Increase or decrease Limits on the allowed size of files for uploading in WordPress can be very fast and easy. To do this, I recommend the simplest and most reliable method.

Open the file functions.php in your theme folder. Path to this file: www\wp-content\themes\your_theme_name\functions.php. We go to FTP, copy the functions.php file to the computer and open it using text editor(I recommend Notepad++).

You can also open a file with functions through the admin panel of your site. To do this, go to Appearance-> Editor and in the list on the right select for editing Theme features.

The following command should be inserted at the end of the functions.php file, before the closing ?> tag.

WordPress Upload File Size Limit:

add_filter("upload_size_limit", "PBP_increase_upload"); function PBP_increase_upload($bytes) ( return 1048576; // 1 megabyte )

By changing a numeric value in code, you can easily increase or decrease restrictions on the size of files allowed for uploading to a WordPress site.

After you have pasted the code above, do not forget to save the file and upload it back to your site via FTP (if you added the code through the site admin, click the button "Update file").

Of course, there are other ways to change the size of files for uploading, for example, changing the values ​​in the php.ini configuration file or through .htaccess... But in my opinion, the example I gave above is the most practical and understandable.

If something didn’t work out or you still have questions, ask them in the comments.

Increasing or decreasing the file upload size limits in WordPress is quick and easy. To do this, I recommend the simplest and most reliable method. Open the functions.php file in your theme folder. The path to this file is: www\wp-content\themes\your_theme_name\functions.php. We go to FTP, copy the functions.php file to the computer and open it using a text editor (I recommend Notepad++). You can also open a file with functions through the admin panel of your site. To do this, go to Appearance -> Editor and in the list on the right select Theme Functions for editing. The following command should be inserted at the end of the functions.php file, before the closing ?> tag. WordPress upload size limit: add_filter("upload_size_limit", "PBP_increase_upload"); function PBP_increase_upload($bytes) ( return…

If you need to increase the disk space on your device or simply change the weight of an image, you need to know how to reduce the size jpg file.

This photo format is the most common.

JPG compression is supported by all devices and allows you to save image information without loss or distortion.

The weight of a jpg file can be found in the photo properties, and the volume of the picture can be easily changed using editing programs and online services.

Method number 1. Reducing the size of a picture in Paint.NET

Paint is the simplest standard program for editing raster and vector images. Available for all users of Windows operating systems.

Main tools available in the application:

  • adding inscriptions;
  • filling elements;
  • trimming, pasting;
  • copying fragments, etc.

After changing the width and height of the photo, the size changes.

Follow the instructions to reduce the size of the Paint image:

  • Right-click on the desired image and select Edit. The photo will automatically open in Paint program in edit mode;
  • On the main toolbar, find the resize button and click on it. A dialog box will open. To reduce the volume final file, you need to change the size to a smaller one.
    You can edit using percentages or pixels. By saving, you will reduce the size of the image.

Remember! After changing the width parameter, you need to change the height proportionally. Otherwise, the picture may become too stretched and disproportionate.

Method number 2. Resizing in Photoshop

The photo file size can also be reduced by professional program for editing raster images - Photoshop. Follow the instructions:

  • Open the application and import the required graphic file for further work;
  • Find the Image tab on the main toolbar, click on it. Select Image Size from the drop-down list, as shown in the figure below;
  • Change the image dimension parameters (width and height), and also make sure that the checkbox next to Maintain photo proportions is checked;
  • Try reducing the photo by 10-15 percent. Thus, its final weight will also decrease.

Method No. 3. Using MS Office programs

The test Word processor version 2010 and earlier versions have an image compression function. IN latest versions The programs have removed this function.

Add a picture to the document page, then in the tab that appears, select “Open with”, and then the MS Picture Manager application.

In the window that opens, click on the “Image” tab and select “Compress image”. The higher the compression ratio, the smaller the final file size will be.

Save the resulting changes.

Important! After compression, the quality of the illustration may deteriorate.

Method number 4. Using online services

An excellent web service for working with photos is the resource It allows you to work with a huge number of different image formats.

To reduce the size, you can open the image menu and edit its height and width.

You can also select in the resize window additional options for better compression: sharpening, sharpening filter, special keys for reducing/increasing the size and changing the image resolution.

The saving option can also reduce the size. The best option for setting them up is shown in the figure below.

This window appears while the final image is being saved.

Method No. 5. Reducing size on Mac devices

For Mac users OS available free application for working with pictures and photos called iPhoto.

If the program is not installed on your device, download it from the official store. It's completely free.

The utility allows you to easily work with images of all currently common formats.

  1. Click on the events tab twice;
  2. Select the required picture;
  3. In the settings window, adjust the photo size: you can adjust the width, height and resolution. The lower these parameters, the correspondingly lower the file size;
  4. Save the image.

Thematic videos:

In this video I show 2 of the most simple ways- how to reduce JPG file (image) size

Reducing JPEG (JPG) file size

In this video you will learn how to reduce the size of a JPEG (JPG) image using simple programs.

How to reduce jpg file size, resize photo

In this video we will learn how to reduce the size of a jpg file, resize

The information placed in the file is presented in a compressed form. This is done to save space and to make it easier to send images over the Internet. However, there are times when such compression interferes. For example, when processing documents for a foreign passport, a fairly large photo file size is required. There is a problem with increasing file size.

To increase the size JPEG file, you can either use third party program(Photoshop), or save it in another format (does not always solve the problem).

Quick navigation through the article

Resaving to another format

The easiest way to increase the size of a JPEG file is to save it in a format that does not use compression (for example, the bmp format). To do this, open the file in any graphic editor and save it in a different format. File size in Tiff format will also be much larger than the original JPEG file size.

However, changing the file extension is not always appropriate. You can increase the JPEG size by changing the format twice. For example, change the original JPEG format to bmp, and then change bmp to JPEG. However, if you change the format again, set the quality to high to increase the resulting file size.

The information in a JPEG file is in a compressed state and sometimes the file size becomes too small. If you need to increase the original size this file JPEG, then turn to graphic editors.

Using Photoshop

  • Using Photoshop, you can resize a picture by making it larger, thereby increasing the file size.
  • Open the file in Photoshop and use the Image size function.
  • In the window you can increase the size of the drawing or photo. Don't forget to set "Maintain proportions" to completely preserve the original appearance of the picture. Please note that you should not enlarge the photo too much, as this will reduce the quality.
  • Keep the enlarged drawing the same JPEG format, but most high quality. You will be immediately shown the file size.

This way you can achieve the desired magnification.

Proper optimization of a computer allows it to quickly cope with assigned tasks, even with not the most powerful hardware.

One of the most important aspects of optimization with low volume RAM is choosing the optimal file size Windows swap.

Most users leave it up to Windows to choose the size of the page file to keep their computer running perfectly. This approach is fundamentally wrong, and self-configuration paging file will increase system performance.

VIDEO: What should be the SIZE of the Windows SWAP FILE?

What is the Windows page file and why is it needed?

Every computer has RAM installed, the purpose of which is to temporarily store data for quick access by the processor. The hard drive can also act as storage for quick access to data, but its speed is significantly lower than that of RAM.

Exactly called a swap file region hard drive, allocated for temporary storage of information. When free RAM runs out, the computer will write information to the paging file, and then can read it from there.

If we consider the operation of the paging file using the example, the following scenario can be noted. When running several applications that actively consume RAM, some of them will be inactive (minimized). In such a situation, there is no point in storing them in RAM, thereby loading free space, and operating room Windows system will move inactive programs to the swap file. Active programs will be in RAM in order to be processed faster.

When the user accesses a previously inactive program, its data will be moved from the page file to RAM, and some information from RAM will be sent to the page file.

If your computer does not have enough RAM to store data and the page file is not enabled or configured incorrectly, applications may crash or « blue screens death" when trying to run a productive program.

If we take the average figures for the paging file size for computers, we can name the following values:

  • 1 GB 2048-2048 MB;
  • 2 GB RAM: swap file – 1512-1512 MB;
  • 4 GB RAM: swap file – 1024-1024 MB;
  • 8 GB RAM and more: no swap file needed.

How to increase or decrease the page file?

Paging file settings can be made on any version operating system Windows.

To do this, go to the virtual memory settings menu:

  1. Type in search windows line phrase "Control Panel" and go into it;
  2. Next, set the viewing mode to "Large Icons" and click on the item "System";
  3. After that, select on the left side of the settings menu that opens;
  4. Another menu will open, in which on the tab "Additionally" you need to select an item "Options" in the subtitle "Performance";
  5. Next you will see the virtual memory settings menu. Here, to set the value of the paging file yourself, you need to uncheck the box "Automatically select paging file size". After this, the settings will become available. According to the recommendations noted earlier in the article, set the page file size.

Important: If you have multiple hard drives installed on your computer, it is recommended that you create the paging file on something other than system media. An exception to this rule can only be if the system drive is a solid state drive (SSD) with high operating speed compared to other hard drives computer.

You will need to restart your computer for changes you make to the paging file size to take effect.

Well, that's all for today! Please write in the comments whether you were able to choose the optimal value for the Windows paging file?

And also don't forget subscribe to my YouTube channel and notifications by clicking on the bell next to the subscribe button on my channel!

Don't have enough random access memory (RAM) to surf the Internet or run a modern game? Before increasing its size, try setting up the swap file. It is quite possible that your PC or laptop will work much faster. Read below about what it is and how to enable the page file in Windows 7, 8 or 10.

What is a page file?

First, a little theory. The page file is a special file that Windows accesses if the PC does not have enough current RAM to operate. Simply put, this is virtual memory that is added to the current one, as a result of which the speed of the laptop or computer improves.

Let me give you a simple example. You want to run a game that requires 4GB of RAM. And you only have 3 GB. What to do in this case? Increase virtual memory and Windows will “take” the missing 1 GB from this special file. This way you can launch the game and play it.

Of course, there are several points here:

  1. Increasing virtual memory can slow down your computer. After all, the speed of access to RAM is much faster than to a hard drive (namely, the paging file is stored on it).
  2. Using this function creates an extra load on the HDD drive and reduces its operating time.

How to increase virtual memory in Windows 7

To do this:

  1. Go to Start - Control Panel - System.
  2. Click on “Add. parameters".
  3. Find the Performance section and click on Settings.
  4. In the new window, select the “Advanced” tab.

This is where virtual memory is configured. As a rule, the currently used size is already indicated here (in the screenshot below it is 8173 MB, i.e. 8 GB). To increase virtual memory in Windows 7, click on the "Change" button.

The same window will appear where you can configure the paging file.

If your PC or laptop slows down, it means there is not enough RAM and it needs to be increased. To begin, uncheck this box. All buttons will become active and you can enable the page file in Windows 7 and configure it as you wish. To do this, check the box next to the “Specify size” line and write down the original and max. volume. For example – 4096 MB (that’s 4 GB).

Important: to avoid brakes and glitches, the initial and max. the size must be the same. For example, 4096 MB (as in the screenshot above).

By the way, what is the optimal size of the paging file? There is a lot of advice on this issue on the Internet, and the calculation formulas are also intricate.

The best option would be to increase your computer's virtual memory by 50% of your RAM. That is, the swap file for 4 GB will be 2048 MB. And for 8 GB of RAM you can specify 4096 MB. As a result, the total memory will be 6 and 12 GB, respectively - this should be enough for all occasions.

If your PC has a lot of RAM installed (for example, 8 GB), and you only work on the Internet, then you can completely disable the page file. After all, as I said above, it loads hard drive, which sometimes slows down your PC.

However, this is not recommended. Perhaps after a while you want to start a game or video processing, and an error will pop up that there is not enough memory. And you will most likely forget about virtual memory. As a result, you will waste a lot of nerves before you fix this problem.

In general, if you need to increase virtual memory in Windows 7, specify it manually. And if you need to restore the previous values, check the very first box and close this window.
