Every web designer and coder needs a good web page editor to create and edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript code. Notepad (Windows) and TextEdit (Mac) are great tools to start with, but as you gain more experience, you'll want to use a more robust and user-friendly tool.

There are hundreds of excellent editors from which you can choose the right one, but many of them are paid. What if you don’t want to violate copyright, but your budget doesn’t have the funds to purchase a commercial product? This article looks at some great free editors.

  • WYSIWYG editors. This graphic editors, which allow you to build a page layout and set styles visually, as in the well-known word processor MS Word. They are convenient tool to build a page design, although, as every experienced web designer knows, the code will still have to be “combed” to achieve an excellent result.
  • Text editors. This is a tool for directly editing HTML and CSS code. Some editors are general purpose and do not have special options for supporting web code. Others are specialized for using web languages ​​such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP, and have built-in properties for quickly entering HTML tags, CSS properties, and so on. Many of these editors allow you to view a web page in a separate window.

KompoZer (Windows, Mac, Linux)

KompoZer is a great choice if you need a visual editor on a budget

Komodo Edit is a good editor, easy to learn but powerful and extensible

Although this is an editor general purpose, it supports HTML and CSS, and has contextual autocomplete HTML tags and CSS properties, as well as a collection of code inserts for various elements HTML. To get the most out of Komodo, you need to install the HTML Toolkit extension, which contains such wonderful features as auto-close tags, CSS appearance preview, and a temporary text generator.

Komodo Edit allows you to view edited pages in any installed browser, or use the built-in browser in a separate window, so you can edit and see the result of your changes at the same time.

The editor has a built-in function for uploading files to the site (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, or SCP), and you can also neatly group your files using the project manager option.

Very useful feature Code > Select Block. It highlights the current main HTML block, such as the currently closed div or ul element. A very convenient function when you need to select an entire section on a page for copying or moving.

Komodo Edit has a lot of powerful and useful functions such as using regular expressions for search/replace, the ability to execute external commands, and so on. Fortunately, the editor also has good help system, which makes it easy to harness the power of Komodo Edit.

Aptana Studio (Windows, Mac, Linux)

Aptana Studio is a complete integrated web application development environment with a large set of plugins. Although you can only use it as an HTML/CSS/JavaScript code editor

Notepad++ is a great replacement for Notepad on Windows. Although it doesn't have as many options as other editors, it's great for editing HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other code files

PSPad is another general purpose editor for Windows with a wide range of features useful for HTML and CSS coders

jEdit is a cross-platform text editor with powerful macro command and plugin features. Install the XML plugin if you need to edit web pages

TextWrangler is a lightweight general purpose editor. Despite the lack of special functions for web development, it can be used to work with web pages.

Vim is definitely hard to learn, but once you get past the challenges, you'll never want to go back!

The granddaddy of text editors for programmers, Vim (a direct descendant of the vi editor) is an open-source console text editor. It is the default editor on almost all flavors of Unix, including Linux and Mac OS X. It is also available for use on Windows and many other systems.

Vim is not a system that you can install and start using right away without ever having worked with it before. Most editing commands include weird combinations like :wq and / . It also has three editing modes: mode inserts, in which text is entered; visual mode for selecting text; And command mode for entering commands. This functionality is a legacy of Unix from the days when there were no windows and no mouse.

Why was he on the list? If you master it, you will be convinced of its speed and power. With a few commands, you can do in a few seconds what might take minutes in other editors.

There are a large number of macros and plugins for Vim that make it easier to work with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code, including syntax highlighting, autocompletion, HTML Tidy, and browser viewing. Here is a large list of useful links:

  • Vim Omni autocompletion
  • HTML/XHTML editing in Vim
  • home page

Fraise (Mac)

Fraise is an intuitive editor for Mac, with a set of features sufficient for web editing

Like TextWrangler and gedit, Fraise is a wonderful, lightweight editor that's a pleasure to use. It is a fork from the editor. It is relatively new and does not have a proper web server. It is currently only supported on Mac OS X 10.6 ( Snow Leopard), that is, if you are using version 10.5, then you will have to download Smultron.

Fraise has some great options for web editing:

  • Code highlighting for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and several other programming languages.
  • Command Close Tag(Command-T) to close the current tag. This really saves time when entering lists.
  • Convenient preview in the built-in browser (using WebKit), with a very convenient Live Update option? which updates the browser as soon as the markup and CSS on the page being edited has changed.
  • Advanced Find option, which supports search/replace using regular expressions.
  • Support for blocks for quick input HTML tags and CSS properties.
  • Some handy commands for manipulating text, such as HTML validation and converting characters to HTML elements.

Fraise is worth checking out if you're a Mac user and need convenient editor with more features than the built-in TextEdit.

It's been quite a long time since I wrote a single article on my blog. Unfortunately, the reason was the lack of a PC. As soon as my 8-year-old old one was completely worn out, I immediately arranged for the delivery of a new one. Finally, after a week and a half, I received a new set and can now continue to blog.

Immediately after I assembled the PC, configured the OS, etc., I had a question about which IDEs should be installed. Quite often I am tormented by this question because the choice is quite large. Well, to make it much easier for you to make your choice, I have given you a list of the 15 best IDEs for coding in PHP.


  • Languages: PHP, HTML and JS
  • Price: $199 for the first year
  • Code quality analysis, PHPUnit tests, GitHub


  • Languages: Java ME & SE, JavaScript, HTML5, PHP, C/C++, XML, Groovy, Javadoc, JSP
  • Price: Free
  • Integration of Subversion, Mercurial and Git, NetBeans Profiler

Aptana Studio

Another favorite IDE of mine that I met before the storm. A huge plus of it is that it is free.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, Plugin for Eclipse
  • Languages: JS, HTML, CSS, Ruby on Rails, PHP, Python, Perl
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, deployment wizard for RoR, GitHub


Surely most of you associate this editor with programming in Java, but that’s not the case! Eclipse supports an incredibly huge number of languages ​​and is completely free.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, Solaris
  • Languages: Ada, ABAP, C, C++, COBOL, D, Fortran, Haskell, Java, JavaScript, Julia, Lasso, Lua, NATURAL, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, R, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Rust, Scala, Clojure, Groovy, Scheme, Erlang, LaTeX, Mathematica
  • Price: Free
  • Rich Client Platform, support for Tomcat, GlassFish and other services, Web Tools Platform

Sublime Text

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Incredibly large number of most common languages
  • Price: Currently priced at $70
  • Package Manager

Visual Studio Code

Quite a powerful IDE that firmly defends its place in this market. I didn’t have to write PHP projects using this editor, since I got acquainted with it when I was learning the C# language

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Batch, C++, Clojure, CoffeeScript, DockerFile, Elixir, F#, Go, Pug template language, Java, HandleBars, Ini, Lua, Makefile, Objective-C, Perl, PowerShell, Python, R, Razor, Ruby, Rust, SQL, Visual Basic, XML, PHP, JS
  • Price: Free, developer license from Microsoft
  • GitHub, code refactoring, debugger


In one of the first articles I already wrote about this editor, and since then I have not changed my opinion. Simple, beautiful and free. Perfect for young and beginning developers. Well, those who are 15-22 years old and have just begun their acquaintance with PHP. Well, Atom is also a free and limited alternative to Storm. You can work on it, and I think that quite a lot of developers use it, and not just PHP. To me it seemed too simple and not convenient (after the storm, of course). Well, actually, I only worked for him on the fluff.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: HTML, CSS, Less, Sass, GitHub Flavored Markdown, C/C++, C#, Go, Java, Objective-C, JavaScript, JSON, CoffeeScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Ruby on Rails, shell script, Clojure, Perl , Git, Make, Property List (Apple), TOML, XML, YAML, Mustache, Julia & SQL
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, built-in Package Manager, Themes


Oh yes. Now it's time to talk about grandfathers. Many would probably now say: “What are you doing, have you gone nuts or something?” Well, seriously... If you compare IDE and Windows. Then Notepad++ is Win XP or ME. Precisely in classic themes.

NotePad is the same IDE that is neither good nor bad. It's just a real classic. It's just incredibly simple, flexible and fast. I have never seen a single editor that works so quickly. In which the user can easily customize the color scheme for each individual letter, each individual language. This editor is perfect for any novice developer. I would even say that any beginner simply must start writing code in this IDE.

I could write about this notebook forever. Despite the fact that this is a very old and simple IDE, I don’t know a single programmer who continues to use it.

  • Platforms: Windows
  • Languages: Ada, asp, Assembly, AutoIt, Batch, C, C++, C#, Caml, Cmake, COBOL, CoffeeScript, CSS, D, Diff, Flash ActionScript, Fortran, Gui4CLI, Haskell, HTML, INNO, Java, JavaScript, JSP , KiXtart, LISP, Lua, Makefile, Matlab, MS-DOS, INI file, NSIS, Normal Text File, Objective-C, Pascal, Perl, PHP, PostScript, PowerShell, Properties, Python, R, Resource file, Ruby, Shell , Scheme, Smalltalk, SQL, TCL, TeX, Visual Basic, VHDL, Verilog, XML, YAML
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Macro recording and playback, User Defined Syntax Highlighting and Folding


No matter how much of an “apple” hater I am, how could I miss this editor, designed specifically for Makovodov. To be honest, I don’t understand why this IDE is needed at all, since it only supports the HTML language, and it also costs money. Please do not write a bunch of insults at me, since there was no desire or opportunity to test this editor.

  • Platforms: Mac OS X
  • Languages: HTML
  • Price: 99$
  • Touch Bar ready, FTP, SFTP, FTP+SSL, and WebDAV client


The same editor that many people know about. From one friend I heard that this is not an IDE at all. Maybe he's right.

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: C++, C, VBScript, Java, JavaScript, HTML, Python, Perl, Ruby
  • Price: Free
  • Live Preview, JSLint, LESS


Something unknown to me and dark. I've never worked with this topic. But I studied a little, maybe in the future I will still have to deal with this IDE

  • Platforms: Cross-platform
  • Languages: GNU C/C++, Java, WinDbg, Clang C/C++ LLDB, Google Go, Groovy, Python, Perl, Ruby, PHP, XCode, Android JVM/NDK
  • Price: SlickEdit Standard $99.95, SlickEdit Standard for Enterprise $149.95
  • GitHub, Subversion, Mercurial, Perforce, CVS


This is the same editor that supports an incredibly huge number of operating systems. And just a HUGE list of languages. So huge that I didn’t even bother to include them here, but will simply give you a link to the full list. And all this, completely free!

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux, BSD, OS/2, UNIX, VMS
  • Languages:
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Split Windows, extensive library of plugins

Programmer's Notepad

Programmer's notebook. As for me, it’s a simplified copy of NotePad++. Lately I’ve been getting the idea that all the old IDEs were written exclusively for ALL programming languages.

  • Platforms: Windows
  • Languages: List of languages
  • Price: Free
  • Open source, Folding, Plugins

Komodo Edit

  • Platforms: Win, Mac OS X, Linux
  • Languages: Python, Perl, PHP, Ruby, Tcl, SQL, Smarty, CSS, HTML, XML
  • Price: $295
  • Package Manager, Vagrant, Docker, Unit Testing

RJ TextEd

I have no idea what it is... If I know anything about Komodo, this is the first time I’ve seen it) If anyone knows, please leave a comment.

  • Platform: Win, Linux
  • Languages: PHP, ASP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Price: Free
  • FTP and SFTP client


In this article I gave an example of 15 editors that you can try for yourself. Well, if you are interested in my opinion, then the best one is Storm. If you just started learning programming or just love simplicity, then you need NotePad++. Well, if you are a young student who only has money for beer at the kiosk, but at the same time wants to work in a beautifully designed instrument, then choose Atom. And also for the most practical people who have only the latest windows version, 2 huge monitors and even pencils and pens lie neatly in their place on the table, then, of course, it will suit you perfectly Visual Studio.

There are many ways to create your own website - from using ready-made templates on Narod.ru to applying for an ad like “website creation in two days from 300 rubles.” Create your own blog or simple home page maybe even a child. That is why almost everyone can boast of having their own website on the Internet. Various services make website builders available to anyone who wants them, which can create a simple personal page user. There are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of such pages on the Internet. As a rule, they are similar to each other and are not remembered. For those who use free online tools to create a personal Internet page, owning a website is most often a joke; people create a page and forget about it. The content on it in most cases boils down to publishing photographs of your dog and a few information “about yourself”.

It’s another matter if a person perceives his own website as a method of communication, such as telephone or mail. Having your own website is useful for any entrepreneur who wants to present his business, a practicing doctor, a lawyer opening his own consultation, a training center, etc. In this case, the page must be original and meaningful, carry useful information for visitors. To get a website that meets these requirements, you can’t get by with free home page generators alone. However, mastering the basics of web programming can take a long time. You can, of course, hire a professional who will make any page according to your wishes, but this option has a very obvious drawback, so for many it is unacceptable.

Visual web editors are a good way to save time on learning web programming and quickly create a website, filling it with all the necessary information. On the one hand, to create a web project using such a program you do not need to have special knowledge or be a programmer. On the other hand, these types of applications allow room for creativity and ensure that the site does not look exactly the same as thousands of others. The work of visual web editors is based on the WYSIWYG property - What You See Is What You Get (what you see is what you get). In other words, during the editing process, web pages look approximately the same as they will be displayed in a browser.

⇡ WYSIWYG Web Builder 7.1.0

  • developer: Pablo Software Solutions
  • distribution size: 5.5 MB
  • distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

Web pages created using WYSIWYG Web Builder and other visual editors consist of separate blocks. This can be text, graphics, flash videos, etc. All the user needs to do is select the necessary blocks and place them in suitable places on the page, and the code will be generated automatically by the program.

If you have no experience in web design, you should start creating your first project in the program with a ready-made template. By default, WYSIWYG Web Builder has about ten templates of different types, and several dozen more can be downloaded for free from the official website of the program. After downloading the template, you will be able to edit any element of it.

To do this, you can use numerous tools located on the vertical panel. For convenience, they are divided into categories: navigation (site tree, navigation menu), drawing (line, curve, polygon), multimedia tools (Flash player, YouTube player, Java, OLE object), tools for working with web forms ( a field for inserting a CAPTCHA code, a checkbox, a button for downloading a file, a field for entering text), Paypal (various buttons for working with this electronic payment system), etc. If you do not need any category of tools in your work, you can minimize it, to free up screen space for more in-demand tools.

It is worth paying attention to the Extra category. It contains tools for creating a photo gallery, adding a subscription to news in RSS format, slide shows, and searching the site. Here you can find a whole collection of ready-made Javascript code elements. This and various visual effects, and such useful tools as determining the current browser version and displaying time information last change web pages, placing a link to bookmark the page.

Despite the fact that when working in WYSIWYG Web Builder the user sees ready-made page elements, in the browser the site may still look a little different than in the editor’s working window. For quick view appearance of the page in the browser, just press the F5 key. WYSIWYG Web Builder will open the project in the system's default browser. If you need to view pages in several browsers at once, you can add them to the list.

Typically, a website template consists of several pages. For convenient project management, the program window has a special Site Manager panel, which displays a tree of site pages. Using the tools of this panel, you can create new pages based on templates, add pages previously saved on your hard drive, copy existing pages, view their properties, etc.

In the process of working on a resource consisting of large number pages, such program tools as checking links for operability, estimating page size, and a site map generator in the form of an XML file that will be placed in the root directory of the site may also be useful. In addition, WYSIWYG Web Builder can help you collect all the images and other media files used on web pages in one place.

Despite the fact that WYSIWYG Web Builder itself is a fairly functional editor, you may not find any tools in it. In this case, it’s worth taking a look at the extensions gallery - perhaps the tool you need is available as a plugin. There are more than 250 extensions for the program, and their number is constantly growing. Extensions are written by active users of the editor and posted on the official forum. It is worth keeping in mind that you cannot connect extensions to the trial version of WYSIWYG Web Builder; for this you need to register the program.

⇡ Web Page Maker 3.21

  • developer: www.webpage-maker.com
  • distribution size: 3.66 MB
  • distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

Web Page Maker is a fairly simple visual editor that is suitable for creating a small website that includes several pages. With its help, you can add text, vector elements, graphic files, videos in different formats, tables, web forms and other familiar page elements to the page.

The program also has ready-made options such an important element of any website as the navigation menu. Web Page Maker contains various menu options. Having selected the appropriate one, you can immediately edit it by specifying the orientation (horizontal or vertical), the distance between elements, text and link parameters.

Some elements (for example, the same navigation menu) should be located on all pages of the site. When editing any block, you can quickly place it on all pages of the current project or specify those pages where it should be present.

The main part of the program window is occupied by the work area, and on the right is the Site Contents panel. Using this panel, it is convenient to manage site pages, as well as individual page elements. The Elements tab displays all the blocks on the page, and when you click on each one, you can immediately see where it is located. In addition, you can immediately call up the properties window for each element or delete unnecessary blocks. As for the set of tools for creating a site structure, it is worth noting the possibility of creating new page based on an existing resource on the Internet. Just specify its address, and Web Page Maker will load the page, break it into blocks and make them available for editing.

To make your site more lively, you can use animation effects. Examples of ready-made Javascript code can be found in the Web Page Maker library. Using them, you can change the window scroll color, place a clock in the corner of the screen showing the current time, add a slide show, etc.

When work on the site is completed, the project can be saved to your hard drive or immediately uploaded to an FTP server. Moreover, an additional client is not needed for this - Web Page Maker has built-in tools for working with FTP.

⇡ CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer 6.06

  • developer: CoffeeCup Software
  • distribution size: 17.6 MB
  • distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

The developers of CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer probably live by the slogan “make money on everything you can make money on.” Therefore, you need to keep in mind that if you buy this visual editor for $49, you will not get all the features that you can expect from purchasing most other similar programs.

Thus, the program comes with ten templates, and to download the rest you are asked to go to the developer’s website. When you open the appropriate page, you will find that additional templates are paid and are sold at a price of $9 per piece. Similar “surprises” await the user while working with the application. Click the web form builder tool and you'll find that you have to pay another $39 to use it; try adding a photo gallery to your site and you'll see that that feature comes at an additional cost.

The standard version of the program allows you to work with text, vector elements, and graphics. After selecting a tool, a floating palette with its settings appears on the vertical panel. It remains on the screen until the user changes tools. Thanks to this approach, the maximum amount of space is allocated to the work area.

Common web page elements such as counters and web forms can only be created in the program using a tool for inserting custom HTML code.

When working with vector elements (arrows, polygons, stars, callouts, etc.), you can use numerous tools to change their appearance. For example, it is possible to change transparency, add a shadow, make an object three-dimensional, make it glow, or change shapes when hovering the mouse cursor. In addition, you can adjust the fill of each object and add texture.

CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer has a built-in FTP client with which you can upload a site to a remote server. If, after loading the site, you decide to make changes to some of its pages, you can use the data synchronization function. In this case, the program will load those pages that have been changed. If necessary, without leaving CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer, you can even completely delete the site from the server.

⇡ WebSite X5 Evolution 8

  • developer: Incomedia
  • distribution size: 15.3 MB
  • distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: yes

Most visual editors are similar to each other. This has its advantages, because once you understand one of these programs, you will already feel confident if you decide to try another later. However, if you have never created websites before, even the simplest visual editor can initially raise many questions, such as: “what should you do first?”, “which program tools are the main ones and which are auxiliary?” etc.

The WebSite X5 Evolution program implements a slightly different approach to creating a website, thanks to which many questions disappear by themselves. The application is built on the principle of a step-by-step wizard, so a novice user can be sure that he has not missed anything important.

Despite the fact that the wizard guides you through all stages of project creation, the user can, if desired, “jump” through some stages by selecting side menu those actions that he wants to perform at the moment. There are five stages in total.

The first one indicates general settings. So, here you enter the name of the site, author and language, select keywords, Favicon is loaded, menu type is selected (horizontal or vertical), a suitable template is selected (there are more than a hundred design options in the program library), set appearance the top and bottom of the site pages.

At the second stage, it is proposed to create a site map, that is, think through its structure. Using the "copy" and "paste" buttons on the toolbar, you can create new pages based on existing ones. Here you can determine which resource pages will be hidden and specify the update frequency for each page.

Double-clicking on the page title will take you to the next stage of work on the site, and here you can start working directly on its content. By default, the page is divided into four blocks, into each of which you can add an object: text, graphic file, slide show, table, flash animation, multimedia file, etc. If desired, the number of blocks on the page can be increased or decreased. Having placed an object on the page, you need to define its settings, for example, specify the path to graphic file, type text, etc. All these operations will need to be done for each page.

At the fourth stage, WebSite X5 Evolution will ask you to specify some additional settings, for example, determine the appearance of the introductory page, set parameters for displaying flash advertising, add a blog and an RSS news feed to the site.

Among the offered features there is also such an element as "Basket for e-commerce". Using it, you can quickly create your own online store. By going to its settings, you can quickly create product categories, define delivery conditions, select payment options, insert a license agreement, and customize the appearance of store elements.

Finally, the last step is to export the project. The finished site can be saved to hard drive or directly upload to an FTP server. In addition, the program allows you to save project files in order to transfer them to another computer. Note that the created project can be saved at any stage in the program’s own format.

Perhaps the only inconvenience when working with WebSite X5 Evolution is the inability to preview pages in the browser. If you want to see what the site will look like, you can use the Test function, but it takes some time to generate the project. In addition, the program generates pages in its own viewer, created on the Internet Explorer engine.

⇡ KompoZer 0.7.10

  • developer: Fabien Cazenave
  • distribution size: 7.9 MB
  • distribution: free
  • Russian interface: yes

KompoZer is a free open source visual web editor. The program is available not only for Windows, but also for Mac, as well as for Linux. The editor is created on the Gecko engine, which runs the well-known Firefox browser. This provides a number of advantages: firstly, the engine perfectly supports modern web standards such as XML, CSS and JavaScript. Secondly, the Gecko-based editor can be extended with plugins.

Perhaps the first add-on you want to install will be a localization package for Russian. It is installed in much the same way as plugins for Firefox are installed: in the Tools menu, you need to select the Extensions command, and then specify the path to the downloaded localization file with the .xpi extension. After installing the plugin, you will need to restart the program, after which the interface will become Russian.

The program has an integrated FTP client, and it can be used not only for downloading finished project, but also for quickly editing pages of a site already hosted on the server. By specifying your server login information, you can navigate the directory tree and select pages to edit. Their contents will be loaded in the KompoZer window, and they can be edited on the fly.

KompoZer makes it possible to work with several pages simultaneously. Each of them opens in a separate tab, between which you can quickly switch. Each page has its own history of canceling and returning actions. By looking at the icon in the tab header, you can immediately determine if changes have been made to the content of the page that have not yet been saved.

Although KompoZer automatically generates the code for web pages, you can review it and make some changes if necessary. At the bottom of each page there are tabs that allow you to switch between visually displaying the page and showing code.

By default, the most frequently used tools are displayed on the program toolbar: adding a hyperlink, inserting an image, tables, tools for creating web forms, etc. If you wish, you can change the appearance of this panel (for example, by making the icons smaller), and also add some other tools to it.

In general, despite the fact that KompoZer is a visual web editor, it is designed for users who already have some experience in creating websites. You will not find ready-made templates and examples of navigation menus in it, but a powerful CSS editor is integrated into the program, there are tools for checking HTML code and for checking spelling.

⇡ BestAddress HTML Editor 17

  • developer: Multimedia Australia
  • distribution size: 7.1 MB
  • distribution: shareware
  • Russian interface: no

When a user decides to study some area, for example, computer graphics, video editing or programming, he often asks more experienced comrades what program is best to start learning a new craft with. In some cases, it is indeed better to use simple tools at the beginning, and then, having understood their capabilities, move on to more advanced editors. As for BestAddress HTML Editor 2010 Professional, we can say that this program has every chance of becoming the first and last tool for a novice web developer.

Working in the visual construction mode of a web page is reminiscent of working with a designer - you can independently set the sizes and colors of elements, place buttons, graphics, menus and other website components at your discretion. Convenient formatting, almost like in text editor, can be used to control the position of any page elements. You will not find templates in BestAddress HTML Editor 2010 Professional, but you can download a web page located at the specified address. Once you open the page in the program, you can then edit it.

The editor can automatically upload a project to the server - for this, the program uses the Digital FTP Access FTP client that comes with it.

BestAddress HTML Editor 2010 Professional also includes professional tools for writing code. Beginners who want to understand how HTML, CSS, Java, and PHP code work and write can refer to the documentation. It outlines the most important rules for writing code, such as the purpose of tags, examples of simple operations, etc. Simple and understandable lessons give a brief idea of ​​the structure of HTML and bring the beginner up to speed.

⇡ Conclusion

The programs discussed in this review allow you to quickly create your own website and place it on the Internet. It should be remembered that all these applications are just tools in the hands of the user. Whether the site will attract the attention of visitors, whether it will become an additional component of business success, depends solely on the imagination of the author and on his desire to improve what he has started. And, of course, in order for the site to live up to your expectations, your endeavor must be successful, which is what we wish for everyone!

Sometimes a good editor for PHP is really lacking, precisely from the point of view of comfortable working with code, something more serious than simple syntax highlighting. At the same time, ordinary editors are a dime a dozen, in which, unfortunately, the same syntax highlighting does not always work correctly.

I would like to have a normal implementation of IntelliSense, and not a “wooden” parody of it in the form of a predetermined list of methods and language constants that “falls out” while working with or without reason in the form full list. IntelliSense must “know” about all the classes you use, about their methods and variables, that is, you have connected the file with the definition of your class via #include, and the editor immediately picks it up, prompting information about all the “internals” of objects of this class.

It would also be nice to have hints while typing the name of the function in the form brief description functions (accepted parameters, whether there are overloaded functions, etc.). This is especially lacking for self-written functions; in some typical editors I saw such hints, but only for native PHP functions. Oh yes, it’s also very convenient to quickly move to the definition of a function from the place where it is called. In general, I want a lot more, and I consider all these possibilities to be just a fraction of the most necessary things in the coding process and not an excess...

We can say that in this sense, my ideal is the combination of MS Visual Studio + Visual Assist, which I use when working with C# and C++ (Visual Assist in this combination is simply like a life preserver). When you don’t have to go into other files once again to look at the accepted function parameters or the names of certain class members, this in any case contributes to the productivity and “pleasantness” of the process. The absence of such an editor among its tools is very depressing, given the increasing (from version to version) object-oriented nature of PHP.

And here it is!

Still, I found a pretty good editor for myself - . If you, like me, used regular editors that replace the standard “notepad” and also longed for human IntelliSense, I advise you to definitely try it. In addition, it is also free (about the paid version below) and works on the basis of the Mozilov framework (XPFE), which makes it also multi-platform.

This editor is not ideal, it has a lot of good things, but, of course, it still has room for improvement. But, in general, in the first days of meeting him I had no bounds of joy :)

It is also worth noting support for other languages ​​(Perl, Python, Ruby, Tcl), as well as JavaScript, CSS, HTML, XML and much more (judging by the list of files that it can open, it knows many more languages ​​and technologies, but not sure about IntelliSense working for all of them). I was pleasantly surprised by the support for many popular frameworks for JavaScript (this was useful for this).

I probably haven’t had time to study all the functionality of Komodo Edit yet, but I would like to describe some points.

First of all, I customized the code highlighting color scheme for PHP ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Fonts and Colors), since I’m already used to colors from .

Also useful addition It turned out to be a plugin that finds all TODOs in an open project or file and displays them in one list (similar to how it is implemented in VS). And a plugin that allows you to see all classes and methods defined in open file() for quick navigation through them.

In general, before using Komodo, it makes sense to study its settings, changing certain parameters to suit yourself. For example, I also redefined hotkey to go to defining functions (I did F12, like in Visual Studio :)

In general, everything works quite well, “earth and sky” compared to coding in a regular editor.

It’s a little inconvenient that in order to fully support IntelliSense, you must create a project file (you just need to save it to the root directory of the site). That is, if you open one file outside the Komodo project, all the includes included in it will not be processed in any way, and, accordingly, Komodo will not know anything about the functions and classes defined in the included files. But, in general, this small inconvenience can be overcome :)

On the other hand, creating a project file allows you to do more fine settings projects, which are saved and every time you open a project, Komodo will remember them. Through it, for example, you can specify additional directories so that Komodo, when working with your project, always has in mind the structure of classes and methods (for IntelliSense and various tooltips) implemented in files that are located in the connected directory, even if these files nor are they actually connected (via include or require) to the file being edited. You can also search or replace text in all project files. Also, Komodo remembers the bookmarks you make inside the code ( Ctrl+F2) for each file, this is very convenient.

I was a little unpleasantly surprised that Komodo Edit does not know anything about the built-in classes in PHP (maybe I'm doing something wrong?). For example, if you need to use the mysqli class:

$mysqli = new mysqli(HOST, USER, PASS, MBASE); if (mysqli_connect_errno()) ( print "Connect failed: ".mysqli_connect_error(); exit(); ) $mysqli->query("INSERT....."); $mysqli->close();

When, after writing the word “$mysqli”, I start accessing the methods of this object (I write the “->” sign), Komodo Edit does not want to prompt anything about the query, close, etc. methods, and in the status bar it swears that, they say , I never saw the definition of this class... Moreover, with built-in PHP functions there are no problems, for example, Komodo knows very well about the mysqli_* family of functions (the wrapper of which is the mysqli class). But I hope this flaw will be corrected someday. If, for example, you work with the database through your own wrapper class (or through something like PEAR), then there should be no problems with IntelliSense.

Once it happened to me that when editing a js file, Komodo did not understand which Java Script framework I was using. But, fortunately, this can always be corrected in its settings ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Code Intelligence).

There is a paid version of Komodo called Komodo IDE. As I understand it, the main difference from Komodo Edit is in the functions common to many IDEs. Komodo IDE has built-in version control (SVN) tools and a code debugger.

By the way, Komodo Edit still has a primitive debugger that notifies you on the fly about such minor errors as a forgotten semicolon at the end of a line, an unclosed parenthesis, etc. He highlights such errors with a red wavy line. In order for this debugging to work, you need to specify the path to executable file PHP and php.ini ( Edit -> Preferences… -> Languages ​​-> PHP).

As you can see, similar settings can be made for all other languages.


Komodo Edit is now my everyday tool 🙂 Plus, for short edits of some small things in occasional cases, I continue to use an analogue of an advanced notepad - Notepad++, that is, I use it for its real purpose.

Before Komodo Edit, I also tried an interesting plugin for Visual Studio called VS.Php. It is built into Visual Studio and allows you to work with PHP in the same way as, for example, with C# (you can debug code, IntelliSense works, etc.). But somehow it didn’t really impress me, especially considering that it’s paid for. In addition, as I understand it, when working in it you can completely forget about support for Java Script, etc. Another interesting thing is that, just like Komodo, IntelliSense does not work for classes built into PHP. This VS.Php also conflicts with Visual Assist.

There are two more similar editors that I heard about, but somehow didn’t happen to try them (the following is just IMHO and guesses based on “rumors”):

  • Zend Studio is paid, according to reviews, the impression is that it is something cumbersome and is applicable primarily in very large and complex projects, it is especially appropriate, perhaps, if the project is created based on the Zend Framework.
  • Eclipse is free, but it scared me off, most likely, because it was too complicated. As I understand it, you still need to be able to assemble it for yourself from various modules. In general, somehow there was no desire to figure out how to install and configure it (but at one time I still tried a little 😉), although, undoubtedly, someone may really like it.


If anyone can recommend any other editors keeping in mind my “picky” tastes, I would be very grateful. It would also be interesting to hear about some additional interesting features of Komodo from those who already use it.

In general, away with primitive code highlighting with a carload of unnecessary functions! This is a “sore” problem for the constantly appearing simple code editors, which highlight among their “advantages” a built-in conductor for file system or something like a mini database editor/viewer (well, why is this needed if there are not the most important things for exactly what the code editor is originally supposed to be used for), etc. etc.. For some reason, almost every beginner (although maybe not always a beginner) programmer wants to “quickly” create their own “mega” editor, which often degenerates into “again something painfully familiar”... obviously this tradition from the series “Hello World!” 😉

A modern PHP editor is a program that is limited only to writing and editing code. The functionality of such an editor can support work with several programming languages.

There are a significant number of them, among which you can certainly choose the best php editor for the user.

Komodo Edit

This is the editor php code(and not only php), will become a very convenient tool, both for those who are already familiar with writing codes, and for those who are just getting into it. He works in operating system Linux. It is worth noting that just a few years ago, KE was one of the most powerful code editors on Linux. Komodo Editor was developed simultaneously by Active State employees and members of the public. Supports the following scripting languages programming:

✒ PHP;


✒ Perl;

✒ Python;

✒ Ruby;

P is distributed free of charge and is available for downloading in archive form from the official website. Recommended for use latest versions updates, but judging by the reviews, Komodo Edit is quite functional starting from version 7, which can be found in archives and on specialized forums. There is Russification, which must be downloaded separately. The localizer must correspond to the version of the editor for which it was written, this is important. Distinctive features of KE will be: customizable highlighting, auto-completion of code, a lot of extensions, simple creation of projects, parallel work with files of other projects, and that’s not all. A very worthy editor, which is recommended, if not for regular use, then at least for reference.

Sublime Text

This editor is a multi-platform analogue of TextMate. Supports operation on the following operating systems: Windows, Linux, OS X. The license is paid, but there is the possibility of free use. No differences were found between the paid and free versions, except that sometimes a window pops up asking you to purchase a license. The interface is quite minimal, does not burden the eyes with unnecessary information and will be pleasant even when using it for a long time.

Has great feature like multiple highlighting. Another advantage is the creation and insertion of snippets using hotkeys. Actually, the hotkeys themselves can be assigned to almost any action. The last and biggest plus is the presence of a huge number of plugins that allow you to adapt the editor to your needs or habits.

Supports a fairly large number of programming languages, but is not limited to them. Again, plugins allow you to work with the desired language. Syntax highlighting is top notch.

The editor is more suitable for those who already understand code editing.


An incredibly simple and beloved free php editor. It is used by both seasoned programmers and those who are just learning the basics of code editing. Very fast and efficient and does not require a lot of computer resources. Free access to Notepad ++ has borne fruit: the plugins will fully complement the work of the editor, and the number of them released will allow you to choose any necessary tool for work.

Standard support for 16 programming languages, which is enough for full-fledged work. Among them: C, C++, HTML, PHP, TCL, Assembler, Java Script, ASCII and others. However, this number is supplemented by plugins. The text is highlighted according to the syntax of the selected language. A significant advantage will be the simultaneous work with several documents. Noted by many users, the “auto-word completion” function will make it easier or suggest the right decision when writing code.

Also, for ease of use, there is an option to zoom the document, which allows you to see the entire code, if not the whole, then a significant part of it.


Another free html php editor, with support for many Atom languages. The fruit of joint development by GitHub and the open source community, which has been developing this project for many years. The editor already includes about seventy built-in packages (plugins), which make it possible to customize the editing environment very finely, without additional downloads. Works with all popular programming languages ​​on Linux, Windows and Mac platforms. Possesses visual editor PHP code. Advantages:

✔ search for a file by letters of its name;

✔ availability of a package for auto-saving;

✔ selecting the required package to install and removing unused ones, which affects the performance of processes;

✔ automatic tracking of package updates;

✔ thanks to the huge number of packages, you will be able to create an individual code editor;

✔ auto-completion of code words is an order of magnitude more thoughtful than many editors.
