Trying to install an application from the App Store resulted in a frozen icon on one of your desktops? This situation is quite common, especially if you are used to downloading a lot of applications onto your device. This error may also appear after restoring from a backup. Regardless of the circumstances under which it arose, our instructions will help you deal with the problem.

1. Make sure your device is connected to the Internet

Before you begin active steps to fix stuck loading, make sure that the Internet connection is active on your device. This can be done, for example, by loading any page in Safari.

Loading freezes are often associated with a poor Internet connection (or lack thereof), but if this is not the case, move on to the next step.

2. Click on the application icon

An equally rare situation is that the download is simply suspended. Try clicking on the application icon and wait a few seconds. If the problem was a banal pause, then you will see that the loading process will continue. Otherwise, let's move on.

3. Reboot your device

Like many other iOS errors, this one can be fixed after a reboot. To restart your device, hold down the Home and Power buttons at the same time until Apple logo. After your iPhone or iPad has restarted, check if the problem still exists.

4. Delete the application and download it again

An error while downloading an application from the App Store can be easily fixed by downloading it again. To remove a frozen application, hold its icon for a few seconds until the application icons begin to move. After that, click on the cross in the upper right corner of the icon of the problematic application.

5. Download any other application

The method does not always help, however, positive cases have been noted. Upload any free application from the App Store and check what happens to the stuck one. If this doesn’t help, we move on to “heavy artillery”

6. Sign out of your Apple ID account

If the previous steps did not help, try exiting your account Apple ID, then log in again, preferably under a different Apple ID. To do this:

Step 1: Go to Menu Settings -> iTunes Store, App Store

Step 2: Click on your Apple ID login at the top

Step 3: Select an item Log out

Step 4. In the empty fields, enter the details of another Apple ID (if you don’t have one at hand, enter your account details)

7. Sync your device with iTunes

Even if you prefer synchronization when iCloud help, the iTunes media harvester can be of great service to you, especially when other items fail. Just connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer, open iTunes and wait for the syncing process to complete.

It is extremely rare, but it happens that the problem is not in the user’s device at all, but in the App Store servers. In addition, there is a possibility that an update for the application you need will be released right at the moment you start downloading. Therefore, if none of the methods suits you, wait a while, and the icon that has become hated can be

Good day. Let's consider today a problem when loading Windows that I encountered twice within a week. The first incident occurred on personal computer, the second on an HP laptop. I searched the Internet and it turned out that the situation is quite common and everyone has their own way of solving it. Let's try each one in order. Exactly how this problem manifests itself. According to users, they work at their computer without disturbing anyone, and one fine morning, when they try to turn on the computer, the screen freezes in the picture “ Starting Windows”, at that moment when the “balls” are not yet spinning. We tried to wait 30 minutes and an hour, but nothing changed, the picture remained in place. What to do? First. We need to make sure that the problem is not in Windows itself. Perhaps, as a result of a virus attack, important system files and the system now simply cannot find them. Take a disk with a clean operating system and install it. If the problem does not go away, then the problem is in the hardware.

Second, What they advise is to go into the BIOS and reset to default settings. To get there, look at what is written on the start picture and see something like “Press DEL Setup BIOS”. This is what we need, press the Delete button a couple of times and find ourselves in the mysterious world of “BIOS”. Let’s go through the sections and in the very last of them there should be a “Load default BIOS” item, which is what we need. Click on it, reboot and if everything went well and you finally saw the desktop, congratulations, the problem is solved for you. For those who did not help, move on.

Third, What we are offered is to check our hard drive for bad sectors. There are several ways to do this. For branded laptops, you can check the HDD “without leaving the cash register,” so to speak. To do this, go to the BIOS and in the first section we find Self-test HDD. Found it? Well done. Click on it and the check starts. If there is no such thing, then we take any external storage be it an optical disk, an external HDD, a flash drive, writes a Live CD image there, or the diagnostic programs themselves and make a multiboot flash drive (you can read about this). There are many diagnostic programs, the most famous are MHDD and Victoria. If we find bad sectors, then we are looking for a replacement worker hard drive, if there are no broken ones and after completing both steps the computer still does not want to work, we move on to the next, fourth method.

Fourth method again means “tinkering” with the BIOS, but this time not resetting it, but reflash it. I wrote how to do this in a recent article, you can read it. We take the firmware from the manufacturer's website. How to find out the manufacturer? Look at the starting picture or enter the model of your motherboard (laptop) into the search. The firmware procedure itself will not take much time. You will be required to ensure that the power is not lost during the firmware. Therefore, it is advisable to use a UPS. Flash it, turn on the computer, check it. If everything now loads as it should, then congratulations, but if not, then I suggest going to the last point.

Fifth What you can do with your computer is to check the RAM. Since it plays a huge role when loading, because all system Windows files copied from hard drive to your RAM, and if there is some problem with it, the system may go into a loop waiting for a response from RAM. You can check your RAM with a program called memtest86. You can easily find a sample of it on the Internet. We write it to our multiboot flash drive and run the test. This check goes through an infinite number of laps, so after the program has passed 1 lap, or better yet 2 (you can find out by checking the Pass item) and if the “Error” item = 0, then your RAM is “healthy”. If the error point is not zero, then there is a problem in the RAM. If there are two strips, then by turning off one by one we determine the broken one; if there is only one, then you will have to either buy a new one or borrow it from a neighbor while checking.

Sixth, check if you have any connected devices, some kind of flash drive or mobile phone. Or maybe there is some kind of disk in the drive. Don't be lazy! Check it out! Personally, I had a case with a laptop that also froze when loading. I spent two days fiddling with it and in the end the solution turned out to be painfully funny. The reason was the connected USB mouse. Which I couldn't even think of. I just accidentally turned it off and the problem was instantly solved. The most interesting thing is that when I connected another mouse, everything worked fine. And for myself, I concluded that the first mouse was a mess, even though it was branded A4Tech.

Seventh (final), problem with motherboard. I personally had a case where the user’s computer also froze. Then I tried everything, everything I described here, but nothing helped, then I completely disassembled the computer, fortunately it was an ordinary desktop computer, and not some kind of laptop. I took out the motherboard, and there was a swollen capacitor in the chipset area.

Well, it looks like I changed it, and lo and behold Windows started load!

Let's summarize. If you have done everything that is described here and it did not help you in any way, then the only way out is to contact a service center, where they will diagnose you using special equipment. Of course, you will have to pay money for this, but as a result you will get a fully working laptop. Good luck!

Among the mass of computer problems, a special place is occupied by the OS freezing immediately after booting. That is, the loading process itself operating system it works fine: no blue screen or other glitches. But as soon as the system boots and the “Desktop” appears, this is where the problems begin. More precisely - one problem, but a global one: the system completely freezes! Moreover, there are two options for freezing: 1) the cursor moves freely across the screen, but not a single shortcut responds; 2) the cursor does not move on the screen. In any case, the problem requires a solution. So let's see where the problem lies.

First, let’s immediately identify those places on the computer that are not involved in this problem. This is a video card and sound card, since they are responsible for other system actions. Therefore, we exclude these two nodes immediately.

Secondly, let's consider the most possible places where problems may arise: 1) processor; 2) hard drive; 3) capacitors.

Thirdly, a software conflict can cause the system to freeze after loading. Very often, "dummies" install a lot of software: all sorts of defragmenters, system cleaners, system accelerators, etc. At the same time, the "teapot" absolutely does not think that when installing such motley software, it can provoke a serious system conflict. It’s also not uncommon for a “teapot” to decide to strengthen the system’s protection and install two (!) antiviruses at once! Naturally, after restarting the system you will no longer be able to control the system: a conflict software it just won't let you do it!

So, we’ve looked at the reasons, and now we’ll put everything in order and solve the problem.
1) Processor - it is this “brain” of your “hardware” that is responsible for processing information processes in the system. That's why it's called a "processor". If the processor is overheated, the system freezes in 99.9% of all cases! Overheating is easy to detect with the naked eye: touch the processor heatsink with your finger and if it is very hot, then the problem has been found. The solution is to clean the cooler and replace the thermal paste.

2) The hard drive is the “pocket” of the system, which contains all the information that you enter into your hardware. If the hard drive becomes hot, then something is clearly wrong with it. The solution to the problem is quite simple: remove the hard drive and turn it upside down. Look at the following: if there are any drips or signs of oxidation on the contacts. If you have it, take a cotton swab, alcohol, cucumber (just kidding) and clean the oxides. We install the disk in place and start the system.

3) Capacitors - radio components that are responsible for the adequate operation of many components computer system. For example, if on motherboard If one of the capacitors leaks, the system power will drop. And any crash in the system invariably leads to various kinds of problems, including freezing. The solution is to replace leaking capacitors.

4) Viruses and Trojans are an unlikely thing, but they still happen. So check the system with help and delete everything found.

5) BIOS - sometimes a simple move helps solve the freezing problem: we enter the BIOS and set the default settings. Helps in 50% of all cases.

6) Broken software is paid programs, which were hacked and made free. It is precisely such programs that quite often provoke system conflicts and lead to system freezes. Boot your computer into " " and remove all programs downloaded the day before, except the antivirus.

Bottom line: freezing can be caused by both temperature and software. But remember: the problem is solved on its own! The only thing you need is patience.
Well, and the last thing: if your hard drive is at least 5 years old, then just think about replacing it. Five years for a disc is a bit long (although not fatal).
We hope that the article will help someone in solving the problem with freezing. Good luck!

Have you seen an interesting application or game in AppStore, and now you want to install it on your iPhone or iPad? This is quite easy for anyone, even someone inexperienced in handling technology. But what to do if the download itself is simply frozen on the icon and does not move? This happens quite often, even in our experience it was repeated 3-5 times, especially if one application is downloaded on several devices at once under the control of one Apple ID account. In addition, the cause of the problem may be backup, which you recently restored. However, the circumstances of the problem that have arisen are, in fact, not as important as the problem itself. In this article we will tell you how you can deal with it quickly and without nerves in order to successfully download the desired application or game.

  1. Make sure your Internet connection is active

First of all, before you start solving the problem of the icon freezing during loading, you need to make sure that the Internet connection is currently active. Otherwise, the reason will be extremely clear and simple. You can check it very easily by launching any web page in your browser.

Most often, it happens that the user overlooked or did not notice that the Internet connection with Wi-Fi or GSM was turned off. If this is not the reason, feel free to move on to the next point.

  1. Try clicking on the icon of an application that has stopped downloading

Another common problem is spontaneous stopping of the process. app downloads. To solve it experimentally, a very effective way– you just need to click on the icon itself and wait a few seconds. In this case, the reason may be that you or someone else accidentally paused the download. One click on the icon will restart the download process.

  1. Reboot your device

Advanced users devicesApple know that most pressing problems with iPhone or iPad can be resolved with a single reboot (in some cases, an emergency reboot). There is a regular and forced reboot. In your case, you will need the second option, which is done as follows: press simultaneously Home buttons and Power for 3-5 seconds, after which a white Apple logo will appear on the black screen. Only after rebooting the device, check whether the download continued or not.

Most often, this method is the most effective, but even if it doesn’t help, move on to the more radical point No. 4.

  1. Delete the application and download it again

If the three methods listed above do not help you, try simply deleting the application from your device and installing it again immediately. Anyone who has used at least a little should probably know the removal procedure. gadgetsApple: you need to hold down one of the icons on the desktop for 2-3 seconds, after which they will shake and a cross will appear on the corner of each. To delete unnecessary application, click on the cross in the upper right corner and confirm your intentions by clicking “Yes”.

  1. Check if this problem exists on other applications

The fifth method is by no means as straightforward and effective as the others, but you shouldn’t give it up either. It consists of simply downloading any other program from AppStore and subsequent verification of the problematic application. If even after this it has stood still and is still standing without any progress, it is worth moving on to much more radical and complex measures.

  1. Sign out of your Apple ID account

Frankly speaking, it is quite rare for people to get to this point, having resolved all their issues more in simple ways. However, if you still had to reach it and the problem requires a completely different solution, try to get out of your accountAppleID, then log in again or log in with a different login. Don't know how to do this? In that case, follow step by step:

First you need to go to Device Settings and find the item there iTunes Store, App Store; Next, you will see your login at the top as email; When you click on it, you will see the “Exit” button - we need to use it.

  1. Sync your device with iTunes

Many experienced users prefer to keep up with the times by synchronizing their Apple devices through cloud storageiCloud. True, the well-known multimedia “harvester” iTunes has not gone away; it still remains the most effective means interaction with the system and all data on the device running the operating system iOS systems. The synchronization procedure with iTunes is extremely simple: connect your iPhone or iPad to your computer using a USB port and wait for the “Synchronization” sign at the top of the program window.

In the rarest cases, the cause of the problem described above (the loading of an application freezes) lies in Apple itself, namely, in the servers of the Cupertino corporation. Even less often, it happens that while downloading the application you need in AppStore There's a new update coming out for it. Based on this, even all seven of the listed methods may become useless. It's better to just wait a while and the problem will solve itself. If you are tired of seeing the hated icon, put it on the farthest desktop in one of the folders, and it will never catch your eye again.

Computer freezes can occur in different ways. The most critical situation is when, instead of the usual desktop or program window, a user suddenly appears blue screen. This situation occurs quite rarely, its reasons may be incorrect operation programs and drivers or hardware failure. There is nothing you can do here; you will see the normal desktop only after restarting the computer. If the blue screen appears frequently, reinstall the OS. If the problem persists, run a full diagnostic of your computer using diagnostic utilities.

Much more often, the user is faced with a situation where the computer stops responding to the user’s actions. In such a situation, open the Task Manager (Ctrl + Alt + Del) and try to determine which process caused the freeze. This is usually one of the running programs in the Applications tab. Try closing it, after which the computer will work again.

If the computer is , but you are not afraid of losing any important data, press Alt + F4. The currently open window, whether it is a window of a running program or open disk, folder, etc. will be closed. If you work a lot with text editor Word, set the settings to save every minute. This will allow you to preserve the results of your work in almost any situation.

If you can open the Task Manager, but can't do anything else, try restarting your desktop. In the Task Manager, in the “Processes” tab, select the explorer.exe process and stop it. Then select "File - New Task", enter the command explorer.exe and press Enter.

If your computer is booting up, try booting into safe mode(F8 at startup, select secure boot). If the computer boots normally, it means that some third-party service or program is causing the freeze. To solve the problem, open: “Start - Run” (“Search” in Windows 7), enter the msconfig command and press Enter.

Select the “Services” tab in the window that opens. Check the "Do not display Microsoft services" checkbox. Disable all remaining services by unchecking the boxes next to them, and restart the computer in normal mode. If there is no freeze, the problem lies in one of the disabled services. By running them one at a time, you can identify the one that is causing the freeze.

Sometimes there are situations when the computer does not freeze completely, but starts to work very slowly. The processor is loaded at 100%. In this case, open Task Manager and find out which process is loading the system, then stop it. Sometimes a fairly weak computer freezes due to the operation of an antivirus program. Install another, lighter one antivirus program or upgrade your computer. For example, add RAM to it.
