Dear friends, I continue to publish materials within the framework.

Today I will talk about how to watch search results Google in different countries. This will be useful when choosing topics for future sites and studying competitors, as well as for analyzing search results and other tasks.

In the comments to the previous article in the series about English-language SEO, I saw a question about how you can view search results in other countries. I decided to answer it in detail in today's post.

In this article I do not touch on the topic of how to check positions in other countries, this is a different area. If you're interested, I made a large selection (many of the tools are great for monitoring positions in different countries):

The purpose of today's post is to show ways to see Google results in different countries in the browser.

In order for you to compare how much this or that method allows you to see the results as foreigners see them, I asked my friend from New York (I write this name without a hyphen, since there is no hyphen in the original) to take a screenshot of the results according to request "wordpress plugins". I’ll give you the screenshot itself (it was taken a few hours before the publication of this post):

1. Ad preview and diagnostic tool Google Adwords(Ad Preview and Diagnosis – Google AdWords)

The tool was created for previewing ads, but at the same time it is perfect for our task of viewing search results in a certain country and in a certain language.

In the settings, enter the desired query and select the country and language (you can specify not only countries, but also cities, states, provinces, and even geographic coordinates and postal codes):

Click the "View" button and get the top we are interested in:

As you can see, there are slight differences in the output. I will tell you why this happens at the end of this article.

2. Extension for Google Global browsers

Thanks to the kind people 🙂 who created such a convenient and useful extension. It's there for Mozilla browser Firefox:

When using the extension, there are two of the most cunning tricks 😉, which I will now share with you.

First - left-click on the extension icon and go to the "Show options" item (I show with an example Google browser Chrome):

Leave everything else as default and click on the “Save” button.

On the same page you can add the search you need by clicking on the "Add new search" button:

The following form will open:

🔥 By the way! I am conducting a paid course on promoting English-language SEO Shaolin websites. If you are interested, you can apply on his website

As you may have noticed, the output language also needs to be specified. English is denoted by en, German by de, Spanish by es, and French by fr.

Language codes can be found on this page.

I will give another example for greater clarity and so that even beginners do not have questions and everything becomes clear. If you type this query: &q=content+marketing+tools&gl=fr

Then we will see Google results in France (its code is fr) for the request “content marketing tools” for the French language (its code is fr).

If you make a request like this: &q=content+marketing+tools&gl=de

Then we will see Google results in Germany (its code is de) for the request “content marketing tools” for the German language (its code is de).

4. Google Advanced Search

Perhaps the easiest way. After typing the desired query in Google, click on the gear icon on the right and select “Advanced Search”:

We select the language and country we need. For example, I installed English and US:

Leave the rest of the settings intact and click the “Find” button.

After this, you will see results in the desired country, even though the search will be and the interface language is Russian:

Update: There is another way to view Google search results in other countries:

It has a button with detailed instructions by use.

I did not list paid methods, such as VPN and private proxies, since the listed methods are quite enough to view the results, and they are free.

You can also look at results for the USA through, but I don’t see the point in this, since the Google logo is visible to the right of the search bar and it’s better to use Google right away :)

Regarding the differences in output when using different methods, the following points need to be taken into account.

Google knows perfectly well what country and city your computer is in, what language and what operating system installed on it, what browsers you have. It also knows and saves your history search queries, from which IP and devices you accessed the Internet and many other points. Also, along with other factors, personalization of search results takes place.

That is, if we look at search results in another country, it may differ depending on the method we use. Even if you use a paid VPN or paid proxies, the results that you see and the results that an American will see may differ.

But for studying topics and analyzing output, the methods I listed are more than enough.

I wish you successful study of search results and fruitful work on your sites!

Dessert for today - a video shot by a quadcopter flying over dolphin articles:

Beginners are faced with the question: what kind of English does our Google have: American or British?

Our Russian Google speaks British English. This is understandable - they give us classic English. And here those who need an American accent need to come to terms with this. If you need Google with an American accent, one of my website visitors left a link to this web resource in the comments to this article.

What accent does the Yandex translator speak?

Yandex translator uses both British and American accents of English.

Is it possible to use Google Translator to translate texts?

For professional business papers, of course not.
Google, although it has greatly improved English and Russian in terms of translation, I would not recommend using it in any specific field - medicine, law, commerce, etc.

Google and Yandex translators can be used, and then with an amendment, for communicating with foreigners, on forums, in chats, i.e. when a person is your friend and understands that you have zero knowledge English language. There are fewer errors in translation, but they still happen.

To the native speakers themselves, i.e. Americans, “Google” gives them, American English and American pronunciation. I clarified this point with my friends living in the States. And they all confirmed my guesses: American Google speaks American English. Here are their answers:

“I went to the Russian google translate and did realize that your google translate speaks in a English accent, while mine speaks in an American accent.” (c)


Interesting question. I was surprised to find that it definitely speaks with a more British accent. Just sounds more machine-like than British.


“I believe the Google translator I use is in American English. I don’t hear a British accent when the words are spoken in English.” (c)

I needed to monitor our American friends for competition and useful tricks in one of the business niches.

If someone doesn’t understand what the point is and why all this, then it immediately becomes clear when you remember that our economy and the level of competition compared to the Americans, although no longer in infancy, are still far behind. Therefore, it can be useful to observe Western competitors in order to adopt their ideas, experience, and trends.

Well, let's get down to business - how to search in the English segment of the Internet? After all, if you simply type something in English into Google, you will still get results that are different from what US residents receive.


The technique is elementary. I’ll mention in passing that it will be useful to launch the browser in “incognito” mode, or even log in from an American IP via VPN. But this is not necessary.

And voila – I’m searching on the foreign Internet!


Alternatively, you can use the American search engine Yahoo. She's also a pretty good searcher. Although I like Google better.

Well, that’s all the tricks, you can now safely peek to the west.

Do you often do this? 🙂
