add files to archive icon or execute the command Commands/Add file to archive;
  • in the "Archive name and parameters" window that opens, select one of the compression methods in the "Compression methods" drop-down list;
  • set the "Archive format" switch to the RAR position;
  • in the "Archive name" text field, enter a new name for the archive file corresponding to the compression method (for example, normal) and click the OK button;
  • repeat the above steps, creating six archive files with various methods compression and different names respectively;
  • Compare the sizes of the original file and the created archive files with different compression methods.

8.4.5 Viewing the contents of archived files

To view archived files, do the following:

  • in the window WinRAR archiver select the archive file;
  • In the toolbar, click on the View icon or execute the command “Commands” / “View File”.

    8.4.6 Creating self-extracting files

    In the AUDIT directory, create a group of self-extracting files by repeating step 8.4.4.

    8.4.7 Creating an archive folder management.rar

    Archive the MANAGEMENT folder by creating an archive named management.rar in the DATA folder:

    • in the archiver, open the EGONOMY folder and select the MANAGEMENT folder;
    • in the toolbar, click on the Add files to archive icon;
    • To specify the full name of the archive file in the "Archive name" text line, use the "Browse" button. Select the DATA folder and the name of the archive file is management.rar;
    • in the archiver window, go to the DATA folder and view the contents of the created archive file.

    8.4.8 Deleting a file from the management.rar archive

    Remove the source file ment_1 from the created management.rar archive. To delete the specified file in the archiver window, open the archive file (double-click on the archive file, then double-click on the MANAGEMENT folder that opens), select the ment_1 file and click on the Delete icon on the toolbar. As a result, the file will be deleted.

    8.4.9 Extracting a file from the management.rar archive

    To extract a file from the management.rar archive, open the archive file, select the ment_2 file and click on the Extract icon on the toolbar. The resulting file will extract the folder and the required file. Make sure that the specified file is checked out, but not deleted from the archive.

    8.4.10 Adding files to the management.rar archive

    To add files group_1, rate_29 to an existing management.rar archive, do the following:

    • select the specified files, click on the Add files to archive icon;
    • specify the file name E:\DATA\management.rar and click on the OK button;
    • delete the management.rar archive.

    8.4.11 Creating an archive file bas.rar

    To add two folders ECONOMY, BAS and files group_1, rate_29 to the bas.rar archive, and place the bas.rar archive in the BAS directory on drive E: do the following:

    • in the archiver window, open the root folder of drive E:;
    • select the specified folders and files, click on the Add files to archive icon;
    • specify the file name E:\BAS\bas.rar and click the OK button.

    8.4.12 Creating a continuous archive

    To create a continuous archive, repeat step 8.4.11 with the addition of the “Create continuous archive” item in the “Archiving parameters” section.

    8.4.13 Performing some operations on the selected archive file

    Operations on the selected archive file:

    1. Test the archive by running the command "Commands\Test files in archive".
    2. View information about the archive by executing the "Operations\Show Information" command.
    3. Convert a regular archive into a self-extracting one. To perform the conversion, select the command
      "Operations\Convert archive(s) to SFX".
    4. Rename the archive using the "Commands\Rename File" command.
    5. Delete the archive using the command "Commands\Delete File".

    8.4.14 Shutdown

    Tell your teacher about your completed work. After you are allowed to complete the work, delete the archive and you can begin taking tests on the completed work.

Laboratory work

Equipment. Pentium PC.
Work progress

4. Create a report
Theoretical part

Security questions

Practical task

The result of the practical task.
Laboratory work No. 1
Subject. Archiving data in various ways.
Purpose of the work. Learn to archive data using various programs.
Equipment. Pentium PC.
Work progress
1. Familiarize yourself with the theoretical part
2. Answer security questions
3. Complete a practical task
4. Create a report
Theoretical part
In practice, archives are created for several reasons. Firstly, the archive is necessary if you are going to transfer information via modem. Secondly, you cannot do without an archive if large files need to be copied to small-capacity media. Finally, archiving occurs when backups are created.
Archiver – computer program, which compresses data into one archive file for easier transfer or compact storage. The data is usually files and folders. It is possible to create an archive consisting of several files. In this case, the result of the archiver's work will be one archive file.
The process of creating an archive is called archiving or packaging (compression), and the reverse process is called unpacking or extraction.
Compression is a process that removes everything unnecessary, resulting in a smaller file size. Such “extra” data in files can be characters that are repeated, constant bits, etc. Compression efficiency is one of the most important characteristics archivers. The size depends on it created file archive. The smaller the archive, the less space is needed to store it, and when transmitting (for example, by email), less transmission channel bandwidth is needed and less time is spent.
When choosing the type of archiver, they are usually guided by the following considerations: the compression ratio should be as high as possible, and the time for packing and unpacking files should be as little as possible.
The standard Windows Backup archiver (Figure 1) creates backup copies of files on the hard drive to store files and programs, which allows you to restore accidental losses of these objects due to power failures, viruses, etc. When archiving, these files are not compressed, but occupy the same volumes as the original ones. To start the program, you must execute the following sequence of commands Start All Programs Accessories System Data Archiving.

Figure 1 – Backup archiver window
However, archived copies take up as much space as the original files, and copying may require many floppy disks. Therefore, it is more convenient to use specially developed file archiving programs to create archive copies.
Modern software tools for creating and maintaining archives are large functionality, many of which go beyond simple data compression and effectively complement standard means operating system. In this sense, modern data archiving tools are called archive managers.
The basic functions that modern archive managers perform include: extracting files from archives, creating new archives, adding files to an existing archive, creating self-extracting archives, creating distributed archives on low-capacity media, testing the integrity of the archive structure, full or partial restoration of damaged archives , protecting archives from viewing and unauthorized modification.
TO additional functions archive managers include service functions that make work more convenient. They are often implemented external connection additional utilities and provide: viewing files of various formats without extracting them from the archive; search for files and data inside archives; installation of programs from archives without preliminary unpacking; absence check computer viruses in the archive before it is unpacked; cryptographic protection of archival information; message decoding email; “transparent” compaction of executable files.EXE and.DLL; creation of self-extracting multi-volume archives; selecting or adjusting the information compression ratio.
7-Zip (Figure 2) is a free file archiver with a high degree of data compression. Supports multiple compression algorithms and multiple data formats, including the proprietary 7z format with the highly efficient LZMA compression algorithm. The program has been developed since 1999. and is free and open source, most of which is freely distributed under conditions.

Figure 2 – 7Zip archiver window
To play file contained in the archive, it must be extracted from the archive. The operation of extracting a file or folder from an archive is usually on. contains three stages: opening the archive, viewing and extracting.
Key Features of 7-Zip: Supported formats: 7z, ZIP, CAB, Z, MSI, RPM, DEB, NSIS, LZH, RAR, ARJ, WIM, CHM, GZIP, BZIP2, TAR, CPIO, ISO and RPM; very high compression ratio in 7z format; for ZIP and GZIP formats, the compression rate is 2-10% higher than in PKZip and WinZip; the ability to create self-extracting archives for the 7z format; the ability to encrypt archives; built-in file manager; integration into the Windows shell; plugin for the FAR Manager program; plugin for the program Total Commander; powerful version for command line; multilingual interface (Russian available).
There may be situations when it is necessary to delete some files from the archive; for this it is not necessary to create the archive again with a new set of objects. Just open the archive, select the files to delete, then press the DELETE key.
In cases where archiving is carried out to transfer a document to the consumer, it should be ensured that he has software tool, necessary for extracting source data from a compacted archive. If the consumer does not have such funds, self-extracting archives are created. A self-extracting archive is prepared on the basis of a regular archive by attaching a small software module to it. The archive itself receives the .EXE extension, which is typical for executable files (Figure 3).

Figure 3 – Creating a self-extracting archive

Security questions
1. Why are archives created?
2. What is a self-extracting archive?
3. List the various ways to run the 7Zip archiver.
4. What extension does the archive created by the standard Windows archiver have?
5. List which archivers you know.

Practical task
Task 1. Create a group folder in the My Documents folder in your course folder.
Task 2. Copy the My Pictures folder to your group folder.
Task 3. Back up data using the Backup utility. Exercise
perform step by step by clicking Next. When starting the program, install the following
parameters: provide the ability to select objects for archiving; select a folder named
your group; place the archive on the Desktop; give the archive a name with your last name;
additional parameter– archiving type is daily; check data after archiving;
replace existing archives; access only to administrator; performing archiving –
Now. When finished, view the job report.
Task 4. Launch the 7Zip program in various ways.
Task 5. Archive a folder with the group name using the 7Zip program. For
archive perform the following parameters: name the archive by your last name; archive format - 7z;
compression level – normal; compression method – BZip2; split into volumes of size – 1.4M; set a password
for archive; Save the archive on your desktop.
Task 6. View the contents of the archive file in different ways.
Task 7. Archive a folder with the name of your group using the 7Zip program.
For the archive, complete the following parameters: name the archive by its own name; archive format - 7z;
compression level – maximum; compression method – LZMA; split into volumes of size – 700M; option
self-extracting archive; set a password for the archive; Save the archive on your desktop.
Task 8. Unpack the created archives into the My Documents folder in different ways.
Task 9. Delete the objects you created from the Desktop to the Recycle Bin.

The result of the practical task is given

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Practical work No. 1
"Archiving files"

After completing this practical work, you will learn:

Work technology:

    Create in your working folder(folder with your group) the following folders: a folder with your last name, folders in it Archives.

    Run the program WinRar.

    Open the folder containing the source material on your teacher's computer. practical work Workshop. This folder stores three types of files .doc, .bmp, .exe.

Answer the question in writing in your notebook, what type of documents do the above extensions have?

    Copy to folder Archives files from folder Workshop.

    Zip the graphic file and compare the sizes of both files. To do this, follow these steps:

    Right-click on the .bmp file

    Click the button Add to archive..., a dialog box will appear specifying the archiving parameters.

    By default, the archive file has the name of the original file.

    If you need to specify a different name for the archive, enter it in the name input field.

    Select an archive file format, such as RAR.

    Leave the remaining parameters unchanged.

    Click the button Ok.

    Compare the sizes of the original file and the archived one. Enter the data in table 1.

    Zip the .doc file and compare the sizes of both files. Enter the data in table 1.

    Zip the .exe file and compare the sizes of both files. Enter the data in table 1.

    Remove the original files.

    Zip the files in an archive format ZIP. Fill out table 1 with the data received.

Attention!!! It is possible to pack files and then delete them if this method was chosen.

Table 1

Archive format

File name and extension

Original size

Size after archiving

When creating a new archive, you need to set archiving parameters. First of all, you need to specify the name of the archive file and the location on disk where it will be saved. Next, you need to select archiving format RAR or ZIP (ZIP is the more widely used format, while RAR provides more features and stronger compression).

Both formats support six archiving methods: No compression, High-speed, Fast, Normal, Good and Maximum. The maximum method provides the highest compression ratio, but with lowest speed. On the contrary, Speed ​​compresses poorly, but very quickly. The No Compression method simply puts the files into an archive without compressing them. If you are creating an archive for transmission via computer networks or for long-term storage, it makes sense to choose the Maximum method to obtain best compression. If you create a daily backup copy data, it is usually better to use the Normal method. The next archiving parameter is the dictionary size. It can take values ​​of 64, 128, 256, 512 and 1024 KB. The larger the dictionary size, the better, but slower the compression.

WinRAR allows you to create multi-volume archives, that is, archives consisting of several parts. Typically, volumes are used to store a large archive on several floppy disks or other removable media. The first volume of the archive has the usual extension rg, and the extensions of subsequent volumes are numbered r00, r01, r02, and so on.

The archive may be continuous(allows you to achieve the maximum compression ratio) and self-extracting(SFX, from the English Self-eXtracting). To unzip such an archive you do not need special program, it is enough to run the archive file for execution, since it is executable file and has the extension .exe.

An additional special method can be used to archive sound and image files multimedia compression, which can achieve a 30% higher compression ratio than conventional compression.
