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Replacement of the product with a similar one during repairs

  • Dmitry Tarasov
  • 09 Nov 2016, 09:14
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Question: Is it possible to borrow another receiver while the receiver is being repaired?
Equipment model: GS-8306

  • Tricolor
  • 09 Nov 2016, 22:03
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  • Tricolor
  • 09 Nov 2016, 22:11
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Information for review; to obtain more accurate information, you should consult a lawyer.

Replacement of the product with a similar one during warranty repairs

A similar product is a product that is similar in its functions, model, brand, quality and technical specifications with another product. If the seller does not have a completely identical product, he may provide a product not with exactly the same characteristics, but with similar ones. The store is obliged to provide the buyer with a similar product for use within 3 days after accepting the product for repair.

Rules for providing the buyer with similar goods

The right to provide similar goods is stated in Article 20 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. It talks about the rules and deadlines for correcting defects and repairing durable goods. During the period of elimination of these defects (repair time), the buyer, upon his request, is required to issue a similar product.

A similar product must be provided free of charge and within 3 days after receiving the product for repair.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 55 of January 19, 1998 compiled a list of goods for which the right to issue similar goods does not apply:

  1. Cars, motorcycles, trailers and numbered units, excluding goods used by disabled people.
  2. Pleasure boats and watercraft.
  3. Furniture.
  4. Electrical appliances for personal use and medical devices. Electric razors, hair dryers, electric blankets, heating pads, etc.
  5. Civilian weapons, parts of civilian and service weapons.

If the requirements to provide a similar product are not met, the seller is obliged to pay a penalty - 1% of the cost of the product per day.

In addition, on the basis of paragraph 1 of Art. 21 of the PZPP, if it takes more than 7 days to fulfill your request to replace a low-quality product with another product of the same or another brand, you also have the right to demand a similar product. For the period it takes to issue you a permanent replacement.

Government Decree No. 924 of October 10, 2011 approved a list of 12 groups of goods recognized as “technically complex”.

They are not subject to the right of replacement with another similar product or the right of a refund.

After 15 days after purchase, such goods can only be returned for repair.

If your product is not on the list, you can choose what to do if it breaks during the warranty period - replace it, get your money back, or have it repaired. It is in relation to goods from this list that we may require replacement with a similar product during repairs. The reality is that repairing equipment can take a very long time.

  • Tricolor
  • 09 Nov 2016, 22:18
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Even for goods subject to repair only, the right of refund applies under the following conditions:

  1. The terms for repairing the goods have been violated (usually the maximum period is 45 days).
  2. Each year of the warranty period, the product is unavailable for more than 30 days due to constant repairs.
  3. The product has significant defects.

The time frame for repairs is not clearly stated in the law. It is only said that they must be eliminated within the minimum objective period (immediately). The repair period is determined by the warranty and is most often 45 days.

Providing a similar product for the duration of the examination

An examination of a technically complex product can be carried out if a dispute arises between the seller and the buyer about the reasons for the breakdown of the product. And it is carried out after checking the goods in a specialized service center. If the buyer decides to withdraw the money paid for a product in which defects were discovered, then a similar product cannot be provided during the examination. But if the buyer demands to replace the faulty product with another, and the replacement period exceeds a week, then a similar product can be requested. It must be issued within 3 days.

What to do if the seller refuses you

If the seller refuses to issue a similar product during repair or replacement of an old one, write a written application for the issuance of a similar product during repair to the store. You can write it in free form. All technical data should be indicated in the application for the provision of a similar product so that there is no reason for unnecessary correspondence with the store and waste of time.


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Website about Trikorol TV. Services, review of packages, list of channels, news, promotions and equipment reviews, discussion. Help for subscribers. Tricolor TV Forum. Official website, home page tricolor.tv

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Suspension of reception/viewing during absence.

  • Vyacheslav Alexandrovich
  • 08 Oct 2016, 17:12
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  • Tricolor
  • 08 Oct 2016, 22:40
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You need to go to the office of the official Tricolor dealer with your Russian passport and write an application (the form will be issued there).

Or the second option:

"Tricolor TV. Application for suspension/activation of services" >>>HERE

Sample of filling out an application form for suspension/activation of Tricolor TV services

In the application, indicate your ID number or, instead of ID, indicate the Subscription Agreement number.

We send the original application to the address: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, NJSC National Satellite Company. Attached is a copy of the passport with registration.

Travel time will depend on the capabilities of Russian Post. Please be aware that up to three days may pass between receipt of the application and the suspension. That is, the method is suitable for those who have enough time to wait.

The suspension does not apply for longer than 6 months, and after six months your television will start working automatically. If you want to return satellite television earlier than stated in the application, simply print out the form and fill it out again, but check box 2: “activate all services” and indicate the desired date.

  • Petrov Lev Nikolaevich
  • 11 Oct 2016, 21:51
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Question: How to suspend broadcasting for six months
Equipment model: GS 8306


Confirmation and change of Tricolor TV subscriber registration data

Confirmation of registration details

To comply with the requirements of current legislation, as well as in accordance with clause 3.8 " Terms of service», « Tricolor TV» is obliged to maintain an up-to-date database of its subscribers. To do this, at least once a year, as well as when changing personal data, subscribers are required to confirm the data specified in the contract: DRE ID of the receiver, the actual address of installation of the equipment, as well as Last Name, First Name, Patronymic, contact phone number and email address of the owner of the receiving equipment .

Please click on the “Data Confirmation” button and fill out the form.

When concluding a Subscription Agreement and registering Tricolor TV receiving equipment, the subscriber’s personal data is entered into the Tricolor TV Subscriber Registration System and is used when the subscriber requests information and reference services, as well as to participate in promotions, lotteries, drawings and in other cases.

Attention! We draw your attention to the mandatory procedure for confirming your personal data specified when registering the receiving equipment.

If you registered on January 14, 2013. in accordance with the Tricolor TV Terms of Service, you undertake to confirm the data within 90 days from the date of registration as a Subscriber, and then at least once a year during the entire term of the subscription agreement and/or each time the data changes about the last name, first name, patronymic, address of installation of the software located within the Russian Federation, as well as about the contact telephone numbers specified in the Subscription Agreement, by choosing one of the following methods:

1. by filling out a special form on the website www.tricolor.tv in the “Declare yourself” section;

2. in the subscriber’s Personal Account in the “Data Confirmation” section;

Cart is empty

Do you have any questions?

How to pause a Tricolor TV subscription

It happens that satellite equipment idle:

  • Did you leave the dacha in October, but are you planning to return to the garden beds only in April-May?
  • Going on vacation for a month?

If no one is watching satellite, it is logical to turn it off.

At the same time, there is a nuance. If you write an application to termination provision of services, you will not be able to return to viewing later. What to do?

All Tricolor TV subscribers have the opportunity to suspend satellite television services. This possibility is spelled out in the contract (the wording may differ depending on the year the contract was concluded) and reads like this:

“The subscriber has the right to suspend services based on his written application.”

For how long can it be suspended?

The minimum period of suspension is 1 month, the maximum is 6 months.

What needs to be done?

Step 1

» Tricolor TV. Application for suspension/activation of services"(if the link does not work, write to and we will send the form to email absolutely free).

Step 2

We fill out the application according to the sample. We indicate all the necessary data and the reason why we want to stop viewing. In the first paragraph " suspend all services."Tick the box." Pay attention to the second point " activate all services". Don't fill it out. This item will be needed if you want to resume watching satellite before the specified date. But more on that a little later.

Sample of filling out an application form for suspension/activation of Tricolor TV services

Please indicate your ID number in your application. It is written on the back of the smart card:

Or, instead of ID, indicate the Subscription Agreement number:

Step 3

We send the original application to: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, NJSC National Satellite Company. Attached is a copy of the passport with registration.

Travel time will depend on the capabilities of Russian Post. Please be aware that up to three days may pass between receipt of the application and the suspension. That is, the method is suitable for those who have enough time to wait. But there is a quick way:

Bring the letter to one of our stores (see addresses) and we will send it ourselves. In this case, processing the application will take only a few hours. Don't forget your passport.

What happens after the specified period expires?

After the specified period has expired, the show will resume on its own.

I entered the end date incorrectly, what will happen?

It's OK. The suspension does not apply for longer than 6 months, and after six months your television will start working automatically. If you want to return satellite television earlier than stated in the application, simply print out the form and fill it out again, but check box 2: “ activate all services» and indicate the desired date.

Tricolor TV

Website about Trikorol TV. Services, review of packages, list of channels, news, promotions and equipment reviews, discussion. Help for subscribers. Tricolor TV Forum. Official website, main page tricolor.tv

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How to CHANGE personal data correctly

  • Tricolor
  • 23 Jul 2016, 14:32
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Changing registration details

To comply with the requirements of current legislation, Tricolor TV is obliged to maintain an up-to-date database of its subscribers. Please note that by updating your registration data in a timely manner, you get access to the subscriber’s Personal Account, high-quality technical support and all the necessary information.

If the personal data of a Tricolor TV subscriber specified during registration changes, or if the owner of the receiving equipment changes, you need to go through the procedure for changing/re-registering personal data by clicking on the “Change” button and then fill out the form following the instructions.

If the personal data of a Tricolor TV subscriber has not changed from the moment of registration to the present, please report this by clicking on the “Confirm” button and then fill out the form following the instructions.

How to change?
To change your data you must submit an application.
Open this page, fill out everything.

  • Tricolor
  • 23 Jul 2016, 16:18
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Once you have completed this application, click on the “Download Completed Application” link just below. Download and print the application.

We sign the statement.

We make copies of this completed and signed application, Passport 2, 3 and 5 pages on the scanner.

We go a little lower and send copies of documents to Tricolor TV.
We put a tick.
Click the button - “Create a request”

Documents must also be sent by Russian post. 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170, NJSC National Satellite Company.​

If you have problems, contact your dealer.

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  • Connecting satellite television is impossible without concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV, since it is the agreement signed by the subscriber that secures his right to receive telecommunications services. But to do this, you need to learn how to properly formalize your own relationship with the provider. In addition, it is important to understand in advance what a correctly completed document looks like in order to avoid ridiculous errors and inaccuracies.

    The possible consequences of typographical errors or the absence of papers signed by both parties also deserve special attention. The operator directly says that it cannot provide its own services and guarantee quality service without correctly executed documents. At the same time, he requires that all the necessary papers be in his head office, which is extremely difficult to call convenient. In short, even the most insignificant nuances require detailed study.

    Conclusion of an agreement with Tricolor TV

    • contact an official dealer;
    • buy equipment from an official dealer (in this case, he will do everything himself at the time of purchasing the dish, receiver and smart card);
    • send a letter to the legal address of the telecommunications company.

    It is important to emphasize that it will not be possible to fill out the required form via the Internet, since the provider does not recognize virtual agreements. At the same time, registration on the official website, during which you need to provide information from your passport and contact details, remains mandatory, and sending a printed paper agreement is the last part of the connection.

    It is important to emphasize that users are required to provide papers with a personal signature within 60 days from the date of initial activation of the television.

    Download the contract form

    The easiest way to print an agreement with Tricolor TV is to download the required form from our website using a special link. After that, all that remains is to fill out all the items in it (being careful and not making mistakes) and send it to the address 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170 NJSC National Satellite Company.

    If you cannot print the agreement, you should carefully review the papers included with the equipment. Often among them there is a self-copying sample that can be filled out and sent to the address indicated above.

    How to fill out a Tricolor TV subscription agreement - sample

    The most important part of the Tricolor TV subscription agreement is its header, which contains basic information about its content. Subscribers will have to write down:

    • surname, first name and patronymic (in full, abbreviations and initials are not acceptable);
    • exact registration address (matching the information in the passport);
    • exact address of equipment installation;
    • contact phone number (home and mobile);
    • email;
    • passport series and number;
    • the office that issued the passport and the date it was received.

    In the main part of the form, you will need to re-enter your last name, write down the ID number or subscription agreement and check the appropriate action (registration or suspension of service).

    The final touch will be indicating the date and signing.

    How to find out your subscription contract number

    There are several ways to find out the exact agreement number:

    • by looking at the form filled out by the dealer (if the equipment was purchased from official distributors);
    • visit the official website and log into your personal account;
    • find out the Tricolor TV contract number by last name by visiting the nearest office of the company or dealer from whom the equipment was purchased.

    In the most difficult situations, you can try to contact company representatives by calling the contact center at 88005000123. They will explain what to do and tell you how to recover the loss. But it’s worth preparing for the fact that they will need the subscriber’s passport data in order to identify his identity and avoid confidential data falling into the hands of strangers.

    How to terminate the contract with Tricolor TV and get your money back

    The easiest way to terminate the contract is to simply stop paying for the services. But, if such an approach turns out to be inconvenient, you should send a statement to the provider to terminate the subscription agreement. The cap for it should be taken from the sample described above, and the main part is indicated in free form. Here you should indicate the exact date of termination and ask to recalculate and return the money, indicating the exact details for receiving it.

    It is worth adding that if your personal data changes, you should send the provider a new Tricolor TV contract form.

    It happens that satellite equipment is idle:

    • Did you leave the dacha in October, but are you planning to return to the garden beds only in April-May?
    • Going on vacation for a month?

    If no one is watching satellite, it is logical to turn it off.

    At the same time, there is a nuance. If you write an application to termination provision of services, you will not be able to return to viewing later. What to do?

    All Tricolor TV subscribers have the opportunity to suspend satellite television services. This possibility is spelled out in the contract (the wording may differ depending on the year the contract was concluded) and reads like this:

    "The subscriber has the right to suspend services based on his written application."

    For how long can it be suspended?

    The maximum period of suspension is 30 days.

    What needs to be done?

    Step 1

    "Tricolor TV. Application for suspension/activation of services"

    Step 2

    We fill out the application according to the sample. We indicate all the necessary data and the reason why we want to stop viewing. In the first paragraph " suspend all services..." Put a tick. Pay attention to the second point " activate all services". Do not fill it out. This item will be needed if you want to resume watching satellite before the specified date. But more on that later.

    Sample of filling out an application form for suspension/activation of Tricolor TV services

    Please indicate your ID number in your application. It is written on the back of the smart card:

    Or, instead of ID, indicate the Subscription Agreement number:

    Step 3

    We send the original application to: 197022, St. Petersburg, PO Box 170 ( post office Kamenoostrovsky Ave., 42 B). Attached is a copy of the passport with registration. You can also send your application by e-mail to the Tricolor Subscriber Support Service before sending it by mail. [email protected]

    Travel time will depend on the capabilities of Russian Post. Please be aware that up to three days may pass between receipt of the application and the suspension. That is, the method is suitable for those who have enough time to wait. But there is a quick way:

    Bring the letter to one of our stores (), and we will send it ourselves. In this case, processing the application will take only a few hours. Don't forget your passport.

    What happens after the specified period expires?

    After the specified period has expired, the show will resume on its own.

    I entered the end date incorrectly, what will happen?

    It's OK. The suspension does not apply for longer than 30 days, and after this time your television will start working automatically. If you want to return your satellite TV earlier than stated in the application, simply print out the form and fill it out again, but check box 2: " activate all services" and indicate the desired date.

    If you still have questions about how to suspend Tricolor TV services, write a comment under the article or send a question to. We will be happy to help.

    The most important condition for receiving any services is the conclusion of an appropriate agreement, which will indicate all the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as important conditions and provisions governing the relationship between the parties. There is a similar agreement when connecting satellite television, but not all subscribers know this. But this document can be extremely important, so users should find out the Tricolor TV contract number in advance. Moreover, it is advisable to download it if it was concluded through the official website, or write down the number so that it always remains at hand.

    Features of concluding an agreement with Tricolor TV

    There are 3 different ways to conclude a Tricolor TV subscription agreement:

    • through the official website;
    • from official dealers;
    • by calling contact center by phone 88005000123.

    It is important to emphasize that it is preferable to use the services of dealers, since in such a situation they will do almost everything on their own, and subscribers will only have to provide information about themselves.

    It is more difficult to register independently through the official website. The main difficulty that clients who choose this approach will face is the need to send one copy of the contract to the provider's head office. This is due to the fact that the satellite company is required to have a document with the user's personal signature. At the same time, if it does not have a form signed by the client, the company reserves the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally.

    Tricolor TV agreement - form: sample

    Registration on the official website is used when purchasing equipment for the provision of television services in chain stores and supermarkets. In this case, a sample form is not required, since the user will only need to fill out the registration form. It will have to indicate:

    • ID (12 or 14 digits located on the smart card or sticker on the receiver);
    • receiver model (indicated on the front panel of the device);
    • serial number of the set-top box (23 digits located on the sticker on the receiver);
    • individual code (on a smart card or scratch card);
    • last name, first name, patronymic and date of birth;
    • passport details;
    • address of equipment installation and user residence;
    • home and mobile phone;
    • email address;
    • confirmation code that will be sent to the previously specified mobile phone after sending the corresponding request.

    Additionally, you will need to check the box confirming your agreement with the rules (it is advisable to read them) and click the “register” button. After that, all you have to do is download the Tricolor TV contract form by clicking on its number.

    Conditions for changing the contract for the provision of Tricolor TV services

    If any registration data changes, users are required to make appropriate amendments to the registration form filled out. To make changes to the subscription agreement, you will need to go to the help section and open the page dedicated to registration. In it, you should switch to the tab that offers changing information and click the corresponding button.

    The next step is to fill out the form, which you will then need to print. The next step will be to scan the printed application and several pages of the passport (allowing you to identify the client by last name and registration). Scanned copies must be attached to the previously completed application, after which all that remains is to send it. Additionally, the provider requires sending the original application and a copy of the above-mentioned passport pages to the company's legal address.

    How to terminate a contract with Tricolor TV and get your money back

    The easiest way to terminate an agreement with Tricolor TV is to stop using the company’s services. Additionally, you can write a statement asking to terminate the agreement.

    You can return the money remaining in your personal account through your personal account or by calling the contact center and informing the consultants about your desire. You will not be able to get a refund for previously purchased equipment.

    Any Tricolor TV subscriber is interested in comfortable use of satellite television services. This is facilitated by the functionality of the operator’s official website. One of the current functions personal account Tricolor TV has the ability to check your balance online.

    Balance information

    To find out information about your cash balance through your Tricolor TV personal account, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

    1. open the official website of Tricolor TV;
    2. find the “Subscriber” category;
    3. go to the “ ” tab;
    4. In the “User” column, enter your login;
    5. enter the password in the appropriate field;
    6. to complete authorization, you must click on the “Login” button;
    7. In the “Services” tab, go to the “Balance on L/s” item.

    Checking the availability of funds by ID or contract number

    The algorithm for this check is practically no different from that described above, with the exception of step 2. In this case, instead of a login, a 12 or 14-digit ID number or a 12-digit contract number is entered.

    In addition, using the ID, you can find out the status of the current account, the due date of the next payment, without logging into the user’s page, but using the “Checking connected services” option.

    The contract number can be found directly on subscription agreement concluded during installation and connection of equipment.

    ID can be found in several ways:

    • remove the card from the equipment and find the number on it;
    • take the remote control from the receiver, press the ID button (“Status”, “Tricolor” or “No ID”, depending on the model) and read the information from the TV screen.

    The second option is preferable, since it is undesirable to remove the card from the slot.

    Receiving a password to enter your personal account

    To carry out this procedure, you can use several methods. When registering, you can request a password for your TV. To do this, during registration, select the menu item of the same name. At this request A prerequisite is that both the receiver and the television set are in working and switched on condition.

    You can also receive the access code via text message to your phone; you just need to select this method from the list of suggested options. One condition is that the SMS will only be sent to the phone number specified in the contract.

    You can also receive the password by email, which is specified by the user in the agreement. If this clause in the contract has not been completed, then this method is automatically eliminated.

    After the request, the password is usually received within 2-10 minutes. If after the specified time the password has not been received, you should request again. You can recover your lost password using the same method.

    Procedure for making a payment via personal account

    There are three ways to pay for Tricolor TV satellite television services through your personal account.

    Instant payment through your Tricolor personal account

    This method includes crediting funds from bank card any bank (VISA and MASTERCARD), as well as from a mobile account.

    At the bottom of the Personal Account page, you need to find the “Pay” section and go to it, or click on the button with horizontal stripes in the upper section of the screen, select the “Payment for services” list item.

    Next, you need to select the payment method “Instant payment”, click on the “Payment” button, indicate the ID or subscriber No. in the box. agreement, then fill in the empty fields with the required information and confirm the transfer.

    Instant transfer through online services of banks and mobile operators

    For the convenience of their clients, many banks and operators mobile communications in their online resources in the “Payment for services” menu, Tricolor TV is highlighted as a separate item. This service allows you to transfer money to Tricolor TV through your bank account.

    To transfer funds, go to the “Payment for services” tab, select “Payment for Internet and TV” and find the desired operator from the list of providers. Next, fill in the necessary fields (you need to know the ID, contract number, TV channel package) and the calculation is made.

    You can also transfer funds to self-payment points.

    Payment from a personal account Tricolor TV

    If there are sufficient monetary resources in the account in your personal account for full payment (partial payment is unacceptable), you can make the calculation as follows:

    1. find the “Fund Management” section;
    2. select “Unallocated balance”;
    3. click the “Distribute” button;
    4. Select the desired item from the list provided and enter the required amount;
    5. click “Reserve”.

    If the operation is successfully completed, a message about the transfer of the amount appears and the transferred funds will be displayed opposite the paid service.

    Suspension of services using your personal account

    If you have access to your personal account, you can remotely resolve many issues: connect, disconnect services, make settings. However, suspension of Tricolor TV services in your personal account is not possible.

    To suspend the provision of services, a written application from the subscriber is required. You can write it directly to the dealer or fill out a form technical support, provided on the official website of Tricolor TV. To the application form you must add a scan or photocopy of a handwritten application signed by the subscriber to suspend the operator’s services, a scan of pages 2, 3, 5 of the user’s passport. Send the electronic version of these documents to the television company's email address, and the documents themselves - by Russian Post to the company's address.

    Important! The period of suspension of services cannot exceed 6 months, then the connection is resumed.

    The service of the satellite television provider Tricolor TV is constantly being improved and simplified for more comfortable use, which is undoubtedly a positive thing for subscribers.
