There are many ways free promotion friends on VKontakte. One of them is the banal sending of applications to strangers.

To get fewer rejections, you can suggest making friends through the “possible friends” function. The person to whom the application was sent will see that you have mutual friends, and, probably, thinking that you have met somewhere, will confirm your request.

To ensure that your friend requests are answered instantly, you can use the search function to find those people who have -status.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to quickly promote your page this way, since the social network has a limit of 50 submitted applications per day.

Special communities like “Add as a friend” can save the situation. To receive applications, you just need to find such groups and place your invitations in them. Interested users will be added to your subscribers themselves.

It is convenient for the same purpose to use groups of applications in which “friending” provides certain advantages. For example, “Motherland”, “Attack” and others. You will need to add the appropriate application to yourself, find and join its community, and post an ad that you want to be friends with other players.

There are also special sites for exchanging VKontakte friends. For example, On such a portal you can register and make a lot of VKontakte friends online, earning chips. You will receive chips for adding subscribers to other participants and communities. After receiving the required number of chips, you can create a task and start promoting.

How to make friends on VKontakte quickly

A great way to add a lot of friends on VKontakte is to hold various competitions. The prize can be drawn among those who added themselves as friends and reposted the entry about the competition to their page. The more in demand the prize is, the larger the audience you can attract. For example, this could be an iPod, which is relatively inexpensive but would make a very attractive gift.

You can get a large number of friends using a program that sends spam. For example, Viking Botovod. Its demo version is free.

To use the application, you need to download it from the official website, install and add your account to it. It is undesirable to use the main page on a social network to make friends, since the administration can block VKontakte users for spam.

In the program settings, you need to enable the option to exchange friends, thereby starting a process that will help you make friends on VKontakte.

Good news, friends - you can become mega-popular on the social network VKontakte in just a matter of days or weeks =)

However, this will be more of an appearance; a three-digit number in the friends column, alas, will not make you popular. However, for those who are wondering how to make a lot of friends and subscribers on VKontakte, and even for free, there is certainly some sense in this action.

For example, I very quickly made a lot of friends for my fake on VK (). Ask why do I need this? Yes, it’s elementary - with its help I promote my group dedicated to computer games for free.

I, in turn, need it to earn money. The scheme is as follows:

  1. I recruit as many friends as possible on the fake site.
  2. Then I begin to actively invite them to a specially created group.
  3. In this group there is a link to my website, of course stuffed with affiliate links. Everyone who registers or makes purchases through such a link brings me a small amount of money.
  4. I periodically publish announcements in the group and receive additional clicks.
  5. I repost from the group to my fake page so that it will appear in the news.

This is not the entire scheme, but only a simplified version of it, but this will be discussed in detail in another article. Of course, things can be significantly speeded up by investing money in advertising or using special services. service for making friends on VK.

However, this is far from the only goal.

Some people are stroking their pride this way) Some people use popular fakes to make money from services, like selling advertisements in their accounts en masse, and at the same time not annoying their real friends. By the way, on the forum you can also buy cheap advertising, reposts, likes, etc. to promote my groups on VK or external sites, I did something similar. But as for me, if you don’t have a decent stack of fakes, then you can make money much faster and easier on freelance exchanges if you know how to do at least something (draw, design websites, program, edit videos, promote groups in contact, etc.) , this is one of best exchanges in my opinion, you also get a minimum of 500 rubles for 1 order.

Someone, with the help of pumped up fakes, promotes groups, applications, for money or for the sake of money. Bloggers can use them to announce their articles - a couple of thousand of your subscribers will see your announcement in their news feed, and you’ll get at least a few clicks. Groups that sell goods on the Internet through subscribers. And so on, there are a lot of options.

Well, now let’s get closer to the essence of how fast promotion occurs.

How to quickly gain friends and subscribers on VKontakte

There are several options:

  1. Through the “Possible Friends” option.
  2. Through popular gaming applications.
  3. By using third party programs and scripts.
  4. Become famous in some field and friends will flow like a river) At worst, make a high-quality fake female, and add unique erotic photos/videos - again, the fans will flock, but such an audience is very specific :)

There is one bad news - VKontakte has a limit of 50 friend requests per day. Those. By sending out invites through “possible friends” you will get a maximum of 350 people in a week, besides, not all of them will accept the invitation, plus some will fall off over time.

Possible friends are formed from a list of mutual friends

In short, the process will drag on. In general, it’s not a tricky thing - you’ve recruited an initial number of people, and then once a day, go to the list and click the Add button 50 times until the limit is reached, periodically entering a captcha.

I also can’t describe the option of how to become famous here). So that leaves one last interesting way:

Mass increase of friends and subscribers in VKontakte groups using the service

A method for those who do not want to waste their time digging through software and manual additions - you can simply use special ones. there are a lot of services out there now. I like it better - it has the best price-quality ratio in my opinion. For a small amount, they will organize a quick boost of VKontakte friends for you (as well as subscribers to groups, followers, etc.)

Prices there at the moment are approximately as follows:

I do not recommend using dubious programs, especially those you downloaded for free from shady sites. There are probably Trojans sitting there that will steal your VK passwords. Good software for making friends on VKontakte, the thing is quite expensive and very difficult to use; it is not suitable for everyone.

Cheating friends on VK through applications

Suitable for those who need to make a few friends in a free way; this is done through numerous VKontakte applications.

However, not everyone is suitable - we need gaming applications where the so-called friending is developed - adding friends to receive gaming advantages and bonuses. This is a fairly popular marketing ploy among developers of such toys.

For example, I can name some of the most successful application groups for making friends - In the Trench, Tyuryaga, Metro 2033, Rules of War, Dead Zone, etc. there are a lot of them, look in the catalog with more than 1 million participants.

As a rule, it should have a topic like “Looking for friends”, “Add as friends” or something similar.

We go into it and leave our request to be added, and immediately we receive a bunch of requests) Sometimes there are no such topics in official groups, then you can look for fan publics dedicated to this application, there will definitely be a similar topic there.

What's good about this method? Because even if the limit of sent applications has reached, you still increase the number of subscribers, due to the fact that applications are sent to you, you just need to approve them) Thus, collecting a couple of dozen groups of gaming applications and sending there messages like “Add yourself!!!” you get a good flow of fresh blood)

We repeat the procedure every day, maybe even several times a day. In order not to go into applications every time and not to add bookmarks with groups to the browser, you can open My news -> Comments and you will see all the topics in the groups where you unsubscribed, you can leave new comments right here ( all unnecessary tracked comments can be filtered by clicking the cross)

This way you can add several hundred VKontakte friends every day, for free and spending very little time. And what to use them for is up to you =)

By the way, for those who need to make additional friends, you can below in the VK comments unsubscribe for mutual adding as friends + repost the post on the wall, so that more people would get here and more would be added as friends.

Social networks open up ample opportunities for communication, advertising and promotion of one’s own ideas. It’s quite easy to gain popularity on VKontakte if you have a large number of friends and subscribers. Now there are many ways to get “friends” - both paid and free.

The simplest and affordable way make a large number of friends on VKontakte - manually through search. Enter the selection criteria you need into the search bar and add users as friends. True, you won’t be able to get many friends quickly and in this way, since VKontakte has set a limit - you can only send 50 applications per day. Also, from time to time VKontakte will require you to enter a captcha, which will also slow down the process. With maximum responsiveness, you can add no more than 350 friends per week this way. You can also try leaving “calls for friendship” in popular public pages and groups. This way you will bypass the limit of 50 applications per day and will accept friend requests yourself. However, it is worth remembering that you are unlikely to be able to post such messages on the wall of large communities, since only admins can add posts, as a rule. And you can comment on posts by advertising your page. However, if you are too intrusive, this may threaten you with a ban. On the Internet you can find many sites with programs that promise to increase the number of friends and VK subscribers for free. However, be careful, such programs are often carriers of viruses. Before installing the application on your computer, look for real reviews users who have already used this script. One of the most popular programs for making friends on VKontakte is ViKing Botovod. It is available both for free and for a certain amount. Automation of all processes allows you to quickly increase the number of friends. In the program settings, you can specify the conditions by which friends will be selected for your list: gender, age, participation in thematic groups and communities. Download the program from the site, for example, Follow the instructions and install on your computer. Log in to the program. To do this, enter your username and password that you use to log into the VKontakte website. In the “Add task” window, select the “Invite to friends” function. Keep in mind that free version ViKing Botovod Lite may have limited functionality. For advanced features, you will be prompted to purchase ViKing Botovod Pro. You can get a large number of friends for free through gaming applications on VKontakte. The principle of operation of these applications is simple: the more friends who help you complete tasks, the better. Therefore, all fans of such games are interested in making friends. The most popular are “Prison”, “In the Trench”, “Rules of War”, “Metro 2033” and others. More than a million players are registered in these applications, in addition, all games of this type have official groups in VK, in which users can freely add each other to the list of “friends”. For this purpose, there are special branches in such groups where you can post an ad about friending.

Besides free ways cheat friends in social networks, there are a huge number of paid offers. This is done by experienced programmers who will quickly fulfill your order to increase the list of friends in any quantity.

Be careful - lyrics =)

VKontakte is a social network in which everyone is formally equal, however, some appear to be “more equal” than others, due to their high position in search results. Who gets into the search first? Most often - more active. That is, essentially the one who has the most friends.
How to rise in this ranking? Well, essentially There is only one way - to increase the number of friends. And this, generally speaking, is not always possible. Random people are usually not added as friends. What to do in such cases? Well, first you can add all the friends you know personally. Then absolutely all the people with whom you have ever crossed paths. Then all friends based on groups and common interests. And then what? You are still unlikely to come out on top unless you are a very famous person.
But in fact, everything could be much simpler. You have certain criteria for who is most likely to add you as a friend when communicating. But there is no time to sit and manually send them a friend request. Bro, you can save time and effort.

You install BroBot, feed it a list of people you need to be friends with and press start.All!

If you cheat on one account, we won’t ask for a penny! Take it and use it)

I almost forgot to download Bro Bot to boost VK.

Cheat subscribers and friends for free on VKontakte using Brobot.

First of all, let's define what role Brobot plays in promotion.

  • It can find pages based on a list of IDs.
  • He can add pages as friends, or, accordingly, subscribe to them.
  • It can communicate with users. In this case, communication can be either through built-in replicas that can be changed by the main user, or through the use of self-programming bots, for example, the III.RU bot. At the same time, you can connect not an empty bot, but first train it to a state where it can freely communicate on the topics you choose.
  • Brobot can also perform other functions, for example, putting likes (very useful for reminding about yourself and thus avoiding a decrease in the number of subscribers over time), invitations to groups (we’ll look at this function in more detail a little later), and so on.

The convenience of the program is incredible, because you use it on your computer so you don't have to mess around with commands or anything like that, as is the case with other bots. All setup is carried out not on the Internet, but in a special convenient program.

At the same time, the Brobot bot does not store, send or process your data , including logins, passwords, information that is sent, and other parameters.
You can further use this program for businesses that have long loved the Brobot bot. In particular, this program is most often used to promote certain VKontakte groups.

Quickly make friends on VKontakte - how will the program help?

First of all, you should clarify which of the possible copies of the program you own. There are three types of Brobot program - free, ten-page and multi-page, the last two have their own price. If you are the owner the most powerful tool called “Brobot Unlimited”, you can act virtually unlimitedly, buying or creating several dozen or even hundreds of fake accounts, communicating with people from them and gaining subscribers for yourself, which leads to the extraordinary popularity of your page.
The program can even help promote a business or win local elections
– the more subscribers you have, the more trust you have. And everything is done in just a few days.
This is where all the so-called “media viruses”, “social boom phenomena” and so on come from, which modern media are so fond of broadcasting about. It's all about proper promotion. Making friends on VKontakte quickly and free of charge is carried out in a few days using the Brobot bot, while all subscribers think that they are communicating with a real person.

Cheating friends and subscribers on VKontakte using Brobot - how is it done using paid types of licenses for Brobot?

Well, let's figure out how paid accounts differ. First of all, a paid account is distinguished by a large number of VKontakte pages from which it works simultaneously. As a rule, this is ten pages (average license), but there are also those who order an unlimited type of license and install the bot for one hundred or two hundred pages.
Paid accounts are supported in the same way as free ones; the Brobot administration does not segregate users and calmly answers their questions without imposing a transition to a paid model.
And, nevertheless, paid accounts are much more convenient, first of all, because the impact of several bots at once, firstly, can convince a person to subscribe to even the most uninteresting page, and secondly, it covers a larger target audience than in the case of one account.

The service for winding up friends and subscribers is used to promote a personal page on the VKontakte network. Thanks to it, you increase the number of friends and subscribers on your page, thereby rising in the VKontakte search results (the search is sorted by the number of subscribers + friends). After ordering the service, you will receive new friend requests, you can either approve them by increasing the number of friends, or keep them as subscribers by increasing the number of subscribers. The maximum number of friends on one account can be no more than 10,000 friends, and the number of subscribers has no restrictions.

No matter how cynical it may sound, it is really profitable! We do not offer you dubious scams that can tarnish the reputation of an honest and decent person. But we offer effective promotion!

Make friends on VKontakte tantamount to expanding the broadcast audience. This allows you to create a circle with the highest concentration of like-minded people, which others want to join. This audience reaction to simple numbers ensures a continuous increase in the number of subscribers and friends. You will be able to achieve large-scale goals quickly, easily and profitably!

PRSkill will help you solve this problem. Our experts know what live VKontakte subscribers can do and are ready to demonstrate this power for your success !

Advantages of boosting VK subscribers and friends

There are a lot of advantages to buying live VKontakte subscribers and getting , but let's look at the main ones. The main advantage of getting live VKontakte subscribers is that you will appear in the TOP of the search results.

Users who have a large number of followers appear higher in search results.

Getting to the TOP of search results is REAL!

For example, you want to be first in search results for the city of Ulyanovsk; at the moment, the first in the ranking is a user with 40,000 subscribers. To be first in the ranking you need to order VKontakte subscribers in the amount of 41,000.

We also wanted to note that the more VKontakte subscribers you buy, the more unique useful functions for tracking statistics.

  • 50 subscribers - additional statistics open to you, which are located in the “My Answers” ​​section, in it you can see: audience coverage, feedback your posts, and the number of members who have followed or unfollowed you.
  • 100 subscribers- full statistics opens to you, which is located under the audio recordings block. There are three sections available in the full statistics: “Activity”, “Attendance”, and “Reach”.
  • 1000 subscribers- at this stage, even more interesting functionality opens up, which opens up the opportunity to be displayed in the “Interesting Pages” section of your subscribers.
  • 10,000 subscribers- you have the opportunity to view statistics on your page, according to functionality as in communities: statistics on traffic, reposts, likes, comments.

Who benefits from making VKontakte friends online?

The answer is simple. Everyone. Regardless of the purpose of creating a personal VKontakte page, the number of friends and subscribers is an important criterion for ranking. And ratings in the world of social networks decide everything: where to buy, who to pay, who to trust.

Do you have any doubts as to why making friends on VKontakte is beneficial for you? ? Just look at what tasks it solves for a page depending on the purpose of its creation!

For entrepreneurs

For bloggers

Personal users

Safe and fast page development

Creating a trusting relationship with the company and its product

Possibility of additional income

Increasing target audience reach

Forming a circle of fans,

An excellent base for starting and developing commercial activities

Forming a circle of loyal subscribers

Chance to find your other half

Pages with a large number of friends followers have more weight and authority in search results search query or a specific criterion (city, school, place of work, university, etc.). This means that the page can attract the interest of more potential customers and followers.

Make friends on VKontakte to become a star!

The number of subscribers on a social network is an important indicator of how interesting a person, brand or company is to the audience. Cheat friends on VKontakte online- this is a convenient, simple and effective way to quickly get to the top search results and bask in the rays of fame and attention from potential subscribers and clients.

But just buying VKontakte friends is not enough! After all, it is obvious to any outside observer that it is impossible to please everyone. Obviously, any audience can be divided into a couple of segments by interests. And it is these interests that will help develop and monetize the page.

But how can you gather such an audience as quickly as possible? In this case, paying for “add as a friend” clicks is not enough. You need to clearly know who will do this! You need to competently form an audience of friends and subscribers. PRSkill helps in solving this problem. We offer not just paid promotion of VKontakte subscribers, but also... We invite you to choose your own friends! When placing an order, you indicate the necessary criteria for the portrait of a potential subscriber, so that the circle of like-minded people is not just interesting, but useful and beneficial!

Buying VK friends is a solution for you if:

  • It is in your interests to make the page more popular.
  • Your goal is to create trust in your brand, ideas, product, using your personal VKontakte page.
  • You are looking to increase sales by increasing your reach to your target audience.
  • You want to raise your page in the rankings.
  • Your prospects are a rapid start and maximum coverage of the target audience.
  • Your task is to attract advertisers from the business environment

Live VKontakte subscribers without penalties and restrictions

What is natural is not ugly. All social networks adhere to this principle. And VKontakte - no exception. Moderators carefully ensure that growth statistics do not exceed the natural capabilities of users. And the concept of “living” subscribers is as logical for them as the phenomenon of “dead souls”. Algorithms monitor the speed of subscriptions, their source, other subscriptions from this source and easily identify cheating of friends on VKontakte, which is contrary to the norms. The result of such analysis may be blocking of pages of both the subscriber and the owner. We offer to buy VKontakte subscribers cheaply, but we recommend using services for getting live subscribers; we strongly do not recommend choosing low-quality services for which no warranty provided.

PRSkill uses own software , expert developments in the field of promotion and experience of competent specialists. We check the results of our work and guarantee absolute safety for your page, so getting VK subscribers and friends is completely safe!

You can right now buy live subscribers on VKontakte or on the No. 1 service for promotion on social networks PRSkill!
In order to order VKontakte subscribers, register, top up your balance and click on the "Buy now" button

Making friends on VKontakte is your quick way to success!

Popularity on social networks becomes more important. Increasingly, well-known online personalities are becoming more recognizable and successful in real life. Therefore, promoting your personal VKontakte profile is your first step towards success! You can make VKontakte friends quickly, cheaply, online in the PRSkill service at the best prices!

An important aspect of popularity on a social network is the constant increase in subscribers - friends in a profile or community. It can be quite difficult to achieve the desired indicator on the friends counter on your own. Getting VKontakte subscribers and friends comes to the rescue. It is this service that allows you to make a page on a social network more popular, attract more attention to it and bring it to the top positions in the search. If you want to get promoted on the site as quickly as possible, hurry up and buy VKontakte friends. The VKontakte friends website offers subscribers of excellent quality and loyal prices for services.

Cheating VKontakte friends online - the price of the issue

Immediately after creating a VKontakte account, the page needs quality promotion. It is unlikely that you will be able to see a large number of friends on your profile at first. In most cases, it takes quite a lot of time to make contacts, attract an audience and receive friend requests on VKontakte in large quantities. We will help you add resources to your account as quickly as possible.

Many users of social networks are concerned not only with the question of how to recruit friends on VKontakte, but also with the cost of promotion services. Various sites and services for SMM promotion offer their own price list for services. Site No. 1 for inexpensive and effective promotion on social networks, the site is an excellent opportunity to buy VKontakte friends inexpensively, at a price of 90 rubles per 1000 subscribers. The cost of the “wind up VKontakte friends quickly” service is determined by various factors.

The main ones:

  • The quality of pages attracted to friends. Everyone knows very well that it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve the desired account activity and popularity by boosting fake pages and bots. Bots as friends on VKontakte will not like, comment or buy. Nobody is interested in a “dead” audience in the form of beauty salons, shops or other “dead souls”. High-quality accounts for boosting will cost more, but will bring the expected effect.
  • Cheating speed. Fast promotion is expensive, but it allows you to get the desired indicator on the counter in a matter of days. In real life, attracting such a large audience may take more than one month.
  • Guarantees. Most often, services that operate legally, are as transparent and with guarantees offer services at higher rates. By overpaying a little in price, you get a guarantee of the provision of the service itself within the agreed time frame and a guarantee of the quality of the purchased resources.

Cheating VKontakte friends without tasks from the site is an excellent opportunity to buy VKontakte friends cheaply with guarantees, choosing the quality of accounts, as well as the optimal speed of promotion.

We do everything possible to make our service as accessible as possible to the majority of customers. Do you need VKontakte friends with savings? Need it? Buy a large number of subscribers and receive pleasant discounts from the site for order volumes, as well as pleasant bonuses for replenishing your account balance. Information about discounts and bonuses is presented on the site’s website.

Cheating VKontakte friends quickly - how to choose a site for promotion

Cheat friends on VKontakte for free- a risky undertaking. Experts recommend avoiding services with a dubious reputation, for which making VKontakte friends for free without tasks is the main type of service. It is advisable to resort to the services of specialized platforms that will answer the question of how to quickly recruit friends on VKontakte, and for money they will organize professional SMM promotion of a page or group.

However, not all suppliers paid services offer a good quality resource, favorable prices and terms of cooperation for clients. To choose the best site, you should pay attention to the following significant points:

  • Good reputation. Choose services that have extensive experience in the field of SMM promotion and good reviews from users. Most often, the most affordable prices and high-quality services are offered by famous resource providers, whose names are always well-known.
  • Method of entering the site. Forced registration on the service is a reason to think about it! The user should be able to view the main sections of the site and information of interest without forced procedures.
  • Possible methods payment. Reliable services work with the largest payment systems and choose reliable payment methods. This allows you to protect users from financial fraud and losses, as well as loss of personal data during any transactions.
  • Detailed Description services. When ordering a particular service, the buyer must know what he is paying money for. You should not buy a “pig in a poke” if the service does not provide basic information on making friends on VKontakte or other services.
  • Guarantees. Reputable sites always work with guarantees, which is the main support in solving problems if they arise.
  • Well-coordinated support service. Ideally, company managers should be on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help the user resolve any issues that arise.
  • Possibility of trial order and purchase of a minimum package of services. Allows you to check the site, the quality of its work and the resources offered in order to make a final decision regarding further cooperation.

These tips will help you choose a truly reliable service provider that will help you make VK friends quickly online. Program for making friends on VKontakte website - best solution for those who are interested in making VK friends without tasks and.

Partners and clients trust us because we:

Who and why should order friends on VK from the website?

If you are reading this article, then most likely you are interested in how to quickly recruit VKontakte friends for yourself or gain subscribers for a friend on VKontakte. At the same time, many users of social networks still do not understand who and why needs new friends of friends on VKontakte and SMM promotion services in general, such as.

High-quality cheating of VK friends allows you to:

  • Quickly promote an account and make its owner a popular, recognizable person.
  • Organize distribution necessary information not only among acquaintances, but also among a wider audience of users.
  • Provide a good start to your own online business.
  • Increase sales volumes of goods and services when selling them through social networks.
  • Bring your account to the TOP positions and make the page more attractive in the eyes of advertisers.

To make VK friends online using the site, the site follows the following categories of users:

  • Firms and companies of any field of activity, of any scale. Business representatives have long understood how to quickly make friends on VK and how to achieve recognition and popularization of their own brand using SMM promotion.
  • Public figures. High activity on social networks helps “stars” attract the attention of a wide audience and become even more popular. More VK friends means higher status not only online, but also in real life.
  • Owners of private businesses (sellers of clothing, children's toys, hairdressers, nail technicians, etc.). It is social platforms that help attract new users, who can subsequently turn into regular customers.
  • For those who want to reach the TOP and get into the section of recommended interesting accounts.
  • Group owners (public administrators). New communities are slowly gaining popularity. Promoted groups are quite fast. Users are reluctant to join communities with a small number of friends. A large indicator on the counter, on the contrary, is a kind of indicator of popularity and provokes new users to join the public.
  • Ordinary VK users who dream of popularity and want to impress their friends. It's no secret that some ambitious individuals strive to stand out from the gray mass, using all kinds of methods to do this. They are also interested in how to make friends on VK and try to buy VKontakte friends cheaply on trusted sites.

Cheating VK friends online - preparing your account for promotion correctly

In order for promotion and promotion on VK to bring maximum benefit and the expected effect, you should take care of the preliminary preparation of your account. Before placing an order for the “make friends on VKontakte” services, you must complete next steps:

Make VK friends without tasks and safely

Everyone knows very well that social networks have a negative attitude towards artificial increase of resources, which is fraught with blocking or life-long ban. VK is especially active in monitoring malicious fans of cheating friends and “rewarding” them with sanctions.

Social networks pay attention exclusively to the lightning-fast attraction of resources. If you approach the issue wisely and organize a gradual promotion, the filters will have nothing to complain about. To avoid falling out of favor with robot controllers, you should:

  1. Do not trust SMM promotion and recruiting VK friends to just anyone. Choose one proven service and work only with it.
  2. Do not buy followers on several platforms at once. Simultaneous cheating will not allow you to control the quality of the received resource and will inevitably lead to a ban.
  3. Periodically clean the page from bots to determine the volume of necessary subsequent cheating.
  4. Do not exceed the permitted standards for adding subscribers, do not go beyond the limits established by the VK administration.

The service site not only knows how to attract friends on VKontakte, but also how to organize promotion and promotion as safely as possible. For each account, an individual speed for safely adding friends is selected, taking into account the popularity and activity of the page.

Is it possible to make VK friends without tasks quickly and for free?

Have you decided to try to get VK friends for free? Instead of sites with a dubious reputation, use the following methods:

  • Add yourself as a friend to other users. Pay special attention to accounts with a small number of friends. It is likely that they will follow you back.
  • Find peer-to-peer communities. There are many users on the network who also need to make friends for free.
  • Use the services of free exchangers. At the same time, be careful, since spam can lead to blocking, and you will have to spam to place your own order on the service.

These are really working ways to attract friends to your VK page for free. However, each of them has many disadvantages. Using these methods, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on promotion. At the same time, it is unlikely that you will be able to get a large number of desired friends quickly. In the best case, free self-promotion will provide an increase of 100-200 people. That is why you should not neglect paid promotion. You can make VK friends using the website website easy, fast, in large quantities.

Cheating VK friends online – should you be afraid of write-offs?

Every VKontakte user has heard about such a phenomenon as writing off subscribers. In this regard, many subscribers have a completely logical question: is it worth buying VK friends if they will be written off later? To get an answer to this pressing question, it is worth understanding why write-offs occur. There may be several reasons:

  1. Gaining subscribers too quickly. Any addition of friends should be as natural as possible. If today you have 10 friends as friends, and tomorrow you have 2 thousand, VK filters will immediately suspect something is wrong and will pay attention to such a profile.
  2. Blank page. Any half-empty VK page is considered fake. Accordingly, VKontakte is unlikely to allow a rapid increase in its subscribers.
  3. Appeals from other users regarding quick promotion of resources. Carefully monitor your own competitors and ill-wishers.
  4. An impressive number of fake pages in subscribers. VK mercilessly writes off such accounts. Therefore, it is better not to wait for extreme measures and forced write-offs - periodically carry out independent “ cleaning».

Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to make high-quality, live, real friends on VKontakte at low speed on a completed and active account, it will not lead to debits..

How to buy friends on VK quickly - step-by-step instructions?

The website has a simple and easy to use interface. You can order VK friends in a matter of minutes. Even a beginner will understand the simple and intuitive navigation system.

The algorithm for purchasing services is quite simple:

  1. Registration on the site via email or social networks.
  2. Top up your account balance.
  3. Search for services « cheating VKontakte subscribers».
  4. Selecting the required number of subscribers with a link to personal page VK (at the time of recruiting friends, the account must be open).
  5. Place an order by clicking the “buy now” button.
  6. Adding real users in the ordered quantity after debiting money from the account balance.

Advantages of ordering VK friends from the site

Daily platform services for high-quality and inexpensive SMM promotion used by hundreds of users from different countries . They choose us for the following reasons:

  • 100% result - you get your first VK friends immediately after paying for the service.
  • Working with the site does not require special knowledge and skills and takes very little time. Even if this is your first time ordering promotion services on social networks, questions regarding the service itself and how to order them are unlikely to arise.
  • No additional financial investments. Registration and use of the service are free. You pay only for the services actually provided.
  • Possibility of additional earnings through participation in the affiliate program.
  • Pleasant discounts for order volumes and bonuses for replenishing your account.

Don't be afraid of artificial promotion on social networks. Trusting the website platform professionals you can get the desired result and many VK friends without fear for the consequences of such activity!
