Yandex Wordstat is a Yandex company service used to select keywords by analysis search queries users.

Why do you need Wordstat?

It is mainly used to compile a semantic core. Wordstat is free, it is multifunctional tool, but so simple that even a beginner can figure it out. With the help of Wordstat, it is possible to find out detailed statistics of requests in the Yandex system for the last month, and to compile not only the structure of the entire site, but also its individual pages. In practice, the service is used to solve the following problems:

  1. Collection of the most complete semantics through query extensions;
  2. Checking the frequency of requests, including regional ones;
  3. Checking the seasonality of requests.

This is the most basic, but of course there are smaller tasks that Wordstat helps solve.

How to use Wordstat correctly

First you need to register there. Here is a link to the service, you can enter words into it without registering, but you will only be able to find out the results after registration. Otherwise, this kind of crap will pop up:

It is also important that your Yandex profile indicates your region, for which you are going to view query statistics. Otherwise, if you are looking for how many clients for your business enter the word “fishing rods” in your Nizhny Vasyuki, and your region is Moscow, then you may be told that hundreds of thousands of people are looking for fishing rods. You will buy a hundred thousand of them, and in Nizhny Vasyuki only a couple of cripples are looking for them.

After you register, enter the word there and click the “Select” button. You will get the following results:

As you can see, we entered the word “bro”, and in the left column there will be queries that contain the phrase “bro”. These queries are entered by real users. In the right column are similar queries. The numbers next to each query are their frequency (that is, how often users enter them). But this is not an exact frequency, but an approximate one. That is, the phrase “brother” itself in this form may have been introduced 20 times in total (that is, its exact frequency was 20 then), but together with the phrases “brothers”, “brothers 90”, “come on brother” and others, its frequency was 27 080. We will learn to determine the exact frequency further.

Basically, they work with Wordstat through special services and programs. Thousands of them! The most famous is Kay Collector. All these programs increase the convenience of working with this tool significantly.

They very rarely work directly with Wordstat, but I’ve heard awesome stories that in Ashmanov’s studio, one of the coolest SEO studios, there are monkeys who enter each query into Wordstat manually and copy the results into a .txt file. I immediately imagined a hundred slaves who, in a day of work, do the same amount of work as one SEO specialist with Key Collector.

Let's now look at the rest of the interface functions:

In block 1— switching between device types. I personally don't use it. I make my sites convenient for all types of devices.
In block 2- a very useful switch. With its help, you can see, firstly, the regionality of the request (in which region it is entered more often, in which - less often). You can seriously get stuck on this tool. And secondly, here you can look at the “Request History” - and this is sometimes very necessary to determine the seasonality of the request and to track the trend.
In block 3— the date when Yandex last updated statistics on queries. In most cases we don't need this.
In block 4— select the region/regions.

By region

You can see what they are looking for where. Funny thing. Here, for example, you can find out that criminal songs, on average per capita, are most searched for in the Russian Federation, but in Greece and even in Israel:

And if you click on Russia, you will see that blatnyak is in demand everywhere, but especially in Dagestan:

Request history

In the query history, you can identify seasonal queries and trends, as I already said. For example, we can only envy those webmasters who managed to write articles about Trump, because now (end of 2016) their traffic has begun to grow:

But the most professional part begins when you work with operators.

Which operators are useful when working with Wordstat

You need to know how to use Yandex Wordstat operators in order to work most effectively in the interface.

Basic Operators

The two basic operators are exclamation marks and quotation marks. These are the basics.

Look, without them we have 25,655 impressions. These are displays of all phrases with the word “brother”.

With quotes, there are only 832. Quotes fix the phrase. This means that 832 impressions were for the phrases “brother”, “brother”, “brother” combined, that is, for this phrase with different word order and endings, but without adding other words to this phrase. That is, this does not include displays of the phrases “we are bros,” “we failed bro,” and so on.

With an exclamation point - 7409 views. It fixes the word form. That is, this includes displays of the phrases “bro”, “nice bro”, “hold on bro” and others with the same ending. And displays of the phrases “call bro”, “download a song about bro” and so on are not included.

And here we have only 152 impressions. This is because with an exclamation point and quotation marks, only impressions of that phrase and only in that form are counted. But with a different order of words in the phrase. That is, if we enter “nice bro”, then Wordstat will show us the sum of impressions of “nice bro” and “nice bro”.

Auxiliary Operators

Plus. The "+" symbol forces stop words to be taken into account. By default, Wordstat does not take into account prepositions, and for the query “how to buy a TV” it will show you mainly commercial queries:

If the particle “how” is important to you, then fix it with a plus and Wordstat will give you the following data:

Operator "OR". Forward slash "|" - if two phrases are separated by this operator, it will show all variations with these two phrases.

By the way, it allows you to compare two queries, which is what I mainly use it for.

Minus. The "-" character excludes a specific word from the query. Example: “buy a car in Moscow - used.” Queries without using the word “boo” will be shown.

Parentheses "()" - groups the use of multiple operators.

Square brackets "" - fixes the sequence of words in search phrase. This operator was introduced not so long ago. That is, we get the opportunity to find out in what word order the phrase is entered most often:

As you can see, almost no one enters a phrase with the wrong order:


Working with bare Yandex Wordstat is generally inconvenient. To make your work easier, you can install a special plugin in your browser designed to work in Wordstat. The plugins for Chromium browsers (Yandex, Mail, Amigo, Opera and Google Chrome) are the same, but for Mozilla there is a separate plugin, all are free and available for download, you can install them directly from the browser. The most popular are the Wordstat Assistant and Yandex Wordstat Helper plugins.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant

Perhaps the best plugin for I use it myself. It's easy to use, practical, and doesn't get in the way when you're working on other sites. The installed wordstat assistant starts only when you go to the Wordstat page. By clicking on the plus signs, the required keyword can be added to the list (it is on the left). The assistant allows you to sort the selected keywords and delete unnecessary ones. Simply copy the resulting list to the clipboard and transfer it to Excel for further processing. By the way, the convenience of using the plugin is also that when you add phrases that are already there to the list, duplicates are automatically deleted, which significantly reduces the work.

Yandex Wordstat Helper

This plugin is simpler than the previous one, but no less popular; it can also be installed directly from the browser. The helper is made in the form of a widget that is added to the Wordstat page immediately after installation; you just need to refresh the page and you can start working. Its functions:

  1. Opportunity automatic sorting in alphabetical order;
  2. Checks for duplicates, removing the last ones;
  3. It is possible to process different requests in several browser tabs. The necessary words are added to the same list;
  4. There is a word counter;
  5. The ability to copy a ready-made list into Excel, putting everything together based on the initial phrases.

Before deciding which plugin to use, try both in action, this will allow you to make the right choice.

Wordstat parsers

To save time when selecting keywords, they often use specially designed ones. automatic programs– parsers, which can be either paid or free.

Some guys order parsers purely for their needs.

The best paid Wordstat parser is KeyCollector. It is used mainly by those who professionally compile semantics. Free analogue KeyCollector is a Slovoeb program. Its functions are reduced, but it is quite possible to compose small kernels with its help.

Magadan is also a fairly popular Wordstat parser, which can also be downloaded for free. Selects and analyzes queries, has support for regions, is designed for parsing Yandex Direct phrases.

In conclusion, I would like to note that Wordstat provides only the data that Yandex has. Therefore, for example, the frequency in Google and other search engines may be completely different.

The Yandex Wordstat Assistant application is aimed at collecting and grouping queries needed to promote the site. The success of the content depends on the correct definition of queries. Depending on the indicators, you can choose the most profitable direction for the project.

Compilation of queries is based on the indicators of the statistical server. For Yandex, this server is Wordstat. Special resources are being created to automate the data collection process. Useful application and will be Yandex Assistant. The installed helper is ideal for collecting keys to blog posts.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant is the official development of the company. Officially, the assistant supports the work of three Chrome browsers, Yandex and Opera. However, upon closer examination of this add-on, it turns out to be quite functional on the Firefox plug-in platform.

To get the add-on for Mozilla, just go to the “Add-ons” tab from any browser page.

Next you need to find the “Get more add-ons” button. It is located at the very bottom of the page, scroll the slider or mouse wheel. In the search line, insert what you are looking for: Yandex Wordstat Assistant, click on the green arrow.

Several add-ons will appear in the search results for “Yandex Wordstat Assistant”, sorted by relevance. The assistant we need will be in the first item on the list. You can immediately install helper in your browser by clicking on the green icon with a plus sign. It is available next to the application name.

After adding the assistant, a restart will be required; agree to the system requirement by clicking the corresponding button on the left side of the screen. You can manage your installed extension by returning to the “Manage your extensions” tab. In the browser settings it is depicted with a puzzle-shaped icon.

Apply installed extension simple enough.
Go to the Yandex Wordstat service. Type the desired combination that denotes the key expression for the product or service. Use the “Select” button. The selection options will be search engine query statistics, semantics, which includes the searched word or combination.

The numbers next to them are the so-called 30-day forecast. You will get so many search results if you select queries as a keyword. Options can be distributed across specific regions, or “all regions” can be taken into account.

Options that are popular in search results can be added to the helper by clicking “+”, which each expression has thanks to the helper installation.

It is convenient to save the resulting workpiece to the clipboard. Phrases can be copied with or without frequency. If the frequency is saved, then when you add a fragment to Excel, two columns will automatically appear.

The application allows you to sort keywords in various convenient ways. For example, in alphabetical order or in order of increasing or decreasing frequency. Thanks to Wordstat Assistant, working with each group of keys is greatly simplified.

Installing the application for the Google Chrome browser begins with the “Additional tools-extensions” tab.

Next, you need to go to the “More extensions” item and find what you are looking for in the online store: Yandex Wordstat Assistant. Don’t be afraid of the online store, although it is a store, many of the applications in it are free.

As you can see, our application can be installed in free version. Its installation will not take much time. The application becomes immediately available in the “Extensions” tab.

Optimizers and webmasters actively use the service to search for keywords and collect the semantic core.

As in any other business, working with keywords can be partially automated. Created for this purpose special programs and scripts, but in this article we will tell you about a free and very useful widget.

The name of this widget is Yandex Wordstat Helper, whether you are a beginner or an experienced webmaster, you will definitely need it. I would like to say right away that it can only be installed in Mozilla browsers and Chrome. You can download the widget from official page developer.

Widget for working with Wordstat

What benefits will you get by using this widget?

  • you can copy keywords in one click, after which they can be easily imported into the table;
  • working with multiple Wordstat tabs, the widget will work separately;
  • when adding keys to the widget, you will not have duplicates, the program automatically deletes them;
  • for convenience, keywords are sorted alphabetically;
  • The widget has a counter that displays the number of added words.

The easiest way to explain the operation of this widget is to present a screenshot:

On the right side of the image there is a widget, on the left side there are standard statistics from Wordstat. To collect keywords in a separate database, you just need to click + after which the word is added to the widget list. As you can see, the widget displays several buttons, as well as the word counter that we already discussed above.

In contrast, if the Yandex Wordstat Helper widget can be compared at all to this feature-rich program, it is free and easier to learn, which can be convenient for beginners. Try installing it in your browser, it won't bother you as it only opens on Wordstat statistics pages.

Yandex Wordstat Assistant is a “software tool” that provides quick selection of “keys” for webmasters and copywriters in this search engine. This service is distributed in a video plugin and is installed on Opera, Chrome and Yandex Browser browsers. The graphical shell of this extension is created in a simple interface and with a convenient menu.

The Yandex Wordstat Assistant program sorts current queries. After that, you can manually select key queries. This widget is distributed free of charge and contains a simple graphical interface. Using this extension, you will quickly find “keys” from the Yandex search engine.


After installing Assistant, you will log into the Yandex Wordstat service and see a window. Clicking on the "+" icon will add and sort keys. You don't need to use a notepad or text editor to copy and paste found queries.
In the “Yandex Wordstat Assistant” window there is a list with the keys that you added. If necessary, you view their number and overall frequency. When working with the “helper”, use special-purpose operators “+”, “!”, “-” and others. By pressing one key, you will send the entire list of keys to the clipboard.

Additional features

When creating a list, use filtering to select detailed parameters. This function in Yandex Wordstat Assistant provides a search for “duplicates” (direct and indirect), using several modes that sort the keys.

The widget has a function that highlights words added earlier. This extension is a kind of analogue of the “Key Collector” program and is distributed free of charge.

You can install extensions from digital stores or as a plugin for browsers that are built on the Chrome engine, as well as Opera. This software cannot be installed on the Mozilla Firefox browser - this is a drawback, because many “SEO copywriters” work in this browser.

Key Features

  • quick list creation key queries from Wordstat;
  • automatic search for duplicate keys;
  • the program highlights the keys that were added earlier;
  • The service has a convenient filter for selecting sorting options;
  • the “tool” is distributed free of charge;
  • the software contains functions that are present in paid analogues programs such as Key Collector.
