Today my neighbor asked to look at his computer with Windows 7 installed. His daughter was playing on it and accidentally launched all the exe using notepad.

Of course, all this looks funny from the outside, I even came up with the idea of ​​​​implementing this glitch in the form of another joke in Delphi (soon I will write how to do this). However, for a person far from computers and capable, perhaps, of reinstalling Windows, this situation was akin to a disaster. It was necessary to urgently take measures to eliminate this failure.

Why do I call this a glitch? It's simple - Windows itself should return everything to its place the next time you start it. If this does not happen, then another failure occurs. Well, let's fix the launch of Notepad instead of an executable program.

I always told my students to study Windows registry. After all, the “health” of Windows often depends on the integrity of the registry. And about the various fine settings I’m completely silent.

This situation is a clear example of how an incorrectly modified registry can ruin a user’s nerves. But what the user decides to run this or that file through is stored in the registry. Unfortunately, visitors to my blog are often just beginners, for whom many technical details are simply uninteresting and I understand them perfectly well. A person wants a solution to a specific problem, and not boring words about something he does not understand. For this reason, I will simply show what needs to be done in this situation. For those who want to learn more, I invite you to read my articles on programming.

So, as you understand, the registry has remembered that you want to run all files through notepad. In addition, Windows took the initiative and now all shortcuts on the desktop have taken the form of a notepad. You don’t need to think that this can only happen with notepad - someone can launch it through paint, etc. In any case, there will be one solution.

To eliminate this scourge, you will need to import the default registry branches responsible for these parameters. You can download them here - responsible for the file association, - for the label association.

Simply double click on each of these files and restart your computer. Everything should work now. As you can see, everything is very simple.

Users often encounter a problem when they cannot boot a computer or laptop running Windows 7 not only in normal mode, but also in safe mode. This problem can be caused by a variety of reasons. System and hardware failures often lead to the fact that the operating system cannot boot or spontaneously goes into reboot, or after turning on the PC appears blue screen death. What to do if Windows 7 does not log into safe mode how to solve this problem and restore your PC's functionality. In this article we will try to solve these problems.

What is safe mode and why is it needed?

Safe Mode in Windows OS ( Safe Mode) - special diagnostic operating mode operating system, which is used to identify and eliminate errors in the OS registry. If you run Safe Mode, unnecessary system components will be disabled by default. In other words, when you turn on a computer or laptop with this option, only the most necessary ones will be loaded system components devices, important drivers.

If the PC on which Windows 7 is installed encounters any malfunctions after turning it on, you can try starting the device through safe mode with a basic set of services. After the system boots into Safe Mode, the user can perform the same actions as during normal Windows startup 7.

This download method will help detect the presence of viruses, adware, and spyware in the system that interfere with normal functioning. desktop computer or laptop.

If Windows 7 only boots into safe mode immediately after turning on the PC, this indicates that there is a problem that is preventing the operating system from starting normally. In this case, the reason, as a rule, lies in recently installed software.

To solve the problem, you can try to restore the system. To do this, go to “ Start» - « Control Panel» - « System Restore».

But what to do if a device with Windows 7 not only does not enter safe mode, but does not want to start even in normal mode. Let's try to understand this issue.

Reasons why Windows 7 cannot boot into Safe Mode

As already noted, most often the need to enter safe mode on any version of the Windows OS, including the “seven”, is due to the need to scan and check the PC for viruses and the presence of virus software. Of course, if the computer does not turn on in normal mode.

Despite the fact that Windows 7 currently occupies a leading position among all operating systems presented, it cannot be said that this version of the OS is the standard of absolute quality. Unfortunately, Windows 7 has many of its own bugs and shortcomings, which affect the stability of your device. Especially if you neglect to install licensed software.

If the safe one does not turn on Windows mode 7, this problem may be caused by:

  • the presence of viral, potentially dangerous software (viral advertising, software);
  • hardware power failure;
  • file system damage;
  • technical problems.

As a rule, if Windows 7 does not want to turn on in safe mode, according to experts, this problem lies in the presence of “evil” viruses in the registry due to the installation of applications and software from unverified, dubious sources. Most likely, under the influence of spyware modified programs in system files The registry branches that are responsible for entering safe mode have been removed.

How to boot your PC in safe mode

Everyone knows that you can boot your PC in safe mode by pressing the F8 key immediately after turning on the PC. But pressing this key does not always bring up the safe mode menu, which can be caused by a number of problems.

If Windows 7 does not boot in safe mode, there are several ways to fix this problem:

  • reinstalling the OS;
  • changing the system configuration;
  • using the special AVZ utility.

The most radical method is complete OS reinstallation. The only thing worth noting is that this option is only suitable if you have removable media on hand, a distribution kit with this version of the operating system. That is, the one that was already installed on the PC. This will require " System restore point" The most recently saved system restore points will open in a special window when this feature is activated.

It is worth noting that if the system has important files, and there is no way to install the system with installation disk, this option cannot be called the best solution problems.

Sometimes, if turning on the computer is impossible in Safe Mode, you can perform the so-called “knurling” ( system rollback) - a process that is identical to a complete reinstallation of the OS, allowing you to save all previously installed important programs, applications, software. If necessary, you can do backup data, important information on PC.

In case complete reinstallation systems, you can restore lost registry data using a utility application, namely system recovery. But you need to remember that using this console is not effective in all cases. To ensure that the OS boot option is restored in Safe Mode, we will need a recovery REG file that is fully compatible with this OS.

The best option that will help if Windows 7 does not want to boot or start in safe mode is AVZ utility, which can be downloaded without any problems from the official web portal. In addition to restoring PC functionality this program will help eliminate various threats, malware on your laptop system or personal computer. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

To boot Windows 7 in safe mode, you can also try change OS configuration. At the same time, the main thing is to avoid mistakes in your actions by adhering to the following sequence:

  1. Go to the menu " Start", click " Execute».
  2. In the field " Open"We enter the msconfig command and press the OK button. After which you can see the window that appears “ System Configuration", as well as other active tabs at the top.
  3. ", after which the line " Safe Mode».
  4. Check the box " Safe Mode", confirm the action by pressing OK.

Now you need to restart your PC and check the functioning of safe mode. To do this, during the reboot process, at the very beginning of the system boot, press ". Now you need to re-enter " System Configuration» - «» - « Safe Mode" Uncheck the box next to “ Safe Mode", click OK.

As you can see, if Windows 7 does not boot in safe mode, you can solve this problem using several of the methods presented above. The main thing is to adhere to the established sequence. If the system continues to be unstable, the computer does not boot in safe and normal mode when turned on, the system reboots spontaneously, perhaps the main reason is technical malfunctions. In this case, qualified specialists will help you troubleshoot the problem after conducting a comprehensive diagnosis of your laptop or PC.

Video on the topic

If a user has a problem when Windows 7 does not start on a computer or laptop, then this article will help solve this difficult problem. Starting Windows 7 is sometimes impossible due to errors occurring in the system after hardware problems or incorrect installation software, malicious utilities, etc.

But the most common reason why Windows 7 sometimes won’t load lies in the operating system itself.

Solving the problem

In the case when all the initial stages Windows launch 7 on a PC or laptop runs fine, but Windows 7 still doesn’t start completely, which usually confuses novice users. Although if available detailed instructions, the question: “What to do?” will not appear even for beginners. If the cause of the problem is a hardware failure, then this will be indicated by the signal from the speaker of the laptop or desktop computer during the POST test. If this is the case, then the OS will not start.

But if the problem is of a software nature and the process stops at the stage Windows downloads 7, this means that the user is faced with the most common problem that can be solved using an algorithm of typical actions.

Instructions for action

You must use an OS recovery tool. During the PC startup process, if Windows 7 does not start, the system often recommends that the owner of the computer or laptop select boot options. If for some reason such an offer has not been received, then the user can independently open this menu by clicking on the “F8” button. Then proceed to "Sevens".

What to do if the above instructions did not solve the problem?

To fix the problem when Windows 7 does not start, you need to use a CD with the OS:

  1. Insert the installation disk into the PC drive;
  2. Start the system from the disk (in the BIOS the appropriate order for booting the system from media must be set);
  3. In the window that appears, click on “Apply recovery functions that resolve OS boot problems” and click on “Next”;
  4. Then in the “OS Recovery Options” menu, click on “Startup Repair”;
  5. Wait until the system analysis is completed and the causes of failures are eliminated;
  6. Reboot the PC;
  7. In BIOS, set the system to start with hard drive (When exiting the BIOS, be sure to save the adjustments made);
  8. Restart the computer again;
  9. Ready! Windows 7 will now boot normally.

Using the command line

If for some reason it was not possible to restore Windows using the installation disk, then there is another way to do this through the command line.

First you need to take the steps indicated in the recovery paragraph normal loading"Sevens". The only changes are that simply in the “ ” menu you now need to specify the section “Command Line”.

What to do when you fail to achieve a positive result by following the above instructions?

If success was not achieved and the user has already reached this part of the article, then the problem cannot be classified as a typical failure of a bootable OS distribution. You will need to do all further actions safely Windows mode. It is recommended to analyze drive “C” for the appearance of broken clusters.

To enter “safe mode” you must do the following:

Why are preventive measures important?

Windows 7 has a special system that can make special reference points, with the help of which, if necessary, it is restored. By using this protection function, even a novice user can always easily return the OS to a working state.

For example, in case of failures due to incorrect installation of applications, drivers and other utilities such as codecs, or when errors occur due to adjustments being made to the registry.

It should be noted that in “Seven” it is possible to allocate a fixed amount of memory on the hard drive specifically for such protection of the operating system. Implementation available in Windows 7 self-configuration protect files along with system data, or you can do this separately.

In many cases, the inability to boot Windows 7 may simply be due to an incorrect boot order in the BIOS. This can happen if you have more than one hard drive installed in your computer. Typically, entering the BIOS occurs a few seconds after turning on the computer by pressing a button Delete or by pressing a special function key. Once you enter the BIOS, make sure that your hard drive with Windows 7 is in the right place in the download queue. If you don't know where to look, read the instructions for your motherboard.

Another possible reason not detected Windows computer there is a hardware problem during boot. If the BIOS cannot detect your system drive, then make sure that all cables are connected to it properly. If your hard drive makes strange noises, like clicking and tapping sounds, then it may be broken. Finally, it is possible that your hard drive is experiencing data corruption issues affecting important system data, such as the Master Boot Record (MBR).

If you suspect your disk is broken, it would be a good idea to do backup copy important data, scan it for errors from another computer, and even consider purchasing a replacement drive. Trying to fix a boot problem on a damaged drive may result in data loss, so back up your data before you do anything.

The MBR and other important boot data can also be corrupted by attempts to install older Windows versions in addition to Windows 7 (like Windows XP) or third programs, such as viruses. In case of a virus, even before any “corrective” actions, it is recommended to check the disk using antivirus program. Otherwise, attempts to fix a disk with a virus may result in data loss.

Also, the appearance of messages about boot data corruption may be caused by incorrectly setting the active disk partition, which may come from an overly inquisitive Windows user with administrative rights.

Fixing MBR and other Windows 7 boot problems is most quickly accomplished by using a Windows 7 installation DVD. But if you don't have one, then as an alternative you can use a Windows 7 system repair disc, which we'll show you the process of creating below.

If you don't have either an installation DVD or a recovery disc, then do yourself a big favor by creating a recovery disc now to avoid unnecessary headaches in the future.

Step one: Turn on your computer by booting from either the installation DVD Windows disk 7, or from the Windows 7 system recovery disc. Please note that to boot from DVD, you may have to change the boot order in the BIOS.

Step two: When booting from your installation disk or recovery disk, you may be asked to select a language. Select it and then continue downloading. If you are using the installation DVD, when prompted below (or similar in another language), select Repair your computer.

Step three: It will take the computer some time to search for installed Windows, after which you will be given a list of possible recoverable Windows. Select the appropriate installation and continue. If by chance a problem is discovered in one of your Windows installations at this initial stage, the system may ask you if you would like it to automatically correct it. Here you can decide for yourself - whether to allow the system to correct itself or not? If you do not want automatic correction, then simply select “no” (No).

Step four: Once you reach the System Recovery Options screen, as shown below, you will be faced with a list of choices that can help you recover your damaged Windows 7.

If you wish, you can first try the Startup Repair option, which automatic mode often solves many loading problems. However, in this article, we will use the Command Prompt option to solve our problems manually. Therefore, to continue, click on Command Prompt.

Step five: Once at the command prompt, type the following command and press Enter:

If it is completed successfully, you will see a corresponding welcome message, such as “The operation completed successfully.” This is what you need! Your MBR has been restored!

Even though the above command fixes the MBR (and sometimes that's enough), there may still be an error with the system partition's boot sector and Boot Configuration Data (BCD). This may happen if you tried to install another operating system in addition to Windows 7, such as Windows XP. To record a new one boot sector, try the following command:

If your Windows 7 is still not detected when you boot your computer, or you want to include more than one operating system in the system boot list, try the following command to rebuild your BCD:

bootrec.exe /RebuildBcd

The above command will scan all your drives for other Windows 7 compatible operating systems and allow you to add them to the system's boot list. If this doesn't work, then you may need to backup your old BCD folder and create a new one using the commands below:

bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup
cd boot
attrib bcd -s -h -r
ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old
bootrec /RebuildBcd

Some users simply delete the old boot folder and try the above steps to solve their boot problems. But it is not recommended to do this.

After deliberately changing the active partition on our system disk While booting the system, we encountered a BOOTMGR is missing error, which prevented us from loading Windows. This is a common error that occurs when you start “playing” with partitions on the system disk. And solving it can cause a serious headache if you don’t prepare for it in advance.

To reverse the active partition, use your Windows 7 recovery disc or installation DVD and follow the steps below.

Step one: Follow the above steps (one through four). This should take you to the Windows recovery environment command prompt.

Step two: Type DiskPart and then press Enter.

Step three: Type List Disk and press Enter. This command will list all the drives connected to your computer and assign numbers to them.

Step four: Enter Select Disk x, where x is the number of the disk containing the partition you want to make active. Press Enter.

Step five: Type List Partition and press Enter. This will allow you to see a list of partitions on the selected drive. Determine which section you want to make active.

Step six: Enter Select Partition x, where x is the number of the partition you want to make active. Press Enter.

Step seven: Now just type Active and press Enter. This command will make the section you selected active.

How to create a Windows 7 system repair disc

Windows 7 makes it easy to create your own system recovery disk, if, of course, you already have the operating system installed and running.

Step one: Click on the Start button -> Programs -> Maintenance -> Create a system repair disk.

Step two: Insert a blank CD or DVD into your optical drive.

Step three: Click on the create disk button and let the program do its job.

Just what you need! The program only needs to write 140-160MB of data to disk (depending on the type of operating system), which should only take a few minutes. If you don't have optical drive CD/DVD-R that you could use to create a recovery disk (and for later use), then you can download an ISO image of the Windows 7 system recovery disk and then use it to create a bootable USB flash drive.

Step one: Download the Windows 7 system recovery disk image (link).

To download you will need a torrent client such as µTorrent. Alternatively (if you have a DVD drive), you can use the Windows 7 installation disc or the Windows 7 system recovery disc. In this case, you should skip straight to step seven.

By the way, using the Windows 7 installation disk in the seventh step, you can not only restore the system, but also install Windows 7 from a USB drive, which can be very useful if you are a netbook user.

Step two: Open a command prompt with administrator rights. To do this, click on the Start button -> Programs -> Accessories -> right-click on Command Prompt and select Run as administrator.

Step three: After confirming all UAC prompts, you should be at the command prompt. Make sure your USB flash drive is connected to your computer, then type DiskPart and press Enter.

Step four: Type List Disk and press Enter. Determine which number corresponds to your USB flash drive. In our case, the USB flash drive corresponds to Disk 1. We determined this by the capacity of the flash drive, which we have is 2GB.

Step five: Enter the following commands in order, changing the disk number to your own. Warning - executing the commands below will erase all data on your USB flash drive or drive of your choice.

Select Disk 1
Create Partition Primary
Select Partition 1
Format FS=NTFS

Step six: Once DiskPart has successfully formatted your USB flash drive (which may take a few minutes), you need to enter the following commands:

Step seven: Now you need to copy the contents of the ISO image (or DVD) you downloaded to your USB flash drive. It's just a couple of folders and a file. To extract files from an ISO image, you will need a program like WinRAR.

Step eight: Now that the files have been copied, you need to make your USB flash drive bootable. To do this you need to download a small file bootsect.exe. This file can also be found in the boot directory of the Windows 7 installation disk. After downloading, place bootsect.exe in the root folder of your USB flash drive.

Step nine: Back at the command prompt, you need to change the current directory to the root directory of the USB flash drive. In our case, the flash drive corresponds to the letter E, so we will use the following commands:

bootsect /nt60 e:

The bootsect command will add compatible boot code to the specified volume. If everything goes well, you will receive a bootable, recovery USB flash drive. However, when using it, do not forget that it must be indicated in the BIOS boot list.
