Hello friends! I am now walking with a 20-kilogram backpack along the bear trails of Kamchatka, where there is no communication and no smell of civilization. I prepared the article in advance for auto-publishing in order to please you with fresh content.

We have already discussed how to select keywords for a website using and. That’s why everyone knows the concept of search query frequency. Today we’ll look at an equally important factor for analyzing key queries – their competitiveness. More precisely, let’s figure out how to determine it using special program Mutagen ( official website).

How to find out the competitiveness of a request?

First, let's define the competitiveness of a search query. This abstract value should tell us about the level of competition for a given key phrase. That is, what is the total number of other sites and pages on the network that are promoted for a given search query. Depending on how many sites claim to be in the TOP of search engines for the key, the necessary actions will be determined to achieve the TOP of results for your blog.

Thus, from the entire set of key queries on your topic, you can choose low-, medium- and highly competitive ones (NK, SK and VK). As a rule, in order to promote your website to the TOP 10 for a low-competition request, it is enough to write a competent one and make internal linking. That is, you will not need to spend any money for this. And when you have already gained a significant number of visitors and increased your ratings in the PS, you can gradually move on to SC and VK requests, if necessary.

So how do you know if a request is competitive? The easiest way is to look at the number of pages in the search results for your keyword:

You can also specify the quantity for the exact occurrence of the phrase (in the advanced Yandex search settings or by putting the phrase in quotes):

But how can we determine whether this is too much or too little? To evaluate the effectiveness of the keyword, the KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index) value was entered. Those. keyword effectiveness level. Its simplest formula is: KEI = P2/C.

Here P is the popularity of the query (or its frequency in Yandex.Wordstat), and C is the number of competing sites.

For example, let’s check the frequency for the exact occurrence of the phrase “query competitiveness”:

And here is the number of competitors by exact entry:

Accordingly, the KEI value will be: KEI = 192/23,000 = 0.0157. For convenience and clarity, you can multiply the resulting value by 1000. The result is 15.7.

Thus, by assessing the competitiveness and frequency of requests from the list you have compiled for a particular page of the site, you can compare KEI values ​​and select the most effective ones (the more KEI, the better).

However, in this case, C – the total number of pages in the search results – is a very relative value of competitiveness. After all, many other factors that determine the quality level of competitors are not taken into account. For example:

  • The number of main pages in the search results for this request;
  • The number of pages whose titles contain an exact occurrence of the phrase;
  • Level of site traffic in search results (TOP10, TOP30);
  • TIC and PR pages in search results;
  • Age of domains that participate in ranking;
  • Link mass of sites in search results, etc.

Therefore, the above KEI formula is very approximate and does not give the real competitiveness of a search query.

Today, according to reviews from many webmasters, the most accurate competitiveness value is considered to be the one calculated by the Mutagen program. Let's look at it in more detail and find out how to use the Mutagen.ru service.

Mutagen: reviews and evaluation of request competitiveness

Mutagen.ru website allows you to quickly and easily determine competition search queries. The calculation formula, for obvious reasons, is not disclosed. It is known that this analysis the competitiveness of requests is based on the assessment of sites in the TOP-30 Yandex results. Experiments and experiences of many optimizers indicate that the values ​​​​calculated in Mutagen are true. These values ​​vary from 1 to 25. The lower the number, the lower the competition, and, accordingly, the easier it is to promote the key phrase.

At this stage, the Mutagen service allows you to check webmaster reviews without any special costs. Each user is provided with 20 free query competitiveness checks per day.

Those. you can search for yours perfect formula calculation, or check experimentally the values ​​provided by Mutagen.

If you still decide to use this service on an ongoing basis, then the cost of 100 checks is 30 rubles. (i.e. 1 check – 0.3 rubles). If this procedure helps bring your site to the TOP of Yandex, then the cost of Mutagen is more than justified.

Let's move on to the instructions for using Mutagen.ru.

How to use Mutagen.ru?

First, let's go to the service website using the link. Registration in Mutagen is very simple:

After this, you need to top up your balance with any amount to gain access to free checks.

Let's start selecting keys:

For example, we want to promote an online store for vacuum cleaners. It is clear that the general phrase “vacuum cleaner” will be a VK request, and we are targeting NK. And the program immediately shows us the so-called “tails” of the request. Let’s choose from them, for example, “Kärcher vacuum cleaner”.

As you can see, there are many tails here too. Let's try "Kärcher vacuum cleaner reviews".

Let's analyze all the output values:

  • Competition level – 14;
  • Views by exact phrase in Yandex.Wordstat (frequency “ ”) – 219
  • Number of tails, i.e. other additional keys that include this phrase - 2204;
  • The cost of a click in Yandex Direct also indicates the level of competition of the request;
  • You can add the key to your favorites;
  • And order an article in the near future. Mutagen partners with .

The developers advise choosing keys with a competition value of up to 5, unless you use .

As you can see, the competitiveness value for the selected phrase is above 5, but we can search for other phrases or select them from the tails of this one:

Here, for example, is a phrase with low level competition, but at the same time, its frequency is also much lower.

Most often, NK queries are also low-frequency, but not always. Sometimes you can find mid and high frequency requests with low competition.

Checking one word at a time is, of course, not very convenient. Therefore, you can check the competitiveness of requests using a bulk verification service. For example, you selected a list of keys using Slovoeb or Yandex Wordstat. Now you can add them, one per line, to the field for mass verification. However, this option is already paid.

Your checks are saved in the “Check History”:

How else can you determine the competitiveness of a request? The most convenient and quick way checking with Mutagen is to use the Key Collector program.

To do this, just register on Mutagen.ru, and then enter the received login and password into Key Collector.

If you still have questions about working with the service, you may find answers on the Mutagen.ru website in the “Help” section.

Among other things, you can earn money through the Mutagen affiliate program. From all paid competitiveness checks of queries carried out by your referrals, you will receive 10% of the cost of the check.

Leave your feedback about working with Mutagen in the comments.

Good luck in promoting your resources! See you again!

On my blog, I write everywhere about the importance of low-competition queries. In general, the core of my technique is namely working with NK keys. Not everyone has reached this point yet, but time will put everything in its place, believe me. So - today I would like to talk in more detail about the frequency and competitiveness of requests, about the immediate importance of choosing NK requests, about their advantages and make a detailed classification.

It is noteworthy that in the minds of many people there are axioms of the form - an HF request must have a frequency of more than 10,000. Damn, this is nonsense! HF can have a frequency of 1000, and sometimes less... These are the cockroaches I will try to eradicate today. Read on.

Such different key phrases or classification of search frequency

Each of you has heard that there are requests with different frequencies:

  • high frequency or HF
  • midrange or midrange
  • low frequency or midrange

Let's look very briefly at each of them.

High frequency (HF)

For the most part, these are one-word queries, sometimes two-word queries, and in very rare cases three-word queries. What does it depend on? - only on the topic. If your topic is installing air conditioners, then HF requirements will be air conditioners. If your topic is the destruction of insects (service), then your HF request will be the destruction of insects, and if your topic is sewing motorcycle seats, then the HF request in your case will be three words ( although in this example it is debatable, but not the point). But the point is that frequency is inextricably linked with your topic, if, of course, we are talking about targeted traffic. Indeed, in the last example we can take both the seat request and the motorcycle request. And in each case, a handful of traffic will be in the subject) Or a request for a motorcycle seat. I think you caught the train of my thoughts.

The frequency of a request should always be correlated with the topic, and a high-frequency driver for one topic may well be a low-frequency driver for another.

That is, the frequency is most directly connected to the theme of the site. It is impossible to say which bar the high-frequency speakers start from - each topic will have its own bar. And the owner of each site knows his tweeter. Therefore, the expression “ tweeter in my topic«.

The generally accepted rule is that an HF of 10,000 works in the vast majority of cases, but, as you can see above, not always!

Mid-frequency requests (MF)

Medium-frequency queries are those queries whose frequency is, as a rule, 10 times lower than the frequency of the main key phrases that we talked about above. Sometimes they have a construction like HF+word, and sometimes they have nothing in common with the main request (jargon, for example).

Low frequency (LF)

These are all other requests that did not fall into the HF and MF group.

When assessing the frequency of queries, it is worth considering that there is also a seasonality factor, which introduces a considerable amount of admixture and often takes you away from finding the most interesting key phrases for promotion.

There's more to come

In the SEO environment, it is also common to distinguish between microwave and low-frequency queries, that is, super high-frequency and super low-frequency. But this classification is rather slang and you will not find it in widely known manuals, except perhaps in communication on forums.

A separate and most interesting group of requests, about which there is also practically no information in free sources - random requests. Have you heard of these? Random queries are search questions that appear once and may never be requested again . As a rule, these are verbose queries in which the user most fully addressed the search engine. These queries have 3 characteristic features:

  1. these are the most obvious of all groups of requests (that is, the user’s thoughts are completely revealed and there is no doubt about what he wants. For example, guess what the person who entered the request wants is air conditioners)
  2. As a rule, search engine results for such queries are of the lowest quality and you simply cannot find the answer to the question asked.
  3. such queries account for more than 60% of the traffic generated by search engines

Particular attention should be paid to points 2 and 3. Yes, this is not a typo - most of the traffic of any search engine is just random requests that are initiated once and may never be repeated. It’s funny, but those requests for which everyone fights with each other and spend huge budgets make up a smaller part of the total SEO traffic. And in my opinion, it is the duty of every site owner to tame such requests, but we’ll talk about that later. A distinctive feature of random requests is the complete absence of competition, but there is also a difficult barrier - you cannot prepare the page in advance (in terms of optimization) to receive such requests, because you simply cannot know what kind of requests these are, but these difficulties can be solved and I will tell you how later.

Another interesting type of request - empty requests, that is, queries with a frequency of 0. This group includes very interesting and useful flashing key phrases. Although all this sounds quite complicated, it is very easy to find blinking queries even with basic tools Yandex Wordstat, and the collector allows you to fully automate this procedure.

I am sure that 90% of you, dear readers, simply chop off the “zeros”. But this is fundamentally wrong - among such zeros there may be a lot of blinking requests, which were not shown last month, but earlier (and later) can give a very good frequency, right up to the midrange. A distinctive feature of flashing queries is precisely the low competition, because, as I said above, most optimizers and website owners simply cut them off at the very early stage of the formation of the semantic core. But finding such queries is ridiculously easy - when analyzing the frequency in the key collector, you need to click on one button:

So, let’s summarize the first chapter by dividing requests into groups by frequency:

  1. Random
  2. Flashing

But the frequency of requests is only the very beginning, the tip of the iceberg... It's time to talk about the most important thing - competition keywords .

Competing on Demands - Introduction

What, in essence, is the competitiveness of a request - have you ever wondered? The number of competing sites that are promoted on it or their link budgets, or maybe Direct or the number of pages in the search engine index, as some believe? No, no and no again!

The basis of the basics is the quality of delivery. A low-competitive query is a query for which the search engine does not have enough high-quality sites in its database. A highly competitive request is a request where there are many more sites relevant to this request than there are vacancies in the TOP. And then the dance with tambourines begins - in order for a search engine to choose ours out of hundreds of sites, you need to pour a lot of dough into the development of the site, the link and social components, etc. Unfortunately, most promoters are accustomed to working in this vein... What's the output? Budgets for SEO go away, there are no positions for the necessary queries, and budgets go away again. A month passes, 2-3-4-5, a year, but the picture does not change! Is this familiar? And to the question - when to expect clients, you will hear something like - you need to wait a couple more months and then... Nothing will happen then!

But the keys are good, beautiful and sound. And if they are in the TOP, then those long-awaited clients will come to you. But not everything is so deplorable and sometimes TOP still happens, but I would highlight the word sometimes here. Here's a classic promotion for you.

Whatever the frequency of queries you use, whatever keywords you use to create content on the site, I recommend considering what it looks like. To find out how to promote your website to the TOP 10 of Yandex, I recommend reading the article, which is especially useful in the case of a so-called “young” site.

But everything could be completely different. What is a low competition query? This is a request for which there are vacancies in the TOP search results. Crap - Yandex itself will be happy to put your site in the TOP, if he is not sad shit (your site). And competition and frequency have no connection. Very often, a request with low competition has incredible frequency and vice versa. There is no longer a question of whether requests will reach the TOP or not. The site needs to be brought to good technical condition, set up the Yandex CF (there will be an article on this topic soon), prepare the right articles (there will be an article on this topic soon), purchase links and queries will reach the TOP, they will definitely come out, there’s nothing to talk about.

But that's not all...

There are also queries with ultra-low competition.

So, this is what we have - regardless of frequency, requests should be divided according to the level of competition into the following groups:

  • Low competitive - NC
  • Requests with average competition - SK
  • Highly competitive queries - VK
  • Requests without competition - sNK
  • Requests with ultra-high competition - sVK

Let's look at each group in a little more detail:

Ultra-high competition requests

As a rule, these are the most commercial requests that contain a clear call to action, for example, buy an iPhone. Sometimes these are leader requests, without action, for example, website promotion, and sometimes these are single-word requests like air conditioners.

A distinctive feature of ultra-highly competitive requests is huge rates for clicks in Direct, total presence in the TOP search results faces (main pages of sites) and crazy budgets for promotion, but most importantly - a surplus of high-quality documents worthy of being in the TOP of the search engine. As a rule, all such requests are concentrated in the Moscow region. Yandex itself knows all SVK requests and tests new algorithms on them. These are the most commercially interesting queries and it is around them that the struggle is going on; new search algorithms are constantly being tested in order to minimize the impact SEO optimization and earn as much as possible from the context (Yandex earns money).

It doesn’t make the slightest sense for the owners of simple websites to fight for these requests, and everything seems to be logical, but not everyone understands this, pouring budgets down the drain and not getting any effect from such promotion.

Highly competitive requests

This group mainly includes classic high-frequency queries without an obvious commercial focus, for example, SEO. The situation is almost similar to the previous group, except that the rates in Direct are no longer so high, but these requests are primarily affected by changes in search algorithms. There is still a surplus of high-quality documents that fully respond to the request! Promotion based on such requests is sometimes actually justified, but only if you already have a lot of traffic and orders, but this path is still far from ideal, because the cost of 1 client here remains high, and the promotion itself is quite shaky and it is difficult to predict the future position of the site.

Average competition requests

Requests of average competition are not particularly remarkable. The TOP 10 results already contain internal pages of sites; clicks on Direct already have adequate value. The quality of the output is already noticeably weaker. This group of requests is not bad at all for promotion, but still I do not consider it advisable to promote via IC requests, because the difference in the quality of traffic between IC and NK requests is negligible, and the cost of a lead still remains high. But the basis of SEO is to bring clients and the cheaper each of them is, the more effective SEO is in the long run.

Low competition requests

This is my favorite group of requests, which allows you to receive high-quality targeted traffic quickly and inexpensively. Among NK requests, as a rule, there are medium and low-frequency requests; with rare exceptions, you can even find high-frequency ones. Progress in this group of queries is always predictable and minimally dependent on changes in search algorithms. The basis is precisely such queries, but that’s not all, because there is another group of queries that is most interesting from the point of view of search engine promotion.

Ultra-low competition queries

SNK queries are the holy grail of SEO. This is a special caste of requests that, to reach the TOP, do not need anything at all except a one-time mention on the page. Moreover, this does not have to be the correct article - it is enough to simply enter the key into it once and use it in Page title. And I must say that such requests exist in any subject, in plastic windows and air conditioners - in general, everywhere. The main difficulty is finding these same SNK queries. If the technique has been worked out, then in any topic you can find hundreds and even thousands of them, and then based on them you can create a content plan, dividing them into groups.

As a result, we get a plan for posting hundreds of articles, which, once on your site in 3-4 months, will themselves be in the TOP and will bring a lot of traffic. It looks something like this:

In the screenshot above we see a 5-fold increase in search traffic over a period of 3 months!

In the screenshot above we see a 4-fold increase in search traffic over a period of 5 months!

I will not describe in detail the method of finding such keys now, but I can only give you directions for further thought. The basis here is the same frequency, or rather zeros, because zeros are not essentially zeros or were not previously. In addition to zeros, we can ask Yandex itself about such requests (but this will be a wild thing...). Who in the subject will understand me!

At the very beginning of this article, I wrote that most people ignore flashing requests, and many have never even heard of random requests. Working with this group allows you to increase high-quality website traffic with the minimum possible investment! This is exactly what effective SEO should be! And these are the types of requests that I help my clients find by preparing a content plan for SNK requests.

You can order effective promotion that will bring a lot of traffic to your site, just like dozens of other sites that I promoted.

From low-performing keywords? How to determine the competitiveness of a request? How to calculate the cost of promotion? For these purposes, we need a set of indicators that will allow us to operate with absolute values, and not with abstract concepts like “plastic windows are complicated and expensive.” KEI and frequencies can handle such a task as assessing the competitiveness of queries.

What is KEI?

Collection and analysis of the competitiveness of requests is often associated with such an indicator as KEI (Keyword Effectiveness Index), i.e. a numerical performance rating given to a keyword or phrase. KEI is calculated based on two factors.

The first factor depends on how often users search for something using a given phrase. The second factor reflects how many other sites and pages there are that are optimized for the same word structure.

Thus, KEI is a numeric value assigned to a keyword or phrase and takes into account both the factors presented above. It helps determine the competitiveness of queries in Yandex and how effective promotion on them will be in terms of cost-return.

In my interpretation, this indicator is also composite and takes into account:

  • number of sites with this key in the title home page;
  • number of pages with this key in the title.

The collection of values ​​necessary for calculating the KEI parameter is possible using the program.

Calculation of KEI in Key Collector

First of all, you need to set the formula for calculating KEI in the program settings. Personally I use the following:

((Number of sites with this key in the title of the main page) ^ 3) + ((Number of pages with this key in the title) ^ 3)

Translated into language understandable by Key Collector, the KEI formula for Key Collector takes on the following form:

(KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount)

After saving the formula, the collection of initial data (Get data for Yandex PS) necessary for the calculation is initiated, and then, in fact, the direct calculation (Calculate KEI using available data).

Upon completion of the calculation, all data will be available in the subject area of ​​the program:

Experimental KEI formula

The formula for calculating KEI described in the previous paragraph is all right, don’t worry, it still shows the stability of its estimates and allows you to check the competitiveness. Another thing worried me - it can be used quite limitedly when estimating the cost of promotion. For the last six months I have been using the following design:

30 * ((KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount * KEI_YandexMainPagesCount) + (KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount * KEI_YandexTitlesCount)) + 20 * KEI_YandexTitlesCount + 40 * KEI_YandexMainPages Count + 0.00001 * KEI_YandexDocCount + 0.3 * YandexWordstatBaseFreq + 0.5 * YandexWordstatQuotePointFreq

Yes, yes, creepy. It was based on the distribution of significance weights between the main estimated values ​​of the query: KEI, frequency (total and exact), the number of occurrences in page titles (including the main ones) and the number of documents with a given phrase in general.

I don’t remember why the set of weights turned out exactly the way they did - they were redistributed many times, the resulting assessment of the query’s competitiveness was analyzed in practice, and then the formula was adjusted again.

The calculation procedure using this formula is exactly the same as the first one, with the only difference being that first, in addition to the KEI parameters, it is necessary to collect the total and exact frequency.

Types of keyword frequencies

So, now about frequencies. Frequency is a numerical value that reflects the number of requests by users of the Yandex search engine, or any other, to any phrase or its word forms over the last calendar month. They won’t help you find out the competitiveness, but it’s easy to assess the capacity of a direction. There are three types in total:

  • general,
  • acceptable,
  • accurate.

Overall frequency- this is an indicator that includes impression statistics for a given request with all its possible word forms, additional words and symbols. In other words, if you collect the general frequency for the request “website promotion”, then information on constructs like “website promotion in St. Petersburg”, “inexpensive website promotion”, etc. will also be collected and summarized. This mode is more suitable for a general assessment of the demand for the region.

Acceptable frequency is a frequency that allows for declination and morphological deformation of the original query. In other words, if you collect the acceptable frequency of the request “site promotion”, then the results will include word forms like “site promotion”, “promoting a site”, etc.

Exact Frequency- this is an indicator that reflects the number of hits to a specific request, without any changes or additions.

Automated verification of these values ​​can also be done using the Key Collector program.

To obtain the most reliable information, it is better to define the exact frequency as the main frequency.

Having completed the collection of all the described parameters and after checking the competitiveness of requests, we can move on to .

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”

Highly competitive queries are a webmaster's dream

The term “highly competitive queries” is applied to search phrases that are used for promotion by a significant number of sites and blogs and, as a result, creates huge competition for a place in the top 10. VK queries are most often high-frequency (collecting a significant number of views). Key phrases with high competition have a number of characteristic features:

  • VK requests are not suitable for promoting young sites;
  • optimization for them requires significant material costs;
  • It is difficult to stay in the TOP for a long time due to high competition.

To successfully promote VK queries to the TOP, you must at least have a trusted web resource with a domain age of at least 12 months. You will also have to spend a lot of time and money purchasing links from high-quality donor sites or for a long time maintain high levels of behavioral factors.

VK requests - where to start promotion

Preparation for SEO optimization should begin with developing a strategy / work plan and, of course, first of all with working on the site. It is necessary to make sure that the domain does not violate the requirements of search engines and does not have a bad history.

Start promoting your website for highly competitive queries by studying your 30 competitors. Important. so that the page that is promoted for a highly competitive request and your site is much more capacious and much more fully responds to the user’s request than competitors’ sites. And of course, all other optimization work on the page and site is important. But they can be carried out gradually until the time factor is passed. Monitor user behavior on the site.

Also important. so that the quantity external links grew smoothly and don’t write off them at all, it’s better to pay attention to the quality of resources and try. so that the link not only exists, but brings referrals from donor sites.

Anchor list for highly competitive queries

Even the most experienced optimizer will not be able to bring an Internet project to the TOP for VK queries without high-quality external links. You need to select a database of donor sites according to the following criteria:

  1. relevance to the topic;
  2. domain age (at least 6 months, preferably from 1 year);
  3. high trust;
  4. low spam with outgoing links;
  5. high traffic, traces of user activity (comments);
  6. second level domain.
  7. traffic that will bring purchased links

When creating an anchor list for VK queries, you cannot use only direct occurrences of the key phrase. The search engine will consider this approach to optimization as link spam. It is necessary to dilute the anchor list with word forms, synonyms for the key, and even better, use non-anchor links, like “here”, “here”, “look on the site”.

Promotion for highly competitive requests is only advisable for funded projects online stores or other commercial sites. It is much easier to promote informational web projects and entertainment blogs using .

Hello, today we will look at such an important factor for SEO promotion website on the Internet as search query competition assessment. Writing with formation site semantics sometimes it’s not enough to get the desired result, which means there is something that you might not have taken into account.

In this article, I will talk about the competition between search queries and keywords, and how to evaluate their ranking for better results.

Why do you need to check the competition of a search query?

Working with Wordstat of the Yandex search engine is present in the craft of every webmaster and owner of a blog or website, but It’s not enough to just select low-frequency queries and write articles on them and publications. The query may not be particularly used, but competition in search engine results among sites of the same type may not rank your material very high. On the third, fifth and even tenth pages relative to competitors. And who then will be able to see and appreciate your work?

I am currently facing this same problem. I try to write high-quality publications that meet the semantics of the site, but the results leave much to be desired . Therefore, the expected question arose “ What am I doing wrong?«.

As it turned out, “everything is so,” but I don’t take into account some features and points regarding key queries and competition. Yes, as it turned out, there is competition in SEO too, and it is much tougher than in advertising projects.

In theory, advice for novice website owners involves working with unpopular requests, Where low competition expected. But the webmaster may not know that there may be quite a lot of competition for this key, a relatively young, developing resource.

Old and popular sites that even indirectly touch on the desired key search query will in most cases be ranked higher than your article in which you focused on uncovering the problem for this key.

Therefore, to maximize the effectiveness of your work (are you wasting your time writing material?) and getting top positions in the search results for low-frequency search phrases, you need to check your keywords for competitiveness.

How to evaluate the competitiveness of a search query

There are several methods for assessing the attractiveness of a keyword combination for writing a quality publication:

  • Manual analysis
  • Through the Mutagen service

Let's consider each method and its usefulness separately.


KEI stands for Keyword Effectiveness Index. The formula was developed and created by Samantha Roy. She looks like this:

Where P is the number of requests over the last 60 days, and C is the volume of sites that meet the selection criteria.

The meaning of the KEY coefficient is to analyze the popularity of a query over time relative to sites that respond to this key. The higher the score, the more traffic you can get from a given search query.

But it is worth understanding that KEI largely evaluates popularity and potential audience reach, taking into account the fact that all sites are equal. It has an indirect relation to the assessment of competitiveness.

Popular program for parsing keywords from search engines Kay Collector or him free versionWord fucker They work specifically with the KEI index when assessing popularity.

There is no point in relying on the righteousness of the KEI indicator; it is more suitable for creating advertising campaigns in terms of obtaining information about the popularity of the request and the gross flow of potential visitors. In SEO it can only be used as a guide or indicator.

Manual analysis

You can try to analyze competitors for the desired search phrase yourself. This process is quite tedious, and at best, is suitable for evaluating one or several keywords. To mass evaluate all keys relative to the semantic core, it is unrealistic to use this method.

Analytics can be carried out in either regional scale(if you indicated a specific region of work with the webmaster), and among all competitors on the Internet.

In the first case, you just need to open your browser, go to the desired search engine and enter keywords. If there are very well-known and trusted sites in the top, then it’s worth looking for other topics to publish in this niche.

Certainly, it is also worth considering your weight relative to your opponents. If you have a young website, then almost all your competitors are “sharks”, but if you already have some kind of regular flow of visitors and already have a little authority, then it becomes much easier to compete with the “trifles”.

In the second case, open the search engine in incognito mode and enter the desired phrase. In incognito mode, your region disappears and you can see all competitors taking into account rankings without regional affiliation. This method is relevant for sites without a specified advertising region.

Site without region, potentially has a larger audience reach, but the confrontation with the “regionals” is becoming tougher, since they have the advantage of a territorial connection to the extradition. " This is their territory ” and priority will be given to them.

But this does not mean that there is no chance of surpassing your rivals if your portal is assessed based on a combination of factors search engines better than that of a resource with a link, then the place in the search results will be higher.

Through the Mutagen service

In general, options with the KEI index and manual development do not satisfy an adequate assessment. Therefore, I recommend resorting to the third option - service for selecting keywords and assessing the competition of search queries - Mutagen. Its functionality is similar to Kay Collector And Word fucker, but this is a separate resource that can replace and even supplement the capabilities of programs.

For example, let's take the key phrase " SEO optimization site «.

It can be said that this the request refers to mid-frequency(about six thousand impressions per month). At first glance, there is quite powerful competition and the request is widely popular even among advertising agencies for SEO development projects.

Mutagen gave him a score of 24 points. Taking into account the fact that the popularity rating of a query varies from one to twenty-five (maximum), an indicator of 24 points clearly demonstrates that such a key will not bring any benefit to your webmaster in writing material.

In addition to the high rating, the resource showed how much advertising in Yandex costs for these keywords. Judging by the placement amounts, it is already becoming clear that the request needs to be changed or deepened.

In Mutagen there is an opportunity " look at the tails". Let's take a look at them.

This field shows subsets of the key search phrase that have lower frequency and popularity. The highlighted suggestions may be helpful. Let's choose one of the phrases and check it.

By key query « » the level of competition is worth unit. And this is the lowest possible figure. This key phrase can be useful for writing an article. Let's see what Yandex Wordstat shows.

Writing an article on the topic “ step-by-step SEO website optimization " with auxiliary keys " instructions" And " on one's own » in conjunction with low competition will allow you to write a pretty decent article that will show up for search queries and attract some traffic.

It is worth noting one point when working with Mutagen: it's not free. The cost of evaluating one request is about 30 kopecks. One hundred requests will cost you 30 rubles.
