Account - this is a user profile, which includes the user name, password, and the user’s group membership. It also determines its rights to access network and local resources. Accordingly, if you delete a user, all of his personal data will be deleted.

Delete account in windows 7 you can do it in two ways. We discussed the first method in the article setting up an account in windows 7 in section Deleting an account.

Now we will look at the second method. Of these two methods, you can choose the more suitable one for yourself and use it.

Step 1. Right click on the icon Computer on the desktop. In the context menu window, select Control.

Step 2. Expand the list in the window Utilities, then Local users and click on the folder Users.

Step 3. A list of all users on your computer will appear in the central part of the window. Right-click on the user you want to delete. In the context menu window, select Delete.

Step 4. A window will appear Local users and groups the following content. It will tell you that if you delete your account, all information will be deleted. given user and it will no longer be possible to restore it, even if you create exactly the same account with the same name.
If you really want to delete your account, then click the button Yes.

operating room Windows system used in multi-user format. Several users can work on one PC at once. Naturally, over time, a little cleaning is required - deleting unnecessary accounts that have accumulated during work. This is quite easy to do. There are 2 simple deletion options that will get rid of an unnecessary account.

It is worth considering that only the Administrator, and not any user of the device, can delete an account. The most in a simple way To delete a Microsoft account in Windows 7, you can use the Metro - Settings application.

You can delete your account step by step:

  • go to the “Start” menu and launch “Settings”;
  • further - search for the “Accounts” section;
  • switch to the “Family and other users” attachment, look for an unnecessary account and click on it, a window will appear with options for changing the type of account or withdrawing it (you need to click on this option);
  • in the window that appears after clicking, you need to click on the “Delete account and data” entry.

You need to know that when using this method of deleting accounts, you must be prepared for the loss of all user profile file folders. These are folders that are located on the system drive (music, documents, videos and other downloads). In this case, it is recommended to save all useful information before “cleaning” accounts, for example, in the cloud, on a flash drive or disk, as well as in a non-system part of the disk.

You can delete an account in a more “gentle” way - deleting using the same first method as Windows 7, but only in the classic variation - by using the panel Windows management, which warns about possible consequences before deleting an “account”.

Account deletion occurs in several stages:

  • by pressing the “Start” key, open the context menu to launch the “Control Panel”;
  • go to the “User Accounts” item;
  • search and click on “Delete user accounts”;
  • selecting the user whose account needs to be erased;
  • after that, delete the user account by clicking on “Delete account”;
  • in the window that appears warning about information loss, click “Save files”;
  • final click – “Delete account”.

As a result, the unnecessary account is deleted, and the saved personal information appears in one folder on the desktop (the files are “carefully” arranged by the system into thematic folders). It is important to know that you can delete a local account in Windows 10 in the same way. In principle, everything latest versions Windows can be removed using the same techniques.

In order to delete an account in Windows 10, you can simply erase it using command line.

This is done like this:

  • launch command line in context menu the “Start” button by the computer administrator;
  • entering the command net users + “Enter”;
  • enter the command net user User_name /delete and click on “Enter” (username is the name of the entry that needs to be deleted).

After clicking the last command, the unnecessary account is removed from the system.

It is often necessary to delete a Microsoft account, but be aware that once it is deleted, the user will no longer be able to access system products and services. Before deleting your account Microsoft records you need to put it in order - save valuable files on another medium, cancel all subscriptions, check the status of financial accounts that are displayed on it, as well as written information in In addition, you will need to tell other users how to contact you after you delete your Microsoft account.

A Microsoft account is deleted this way:

  • go to the “Account Closing” section;
  • you need to follow these settings exactly if you are prompted to access your account or verify it;
  • if the account that needs to be deleted is selected correctly, you need to click on the “Next” button;
  • reading the list and checking confirmation boxes;
  • selecting the reason for deleting the account in the “Select a reason” item;
  • Click on “Mark for closing”.

It is important to know that an account marked for closure is active for 2 months before the record is permanently deleted. If you need to restore this account, you only need to stop the account closure by logging into it.

Deleting family user accounts

It is worth considering that such records are usually not deleted in a standard way. Needed in the application "Options" at point "Family and other users" click on account the desired user and by clicking on "Block" confirm the ban on the account directly on this PC.

If there are no password-protected accounts on the computer or laptop, then access to data management will be denied to an unauthorized user computer device. Only the Administrator can allow him to use the PC by removing the lock in the reverse order - click on "Allow" with confirmation in additional option.

The complete procedure for removing a user account from a family must be performed from an administrator's Microsoft account. of this computer. To do this, you need to enter the optional window of the browser you are using on the Microsoft website and log in to your account. Once in it, you need to find the section "Family" and click on the item "Delete". After that, in the window that pops up, look for the user account that needs to be excluded and click on the line "Delete". You can then delete your account using any of the following: standard methods uninstallations in Windows OS, which were discussed in this article.

Administrator account is a profile that is automatically created during installation OS to the device. Delete " account» administrator is not recommended, as this can cause a lot of difficulties in working with PC. After all, all work with the system, changing configurations and making other changes are performed on behalf of this profile. But sometimes it is necessary to do this various reasons. Before deleting, you must ensure that the other user of the device has administrator rights.

How to remove an administrator in Windows

  • Call up the window “ Execute" To do this, you need to press a combination of buttons Win+R.
  • Write the directive in the window control userpasswords2. Click Enter.
  • A window with accounts will appear before your eyes.
  • Select with the mouse " Administrator».
  • Click on the button “ Delete».
  • After this action, the administrative profile will be automatically deleted.

Such actions can only be performed in as a last resort, because this will not lead to anything good. If there are concerns that someone may be harmed PC, using " account» administrator, then it would be easier and more reliable to simply hide the profile so that it is not visible in the list of accounts that are available for use on this device.

You can hide your profile by following these steps:

  • You need to open the window " Execute» (pressing the buttons together Win+R).
  • Enter the directive in the window cmd and press the button Enter.

Earlier in the article, we already looked at various manipulations with these same accounts. And in this short article for beginners, we will tell you how to delete an unwanted account. Why isn't everything in one article? Well, you know, long articles are boring to read;)

Before you begin deleting accounts, you must activate a full-fledged Administrator account - by default, it is disabled. How to do this is described here:

Then reboot and log in as administrator.

So, click on the button Start and enter the query “”, then press the key .

Click on the button Managing another account.

Click on the icon of the account that you hate with every fiber of your soul (we are talking about the account, of course, and not about hating Windows 7, hehe).

In the next window you need to choose whether to save user files or whether it’s better to delete them to hell. Our advice is to delete it, it will only clog up your computer, why did they give up in the first place?

However, if these files are dear to you as memory, they will be saved in a separate folder directly on your desktop. Well, click on the button and the account will be permanently deleted. That's where she goes.

Windows 7 is a multi-user system that allows you to create multiple accounts on one computer. This is a very convenient opportunity - everyone uses their own “account”, has separate folder with documents, own desktop. On the other hand, each profile takes up a certain space, so sometimes it becomes necessary to delete an account in Windows 7.

Deleting accounts

Important! To manipulate other Windows 7 profiles, you must have local administrator rights. Otherwise, you will not be able to change or delete other user accounts.

But what if there is no administrator profile in the list of accounts?

With administrator rights, you can customize Windows 7 by disabling unnecessary services and optimizing the performance of this system.

Control Panel

First of all, try to get rid of the account through the “Control Panel” - this is the simplest and most convenient method that almost always works.

You will be prompted to save the user data stored in the account you are removing from your computer. If there was some important information that you do not want to lose, click the “Save Files” button. As a result, a folder bearing the name of the remote profile will appear on the desktop.
If there is no need to save data, select “Delete files”. After selecting the actions that need to be performed with the files, you will only have to confirm your desire by clicking the “Delete” button again.

Computer Management Console

A warning about the consequences will appear on the screen. If you are confident in your decision, click the “Yes” button to get rid of the account.

Account Manager

System registry

Run system registry, by typing the command “regedit” through the “Run” menu.

Just in case, create a backup copy of the registry so that, if necessary, you can correct errors that lead to unstable system operation. To make a backup copy, open the “File” menu in the Registry Editor and select “Export”.

In the menu on the left, follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList.

Now you need to check all sections whose names begin with “S-1-5”. Expand the sections one by one and look at the “ProfileImagePass” parameter, which indicates membership in a specific profile.

The parameter value must correspond to the path to the user directory in the “Users” folder on the system drive.

After finding the desired partition, you need to delete it and at the same time erase the user directory, which is located in the C:\Users folder. After this, you need to restart your computer.

Even if you accidentally delete the wrong entries, you can always restore the Windows 7 registry. However, there is one condition - you must have backup registry, which you previously saved as a file with the *.reg extension.

As a last resort, you can use automatically created backup files, which are stored in the “Regback” folder (Windows\System32\Config).
