One of the exciting issues on the upcoming journey is how to exchange information. While at a distance from family and friends, be able to freely access the Internet, send photos or make video calls, for example, through mobile device– it’s a pleasure, and it’s good if it’s affordable. To decide on the choice of communication, it is important to know what types of communication are available on the Crimean Peninsula, the coverage area of ​​existing operators, whether the quality of the service is decent, and of course, the most favorable tariffs. What is this number 978, which cellular operator in Crimea uses it?

Which operators use code 978

If you have the opportunity to stay in a given region for a long time, it would be nice to have cellular communication, most active in Crimea.

To determine the region accurately, you should pay attention to the fact that the combination of numbers 978 must be preceded by +7 or 8, you get two options +7 978 and 8 978.

This code belongs to seven Crimean operators:

  • MTS, the most common type of communication, has more than eight million subscribers;
  • Win Mobile has approximately two million subscribers;
  • "Volna Mobile" has more than two hundred thousand numbers;
  • Krymtelecom has two hundred thousand subscriber numbers;
  • Elemte-Invest, a Kazan company, also serves two hundred thousand subscribers;
  • INTERTELECOM serves one hundred thousand subscribers;
  • Sevtelecom has the least large-scale use.

Important conditions in choosing

The total number of numbers from 978, all existing in Crimea, that use this code is about ten million. Presumably, these all cover all the cities and villages of the peninsula. These indicators most likely indicate the level of popularity of a particular connection, the scale of services provided by companies, the available profitable tariff plans, the availability of 3G and 4G connections in the network and the quality of customer service.

In order to:

  • Make calls without hindrance;
  • Communicate on the Internet;
  • When choosing, you need to familiarize yourself with the tariff plans.

For example, MTS Russia, for subscribers located in the Crimea, offers the most profitable starter packs, to connect.

Under the terms of this tariff plan, there is no monthly fee, reduced prices for calls, and the accrual of all kinds of bonuses. You can’t ignore these marketing subtleties, all this is to expand the user’s capabilities.

An accent with great potential

A cell phone is not a whim, but a necessity that makes the exchange of information comfortable. In order for the connection with loved ones to be continuous, the choice must provide such an opportunity. Providing large-scale network coverage, the most favorable rates, high quality Internet connection is the three main indicators that you should focus on when determining the method of communication.

Code 978 is used by 8 mobile operators in 3 regions of the Russian Federation.

Mobile code 978 is not enough for an unambiguous identification mobile operator and the region of the Russian Federation in which the code is used. It is required to take into account the subscriber's entire number or the first digits of the number that come immediately after the code. To accurately determine the region and mobile operator Please use the list of number ranges below. Or use the search form by entering the full subscriber number.

Code: 978 Operators: 8 Regions of the Russian Federation: 3 Number format: +7 978 xxx-xx-xx Number of numbers: 6 million Source: Rossvyaz (Federal Communications Agency) Update: 02/18/2020

Operator and region by phone number:

Operator by code:


Code 978 is used by the following mobile operators:

  1. Aurora Telecom
  2. Joint Stock Company Krymtelecom
  3. Joint Stock Company Sevastopol Telecom
  4. K-telecom
  6. SevTelecomSvyaz
  7. Elemte-Invest


The table below shows detailed information about code 978 indicating the following information:

OperatorRegion of the Russian FederationNumber rangeType of roomsNumber of rooms
Aurora TelecomRepublic of Crimea +7 978 5360000 ... 5369999 +7 978 536-xx-xx10300
Joint Stock Company KrymtelecomRepublic of Crimea +7 978 4000000 ... 4099999 +7 978 40x-xx-xx100 thousand
Joint Stock Company Sevastopol TelecomSevastopol +7 978 2540000 ... 2549999
3001000 ... 3009999
+7 978 254-xx-xx
23 thousand
K-telecomRepublic of Crimea +7 978 6000000 ... 6299999
9000000 ... 9999999
+7 978 6xx-xx-xx
more than 1 million
CTC TELECOMRepublic of Crimea +7 978 5000000 ... 5099999
5100000 ... 5199999
5200000 ... 5299999
5400000 ... 5499999
5500000 ... 5549999
5550000 ... 5569999
5570000 ... 5579999
5580000 ... 5589999
5590000 ... 5599999
5600000 ... 5609999
5610000 ... 5659999
5660000 ... 5699999
5700000 ... 5799999
5800000 ... 5899999
5900000 ... 5999999
+7 978 50x-xx-xx
900 thousand
MTSKrasnodar region +7 978 0000000 ... 1499999
2000000 ... 2299999
2550000 ... 2799999
7000000 ... 8999999
+7 978 xxx-xx-xx
4 million
SevTelecomSvyazSevastopol +7 978 4444000 ... 4444999 +7 978 4444-xxx1 thousand
Elemte-InvestRepublic of Crimea +7 978 1500000 ... 1599999 +7 978 15x-xx-xx100 thousand

Our visitors leave comments and reviews about the phone numbers from which they received calls - this is how we help each other protect ourselves from unwanted or inconvenient calls. The opinion of the review authors does not necessarily coincide with the opinion of the site administration.


DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS PERSON WITHOUT 100 PERCENT ADVANCE PAYMENT. I called with the problem that the car wouldn’t start, and after looking at what programs I had in the scanner, I said that I don’t have a program to diagnose this car, so I can hardly help him with anything.
The next day he calls me back and says what can be done? I told him that I could go and have a look, try to connect using the standard protocol and look at the parameters, but the likelihood that I would help in any way is very low, and in response I heard that he was ready to pay the amount for the trip, which we discussed in advance. I arrived at the car, the owner was not there, the owner of the car left the keys to the builder, but he did not show up after looking at the car, trying to connect with the scanner, I could not get the necessary readings for normal diagnostics. I called the owner of the car and said that it was impossible to diagnose it and asked to pay for the trip.
After that, the builder took the car keys, locked it and left.
And he turned on the frost about paying for departure.


I gave up on housing in 2018. They sent an advance payment of 5000 rubles. We were waiting for summer. We hoped. We've arrived. But it turns out there is no housing. A retired grandmother comes out and says, “Hello, my dears, it’s the height of the season, there are few apartments to choose from, you’ll have to choose what you have.” We are terrified, we have been preparing for a vacation since February, they promised a two-room apartment for 2500 rubles, but on the spot it was 4000 rubles. We went to look and then the most interesting thing smiled) a two-room apartment on the 4th floor, a house on the road, and grandma’s option) says pay and move in). We refused and left. So I kept calling and sending SMS with curses all day long.


Calls from advertisements that indicate I will buy spare parts, household appliances etc. He offers to sell at a reduced price because he doesn’t need the item and cannot list all the other options. Will send by bus, transport company, but you need to transfer a small advance, the amounts are insignificant depending on the product from 500 to 5000 rubles. After transferring money, it disappears, but the phone does not turn off. The money is not big, so many people don’t want to bother with the police. So, be careful and vigilant, unfortunately I got caught.


Kryzhny Roman Anatolyevich, Chernomorskoye, Crimea. Fraudster and scammer. Repairs cars by installing used ones. details. He takes other people's money and has no intention of giving it back. He speaks beautifully, but he lies all the time. He scams with the help of his friend Pavel Malakhov, who seems to be a lawyer, but is also a Fraudster and a Fraudster. Everything has been worked out for them, and people are being thrown away according to the law. Be careful! Remember, Kryzhny Roman and Malakhov Pavel from Chernomorskoe are SCAMs who cannot be trusted in anything!!!

    I was robbed.

    I posted an ad on Avito. They call and everything is arranged. We agree to meet at 19:00. Payments by bank transfer. Sberbank, VTB - absent. They offer a number of others. We choose Tinkoff. At the appointed time at 19:00, no calls or actual money transfers. I called and they said, “Yes, yes, now...

    They write a message supposedly that purebred husky puppies have an owner in the castle and they want to put them to sleep. They offer to contact this number and pick up the puppies if anyone wishes. And they charge a lot of money per call.

    He asks for the card number to transfer money for the goods and that the courier will pick it up later, and to tell him the code via SMS. Don't say anything, send it.

    They cheat you out of money, order delivery of something, and ask you to put money on some number, promising to give it back when the delivery arrives.

    Instead of me, someone corresponded with him on a sex topic (he is an active one, and I am supposedly a passive one). Then he writes that he will post the correspondence on social media. network and requires 500 rubles. Where did he get my information from?

    They write that I got into the distribution and must transfer 2,500 thousand rubles to the card; if I add the number to the emergency situation or block it, the golden eagle squad will come and take many times more.

    Suspicious call.

    As I understand it, this is the phone of some bank that has illegally taken possession of my phone number. They called several times in March 2020 and hung up. Then I called them myself, listened to the loan offer, pressed the incorrect button 9, and the answering machine promised not to bother me anymore. I think this is...

    They hang up, and when you call back to this number they inform you that such a number does not exist.

    Silent call.

    Supposedly they are conducting a survey and tormented them with calls.

    Intrusive and silent calls, 10 times a day every day.

    Fraudsters bank cards!!

    These are scammers, don't see them. They introduced themselves from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. You urgently need an apartment - we transfer the money, and you go to the ATM and print out a receipt.

    They call several times a day almost every day. She answered once - silence. They are very annoying, they have no right to call and distract from business in this way.

    They sell tickets on Avito.

    He calls, tries to scam me to get a car loan, then says that they are trying to withdraw funds from my card and asks me to call it CVV.

    Scammers. Selling a product. They ask for money in advance, since delivery is required. Then the ad disappears and the number is unavailable.

    Threats, insults. For some debt of a friend.

    Fraudster 100%. Sells non-existent goods through Avito.

    Through Avito they find advertisements, call and ask to go to an ATM to issue a login to your personal account.

    Blackmails, extorts money.

    It came: “Hello! We found your resume interesting. Due to expansion, the office requires management and office staff. If your job search is still relevant for you, we invite you to an interview. Mail is not checked on time, please call us back at 89251110545…

    They report that the phone number won a certificate for English language. They offer to come to school and pick up a gift. He replied that he was not interested and hung up.

    Dialing from another region.


    Call, hang up.

    They are asking me to take a survey to find out my personal information, scammers!

    Suspicious short calls from this phone.
