Hello site! Tell, how to set a password for a folder so that no one but me opens it? I read an article on your website where you show how to set a password on a flash drive using . folder?

Why am I asking? At my work, data located right on the desktop of my computer’s operating system was stolen. Everything is trivial, I walked away for five minutes, during which time someone inserted a flash drive into my computer and copied a document containing registration data for several sites and a password for an electronic mailbox, I realized this only the next day, when my personal photos began to circulate on social media. networks, then they called me from five online stores and asked me to confirm some orders (pants, T-shirts) that I allegedly made, and my friends called one after another and said that they had received strange letters from me in the mail asking for replenishment some phone number...

The next day, following instructions from the Internet, I archived my most important folder on my computer with WinRAR, set a password on the archive, then tried to unzip the folder and work with the files, but a warning came out that the file could not be changed or you do not have the necessary access rights.

I had to remove the “Read Only” attribute from all the files in the archive and only then work with them. Then it turned out completely funny, I was surprised to find that in the password-protected program WinRAR archive you can delete files without entering the password,

And the archive itself with the password can simply be deleted and the recycle bin emptied, and I’ll simply be left without my files.

But most importantly, if the folder that I want to archive is very large in volume, then all my operations with it will take a very long time. Most likely this method does not suit me.

I found out on the Internet that for To set a password for a folder, you can use the AnvideLockFolder program, you can get it on this site http://anvidelabs.org/alf.html, but why, when trying to download a program, the all-knowing Google displays such a window,

And my antivirus is like this:

So, if I download the program, then another problem awaits me?

How to make everything easier admin? I noticed that if you are already writing an article, then you try to convey to the person as much understandable and easily digestible information as possible. I will be very grateful for your answer.

How to set a password for a folder

Hello friends! If you store confidential data on your computer in any folder, then you can put this folder on it, or put a password on it, and I’ll even say more, you can also hide the folder, so much so that even turning it on in the display system hidden files and folders hidden protected system files will not help, and the folder will be on the desktop at this time. But unfortunately, such a trick cannot be done using installed Windows, even if it is latest Windows 8, but there are good free and very good paid programs, I’ll tell you about them now.

More set a password for a folder possible using the program WinRAR archiver, though it’s not very convenient, but it’s up to you to decide. Now I will show you how to use all the programs and you will choose what you need.

1) - not very good way, the folder can be copied to a flash drive and if you have an unimportant password assigned, they will guess it or simply hack it. Files in the archive can be deleted without entering a password, and the archive itself can be simply deleted without knowing the password.

2)How to set a password for a folder paid program Hide Folders 2012- I use it personally, it’s serious protection.

3)How to set a password for a folder using the free program AnvideLockFolder- used it a little.

How to set a password for a folder using WinRAR archiver

On my computer, in the root of the C: drive, there is a folder called “Personal” and I want to set a password for this folder. I right-click on the folder and select Add to archive.

Let's go to the tab General and select the item Set password.

In older versions of the program, you can set a password on the tab Additionally.

We assign a password,

If you don't know how to come up with good password, read our article -.

That's it, our folder is in the archive and to extract it from the archive you will need to enter a password.

For example, in our absence, someone saw an archive called “Personal” on our desktop and tried to extract files from the archive,

A window like this will open asking you to enter a password.

If you are trying to open the archive, then you simply enter the password, then click OK and the files are extracted.

If you need to work with any file and want to change it, then you will get an error,

Then remove the Read Only attribute from it. Right-click on the unzipped file and select Properties.

Then uncheck "Read Only", then Apply and OK.

To work with any file in the archive, you do not have to extract the entire archive, double-click on the archive with the left mouse and find our file, then simply drag it to the desktop, enter the password and the file is copied. We remove the Read Only attribute, work with it and drag it back to the archive, that’s all.

How to set a password for a folder with the paid program Hide Folders 2012 - I use it personally, serious protection

Very comfortable and most importantly simple program in Russian, now see for yourself.

The program is paid, but it works for 30 days, showing itself fully without restrictions, in 30 days you get used to it and can no longer live without it. You can download it on the official website http://fspro.net/hide-folders/

Click DOWNLOAD NOW. Download and install the program.

The main window of the program. To start working with any folder, click on Add.

click on the button

and in the explorer that opens, we find the desired folder for which we want to put a password, in our case a folder called “Personal”, select it and click OK.

In the main program window that appears, double-click on our folder with the left mouse or click on “Properties”

And the Protection Method window will open, containing almost all the functionality of the program, let's look at it in detail:

1) Don't defend- the folder will not be protected and anyone who gets on your computer can enter it and do whatever they want with the files in it.

2)Hide- the folder will be hidden by the program so much so that even turning on the display of hidden files and folders and hidden protected system files in the system will not help.

3)Block- the folder will not be hidden, but you will not be able to enter it until you open the program and check the Do not protect option.

4)Hide and block- the folder will be hidden and you will not be able to enter it until you open the program and check the Do not protect option.

5)Read only- the folder will not be hidden; you can enter the folder, but you will not be able to change the files in it.

Let's look at all the functions of the program in detail and, most importantly, find out how to put a password on a folder using this program.

1) Don't defend. Everything is clear with the first point, so to speak, “Come in, take what you want”

2)Hide - the folder will disappear

And to find it you will need to launch the program and click on the Turn off button, our folder will immediately appear and you can work with it

3) Block - the folder will be visible on the desktop, but when you try to enter the folder, a “No access” window will appear,

To enter the folder, click on the Shutdown button

4)Hide and block- the folder will be hidden and locked,

To cancel, click Turn off, the folder appears

5) Read only - the folder will not be hidden, but you will not be able to change the files in it, an error will appear

Again, until you click the Turn off button

Set a password for the folder

First of all, we choose a means of protection, I personally choose Hide,

Now I press the button Password

If you have previously entered a password, the following window will appear. Enter Old Password, then new and new again, then click OK.

Now to open our hidden folder, you need to open the Hide Folders 2012 program, when you open it, a password entry window will appear, enter the password

Manufacturers operating systems are seriously concerned about the security of user data, and Microsoft is one of them. Many large corporations use Windows, which is becoming more reliable with new versions. Despite this, it does not provide a function for setting a password on separate folder or file. Microsoft explains the absence of such an opportunity by the presence of an option to activate a password for an individual computer user, but this is not always convenient.

A common situation is when an employee in the office leaves the computer for a couple of minutes to make coffee or talk on the phone. At this point, his personal files are not protected unless he logs out of his profile. Anyone can not only view files on a computer, but also download them, which is fraught with problems. However, there are several ways that allow you to put a password on a folder in Windows any versions, either using or not using third-party programs.

We recommend reading:

How to put a password on a folder in Windows without programs?

The method that will be described below does not provide complete protection of the data in the folder from the actions of intruders.

cls @ECHO OFF title Folder Private if EXIST "Compconfig Locker" goto UNLOCK if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER :CONFIRM echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder(Y/N) set/p "cho=>" if %cho%==Y goto LOCK if %cho%==y goto LOCK if %cho%==n goto END if %cho%==N goto END echo Invalid choice. goto CONFIRM :LOCK ren Private "Compconfig Locker" attrib +h +s "Compconfig Locker" echo Folder locked goto End :UNLOCK echo Enter password to unlock folder set/p "pass=>" if NOT %pass%== PASSWORD_GOES_HERE goto FAIL attrib -h -s "Compconfig Locker" ren "Compconfig Locker" Private echo Folder Unlocked successfully goto End :FAIL echo Invalid password goto end :MDLOCKER md Private echo Private created successfully goto End :End

This code is a script that will allow you to put a password on a folder in Windows without programs.

Statistics show that many people are careless about their passwords, choosing secret code your date of birth or your name. OkeyGeek site advises you to be more careful when choosing a password, in particular, adding letters of different case, punctuation marks and numbers to it, which allows you to confuse programs for automatic password selection.

Attention: This file will remain visible to users, and through it they will need to access the personal folder on which the password is set. We recommend choosing a name for the file that would “repel” intruders. For example, the file can be named " Win.bat" or " splwow64.bat».

As we said above, this method is not ideal, and from experienced computer users who wish to access your folder in a similar way set password won't save.

How to find out the password set on a Windows folder?

If you know which file is responsible for hiding/opening a private folder on the computer, then it’s quite easy to find out the password that triggers the script. You don't need any specialized tools or programs for this.

The password can be obtained as follows:

It seems like you only need to do 2 steps to open a folder with a password, and that's true. But for an ordinary user, a child or a person who understands practically nothing about the principles of computer operation, it will be difficult to figure out how to open a folder hidden under a password.

Unfortunately, in order to put a password on a folder in Windows 7, you have to resort to using external software that specializes in information security.

The system itself only makes it possible to open or close access to files and folders to certain users, as well as other users on the network.

But not everything is so bad, a huge number of paid and free ones have long been developed software, with which you can ruin not only any folder in Windows 7, but also an archive.

Built-in Windows 7 Features

Although it would be wrong to speak so poorly of Windows 7, it still provides security features for accessing files in addition to those mentioned above.

We are talking about data protection on physical level thanks to the built-in file system EFS.

In this case, access to data is carried out through a specially created key file with the pfx extension.

For example, you called it doc.pfx.

What does he look like?

It can be stored on your flash drive or in another place known only to you. Without this key, no computer user will be able to access the information, and the password here becomes of secondary importance.

To use this feature, right-click on the selected folder.

Go to the “properties” - “general” section and click the “other” button.

If another user wants to use the encrypted data, he will need this key and a password for it. It is very IMPORTANT here not to lose the key.

The disadvantage of this method is that:

  1. File Windows system 7 must be NTFS;
  2. For many users, this method may seem very complicated.

Of course, there are other ways to protect your information. Let's talk about them.


Known to many this program, but not many people know all its capabilities. By creating an archive with important data, you can easily put complex password and protect yourself from access to information of other users.

WinRaR is distributed free of charge and can be easily found on the Internet in the public domain.

After installing the program, activate the desired folder by left-clicking on it.

In the future, when you right-click, you will call up an additional menu.

In the menu that appears, find WinRaR program and hover your mouse over it.

Such actions will bring up an additional menu with which you can call different actions programs.

Fill in two fields by entering required password. If necessary, you can enable visualization of character input and encrypt file names.

If you don't want to change anything else, click OK, then OK again. If you want to change the compression level, go to the “General” section and select the compression method.

Click OK.

After archiving a folder, when you try to open a document located there, WinRaR will ask you to enter a password.


Also quite a popular free archiver.

We perform the same actions as in the previous case.

Click “Add to archive” and call up the archiving management section.

Having set the necessary settings, enter the password in two special areas. Click OK. The folder will be archived and password protected.

The Hide Folders program for Windows 7 is shareware. Developed by FSPro Labs. Free work time is 30 days.

But as you understand, you can also find a fully working version on the Internet.

The main purpose of the program is complete hiding necessary files and folders from other computer users.

There are 4 protection methods: Hide and block access, hide, read only, block access.

The program weighs just over 3 MB and can be installed in two clicks.

After starting the program, this window appears.

Click “Add”, select desired mode protection. And then we specify the path to the file or folder.

For example, you clicked “Block”.

To prevent another user from removing the protection using the same program, the program launch is blocked using a password.

Now only you can work with Hide Folders.

Unlike the previous program, this one is completely free. The installation file weighs only 2.6 MB. Installation takes 5 seconds.

After installation is complete, the program immediately prompts you to start working.

The principle of operation is somewhat similar to the Hide Folders program, only with less functionality.

It only blocks access to files and folders by hiding them with a password.

After launching Anvide Lock Folder This window appears.

The program provides the following settings.

By clicking plus, add the file or folder that needs to be added. You can add multiple files and folders at once.

Once you select the folder, press F5 or the padlock as shown below.

The folder will be hidden and access to it will not be possible.

You can also use a hint for the created password.

In order to deny other users access to the program, you must set a password.

Everything is simple and effective, and most importantly free.

This is a shareware program that can work with all drives, despite the fact that the word “USB” is written in the software name.

The program developer is Password Protect Software.

After 30 days you will be asked to buy it for $39.95. During this period, you can protect data of no more than 50 MB.

But don’t be upset if you like the program, there are a lot of free working versions on the Internet.

The program “weighs” only 1 MB, can be installed in 2 clicks, and after installation and launch it will immediately offer to buy it or use the trial version for 30 days.

After starting the program, the following window will appear.

Click “Lock folders” and select a folder. But you can do it differently.

Immediately select the desired folder and right-click. In the window that appears, select the program, and then select the folder again.

Click “Lock folders”.

The folder will be archived to the extension “.___ppp”.

To remove protection, you need to double-click on the folder, the program will automatically launch, and this window will open.

You need to enter a password in the field and click “Unlock folders”.

Bottom line

If there are many users working on your computer who have different password-protected access, then in order to put a password on folders in Windows 7, it would be advisable not to buy or download separate software, but to use the built-in capabilities of the system.

This is completely blocking access to files and folders to other users, or limiting their access.

Or try using data encryption via EFS.

In other cases, the software described above is quite suitable for quickly protecting your information; this will be the easiest option to put a password on folders in Windows 7.

If there are other suggestions on this topic, we will be glad to read them in the comments. Good luck.

Since most versions of Windows do not include a method to password protect your files and folders, this page provides steps to encrypt your files and folders. To password protect your files and folders on Windows, you need to use a third-party program.

Advice. Before password protecting any document, you can create backup copy password-protected files and folders in case you forget your password in the future.

Microsoft Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 users

Unfortunately, Windows Vista Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10 do not provide any features to protect file or folder passwords. To do this, you need to use a third-party program.

If you want to encrypt a file or folder, you can do so by following these steps:

Note. If the Encrypt content to protect data option isn't selected or displayed, or you don't see the option at all, you probably have a home Windows version, which does not support this feature. It's also possible that hard drive The file on which the files are located is not formatted as NTFS, as this is a requirement for the encryption function.

Microsoft Windows XP Professional users

The following steps to encrypt files in Windows XP Professional apply to users who use the computer with two or more accounts. If you are using a single account, see Other Security Sections.

  1. Properties" .
  2. On the General tab, click the button Additionally" .
  3. Check the box " Encrypt content to protect data ».
  4. Click " Apply", and then " OK" .

Note. When you encrypt a folder in Windows XP Pro, you will not be prompted for a password. However, others accounts users on your computer will not have access to the files contained in the encrypted folder.

Content encryption for protected data is grayed out

Show "Encrypt" in context menu

The new version of TweakUI also allows you to display the Encrypt option in the context menu. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open TweakUI .
  2. In the TweakUI window, select " Conductor" .
  3. On the right side of the window, under Settings, find " Show" in the context menu and check the box. This parameter should be below "Shortcut to Prefix" for new shortcuts and higher. Show "View Workgroup Computers" in NetPlaces .

Microsoft Windows XP Home users

  1. Select the file or folder you want to encrypt.
  2. Right-click the file or folder and select " Properties" .
  3. Go to tab " Sharing» .
  4. Check the box Make this folder private .
  5. Click " Apply", and then " OK" .

Make this private folder inaccessible

For this option to work in Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition, you must meet the following requirements.

  1. The hard drive must be formatted with NTFS and not with the FAT32 file system.
  2. The folder you are trying to encrypt is your personal folder. For example, if your name is Bean, you should encrypt the following folder or a folder inside it: C:\Documents and Settings\Bob\

Other solutions to protect your files and folders on Windows

Files and folders are not frequently used. An easy way to password protect files is to create an archive of the files using a compression tool. When the archive is created, you can encrypt the contents by specifying a password.

Windows ME and Windows XP users- Windows ME and Windows XP come with their own compression utility. This utility can also be used to compress and password protect files.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 users- Windows Vista and Windows 7 also include a compression utility. However, password protection for compressed files is not possible without using a third-party program.

Advice. When a file is compressed, users can still view the list of files in compressed file. If you want both your file names and contents to be hidden, move all files into one folder and a password will protect that folder.

Files and folders that are frequently used or accessed

If you need to password protect or encrypt data that you use frequently, you need to install a third-party program that allows you to protect your files and folders. Below are some free and commercial solutions.

  • 7-Zip is a free utility for unpacking files and folders, which also includes the ability to protect passwords for encrypted files and folders.
  • AxCrypt is an excellent free encryption utility that allows users to encrypt all files in a folder and prevent those files from being viewed unless the passphrase (password) is known.
  • Folder Guard is a commercial version of password protection software that allows you to protect files, folders, and other Windows resources with passwords.
  • Protected folder- for small fee This is a great program that allows you to protect your passwords.

Things to Remember When Encrypting or Password Protecting Files and Folders

  1. There is no such thing as a 100% secure file. There are many tools, utilities and instructions on how to break down encryption and passwords on files. However, the security methods listed above will protect your files from most users who might encounter them. If you work with truly sensitive data, we offer a commercial product to protect your files and data.
  2. Even though a file or folder may be password protected, it may still be deleted (unless the program supports the ability to protect files from being deleted). Always remember backup all your files, even those protected by passwords.
  3. If you forget your password, unless you are willing to take the time to break it or pay someone else to break the password, all data in the file or folder will be lost. Thus, it is important to back up your password-protected files or folders, just in case.

Programs for setting a password for a folder

Easy File Locker

Easy File Locker is a free XOSLAB utility. Users add files and folders they want to protect in the list using the " Add file" and looking through their system.

Settings such as visibility and access can be changed on the fly from the tool's clean user interface - this is especially useful if you have a lot of files or folders on your system that need to be protected.


Developed by PrivacyRoot, Secret Disk works by creating a virtual drive that can be password protected or simply made invisible to prying eyes.


Instead of applying password protection to individual files, SecretFolder simply makes them invisible if the user is unable to log into the application using the specified password.

This good decision if you are hiding a birthday gift or personal diary, but it's not rigorous enough to keep track of the really important stuff. Consider this tool that is best used to ensure your privacy on shared computer, not for security purposes.

My castle

My Lockbox is a tool that works best when the user intends to store all of their password-protected content in one place. Instead of picking and choosing individual files and folders to protect, the utility allocates one specific folder as a "lock" where sensitive content will be stored, similar to the folder lock process at the beginning of this article.

This is a great alternative to manual filing for anyone who doesn't have the confidence to do this procedure. However, its single-folder focus, as opposed to the flexibility of something like Easy File Locker, makes it less useful in a work environment. Also, at $29.95, the pro edition doesn't offer great value for money.

Windows has no built-in functionality for this task. But you can use free programs from third party developers. Let's take the 7-Zip archiver and the Anvide Seal Folder utility as an example.

Using 7-Zip

7-Zip archives the folder, encrypts its contents and blocks access to it with a password. Surely you are already using this program. If not, then download 7-Zip from the official website. If you prefer another archiver, then most likely you can use it to put a password on the folder in the same way.

After installing the archiver, right-click on the desired folder and select 7-Zip → “Add to archive”.

In the window that appears, under the “Encryption” item, enter the password and repeat the combination. Check the box “Encrypt file names” and click OK.

After this, the program will create a copy of the folder in the form of an encrypted archive, the contents of which can be viewed only after entering the password. Delete the original folder that remains unprotected.

In exactly the same way, 7-Zip allows you to password protect any selected file.

Using Anvide Seal Folder

If you don't want to mess with the archive, you can set a password directly on the folder itself using the Anvide Seal Folder program. This utility encrypts the contents of selected folders and hides them from prying eyes. Containers protected in this way can only be opened through the Anvide Seal Folder interface after entering the password.

The program is very easy to use. By clicking on the plus, you can select the path to the desired folder or to several containers one by one. After this, a list of added folders will appear in the Anvide Seal Folder main menu. To put a password on one or more of them, just select them, click on the lock and follow the prompts of the utility. You can also set a password to log into Anvide Seal Folder.

In macOS you can do without third party programs. The system allows you to create a so-called folder image, which is an encrypted copy of it. All files that are saved within this image are password protected.

To create such an image, open Disk Utility (Programs → Utilities → Disk Utility).

Click “File” → “ New look» → “Image from folder” and specify the path to the folder you want to protect.

Enter the name of the image and indicate the location on your computer where you will store it, as well as the password to access its contents. For encryption, select 128 or 256 bits, and for Image Format, select read/write. Then save the changes.

Open the created image, enter the password and make sure that all files are in place.

Delete the original folder. Now you can use it in a protected way instead.
