Many users of the Google search engine, resorting to its help, notice that it is often not always possible to find the information you need the first time. Perhaps users believe that these are shortcomings of the search engine itself, but this is not always the case. Sometimes, in order to find very specific information, you need to resort to the help of special tools (operators) of a given search engine.

How to search on Google correctly?

To begin with, do not forget that Google’s search algorithm is case insensitive; in other words, if you enter “Russia” or “Russia” into the query, the search result will not change. However, this search engine is very sensitive to the algorithm of search operators, which is why search results for the queries “Windows OR Linux” and “Windows or Linux” may differ radically.

The next thing to consider is that Google search engine does not take into account many words - connectives, for example, such as “and”, “a”, “but” and the like. For this reason the result search results does not depend in any way on their use.

Thirdly, in order to search correctly in this search engine, you should remember the presence of certain operators (symbols or words that clarify the search) and learn how to use them.

Such operators are used not only by Google, but also by other search engines, for example, Yandex.

So, Google operators who will help you find the information you need:

«+» - it is better to use when you need to find documents containing more than two words, for example, “SEO + tools”.

«-» - should be used to exclude from issuing documents containing any word, for example, “non-alcoholic drinks.” In this case, the search engine will only find alcoholic drinks.

"OR"- needed to search for documents containing one of several words, for example, “woman OR girl”.

«“”» - needed in order to find documents that contain a certain phrase in the same form in which it is used as a search query, for example “buy a TV Tver”

«~» - necessary to search for synonyms of words that are specified in the query, for example, “fashion ~ smartphones”.

«..» - is used if it is necessary to find documents that contain numerical values ​​in specified intervals, for example “300...500 rubles per day.”

There are also more popular Google operators for proper searches, among which the average user of this search engine may need the following.

"daterange:"- needed to search for documents created in a certain period of time, for example, “fire in Kyiv daterange:20092011-21102010”.

"filetype:"- used when searching for links to a document of a certain type, for example, “Solzhenitsyn’s autobiography filetype:rtf”.

"site:"- needed in order to find all pages of the site you need or pages of the site containing a specific word, for example, “ antivirus”.

"phonebook:"- a very necessary operator who is looking for telephone numbers By specified parameters, for example, “phonebook: hotels Omsk”.

It turns out it's not that hard to search Google correctly if you know how.

How to search correctly in Yandex?

In fact, not all Yandex users know the answer to this seemingly stupid question. The reason lies in the fact that the largest number of users of Internet resources do not fully use the opportunities search programs, which is precisely why, in certain cases, many search engine users may encounter some obstacles and difficulties when searching necessary information.

Well, how to correctly use the Yandex search engine - the most popular search engine in the Russian-speaking segment World Wide Web?

1. If you need to find a specific, specifically formulated phrase. It is most convenient to use the “ ” operator to search for such phrases; in other words, in order to find a web document in which the phrase you need is located, it should be typed in quotation marks. For example, "Which files can be excluded from virus scanning?"

2. If you need to find a quote, but you have forgotten some words or simply don’t know. There is no difficulty in this. In this case, you should enclose the entire phrase in quotation marks, and put the “*” sign in place of the forgotten words. For example, “I’m coming to you * what more.”

3. If you need to generate results based on several words or phrases at the same time. For such an operation, the | operator should be used; it should be used after each searched word or phrase. For example, raspberry | strawberries | strawberry.

4. If you have to find several words that are in one sentence. When performing this task, you need to use the & operator, it must be placed between the search words. For example, the monument to Mayakovsky & Samara.

5. If you need to find a document that contains a particular word. To do this, use the + operator. It should be used before the search words and should not be separated by a space. The request may also contain clarifying words or phrases. For example, a monument to Chapaev + a square.

6. If you need to exclude documents that contain any specific word from your search. Then you need to use the operator -. It is placed before the words that need to be excluded and is not separated by a space. For example, buy a modern laptop.

7. If you need to find information only from a specific site. In this case, the site operator will help. It is used simultaneously with a colon and placed immediately before the name of the site. For example, PDF

8. If you need to find documents of one type or another. When searching for such files, you should use the mine operator. It is also used with a colon. For example, instructions for HTS mine:doc.

9. If you need to find information in a specific language. For this task, you need to use the lang operator, after which you should put a colon and specify the selected language for the documents you are looking for. For example, Angels and Demons lang:ru.

How to find only the information you need.

Every day, millions of new documents, photos, videos and other data are generated on the World Wide Web. Every year it becomes more and more difficult to search the Internet; every now and then you come across something unnecessary, outdated, or promoted by advertisers.

The Google search engine has long proposed the use of special search operators for a more accurate match, in addition, the search giant can independently provide answers to some questions without redirecting to other sites.

Let's remember forgotten ways search and learn new ones together:

1. Search for an exact match

For what: To prevent the search engine from searching for each part of our query separately, we use quotation marks. For example, you remember the title of the article, song or movie you are looking for. The search will be carried out based on an exact match of the phrase with the specified word order.

How: enclose the entire request in quotes

2. Exclude the word from the search

For what: To remove unnecessary data from search results, you can disable searching for certain words. To do this, after entering the request itself, we list the characteristics that we do not need.

How: Before each of them we put a dash without a space.

3. Search on a specific site

For what: To start a search on the desired site without going to it, you should use the “site:” search operator. Please note that the site address must be specified in full.

How: search_query site:full_site_address

For what: If you liked a certain resource and wanted to find something similar, use the “related:” operator. Google will find the main pages of similar sites without advertising tinsel and fake results.

How: related:full_site_address

5. Search by file type

For what: if you want to receive data in a specific format. For example, a photo in *.png, a book in *.fb2, a video in *.mp4, etc.

How: search_query filetype:file_format

6. Range Search

For what: if we are looking for something related to numbers and want to limit our search. We may be interested in data about dates, price, time, coordinates, etc. In order not to receive unnecessary information in the search results, we limit the search.

How: search_query number_from..number_to

7. Search for a forgotten word

For what: you forgot part of a word or phrase, you can’t remember a quote or solve a crossword puzzle. The best way searching by phrase, with missing words - using the “*” operator

How: write * instead of each unknown word

8. Search for any of the options

For what: to enter a query once to search using multiple criteria. If we don’t have to look for two, three or more options, but need one of them.

How: use the OR operator

9. Search with all options available

For what: if you need data about several objects mentioned in the same context. In the case of such a search, only options with the presence of all the searched words will be displayed.

How: search_word_1 & search_word_2

10. Search for profiles on social networks

For what: this way you can immediately find the pages of the person, site or brand you are looking for. The search will be carried out using profiles with the specified name.


11. Search for posts with a hashtag

For what: this way you can see the most popular posts on a certain topic, of course, among those who put the tag specified in the search.


12. Time in any city

For what: to quickly find out whether your WOT friend from America is sleeping or has already woken up, to see when the working day starts for foreign partners, or just out of curiosity.

How: time City

13. Weather in any city

For what: a similar search query, but with the weather in the specified region.

How: weather City

14. Time of sunset or dawn

For what: Everyone may have their own specific reasons for knowing the time of sunset or sunrise in their city or any other locality on Earth.

How: sunrise/sunset City

15. Stock quotes

For what: for those who play on the stock exchange, follow the news, or are simply interested in how Apple or Tesla are doing.

How: promotions Brand

16. Exchange rate

For what: Now this question interests many. So why not search for this information quickly and easily without unnecessary sites.

How: Currency rate (displays the rate of foreign currency to local)

17. Unit converter

For what: you can use applications for iPhone and iPad, but it’s easier to get rid of unnecessary programs on the device and use conversion from Google. You can also find out the rates of any currency, not just the local one.

How: unit_1 unit_2

18. Calculator

For what: Another way to quickly replace the corresponding application on your smartphone, a program on your computer, or a widget in the notification center. After the first search we will get a convenient online calculator.

How: use any mathematical signs +,-,*,/ with numbers

19. Meaning of the word

For what: Of course, this method will not replace a capacious and useful note from an explanatory dictionary, but you can quickly find the desired meaning, understand what is being said or find out the emphasis.

How: value search_word

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Not everyone knows how to Google correctly.

Often the effectiveness of your work is affected by how quickly you can find the information you need. It would seem that there is nothing complicated here: you enter a request and get the result. But sometimes it takes hours to find what you need, and you have to look through a bunch of sites.

website offers you some simple tricks to help you save time on Google searches.

Find the entire phrase

The simplest command for Google that makes searching much easier. If you put the text in quotation marks, the search engine begins to look for an exact match of the phrase, with the desired word order. Very often this helps to find the right page without digging through the garbage.

Find a quote that has a missing word

If you forgot a word in a quote, no problem! Just put your entire quote in quotation marks and replace the forgotten word with an asterisk “*”

Find on a specific site

You looked at an interesting selection on a website about watercolor artists, but you don’t remember what it was called. The site operator is suitable for this. It allows you to specify the site you want to search on directly in your request. Just be sure to put a colon after site.

Search for words within one sentence

Use the ampersand symbol "&" to quickly find two words that will appear in the same sentence. Helps narrow your search.

Exclude a word from search

Let's say you want to find a salad recipe, but it must be without mayonnaise. Enter your query and put a minus sign in front of the word you want to exclude.

Let's say you want to find articles about design, but you only get websites of design bureaus, conferences and exhibitions. You can exclude these words from the search by putting a minus sign in front of them.

Search by price

To avoid wasting time visiting each online store separately, simply enter the product name and price range separated by two dots (..).

Search for documents in a specific format

For example, you are preparing a presentation on the topic “History of Design”. You can be inspired by other people's work on this topic. Enter the title and then filetype:PPT

Useful additions

Calculator. Enter the required action, receive an answer and a calculator for further calculations.

Translation of the word. Translate words quickly too. Before the phrase, enter “translate”, and after “into” and the desired language.

For example: translate I love creativity into Italian

Definition of the word. When someone starts being clever and throwing around incomprehensible terms and words, the “define:” operator will come to your aid, and after it, enter an incomprehensible word. Google will immediately provide a definition, and you will save time by not going to Wikipedia and other reference sites.

For example: define: creativity

Here are a few simple rules for forming a request in search engine Yandex.

Keywords in the query should be written in lowercase (small) letters.

This will ensure that all keywords are searched, not just those that start with a capital letter.

When searching, all forms of the word are taken into account according to the rules of the Russian language, regardless of the form of the word in the query.

For example, if the word “know” was specified in the query, then the search condition will also be satisfied by the words “we know”, “you know”, etc.

To find a stable phrase, you should enclose the words in quotation marks.

For example, “porcelain dishes”.

To search by exact word form, you need to put an exclamation mark before the word.

For example, to search for the word “September” in the genitive case, you would write “!September”.

To search within the same sentence, words in the query are separated by a space or an & sign

For example, “adventure novel” or “adventure&romance”. Several words typed in a query, separated by spaces, mean that they all must be included in one sentence of the document being searched.

If you want only those documents that contain each word specified in the query to be selected, put a plus sign “+” in front of each of them. If, on the contrary, you want to exclude any words from the search result, put a minus “-” in front of this word. The signs “+” and “-” must be written separated by a space from the previous one and together with the next word.

For example, the query “Volga-car” will find documents that contain the word “Volga” and not the word “car”.

When searching for synonyms or words with similar meanings, you can put a vertical bar “|” between words.

For example, for the query “child | baby | baby" documents with any of these words will be found.

Instead of one word in a query, you can substitute an entire expression. To do this, you need to put it in brackets

For example, “(child | toddler | children | infant) + (care | parenting).”

The "~" (tilde) sign allows you to find documents with a sentence containing the first word but not the second.

For example, the query “books ~ store” will find all documents containing the word “books”, next to which (within the sentence) there is no word “store”.

If the operator is repeated once (for example, & or ~), the search is performed within the sentence. The double operator (&&,~~) specifies a search within a document.

For example, the query “cancer ~~ astrology” will find documents with the word “cancer” that are not related to astrology.

Let's return to the example with aquarium fish. After reading several documents offered by the search engine, it becomes clear that searching for information on the Internet should not begin with the selection of aquarium fish. An aquarium is a complex biological system, the creation and maintenance of which requires special knowledge, time and serious investment.

Based on the information received, a person searching on the Internet can radically change the strategy for further search by deciding to study special literature related to the issue under study.

To search for literature or full-text documents, the following query is possible:

“+(aquarium | aquarist | aquarium hobby) + for beginners + (advice | literature) + (article | thesis | full text) - (price | store | delivery | catalog).”

After processing the request search engine the result was very successful. Already the first links lead to the required documents.

Now you can summarize the search results, draw certain conclusions and decide on possible actions:

  • Stop further search, since for various reasons you are unable to maintain an aquarium.
  • Read the suggested articles and start setting up an aquarium.
  • Look for materials about hamsters or budgies.


1. What type of search is the fastest and most reliable?

2. Where can a user find Web page addresses?

3. What is the main purpose of a search engine?

4. What parts does a search engine consist of?

5. What search engines do you know?

6. What is the technology for searching using the search engine's rubricator?

7. What is the search technology? keywords?

8. When should you specify + or - in the search criteria?

9. What search criteria in Yandex are specified by the following phrase:


10. What does doubling the sign (~~ or ++) mean when forming a complex query?


Task 1. Search through catalogues.

Using the search engine catalog, find the following information (as directed by your teacher):

1. Lyrics of a song by a popular music group

2. Repertoire of the Mariinsky Theater for the current week

3. Features of the latest model mobile phone well-known company (of your choice)

4. Recipe for Ukrainian borscht with dumplings

5. Long-term weather forecast in your region (at least 10 days)

6. Photo of your favorite contemporary singer

7. Approximate cost multimedia computer (price)

8. Information about vacancies for the position of secretary in your region or city

9. Horoscope of your zodiac sign for the current day

Based on the search results, make a written report in Word: present the material found, copied and formatted in the document. Submit your report to your teacher.

Task 2. Forming a request using the exact title or quote.

You know the exact title of the document, for example, “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and work organization.” Formulate a query to search the Internet for the full text of a document.

Save the search result in your folder. Show it to your teacher.

Task 3. Formation of complex queries.

  • In any search engine, create a query to search for information about the Russian bath. Eliminate offers of services, advertising of bath accessories and other advertising. Focus your search on the effect of a Russian bath on the body.
  • Compose complex query to search for information on caring for domestic cats. Exclude large cats (such as lions) from your search, as well as offers to buy, sell, photos for wallpaper, etc.
  • Formulate the text of the request and the search result in Word and present it to the teacher.

Task 4. Thematic search.

By all means known to you, search the Internet for information on the history of the development of computer technology. Perform your search in various areas: historical situation, technology, personalities. Present your search results in the form of a presentation. Use a multi-stage table of contents in the form of hyperlinks in your presentation.
