More recently Google company fulfilled the requirement of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation - provided Android users with the choice of a search engine in the standard Chrome browser. Now, after installing the latest version or using a special settings menu, everyone can choose how to search for information on the Internet: Yandex, Google and Mail.Ru. Which one is better? Let's take a closer look.

Without moving on to the search itself, let’s evaluate home page convenience"The Magnificent Three" Let's start with Google:

Traditionally ascetic home Google page in the center contains only a line where you can enter your request. To get to the rest of the company’s services, you need to click the button with the grid. From there you can read news, go to mail or maps. If you want more on the main page, then you need to install either the main one for Android and iOS. There, all services mixed with a search bar are immediately displayed on the main screen.

Yandex did not skimp on the functionality of the main page in mobile version. The site is literally crammed with all possible services from the Russian company, and upon entering it immediately asks for access to the location. If allowed, then home page will immediately show a block with a cafe near you, and also adapt the Yandex.Traffic widget. I know many people who use Yandex solely because of its convenient home page. It is described as some kind of store where you go in for one thing, but forget about it, and at the exit you have a cart full of various goods, except for that very one.

If Google's home page is ascetic, then Mail.Ru's is simply the height of minimalism. In the bad sense of the word, since there are no information cards, interactive elements, etc. on it. If we select news in the menu, the site will kindly offer us to “search for news” in 2017. I think this is where we can finish the review of the main Mail.

We carry out further testing on two parameters: locality and convenience. Read more about each parameter in the corresponding subheadings.


This parameter determines the extent to which a particular search engine is optimized for the needs of users in the CIS region, in particular from Russia. For a clearer demonstration, many search queries were associated with the provincial city of Bryansk.

First, let's look at how three search engines understand local colorful words and the context of their use. For example, the name of the city of Chelyabinsk is often abbreviated as “person”. What if you enter the query “person routes”:

Google and Yandex understood what I wanted from them, but Mail didn’t.

How well do the three search engines know the great and mighty Russian language? Let's ask them for help in resolving a popular error - theirs or theirs:

Google responds to such a request with a brief help from a third-party site, explaining that the first option makes the speech rude and low. “Search No. 1 in Russia” even when entering a query shows the correct answer, but when you go to the search engine, no help is given - we’ll take your word for it. But Mail.Ru did neither one nor the other - it simply gave as the first result. It could have been worse.

Let's throw in the tricky query “Europe time” to the search. The implication is that we will see the operating hours of a major shopping center"Europe". Let's see what they show us:

Quite expectedly, the more global Google produced a table of time zones in major European cities. But Yandex, in the second block, figured out to show information about the shopping center along with opening hours. The second Russian search engine disappointed with the lack of both.

Now let's move on to a purely local story - to a search with location included. Let's try to find us a place where we can have lunch:

It’s funny, but only Google managed to understand us, although the first result was an analysis of the word “lunch” itself. Immediately in second place was a map with a list of local establishments. For some reason, Yandex decided to teach us how to spell a word, just like Mail.

How about ordering a pizza?

Nothing has changed in the search for a good corporation, but Yandex has improved. It’s just a pity that the engine’s “thinking” needs to be pushed by the name of the city.

To sum up the locality parameter, we can say that Yandex often has a more modern database of organizations. For example, when searching for a cafe, Google showed me an eatery that has not existed for a couple of years - “Rise”. Yandex removed it a long time ago. In 2GIS, which is used by Mail.Ru search, this cafe also no longer exists.

The same situation applies to bank branches and other points on the map. For example, Google has no information about the branch of Eastern Express Bank, which a year ago belonged to another bank.

Moreover, on Google, even on the map, branches of this no longer existing bank “Uniastrum” are marked. In Yandex and Mail.Ru the maps are more up-to-date. In the end: Yandex is more “localized” and has an up-to-date information base in the Russian Federation and CIS countries; Google is a little worse in this regard, but you can use it; Mail.Ru is in last place.


Convenience refers to the ability of a search engine to quickly provide necessary information for trivial requests. For example, some kind of chart, company information card or built-in services for ordering some services.

Let's start with the trivial - we'll ask you to display the weekend schedule in June:

Yandex showed full list weekends for 2017, except standard Saturdays and Sundays. Google limited itself to links to sites, but Mail.Ru was a little surprising - it showed a calendar with marked weekends.

Let's compare information cards for objects like computer games, for example, the old Gothic, which came out at the beginning of the 2000s:

In all three search engines the description is completely different, but in Google the card is the most meager - only a link to Wikipedia indicating the developer and series. The most popular search engine in Russia gave a rating on Metacritic, as well as more detailed information from Wikipedia. Mail.Ru, in addition to the usual description, also provides links to descriptions of the games in the series, the engine, the role-playing system and other features - very good.

Let's move on to one of the most popular functions - calculations:

There's a lot to talk about here. In Google search, when you enter some kind of mathematical query, a small calculator with the calculated expression is shown. In addition to receiving the result, the user gets the opportunity to continue calculations or solve some other problem - very convenient. In Yandex, the approach is different, and in many ways more convenient. When you enter a query in a line, the system immediately understands it, translates it into mathematical writing and displays the result - you don’t even need to go to the search itself. Mail.Ru traditionally disappointed with links to its own “Answers”.

Let's look at how unit converters work. Let's set a not-so-simple conversion option - micrometers to meters:

The Google conversion widget shows the number of meters in one micrometer as a formula in the format 10 to the minus X power. The “Search No. 1 in Russia” widget is more understandable - in it you can set the number of micrometers and get the usual number with zeros after the decimal point. Mail again refuses to convert and count.

Let's try another function with a verbal trick in action. Let’s enter the query “anthill calorie content”. It is clear that we are talking about a cake called anthill and its calorie content:

The “good corporation” search engine correctly recognized our request and showed the calorie content of the cake in the form of a table with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. But Yandex returned only a single calorie content indicator, but in the next request it showed a link with a convenient snippet that lists all the ingredients of the cake. Mail.Ru limited itself to links.

Let's try to order a taxi directly through the search. Let’s enter a request for Moscow, since we can’t count on advanced functionality for the regions:

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I want to say a few words about how optimizers joke. If we exaggerate greatly, then on some request with certain selfish interests. Usually this is done in order to raise your website or a client’s website to the Top (the first ten answers of Yandex or Google). Everything here is clear and prosaic (loot rules the world). But life would be boring if we stopped doing stupid things...

Well, you must agree, what’s the point of creating a search bomb “Yandex you’re a honey” with promotion to the Top of the site with the answer “I’m not your honey, s----a t----ya.” After all, it’s rude (possibly labor-intensive), but most of the audience for whom this joke is intended (school kids) will be very amused. Oh, look, Yandex can swear. Cool...

But it doesn't matter funny joke or not. Another thing is important - this clearly demonstrates that manipulating the search results is not so difficult, however, if the request is not very competitive. Those. need to come up with some provoking request and promote a funny answer to the Top at him. As soon as this becomes the property of a bored schoolboy, the request will instantly gain popularity and everyone will advise each other to enter something like “Yandex (Google) you honey (deer)” into the search bar and laugh at one of the first answers in the search results.

You know what? And this can be quite interesting. So much so that I (who already have a son who is almost past the age of “schoolboy”) decided to write a post about it. Let's see how well developed our optimizers' sense of humor is and what they could and can boast about now. Curious? Otherwise...

How did Yandex become a honey and why is Google better?

Actually, you can find the answer “how to do this” by going to the site, which will first in Yandex and Google results for the query “Yandex, you’re a sweetheart”.

There, the “enterprising comrade” explains that he created a page with a title that will be the answer to this question. But in order for this page to be displayed in Yandex results for the specified request, he used it several times in the text and even highlighted it in bold.

Because There wasn’t much competition for it at that time, so the article remarkably jumped to the Top and even eventually took first place. We give a standing ovation, because now this phrase is requested about sixty thousand times in Yandex and the “joker” site receives decent traffic.

There are also variations of this request, such as the one given in the title “Yandex you are a honey, but Google is better”, “Yandex you are a deer”, “Yandex you love me”, etc. Now you know the secret and, if you wish and have sufficient creativity and knowledge in SEO, you can repeat all this or even surpass it. For me, simply stating a fact is enough.

This was an example when a joke gave a very good return in the form of additional traffic to the site and in the form of satisfying the ambitions of the author who invented and implemented it. But often more successful (in my opinion) jokes and gags, which were introduced into the search results of Yandex or Google using SEO methods, brought their authors nothing but moral satisfaction. It is precisely to such enthusiasts, it seems to me, that one should take off one’s hat.

Wow Yandex jokes

Next, I want to give a number of examples that are still “living”, and most often have already died in God. search jokes of Yandex and Google, which were implemented out of nothing more than a naked desire to laugh and give other network users a hearty laugh. Agree, when the search engine itself makes jokes, it’s much funnier (and more natural) than demotivators, etc. Smesharikov.

  1. This joke clearly shows the attitude of the “celestials from the world of SEO” towards those who are hooked on:

  2. True, now the previous request no longer gives Contact in the first place, but there is also a request that still works great in Yandex:

  3. Here is also an unexpectedly persistent answer to the seemingly difficult question “worst search engine”:

    I can’t imagine how such a result can be achieved, unless this is really the opinion of the Yandex search engine about a former competitor (who died two years ago).

  4. Jokes are found not only in the search results, but sometimes also in the advertising blocks that are shown there:

  5. Again, a lot of jokes are promoted (it’s hard to imagine that at least a couple of people entered the query “what to do if Voldemort washes himself with my shampoo”) and in the search suggestions of Yandex and Google:

  6. There are a couple of frequently entered queries on the topic of toilets: “what will happen if you throw a crowbar into a train toilet at full speed” and “What should I do if my toilet is dancing.” Apparently someone promoted them, but the essence of this idea is now somewhat vague Although the originality of the questions alone can give you an A.

Google jokes

  1. I, of course, perfectly understand the guys who, living overseas and not being able to type in the Russian keyboard, therefore write their messages on Russian-language forums, social networks and blogs in transliteration. How do you feel about this? Personally, I constantly “stumble” over this, and when such a “wonderful” hint was given on Google for this, I simply couldn’t hold back my laughter:

    Apparently this is someone from the Russian team Google search I was joking, but then everything was fixed.

  2. Google is somewhat pessimistic about the mental development of the vast majority of our planet:

  3. Previously, when searching for “delusion generator,” Google returned the site of its direct competitor (Yandex) in second place.

Habit is a terrible thing. Some things are taken for granted just because you are used to them. Often asking people a question like: “Why are you searching with Yandex?”, I get the answer: “Yes, I’m somehow used to it.” Today we want to compare the popular products of Yandex and Google side by side and evaluate the real value of the Russian sworn friend of the American global thug.

The parameters that interest us primarily: integration of company services, mobile use, the need for additional actions to install this or that software, as well as design and pleasure of use.

Start page

You can talk about taste, or you can just look at the screenshots. Google has a focus on search, and there is also voice search. No banners, tickers, exchange rates, news or other information noise that the national search engine literally bombards Russians with.

This is probably some kind of peculiarity of Russian consumption (or are they just used to it?), since the same for the world has a quite tolerable appearance and... a parallax donut.

But we remember about and continue to test the performance of the Internet named after.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Search results

We asked the search engines about Lobachevsky. Personally I like it better Google results, but I'm just used to it. In terms of usefulness, they are all the same. The only thing is that the strangest output is in the project of the future Yandex - Islands. Judge for yourself and do not judge for taste.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Voice search

Google searches by voice are better. You can verify this on your phone and tablet. I haven’t yet figured out how to search by voice on a computer using Yandex. Just for fun, my son (6 years old) and I recently tested the Yandex browser and compared it with Google Chrome, namely voice search this couple has. Live test results are below :)

This is how Google understands the little balabolka (whose native language is not Russian at all):

And here’s how Yandex understands it:

In both cases, the language was set to Russian in advance.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0


I know Yandex employees who use Gmail for personal purposes, but I have not seen Google employees who use Yandex.Mail.

Yandex mail has cute themes and an interesting interface, a lot of space and good Russification. Gmail has a modern interface, plug-in web plugins (for example Any.DO) and user scripts. Gmail is integrated with Google Drive and Google Docs.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Table cards

The main thing in cards is not beauty, but functionality. It’s easy to get into trouble when giving in to deep analysis of cards, and we won’t do that. Let’s just pay attention to the sense of beauty of those who made these products, look for an arbitrary address in Moscow and pay tribute to the traffic jam functionality.

Look and feel

Google Maps looks modern and it’s not even clear what to add to them. Yandex maps are from the Stone Age.

Address search

“Russia, Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 12с4” where is this? Both products know this very well, and Yandex also suggested the nearest metro. This is useful if you are a pedestrian, right? But Yandex does not know how to build pedestrian navigation.

Traffic jams

Yandex is the king of traffic jams. Drivers say they have no equal. It is useless to compare with your eyes.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1

Mobile cards

Visual comparison:

On iOS 7, the Google product looks very “on-topic”. The Yandex product is still a thing of the past. It is worth noting that for Kyiv the maps have ceased to be pixelated, although they were like that probably a month ago. Thank you. And yes, Yandex maps do not have walking navigation either. But both support transport and quite well.

It is worth saying that Yandex maps cache a city better, for example. But on Android, this is easily solved by simply uploading the location you need, which can be a city, to Google maps.

Well, if you travel a lot outside the CIS, then you can simply delete Yandex maps and use a single solution for the whole world - Google Maps.

And of course, Yandex is the king of traffic jams. So it's a draw.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:1


Today the Google.Music service for Russia has officially launched and you can no longer forgive the design of Yandex.Music from the Stone Age. See for yourself:

As for the price, the offer from Google is cheaper: 199 rubles. Yandex versus 169 rub. Google and the latter also have a month free. Additionally, you can upload up to 20,000 of your tracks to the Google cloud and use its cloud to synchronize between all devices in your account.

If we talk about mobile applications, then Yandex has them for iOS and Android, and Google has them only for Google.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Work in the domain and with office tasks

If you have a domain and need to raise mail on it and everything else you need for work, then there are two suitable products: Google Apps and Yandek traffic rules. Yandex only gives you email. Google gives (except third party apps):

  • mail
  • calendar
  • cloud drive
  • simple office suite
  • Hangout chats
  • and much more!

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0


Before talking on this topic, you need to understand one fact - both Google and Yandex need the browser you have installed for many things, but the main thing is to monitor your behavior. Everyone is watching and doing it so much that it’s better not to even think about it.

Personally, I deliberately choose a browser from Google only because it does not have intrusive Yandex branding and involvement in a Google product is determined only at the time of installation and entry of account data.

If you use Google services, then you're better off sticking with Chrome. If you use Yandex services, you can conveniently do this from the same Chrome.

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Mobile devices

The beauty of the iPhone and iPad is that some thing from your operator or national search engine will not jump out at you. You get a bare system and put what you want on it. The same Yandex will be imposed on you only in search (can be disabled) or in data points on the map (cannot be disabled). That's it, then it's just your choice. On Android, the choice starts with accepting the fact that Google rules. Even if you buy a Nexus and there are no bells and whistles from the operator or phone manufacturer or an alternative search engine, then you are still in power Google services. Leave it there. Why would you build another layer of services on top of a miserable processor and a life-giving battery, if from the examples above it more or less follows that everything will be fine for you anyway? Namely: excellent Google browser Chrome (many people use it and iOS!), excellent google maps Maps with worldwide coverage (and the further from Russia, the better it will work), excellent Gmail, Google drive Drive, Docs documents of your domain, for example, you will have all your music in the cloud, even funny GIFs will be thrown at you via Google+ :)

Score: Google:Yandex 1:0

Is the locality of services from Yandex in the modern world worth building another service layer on a computer or in mobile phone? Our answer is no, it's not worth it. And if you need traffic jams or habits, the delivery features or the beauty of Yandex mail are nice to you, then leave everything as it is.

But on the topic all the eggs in one basket we can talk in the comments. Although, personally, I don’t think that one basket, two or three is of great importance in general. Either have a basket or “carry” your “eggs” yourself without “baskets” if you have enough education :)

Hello. The idea of ​​writing this article has been brewing for me for a long time and has finally matured. I propose to discuss which search engine is better, Yandex or Google? Which one do you use and for what reason do you prefer one or the other?

Your opinion will help beginners decide on the choice of search engine, inexperienced users Internet. So, let's go...

Not long ago, a heated argument broke out on this issue in the comments between the site’s readers, Dima and Dzhonik, which smoothly turned to obscenities and mutual insults. I ask you to restrain your emotions, because your comment will be seen by thousands of readers - remember this.

I won’t go on and on and say it bluntly - I prefer Google. Here's why the answer won't fit in one line.

The quality of responses to queries is Google No. 1

Due to the nature of my hobby and activity, I search for various information on the Internet dozens, if not hundreds of times every day. And choosing the best search engine in my case is vitally important - it means saved hours, living nerve cells and quality articles for you.

My choice was formed a long time ago. I honestly tried to use Yandex, but after digging through 2-3 search pages for any query I found only shitty sites, sorry. But Google gave me the answer to my question not only on the first page, but in the first lines. It feels like they looked into my brain and gave me the answer. Quality answer.

Speed ​​- Google No. 1

Another argument in favor of Google is that it physically works faster. Do you know who is the largest computer manufacturer in the world with a huge lead over all famous companies? The answer is Google! Have you seen their computers in stores? Me too. They do not sell them, but produce them themselves for their own data centers around the world. This achieves high search speed and glitch-free operation of this search engine. They spare no expense to improve the quality, convenience and speed of search for you.

Support, communication with users, assistance to webmasters... - Google No. 1

Have you tried contacting Yandex employees for help? And don't try! You might as well talk to the wall. Well, or with a robot.

They have their own trick, they sign their answers and messages - Platon Shchukin. Yes, that's it! They don’t have their own names - they are all Platos! (By the way, it is very consonant with another word, or rather a product) They probably think it’s cool.

I've been trying to get into their advertising network for six months now. I applied 5 times and was constantly rejected. The reason is not indicated. To the question - why the refusal, indicate the reason, I will fix everything, do it as you need and like it..., and there is only one answer - “we do not comment on refusals.” Why the hell?!!! Is this beneficial for you, for me, for users?... “we do not comment on refusals.” In short, robots.

Why do I need their advertising network? And in order to maintain the site and not hang teasers around with fat bellies and advertisements for weight loss products. The first time I tried to join them with a clean site - without teasers, but I was forced to post them, not to ask you for money in every article. Maintaining a site, you know, is not a very cheap pleasure.

Tell me, this is a bad site, it’s not for people, but made to sell links, a shit site, as they say? What is surprising is that sites without meaning, with terrible text, littered with links to travel agencies, construction stores, and so on, fly into the Yandex advertising network at the speed of a bullet.

After the publication of this article, you can completely forget about the positive response from them. And let them go into the forest to pick berries, not by Yandex alone, as the webmasters say.

Edit: the information above is no longer relevant - apparently Yandex was tired of me and after the tenth (!) application they accepted me after all. Teasers have been removed from the site.

Tracking users and their online activities - Yandex No. 1!!!

Oh, this is the most painful issue for some frightened users. My dears, ALL search engines are watching your actions on the Internet!!! If they didn’t do this, there would be no search as such. And no matter how you hide, clear your browser history, or change your IP addresses, search engines see you, know what you are looking for and type into the search bar, what sites you visit, what system you have installed, what screen resolution, what the browser you use, what you click on, how much time you spend on this or that site, what gender, age, what country, city you are from... I don’t have enough time and energy to list everything.

How do you like this discovery? Are you shocked?

Let me finish you off - they share this information with almost everyone who wants to know it! And I chose Yandex as a leader not by chance. Meet Yandex Webvisor!!!


Have you already drunk valerian? Shall we continue?

There are already special sites that accumulate all the information about you and distribute it. And where do they get it - from search engines, of course. Naturally, this is not legal. You can complain to the UN or Sportloto, as V. Vysotsky advised.

My advice to you is don’t worry about this, you won’t change anything anyway. But you find the information you need on the Internet.

I could still give a million reasons in favor of Google, but there is not enough time, and you will get tired of reading. A few more at the end - a test in the head.

Remember, I described how to search for information on the Internet in several search engines at the same time? So Yandex has prohibited the use of itself in such cases. What can I say - everything is for people, everything is for the sake of the user.

Ask any webmaster about Yandex - by filtering out a bunch of obscenities, you will find out what they think about it. Ask them about the speed of indexing new articles by Yandex. What is this and why? And this is when the author wrote an article on the site (he wrote for 6-8 hours, by the way) and Google saw it within a few minutes, but Yandex does not see this article for SEVERAL DAYS! So what? And the fact is that during these long hours the article will be copied onto half of the RuNet and it will become not yours. Those. It was not you who wrote it, but the comrade who stole it. And you can’t prove anything to Yandex otherwise. Another site will be higher in the search engine results, and you will be considered a plagiarist and a thief, for which the position of your site will be lowered in the search results.

Of course, the average user doesn't care about this whole kitchen. But in vain. How many talented guys have given up after such a search engine attitude towards their sites? Many people give up this business of running websites, but they could provide you with a lot of benefits.

Just answer, just be honest - where would Yandex be if it hadn’t aggressively-voluntarily-forcibly pushed its Yandex.Bar, a replacement home page default browsers and search? Where the Negro is very dark, that's where!

Google doesn’t force anything on you (Have you heard of Google Bar? I haven’t.), and its popularity is growing at cosmic speed, what does this mean? Right - good product does not need advertising. This search engine is chosen by millions of users voluntarily.

Enter “Yandex” and “Google” into the search in turn and look at the image search results. Everything I found on Yandex (the rest with obscene language and “dirty” pictures)…

And now Google...

Impressive? That's the same! People's love cannot be bought or shoved in like a Yandex bar!

Here is a whole selection of high-quality Google-themed wallpapers. There is information about their browser and their Android platform - everything is divided into folders. I have cleared out any unnecessary links and inscriptions for you - use them.

Download Google Wallpaper

The archive size is 29 MB. There are no viruses.

This was my personal opinion and my choice! Maybe I'm wrong - convince me otherwise.

What is your opinion? Who's cooler? Yandex or Google? What search engine do you use and why? Just don’t get personal or swear.


I'm just reviewing programs! Any complaints - to their manufacturers!

Over time, we begin to be surrounded by more and more information, from entertaining “memes” to quite serious popular science articles. How not to get lost in this sea of ​​content and get the most relevant answers to your queries? Of course use search engines.

Today we will look at from all sides and disassemble “cogs” the two most popular search engines and answer the rhetorical question - which is better, Yandex or Google? It is worth mentioning that the research will be based not only on statistical data, but also on a purely personal, subjective opinion, and the final result may differ from your preferences.

But before we begin, let's dive a little into history to understand how the Internet giants developed and whether Yandex is actually a “domestic” search engine.

A brief history of search engines Yandex and Google

Starting to work with search technologies, Arkady Volozh and Ilya Segalovich (the founding fathers of the company) assigned their brainchild a very “modest” role - searching for information on hard drives users. And only 4 years later, a web version of the search engine was ready, capable of indexing individual documents on the Internet.

In 1997, began the fight for the Russian-language segment of the Internet with the leaders of that time - Rambler and Altavista, and in 2001 it overtook its competitors and became the most popular search tool in the CIS.

The name “Yandex” comes from the English phrase “Yet another indexer”, which literally means – Another indexer.

At the moment, the company is 20 years old, and it still occupies a leading position in the “ru-net”. The legal address is located in the Netherlands - here you have a “domestic” search engine.
The company says that to build search results, the bot uses more than 1,300 algorithms, but the main focus is on the content of the page and text, in particular.

The beginning of the biggest search engine in the world was started when writing a dissertation by then Stanford student Larry Page. Its main topic was building index results based on quantity and quality external links per document (PageRank algorithm). Later, Page’s friend Sergei Brin, a child of Soviet emigrants, joined in the writing.

The first version of Google became available in 1996, at, and only at the end of 1997, the search engine acquired its current address -

The name Google comes from “Googol,” which is a number with one hundred zeros. When registering a domain name, there was an error in the spelling of the address, which the founders liked and decided to keep it.

Just like 20 years ago, the PageRank algorithm is one of the main ones when constructing search results. Therefore, manipulating them is much easier than in Yandex, despite constantly updated filters that punish sites for such actions.

Visual component and “Usability”

Ease of use is an integral part of determining the best search engine. The presence of advertising, additional services and recommendations will distract users from the ultimate goal - obtaining the necessary information.

Turning to the main pages of search engines, we see:

  • Minimalistic design of Google, the basis of which is the “search bar” and “Doodle”, and all additional services are available by clicking the button in the upper right corner;
  • Full of information, from the level of traffic jams to the search bar in the center - Yandex. I deliberately do not take into account the same minimalistic page -, since the main one is

The goal of any company is profit. The bulk of Google's profits, thanks to its widespread presence around the world, comes from advertising units in search results. Yandex, not having such extensive traffic, has set a course to conquer all sorts of niches on the Internet and displace its main competitors in them, disguising such activities with concern for users. It is worth noting that some services are very worthy and “have the right to exist.”

Although the search bar is the focus of the user’s attention, the whole load on the page and the imposition of its own services force me to give a well-deserved final score for Usability to Google.

Google and Yandex search results, which is better?

The main component when evaluating search engines is how relevant the search results were to the user's query. Several types of search phrases will help you be more objective in your assessment:

  • Informational;
  • Commercial;
  • Ambiguous requests.

The purity of the experiment can be spoiled by “personalized results” based on earlier requests and site visit history. I hope it’s no secret that Yandex and Google collect, process and store information about each visit. Also, the results will not include the issuance for mobile devices.

Information requests

For information purposes, for our test, we chose “how to check ping” - a fairly common question and quite unambiguous. Search conditions for Yandex - Moscow region, desktop version of the browser, for Google - Russia region (it is not possible to specify the location more precisely), desktop version of the browser.

Yandex search results, are constructed as follows:

  1. 9 out of 10 are very informative informational articles.
  2. A page from the search engine’s “help” page also made it into the top ten.

Bottom line: the search results fully meet the user’s request, but there are no videos or services for verification.

Google results, look different.

  1. In the first place, we are greeted by the same page from the “help”.
  2. 5 out of 10 places are occupied by informational articles.
  3. 2 spaces are reserved for video instructions.
  4. At the bottom of the page there is a link to the service for verification.

Bottom line: the top ten results are 100% responsive keyword, entered by the user and does not force him to make additional clicks in search of information.

Commercial and Regional requests

We chose “pizza with home delivery” as a commercial request, without specifying a specific location, but implying Sochi. In the search settings we will set automatic detection locations based on IP address.

Results for Yandex:

  1. 10 out of 10 places are occupied by pizzerias that deliver in the specified region.
  2. There is only one thing that confuses us - in addition to the search results, there are 8 advertisements on the page, you must agree - this is too much.

Results for Google:

  1. Only 3 out of 10 places match the request and offer delivery in the required city.
  2. 6 out of 10 places offer delivery in Perm, Buzuluk, Moscow and Tula.
  3. The first and second places were given to the same site, but with different regional affiliations.
  4. Only 2 advertisements can brighten up the sad picture (although they offer delivery to Sochi).

IN Google search engine, under the search bar there is a button “I’m feeling lucky”, which redirects directly to one of the search results. Try it, maybe you’ll be lucky to find the answer you need on the first try?

Bottom line: confidently coped with the task, disappointing with the amount of advertising. Google failed to cope with the task, leaving us hungry :). The situation may get worse if your location is not determined correctly, this often occurs among Rostelecom users.

Ambiguous requests

Technologies have reached a serious level, but not yet fully artificial intelligence, capable of literally understanding human needs correctly, is still a long way off. Therefore, we will try to mislead search engines with an “ambiguous query” - Napoleon, meaning not the commander, but the recipe for the cake.

Exactly this search phrase appears in the description of the Spectrum technology, used to rank similar queries in Yandex. But will it do a better job than Google?

Results in Yandex:

  1. The search results are dominated by information regarding the French commander (biography) and only one result allows you to prepare a cake.
  2. The page contains an interactive map with the address of the confectionery and an honest note that the establishment is no longer operating.

Google results:

  1. The output looks more diverse, although it mostly relates to Bonaparte, but there are links to both biographies and journalistic articles. P.S. You can also make a cake :).
  2. I was confused by the link to English version WikiPedia and a map with 3 marks of the same establishment, which is also not working.

Bottom line: in a specific experiment, the “Spectrum” technology is sent to Yandex for improvement, because significantly inferior to the opponent in results.

User choice. Who is more popular Yandex or Google

Many analysts and bloggers claim - based on Google statistics overtook its domestic colleague in terms of attendance back in the spring of 2017. But is everything so clear? Or are there pitfalls that they are silent about?

Indeed, looking at one of the few available sources - Liveinternet statistics - you will see confirmation of this.

These are statistics on transitions from search engines to sites with an installed traffic counter. This information directly indicates the number of users using search engines to find information rather than access mail or maps.

But why does everyone forget one very important fact - Google has this advantage thanks to operating system Android and its own built-in search. The mobile device market is constantly growing, and statistics are also growing, but only because of the lack of awareness of users.

Indirect confirmation of Yandex's leading position is their own statistics - Radar.

As we see from reliable sources, users prefer Yandex and its search algorithms over their foreign counterpart. Whether this situation is due to more aggressive marketing or actually better quality results is anyone’s guess.

Summary and comparison table

It is impossible to say with certainty which is better than Yandex or Google, because the world consists of many shades, and not just black and white colors. Same with search engines, one is better at searching for regional queries, the other for informational ones. The purpose of this article was not an exact definition of a “leader” - there is no such thing, I just wanted to show the subtle points during the search that you may not have paid attention to.

And in the end, I have summarized all the results in a table to help you decide which is better, but I have already decided a long time ago, and the Google search is in the address bar.

* All ratings are subjective and for illustrative purposes.
