1. Create and remember a strong master password.

The main condition for the security of your data in 1Password is the main password, which you enter every time you log into the application. You need to maintain a balance with it: on the one hand, it must be quite complex (that is, contain both case letters, numbers and special characters), on the other hand, it must be remembered by heart and not entered for too long (perhaps 16 characters is the maximum for most people). It's best to create a master password using the 1Password password generator and then spend a few days learning it. Learn more about how to come up with good password, read.

2. Generate passwords of maximum complexity.

For all non-primary passwords, it is wise to specify the conditions under which you create them: for example, 24 characters, of which there should be 6 numbers and 6 special characters. The password generator will store the specified settings - you will only have to change them for sites for which your passwords are too long or contain invalid characters.

3. Install the 1Password browser extension.

The browser extension makes working with the application much easier. Go to the menu
Preferences, open the Browser tab and click on the Install Browser Extensions button, after which you can install the extension for the browser you are using. Now, when visiting the site, you can use the hotkey combination, which is set on the General tab of the Preferences menu, and after entering the main password, 1Password will fill in the fields for you. The 1Password icon in the browser is more convenient to use if you have several accounts on one site. In addition, if there is a checkmark next to the bottom item in the Browser tab, then 1Password will pick up registration data on all sites where you register an account - you will only need to approve the addition of the password database.

4. Insert bookmarks into your browser to automatically log in to sites.

Another way to speed up entering your data is to drag the site you need from the list of accounts in 1Password to your browser bookmarks. This tab will automatically log into your account on the site. However, for some sites this function may not work - it is better to access them in the usual way.

5. Add to your favorites the passwords you use most often.

This is especially convenient for mobile version where to look required password among dozens of accounts may be too long. You can add to your favorites, for example, passwords from your Apple ID or Gmail, as well as those sites that often “throw you out” of your account or require you to enter a password to confirm transactions.

6. Set up automatic closing applications and clearing the clipboard.

In the Preferences menu on the Security tab, you can set after how many minutes of inactivity the application will close and require a password, as well as how many seconds passwords copied there will be stored in the clipboard. Experiment with these settings and find a balance: the time period should not be too short (otherwise it will be inconvenient to use the application) and too long (for security reasons).

7. Use tags instead of creating folders.

Tags are useful for categorizing and navigating large collections of accounts, as well as for making special notes, such as which passwords you've shared with someone else and which ones require answering security questions to recover. Don’t be lazy to put them down: they will definitely come in handy in the future.

8. Store data and scans of important documents in 1Password.

1Password offers ready-made forms not only for accounts, but also for bank cards, passports and other important documents. In addition to the data from them, the application can store scans and other files: attachments can be added by clicking on the Choose file button at the bottom of each form.

9. Create passwords-answers to security questions.

Unfortunately, many sites still use security questions to recover passwords, which can easily be a potential scam. For security questions, it is best to generate full-fledged password answers and store them in 1Password: this way your accounts will be protected from even the most experienced social engineering specialists.

10. Conduct a password audit.

The left sidebar of 1Password displays Security Audit tabs. There you can track the same passwords for different services, too weak passwords, as well as passwords that you have not updated for a long time. Visit these tabs and clear them periodically to keep your accounts safe.

Today we will consider a situation that many computer users have already encountered and/or may still encounter. Namely, what to do if you forgot the password to turn on your computer. This can happen to anyone. You can also forget or lose a note with a password in no time. Especially when this password often has to be changed, as some users do (for example, mothers trying to limit the time their children spend on the computer).

So, today we’ll look at one of the ways to effectively solve this problem. Of course there are many methods resetting or recovering (or hacking) a forgotten Windows login password or user unlock. Gradually I will add descriptions and others.

This method is distinguished by its versatility. That is, this method Resetting a forgotten computer password is suitable for various operating systems Windows systems : 2000, XP, Vista, 7, Server 2003, Server 2008, etc.

Let's use the utility.

Accordingly, in the first case we write the image file to disk (read how to burn an iso image to disk), in the second case we create bootable USB flash drive(in this case, we simply copy all the files in their archive to a clean flash drive). Choose which option is more convenient for you.

After this is done, we insert our disk or flash drive into the computer (we need to boot from one of these media) and turn it on. If your operating system still starts and asks you to enter forgotten password, which means you’ll have to do a little more magic to launch the utility from a disk/flash drive. Read how to boot from external media.

If such a picture appears on the screen, it means that everything was done correctly, and you were able to load Offline NT Password and Registry editor from the disk/flash drive.

Click Enter and wait. Now the program prompts us to select the partition on which the operating system is installed (in other words, where we will reset the password). The disk is selected by entering the desired number. The screen tells us how many partitions the program currently sees and what their sizes are. Actually, this is the only information available to us here about the sections, so we can only rely on it. But don't worry, if you select the wrong partition by mistake, the utility will simply not be able to erase the password, and you will return to this menu, where you can enter a different partition number and try again.

In my case, two partitions are displayed: 1 - 10.7 GB, 2 - 5490 MB. If you remember how big yours was Local disk C , then choose a partition with a similar size. I select section 1. I enter a number from the keyboard 1 and press Enter .

Next you need to specify the directory where the file is located SAM(storing the registry branch). The program itself offers us a default directory ( Windows/System32/config ), where this file is usually located. We agree, click Enter .

Next, we are asked to choose what action we want to perform. Enter the number 1 , which corresponds to password reset (Password reset), and press Enter .

The next step is to also choose the desired action. Enter the number 1 - change accounts and passwords (Edit user data and passwords ). Click Enter .

A sign appears in front of us, which lists everything usernames (Username) and them identifiers (RID) . The program prompts you to enter a username from the list for which you want to reset the password. The program immediately offered me Admin- exactly on this one account I want to erase the password. So I just click Enter .

Retreat. You, of course, can enter a different username, but it’s probably better to unlock the administrator account, and only then change the passwords for everyone who needs it.

If your username is written in Russian, then it is normal that it will not be reflected due to the Cyrillic alphabet. In this case, instead of the username, indicate it RID in the following form: 0xRID. That is, in my case: 0x01f4. Click Enter .

Now the program offers us the following options for action for the selected account: 1 - clear the password, 2 - change the password, 3 - make the user an administrator, 4 - unlock the account, q - exit and return to selecting the account. Enter 1 and press Enter .

Password removed! The job is done, all that remains is to exit the application. Enter exclamation mark and click Enter .

Enter q and click Enter .

We confirm the changes have been made. Enter y and press Enter .

We refuse to continue working in Offline NT Password and Registry editor and enter n , then click Enter .

We remove the disk from the wire or the flash drive from the usb socket, restart the computer and enjoy the result. Windows login password has been reset!

Naturally, the article is intended to help those who really forgot my password and would have had no other choice but to reinstall the system. Under no circumstances does the information provided cannot be used for any harmful purposes.

Greetings, dear visitor to the Penserman blog.

This time we'll talk about storing passwords. We will also learn how to install the Pasword Safe program and work with it. You've probably already got yourself an email account (if not, then first read how to do it in the topic: "") and spend a lot of time on the Internet, which means you've probably managed to acquire a lot of logins and passwords from various sites that need to be stored somehow.

Someone solves this situation without much thought - they use the same combinations on all sites. But this cannot be called a reasonable solution, since there can be no talk of anything here. Some people keep a special notebook for this, but nowadays computer technology it's simply indecent. Many create on the computer desktop separate folder for storing passwords - convenient, copied and pasted, but again security suffers. And as it happens, sometimes it’s not easy to come up with one!

Password Safe program and its advantages

I really like this wonderful program. You don’t need to come up with anything yourself - it generates any combination of symbols itself. There is no need for a notepad - everything is right there on the computer, but not in a regular folder, but in a special storage in an encrypted file, access to which is provided after entering the master password. So you only need to remember it in order to enter the database. You don’t have to enter the letters either; just drag and drop or copy.

I will list the main positive qualities:

  • the program is free and absolutely free, the source code is open;
  • Russified, which is also important for us;
  • easy to use, as it is aimed at performing only one function;
  • high level of security: the original version was developed and written by Bruce Schneier, an expert in the field of cryptography.

Download and install Password Safe

So, let's start installing it. But first, let’s download it from the official website. Click on the next word: -> . Everything there is in English, of course, but I think you can look at the big green rectangle and click on it.

With or without it, the program will still download. By analogy, but simpler, we install our Pasword Safe program. The only point in the “Components of the installed program” window is to select a language and check the box there, but with “Autorun” you can remove it, I think this is unnecessary. Picture below:

Setup and main points in operation

I hope it wasn’t too difficult for you to install this program. Now let's see how to work with it. Click on the icon and launch it. First we get here:

Click on “New” - we will create a container for storage. A window opens where we are asked to specify the file name:

If you wish, you can change what is indicated by the arrows, click “Save”. We see the following:

Here we come up with a password. You can use the built-in keyboard. Click "OK" and get into our storage:

In the top picture, select “Edit” and in the drop-down menu click “Add element”, the window shown below appears and we begin to work.

We fill it out approximately according to this principle:

Then click on “Create”, “Show”, if you didn’t like the password - again “Create”, “Show”, if you liked it - “OK”.

By the way, if you don’t like the set of characters created by default, you can click on “Password Policy” in the window shown above and then redefine it at your discretion. The picture below shows the procedure in numbers. On a yellow background - everything that can be changed:

This is what our container will look like after filling:

How to use and about backups

In order to enter, for example, the Odnoklassniki website, you need to perform the operations shown in the bottom picture. Points 3 and 4 are performed by simple dragging (select a picture, click on the left button and, without releasing it, go to where shown and only then release the button).

Further, I think there is no need to explain. There's nothing complicated there. Experiment and you will figure it out. And a few more words. For example, I store the master password on a memory card, which I insert into . This may seem unnecessary to you, but decide for yourself.

Another point is that not all sites allow you to simply drag and drop your login and password (the image of a man and a key) to insert them. In this case, double-click with the left mouse button on the selected element, it will appear in the clipboard (that is, copied), and then paste it wherever you need. Yes, and don’t forget to do it periodically backups bases password storage:

Click on “Manage” and select “Create a backup” in the drop-down menu, where you can also “Restore from backup”. It is better to store backups in several places. For example, on a memory card, flash drive and computer.

That's all. If you have any questions, you can ask them in the comments. I will certainly answer them.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the Penserman blog.

Passwords are exactly what you can’t imagine without modern computer, regardless of operating system. And the further you go, the more passwords there are - new sites, forums, and sometimes just programs. It is almost impossible to remember the abundance of all this information. There are several solutions to this problem. The first is to use one password for all sites/forums/programs when registering. However, this solution has a very big drawback - security. Therefore, I cannot recommend this solution to anyone.

The second, more correct solution involves using different passwords for all sites and storing them in one text file, or in a notebook. However, in this case too, safety is not strong point– an attacker just needs to look through your notebook and that’s it – he is almost the rightful owner of your life.

The third solution, the most convenient to use and does not put your data at risk, is to use different passwords on all sites and store information about them on your computer in encrypted form. This is exactly the path that developers from Agile Web Solutions took when creating the 1Password application.

The 1Password program has versions for Mac OS, iOS, Windows and Android, however, regardless of the platform, it pleases with a well-thought-out interface that even a beginner will not get confused in, as well as the fact that the application interface is separately drawn for each platform. There is one more feature that is common to all versions of the program - to access the application database, you must enter one password (thanks to which, in fact, the program got its name).

However, in addition to passwords, 1Password is capable of storing data about software licenses, secret notes, credit card data and even passports - thus, the application from Agile Web Solutions is a universal storage of confidential data. But first things first.

Storing Website Passwords

For each Internet page, the address is saved (which eliminates the possibility of data being used by phishing sites), login and password, as well as a screenshot. You can also assign tags and notes and attach a file. The latter, in my opinion, is overkill, but I think it is necessary for some users. Passwords stored in 1Password can be accessed and subsequently used in two ways. The first, more suitable for viewing various database items and editing them - in the main program window, select the corresponding item on the left side of the window. At the same time, you see both a screenshot of the page and the date the entry was created/last edited. The second way to access password database entries is ideal when surfing the Internet - thanks to the extension built into your browser (supported by Safari, Firefox, Canino, OmniWeb, WebKit, NetNewsWire, DEVONagent, Fluid, Flock, iCab and Chrome), you don’t need every run the program once in order to log into a particular site. Just click on the button with the “1P” logo on the toolbar and select “Fill out and send %NAME%” (or choose the same thing for context menu pages) – and that’s it! And, of course, the password entered into the program database from Safari can then be used, for example, in Firefox.

By the way, when using modifier keys, the first line in this menu changes, and along with it the action performed:

– with the ALT/Option key held down:

– with the Shift key held down:

– with ALT/Option+Shift keys held down:

Well, if the site’s authorization data is not yet in the database of the program from Agile, then after filling out the “login” and “password” fields you will be asked to save them in 1Password - again, thanks to the extension for the browser you are using.

Simple entries

In addition to storing passwords for Internet pages, the program allows you to create entries for saving login-password combinations, for example, from iTunes or ICQ/AOL. When creating new entry You are prompted to select the type of record to be created. The number of fields also depends on what type of record is selected - for a Generic Account there are only two fields (Login and Password), and for an E-mail account there are many more (you can select a POP/IMAP account, specify POP/IMAP-SMTP -servers, etc.)

Additional features

In addition to its main purpose - storing passwords, the program can also be used to create secure notes, store program licenses (very convenient), business card data, passports, driver's licenses - for all this, 1Password has its own section and template with its own fields. Business card data can be used when filling out the appropriate fields in online stores directly from the browser. It is also possible to create “Personalities” - special templates with your personal data (Last Name, First Name, Nickname, Date of Birth, etc.), which can be used when registering on sites, thereby speeding up the registration process.

Undoubtedly, an important part of the program is the generator secure passwords(can be called directly from the browser; has very flexible settings):

One of the main functions of iOS devices is Safari browser, allowing you to fully work with Internet pages. And if so, then on both iPhone and iPad there is a need to access the 1Password database. Fortunately, the developers at Agile Web Solutions have programs for both types of devices (and even Android) in their portfolio.

When you first launch the iOS app, you will be prompted to set a login password and a master password. A master password can be assigned to particularly important data, e.g. credit cards.

The iPhone program has all the same templates for creating new entries as the desktop application:

The iPad app boasts the same thing, plus a more interesting interface:

Programs for iOS have functionality almost identical to the application for Mac OS. The only major difference is that 1Password is mobile devices does not integrate into the browser. This somewhat reduces the usability of the application, however, it should be noted that this is not the fault of the Agile Web Solutions developers - Safari Mobile does not currently support extensions at all. In order to somehow compensate for this small drawback, 1Password has a built-in browser that already has autofill from the application database:

Syncing 1Password for iOS with the desktop application can be done via WiFi, or, more conveniently, via Dropbox.

1Password Anywhere

One of the interesting features of 1Password 3 is a special database that can be used to view saved passwords using any browser without using the program itself, such as a flash drive. And when using Dropbox synchronization - via the Internet, from anywhere in the world. This is very convenient, for example on the road. This is achieved using several HTML files (an entire mini-site), the main one is called 1Password.html and is located in the 1Password.agilekeychain folder.

1Password Anywhere, launched in a browser, only allows you to view existing entries - you cannot create new ones or make changes to existing ones.

When using Dropbox synchronization, you do not have to worry about the security of your data - it is under reliable protection. First, your Dropbox password. And secondly, the 1Password master password. Without a master password, you won’t be able to view a single entry, as they are all stored in encrypted form.

Based on all that has been written above, I can say with confidence that the program really deserves your attention, since it is one of the best of its kind (if not the best), and in general it is practically irreplaceable in the computer industry.

1Password for Mac
Name: 1Password for Mac
Developer: Agile Web Solutions
Price: 39.99$
Link: official website

1Password for iPhone/iPod Touch
Name: 1Password for iPhone/iPod Touch
Developer: Agile Web Solutions
Price: 9.99$
Link: App Store

1Password for iPad
Name: 1Password for iPad
Developer: Agile Web Solutions
Price: 9.99$
Link: App Store

1Password for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Name: 1Password for iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad
Developer: Agile Web Solutions
Price: 14.99$

I recently received a question: “Hello! Svetlana. You don't know if you can trust the program: Password Boss is a program that will ensure the secure storage of all your passwords and other confidential information. Could someone get into my computer and steal my passwords and logins from this program? This is the question that worries me very much! Is this program even reliable?”

In principle, you cannot completely trust anyone, sometimes even yourself. Moreover, information protection is a complex problem, including both modern means software protection and the human factor. After all, you can download the same Password Boss from the network in a “bundle” with a Trojan program (alas, there are more than enough such links to download this utility on the RuNet).

So, first of all, an OS with the latest service pack, an updated browser, a reliable, constantly updated antivirus + firewall.
Regarding Password programs Boss can definitely say one thing - the program is really quite functional, convenient and safe.

But you must understand that the main function of password managers is not only and not so much the protection of information, but rather the creation of convenience in this matter for the user.

That is, in capable hands, this powerful tool to reduce the degree of vulnerability, in the inept, this is not only not protection, but also a gap in your security system. After all, it is enough for an attacker to gain access to the folder where the program is located and, here they are, files with passwords.

All that's left to do is to choose a login and main password, i.e. password to enter the program. Any system is only as vulnerable as its weakest link. If you have a short, uncomplicated master password, then further encryption using the RC4 algorithm with a 2048-bit key (which Password Boss offers) makes no sense.

Therefore, in any case, this is what I do, it makes sense to save the master password on a flash drive, and a copy of it on an optical disk. True, it will not be possible to save a copy on disk using the program; we save it on the desktop, write it to disk and delete the file from the hard drive.

Should you store all your password files on external storage? More likely no than yes. Of course, theoretically, everything can be hacked, as they say, a person made it, a person can break it, but if this is not a password for logging into an electronic payment system, but just a password for a Facebook account, then what’s the point... for a hacker to spend money and time on decryption?

So you should draw the main conclusions for yourself:
Do not store “important” passwords on your hard drive, no matter what manager you use. The storage method and location is your choice. You can save a couple of passwords in your head.
Don't be lazy to do complex passwords(fortunately, Password Boss provides all the possibilities for this).
Remember, if someone else has physical access to your computer, it is no longer just your computer.
The weakest point of any program is the person who uses it.
Following these recommendations + the recommendations in the first paragraph of this article is a guarantee that everything will be in order with your passwords.

If you still decide to change your password manager, you can use the Kee Pass Password Safe program, which uses a “breaker-proof” encryption algorithm and, unlike Password Boss, is still supported by the manufacturer.

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