Black hat SEO is prohibited promotion. Search engines struggle with such methods, as it breaks the structure and reduces the quality of the search. If you are planning to promote your website by unscrupulous means think again.

If an Internet project is caught in black SEO, the resource will fall under search engine sanctions.

Black and white SEO

Every optimizer understands that unnatural website promotion is punished by search engines without explanation. Search engines do not need every resource, especially an unverified one, to appear in TOP 10.

This is monitored both by search robots and specially trained human assessors. After all, no search engine wants to be cluttered or saturated with sites that contain uninteresting or prohibited content.

If you don’t know much about SEO yet, I recommend reading it.

But if you still decide to try prohibited methods, or vice versa, you want not to commit disciplinary offenses in promotion, I present a list of prohibited or black SEO techniques.

Take the test and learn more about black hat SEO

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Behavioral boost - a new way in SEO or an abyss down?

Correct! Wrong!

Cheating behavioral, or rather behavioral ones themselves, certainly affects positions and traffic. All you have to do is remember that the results are now personalized, divided into interesting ones, look through cookies and are based on geo. Even if you are not caught cheating, you may end up in the TOP search results for schoolchildren.

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Spam in the text, keywords, many synonyms - is it worth it?

Correct! Wrong!

In 2019, both Yandex and Google are not interested in a large number of keywords and synonyms. All you need to do is make a well-optimized text and the search engine will readily accept it.

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Is there a secret to writing for SEO?

Correct! Wrong!

In general, pages are now increasingly dependent on behavioral factors. However, some techniques will help you reach the TOP faster: less water, good readability, adding listings, quotes, headings (h1-h3..), highlighting important things in bold, without errors.

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Methods of prohibited SEO optimization

Black hat SEO promotion is a dangerous and risky way to increase (increase) positions in search. If a web platform is caught using bad SEO, it will receive a ban or lose its place in the search results. As a rule, after punishment, it is difficult to return the website to its previous positions.

Search engines often change their indexing algorithm, and illegal methods of promotion become ineffective.

Here are some of the popular and illegal ways of promotion.

Invisible text

Site content invisible content. This is text that is highlighted in the same color as the background of the page. As a result, the user does not observe anything, and the search engine willingly processes the information. The method is not relevant, since search robots easily identify such violations.

He's not completely invisible*

Hidden links

Distribution of invisible links on the site that visitors do not recognize. This is a punctuation mark, a small picture or letter in the text. There is no hover animation, so people won't realize it's a link. And the car easily finds such hiding places. The method fell as soon as search robots learned to recognize this fact of fraud.

Hidden links are one of the black methods SEO promotion. You add artificial links in the content that are invisible to the visitor's eyes. It could be a word, a dot, a letter, a small picture, etc. By increasing your link mass, you increase your influence on search engines.


Text, oversaturated with keywords or phrases without structure or meaning. As soon as search robots recognize the violation, the site loses position in the search. It is unlikely that the site will be banned, but you will not see an increase in positions in search results.

One of the ways of black SEO is content filling key phrases. Previously, this method was especially relevant. It was enough just to add a lot of keywords to the text and you are already in the TOP..


A method similar to the keyword process. Operates on the principle what do I see And what do you see . The fact is that a site visitor sees useful content, but the search engine robot sees another text, rich in key phrases.

The circuit is complex and requires programming knowledge. In addition, as far as we know, search engines have learned to identify this black seo method.

Filling with keywords in headings

The meaning is simple, we fill the page headings with keys, and since headlines matter in promotion, the search bot takes this into account. The method was learned to recognize search engines and it is not very useful.

However, keywords are still added to headlines, but not on an industrial scale.

Oversaturating headlines with key phrases is one of the methods of black SEO. However, nowadays this method is no longer relevant. Search robots are good at distinguishing quality content from spam.

Link mass

A popular method of prohibited SEO. The promotion specialist places a link to the site on external resources: on home page, minor or article. The search robot reads this information And highlights the site above others.

Other sources link to the web platform, which means the site is “popular.”

This path is ideal for spam promotion. It is enough to distribute the link on third-party resources and the site is already higher than the rest, in the TOP-3 for example.

In 2019, search engines identify this method of spam optimization and do not allow such sites to reach the top. search results. The method still works only became difficult and pedantic.

Doorway method

What are doorways? Doorway is a website that is created to redirect traffic to your own resource. The site is filled with incomprehensible content, but with a large number of key phrases.

Doorways in 2018 are not quite current method promotion. At least it won’t be possible to act as before. You must take care of the quality content of the site and make it as useful as possible for the user. Otherwise, your doorway will not bring any benefit for SEO optimization.

Satellite method

Satellite is a satellite site that implies a full-fledged resource. The tactic of building satellites is to exclude competitors’ sites from the top search results by replacing them with the necessary websites. An effective but labor-intensive method. Only boring satellites get sanctions, and the correct ones take places in the top ten.

Remember! You only need to display one page for the necessary queries to knock your competitor out of the search results. It is not necessary to create a new website. Buy placement on a reputable site.

Think about how much time and money it will take to create and promote several more Internet sites. Moreover, in order to the method worked 100% Convince the search engine that the sites do not touch each other.

The satellite promotion method is still relevant in 2019. Considering the fact that having several high-quality satellite sites you get an advantage in promoting the main site, SEO satellites can be called a relevant SEO optimization in 2019.

Content replacement, swap

Swap is not a method, but prohibited advertising. The method is that the content on the site changes dramatically once the site reaches the required positions in the search results. More often on casinos, home video or scam sites.

Such a site, when detected by police robots, is immediately banned. The site still manages to receive some traffic, which is why this method is still used.

Cheating behavioral factors

The secret of the method is to artificially attract traffic to the site. Robots or people walk around the site and perform certain actions, such as clicks, purchases, or filling out forms. Websites with good behavioral factors rank first in search results.

However, the punishment for cheating is serious. Dropouts from issue for 8 months. The site will be shown only for vital queries.

Vital request is a key phrase that mentions a brand or website name.

Search tips

Search suggestions are complete phrases that a search engine suggests at the beginning of entering a query. The search engine displays popular options, and the searcher, seeing a match, selects the desired option. Can often be seen in tooltips along with key query brand or name, and believe me, sometimes this is not fair.

Search tips allow you to enhance your website's SEO. Most people choose one of the suggested prompt options. However, be careful. For cheating tips you can get sanctions from search engines.

A number of procedures are carried out to artificially boost the required request. The search engine believes that the query is popular and adds it to the suggestions.

Yandex bug

The search engine Yandex also there is a bug, which raises a site or page very sharply and Above the rest. Which? This is still the same behavioral factor. But you don’t have to buy a promotion. Just make sure that different devices traffic to the site was sent according to the required request. And your resource will very quickly appear in the TOP.

Accordingly, when stopping visits upon request, it will fly back to its previous positions.

White CEO

White SEO promotion. Dream, goal and portal to fairy world for search engines, employees and people voting for content and natural promotion.

If back in 2006 linkfarming, blog spam and a number of other methods of dishonestly promoting a site to the top still worked, then in 2019 this has become more difficult.

What is it white SEO?

What is white hat SEO?

White hat SEO is the process of optimizing a website, both internal and external, without violating search engine regulations. White promotion does not imply prohibited or dishonest actions towards competitors, users and search spiders.

White SEO optimizer begins the process of optimizing the site for technical condition, content, speed, and usability. The content is only original, and the spread of information about the site occurs naturally. In fact, this is the main thing that is included in the work of a white hat SEO optimizer, and the search engines will do the rest themselves.

Is this kind of SEO optimization possible and what will other experts say?

What do SEOs say?

No matter how much Google, Yandex and other search engines want honest promotion, some SEO specialists still use unscrupulous methods search engine optimization.

You can order in this section.

SEOs associated with black promotion are divided into two groups.

Black and gray SEO specialists

Black SEOs are called unscrupulous optimizers who use black promotion methods and do not report on subsequent punitive measures.

Unfortunately, our market is full of similar workers who, for a lot of money, offer to bring the site to the top position, and after receiving a blow in the gut, they shrug their shoulders.

This experience is alive and well, because for every one dissatisfied client, three more new ones come.

Gray SEOs are people who carefully consider shady matters with website optimization. Most black promotion methods whitewashed , if you don't overdo it.

The working principle of gray SEO is to use prohibited methods in accordance with the tolerance of search robots-auditors.

If you would like to, leave a request on the courses page.

Gray CEO

Gray SEO is the tactics and methods of promotion that borders on black hat optimization, but satisfy search engines. The secret is to take the black method and whitewash it with some action.

Gray SEO is popular among SEOs and is used for search engine promotion.

Correct links

The method of distributing links remains back in 2005, but the use of trusted sources and proper distribution of the site address will do good search engine optimization.

Useful satellites

Yes, search engines have begun to determine promotion through satellites, but the quality of sites and competent interaction will bear fruit in taking places in the top ten.

Disguised doorways

Still seo optimizers use doorways for promotion. Disguised doorway- the right doorway. It is difficult to identify him and punish him for violations.


Oversaturation of the link mass directly on the promoted resource leads to lower search rankings, however, moderate use of suggestive links on the site will give a jump in promotion.

Behavioral factor without cheating

If the site is in demand, then it will be higher in search results. But how to grow an audience (increase traffic) is another question.

Should you use black hat SEO?

Proper optimization takes time, so you shouldn’t trust dubious offers about quickly bringing your site to the first positions in the search. It is possible that the site will be subject to sanctions or you will lose money and never appear in the top search lists. The rest is up to you.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a set of methods for promoting websites in search results. If we look at it in more detail, then this is a set of actions that one way or another influence search robots. Competent optimization helps you get into the TOP 10, which significantly increases site traffic. The wrong approach, in turn, can greatly harm the popularity of the site.

Competent and approved optimization that does not use prohibited methods is called white hat SEO. Semi-literate and not always approved by search engines - gray promotion. Black hat SEO refers to methods prohibited by search engines for bringing websites to the TOP of search results.

SEO Methods

White hat optimization - website promotion without the use of unwanted and prohibited methods. The most effective ways:

  • Improved usability.
  • Registration in popular catalogs.
  • Improving the functionality of the site.
  • Design improvement and optimization.
  • Work on behavioral factors.
  • and other methods.

Gray SEO - Officially, gray promotion methods are not prohibited, but they are not welcomed by search engines. Gray methods include:

  • An overabundance of keywords on site pages.
  • Excessive number of paid links to your resource.
  • and other methods.

Resources that are promoted using these methods may be subject to sanctions by search engines at any time.

Black hat SEO promotion is all methods that violate the rules of search engines. These could be:

  • Link spam.
  • Cloaking.
  • Doorways.
  • Invisible text.
  • Hidden links.
  • and other methods.

For black promotion, hacking of resources is sometimes used, including for placing hidden links to promoted resources. Wiki sites are especially vulnerable due to the high trust of search engines in them; they become easy and desirable prey for spammers.

Black website promotion

In this section we will talk about what not to do. All these techniques are almost 100% guaranteed to kick you out of the TOP (that is, if you get there). Unscrupulous webmasters use the following techniques:

  • Invisible text. This is text that is made in the same color as the background. The visitor cannot see the text, but it is there. And visible to search robots. Today, robots have learned to recognize such manipulations and punish the guilty.
  • Hidden links. There is a method for publishing the necessary links unnoticed by the user. They are simply sewn into a letter, punctuation mark or emoticon. There is no animation when hovering and the user cannot understand that there is a link in front of him. But the search engine can easily figure out this method. And it rightly punishes those who tried to unlawfully manipulate the reference mass.
  • Keywords. Among unscrupulous SEO specialists, the promotion service through “ keywords" Moreover, texts are saturated without taking into account the context and such text does not carry a semantic load. If earlier search engines really promoted to the top those sites where there was a higher percentage of keywords, today the usefulness of the text plays a much greater role.

    Remember that you are not writing for a robot, but for people - it is important to write useful text with relevant information. Then users will stay on the site longer, and the search engine will promote you as a reward for your usefulness.

    This doesn't mean that keywords no longer work. This means that you should not overuse them in your texts.

  • Cloaking (cloak - mask, cover). One of the ways of black hat SEO. Based on the fact that the user and search robot different page options are shown. Why use it? The fact is that pages are difficult to optimize for different search queries. Therefore, two different versions of pages are created. The first one involves spamming keywords for the search engine. The second is with content for people. Creating copies of pages is painstaking work, since it requires not only the basics of programming, but also the availability of data such as ip or user-agent of robots.
  • The next method is based on the abuse of search algorithms. One of the important parameters is the presence of keys in the text headings (title and h1). Unscrupulous webmasters flooded headlines with keywords like (Targeted advertising. Order targeted advertising. Targeted advertising inexpensively). Previously, the search engine saw an abundance of keywords and brought the site to the TOP. Nowadays such sites receive only a “headmark” - search engines have learned to recognize such manipulations.
  • Uncontrolled link building. Another example of the abuse of legal SEO promotion techniques. At the dawn of search engine optimization, specialists were mainly involved in purchasing links to the resource. The arithmetic is simple - the more links to a site, the more popular it is in the eyes of a search engine.

    This continued until the release of the Minusinsk (from Yandex) and Penguin (from Google) algorithms. Now links are by no means the main ranking factor and not only the number of these links is taken into account, but also their quality (the quality of sites varies depending on age and topic). The older the site and the more decent it is, the more valuable the link. Previously, experts did not hesitate to buy thousands of links on adult resources - after all, it’s a lot and it’s cheap. And links were valued equally with those obtained from top thematic resources. Today the situation is different - the quality of the resource that links to you comes first, then the correspondence between the topics of the donor site and the recipient site.

  • Doorway method. The doorway method involves receiving traffic to a specially created resource (often with completely unreadable content, but filled with keywords) and redirecting the traffic to the desired site.

    In this form (not readable for people, but perfectly optimized for search engines), the doorway is not shown to users. They do this: the doorway site gets into the search results. The user, by clicking on the link, is immediately redirected to a landing page or website to which traffic is attracted. He doesn’t even realize that he got here through a doorway website. Nowadays, such types are almost never used, because search engines automatically sanction a site for mobile redirection somewhere.

  • Satellite method. Satellite or satellite site, which means a full-fledged resource. When they talk about satellites, they draw a beautiful analogy with a dacha and an apple orchard. You have a dacha and an apple orchard. You get an apple harvest from them. At some point, you notice that your neighbors don’t take care of their apple trees at all, and you offer them to take care of the trees so that they don’t die, and you take the harvest for yourself. This is how satellites work - they harvest traffic for you.

    Many people do this today. Large companies to take up more space in search results. Online reputation management specialists use this method to displace negativity from visibility in search results.

    The method is absolutely legal, but effective as long as the rules of the game are followed. Such work requires a substantial budget, because each resource is created separately and it takes months of labor to build a network of satellites. You need absolutely unique content and design of your resources. It is necessary to strictly monitor the compliance of the themes of your sites.

  • Swap. In other words, content replacement. A common technique and not only in search engine promotion, when a fairly useful resource is promoted, it has a lot of loyal and high-quality audience, and then the topic changes dramatically. Often shift is underway towards projects like: casinos, sports betting, materials for adults, forex and others.

    Swap works even now - after all, some amount of time passes before the search engine understands that the topic has changed. But when this is revealed, the site flies out of the search results and gets banned.

  • Cheats of behavioral factors. Today behavioral factors came to the forefront in the list of those most influencing the site’s position in the search results. Without thinking twice, craftsmen have been found who promise to “tweak” these factors for you.

    They allow robots or motivated traffic (people who want to make money on clicks, subscriptions, or other targeted actions) to your site. All this fraternity walks around your resource and creates activity - they click on something, go through pages, leave requests. In a word - a mess. Search engines see such suspicious and unnatural activity and throw your resource out of the search results. You will lose a lot in organic traffic (about 90%) and you will lose in positions. It will be possible to get out of sanctions only after a long period of time. It is impossible to say exactly how big it is - the “punishment” process is automated and technical support will not be able to help you.

  • Cheating search suggestions. Another type of cheating. Have you noticed that when you enter a word or query into the search bar, the search engine tells you the end of the phrase or the next word. This happens because this request is popular and since you entered part of the query, you are probably looking for it. Not all tips are shown there because this request is popular.

    Cheats are often used by companies as a tool of competition or by political forces for the same purpose. Sometimes boosting search suggestions serves the purpose of “black PR”.

  • Relic bug. At one time there was a bug in Yandex. Your site could “take off” to the TOP in a few days or hours. To do this, it was necessary to send traffic to the site from many different devices based on some request. True, when the traffic ended, the site returned to its previous position.

In this long, but hopefully not tedious chapter, we told you about black SEO. They told everything without hiding. We understand that you won’t do this and will control your SEO, but in addition we want to give you some tips on “white hat SEO”.

If you want your website to grow upward and be at the top of search results, then here is our TOP advice from SEO experts:

  • We will not tire of repeating this. Write texts for people! Today useful and interesting content rules. Retain your user with an interesting article about “1000 and 1 ways to use your product outside the box.” Don't let your texts turn into a jumble of keywords like “buy a bike in Moscow,” but tell people how to choose one. They will come to you later.
  • Generate unique content. Continuing from the previous point. Even if you see a good text from your competitors, you can’t just slam it. The search engine will notice this and it will hurt. Better generate your own - unique. Such content will inevitably be shared, and this means an increase in the authority of your resource.
  • Correct linking. According to research, the presence of linking increases the time spent on the site by 30% or more. Can you imagine what a plus this is to the karma of your resource?!
  • Adding a site to directories. Today this method brings little results. Mainly due to the fact that they act the same as 15 years ago - they are added to 1000 junk catalogs, instead of one or two top ones.
  • Use your keywords wisely. No comments here - just use them appropriately and don't spam.
  • Monitor the quality of the resources with which you exchange links. Only reliable, “decent” and relevant donors. These are much more likely to find your target audience.
  • Using pop-up banners. These are banners that pop up when you enter a site, when you try to leave it, or simply when viewing content. And righteous anger arises not only among users, but also among search engines. To retain customers out of context, a pop-up works well - it at least somehow increases conversion, but for search engine optimization it’s bad manners.
  • Spam on forums. Website promotion using mass mailing or spam in forums can also negatively affect the effectiveness of promotion. So stop spreading your links all over the comments and forum threads. All the same, there are only spammers who have not read this article. And you read it - don’t do that.
  • Using h1, h2 and title tags. Create compelling headlines that get to the point and convey usefulness. Include important keywords and go ahead - conquer the top of the TOP.
  • Work on the usability of the site. Analyze how users behave on your resource. Where they click, where they hold their attention, and what they quickly scroll through. This will give you additional data to improve your site. In the end, no one has yet canceled the primacy of behavioral factors.

Bottom line

Black methods and means of promotion have always existed and will exist. After all, the system is not perfect and is constantly changing. If you work with a “white” topic and your product or service is allowed to be advertised, then you do not need to resort to such risky SEO promotion methods. If you don't know where to start, then the best solutions will develop various promotion strategies together with specialists. Search engine promotion is a long and labor-intensive process. But the result in the form of the hottest clients is worth it.
