Technical optimization is the correct setup of a website for the highest quality interaction with search engines. It must be done immediately after installing the engine and while working with the initial filling of the site with content. Now I will tell you what important aspects of optimization you need to pay attention to and do first.

The content of the article:

Proper organization of the site structure

Any website should have the most convenient structure. Just like people, search engines look at a website and evaluate its usability. Any Internet resource should have a nesting of no more than three pages. That is, from the main page, in a maximum of three clicks, the user should be able to reach any page.
The most correct and simple structure for an information site would be:

Categories define sections. If the site is about various diseases, then the categories could be: Cardiology, Neurology, Surgery...
For more complex projects covering more information, the structure could be:

This expands the structure, but remains clear and logical. For example, on this site in the Cardiology category there may be subsections Heart Disease and Vascular Disease. It is not prohibited to post material related to two or more sections.

For example, material about Hepatitis may be in the Hepatology and Virology categories at the same time. The main thing is to maintain the hierarchy of materials. The construction of the correct structure is thought out at the stage of planning and collecting the semantic core.

Correct linking of website pages

I’m already preparing more in-depth material about linking and will post it soon. Interlinking is the placement of links within the site for convenient navigation of users and transfer of the weight of pages.
To see an example of linking, open any Wikipedia article. Each contains many links to other articles. There is even a joke that from any Wikipedia article you can get to an article about Hitler in five clicks. Of course, an article on your website should not have 20 links to other materials, but 2-4 links are needed.

An important property of linking is the transfer of weight to other pages. When all pages are connected to each other, the weight will be distributed evenly and the overall positions will increase. And when one specific page is promoted, then the weight from other materials is transferred to it. To make it more clear, let’s assume that you need to promote a page on a medical website with the “Pediatrician Examination” service. To do this, we will write several articles on the blog about childhood diseases and wherever we mention the need for examination by a pediatrician, we will put links to our service.

Add breadcrumbs and improve usability

A good structure is nothing if the user does not see it. When creating a website, it is necessary to put its usefulness for the end user and ease of use at the forefront. If someone who comes to your site gets lost and cannot find interesting materials for themselves, it means you have problems with usability.

Breadcrumbs are navigation elements that show where the user is located relative to the entire site structure. These elements are usually placed before the title of articles and allow you to go to the main page, article placement category or subcategory in one click.

Breadcrumbs can be implemented using simple plugins or by making changes to the code. If they are not provided by the template used. But we will have to work on usability. You need to think through the menu correctly. Make it visually noticeable and easy to use. Think through various little things, because even a regular button to go up the page makes the user’s life much easier, allowing you to go to the header in one click, rather than scroll through the material you’ve already read.

Website code optimization html, js, css, php

Today, users have become impatient and if a site opens even a second longer than a competitor’s, they will go to it. Search engines are also aware of this, using loading speed as one of the ranking factors. Therefore, it is important to make the site as fast as possible. This is not helped by heavy pictures, invalid layout code, or incorrect server responses.

Website code optimization

Now I'll talk about code optimization in general to give you an initial idea. I will also prepare a material where I will tell you in detail and make a step-by-step guide to optimizing the code. So, to optimize the code and make the site more attractive to search engines, we need:

  1. Compress pictures to reduce weight, which will make loading faster. Often, inexperienced webmasters upload high-resolution images to the server. Which are then compressed for display using CSS. It is correct to upload pictures in the resolution in which they will be displayed on the page. You can manually compress images by resaving them in Photoshop, or use one of the many services that can compress images.
  2. Optimize html, js and css. You need to make the page code as simple as possible. Regarding html, remove all code commenting and do normal line-by-line wrapping. For js scripts, place them after the content so that meaningful information appears on the screen before the scripts load. The exception is a script and is needed to display content. It would be a good idea to put all the scripts into one file. CSS – Use style sheets for everything. Any output of information should ideally be done through CSS, and not loaded with cumbersome code each time.
  3. Set up the correct redirects so that all pages respond with 200. And where a redirect with a transfer of page weight is needed, for example, when changing its address, code 301 is given. Eliminate 5xx errors, and if they are repeated, then find the reason in the hoster, third-party plugins and so on and solve it.


Technical optimization of a website is a rather labor-intensive process and requires special knowledge. But using generally accepted recommendations and instructions, even those who uploaded the engine to hosting for the first time yesterday can set up a website.

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There are many ways to promote a website. And a good SEO specialist knows all these methods, or at least most of them. The best SEOs seize every opportunity that can positively impact search engine rankings. Today we will discuss another way to improve the performance of your resource. It's about code validity.

This is not news to many, but let’s briefly touch on what html and .

HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language, which is translated from foreign language as a markup language. It is the standard language in which the vast majority of web pages on the Internet are built. HTML is quite easy to learn. Especially if you only need basic knowledge to promote your website. The markup language has a companion in CSS.

CSS is the appearance language for pages written in HTML. It stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which means cascading style sheets. CSS is even easier to learn than markup language. Cascading tables are built on the principle: attribute – value; attribute – value and so on. The catch is that there are a lot of these very attributes and it is extremely difficult to remember them all. Knowledge of English, at least a wide range of vocabulary, will be a plus.

Why is HTML and CSS important for SEO?

When working with client sites or with your own site that was made to order, you often need to fix, move, or change something. This is where basic knowledge of html comes in handy.

Next, the page code must be valid, in other words, comply with accepted standards. Search robots know these standards and, when faced with invalid code, can incorrectly recognize the page content and draw bad conclusions. Up to the exclusion of a page from the index. To understand whether the page code is written correctly, whether there are errors in it and whether the search engine will understand it, you need to have basic knowledge of html and css.

What are tags in HTML

So, what is a tag? It is a kind of mark or language element that tells the browser how to interpret the content of a particular element in order to correctly display information on the page. They are all written in triangular brackets . There are paired tags and single tags. Paired ones have a second closing tag with a slash inside:


The closing tag tells the browser where the content ends.

Many tags have properties, and those have values. The properties are written inside the square brackets of the opening tag, and the value is indicated after the = sign in quotes “…”. The design is like this:


Example from our blog:

…A lot of everything…

The main three html tags that you will find in any document

  • The first one is …- this tag tells your browser that what follows is an HTML document.
  • The second will be …- inside this tag there is service information for browsers and search engines that is not visible to the user. Exception: - the title of the page, we’ll talk about it below.
  • Third - …- the part of the page visible to the user. Inside all content is located: text, pictures, videos, and so on.

Basic SEO tags in HTML

Inside contains two main tags: And .

IN , as already mentioned, quite a lot of other tags can be included. Let's look at the main ones that are useful for SEO:

1. The title of the page that is visible when you hover over the tab in the browser. The title also tops the page snippet in the search results. One of the most important for</span><span>SEO optimization HTML</span> tags</p> <p>2. Tag <meta>called a meta tag, we are interested in its properties. <meta name=”description” content=”>The description of the page is often used by the search engine in the formation of the snippet. Sometimes the description of a snippet becomes fragments of text on the page that are more suitable for the phrase requested by the user.</p> <p>So we have specified two properties.</p> <ul><li><span>name=”description” – means that the following property</span></li> <li>content=”…”, <span>is a description. Then when</span> content=”…” <span>contains the text of the description itself.</span></li> <li><span>Please note that the tag is unpaired.</span></li> </ul><p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>3. <link>is responsible for communication with external files, such as fonts, and more often styles. Like other tags, it has a number of attributes. You can include a file with styles using the following construct:</p><p> <link rel="stylesheets" href="/адрес/документ.css"> </p><p>Construction, where rel= attribute and its property “stylesheets” (which in translation is a style sheet)</p> <p>4. Tag attribute <link>called Canonical. The design is as follows:</p><p> <link rel="canonical" href=""> </p><p>The point is that by specifying the canonical address of the page, we can protect ourselves from unwanted duplicates. For example, on your website there are two very similar pages, or even identical ones. But both are needed. You can write a canonical (main) address on each page. Then search engines will evaluate only one page, the address of which will be indicated in the design above.</p> <h2><span>Tags in the document body <body>...</body> </span></h2> <p>As already mentioned, in <body>there is information visible to the visitor. Let's get straight to the main thing:</p> <ol><li><span>Tags h1...h6. These are page headings that break up the text according to meaning. Search robots love it when a page is structured and designed. Use only one heading per page <h1>...</h1>and it should be first (above all) on the page. Subsequent subheadings can be used multiple times, but it is important that they appear in sequence. From <h2>before <h6>. Most often, only three types of headers are used: <h1>, <h2>And <h3>. </span></li> <li><span>Text formatting. To break the text into paragraphs, use the tag.</span></li> <li><span>Highlight bold text <strong> </span><b>text text text</b></strong> </li> <li>Italics: <em> <i><span>text text text</span> </i></em> </li> <li><span>the beginning and end of the bulleted list.</span></li> <li><span>list string.</span></li> <li><span>numbered line.</span></li> <li><span>Images. To add an image you need to use the tag <img>and its src and alt attributes. The design is as follows:</span></li> </ol> <img src='' loading=lazy loading=lazy> <p>link text</p><p>*Unwanted links can be closed with the rel=”nofollow” attribute by adding it to other attributes. In this case, the robot will not follow this link. By adding the rel=”noindex” attribute, you tell the search engine that this link should not be indexed by the search robot.</p> <p>10. One of the most common tags <div>...</div>. This is a layer that can be given certain display parameters on the page using the class=”value” attribute. This means that everything that is located between <div>And</div> will take over these parameters.</p> <p>A few important points not included in the main article:</p> <ul><li><span>Always close paired tags. Failure to close any tag may result in all subsequent code not being understood by the search robot.</span></li> <li><span>Make sure tags are nested correctly. Sometimes it can look confusing. Just stick to the principle:</span><p> <i> </i> </p><p>First to open, last to close.</p></li> <li><span>Make sure that there are no styles in the html code. They usually creep into the tag<style>...</style> or an attribute in other tags style=”color:...” and so on. If such lines occur in the code of your client or your site, put the styles in separate .css files and connect them using the following construct:</span></li> </ul> <link rel="stylesheets" href="/адрес/файла.css">between tags <head>...</head> <p>Between tags <head>...</head></p> <ul><li><span>Write all tags and attributes in small letters</span></li> <li><span>Don't use a lot of text highlighting, like <strong>And <italic> </span></li> <li><span>Fill in the alt=”...” attribute for images in the tag <img> </span></li> <li><span>Use clear picture titles. For example,</span> <img src='' loading=lazy loading=lazy></li> <li>Check <span>HTML code validity</span><span>check for errors using services like</span></li> <li><span>Make sure that the navigation menu links are formatted with a regular tag <a> </span></li> <li><span>Always ensure that there is a consistent heading structure and only one per page. <h1> </span></li> </ul><p><i><span>Learning html and css is a rather lengthy process. In this article, I tried to explain in clear language the main points that you need to pay attention to when promoting a website. Use the advice, read the code and draw the right conclusions, clinging to the next opportunity to get a plus in the site’s karma from search engines.</span> </i></p> <p>SEO specialists have long known that, along with external and internal factors for ranking sites in search engines, positions in SERP are also influenced by the so-called. behavioral (user) factors. Despite this, the latter receive insufficient attention. There are many reasons for this. Firstly, not all SEO companies, especially those involved in “pipeline” client promotion, can devote resources to analyzing the influence of behavioral factors, monitoring bounce rates and the number of page views, analyzing traffic going to the site, etc. Secondly, mid-level specialists still work according to the principle “done - bought links - wait for positions.” Thirdly, some optimizers do not pay attention to user factors for the reason that they do not consider it necessary, are lazy or simply do not know about them.</p> <p>However, at optimization conferences, Yandex representatives make it clear that the role of behavioral factors is becoming increasingly important for the search engine. Among the many criteria influencing these factors is <b>website page code optimization</b>, which, unfortunately, is very often not given attention when organizing the promotion of Internet resources.</p> <h2><b>Why is this necessary?</b></h2> <p>The answer is simple. Code optimization will not only speed up page loading, but will also make the site more friendly to search engines - the code will be clean and beautiful, and its elements will be located in the right places. In addition, Google's statement that the loading speed of a web document is one of the ranking factors, initially skeptically received by optimizers in November 2009, only confirms the fact that page code optimization should be done. Moreover, the optimizer itself can influence this factor.</p> <h2><b>Components of code optimization</b></h2> <p>It's no secret that search robots don't see the design of a page - they read its code, and they do it the same way as a person - from top to bottom, from left to right. Information located at the top of the code of certain elements is given higher priority by search engines. Thus, when SEO-layout, the most important elements or pages should be placed above minor elements. Below are some recommendations for optimizing the page code, which will make the campaign for its promotion in search engines more effective.</p> <h3><b>1. Title,</b><b>Description and</b><b>Keywords - placed immediately after the tag< </b><b>head>.</b></h3> <p>Non-cross-browser layout can have a significant impact on behavioral factors. The site should display equally well in all modern browsers at different resolutions. Quite often you can see when the Internet Explorer browser incorrectly displays the content of a site, and the differences with Firefox and Opera are fundamental. If the percentage of IE users on such a site is 20%, then the likelihood that the bounce rate will increase significantly increases. The user will not spend much time on such a site, will probably close the tab immediately and never return to the site again. Website layout should be entrusted to professionals for whom the concepts of “validity” and “cross-browser compatibility” are not empty words.</p> <h3><b>8. Optimizing images for</b><b>web.</b></h3> <p><img src='' align="left" height="100" width="200" loading=lazy loading=lazy>This point relates more to usability, but it cannot be ignored. Some webmasters do not pay enough attention to optimizing images for the web. However, every Internet user has at least once visited a site where text content loaded quickly, and graphic images were difficult to open.</p> <p>It turned out that the problem is not the fastest Internet connection speed, but that the apparent mini-pictures actually have huge resolutions, but instead of compressing the image in a graphics editor, the layout designer assigned “width” to the image attributes in the page code " and "height" values ​​are 15 times smaller than the actual resolution of the photographs. Sometimes it comes to the point that a web document uses images in the .bmp format, which, as is known, have much larger volumes compared to identical images in the .jpg or .gif formats. An example is a page about the now popular biathlon - To view all the photos in the download, the user will have to download about 20 MB of traffic, since 90% of the images there are in bmp format.</p> <h2><b>What to do and what to do in the current conditions?</b></h2> <p>In most cases, in practice it turns out that the client ordered the creation of a website from one web studio or from freelancers (unfortunately, these categories do not always have a correct and modern understanding of SEO layout), and decided to promote it in one of the SEO companies , which, as a rule, do not solve such problems and promote what they have with their own “conveyor” methods. In today's realities, there are no small details in a successful SEO campaign in Yandex. Therefore, specialists providing professional website promotion services for highly competitive requests must have in their arsenal a department of programmers and layout designers, as well as provide website creation services. Customers, in turn, should prefer to focus on contractors who successfully create and promote websites at the same time or, at a minimum, have good technical support.</p> <p>It is worth noting that optimizing page code does not guarantee an increase in positions for key queries, but it is impossible not to pay attention to this in the conditions of MatrixNet and behavioral factors, and we need to work on this now.</p> <p>The search robot collects information from millions of sites every day. And even here the optimizer can find control levers. Search engines make some optimization recommendations that can make the robot's job easier. Among these activities, the leading importance belongs to the optimization of html code.</p> <p>Activities that are aimed at adapting the page code to the requirements of search engines are called <b>html code optimization</b>.</p> <p>To begin with, it is worth understanding the main tasks and goals that this type of optimization pursues. First of all, this is an improvement in the internal characteristics of the site, which can affect indexing. If the robot regularly visits the site, analyzing its content and does not encounter any obstacles, then the site will be in priority positions in search results.</p> <p>Another point is when the site code is complex and contains errors, then the robot will visit such projects last. Also, in addition to worse indexing, the site may rank worse. Therefore, to achieve maximum results, internal optimization involves an integrated approach to working on html code.</p> <h2>5 important rules for optimizing HTML code</h2> <p>1. Stylization; <br>2. Removing unnecessary tags; <br>3. Elimination of errors; <br>4. Code structure; <br>5. Closing external links.</p> <h3>HTML code styling</h3> <p>After layout or in the process of creating a website, you often encounter a problem: tables are overflowing with styles.</p> <p>It looks like this:</p><p> <table style="width:10px;background-color: black;border:0">...</table> </p><p>In this case, to clean up the code, you need to transfer the styles to style sheets - CSS. These tables (more precisely, a link to the css file) are usually located between the head tags. Styles that are found in various site tags need to be converted into classes.</p> <p> <table style="width:10px;border:1px"> ... </table> </p><p>To move into style sheets, we copy the contents of the style into CSS, giving it a class called “newclass”.</p><p>Newclass (width:10px; border:10px;)</p><p>As a result, to transfer a new class from CSS to a table:</p><p> <table class="newclass"> ....</table> </p><p>Thus, you can significantly reduce the code by assigning the necessary classes and so on to various tables.</p> <h3>Removing tags</h3> <p>Sometimes there are sites that contain tags that were copied a second time after the design was installed.</p> <p>Most often, the following tags have a negative impact on the site:</p> <h3>Troubleshooting html code errors</h3> <p>Code errors have an equally important impact on website ranking. In the process of layout, editing code or editing styles, you often forget to close a table, tag or style.</p> <p>Unclosed code snippet:</p> </p><h3>Closing external links:</h3> <p>External links are a process of high-quality interaction between resources. Along with user comments, due to illegal actions or installation of third-party scripts, you can inevitably add external links. This is especially dangerous if the site contains harmful information. The best way to fix the problem is to remove the external link. Another option is to enclose the link in the “noindex” tag, and also add the “nofollow” parameter. For example:</p><h3>HTML code structure</h3> <p>A very effective method that will help you quickly edit various sections of the site at the same time. This method involves creating a structure similar to global blocks. In this case, the site code is divided into sections: top, body, side (1 or more), bottom. Each section can be edited independently of the others.</p> <p>For example, the global left block of the site will be called:</p><p>"$Global_BLEFT$"</p><p>Therefore, this block can be embedded in the root structure of the code, and also removed point by point:</p><p>"$GLOBAL_BLEFT$"</p><p>Repeated testing has shown that in the process of optimizing these components of the html code, you can achieve a steady increase in rankings and significantly improve site indexing.</p> <p>The article provides only basic examples; first, check your code using online analyzers, of which there are a lot on the Internet.</p> <p>One of these analyzers is the W3C validator, which can easily check a site for HTML errors, but you shouldn’t go too deep into fixing it, it’s enough to keep errors to a minimum. However, for perfectionists, this service will be very useful.</p> <p>Read times: 5,351</p> <p>Despite the fact that sites are perceived by us externally, their external component is built, as in Man, based on the inner world under the influence of special laws and rules. These laws and website guidelines are defined by W3C standards. The external component of the site is its design and structure, the internal component is HTML code and CSS styles (not taking into account individual functionality).</p> <p>When developing a website or adding content to it, we often only care about its external presentation. This is cool! However, attention should also be paid to the internal presentation of pages in the form of HTML code, especially when it comes to future attraction of search traffic. This article is devoted to the issues of optimizing website code to improve its visibility in search engines and is based on the author’s report from the All in Top Conf 2012 conference “The concept of SEO optimized layout”.</p> <h2>Which sites need code optimization?</h2> <p>Disable CSS, JavaScript and images on the page, see if you can find the main elements of the text - headings, paragraphs, links and phrases? This is roughly how the robot sees the page, make sure it correctly understands your goals and priorities.</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> </div> <br> </article> <div class="related-posts-wrapper clearfix"> <h3 class="section-title"> <span>Similar articles</span> </h3> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-plitka"> <div class="related-posts clearfix"> <div class="related-post-thumbnail"> <a href="" title="How do you know what to change: module, matrix or touchscreen?"> <img width="200" height="200" src="/uploads/5b43be529f8900e1e453a4bb5cb108e4.jpg" class="attachment-blog-related size-blog-related 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