Hello dear readers. In the next article I would like to touch upon an issue that I have already considered on the pages of this site - 1C configuration update. I wrote quite detailed material on this matter, which you can read. However, that publication mainly concerned configurations of the previous generation, such as 1C ZUP edition 2.5 and 1C Accounting Enterprise edition 2.0.

In this article I will talk about how to configure and update yourself in 1C edition 3.0. At the same time, I would like to immediately note that we will be talking about update mechanisms in Enterprise mode, implemented for the average user of the program, and not about updating through the Configurator. The approach to updating 1C through the Configurator has not changed in the new editions (read about the option to update 1C through the Configurator).

I think everyone who constantly works with a 1C software product pays attention to the window that pops up when the program is launched. In this window, the program prompts us to enter a login and password so that we can receive information about the release of a new program release. This window looks like this.

If you carefully read the text in this window, you can understand that the program prompts you to enter the password that we use on the resourceusers.v8.1c.ru. Let me remind you what this resource is. This is a site on which 1C developers post updates to programs, as well as various related information.

After the end of the three month period it is necessary subscribe to ITS Techno or PROF . You can read more about registering on the website users.v8.1c.ru here.

So, let's assume that we already have a username and password. We enter them into the window “Connecting Internet user support”(meaning the window presented earlier in the screenshot) and click the “Login” button. If the login and password are entered correctly, the following window will open where you need enter the program registration number. A little lower in this window an explanation is given of where you can view this reg. number. For some reason, the developers forgot to mention that reg. The number can be found on the program registration card (yellow card found in the box).

Let me note once again that by this moment your program must be registered in your personal account on the website users.v8.1c.ru. To verify this, you can follow the link "List of registered products", which is present in this window. There is also a link “Register a product” if you know for sure that you have not yet registered the program.

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

If the program is registered and reg. The number is entered, then press the OK button. As a result, a new window will open "Internet User Support Monitor". If a more recent version of the program exists, the corresponding information will be displayed in this window. Also at the very bottom of the window you can configure in what mode you want to be informed using this window. I advise you to put the point "If new information is available".

There is another way to set up notifications about new releases. To do this, go to the “Administration” tab of the main menu of the program and select the item "Support and Maintenance". In the window that opens, at the very bottom there is a group of settings related to the 1C update. In this case we need the item “Setting up a program update via the Internet”. If you use this item, a window will open in which we also need to specify a login and password, as well as set in what mode we want to check for updates.

How to update 1c in Enterprise mode

Seminar “Lifehacks for 1C ZUP 3.1”
Analysis of 15 life hacks for accounting in 1C ZUP 3.1:

CHECKLIST for checking payroll calculations in 1C ZUP 3.1
VIDEO - monthly self-check of accounting:

Payroll calculation in 1C ZUP 3.1
Step-by-step instructions for beginners:

Now let's talk about how to update the program itself. Now I will write about updating directly from the program itself in its normal mode of operation, but I also want to note that it is possible to update directly through the configurator. I wrote about this update mode via the configurator in (see the second half of this article).

So, to update the program, you need to go to the “Administration” section of the main menu and select "Support and Maintenance". At the very bottom of the list that opens we find the item “Searching for and installing updates”. Let's choose it. In the window that opens there will be two update options:

  • Automatic search updates on the Internet. Update via the user support site for the 1C: Enterprise 8 system - with this option, the program itself will download updates from the users.v1c.ru resource and install them;
  • Local or network directory. Updating from a delivery file in a local or network directory– with this option, you need to download the updates yourself from the users.v1c.ru resource and during further steps, indicate to the program where on your computer these updates are located. The program will only have to install x.

Let's consider the first option.

So, select the first option and click the “Next” button. At the next step, the program notifies whether installation of updates is required and which specific release can be installed now. You can also use the link "New in version" to view release updates.

Next step downloading of updates starts from the 1C portal. The program does this on its own. After the program downloads necessary updates, a window will open where the program will ask when the update should be performed:

  • Install the update now
  • Remind me when finished

Also in this window at the very bottom there is an item for implementing backup 1C databases. I highly recommend perform a backup before each update .

It is safest to choose option 3. Then you will know exactly where the backup is.

Close the backup settings window. If you are planning to update the program right now, keep in mind that the program will be closed during the update process and all unsaved documents will be lost . So, select the first item and click the “Next” button. The program closes and a window appears on the screen that will be displayed during the entire update time. We just have to wait for the end of the process.

After starting the program, the update will also continue for some time.

After the update is completed, a window will open that will inform you about updates that have appeared in the program.

In conclusion, I note that this window, if necessary, can be opened from the “Administration” section -> “Support and Maintenance” item "Description of program changes".

That's all for today.

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1C company constantly releases new releases of its configurations: adding new features, updating reporting forms.

Therefore, the configurations of your infobases also need to be constantly updated. The 1C program itself even reminds you of this and offers to update. You can update 1C 8.3 yourself in two ways: through the configurator or via the Internet. Let's consider step by step instructions on updating 1c and what needs to be done after this procedure using an example.

Updating the 1C 8 program via the Internet

To update 1C 8.3 over the Internet, go to the “Administration” menu and find the “Updating the program version” section:

First, let’s go to the “Setting up program updates via the Internet” section:

In this window, the most important thing is to enter the user code and password; without them, you will not be able to connect to the site with updates. You should have received them along with . If for some reason you do not have them, there is a link nearby that will take you to your personal account on the support site, and all the data will be there.

Here you can disable automatic checking for updates, set up a scheduled check or every time you log into the program.

Leave the switch on “Automatic update” and click “Next”. If a newer program release than the current one is found, the corresponding information will appear.

For my configuration there were more new version, and now I’ll try to update 1C. Pay attention to the size of the update, as it is downloaded and unpacked into the user's directory, which is located on the "C:" drive. Accordingly, it should have enough free space. By the way, here you can read what changes and innovations are in the update. Click “Next”.

Oddly enough, the program was unable to connect to its server the first time due to the fact that it used my old code and password, although I specified everything correctly in the settings:

I click “OK”, enter the correct data and click “Next”. I hope you don't see such a window.

The program will start receiving the update file. Depending on your internet speed, this can be a fairly lengthy process. Took me a few minutes. In the next window we have to choose whether to update immediately or after finishing work. If you decide to update immediately, make sure that no one else is in the database. The update occurs in exclusive mode.

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Here you will be asked to do backup copy before the update. I advise NECESSARILY make a backup copy of the 1C database, I was convinced from my own experience. And I recommend choosing last point“Create a backup copy and save it to a directory.” In this case, if something goes wrong during the update, the program itself will return everything to its place.

The update went smoothly for me and took about 45 minutes.

Important note! After installing the configuration update, the program may require you to update the 1C platform. You can read how to do this in or see in our video:

Self-updating 1C 8.3 via the configurator

To update via the configurator, you first need to download the 1C update file from the official website or from the ITS disk. I described how to do this in the article ““. Only the row in the table, of course, you need to select another (1C Accounting):

One point should be noted here. Not all latest releases may be suitable for your current configuration. Therefore, if you have not updated for a long time, you may have to download several versions. In the list of releases you can see which one fits which.

In my case, the latest release of 1C is suitable, and I downloaded it. Unlike the platform update file, configuration updates are located in archives. It is also advisable to place it in a clean directory and run it. After it is unpacked, run the setup.exe file:

The update will be installed in the specified directory. Typically this is the default directory, but you can specify a different one.

Now let's go to the configurator:

Naturally, you need to log in as a user with administrative rights.

Let's make a backup copy right away!

Now you need to go to the menu “Configuration – Support – Configuration Update”. A window will appear:

If one or more 1C 8.3 configuration updates are found, a window will appear asking you to select the one you need:

If several available updates are found, the program will highlight the latest one in bold.

Click “Finish”. Two more information windows will appear, there you just need to click “Continue”.

The 1C update process will begin. After a while, a configuration comparison window may appear. If you are not an expert, then it is better not to touch anything there. Click “Run”:

After some time, the message “Configuration merging complete” will appear. Click "OK".

Now you also need to update the configuration of the infobase. To do this, go to the menu “Configuration – Update database configuration”.

If the system asks you for something else, you need to click “Yes” or “Accept”.

When finished, you can close the configurator. When you first launch the program in normal mode, you may receive a message that the platform you are using is outdated for this configuration and working in the system is not recommended.

This update is complete.

Watch also our video on updating 1C through the configurator:

The 1C company regularly updates its products in connection with changes in legislation and improvements in program functionality.

1C informs partners about new software releases in information letters, and also publishes information on its official websites www.1c.ru, buh.ru and in other electronic media.


IN 1C Accounting 8.2 there is a possibility program updates in user mode. Those. If you use a standard configuration that has not been modified by a programmer, then you can update it yourself as new update releases are released, without resorting to the services of a programmer.

To do this you must have licensed program, and you must be registered on 1C user support site. It is also necessary to have a subscription to information technology support disk (ITS).

The user on whose behalf the update is being performed must have administrator rights.

When launched, the program accesses the 1C user support site and checks for newer releases than the one we are currently working on.

If there is a new release, then the program updates our database for some time to this release, not letting us into the program, warning us that the information base is being updated.

If other users are working in the database at that moment, the program itself will warn them about the need to save the data and exit the program during the update. If they do not close the program themselves, then after two minutes the program will close forcibly.

Configuring automatic updating of the information base.

In the interface 1C Accounting 8 edition 3.0 Let’s go to the “Administration” section and select “Update configuration” in the action panel.

The Configuration Update Assistant form opens.

As you can see, here you can choose how the program will receive updates: via the Internet or by checking for update files in a local or network directory.

Select the “Custom Internet site” method. Check the “Always connect to the Internet and skip this assistant step” checkbox to minimize your actions in the future.

If you select the “by schedule” method, the “Schedule” hyperlink will become available, and when you click on it, the schedule setup form will open.

I will not go into detail about setting up the schedule, but it is clear that this setting is very flexible, and you can set up daily, weekly, monthly checks.

When you click on the “Next” button, the user authorization form will open. Here you need to enter the user code obtained from the support site and password. The “remember password” checkbox will allow you not to enter a password at each check and automate the process as much as possible.

After receiving the update, the program will offer to update right now (this will require restarting the program) or remind you about the update when the user exits.

Database backup.

The “Backup” hyperlink will allow you to configure the backup copy creation mode when updating the infobase. It is necessary to take into account the possibility of an emergency situation (for example, a power outage) during the update, and I recommend that you always create a backup copy when updating the information base to prevent data loss.

The “Temporary backup” mode will allow the system to create a temporary copy of the database. The “Restore infobase” checkbox means that if an emergency occurs during the update, the database will be automatically restored from a temporary copy. If the checkbox is cleared, the copy will be saved in the specified directory, but the database will not be restored from it.

The “Create a backup copy and save it in the specified directory” mode will allow you to create a copy in the directory to which you need to specify the path. In an emergency, the system will be restored from a copy. Unlike a temporary copy, this copy will be saved during recovery and will be available to the user.

After all the settings, click on the “Finish” button and exit the Update Assistant.

It should be remembered that this method should be used only if you have a standard program configuration that has not been modified by programmers.

Video tutorial:

Updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program via the Internet

Update of the program 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0via the Internet.

The materials of the article are current as of December 5, 2014.

Reproduction of the article is permitted with the author indicated and a link to the original source.

1C programs require constant updating. This is especially true for accounting programs, in particular the 1C: Accounting 8 program. The main reasons are the constantly changing legislation on accounting and tax accounting, the development of program capabilities and the correction of identified errors. For example, updates to the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program are released almost every month, and sometimes several program updates are released within a month.

This article describes the procedure for updating the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program via the Internet in user mode.

Updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program consists of 2 stages:

Platform update 1C:Enterprise 8.3

For the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration to work correctly, it is necessary to install platform 8.3 designed for this configuration.

For example, for the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0. 37 You need to have the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform installed, no lower than 8.3.5. 1231 . On a lower release of the platform, configuration 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0. 37 will not even open, about which a message will be displayed when starting the program.

Therefore, before updating, let’s check the installed release of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

This can be done by opening the Help menu - About the program or through the corresponding “show information about the program” icon (yellow circle with the letter i), located in the system commands area in the upper right corner (Fig. 1).

In the window that appears, we see that the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform release and the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 platform release are installed (Fig. 2).

It will not be possible to update the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform directly from the 1C program, either in user mode or through the configurator, so you must first download it from the technical support site for 1C:Enterprise 8 programs and install it on your computer.

To download the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, go to the technical support site for 1C:Predariyatie programs www.users.v8.1c.ru, follow the “download update” hyperlink, enter the login and password received when registering the program (if the program has not yet been registered, then go through the registration procedure), in the summary table we find “ Technology platform 8.3" and select latest version platform 1C:Enterprise 8.3 (in this case

From the list provided possible options platforms 1C:Enterprise 8.3 version, select “Technological platform 1C:Enterprise for Windows (Fig. 3).

If you have downloaded and installed the required version of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, but when you launch the program in the “About the program” window you still see the old platform, then most likely you downloaded the wrong version of the platform.

The 1C:Enterprise 8.3 technology platform is supplied as a windows.rar archive file, so after downloading this file it needs to be unpacked.

After unpacking, you need to find the file (setup.exe) and run it.

After preparing for installation Windows Installer The installation window for the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform will appear. Click the “Next” button (Fig. 4).

In the next window, we are asked to select the components of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform to be installed and the path where the platform will be installed.

In most cases, we leave everything as is and click “Next” (Fig. 5).

In the next window, click the “Install” button to begin installing the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform.

The installation process of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform may take several minutes, and the “User Account Control” window may appear in which you must confirm your desire to install this program to your computer (Fig. 6)

After which the installation process of the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform will begin, at the end of which you will be asked to install the 1C:Enterprise 8 program security driver.

This checkbox can be unchecked, because if you are using hardware protection of the 1C program (USB key), then this driver was already installed during the initial installation, but if you are using software protection (linked to the computer when installing the 1C program) , then this driver is not needed at all (Fig. 7). Click the “Next” button.

(if you do not uncheck this box, then nothing bad will happen, it will just install (reinstall) the 1C program protection driver)

In the last window, click the “Finish” button and the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform is installed on your computer.

A week after installing the new 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform (after making sure that the program is working normally), previous versions of 1C:Enterprise 8.3 can be removed through the Control Panel (to save space on the computer’s hard drive).

Please note that if you are still using configurations that work on the 8.2 platform (for example, 1C: Accounting edition 2.0, 1C: Salary and Personnel Management edition 2.5, 1C: Trade Management edition 10.3, etc.), then the latest version of the platform is 8.2 cannot be deleted. You must have 2 platforms installed (8.2 and 8.3), which will be selected automatically when you run the corresponding configuration.

Run configurations 1C:Accounting 8 edition 2.0, 1C:Salaries and Personnel Management edition 2.5, 1C:Trade Management edition 10.3 on platform 8. 3 , is not recommended, since this configuration is not tested by developers on the 8.3 platform and may not work correctly.

Video lesson "Updating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform:

Updating the configuration of 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 via the Internet

After updating the 1C:Enterprise 8.3 platform, you can proceed to updating the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration.

We launch the working database in user mode.

If the program 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 is set to automatically check for updates when starting the program, then in the lower left corner we will see a pop-up hint about the availability of a configuration update (Fig. 8)

If we click on this tooltip, we will immediately be taken to the Search and install updates processing (Fig. 13).

To configure automatic checking for updates to 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 when starting the program, go to the Administration - Support and Maintenance menu (Fig. 9)

Here, in the “Program version update” group, select “Setting up program updates via the Internet (Fig. 10).

In the window that appears, select Automatically check for updates “When the program starts”, enter the User Code and Password that we use to log in technical support 1C on the site www.users.v8 and click OK (Fig. 11).

We return to “Support and Maintenance” (Fig. 10).

To install the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 update, select “Search and install updates” in the “Program version update” group.

A window for choosing how to install the update appears. If the update files for 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 are already installed on the computer, then you can select “Local or network directory” as the source and specify the directory in which the update files are located.

If these files are not yet installed on your computer, then select “Automatic search for updates on the Internet (recommended)” and click the “Next” button (Fig. 12).

The Search and install updates window appears, which shows which version of the 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 configuration is available to us (in this case it is version, the size of the update file (67.5 MB) and using the “New in version” hyperlink we can see what's new in this version. Click the “Next” button (Fig. 13).

After this, the 1C: Accounting 8 edition update files are received via the Internet. If several updates were skipped, which require mandatory sequential installation, then several update files will be received. Information about the number of required and downloaded update files will be displayed in the “Update files are being received” field. (Fig. 14)

The process of obtaining 1C:Accounting 8 edition 3.0 update files may take for a long time(from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the performance of your computer and the speed of your Internet)

To install updates, the 1C program will ask for a username and password to enter the information database (not to be confused with the username and password for receiving updates via the Internet). You must select a user and specify a password (if one is set), which you specify when logging into the program. This user must have Administrator rights (Fig. 15).

After this, a window will appear in which you can choose how to install the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 update. You can install the update right now or when you close the program.

If there are other users in the database at the moment, you must ask them to leave this database. This is necessary to create a database backup. Using the hyperlink “View list of active users” you can see which users are currently in this database (Fig. 16).

You can also choose the option of creating a 1C backup. In this case, if an emergency occurs during the update process of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, the program will automatically roll back to the previous version while saving all data.

I recommend creating backup copies before starting the update by simply copying the folder in which your database is stored through Explorer. But if you make backups regular means 1C program, it is better to first create a “Backups” folder on your computer and specify the path to this folder (Fig. 17)

The process of updating the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 is divided into several stages:

    Shutting down users

    Creating a backup copy of the infobase

    Updating the infobase configuration

    Allowing new connections


Information about the progress of the update process can be seen on the splash screen of the 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0 program.

After updating the configuration of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, the program will start in user mode and the update will continue. The progress of the further update process can be seen on the indicator (Fig. 19).

And at the end you will see the information “What’s new in this version”. In which, by following the link to the ITS website, you can read and see an illustrated version of the changes in this version of 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0.

To do this, go to the Administration - Support and Maintenance menu and find in the “Program version update” group, select “Update and additional processing data" (Fig. 20)

All additional data processing procedures must be completed successfully (Fig. 21). Using the hyperlink you can see which procedures were completed successfully and if any procedure was not completed, you will see it. In this case, you need to contact a specialist to fix this problem.

This completes the update of the 1C: Accounting 8.3 edition 3.0 program, you can start working in the program.

I wish you success

Sergey Golubev

Internet technologies will not surprise anyone these days, so Accounting employees based on the 1C: Enterprise Accounting program version 2.0 now have the opportunity to check for updates and update the workbook accordingly software product via the Internet. In order for information base users to update the 1C system themselves, they must be assigned the appropriate rights, the organization must have a valid subscription to the ITS and an account must be created on the users website. v 8.1 c. ru

If users and the organization have all the listed attributes, then they can safely proceed with the settings automatic update via the Internet. To do this you need to follow these steps:

  1. Launch 1C: Enterprise 8.2 in user mode, select the desired information base and click the “1C: Enterprise” button. Or double-click on the name of the information base.

2. Select a user with the appropriate rights from the list. In our case, the Administrator has these rights and login is carried out without a password. And click "OK" button

3. After loading the 1C system, you need to use the top functional menu. P.S. Depending on the interface used appearance The function menu may differ from that shown on the slide. To do this, click the “Service” button and select “Configuration update” from the drop-down list

4. The next step will be to directly configure the method for updating the 1C program configuration. Two update methods will be offered (Internet, local resource) and checking for updates via the Internet when starting the program. We set the attributes “Custom website on the Internet”, “Always connect to the Internet and...” and “Check for configuration updates via the Internet every time the program is started” as shown in the slide below. After installing the above, click the “Next” button.

5. The program will check for updates on the user site; if there are updates, the program will display the following window shown on the slide. If you wish, you can use the “New in version” link to view reference information about the changes that were added in the new configuration release. In the message that appears, click the “Next” button and proceed to the next setup step.

If the program cannot find updates on the website, another window will appear with the following content: “You are using the latest version of the program.”

6. The next step is to configure account for authorization on the site users. v 8.1 c. ru To do this, in the “User Code” field, enter the existing Login used during registration (can contain both numbers and Latin letters) and “Password” and click the “Next” button.

7. The program itself will download the necessary update files and display the following window. In it you must choose how updates will be installed, either they will be used now when the “Yes, restart 1C: Enterprise now” option is selected, or later the next time you start the program “Do not restart now”. Depending on the selected setting, an update will be performed.

8. After a successful update, the program will start automatically and ask you to confirm the legality of using the updates, agree with all messages and click continue. If the program fails to update, it will itself restore the database backup created when the update began and display a list of errors associated with the update problem.
