When you're launching a product or a new website, the ability to receive feedback directly from users can be invaluable to you:

A great way to do this is to add a form through which visitors can let you know about problems they are facing or specific additional features that they need. The main thing for good shape feedback— it should be as simple as possible.

Users don't want to spend a lot of time filling out a form, and you need to provide that for them. There are a few different ways to add a contact form in WordPress, and it's very quick to do.

What is the feedback form for?

Not every site needs the ability to request feedback from users. Some sites are already quite developed, others may offer various alternative communication options.

Still others may be either too large or too extensive for user information to provide them with anything useful.

But there are a number of sites that can benefit from a simple feedback form:

  • A new site that is still working on identifying errors or adding new functionality;
  • The product is sold or distributed through the website and feedback can help develop the product;
  • Publication of the site with identification of original errors or additions;
  • A simple blog that wants to give its users more options.

Naturally, this is far from full list, but it does demonstrate a number of scenarios in which a feedback form might be useful. Besides the fact that it's actually practical to get fresh ideas from users, it also helps ensure that the user feels comfortable on your site.

Any visitor knows that he can turn somewhere if he has a problem. If you're at a crossroads and aren't sure if a feedback form will do anything for you, the best thing you can do is add one and see what happens:

ManageWP Feedback Panel

If you do decide to add a feedback form, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, it should be as simple as possible. Ask users for no more than an address email, name, short message and possibly the subject of the message.

In some cases, you can do without even a name, although this will help you keep track of the information. Don't clutter your feedback form with unnecessary drop-down menus or additional information.

There are several ways to add a contact form in WordPress. This can be done manually using some code, but in this case it will be quite difficult for you to manage, validate data and interact with email. It's better to use one of the proven tools that will do most of the work for you if you don't have such experience.

Adding a Feedback Page Using Page Builder

If you are using a theme from Elegant Themes, then setting up a contact page will be quite easy for you. We'll be using Page Builder from Elegant Themes, which will allow you to add a form in just a few steps.

To get started, go to Pages -> Add WordPress admin panel page. As a result, it will be created new page. Name this page "Feedback". Immediately below the title you will see a button “ Use Page Builder«.

Click this button to start adding page content. You'll see a new structure in the post editor that visually displays the page content so that you can create the page using blocks known as "Modules":

Page Builder structure

The first thing we want to add is text describing the page. Click the button Insert Column", and then select the first option for a full-width block. Then, inside the created column, click “Insert Module" and select "Text".

A simple one will open text editor where you can add brief description pages. I'll add something very simple, but you can create a description that matches your site.

« Please use the form below to make suggestions for improvements to our site or to point out problems to us.

Below, click the “Insert Module” button again. This time go to the very bottom of the list and select " Contact form". Again, you will be given new panel with several form customization options. The first is "Show Captcha", which adds a simple question at the end of the contact form to block spam bots.

I'd like to leave this option disabled for now since I'm not getting too much spam yet. In the “Email” text field, enter the email address to which you would like to receive feedback messages. The remaining settings are optional. You can add a title, CSS class or ID for the fields:

Setting up a contact form

When you're done, simply click the "Save" button to add the form and then "Publish" to display the form on the page. Luckily, Elegant Themes' default contact form is very simple, only asking for an email address, name, and message. This is ideal for a feedback form.

To ensure that users can actually find your form, you can add a link to the generated page in the main menu of your site. This can be done automatically. To do this, go to the WordPress administration panel, in the “Menu” section.

Here, you will see a list of pages that can be included or excluded from the navigation menu. Make sure there is a green check mark next to the “Feedback” page. If you see a red cross, simply click on it to display the form page in the menu and save your changes.

This way, users can easily access the form from the main menu and fill it out if they have any problems.

Feedback form plugins

Of course, adding a separate page is not the only way to add a feedback form to your site. If you're not using a theme from Elegant Themes, or if you need something a little more complex, there are several plugins you can use to do this.


Usernoise is one of the simplest contact form plugins. The plugin works by adding a "Feedback" button to the sidebar or bottom of your site.

When users click on it, a small pop-up window opens with a short form in which users can indicate what problems they are having and write a short message.

This form then sends a notification to the site administrator's specified email address that a message has been received from the user:

Each part of the form is configured through plugin settings. You can add or remove categories, choose which fields the form will include, what text will be displayed, and edit the colors and styles of the form and button that will appear on each page.

You can also turn the form itself on and off through a simple checkbox. Usernoise takes a “it just works” approach. After you connect it via the checkbox, the form starts working on your site.

You can customize it a bit to suit the style of your theme, but it doesn't come with super complex features. Instead, everything is made as simple and user-friendly as possible. The plugin also uses a responsive popup and inherits most of the styling directly from your theme.

If you're looking for a really easy way to add a contact form button to all pages of your site, Usernoise is the way to go.

Ninja Kick Contact Form

Ninja Kick Contact Form is a premium plugin very similar to Usernoise, but it adds a few extra features and styling.

The plugin adds a button in the sidebar of the page that opens a fairly simple feedback form. It uses basic animation to bring the form to the page without having to leave the page itself:

Traveling form

The plugin also allows you to design the form according to your brand, customizing its color and adding your own logo at the top. Below, you can add some social media links if you want users to be able to reach you through alternative channels. You can then add a short message.

The form itself is very simple and only requires users to enter a name, email address and message. The message is sent to any email address you want, so you can easily set up feedback tracking.

Ninja Kick Contact Form is a paid plugin mainly because of the level of customization it allows. You can choose from three different themes, and change the colors and style of every aspect of the presentation.

It also has built-in spam protection, and is fully responsive and mobile-friendly. Ninja Kick Contact Form works stably, is quite simple and uses high-quality animation.


Usersnap takes a slightly different approach to the feedback form. It is essentially a third party service that allows users to take a screenshot of the page they are currently on and then comment on it and send you the screenshot along with the comments.

A certain fee is charged for using the service, depending on how many of your sites it is implemented on:

Usersnap Annotation Approach

We've mentioned Usersnap here because its team actively supports WordPress plugin, which integrates into the system quite easily. Once the plugin is configured, it adds a small feedback button in the footer of each of your pages.

When the user clicks on this button, a special window pops up containing several feedback tools. They allow visitors to highlight parts of a page, add annotated comments, or draw various shapes to indicate problem areas.

Installation, Russification and configuration of the Cforms plugin

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! Today, as promised earlier, I’m telling you how to make a beautiful WordPress feedback form using a unique plugin that not everyone knows about yet - this Cforms plugin!

The Cforms plugin is a flexible and feature-rich form builder for WordPress with capabilities that will amaze the imagination of any blogger. All other plugins for WordPress forms feedback is not able to compare with it and is jealous of the versatility and beauty of cforms.

So, dear friends, let's see how to create a beautiful WordPress feedback form using the Cforms plugin...

How to install the Cforms plugin?

In order to install this plugin you need to download it first. You can do this here - LINK TO DOWNLOAD CFORMS PLUGIN. This is the download link from the official WordPress website.

You can also install the Cforms plugin directly from your admin panel by going through the tabs: “Plugins” - “Add new” - “Search for plugins” and typing its name “Cforms” there:

In my picture, the Cforms plugin is already active, and you will have the “Install” tab. Click on it, and then click on the “Activate” tab that appears. Your Cforms plugin is now installed and active, but not quite ready to go yet. In order for it to be completely ready, it needs to be Russified.

How to Russify the Cforms plugin?

Everything is quite easy to do! You will need to follow this link and download the Russian language for the Cforms plugin: DOWNLOAD TRANSLATION

Here's a screenshot of how to download the Russian language for the Cforms plugin:

Next, after you have downloaded the Russification file, be sure to rename it like this: cforms2-ru_RU.mo. Now go to your hosting, where all the folders and files of your site are located, and download the Russian Cforms plugin file using this path: wp-content/languages/plugins/cforms2-ru_RU.mo .

Now open your WordPress site admin panel and enjoy the Russian-language Cforms plugin:

How to configure the Cforms plugin to havebeautiful WordPress feedback form - Let's do it!

Well, there is a video about this that will help you set up your Cforms plugin correctly, so that you can then have a beautiful WordPress feedback form on your website.

For roofing in St. Petersburg.

Hi all! Today I will tell you how you can put feedback form forWordPress using plugins as well as simple code in different ways. So, let's start with the fact that although I don't have a feedback form, most likely you will need it for a number of the following reasons:

— Convenience and efficiency. If you sell anything or provide paid services, then the feedback form is simply vital for you. Imagine that a client has found a product that suits him, but he still has several questions that haunt him. In this case, he will probably want to contact you to clarify some details. If you only left your email as your contact information, this can be a big problem for the buyer, because nowadays not so many people use email, but mostly use social networks.

So, sometimes it happens that a client can simply sit on another computer that does not have authorized mail, and he does not remember the password. Or, for example, while he was logging into his mail, he began to have doubts about whether he could trust you at all and whether he needed this little thing that you were offering. As you can see, while the client crawls to his mailbox, he will most likely change his mind or, out of simple laziness, go looking for a more attractive offer, where the price will be lower and convenient feedback from customers.

— Protect your email address. If you once ran your own mailing list, then you probably received letters with the following content: “I will sell email addresses inexpensively,” etc. These emails are collected from all over the Internet by special bots (robots), to which spam emails will subsequently be sent. If you don’t want to be one of them, then you need not to show (show) your email address anywhere. In my case, this no longer makes any sense, since my soap (mail) has been circulating on the Internet for more than 3 years and is registered on more than 1000 sites.

By the way, for a long time, in order to somehow combat spam, many site owners who did not yet know about the feedback form left a picture of it instead of their email. In this case, the bots could not add the email to the spam database, but this caused inconvenience for visitors. Who wants to spell someone’s mailbox for an hour when today there are two cool “copy” and “paste” buttons.

Feedback form plugins for WordPress.

On the Internet today there is simply a sea of ​​​​a wide variety of extensions that create a feedback form for visitors. You will meet many of them today in this article.

1 ) So, I present to you the Usernoise plugin.

In my opinion, this is the coolest feedback plugin that is ideal for many online stores and businessmen. This form appears as a pop-up window and can be called up from any page of the site by clicking on a special button on the right or left.

Installing and configuring the Usernoise plugin.

5 ) Installing and configuring the Contact Form 7 plugin.

How to make a feedback form for WordPress using other methods?

You may be surprised, but I described only the smallest part of how you can create a feedback form for WordPress. No matter how hard I tried to embrace the immensity, I couldn’t. So, a feedback form can be created through a number of the following plugins: Fast Secure Contact Form, Contact Form by Contact ME, Visual Form Builder, nForms – WordPress Form Builder, Mapped Contact Form, Ninja Forms. In addition to this, there are also various services, such as main-ip.ru and smartoforms.ru.

That's all, if you have any questions, ask.

Hello friends! In this lesson we will talk about creating a feedback form, or as people also say "contact form".

Today we will show you how you can create it in a few minutes light, beautiful And functional feedback form using my favorite plugin Contact Form 7 .

I will try to explain in as much detail as possible all the stages of installing a contact form, and in this regard the lesson will turn out to be quite long :)

Creating a Contact Form in WordPress

At the very beginning, I want to note that the Contact Form 7 plugin is Russified, and you will not have any problems with it. As proof of my words can be the fact that this plugin was downloaded OVER 25 MILLION TIMES!!!

So, let's get started. To create a feedback form you need to do the following:

1. Install and activate the Contact Form 7 plugin. How to install plugins you can.

2. After activation, go to Contact Form 7 -> Forms.

3. In the window that opens copy the line with embed code.

4. Paste the copied code onto the page on which we want to add a feedback form. After you have inserted the code, do not forget to save the changes by clicking the button "Update".

Like this result adding a contact form we get:

Ready! You have installed work uniform feedback to your site!

As you can see, in total in a few minutes You can easily install a feedback form on your website. You can put an end to this, but for those who are not satisfied with the standard form and who want create completely new contact form with other fields and capabilities - I recommend read the lesson to the end.

In order to create a new form, we first need to decide which fields we need in it. In this tutorial, as an example, we will create a simple order form call back .

To do this, we need the form to have the following fields to fill out:

  • Name (Required field)
  • Surname
  • Phone (Required field)
  • Field with the choice of a convenient time to call

After we have decided on the fields, we move on to creating the form:

1. Go to Contact Form 7 -> Add new.

2. In the window that opens, click the button "Add new". If necessary, select a language from the dropdown list below. By by default the language will be Russian.

3. After clicking the button you will be taken to the page where the form editor.

At the very top of the page is the field in which we write Name new form . IN Form template we see standard form fields that are created by default.

Below we see the settings for the letter that comes to your email after someone has submitted an order from the form on the website. In these settings, for example, you can change or add the e-mail to which requests from the form on your website will be sent. IN letter template configure the information that will be displayed inside the letter.

4. After we have become superficially familiar with the structure of the editor, we move on to creating our new form. For this we need DELETE from the form template all lines except the button "Send", and in the letter template delete everything is complete . After removal you should get something like this:

5. Now we need to create new fields: Name(required) Surname, Telephone(required) Convenient call time.

Let's start by creating a field to enter a name, which must be filled out. To do this, press the button "Generate tag" and choose Text field.

In the settings of the new field, put a checkmark, which is only necessary if the field must be required to be filled out. Next, copy the generated code into the form template on the right, and copy the following code into the letter template. See the image below for comments and arrows for better understanding.

6. After we have added a field for entering a name, click “Generate tag” -> Text field and by analogy we create a field Surname And Telephone by copying and pasting the code into the form template and email template. The only difference is that for the field Surname There is no need to tick the required field .

After adding the First Name, Last Name and Phone fields, the form editor will look like this:

7. Now let's create the field Convenient call time. To do this, click "Generate tag" and choose "Dropdown Menu".

In the field Choice We write on the line according to one option, in our case this is the time from 8-00 to 18-00 with intervals of two hours. After filling out, copy the corresponding lines of code into the form template and letter template.

As a result, you should end up with something like this:

9. Copy the form code and paste it on the page where you need the form. If you did everything correctly, you should have a callback request form like this:

After the user places a call back order from your website, a letter will be sent to your email with this content:

READY! Here we have created with you call back order form from scratch.

I agree that for some people everything may seem very complicated and scary, but this feeling will only be there until you create a contact form from scratch for the first time 😉

In most cases, the standard feedback form, which is created by default by the plugin immediately after its installation and activation, is sufficient.

I hope this tutorial was useful to you and you understand the Contact Form 7 plugin.

If you have any questions while creating the form or something doesn’t work out - write and ask questions in the comments.

And remember that feedback form on the website - a required attribute on the contact page.

Hello friends! In this lesson we will talk about creating a feedback form, or as people also say “contact form”. Today we will show you how you can create an easy, beautiful and functional feedback form in a few minutes using my favorite Contact Form 7 plugin. I will try to explain in as much detail as possible all the stages of installing a contact form, and therefore the lesson will turn out to be quite long :) Creating a contact form in WordPress At the very beginning, I would like to note that the Contact Form 7 plugin is Russified, and you will not have any problems with it. As proof of my words can be the fact that this plugin...


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Not long ago, the blog published an article “The 50 Most Popular Plugins for the WordPress Engine” and since work on the WordPress course is coming to an end, we want to present you with another selection of plugins for this engine. Namely, today we will look at the top best plugins for contact forms.

We'll start by remembering what the most important pages or blocks should be on all commercial sites. This is “About Us” - where information about the company is written, “Services” - with a description of the services or goods provided, and “Contacts” - for receiving feedback from clients or orders.

It is in contacts that feedback forms are placed, as this gives the visitor the opportunity not only to get acquainted with your offer and leave, but to somehow express himself. Write a review, tell you your wishes or comments on the project, offer your cooperation, or order your services.

But unfortunately, this useful functionality is not built into the standard set of the engine and we have to look for third-party solutions to this problem. To do this, you either need to write the form yourself (if you know how) or use ready-made plugins.

I hope that after going through this list, you will choose the most suitable plugin for your needs.

This is the most famous and probably the best plugin for creating contact forms, since the number of active installations already exceeds 3 million, and the plugin itself is regularly updated by the developers. Standard set features include checkboxes, radio buttons, file uploads, antispam and CAPTCHA functions. And with it you can quickly customize a form containing text fields, telephone numbers, postal addresses, dates, etc. This plugin is completely free and is easy to insert using simple HTML, and it also boasts AJAX submission.

This is a whole set of plugins, widgets and services for the WordPress engine. And accordingly, it has its own very simple but good built-in form designer. With it, you get a fast and simple interface for adding forms to any note or page on the site. To do this, you just need to click the “Insert Form” button and you will be able to quickly create and add a form.

This plugin allows you to create unique-looking contact forms through the Active Engage function and insert them not only on site pages or in notes, but also on all pages at once in the lower right corner. With just one click from the visitor, your contact form will appear on the screen and will surely attract attention. But, at the same time, the usual integration of the form in posts, on pages or in a sidebar is also possible.

This is another very popular plugin, which is available in two versions - as a plugin for WordPress and PHP code for integration into “homemade” sites. The uniqueness of this plugin is that spammer robots are detected on the site automatically. Using captcha and Akismet Fast Secure form, the plugin blocks attacks using the most popular spam tactics. This feature reduces the likelihood of spam and any other unwanted information.

A universal free plugin with an excellent intuitive drag’n’drop interface for creating contact forms on your WordPress site. In the admin panel you can build your form simply by dragging and dropping the necessary blocks and customizing them to suit your needs. It also has a huge number of functions, including an AJAX handler, reliable anti-spam modules, data import and export.

This is another plugin with a drag’n’drop interface that allows you to create and manage all kinds of forms on your website from one place. It is designed to make the process of creating forms quick and easy, so that the user does not need to learn how to edit any code. The plugin has a fairly extensive developer support section for troubleshooting problems and assistance in setting it up.

Another plugin that you can quickly and easily unnecessary hassles create contact forms on your website. It integrates with the Captcha plugin to combat spam. Available in the pro version of the plugin additional features, such as form validation and box selection, by the way, they are both available for free in the aforementioned Contact Form 7.

Here is the list of plugins. I hope you have already chosen the most suitable one for yourself and even managed to test it on your website.

See you in other posts!
