Creating a computer resuscitation disk

Creation backup copy Windows, this is a very important matter, whether you are an active computer user or just a beginner, this does not matter here, everyone needs this.

It is known that nothing is permanent in the world and everything fails sooner or later, and a computer can fail especially often and it will be very unpleasant to lose all the data at one “wonderful” moment and spend a lot of time restoring it and restoring its functionality systems with all programs and individual settings.

To be honest, several times, due to my laziness, I reaped the fruits of not making a backup copy of Windows on time, which of course I really regretted. And so that you don’t step on the same rake, let’s learn how to create such a backup copy, because this is not only useful, but also not difficult. With a reservation for the future, I will say that restoring such a copy later will be much faster and easier than installing and configuring Windows again.

From the previous series of articles, you learned burn disk image, and set it in BIOSe, so here we will skip these steps and assume that you burned the disc and set it to boot from CD-ROM, and if not, then look at how this is done in previous articles. Image with Acronis True Image, you can find it yourself on the Internet, now this is not a problem, considering how popular they are torrents. So, the disc is burned and inserted into the drive, the BIOS is set to boot from CD-ROM, we reboot the computer and wait for Acronis to boot. Then use the mouse cursor to select "Full version"

The program's interface is quite simple and friendly :), here we need to select an action, create a backup or restore, select the first one and click on “Disks”

In this window, we need to specify the disks or partitions that will be backed up; I select the drive (C:) since it is the one that serves as my system drive. Please note that if you are creating a copy of Windows 7 or 8, there will be another large section, approximately 100Mb in size, it also needs to be ticked. Selected, click "Next"

Here we are asked, we create new archive with a backup copy or updating an existing one, we create a new backup archive, we will update later. Now click on the "Browse" button to indicate where the archive will be saved

At this stage, be careful to indicate the disk on which to save Windows backup, this disk must be different (not the one we are copying) if you have an external hard drive or a capacious flash drive, you can specify it, I will save it to disk (D:). Now you need to give a name to the future archive, you can enter the name manually or click on the “Create name / Add date” button, I chose the second option, click “Ok”

We are returned to the previous page. Now we see where our copy will be saved and what it will be called, we check if everything is correct and click “Next”

In fact, this stage is the final one, on it we are shown “Summary data” and all that remains to be done is to click “Proceed”

The copy mode starts, which can take from 5 to 30 minutes, depending on the size of your backup disk; if it is very large, the process may take a long time

If everything went well, at the end we will see a message that “The backup operation was completed successfully,” click “Ok”

We reboot the computer, wait for the operating system to load and see if our archive appears where we indicated

Now, if possible, save it to an external hard drive or hide it somewhere where no one will delete it, because we will need it later. I will show you how to restore a backup in the next

Operating system, but despite this, it continues to be relevant today for many users of weak computers and netbooks. Although HP has been replaced by new operating systems such as Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, everyone’s favorite XP is still a success.

There are many programs for creating bootable flash drives with the operating systems Windows 7, 8, 8.1 and 10, but unfortunately not all of them are suitable for Windows XP.

Of course you can write different programs, for example UltraISO, and others. It would seem that it was created, and the recording was successfully completed, but in the process Windows installations XP crashes of various types. Therefore, it is for Windows XP, or as it is affectionately called - Piggy, that it has its own specific utilities for creating bootable flash drive. Today we will look at the most popular of them - WinToFlash.

How to use WinToFlash program

  • 1. First, download the program in Russian from the official website of the developer.

Download WinToFlash program
(Official website)

  • 2. Launch the program (Fig. 1)
  • 3. We accept the user agreement. (Fig.2)

  • 4. Main program window, click “ Next" (Fig.3)

  • 5. You can create a bootable USB flash drive for Window XP with the help of a wizard(Fig. 4), which will guide you through the entire process, or using Advanced Mode(Fig.5).

  • 1) Open the tab " Advanced Mode" Select the item " Transferring the Windows XP/2003 installer to a drive(mode selected by default). Click " Create" (Fig.5)

  • 2) In the first paragraph, indicate the path to Windows files- this can be a disk image with Windows XP mounted on the system, a CD with an operating system, or simply a folder with Windows XP installation files (for example, by opening ISO image in any archiver and unpacking it to the right place). Second point, we indicate our flash drive, which we will turn into a bootable one.

Attention! All files on the flash drive will be deleted.(Fig.6)

  • 3) We accept the terms of the license agreement (Tick the box. Fig. 7).

  • 4) The flash drive is being prepared and parameters are being collected (Fig. 8)

  • 5) The flash drive is formatted (Fig. 9). Your USB drive will be automatically formatted to file system FAT32.

  • 6) It will take a little time until the distribution files are copied to the flash drive (Fig. 10)

  • 7) A bootable USB flash drive with the Windows XP operating system has been successfully created (Fig. 11).


Now you can check your bootable USB flash drive or immediately rearrange the system, just reboot the computer,

There is very old laptop RoverBook Navigator W511WH, its hard drive has failed. Since the drive has an IDE interface, and is also tailored for laptops, it will be very difficult to find one and it will be very expensive. But I don't have any money. I don’t want this laptop to sit idle when everything in it is working. I have a 4 gig flash drive, and there are two options for installing the system: either install Windows XP on this flash drive (in addition to the laptop, there is also a stationary PC from which I write, so this is an opportunity) and boot onto the laptop from it, or do this so that the flash drive is defined as a full-fledged disk, and not a removable one. I tried to install the Hitachi driver (or whatever it’s called) for the flash drive, but after rebooting the system refused to load it, which is why it basically couldn’t boot. I had to select the "Use last known boot configuration" option. Apparently, without this driver it is no longer possible to make a disk from a flash drive. This means that you will have to install the system on a flash drive, and then boot the laptop from it. But how to install Windows XP on a flash drive via a PC with Windows 7, and even so that any computer can be booted from this flash drive? I asked on the Internet, but they told me that if so, then it’s better to install Linux. But I don’t understand it at all, and I also wanted to use the laptop for tests using programs and games for Windows. And in general, I don’t want to leave Windows anywhere. And period.

P.S. Is it possible to do all this using the system (Windows 7)? It doesn’t matter how difficult it is, the main thing is that it can be done without downloading software. Thanks in advance.

/ Vitaly Vladimirovich 05.15.2017, 12:31

Good question, and I'll try to answer it. At one time I was also interested in this issue - starting the system from a flash drive or from external drive on any computer. As a result, I have a 4 GB flash drive with Windows XP, a 64 GB flash drive with Windows 7, and an external hard drive with Windows 10. I use them when I need to do something with clients or myself with a crashed system.

So, all this can be done in Windows 7, but there is one caveat: if you have desktop computer Windows 7 is 32-bit, then 32-bit systems will be installed on the flash drive.

Using this article you can install any system on a flash drive (see how to work with the WinNTSetup3 program right away, bypassing partitioning). I advise you not to mess with Windows XP, but to install Windows 7 Home. What is not clear - write, ask, I will definitely answer (especially regarding missing drivers).

But if you are determined to install Windows XP unconditionally, write, I will look for the method by which I installed it on my flash drive.

IgorLikesWindows / 05/16/2017, 02:00

Thank you. But there are a few nuances: I have Windows 7 x64 on my computer, does this mean that I can only install 64-bit systems on a flash drive? And one more thing: the laptop is so old that, I’m afraid, it will be impossible to work on it with Win 7, here are its characteristics: Intel Pentium M 1.6 GHz, 533 MHz FSB, Intel GMA 900 (up to 192 MB from RAM), 512 MB DDR 333 memory MHz (2 Samsung strips of 256 MB each), display 1280x800. Yes, he will pull the seven, but very slowly. I plan to expand the memory to 768 MB or 1 GB (depending on the budget), but the processor is single-core, and it is the most powerful processor for socket 479. You can try installing a Pentium 4, because It is for 478 socket and is compatible with 479, but I don’t have the money to buy it, plus the cooling simply won’t cope, and plus everything, it will be necessary to increase the voltage of the connector. But in any case, installing Windows 7 on a single-core processor is suicide, even if it has at least 64 GB of memory. As for me, this can be done purely for fun and testing capabilities, but in order to constantly use it on one core... fate forbid humanity to know these torments, I saw a speed of 7 on 4 stumps and 4 gigs of memory. Oh yes, 512 MB for 7... It itself, without programs or startup, eats up to a gigabyte of memory. So, after these long conversations about 7 and single cores and memory, I still insist on XP. Well actually as a last resort I will install Vista at the most, because it takes 0.2-0.3 GB and will still be really usable somehow.

P.S. About WinNTSetup, I can download, but I’m such a user that before downloading any program I have to make sure that it’s definitely not possible to do this using the system’s methods? Is it possible to install XP on a flash drive via com. line?

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The ability to save data as backup copies is available in the Windows OS itself. Moreover, they are quite wide - no worse than free programs third party manufacturers. It is important that the archival Windows utility can save not only user files, but also settings of the OS itself. Save or restore previously archived files, as well as synchronize data with using Windows, quite easily, the backup procedures are described below using the example of the built-in archivers of the popular Windows XP Professional, Vista Home Premium and Windows 7 Home Premium operating systems.

Archiving using Windows HR.

In Windows XP, it is easy to find and run the backup utility - it is located in the utilities section.

1) Click on (Start-All Programs-Accessories-Utility). When you launch the backup program for the first time, a window will open in which three backup and recovery modules will be available: creating a backup copy of data recovery from the archive and creating an emergency system recovery disk.

2) To launch the Archive Wizard, click on the appropriate button. The [Archive Wizard] window will open, click on [Next] and, depending on what data should be archived, activate the corresponding radio button.

Make sure that the device on which the backup will be recorded is connected and recognized by the system, then click on [next].

3) The wizard will scan the available disks and ask for the location of the partition on which the backup will be written. In the window, specify the appropriate disk and archive name. Click [next] again.

4) In the next window that opens, you can immediately start the reservation by clicking the [ready] button, or specify additional options copy by clicking the [advanced] button. In the latter case, you will be able to select the archiving type. After this, check the [check data after archiving] checkbox, select the type of file placement with a copy (we recommend creating new file) and click [next].

5) In the next window you need to set a copying schedule if you need to make it regular. By clicking the [Set Schedule] button, you can set the exact backup interval in the [Scheduled Job] window.

6) Click on the [ok] button, [next] and again [ok]. Then click [yes] and in the [Backup Wizard] window click [done]. The [Backup progress] information window will open, showing the progress of the backup. When the process is complete, click [close]. Important! The backup program saves the information as a single file with a BKF extension. It is impossible to view its contents using normal Windows tools.

Data recovery using Windows XP.

The process of restoring data from a backup is as follows.

1) Run the backup program as described in step 1 of the previous subsection. In the main window, click on the [Recovery Wizard] button, after which the [Recovery Wizard] window will open.

2) Click on [next] and follow the system prompts, as you did when creating an archive copy. Please note that in the source selection window, the contents of the backup copy are displayed as a hierarchical directory, with the archive file at the top and its contents below.

Important! If [replace existing file] was selected in the window when transferring system settings to a new PC, you will need to restart the computer.

Archiving by means Windows Vista.

Creating a backup in Windows Vista is generally done in the same way as in Windows XP, but in this case you first need to select the storage location for the future archive, and only then the files to be saved.

1) Run the archiving program in the same way. as in Windows XP. but in the menu, click on [archiving status and settings]. You can also get to the required utility through the “Control Panel” (which in the previous Windows versions was impossible), where there is a separate “Archiving and Recovery Center” that combines the relevant functions. Select the files you plan to save. To do this, in the [archive files] window, check the required checkboxes. Click [next].

2) In the second window, select the location where the backup will be written. You can use both local and network drives. After specifying the location, click [next] again. Select the files you plan to save. To do this, in the [archive files] window, check the required checkboxes. Click [next].

3) Now specify which disks need to be backed up. To do this, in the [archive files] window, check the appropriate checkboxes.

Just a note. IN operating system Windows Vista can only select an entire group of files at once (music, data, etc.) and only on local disks, but cannot be saved in a backup copy separate folder. This is a very controversial solution, since it reduces the convenience of archiving (often the user does not need to archive all the data on the disk, but has to) and increases the duration of the process.

4) After selecting files, you can specify when to archive. By default, the operation will be performed immediately for the first time, and then repeated every week on Sunday. This order can be changed using the scheduler, which will not cause any difficulties.

It is assumed that future archiving will proceed as planned, so the user is asked to save the current settings. Click on the [save settings and start archiving] option and the [file archiving] operation will begin.

5) To re-reserve, first change the archiving parameters by clicking on the link [change archiving parameters], then go to the main menu and only then launch backup. Upon completion of archiving, the system will report the outcome of the process.

Data recovery using Windows Vista.

Compared to Windows XP, in the operating Vista system the data recovery process is less obvious to the user.

1) You should select not “Simple recovery” (to avoid confusion with archive files), but “Special”. To do this, in the [Backup and Recovery Center] window, click on [Advanced Settings], and then in the [Backup Status and Settings] window that opens, click [Special Recovery].

2) In the [file recovery] window, activate the radio button [files from earlier archives.], and then select the required archive with data by the date of its creation. The further procedure for restoring information from a backup copy is generally similar to that in the operating room Windows system HR.

Backing up and restoring data in Windows 7.

Working with backups in Windows 7 is actually no different from that in Vista, since the “seven” has adopted a lot from it in terms of the user interface. However, in Windows 7, all operations with backup and recovery, as well as working with images and creating rescue disks, are centralized and accessible from one window.

1) Click [Start], [All Programs], [Maintenance] and then [Backup and Restore] - the corresponding window will open. This is the main window when working with system archives. With its help, you can not only save a backup copy, but also create a system image and an emergency recovery disk. Transfer Tool Windows data also available from this window.

2) To start the backup, click [set up backup], the process of identifying the connected disk media will start. After all disks have been scanned, the [save archive] window will appear.

4) In the window that opens, agree to the automatic archiving method by leaving the [submit] radio button activated Windows selection], or define your own method by activating the [submit selection to me] radio button.

5) If in step 4 you decided to set the archiving order yourself, then after clicking [next], a window will open where the system will provide the opportunity to specify specifically which objects on the hard drive need to be archived. Important! When choosing which files to back up, always consider their size and storage capacity. Restoring data from a backup is available from the main menu. In the [backup or restore files] window, click [select another backup...] and follow the system instructions. The recovery process in Windows 7 is similar to that in Vista.
