If you are a novice webmaster or blogger, and you are going to create your website and promote it in search, then first of all, you need to know the basics of SEO. Namely, to know how search engines work.

Knowing the basics will help you promote your website and avoid annoying mistakes. This is the first step before you start diving into the world of SEO, that is, the world of search engine optimization.

Have you ever wondered how many times a day you use Yandex or Google or any other search engine to search the Internet?

Is it 5, 10 times or even more? The total number of search queries is huge. Did you know that Google alone processes over 2 trillion searches per year?

Search engines have become part of our everyday life. We use them to find educational materials, to shop online, for entertainment and relaxation, and even to make money.

It is no exaggeration to say that we have reached the point where we depend on search engines for almost everything we do.

And the reason why this happens is very simple. We know that the search engines Yandex and Google have answers to all our questions and queries.

And if earlier the search began with the phrase “Say my mirror, my light,” now the search begins with the phrase “Hello Alice,” or with “OK Google.” Or simply by typing a search phrase in the browser in the search bar.

What happens when you enter a query and click the search button? How does a search engine's internal mechanism work and how does it decide what to show in search results and in what order?

How search engines work.

Search engines are complex computer programs.

Before they even allow you to enter a query and search online, they have to do a lot of groundwork so that when you click Search, you get a set of accurate, high-quality results that answer your question or query.

What does “preparatory work” include? Two main stages. The first stage is the process of discovering information, and the second stage is organizing the information so that it can be used later for retrieval purposes.

These stages are commonly known in the boarding world as scanning (or crawling) and indexing.

Step 1: Scan.

Search engines have a number of computer programs, called search robots(or web spider, web crawler) which are responsible for searching for information available on the Internet.

To simplify the complex process, all you need to know is that the job of these robots is to crawl the Internet and find servers, also called web servers, that host websites.

The crawlers create a list of all the web servers to crawl, determine the number of sites hosted on each server, and then begin their work.

They visit every website and using various methods, are trying to find out how many pages they have that contain various contents such as text, images, videos or any other format (CSS, HTML, javascript and so on).

Why should you care about the scanning process?

Your first job when optimizing your site for search engines is to ensure that search engines can access it correctly. Otherwise, if they can’t “read” your site, then you shouldn’t expect high search engine rankings.

Scanners have a lot of work to do, and you should try to make their job easier.

There are a few things you need to do to ensure that crawlers can easily detect and access your website.

Use the Robots.txt file to specify which pages on your site should not be searched. Such pages include various service pages, such as the site control panel and a number of other pages that, for various reasons, should not be included in search results.

Major search engines like Yandex and Google have tools (also called webmaster tools) that you can use to provide them with additional information about your site (number of pages, structure, etc.). Then search robots won’t have to search for your site on their own.

Use to list all the important pages of your site. Then search robots will know which pages to monitor for changes and which pages to ignore.

When visiting a site, in addition to keeping track of the number of pages, they also follow any links (pointing to pages on your site or to external sites) and thus discover more and more pages.

Search engine bots do this all the time and also monitor changes made to a website so they know when new pages are added or removed, when links are updated, and similar information.

When you consider that there are over a hundred billion individual pages on the Internet today, and that millions more new pages are published every day, you can imagine how much work this is.

Step 2: Indexing

Crawling alone is not enough to create a search engine.

Information collected by search robots must be organized, sorted, and stored so that it can be processed by search engine algorithms before it is made available to the end user.

This process is called indexing.

Search engines don't store all the information found on a page in their . keywords, incoming and outgoing links and a large number of other parameters that are necessary for their algorithms.

Why care about the indexing process?

It's very simple, if the pages of your site are not in the search engines index, then the pages will not appear in search results.

This also means that the more pages you have in a search engine's index, the more likely you are to appear in search results when someone types their query into the search bar.

Note that I mentioned the word “will appear in search results,” which means any position. But the mere appearance in the search does not mean that the site’s pages will be displayed on the top lines in Yandex and Google.

In order for your website to appear in the top 5 positions in the search results, you must optimize your website for search engines using a process called search engine optimization or SEO.

How to find out how many pages of your site are included in the Yandex and Google index?

There are two ways to do this.

Open Google and use the site operator, then type a colon ":" followed by your domain name. This way you will find out how many and what pages are in the search engine index.

This is what it looks like on Google:

And here it is in Yandex:

Add your site to , wait a few days until the search engine processes your site, after which you will be able to see the Coverage report and, in particular, Information on indexed pages.

In Yandex Webmaster you can also view which pages are in the Yandex search engine index.

Step 3: Ranking

The third and final step in this process is where search engines decide which pages to show in the SERPs and in what order when a user enters their search query.

This is achieved through the use of search ranking algorithms. Simply put, this is the algorithm by which search engine programs work. The algorithm determines which pages respond to the user's request and in what order they should be shown.

How do search engine algorithms work?

Over the years, search engine ranking algorithms have evolved greatly and become truly complex.

At the very beginning, it was matching headers to a search query. Then we began to analyze the text. That text in which the frequency of words associated with search query, came out in the top results.

All this led to the fact that webmasters began to saturate pages with such search phrases and due to this they reached the top of the search results. The problem was that such texts were not of high quality from the point of view of the average user. Often, such texts were impossible to read.

Therefore, search engines have come a long way of evolution, as a result of which hundreds of different site parameters are now taken into account.

To make it easier to understand, here is a simplified process of how search engine ranking factors work:

Stage 1: Analysis of the user request

The first step is for search engines to understand what information the user is looking for. To do this, they analyze the user query (search terms), breaking it down into a number of meaningful keywords.

A keyword is a word that has a specific meaning and purpose.

For example, when you type “How to make chocolate cake,” search engines know from the words “how to” that you are looking for instructions on how to make chocolate cake, and so the results returned will contain cooking sites with recipes.

If you search for "Buy refurbished..." they know from the words "buy and refurbished" that you are looking to buy something and the results returned will include e-commerce websites and online stores.

Machine learning helped them link related keywords together. For example, they know that the meaning of this query “how to fix a phone” is the same as “how to repair a phone.”

They are also smart enough to understand misspellings, plurals, singulars, inflections, and generally extract the meaning of a query from natural language (written or spoken in the case of voice search).

Also, if a visitor makes a mistake with the keyboard layout, the search engine will also understand it and return normal results.

Stage 2: Finding suitable pages

The second step is to examine the pages in the index and decide which pages can provide the best answer to a given query.

This is a very important step in the entire process for both search engines and website owners.

Search engines should return the best results as possible in a fast way, to keep their users happy, and site owners want their sites to rank first in search engines and collect more traffic.

This is also the stage where good SEO practices can influence the decision made by the algorithms.

To give you an idea of ​​how ranking works, here are the most important factors:

  • Relevance of title and content— how relevant the title and content of the page are to the user’s request.
  • Content type— if the user requests a picture, then the results will contain images, not text.
  • Content quality— the content must be written correctly, it must be useful and informative.
  • Site quality– Search engines will not show sites in the top results that do not meet their quality standards.
  • Publication date. For news-related queries, search engines will show the most recent posts, so the publication date is also taken into account. But even for non-news queries, the date can matter.
  • Page popularity. This has nothing to do with how much traffic a website has, but rather how other sites perceive that particular page. A page that has many incoming links (backlinks) from other sites is considered more popular than other pages without links, and therefore has a higher chance of ranking at the top of search results.
  • Page language– if the request is made in Russian, then the search results will contain predominantly pages in Russian, and not in some other language.
  • Web page speed- Sites that load quickly (about 2-3 seconds) have a slight advantage over sites that load slowly.
  • Device type— users searching on mobile devices ah, provided mobile pages, be it AMP pages from Google or .
  • Location e - users who search for results in their area, that is, “Italian restaurant in Moscow”, will be shown results associated with their location.

All this is just the tip of the iceberg. As I mentioned earlier, search engines use over a hundred different factors to ensure that their users are happy with the results they receive.

Why care about how search engine ranking algorithms work?

To receive traffic from search engines, your site must appear in the top positions on the first page of results.

It is statistically proven that most users select one of the top 5 results (both desktop and mobile).

Traffic is just one of the benefits of SEO. As soon as your site starts to rank first, it will be easier. Many people themselves will already put links to your site, the site will be visited more often by search robots and new pages will be quickly pushed into the top search results. Well, this will again increase traffic, and plus, it will increase the cost of direct advertising on the site.

Thus, knowing how search engines work can help you customize your website and increase its ranking and traffic.

Currently, YouTube video hosting is used by more than 2 billion people, that is, almost all Internet users regularly view something using this service. However, unfortunately, in almost all regions of the world this service has turned into a real “garbage dump”, in which some video bloggers throw mud at others in order to become famous and make a name for themselves. Instead of showing users useful content that will make them smarter, the service’s algorithms show various “revelations” and conflicts of individuals. As you can easily guess, this kind of video simply has no meaning. That is why, in order to solve the problem, Google decided to launch the Tangi service, which will contain only useful content that will allow you to learn something or learn something new.

Today, February 2, 2020, the American corporation Google decided to launch a service called Tangi, and its name comes from the words TeAch aNd GIve, which translates as “Teach and Provide.” The essence of this service is that it allows you to upload to the Internet various videos lasting no more than 60 seconds, which contain various useful content. New software was created in the experimental laboratory Area 120. Initially, it was one of the projects of the “search giant”, but then, after some time, Google management became interested in it and decided to start investing more money and resources in it. This led to its public launch at the beginning of this year.

The Tangi service compares favorably with YouTube in that it allows you to download and view only truly useful content. For example, with its help you can learn how to make luminescent (glow in the dark) paint with your own hands, how to remove coffee stains from clothes, how to properly drill a hole in the wall, and so on. This video hosting allows you to upload exclusively video guides and instructions on various topics. The categories currently available to users are Art, Cooking, DIY, Fashion & Beauty, and Lifestyle. In the foreseeable future, sections “Technology”, “Cars”, “Equipment” and several more will be added to the service. Already now all users can use this software.

The new development of the “search giant” is available both in the web version for computers and for mobile devices on Android based and iOS. You can add videos in Tangi in various languages, but now more than 98% of the content in this service is available in English. It is quite obvious that this service can become an excellent replacement for YouTube for all those who are already tired of videos without any meaningful meaning. However, this entire project is experimental, which Google itself does not hide, so it is possible that in the future this service will simply be closed if it cannot live up to the expectations placed on it.

The default search for Google Chrome is, naturally, Google search engine. Everything is obvious: in Google Chrome the developers decided to add their own “brainchild”. How to change this search engine in the browser, change its geolocation, as well as how to take advantage of its unique capabilities and install additional search engines, read in detail in this article.

So, how to set up a search bar: from simple to complex.

After installation, launch Chrome and see...

Nothing more than a field for entering a query in the legendary Google. Under its logo is the name of the country corresponding to the geographical area of ​​​​the computer's IP address. If you use a proxy server, the country in which it is physically located (for example, Turkey) will appear in the picture, and on native language. And if the IP is “open”, your country will be displayed. That is, when the browser starts, the user’s geolocation is determined automatically.

Look at the panel. Are you satisfied with everything? Search engine, its location? No problem - feel free to enter any request in Russian in the field above visual bookmarks or in the address bar (the browser will quickly realize that you are not typing a URL, but are looking for something). By the way, the service is provided free of charge.

Changing the geolocation of the search engine

For example, you are somewhere abroad or using a proxy, and Chrome regularly gives you the geographical zone to which the IP belongs, for example, England. And you are fundamentally interested in extradition in Russia or Ukraine. What should I do? Let's create the appropriate settings:

1. Click the "Menu" button in the top right panel.

2. Select “Settings” from the list.

3. In the “Open at startup” block, enable the “Specified pages” button.

4. On the same page, click “Add”.

  • google.ru - Russia;
  • google.com.ua - Ukraine;
  • google.kz - Kazakhstan.

6. Click OK.

7. Restart Chrome and you will see the search engine in the desired location.

I don't want Google, I want something else

If you like Google Chrome in all its “guises”, but want a different search engine, you need to change certain options:

1. In the settings, in the “Search” block, click “Configure search engines”.

2. In the “Other search engines...” block, enter the details of the search engine you are interested in (for example, Yandex). Click "Done."

3. Restart.

4. Return to this panel. At the top of the window, hover over the search engine link. Click the “Set as Default” button that appears.

Now, when you enter a request, it will be automatically sent to the specified system - yandex.ru, mail.ru, etc.

Note. You can quickly switch search engines using the Search drop-down menu.

I want to use several search engines at the same time

Well, this is also possible in Chrome. Follow the instructions:

1. Log in to your browser settings.

2. Click the mouse to make the “Specified pages...” setting active. Follow the "Add" link.

3. Add all the necessary systems (Mail, Yahoo!, etc.). Click OK.

4. They will open automatically.

Another option for running multiple search services is to fix tabs:

open the necessary resources;

click on each tab and context menu select the “Pin…” command;

They will also open immediately upon startup.

Advice! You can also use universal search engines if you need alternative results for a query of interest.

How to remove an unnecessary search engine?

This procedure is similar in principle to closing a window in Windows:
1. To remove a link, open Pages on Startup.

2. Hover over the URL and click the cross icon.

Similarly, deletion occurs in the “Search Engines” panel.

How can I change my search settings?

There are many on Google additional settings, speeding up the search and increasing its accuracy. Let's consider basic solutions:

1. When you type a query, variants with additional words and phrases automatically appear at the bottom of the field. They clarify the query and free the user from having to type it in full.

Hints are selected by clicking the mouse. In Chrome, you can set a picture or photo in the search as a query. Right-click on it on the page and select “Find picture...” from the list of commands.

4. Use search add-ons. The entire list of commands is displayed on the page - http://www.googleguide.com/advanced_operators_reference.html.

They perform specialized data searches based on specified conditions. For example, they find a request only in links, anchors, text, tab title, etc.

We wish you to quickly find all the necessary information using Chrome.

Search engine Google system(Google)world famous and largest search engine.

The name comes from a corruption of "googol" - a number depicted as 1 followed by 100 zeros. The creator of the search engine, Sergey Brin, simply spelled the word incorrectly, and this typo has become firmly established among Internet users.

Where it all started

Personal information was posted on the Internet, occupying the memory of the World Wide Web; it seemed to “settle” on the Internet, which is why the name of the Internet information unit, site (literally translated as “sitting”) arose.

Soon, site owners, especially businessmen, wanted fame on the Internet. The sites were advertised in all sorts of ways, even by distributing leaflets.

But, as you know, supply creates demand. To buy a product, the client will spend a long time looking for other options, for example, cheaper ones. There was a need for search, and the Internet had to satisfy it: sites were developed that focused on searching for goods, services, and soon information. It was they who received the name search engines or systems, one of which was Google.

Supernova explosion

The people responsible for the birth of Google are Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Innovation met with enthusiasm, as a result of which Google emerged, which 20 years later took the place of the No. 1 search engine in the whole world. The search engine domain was registered in September 1997, and a year later the Google Inc. corporation opened specifically for Google.

How Google works

The search engine is constantly acquiring more and more new capabilities in terms of algorithms and functionality.

Any search engine algorithm is based on software templates that rank sites according to the correspondence of queries to search results and the level of significance. In 1997 algorithms counted the number external links to the site. A large number of links was the key to high positions in search engine results. Over time, the authority of the site on which external links were placed began to be taken into account, and the term “link weight” was introduced.

Google gained worldwide fame as it improved its navigation in every possible way and made it easier to find information. As soon as the user wrote part of a word, options for its ending appeared in a pop-up menu, any of which could be clicked.

Google in SEO

The search engine and search engine promotion are inextricably linked with each other, because the webmaster strives in every possible way to improve his position, but without indexing the site this is impossible. Therefore, the webmaster, to attract attention Google robot, optimizes your website using white hat and illegal black hat SEO techniques. It is better to avoid the latter, otherwise you may get banned or filtered.

Each page of the site is assigned a certain degree of quality, a rank - PR, or Page Rank. The coincidental coincidence of the sound of the name Larry Page and Page Rank has even led to the fact that there is an opinion on the Internet that PR is based on the sympathy or antipathy of the search engine creator for a particular site.

Given the authority and scope of Google, optimizers try to promote their sites in this search engine. But a huge number of external links and prohibited, black hat optimization methods do not at all guarantee positions in the TOP. First of all, here we need to focus on the desires of users.
