In fact, there are a lot of options to earn money, even while sitting at home. Of course, I'm not talking about pyramids, casinos and other nonsense. In this article I will NOT tell you exactly what I earn money from, so if you came here for this, you can read the next comment :) Here I will only try to guide teenagers and not only to the right vector of thinking.

A short background: even when I was at school (I was 14-15 years old at that time), if my class and I were taken somewhere in an organized manner (for example, a theater, etc.), it happened that after a boring performance I wanted to go somewhere I also wanted to have the money to go to McDonald’s, Pizza, etc., and just for some mini-goodies, “rattles.” The only problem for me was money. I was never given “pocket money”, I don’t know why, but I was not at all angry with my parents, I always understood that they needed them more, and I could live without all this stuff. So it was then that I thought, what if I myself earn at least for small expenses. Of course, I didn’t immediately have a dozen business plans in my head, and even in the next half a year I didn’t start doing anything.

Everything actually came to light quite by accident. I was interested in one topic (again, I don’t say what exactly, I’m doing this not because of greed, but because of some reasons), which was simply interesting to me. I read a lot about this, I was just interested, I even talked with 1 person in my life, we discussed some news. It didn't bring me any income, it was just interesting. At one point, the VKontakte group, which was the office. representative of the topic I was interested in, started holding regular competitions (repost, like, do a few more actions...). You will think “what is the profit?” Yes, the fact is that you are not “fighting” with thousands of reposters for one prize. Anyone who does the above “repost + some actions” is “fighting” only with himself. Yes, I can imagine how strange it sounds, but I can’t explain it all any other way. And the fact is that for the actions “repost + some actions” you only needed VK accounts and accounts in one more place, which were registered in a minute (oh yes, you also needed emails) and that's it. As you understand, creating a bunch of emails is not difficult, buying VK accounts is also not a problem now. Yes, according to the rules of the competition organizers, you cannot create a bunch of accounts, but who cares? (Perhaps someone who has read this far has already guessed what we are talking about). This is their hole, if they allow it and turn a blind eye to it, then why not. Doing the same actions: register here, link here, write it down here and here, make another 50 clicks of the same type - it’s a routine, but it’s worth it. From one such competition I could earn either 1000 or 10 thousand rubles. There was a certain risk in this that sooner or later it would be covered up and you would lose something one-time at the competition. Once this happened, I lost mere pennies compared to what I earned. And then follow the pattern. Again, a topic that I am JUST interested in and at one point I find out about a way to make money on it. I’m trying, a month of failures, the second month, I decide to study this topic in more detail, I find VK public pages with similar topics, the admin there is a real pro, I read all the comments under the posts for 3 years of public (I spend 2 weeks on this), I write out what is not clear, I google , recording, analyzing. The main thing in this topic was to come up with something of your own, and not to use already invented schemes. I try and it turns out that this business is starting to generate income. And then the first topic pulls with it a similar one and from it you can already have passive income. About the same thing comes out of the second topic and it also turns out to have passive income, albeit a very penny one. 2 times a year, now 1 more topic has appeared, which is in some way related to the first. You won’t earn much from it either, but practically nothing is required from you (by the way, you also need to invest in it initially, but soon everything will come back to you many times over).

In fact, in life I am not smart at all, if not stupid, then close to it. All I have is logic, I guess. It was she who helped me earn money. I had absolutely no knowledge of “how to make money, what to do for it.” Yes, I was familiar with this topic, but I did not have specific knowledge. You can say that I started from scratch in all topics. Whatever I was interested in brought me income. It is clear that you had to invest something at the very beginning (the same VK accounts), without this you are unlikely to be able to start earning money. Another plus is that you work for yourself, you don’t owe anyone anything. If you are in the mood, you sit down to work, if you are not in the mood, you lie down on the sofa. Also, the plus is that I did all this exclusively at home, and the minus is that I always need a PC to work.
I repeat once again, this is not a scam, not betting, etc. Here you don’t have to struggle for every ruble, you see everything yourself, you control everything yourself. Someone will say that I have poured out so much water here, but there is no other way. If at 17 I was able to earn my first 100 thousand, then why are you any worse? Be interested in something, don’t google “make money on the Internet” and the like. The topics I deal with are VERY narrow-profile. There are probably a maximum of a million people doing them all over the world. You must find something non-standard, something that tens of millions around the world do not know about, because fewer people, more oxygen. The conclusion is this: go for it, study, sooner or later you will find a way to make money in a field that interests you, I guarantee you. I would also like to note that everything is legal, everything is absolutely legal, I did not scam anyone into any purchases, subscriptions, etc.

In this article you will learn about the popular and most popular ways to make money on the Internet, among which there are options that are directly suitable for beginners. I hope this article will fully help answer your question “How to make money on the Internet without investment.”

If we consider all the ways to make a profit online, then they can be divided conditionally into those that require or you can do without it .

We will tell you about 17 time-tested and really working ways to make money on the Internet without investment (with or without a website). The vast majority of examples are making money on the Internet without investments from scratch. They will really help you earn good income on the Internet.

Undoubtedly, make money online through your website has a lot of advantages, but the most noticeable is related to stability and receiving passive type of profit.

Passive income (or passive income) - this means that income can be received without performing any daily work.

But before you get a decent profit, you need to work hard for several months or years. But in future perspective there is an opportunity to change office work to home work, since you will have to work on an Internet project, but only if it starts successfully.

The most popular ways to make money on the Internet

1. For whom is earning money on the Internet suitable?

Large number Internet users have at least once in their lives shown interest in the question “how to make money on the Internet.” As a rule, this happens for a number of personal reasons, that is, due to dismissal, low pay or the presence of a lot of free time.

When considering the clear benefits, it is important to note that absolutely anywhere in the world can become a place to work, because all you need is the Internet.

Anyone can make money online, anywhere at any time.

Expert advice!

Conduct information business more rationally with the help of your website!

Method No. 5. Your own MLM business on the Internet

Network Marketing (Multi Level Marketing or Multi-Level Marketing) is a special type of trade that involves building an extensive network of consumers of promoted products.

It will be quite difficult to immediately start making money in network marketing, but you can do it with some effort.

The main point is to attract new customers, and the more you can attract, the more you will earn.

Method number 6. Earning money from affiliate programs (affiliate programs) without a website

Earnings on affiliate programs - quite a profitable occupation. This method is very actively used not only by beginners, but also by seasoned entrepreneurs of the world wide web.

Earning money from affiliate programs is typical for earning a good income, and this does not always require having your own website.

The whole point of getting money is related to the selection of a company or person who is trying to sell their products or services.

For example, Nowadays, quite often, Internet users are offered to advertise a link on a website where they can order a service or product. Each registered partner is given his own link, thanks to which you can receive up to 50% active commissions on programs. At the same time, if a buyer follows a link that belongs to you and orders services, then you will certainly receive additional profit.

How to promote through affiliate programs if you don’t have your own website?

There are many effective ways. Let's look at some of them below:

Method 1. When promoting affiliate products, participate in discussions on various forums and in social networks.

By leaving your affiliate links in comments on thematic forums and social networking groups, you will begin to attract targeted traffic to the website of your partner - owner affiliate program. This will greatly increase your profits from earnings on affiliate programs.

Method 2. Take advantage of online advertising using your affiliate pay-per-click link, e.g. « Google AdWords» or "Yandex.Direct" to attract traffic (visitors) to the seller’s website.

If the people you direct to the site buy the advertised product or use the service, then you can receive the promised commissions.

Method 3. Leave reviews on the sites (blogs) of other Internet users and make interesting reviews on promoted products with affiliate links that will direct traffic to the affiliate program website.

Method 4. You can get a good income by having your own high-quality subscriber base ( from 500 - 1000 people and more).

Such a database can be quickly created by having your own website, so this method of making money on affiliate programs is more suitable for experienced webmasters.

Method No. 7. Earning money on file hosting services

To make money on file hosting services, you first need to register with them. After which you need to upload interesting and popular files there for download. And file hosting services will pay you money for the number of downloads.

TOP 3 file hosting services that pay money on time.

  1. is one of the oldest and most famous services among both downloaders and earners. For 1000 downloads you can receive from 2$ to 10$ .
  2. a very decent file hosting service. There are several tariffs for earning money. On average, the service pays 5-15$ for 1000 downloads (depending on the quality of visitors).
  3. one of the most attractive file hosting services currently available. You have the opportunity to earn 20$ for 1000 downloads or 70% from every premium account purchase.

Method No. 8. Earn money on the Internet from your phone

We have already looked at some ways to earn income online without creating your own website. Some will be more suited to making money from advertising on the Internet, others will prefer writing original articles, and still others will be interested.

However, few people know that you can make money online from your phone or tablet.

Ways to make money on the Internet from a mobile phone

Below are the most profitable ways to generate income using mobile device:

Method No. 1. Surfing sites

Internet surfing is the visit of users to websites.

This way of earning money is the most optimal for people who have cheap internet. You don’t have to do anything special, you’ll have to download approximately a day 3-7 MB.

First, you should create an account on the advertiser's website. They will provide links to advertisements that you need to view. The work takes minimal time. The work schedule is flexible, you can surf at any time.

Method number 2. Earning money from Click Club

This option is almost the same as the first one. The differences are small.

If in the previous method you immediately pay money, then here you earn credits, which should be exchanged in the credit exchange for regular money.

Without taking this step, it will most likely be impossible to watch the advertisement.

Method number 3. Earnings on mobile applications Android and iOS

This method is suitable for owners of phones, smartphones or tablets with Android or iOS OS (iPad, iPhone, etc.).

First, you should register on the appropriate service (for example, AppCent or TopMission) and enter your mobile phone number.

The tasks can be different, for example, write a review about a product or download an application.

Money can be withdrawn via WebMoney or to a mobile phone.

From now on, you have access to another way to make money on the Internet; all you have to do is get started.

It’s also an easy way to make money on your phone. You must agree to receive advertising via SMS. From time to time you will receive a video via SMS that you need to open and watch, or just a written advertisement. For viewing or reading a message, money will be credited to your account.

Method number 5. Play and earn

A phone or tablet can allow you to earn money using computer games. To do this you need to go to mobile version There you need to find a section with games.

You should find the most famous game with the largest number of participants. After the game is installed, a character is created. The character can be anything, everyone creates it to their own taste. The next step will be to go through the gameplay.

Earnings here depend on your speed. You need to upgrade your character to the required level, teach him some skills, and then sell him in the “Ads” section. The better equipped and trained a character is, the more expensive his price.

It follows from this that while enjoying the game, money will be credited to your account.

Thus, we can say that by investing your imagination, you can get good money and pleasure using your mobile device!

To summarize, we can state the following:

It is quite possible to make money on the Internet without having your own website, but this requires the use of a number of specific tools. There is also no need to invest personal finances if you have a great desire to earn income online, great hard work and considerable perseverance.

It’s just important to remember that this type of profit is sometimes an order of magnitude lower than working with a personal website.

Of course, there are now many different ways to make money without a website that really bring good income. (For example, binary options - what they are and how to make money on them, read).

For those who want to make a profit as quickly as possible, it is important to study all the offers that help achieve their goal with minimal investment or completely without cost.

3. How to make money on the Internet on your website - 9 ways to earn money

If you already have your own website (or blog), then it will be easier for you to make money on the Internet, but if you don’t have it yet, then you need to create it and the sooner you do this, the better it will be.

How to create your own website - general information for beginners

Nowadays, making a website from scratch and starting to earn income from it has become quite simple. To do this, you can find video courses and other educational materials on the Internet that will help you create and promote websites.

Remember! Most of the video courses and lessons that you will find for teaching website building provide only general information, and you will need all the details for installing and configuring plugins and scripts

But there is a way out here too – you can hire a webmaster for a specific job or order it from freelancers who, for a fee, will complete your task quickly and efficiently.

Also, do not worry if you do not have the initial capital to pay third parties for the work. You can handle all the intricacies yourself, but keep in mind that it is better to immediately start creating a website on one of the popular engines (CMS platforms), such as WordPress , Joomla , Drupal etc.

A few words about website promotion and promotion

After creating a site, you immediately need to promote it, that is, work to increase traffic to your project and increase the total number of subscribers to the site.

Promoting and optimizing a website is much more difficult than creating it.

For example, ordering a website costs about 5,000-10,000 rubles, and it will be done for you within a few days. And here is the process of promoting and bringing the site’s key positions to the TOP in search engines "Yandex" And "Google" it will cost not less than 50,000 rubles.

Therefore, it is better to study information on promoting and increasing the number of visitors to your site yourself if you do not want to invest your money.

In order to increase traffic to your website (or blog), you need to constantly fill it with interesting content (these are thematic original SEO optimized articles, video files, illustrations and other useful information).

You can write articles yourself or buy them on copywriting exchanges.

How much can you earn from your website?

Many people are interested in how much they can earn from their Internet resources: websites, blogs, forums. It all depends on the quality of the projects themselves and, most importantly, on the webmaster - the owner of the Internet asset.

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Now we need to take a closer look at ways to earn money through your own Internet project. So let's go!

Method No. 1. Earning money from contextual advertising

The most popular way to make a profit is considered contextual advertising . Currently, there are many companies selling goods and services using the World Wide Web. Therefore, they need to advertise their product. The main suppliers of such advertising are search engines. "Yandex" And "Google" .

Contextual advertising - how does it work?

Entrepreneurs can turn directly to the search engines themselves so that they bring new customers. This will require a small investment. Advertising is displayed on sites dedicated to suitable topics.

How to install contextual advertising on a website

As for Yandex, it’s a little more complicated. To definitely get into this system, you need to ensure that your site is visited more than 500 people per day. Also, sites must comply with the design, easy navigation and content.

Average income from contextual advertising

To calculate the possible income from contextual advertising, you can take the site that is visited no less 1000 users per day, then the average profit ranges from 2000 to 15 - 20 thousand rubles monthly.

The change in the total amount of profit depends on the main theme of the site, the number of pages visited, the number of ad units and the cost per click. It follows that more expensive topics and clicks provide good earnings.

Method number 2. Earning money from banner advertising

The most profitable way to earn money is related to banner advertising on their websites. In fact, everything is quite simple here, since a large number of visitors indicates that one of them is a potential client of certain companies.

How much do you earn from banners?

For example, if the site has 500 - 1000 person daily, then in a month as many as 15 - 30 thousand Human. And you can now start directly selling advertising space for banners.

How to look for clients for banner advertising

To find clients to buy banners, you should use several options presented below:

Option #1. This method perfect for lazy people, since the search is carried out in automatic mode using a special exchange, called "Rotaban".

On this resource you can describe your website and indicate the cost of personal services. When advertisers are truly interested in an offer, they submit a request to rent space, and the site owner simply has to confirm it.

Option #2. Another way is related to "direct sales", that is, you need to contact advertisers whose products and services fit the theme of the site.

It is important not to be afraid of anything here, because it is through direct sales that you can earn a lot of money.

Method No. 3. Earning money by selling links

This option is perfect for those sites where there are high “bulges” - search parameters of sites. This includes:

  • Site Quality Index (SQI) of the Yandex search engine;
  • PageRank, or PR for short, is an algorithm for calculating page authority used by the Google search engine.

The profit received mainly depends on the level of these indicators.

What is the essence of earning money from links?

The whole point of the work is that a link is bought on another thematic site, which is more authoritative. This is explained by the fact that search engines They consider those sites that are linked to almost daily by other users to be of higher quality and more interesting. For this reason, the site begins to actively move towards the first position.

If you are going to promote your Internet project, then you can also buy links. This is necessary for a clear understanding of the entire process. Links can be sold not only for a certain period of time (temporary links), but also on a “stable” basis (permanent links).

The best and convenient service for buying and selling links - where the average cost starts from 100 rubles and it comes up to several thousand.

But selling links also has certain nuances. You should not make sales from sites that are not yet 6 months old.

Important to remember that when selling links, the promotion of the site itself for relevant requests worsens. Therefore, experts do not recommend getting too carried away with such earnings, since otherwise the losses will far exceed the profits received.

Method number 4. Earn money by writing and posting paid advertising articles, posts and reviews

If you have a popular and well-promoted website, you can invite other users to place advertising posts on it (with a link to the advertiser’s website), but for a certain fee.

The best exchange for making money by posting articles with contextual links is Accommodation price fluctuates from 300-500 rubles to several tens of thousands of rubles(but such amounts only apply to reputable sites).

If there has not been a single similar placement on the site, but this is planned to be done in the future, then you should add examples of articles in advance in the section related to advertising on the site. This will allow advertisers to determine exactly what they will pay money for.


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Also, in addition to this service, you need to offer writing and design of advertising articles. Currently, such offers are especially popular.

Method No. 5. Lead generation (earning money by selling contact information of potential clients to interested companies)

Under lead generation understands the processes involved in receiving applications from potential buyers.

This means that the interested person will always contact you for a follow-up action. It can also be called lead . This earning option is very profitable for projects with high traffic.

For example, if a website has been created on the topic of business or entrepreneurial activity, then surely its traffic can increase up to 1000 users per day. For this reason, the site owner decides to make money by providing services.

How to make money from leads?

First you need to find those who can provide some services and agree with them on working together. This means that the site owner transfers customer data, and for all contacts he will receive a certain profit.

In the case where aspiring entrepreneurs or existing businessmen are present directly on the site, then in any case they need a business service. It could be legal or tax advice, and also preparation of the main tax return and so on.

To offer a specific service, you need to publish it in the form of an advertising banner leading directly to information about it.

For example, within one month it was left 10 applications to create business plans, and the average price for such work is 10 thousand rubles . As a result, the performer will receive about 30 - 40 thousand (provided that only 30-40 % applications from clients will be paid).

If you set a price for each application, then even when selling at 300 rubles(per application) you are guaranteed to receive at least 3,000 rubles.

Thus, website owners generate customer requests and sell them to interested companies.

An individual agreement on interest on revenue may also be concluded, although in this case it will be called through mediation.

Explore the modern profession of making money online Internet marketer

Method number 6. Earning money from affiliate programs using your website

Nowadays, for all products and services offered on the Internet, there is a certain affiliate program.

First, you need to choose a program that will be interesting to you, then register and advertise it on your own website.

It is important that the number of daily site visitors meet the requirements of the affiliate program (usually at least 500-1000 person per day).

When people place an order on the site using your link, after they receive the product or service, you will be given a certain amount of commission.

On specialized services (for example, an affiliate program aggregator Cityads) there are many programs that allow you to earn money. In addition, there are also various banners and links that make the process of posting on the site even more convenient.

You can also start personal account, where statistics related to transitions and sales of the selected affiliate program will be located.

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Method No. 7. Earning money from selling goods through one-page websites (one-page websites)

It is quite easy to sell physical goods using one-page pages, although this requires small costs associated with advertising and purchasing the products offered.

Every day a large number of different goods are sold via the Internet, the initial cost of which almost no one thinks about. As a rule, the markup can range from 40-50% to 1000-2000%.

For example, if you buy some product for 1 dollar, then they will sell it for 10$ and more. Most often this happens with budget Chinese goods, that is wristwatch, children's toys and original gifts.

How to sell products through a one-page website

To start a profitable business, you need to create good selling one-page sites, then purchase a wholesale batch of goods.

You should also set up teaser advertising (for example, through the website MarketGuide), contextual advertising (on Yandex - and/or Google - Google Adsense) + you can use advertising in social networks, bulletin boards and so on, from where orders will come.

But first, you still need to look at the main points that will make this method work.

Firstly. It is necessary to analyze the niche and determine the name of the products sold. You can find out about the most popular products through the teaser network or enter into search engine a certain phrase and get the result.

This original way of earning money is different in that it requires knowledge of creating selling websites or at least one-pages. If you do not have such a skill, then it is best to turn to professionals, who can also be easily found through the remote worker exchange.


As soon as your website has been created, you need to immediately think about attracting new customers. To do this, it is recommended to choose contextual advertising.


In order not to go broke and lose your invested money, you should first collect a few real orders, after which you can purchase the goods themselves.

  1. In this case, interested people leave contact information when viewing the offer.
  2. Then you need to call the client and chat to understand that this is a very real person.
  3. As soon as you have your first customers, you just need to look for wholesale suppliers and place your main orders with them.

Thirdly. The last step is related to making a profit from sales, that is, you just have to go to post office and send the goods, which must be indicated by cash on delivery.

If the client picks up the goods, then after a couple of days you can also collect the money through the post office.

Method No. 8. Earning money from advertising via e-mail newsletter

When a site has a lot of visitors, then each owner simply needs to collect as many active, interested subscribers as possible.

As a rule, all these people act as a loyal audience, ready to purchase informational products. Therefore, the site is simply necessary post a subscription form.

Now there are special services that can help create such a form. As soon as the subscriber base increases up to 1000 people, then you can get some profit from this.

Method number 9. Earning money through information business

For website owners, the business of selling various training courses is considered very profitable. It can also be books, audio files, video recordings, webinars, trainings, seminars and master classes, consultations, coaching, and so on.

If you have good knowledge of this topic, you can invest it in the development of an electronic information product. Although even in the absence of suitable skills it is possible pay for an expert's services in this area, which will create a quality product.

In this case, the expert takes a one-time fee or a certain percentage of course sales.

It is also recommended to create landing page (read more -) or writing an article dedicated to your course. It needs to be placed on the website, then add a banner with the information product, which will be in a visible place. As a result, the site will become a platform for free advertising course.

You can organize and conduct paid webinars, that is, online lessons.

All information is transmitted not to one person, but to several or more. Sometimes their number reaches tens or hundreds of people who turn to you to gain certain knowledge.

If you have your own website, it will help create the status of an expert in the case. Also, thanks to the site, it will be possible to search for clients who need such lessons.

As for the technology of earning money, it is practically no different from all the listed cases:

  1. First you need to describe the webinar,
  2. then create a banner for advertising and
  3. wait for requests from users.

If you are just starting a personal business of this kind, then it is best to conduct webinars for free, but you can implement a paid consultation and training course on it. In this case, there will be many more clients, because you don’t have to pay anything to attend online lessons.

There are many advantages to making money using your website, but the most main due to the fact that most of the income will be received in an “automatic” mode. This means that websites are like marketing systems that bring in good profits.

In the process of making money with his website, he is used as a 24-hour assistant. For example, a website can be a seller, a courier and a PR manager.

Of course, such benefits will only be obtained after some time, since you will first have to invest some money and spend your personal free time. But if you definitely do everything right, the result will be a ready-made system for generating profit.

If you correctly combine and optimize all of the above methods of earning money using your website, then after some time you can achieve significant monetization of your Internet project. You just need to pay special attention to the theme of the site, its quality, traffic and profit efficiency. This means that you need to prepare as many tools as possible to make money online.

The design of the website is considered equally important, as it should have a pleasant appearance.

5.Purchasing accounts receivable online

Today you can find many options for additional income, especially on the Internet. Almost everyone can find something for themselves online suitable way earning money, you can perform simple duties, tasks, offer services, and sell goods. If you are interested in the opportunity to make money on the Internet, then the latest trend is the purchase of accounts receivable. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the course below.

How to make money buying receivables? Watch the video from expert Vadim Kuklin:

5. Conclusion

Summarizing all of the above, we can draw the following conclusion:

You can earn a lot on the Internet, but you will have to invest labor and time resources, and, if necessary, a lot of money.

This article talked about the most common and proven ways to make money with or without your website. Of course, you can’t just make money on the Internet, because you need to systematically make some effort.

And remember In order to receive a good income from one of the methods listed above, a sufficient amount of time + understanding of the earning process must pass.

Schoolchildren at the age of 16 are already sufficiently developed physically and intellectually to be trusted to do this or that work. They are ready and eager to earn money, and there is no need to limit these impulses. Teenagers and their parents first need to study the legislative framework, assess their capabilities and desires, and draw up an optimal work schedule that does not interfere with their studies. Today's millionaires, for the most part, are people who started their careers and businesses in their teenage years, who have studied all the possibilities and limitations from the inside and thoroughly. And, with youthful maximalism, they believed in the impossible and achieved their goal.

Here are some examples of such success:

  1. F. Doherty, who at the age of 14 began producing jam according to his grandmother’s recipe and selling it to neighbors and acquaintances. Already at 16, he registered the SuperJam brand, under which he not only produced a sweet product, but also published collections of recipes (the SuperJam cookbook, a popular publication of Internet auctions).
  2. K. Johnson. It all started with the design of an invitation card that the parents asked the boy to make. The design impressed the guests and their acquaintances so much that within a few years the child was able to open his own line of cards under the Cheers And Tears brand, and even before graduating from high school, generate a capital of $1 million.
  3. David And Catherine Cook, the brother and sister who created the popular online school planner at

What does it take to replicate and exceed their experience? Work hard, have an interesting idea and come up with ways to implement it. And – help and support from loved ones. For example, David and Catherine Cook were able to accelerate their success because their older brother Jason believed in them and their idea and loaned $250,000 to start the business.

Important to know! Not everyone in the family has the opportunity to help financially, but every parent can provide moral support and deal with the legal aspects of earnings for sixteen-year-old schoolchildren.

What does the Labor Code of the Russian Federation say about the employment of 16-year-olds?

The law does not prohibit working and doing business at this age. There are some restrictions that you should know and follow.

Schoolchildren 16 years oldDuring the school yearDuring school holidays
Allowed to work a dayno more than 4 hoursno more than 7 hours
Allowed to work a weekno more than 17.5 hoursno more than 35 hours
Working with harmful and dangerous substancesforbiddenforbidden
Work involving significant physical and psychological stressforbiddenforbidden
Work related to making responsible decisionsforbiddenforbidden

No matter how difficult the task of making money may seem, in reality, everything is not so scary. If you are willing to devote some time and your own energy to this, you will definitely succeed.

For teenagers, there are now dozens of times more ways to earn money than for the previous generation, because children of the 21st century have a special tool - the Internet, an entire virtual world, which expands exponentially every year and incorporates more and more new ways to earn money.

But this article will talk not only about ways to make money on the Internet, but also about making money in life. This could be resale, searching for vacancies on special bulletin boards, cleaning premises, promotion and much more.

Money on the Internet

As mentioned earlier, the Internet has opened up enormous opportunities for the current generation to earn big money. Never before have there been so many young and rich guys making their fortune on the Internet. As in any other business, perseverance, work, patience and a clear desire for what you want to achieve are important in the Internet sphere. It helps perfectly to set goals, write them down and slowly but surely move towards them. Everything is achievable and nothing is unattainable.

It’s even better if you see special talents in yourself and, based on them, choose a method to your liking. If you write excellent essays in school and are often praised for it, you should get into copywriting. If you can quickly count in your head, are able to think through logical systems, and are okay with mathematics, welcome to programming. Do you draw beautifully, have artistic inclinations and excellent imagination? Web design. There is a niche for everyone on the Internet. We will discuss these and other areas of freelancing in detail below.

The concept of freelancing should be introduced - a mechanism the basis of which is that a company or other person hires a worker without enrolling him in the company's staff. Based on this, a freelancer is a free worker who, in general, belongs only to himself, but when fulfilling orders, he works for the customer.


Copywriting on the World Wide Web originated, probably, before all other areas. At the dawn of the Internet, users creating their websites needed to fill it out. This is where copywriters came to the rescue - people who print articles on certain topics for money to fill websites.

Nowadays, copywriting is quite well developed and this is an area in which you are unlikely to encounter strong competition. There are a large number of content exchanges, some of which publish up to 40,000 orders per day. Quite good conditions have been created for beginners for gradual growth.

At the initial stages of working as a copywriter, you will receive payment in the amount of 20-40 rubles per 1000 characters. If you devote 3-4 hours a day to this, you can get about 6-10 thousand rubles a month. For an average city and for a teenager, such results are nothing at all.

Next, there is the average level of copywriting - this is from 40 to 80 rubles per 1000 characters. You can achieve this kind of payment for your work after six months to a year of active work. With such indicators, you can earn up to 25 thousand rubles per month. And there are a lot of teenagers working for such pay.

At later stages of work, you will receive from 100 rubles per 1000 characters. There are already skilled guys working in this segment who have devoted several years to copywriting. So they can make up to 100,000 rubles a month from this.

Of course, not many people will want to become good copywriters. There are people who like this business and are ready to write for days on end, while other people spend hours squeezing out another thousand characters of dubious content.

Web programming and IT

This field of activity immediately comes to mind when “freelancing” is mentioned. Yes, indeed, web programming and IT are now developing incredibly actively. With development information technology, they are becoming more and more complicated and the world needs smart programmers with a huge amount of experience and knowledge. But this does not mean that beginners will not find clients and decent pay.

Programming is terrifying for some and exciting for others. People who did not have problems with mathematics at school feel especially good in this area, because writing codes, scripts and using tags almost always requires good mental math.

In order to start programming, you will need to master this very programming. This takes up to six months, taking into account that you will devote 5 hours a day to training. Usually, at the very beginning, people learn HTML and CSS - markup and description languages appearance documents on which almost the entire World Wide Web rests. It takes 1-2 months to learn these two languages. After this, you will be able to create beautiful landing pages, selling pages, layout websites and make your first profit.

For a novice programmer-layout designer, payment for one order ranges from 500 to a couple of thousand rubles for a couple of days of work. On average, if you studied HTML and CSS for 1-2 months and even know some basics of PHP, you can earn from 20 thousand rubles per month from this, devoting 5 hours a day to it. But the languages ​​listed are only the very, very basic, this is the foundation on which most of your skills should be built.

The good thing about programming is that you always have something to learn and as your knowledge grows, so does your wages. For example, in 2016, the average salary of a Java programmer was 130,000 rubles per month. PHP is considered the most popular language. The salary of a “pekhepeshnik” is approximately 100,000 rubles per month. “From” because there is no ceiling, it all depends on you, your experience and your knowledge. It will also be important to master the English language.

Web designers are people who create logos for companies, presentation designs, web interfaces and logical website structures. This means that it is just as important for a web designer to know HTML and CSS as it is for a programmer, but the main platform for work will be graphic editors- CorelDRAW, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop. You will also have to master Flash, PHP, SQL technology. All this will make you a first-class specialist who will receive from 130 thousand per month.

Web design will do creative people with good imagination and artistic inclinations, because for a designer it is very important to be able to draw. However, developing stereotypes, mathematical abilities are also very important for a designer, because you will often have to work with code, scripts, and delve into plugins for graphics programs.

Beginners in web design most often engage in creating vector logos, retouching and other photo editing, receiving up to 500 rubles for one such project. In order to start doing design, you will also need to devote time to training - 1-2 months; for this there are many courses and trainings on the Internet. An aspiring designer who has undergone some kind of training has the opportunity to earn up to 15,000 rubles at home.

Binary options and Forex trading

This method of earning money has become known thanks to intrusive and eternal advertising. And despite the widespread stereotype that this is all a complete scam, it is quite possible to make money from this, which is what many people around the world do.

Binary options trading can be called in one word - trading. The essence of trading on BO is to predict the movement of quotes of currencies, stocks and other instruments. You make a deal for a certain amount and expiration time (on average 1-5 minutes), if the forecast is correct, you receive from 60 to 90% of the profit from your bet. In order to make correct forecasts, you need the ability to read charts and understand the nature of prices. Despite the simplicity from the outside, trading is quite difficult. Proof of this is statistics that show that only 10-20% of people earn money consistently, while the remaining 80-90% pour in their money and immediately lose it, hoping for phantom luck.

Of course, it is also possible to earn big money through luck, but it is highly not recommended to act this way. If you clearly set yourself the goal of starting to make money on binary options, and study hard, you will definitely succeed.

Trading on the Forex market has the same essence - you read a chart, study economic news, determine price support and resistance levels, take into account a dozen more factors and based on this make your forecast by placing an order (buying or selling a currency, share, security) . And here your profit depends on how many points the price moves in the direction you predict. There is no expiration time; you decide when to close your positions. Even if the price was on the negative side for you for a whole week, and on the 8th day it jumped up, as you thought, you can close the position and get your profit. Of course, there are simply a huge number of nuances and a lot is worth knowing in order to start successful trading in the market.

A trader does not have a salary, he has a “profit”. Profit depends entirely on you and your skills. For experienced traders, the profit is simply fabulous amounts, up to several million per month, however, to receive such amounts, you need a lot of experience and a large deposit in your account in order to receive colossal profits.

Traffic arbitration and redirection to the CPA network

The next method is a specific mechanism that, if you pull it off successfully, can make you a lot of money. However, this will require investments on your part, which are not guaranteed to pay off. About a couple of thousand rubles will be enough.

The entire mechanism is built on the use of CPA networks. CPA network - to put it simply, it is a kind of network that has a huge number of different products (offers), but has no traffic. Arbitration involves driving traffic using advertising tools from one place to another, in our case to a CPA network. The arbitrator’s task is to use various advertising tools (advertising through YAN, targeted advertising, advertising in public social networks) to “pour traffic”, that is, to redirect the flow of users to a CPA network that has a product that users must buy. For each product purchased by your user, you receive a large percentage - from 30 to 70%. With an average cost of offers of 2,000 rubles, the potential profit is quite good.

A CPA network often provides you with a landing page, a special sales page through which the user can leave a request and the call center will call him back to confirm the order. In rounding, your only task is to find users who will submit a request and ultimately place an order.

Jobs for teenagers in real life

Of course, for some people it is not possible to work on the Internet or it is simply inconvenient. Working from the age of 17 is a good sign; many successful businessmen began working at this age. They started with part-time work as a courier, some distributed leaflets, some sold ice cream, some were “barkers,” the then form of promotion.

The main tool for finding a job in life is job boards. You choose a city, a work schedule that suits you, and choose from the options offered. The advantages of working in real life over working on the Internet are that you do not need to spend months on training (there are exceptions), profits are always guaranteed and do not require investment.

Wiping car headlights in traffic jams

This method is suitable for teenagers from big cities with constant traffic jams.

If you do the math, the red light stays on for 1.5 minutes. During this time you can run around 5-6 cars. If you take 20-30 rubles from each, then in an evening you can get a round sum of 1000, or even more! Many schoolchildren are engaged in this unpopular activity and it is really profitable. Everything ingenious is simple.

You don't have to take only headlights. If you get the hang of it, you can also wash the license plates, wipe the bumpers and charge twice as much for it. Many drivers are easily willing to give such a small amount for a good cause. It should also be mentioned that many are ready to give more, just so that children do not walk along the entrances with a cigarette in their hand. Try it and you will see that you can make money this way.

Help with homework and exam preparation

To make it clearer what help with lessons is, read the review about this activity:

“I’m 17 years old, I passed the OGE in English with 70 points out of 70. A neighbor asked me to study with her grandson, I paid 300 rubles per lesson. I explained topics to him using computer games as an example, and even came up with the idea of ​​playing his favorite games on English. Vadim (neighbor's son) showed very cool results. A couple of weeks later I was already working with three children, and a distant relative connected two more to me. The thought came to me, what if I posted an ad on the Internet and on the city notice board? I tried it and it really works. In the first week, about 5 people wrote. The main thing is to present yourself correctly, to highlight your advantages. It is difficult for a child to understand an adult tutor; it is much easier for him to communicate with a person who is not so mature. Well, the pay is much lower, several times lower than for adult tutors. And the child showed results after just a few lessons. So I got up to 10,000 rubles a month and made many good friends.”

Remember those family arguments about “Who will take out the trash?” This activity, although simple, takes you out of your comfort zone and forces a person to once again leave your apartment, your place of rest.

An ordinary panel house has an average of 42 apartments. On a weekend, let’s say ¼ of the apartments are empty, so in 31 apartments there is someone at home. If you go around every apartment from the first to the top floor, then at least 10, and at most 25 people will agree to pay 20-30 rubles for a schoolchild to take out the trash for them. Let's take the average number - 17 people and multiply by 25. It turns out almost 500 rubles for visiting just one house. And next to such houses there are probably several more. One walk around the house will take half an hour. Now think how much you can earn in one day.

Notice boards

Almost all people, when looking for a job, use job boards - platforms where the employer posts a vacancy and the employee posts a resume. Notice boards connect the employee with the employer and everyone remains in an advantageous position. There is always work available on such platforms, including work with a flexible schedule and without the need for experience, which is good option for a teenager who is in school and cannot devote much time to work.

You won't need to learn, and in most cases you'll get started right away. This way you can earn good money, although it all depends on the vacancy you find. Popular professions for schoolchildren include promoter, loader for a small store, poster poster, and courier. In a big city, of course, there will be many more vacancies, as well as pay, so searching for work on job boards is more suitable for residents of large cities.

Examples of successful stories of teenagers

To give you initial motivation to work, read the following life stories of schoolchildren who managed to earn good money at the age of 17:

  • “At the age of 16, my friend started programming. Most of our mutual friends did not understand his idea, I was one of them. Six months later, he began earning 15 thousand rubles a month, devoting 2 hours a day to this. I felt how wrong I was and wanted to do the same. My first step was to search for a content exchange, where for the next month or two I earned small money (6-8 thousand per month). But I devoted up to 5 hours a day to this. My friend’s earnings were growing, I realized that I was falling behind. Then I discovered binary options and the forex market. I decided to make money on BO and, having filled in 1000, I successfully lost it. I decided not to stop, but to read and study. I devoted a month to studying books, strategies on the Internet, and publishing articles along the way. By the way, my experience grew along with the payment for my work. I earned more and more, reaching 15,000 a month. After a month of studying the market, I again invested 1000 rubles, but now I raised it to 8 thousand in a week! Of course, sometimes there are unprofitable days, but today copywriting together with trading gives me a stable income of 15,000 per month, which is a very cool result for a 17-year-old teenager!”
  • “It all started from the moment I realized that I didn’t want to live the way most people live. I want to travel a lot, afford expensive food and clothes, drive a good car, give my parents expensive gifts. From that moment on, I could no longer sit quietly and do nothing. The first method of earning money that I used was very simple. It was winter, I came to my neighbors (private sector) and offered to clear the snow for 150 rubles. In half an hour or an hour I managed one yard and moved on to another. Thus, about 500 rubles a day came out, often even more, since people gave more. Over the winter holidays I saved up a pretty good amount of 6 thousand rubles. I decided not to spend it, as most of my friends do, but to invest it somewhere to get even greater profits. Then, miraculously, I came across a video about arbitration. This touched me and I realized that it was possible to make money here. I chose an offer, invested 5,000 rubles, bought advertising on VKontakte public pages and began to wait. The result was not long in coming - the flow of users left behind about 15 applications, each worth 700 rubles. Of these, only 13 people paid for the order, but it was very good - I received as much as 9100 at the exit, the profit was 4100 rubles and in just 3 days! At the moment I am actively developing in advertising and studying marketing. It’s so nice when you can afford to order pizza whenever you want, buy clothes or take a girl to the cinema. But I don’t forget that saving is very important!
  • Now I’m 18 years old, but I started earning money at 17. It all started very harmlessly - there wasn’t enough for a bag of chips and on the go with a friend, laughing about it along the way, they came up with a way to find the required amount. They offered to take out the trash for a neighbor. She agreed and gave 50 rubles, although we only asked for 10. It dawned on us and for the next month we actively ran around the floors and houses, offering to take out the trash. Indeed, someone gave more than we asked. In one month we got 20 thousand between us, 10 thousand each. I remember the feeling when you hold in your hands the first big money you earned. Then something clicked in me. I combed the Internet for a week in search of various ways to earn money, writing down in a notebook the most successful ones, in my opinion. I decided to focus on web design since I graduated from art school. I bought a training course for 4,000 rubles, studied for 2 months and decided that it was time to look for clients. I registered on several platforms, made my offers and waited. In the first week, several orders appeared for a total amount of 3,000 rubles. Today I earn 5,000 for one order, which I complete in half a week, and I’m glad that I made the right choice then - to work, study and earn money, instead of hanging out with friends, burning through my parents’ money.


Were not fully presented to your attention standard methods making money both online and in life. Each of these methods has been tested and declared to be an excellent option for any teenager who wants to earn good money.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the primary task is not making money, but the ability to keep it. Saving is a great tool for becoming rich even as a teenager. And coupled with investments, they will create a huge fortune for you.

In any business in life, the main thing is perseverance and patience. It is also very important to have goals and dreams that will motivate you to work hard.

In fact, there are a lot of options to earn money, even while sitting at home. Of course, I'm not talking about pyramids, casinos and other nonsense. In this article I will NOT tell you exactly what I earn money from, so if you came here for this, you can read the next comment :) Here I will only try to guide teenagers and not only to the right vector of thinking.

A short background: even when I was at school (I was 14-15 years old at that time), if my class and I were taken somewhere in an organized manner (for example, a theater, etc.), it happened that after a boring performance I wanted to go somewhere I also wanted to have the money to go to McDonald’s, Pizza, etc., and just for some mini-goodies, “rattles.” The only problem for me was money. I was never given “pocket money”, I don’t know why, but I was not at all angry with my parents, I always understood that they needed them more, and I could live without all this stuff. So it was then that I thought, what if I myself earn at least for small expenses. Of course, I didn’t immediately have a dozen business plans in my head, and even in the next half a year I didn’t start doing anything.

Everything actually came to light quite by accident. I was interested in one topic (again, I don’t say what exactly, I’m doing this not because of greed, but because of some reasons), which was simply interesting to me. I read a lot about this, I was just interested, I even talked with 1 person in my life, we discussed some news. It didn't bring me any income, it was just interesting. At one point, the VKontakte group, which was the office. representative of the topic I was interested in, started holding regular competitions (repost, like, do a few more actions...). You will think “what is the profit?” Yes, the fact is that you are not “fighting” with thousands of reposters for one prize. Anyone who does the above “repost + some actions” is “fighting” only with himself. Yes, I can imagine how strange it sounds, but I can’t explain it all any other way. And the fact is that for the “repost + some actions” actions, only VK accounts and accounts in one more place were needed, which were registered in a minute (oh yes, emails were also needed) and that’s all. As you understand, creating a bunch of emails is not difficult, buying VK accounts is also not a problem now. Yes, according to the rules of the competition organizers, you cannot create a bunch of accounts, but who cares? (Perhaps someone who has read this far has already guessed what we are talking about). This is their hole, if they allow it and turn a blind eye to it, then why not. Doing the same actions: register here, link here, write it down here and here, make another 50 clicks of the same type - it’s a routine, but it’s worth it. From one such competition I could earn either 1000 or 10 thousand rubles. There was a certain risk in this that sooner or later it would be covered up and you would lose something one-time at the competition. Once this happened, I lost mere pennies compared to what I earned. And then follow the pattern. Again, a topic that I am JUST interested in and at one point I find out about a way to make money on it. I’m trying, a month of failures, the second month, I decide to study this topic in more detail, I find VK public pages with similar topics, the admin there is a real pro, I read all the comments under the posts for 3 years of public (I spend 2 weeks on this), I write out what is not clear, I google , recording, analyzing. The main thing in this topic was to come up with something of your own, and not to use already invented schemes. I try and it turns out that this business is starting to generate income. And then the first topic pulls with it a similar one and from it you can already have passive income. About the same thing comes out of the second topic and it also turns out to have passive income, albeit a very penny one. 2 times a year, now 1 more topic has appeared, which is in some way related to the first. You won’t earn much from it either, but practically nothing is required from you (by the way, you also need to invest in it initially, but soon everything will come back to you many times over).

In fact, in life I am not smart at all, if not stupid, then close to it. All I have is logic, I guess. It was she who helped me earn money. I had absolutely no knowledge of “how to make money, what to do for it.” Yes, I was familiar with this topic, but I did not have specific knowledge. You can say that I started from scratch in all topics. Whatever I was interested in brought me income. It is clear that you had to invest something at the very beginning (the same VK accounts), without this you are unlikely to be able to start earning money. Another plus is that you work for yourself, you don’t owe anyone anything. If you are in the mood, you sit down to work, if you are not in the mood, you lie down on the sofa. Also, the plus is that I did all this exclusively at home, and the minus is that I always need a PC to work.
I repeat once again, this is not a scam, not betting, etc. Here you don’t have to struggle for every ruble, you see everything yourself, you control everything yourself. Someone will say that I have poured out so much water here, but there is no other way. If at 17 I was able to earn my first 100 thousand, then why are you any worse? Be interested in something, don’t google “make money on the Internet” and the like. The topics I deal with are VERY narrow-profile. There are probably a maximum of a million people doing them all over the world. You must find something non-standard, something that tens of millions around the world do not know about, because fewer people, more oxygen. The conclusion is this: go for it, study, sooner or later you will find a way to make money in a field that interests you, I guarantee you. I would also like to note that everything is legal, everything is absolutely legal, I did not scam anyone into any purchases, subscriptions, etc.
