Social Media Optimization & Marketing

At one time, at the dawn of the Internet, no one thought about it, they created a website and rejoiced.

Main features and features of SMM

As a rule, all SMO promotion consists of PR of the main resource (or brand) wherever many people gather. It is typical for SMM. It all starts, as a rule, with primitive blog spam. Then spam on forums, communities, etc.

Higher quality promotion includes:

The highest quality and free SMO website promotion

The most powerful element in SMM is still PR in large social networks, namely Facebook and Vkontakte. This method is really free, because... all you need to do is create a thematic community.

True, as the community “grows”, you will have to delegate its development to outside people (there is even something like a profession on the Internet - social network group administrator), because you will have to interact a lot with the audience. Otherwise, interest in the group may dry up. It is necessary to at least publish the latest news or blog articles on the group wall.

Another advantage of this SMM element is that the larger the audience in the community at the moment, the larger it will become in the future. As a rule, people in such groups rarely unsubscribe from them, because... they simply forget about their existence. Therefore, there is a tendency to gradually increase the number of group members.

I would highlight two types of actions in SMO website promotion in relation to large social networks:

  • Passive - creating a community and publishing some materials from your project in it
  • Active - parallel development of both the community and the site. Moreover, you will have to put in more effort for the community - after all, this is interaction with the audience. Very useful in this matter.

Are you actively involved in SMM and do you do it at all? Tell us about it in the comments!

People who have a website strive to ensure that it is visited as much as possible, which is especially important for owners of online stores and websites of large companies. In most cases, SEO is chosen to promote a website, completely forgetting that nowadays social networks are very popular, from where you can get a huge amount of traffic. With the help of social networks it is much easier to attract your target audience. In order for users of VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki and others social networks, in which you want to promote, have begun to actively visit your resource, you need to start optimizing your site for social media, which is the main task of SMO.

What are SEO, SMO, SEM, SEA, SMM?

In the process of the development of Internet marketing, many abbreviations appeared, which over time “migrated” to the territory of our country and confuse young optimizers. To avoid confusion, you need to know what the abbreviations used in Internet marketing mean.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a set of actions by which search engines the resource rises in the search results. Thanks to this, site traffic increases.

SMM (Social media marketing) is the promotion of your resource on social networks, blogs, forums, etc. Website promotion is carried out through continuous communication with visitors, providing them with quality content, useful and relevant information.

What is SMO promotion?

SMO consists of optimizing Internet resources to attract users of social networks, forums, blogs, as well as constantly maintaining communication with them.

If your site is made on the WordPress platform, then to place a block of buttons you can use plugins designed for this, for example “Easy Social Share Buttons”, “GetSocial”, “Social Warfare”, “SumoMe”, etc.

Differences between SMO and SMM

Very often, novice optimizers get confused in the concepts of SMO and SMM, because they are quite close. That is why it is worth understanding how Social media optimization differs from Social media marketing.

SMM is a set of actions aimed at attracting users to your resource: maintaining groups on social networks, cross-posting with other groups to increase engagement, holding promotions and competitions on social networks, answering questions, etc.

What is the difference between SMM and SEO?

SMM has a number of advantages over SEO:

  • The target audience is attracted to your website, which increases the quality of traffic and conversion.
  • Thanks to properly selected content, users themselves will help you make your site popular by sharing information with their friends and subscribers.
  • The audience attracted from social networks likes to read new information, so they will spend more time on your website, thereby improving behavioral factors, which in turn will have a positive impact on SEO.
  • SMM is cheaper than SEO.

Therefore, if you decide to start promoting your Internet resource, you don’t need to focus only on SEO, but you should also do SMM.

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) there is another similar area of ​​work for an SMM specialist, namely SMOpromotion.

What is it SMO(Social Media Optimization) promotion? This is very interesting thing, which in its functionality resembles SEO optimization, only it is aimed at optimizing the site not for search engines, but for social networks.


is a set of measures aimed at attracting the target audience from social networks to your website. SMO promotion includes not only the technical side (placing special buttons and plugins on your website), but also many marketing activities aimed at increasing the attractiveness of the site for the audience of social networks and creating virality.

The term SMO (Social Media Optimization) was first introduced and used by Rohit Bhargava in 2006. In his blog, he published 5 basic principles for SMO optimization:

These are the main 5 tips from Rohit, at the moment various experts have added to this list, but these tips still remain relevant and their use is guaranteed to help you increase the citation rate of your site.


  1. Writing readable and illustrated;
  2. Creating a core audience: publishing texts for discussion, responding to and supporting/stimulating commentators;
  3. Publishing links to other thematic sites (you shouldn’t be too partial with this);
  4. Linking articles to each other;
  5. Optimizing the site for the user: removing unnecessary blocks that are not interesting for the user, etc.;
  6. Installation in prominent places: “subscriptions” to the site, “popular news” section, etc.;
  7. Installation of plugins and in a prominent place on the site;
  8. Integration with social networks (mentioned above) - installing buttons “I like” (“like”, “class”) and “tell friends”.

Unfortunately, at the moment there is also such a thing as “ blackSMO».

“Black SMO” is very similar to spam, but, so to speak, in a more intellectual form.

Black SMO-optimizers Every day a huge amount of unnecessary information, from the user’s point of view, is uploaded to social networks. But, despite all the “rudeness” of such methods, they often work and have a beneficial effect on the promotion of an Internet resource, although not for long.

Therefore, it is better to use white methods, it is more difficult but always brings results.

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Users of Internet resources have not yet had time to comprehend and get used to what Web 2.0 means, when two more new names arose, which are a direct result of the development of this Web 2.0.

Not many people differentiate between SMO and SMM; for most, it’s the same thing. However, the issue of dividing these concepts into different definitions is quite controversial. It can be said that SMO is a certain part of SMM.

The Word of Mouth Laboratory, a recognized expert on social networks, has conditionally separated these two terms for the purpose of greater understanding on the topic of achieving successful promotion on social networks.

According to experts, SMO (Social media optimization)– this is public media optimization or optimization for social media.

  1. SMO is not a social media job. The work is carried out on a personal website. The work consists of preparing the site for the appearance of users from various social networks.
  2. SMO is the work with content posted on your website. In order to make it interesting and friendly for users from various social networks, and to make them regular visitors and encourage them to attract friends and acquaintances to the site by giving them a link to the site
  3. SMO is the transformation of your own website in order to optimally comply with the technical mechanisms used in social networks and the relevance (appropriateness) of the content located on it for all groups of users who visit the site.
  4. SMO is about creating an atmosphere of sincerity and friendliness on the site, which should be combined with colorful illustrations and video materials. All this should attract and meet a loyal audience from social networks. They can be posts high quality, which will cause the user an irresistible desire to add the resource to his bookmarks.
  5. SMO is the user-friendliness of a site, which starts with a convenient and understandable interface and usability for anyone, and ends with friendliness in terms of permissions, selected fonts and readable content.
  6. SMO is a built infrastructure of your own website, the presence of outgoing channels and the ability to easily and quickly export content. This is necessary so that the user can easily transfer selected content to a social network, blogosphere, social bookmarks and PPC aggregators. This provides the opportunity to subscribe to the PPC on the site, add the site to bookmarks, iGoogle and Yandex feed, or simply subscribe to the e-mail newsletter. This is the presence of buttons for posting news messages and announcements in automatic mode social media. This is providing the opportunity for users to create gadgets (applications) on their website and website gadgets on user blogs.
  7. SMO represents a reduction in care maximum size- this is when the user does not want to go to subsequent pages of the site and leaves the one he came to. This can be achieved by creating a bright list of the best materials and announcements, placing it in the most visible place, providing the user with an easy transition through them. You can also call for this.
  8. SMO is an opportunity to open opportunities for the exchange of opinions on your website, regularly and actively supporting discussions, protecting against spam, tagging, supporting and thanking the best commentators.

According to the definition of the same experts, SMM (Social media marketing) is social media marketing or marketing in social media.

  1. SMM is not work on your own website. SMM consists of working on websites belonging to other Web 2.0 sites or specially created ones of your own, in any of the social networks, on forums and blogs, in any of the places where Internet users communicate, as well as on instant messaging services.
  2. SMM is a set of activities aimed at promoting a website, various products and services offered in any social network. And attracting interested users from social networks to the main website.
  3. SMM is intended to unobtrusively post or encourage the placement in social resources, forums and blogs of relevant topics, links to sections of your website or the website itself.
  4. SMM serves as a tool for delivering interesting information to the user about the product contained on the main site, which she is interested in, with reviews about it from other users and the indispensable support for the exchange of opinions that has arisen.
  5. SMM provides for the presence of bright, loud, provocative headlines aimed at awakening the user’s interest and desire to familiarize themselves with the material.
  6. SMM is aimed at merging and uniting with the audience. This audience does not want advertising about goods and services. She doesn't want to see a non-promoter, but she wants an expert. She needs communication! And in exchange for attention, I am ready to listen to a number of useful tips and recommendations, authoritative, reliable and proven.

Article based on materials: laboratories Word of mouth

The number of active Internet users is growing every year. The network opens up a lot of opportunities for personal development and professional activity. It’s not uncommon for new users, inspired by the success stories of bloggers and webmasters, to decide to create their own website.

Fortunately, today it’s easy to create an online resource yourself; you just need to use free engines like Joomla or WordPress. However, after the user, following the instructions for creating sites with which the Internet is filled, registers a domain, buys space on the server (hosting) and finally launches the project, the question arises: how to attract traffic to the site?

Naturally, there are many ways to promote a website to the TOP positions, but today we will focus on SMO promotion, which involves receiving a flow of visitors from online communication platforms (social networks, forums and blogs).

The abbreviation SMO stands for Social Media Optimization. In fact, it looks like a set of tools for promoting a resource using social networks and other communication platforms.

The list of SMO tools also includes such elements as RSS feed, social network buttons, news bookmarks and Wiki services. These tools are used either individually or together, taking into account the thematic basis of the resource and the scale of the project.

It is worth noting that SMO website optimization today plays one of the key roles for effective promotion. This is explained by the fact that social networks over the course of several years have managed to collect and unite a huge number of users, which, of course, attracted the attention of commercial market players who actively advertise their products in thematic groups or with the help of specialized advertising platforms.

To hit the target, you need to aim well

Due to the overabundance of online information platforms observed today, the concept of target audience takes on a new meaning. Agree, the owner of a culinary website needs visitors looking for interesting recipes and useful tips related to cooking, and not users interested in ways to make money on the Internet.

Using SMO promotion tools involves attracting exclusively targeted traffic, which means:

  • Placing advertising posts in groups and public pages similar in topic;
  • Using advanced targeting capabilities for advertising impressions on social networks;
  • Creating a group linked to the main site;
  • Standardization of users by age, gender, social status and place of residence.

Quality of the advertised site

Hardly advertising company to attract the target audience from communication platforms will be effective if the website being promoted is uninteresting or has problems in software. By the way, no promotion method will be effective if the site is not of any interest.

First of all, create a high-quality online resource, only after that you can start promoting. What qualities should a website have:

  1. The main factor influencing user interest is the quality of content. It doesn’t matter what type of content prevails on the site, desktop wallpapers, or informational articles, it should be interesting, high-quality and useful for potential visitors.
  2. The appearance, without a doubt, deserves special attention. Web designers have been honing their skills for many years external design sites, which is fully rewarded by sincere interest on the part of visitors. If you overdo it with bright colors, your resource will not be taken seriously, but if you make the design too dull and faded, this will undoubtedly affect traffic.
  3. Resource functionality. If you want to achieve high attendance, then we are obliged to support software basis the site is in good condition. Situations where some functions or services do not work are unacceptable. The same can be said about download speed. The results of the studies show that more than half of users leave the site without waiting for it full load. As you understand, SMO promotion loses all meaning if the information resource takes a long time to load or is often unavailable for technical reasons.
  4. And the last thing that must be present on a site promoted using SMO tools is elements for interaction with social networks.

The main idea of ​​the information presented is that first of all, you need to create an interesting and functional website and only then promote it.

Principles of SMO promotion

It's time to consider the principles by which SMO promotion works. Where to start promotion and what to strive for. Highlights:

  1. Just as a blog on a website affects natural traffic and conversion rates, a well-developed group on a social network significantly helps in promoting the resource. In this case, you shouldn’t skimp on attracting community members; it will come back a hundredfold. Consider the importance of publishing interesting and useful posts every day, which is the main criterion for a natural increase in the number of public participants, although at first you will still have to use not entirely “legal” methods of attracting those interested.
  2. If you do not intend to create a group, there is a developed network of exchanges offering advertising posts in other thematic public pages. The cost of an advertising campaign can vary significantly depending on the popularity of the community and the number of active participants.
  3. Another method of SMO website promotion is ordering paid advertising on social networks. Many people underestimate the effectiveness this method popularization of the resource, but latest changes on VKontakte they clearly say that the management of the social network is refocusing on the commercialization of the site. Changing the design of VKontakte provides greater opportunities for advertising campaigns. In addition, given the possibility of creating an option to distribute users by age, gender, social status and place of residence, the customer receives a powerful advertising tool to attract the target audience.

Remember that SMO site optimization involves placing elements for interaction with social networks, which we have already mentioned. The market requires this, and if you are interested in effective promotion, then synchronizing your resource with social networks is a prerequisite.

Summarizing all of the above, several conclusions can be drawn. Social networks play an important role in the Internet environment today, and their importance is growing every day. It would be foolish and short-sighted not to take advantage of social networks, especially since there is a whole range of tools available to attract targeted traffic.
