In the previous article, we found out that one of the high-quality ways to promote a website is article promotion.

Is it worth promoting with articles if you can buy links?

Yes, the cost of this method of promotion will not be cheap, but the return will be higher. Therefore, my opinion is that there is a point in purchasing articles, since this method allows you to move to the TOP more confidently and efficiently.

Advantages of website promotion with articles

  • The article allows you to place several links (2-3) to your site.
  • Links are located evenly and in the right place in the body of the article.
  • The presence of additional adjacent text, which is also a plus.
  • Since the links will look like this, the site will win the love of search engines.
  • There are no unnecessary links nearby, but only those that lead to your site.
  • Increase in the number of visitors. Yes, it is even possible to get additional traffic this way. After all, if the webmaster does not want to promote this page, you can promote it yourself and get additional.

High-quality SEO promotion using WebArtex

WebArtex is a new generation article exchange. At least that's what they call themselves.

When working with an exchange, you can be sure that the article will be posted on a high-quality website.

First you need to register in this service.

  • Click on the “registration” button and enter your data.
  • After this, check the specified email and follow the link to confirm your email address.
  • Next, we choose who we will cooperate with the exchange as: Optimizer or Webmaster. By the way, by choosing the Webmaster item, you can make good money on the site, but since we are talking about promotion, we will select “Optimizer”.
  • Add a new project.
  • In the URL column we enter the address of the web resource, and I indicated Russia as the region, since I have no connection to any region. And click “Next”.

Now we need to decide on the queries for which we will promote the site.

  • Enter the ones you need and press the button automatic detection pages. If the page is not the right one, put the correct one. Then click on the “Next” button.

  • On the next tab, we set the criteria by which we will select sites for placement. And based on the results, we choose the one we like.
  • Before you click “order” you need to top up your account, for which you click on the “top up” button located on the left.
  • When choosing a site, you need to look not at the number on the yellow background, but at the “total”.
  • Finished articles can be sent for revision, you can leave comments on them and even evaluate the author’s work. Thanks to this functionality, authors will be forced to write high-quality texts.
  • Writing posts is also easy to order. Deciding on key query and click on the order button.

After that, you just have to wait for the article to be written and checked by the editor. On average, order processing takes from 3 to 5 days.

Review of the WebArtex exchange

In general, the impression of the exchange is not bad.

  • Convenience and simplicity, modern design, high quality donors are all pluses.
  • Among the disadvantages is that the price for copywriting is too high; I would like to provide my own texts. There are rumors that there will soon be discounts on copywriting. And if the price of 270 rubles per article is expensive, it may be worth waiting a little.

It is quite difficult for those who do not understand what SEO services are to evaluate the quality of their provision. If you don’t want to take risks and get truly qualified help in this matter, then the material presented here is for you! Of course, no specialist can give you accurate information about the number of future visitors and how long it will take for your site to be in the TOP, because the policies and technologies of search engines are constantly changing, and other factors also matter (for example, the profitability of a product or service) . However, there are still guarantees.

What does an SEO specialist charge for? Nobody wants to pay for ephemeral promises, some people think that SEO work is insignificant, anyway, the standard package looks like this:

  • Full site optimization, both internal and external (creation of descriptions, content, clusters, etc.).
  • Technical analysis of the site, removal of unnecessary or outdated material, creation of a competent technical support service.
  • Regular updating of the site pages, filling it with articles, photographs and videos.
  • Website promotion on platforms using articles with links.
  • Development of a logo and brand name for the site for recognition on the Internet.
  • Making changes to the structure and content of the site in accordance with the current policies of search services.
  • Correction of the site.
  • High-quality monitoring of competing resources.

And this is far from full list what an SEO professional can offer you.

What constitutes quality SEO work?

When promoting a project, not only the quantity, but also the quality of the work performed matters. What is the specialist responsible for? Firstly, for the timing of all work, if the agreed material must appear on the site on time. Secondly, the professional has nothing to hide, so he gives the owner access to analytical data. Thirdly, monthly reporting helps the customer evaluate the progress of the site and the amount of work already completed. A detailed and colorful report may not always be reliable; incompetent workers provide data from common sources (Google Analytics, Yandex Metrica), which distracts the customer from the real picture of the work performed.

Of course, there is always a risk, because there are many factors influencing the development of a website. But a professional in his field is able to make the site truly “alive” in the near future, which will have a noticeable impact on sales statistics and the number of visitors.

Until now, SEO has focused most on ranking and increasing organic traffic. These were the 2 main KPIs that are shown to clients. Most often, several main factors are used to achieve good results (in On-Page and Off-Page options): density keywords, meta titles, meta descriptions, number of backlinks, etc. Previously, you could just spam... and succeed.

Now I have come to the following conclusions:

  • Submission to directories increases the number of backlinks, but not traffic. (except for some bold directories).
  • Posting PR articles increases the number of backlinks, but not the traffic on my site. (or you will have to pay well for a high-quality thematic resource with good traffic).
  • On-Page optimization increases website traffic only up to a certain point; depending on the competition and, of course, Google and Yandex updates.
  • Properly used bookmarks can also send some traffic to my site and increase the number of links. Although if I just add a link without an active one account, they won't work that well.
  • Comments on third party sites are helpful, but they WILL NOT significantly increase traffic to my site. Or you will have to pull this traffic bit by bit around the clock.

So I have a question.

How to achieve good UX metrics without website traffic?

In my opinion, this is impossible. This is what I believe:

Earlier: Good SEO result -> Increased website traffic.
Now: Increased website traffic and good UX metrics -> Good SEO result.

Therefore, it becomes very clear that a few years ago SEO was a method, but now it has become a result!

But the result of what?

The result of a good and or brand.

Very important factors today

  1. CTR by results search results (i.e. why meta descriptions are so important);
  2. Brand search;
  3. Brand search combined with keywords(example: NIKE boots);
  4. UX Metrics(number of pages per session, average session duration, failure rate);
  5. Traffic.

How can these factors be improved in 2016?

  • Increase brand awareness to improve CTR.
  • Use social media to increase brand awareness.
  • Use serious digital magazines and blogs to write articles about your brand and improve your reach to new target groups.
  • Create a really powerful and good "newsletter" to promote the benefits of your brand/service and also figure out what makes you different from others to drive users to your brand using the required keyword.
  • Add quality video to your website. Thanks to this, users will linger on the site to watch the video (increasing the average session duration).
  • Create a good internal link structure so that users can easily navigate from one page to another, thereby increasing the avg. session duration and number of pages visited per session.
  • Optimize your site for mobile devices to improve UX metrics.
  • Create a popular blog to increase the number of pages on the site, as well as improve UX metrics. Users will stay on the site longer by reading your posts.
  • Create personalized examples to improve UX metrics on the site.
  • Perform A/B testing and improve the quality of site design and structure.
  • Social media will help you increase traffic on the website.
  • Communicate with journalists and write articles about your brand in blogs and magazines related to your target audience.
  • Create campaigns in Adwords and Direct, to increase traffic.
  • Local results on Google my Business will help increase traffic and brand awareness.
  • Offline advertising will increase brand awareness and the number of requests.

My process for creating a digital plan

Generating website traffic
-> Good UX metrics
-> Satisfied users (and customers, although at the moment there are other important factors: prices, offers, etc.)
-> Achieving the best CTR in search results
-> Better optimization
-> More traffic
-> Good UX metrics
->Increasing brand awareness (direct and organic traffic)
-> etc.

In general, you understand me!

What about the KPIs that need to be monitored and shown to clients?

Here are some ideas (depending on the action):

As can be seen from the above, goals and KPIs should be set depending on the actions and budget agreed upon in the contract with the client, and not just set general goals, for example:

  • Organic growth.
  • Higher search position.

The latter only applies if you are responsible for multiple services. Example: blog, link building, brand awareness). In this case, it is better to set the above 2 goals as the main ones.

Advice: Proceed carefully, because... Even with a successful link building campaign, a negative user experience or undervalued brand can prevent you from getting organic traffic or increasing your rankings and conversions.

SEO will help you create a larger marketing view of your website - brand - service - product

It seems to me that many clients (and some marketers) view SEO as a cheap and easy way to generate website traffic. Maybe this was true before, but times have changed.

SEO is a long-term strategy that must be continuous, so a significant amount of money (budget) should be spent on its development and improvement.
In short:

  • Link building (requires a large budget and time to get good articles).
  • UX improvement (requires a large budget, a lot of time and analysis of the situation, taking into account the use of appropriate tools, the results should be collected and analyzed and new actions/improvements should be planned).
  • Video (you need a big budget to create a quality video for a brand).
  • Blog (it takes a lot of time and a large budget to create a continuous stream of content aimed at the desired audience), etc.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about what is SEO, show with a specific example of your blog how SEO optimization (external and internal) can literally work wonders in website promotion and answer the question why you should never neglect Search Engine Optimization.

In fact, although this article is addressed primarily to novice webmasters, from my own experience I can judge that many established webmasters simply neglect SEO promotion and do not even try to understand its essence, as if embarrassed to look biased in the eyes of their readers. Nonsense. I'm in my first year didn't do Seo In general, I thought that was the way it should be.

There is a very hackneyed phrase that for some reason has become a dogma for many - write articles for people and success will not keep you waiting. Yes, it is certainly a fundamental pillar of the successful development of an Internet project, but it is far from the only one and certainly not sufficient. When I started doing internal optimization the summer before last, my blog traffic doubled in half a year (to about 5,000). Impressive, right?

SEO - what is it, how does it affect promotion?

But when at the beginning of this summer I seriously began building up link mass, the site’s traffic again doubled in six months (to about 10,000). Even I myself was impressed. Well, yes, I had to stain myself with SEO optimization of texts, buying links, etc. things, but there is a result. Do you think that all this is exaggerated and far-fetched? But no.

There is a solution, and it was proposed by search engine developers (read about it). They created platforms (something similar to exchanges) where the user could find resources that answered the question he asked. But this solution has some limitations. Only those resources that managed to get to its first page (the so-called Top 10). This means that sooner or later a squabble will begin for a place in the Top 10, and this squabble has begun.

The main weapon in the fight for a place in the sun has become the notorious Seo (from the English Search Engine Optimization). By and large, this is the art of getting on the first page of Yandex or Google for something you are interested in. Search engines still cannot offer any solution that allows sites that are in the search results significantly lower than the 10th position to receive at least a drop from the number of those visitors who enter a question of interest to them in the search engine.

In fact, it turns out that there is no life beyond the Top 10. Therefore, the fight is not a joke and any methods SEO optimization, capable of pulling the scales in their direction, are necessarily used. In general, the situation is very similar to how it was depicted in the title picture in the article about:

Now about why search engines don't like SEO. Do you know? There are probably several reasons. If you have read the article about relevance and ranking, then you probably understand that optimizers, with their artificial boost, significantly distort and worsen the quality of search engine results. But search engines have at least learned to deal with this problem using the ones I already mentioned at the beginning of the article. behavioral factors(projects with bad content will no longer be able to stay in the Top 10, at least not for long).

But SEO is not only a technology, but also a huge business. Do you know how much the leading companies in this industry will earn? In total, I think, hundreds of millions of dollars, which is quite comparable to the income of Yandex. How, you didn’t know that search engines are extremely profitable and extremely profitable enterprises? Well, now you know. Yandex also makes money by displaying contextual advertising (and Adwords).

Who orders advertising from search engines? Most of them are owners of commercial resources to attract visitors. And the whole point is that both of these businesses (contextual advertising and provision of services SEO promotion) are competitive with each other. Judge for yourself. If you are the owner of a commercial website, you can get to the first page of search engine results in two ways:

  1. Order SEO optimization and promotion service, and then be among the ten most relevant resources to the request in the search results (get into the Top 10 or, in other words, in the organic results)
  2. Pay money to Yandex or Google so that your ad is shown for the same request on the same first page of search results

If SEO technologies did not exist or they were not so effective, then search engines alone would receive all the profits, and so they lose on those clients who prefer contextual advertising promotion to the Top 10 organic results. Actually, I wrote about this in some detail in an article about, and gave a pretty clear screenshot there:

Those. you must understand that SEO really works and not using it would be a big mistake. Your potential readers who cannot find your wonderful website through Yandex or Google will not forgive you for this. It’s not enough to create a good project with unique and necessary content; it must be promoted to the Top 10 for at least a number of not very frequent queries in order to begin to attract the attention of readers.

SEO optimization and promotion - why is it necessary?

Do you think you can get by with the issue? attracting visitors without optimization? It is possible that for some queries you will get to the Top without effort, but for a huge mass of queries you will remain in the invisible zone for your potential readers (in the article about I talked about how to assess the visibility of your resource on the Internet), even no matter what your content will be good. Until search engines become perfect, you will lose potential audience by neglecting SEO technologies.

You can say that this is not the only way websites live. After all, there are also social Facebook networks, VKontakte, microblogging service Twitter, etc. things (thematic social networks, for example, or all the same). I hasten to disappoint you, because promotion in these social networks is not as easy as it seems at first glance, and also very expensive.

No, of course, there are ways to get traffic besides search traffic, and I have already written about this in some detail in the article. But all this works within very limited limits. You alone will not be able to create so many announcements and show such incredible activity to attract thousands of visitors in this way. You simply won’t have time to write quality articles.

See for yourself. When I made the most of all non-SEO-related ways to attract visitors, I only received an increase of a few hundred people per day. Well, some will say that this is already a lot, but keep in mind that it took me a fair amount of time and got boring very quickly. Yes, you will curse everything after a couple of months of such a life.

What can I say in favor of SEO optimization and promotion? What can I say? Look at the sources from which visitors come to my blog. Let's first look at the traffic per day from search engines:

Quite a lot, even more than the 10,000 stated at the beginning of the article. As one would expect, the bulk of visitors come from two giants - Yandex and Google. Most of these visitors found my blog in search results only thanks to internal and external optimization.

While total number the number of visitors to my blog during the same day was slightly higher:

Thus, if I neglected SEO promotion in general, it would only be five percent of the current one. Isn’t this an argument in favor of search engine promotion and proof of its effectiveness? It seems to me that with beliefs about the need learn to please search engines You can finish and move on to specifics.

No, we need to talk a little more about how it happened that some manipulations with the site (internal SEO optimization) or placing links incoming from other resources (external) can influence the ranking. Well, everything is quite simple here.

Search engines process hundreds of millions of user requests a day and for each of them they must provide a relevant list of sites from the Internet. There is no way to do this manually, so this honorable duty is performed by robots (programs). Well, a robot can always be misled. Remember how Yandex explained the work of its Matrixnet using apples as an example?

The robot cannot taste apples, but it can evaluate them based on hundreds of other parameters. Apples are tasted by specially trained people - assessors. They make their verdict after tasting a small number of apples, and the robot comprehensively studies them and, based on the accumulated data, will then be able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff. And what does Seo have to do with it?

And optimizers are just trying to find those very points of influence, by pressing on which they can improve the ranking of their project (climb to the Top 10). If the ranking robot relies on several hundred parameters, then by influencing at least some of them, you can significantly improve the promotion of your site. This means moving towards the first place in search results for the desired query.

Once again, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that now there is practically no slag in the Top 10, or it does not stay there for a long time. But there are much more than 10 good sites and therefore there is a struggle for the Top, the main weapon in which is SEO in all its glory. If you do not participate in this struggle, then you will not get a place in the sun. I think this idea should be clear to you, at least for now.

What factors do modern SEO optimizers take into account?

Now let's get down to specifics. Typically, promotion methods are divided into three groups:

  1. Internal optimization of text, headings, meta tags, removal of duplicate content, etc.
  2. External SEO - getting incoming links to your website using free and paid methods
  3. Usability and content quality - to obtain adequate user behavior on your resource and in search engine results, which will be typical for your topic

The first two groups of factors are aimed at attracting the maximum number of visitors from search engines (due to promotion to the Top 10 for the necessary queries), but the third group of SEO factors is aimed at maintaining the positions gained.

In fact, it is the third that is the most labor-intensive to ensure. You need to have materials that are truly useful and interesting to the user, the creation of which will require you to spend a huge amount of your personal time. Remember that now only unique content is important, but not . For this, search engines may impose sanctions in the form of a filter or a ban.

I have already written a lot and in detail on the topic of SEO, and therefore now I will try to systematize it all and provide links to detailed materials where these issues are covered with all the nuances and details:

  1. In one of the articles I described. Be sure to read them, because this is the basis for understanding Search Engine Optimization. Here you also need to take into account that the words “promotion” and “ranking” have approximately equal meaning. For search engines, this is ranking, and for SEO optimizers, this is promotion.
  2. In another publication I gave examples of those excesses in optimization, for which sanctions may be imposed by Yandex and Google -. I have already mentioned that Seo is not always white and fluffy, and the main thing here is to clearly see the line beyond which you cannot cross. So be sure to read these warnings.
  3. It is also very important to understand that your site is evaluated by a robot, not a person (if your relatives like it, this does not mean that Yandex will like it). The robot sees him in a slightly different light ( HTML code, text, robots.txt directives, sitemap in xml format, etc.), but he can judge usability and beauty only by the behavior of users on your Internet project.

    Your resource, in addition to good SEO optimization, should answer certain(duplicate pages, correct ones, etc.). Have you ever thought about the correct formation of addresses on your website? Have you configured it from WWW to without WWW (or vice versa)? monitor? Periodic unavailability can ruin all your efforts.

    Be sure to add your site to the webmaster panel from and not only to monitor the success of your optimization, but also to immediately find out about any problems that arise technical problems on your website. remember to check? Are you all right? After all, this is now one of the many SEO factors that is taken into account when ranking.

    Internal SEO. Do you create an approximate estimate before writing an article? "For what?" - you ask me. Probably, in order not to work blindly and not to write on a topic that is not interesting to anyone in RuNet. How can you find out what is interesting to RuNet users? Elementary! And it will help you with this.

    Another very important factor in internal SEO optimization is the implementation of linking, not with plugins and extensions, but with contextual links from the body of articles (as, for example, in this publication). Do you know why it is needed? Yes, just this way you can save a lot on buying links.

  4. There are also a number of events that can also be classified as SEO promotion. may be needed at the initial stage of project development, to speed up its discovery by these same search engines. When your project gains some weight and authority, you can try other trust directories, which can give some additional impetus to your project entering the Top ().
  5. There are ones that have not yet been burned in public, but they are already worth money and there is a high probability that they will deceive you and slip you bullshit. At the link below you will find my offer, where everything is without deception and free.
  6. Exchanging links with other resources can also bring you some benefit SEO promotion, but you need to be careful here, because search engines do not approve of exchanges. I only exchanged backlinks from articles and only with a limited number of sites (a couple of dozen). Now my exchange limit has already been reached.
  7. Next follow paid methods improvements to external optimization, but simply - buying links. I don’t advise you to shop in Sapa and Blogun, because they are pure slag with rare inclusions of diamonds. It’s better, in my opinion, to purchase for your project eternal links, for which you will pay once. In the long run they will be more profitable:
    • Miralinks— you offer webmasters a ready-made article in which you have added backlinks to the pages of your resource. The best, but rather expensive way of external SEO optimization, because in addition to posting an article, you will also have to pay for its writing (or spend time on it). Just above I provided a link to my article, where I shared the tricks for working with this exchange.
    • Gogetlinks- probably the best way to carry out external SEO optimization. In the settings of this exchange, you can set placement only in new articles, thereby making such backlinks as natural as possible.
    • GetGoodLinks is practically the same as in the previous paragraph, but the sites there are selected based on their size, which are important for promotion in Google ( and ).
    • RotaPost— here I buy not only links from blogs, but also from . Read more about this in the article about.
  8. There are also ways of external SEO optimization - running through directories, site grids, etc. I had a little experience with this, but, by and large, it’s better not to get involved.

It seems like he told me everything. Good luck with your promotion and promotion. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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