“In a nutshell,” a blue screen appears when a stop error occurs (operating system kernel error) during which the system can no longer continue to operate. The problem is typical for any failure - from software incompatibility to excessive processor temperature. In order to more or less accurately determine the cause of the failure, an analysis is necessary based on the text and code of the error itself. Desktop or laptop – it doesn’t matter, the approach to solving problems is the same.

Disabling automatic reboot

Analysis of the problem by code

Once we receive the code, we will be able to find information describing the cause of the problem and how to solve it.

Getting the code on Windows 8 and later

More modern codes have less description and technical information, and the code itself is represented by a sad smiley face and a text description, for example, CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT:

also, in addition to the error (sometimes without inscriptions or text), a QR code may be present:

Codes in Windows 7 and older

When a blue screen appears, you need to find the error code. It looks like 0x0000..., for example, 0x0000008D:

* codes in brackets are additional parameters and are used to clarify the location of the error. They can be individual and, as a rule, are not taken into account in further analysis.

Online analysis

Now we open sites with error codes, for example:

You can also enter the error code directly into the Google or Yandex search bar. And if there is a QR code, you can consider it a reader and proceed to the description of the problem.

When solving the problem, you must carefully read about the causes of the failure and follow the recommendations.

Analysis by dumps

In the case when automatic reboot is enabled or we are analyzing the problem later, we can use a dump - a special file that contains information about the last state of the system before the error with all the necessary descriptions and codes.

By default, this file is located in the path %SystemRoot%\MEMORY.DMP (usually C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP). You can view or change the path in the same place where automatic restart is disabled - right-click on This computer - Properties - Additional options systems -

You can read the dump using a special utility, for example, BlueScreenView. You can download it on the official website.

After launching the utility, we should see (if there were problems) a list of stop errors with codes, reports and additional information:

Having received the error code, we analyze using search engines or specialized sites using the method, .

TOP error codes

  • 0x00000109. General error caused by incorrect operation RAM or disk media. Sometimes, because of a virus.
  • 0x00000050. There is a problem with the device driver or incorrect hardware operation.
  • 0x0000007B. It is necessary to check the media and the system boot order in the BIOS.
  • 0x0000007e. Common code that unites large number various problems. Read the article below about common problems and methods for solving them.
  • 0x00000012. The system was unable to understand the cause of the failure. For a solution, also use the text below.

Typical causes that lead to errors and methods for eliminating them

Let's look at the TOP problems that cause operating system kernel errors, as well as methods for solving them:

  1. There is a problem with the device driver. If the error appears after installing a new driver or updating it, you must roll back the driver to the previous version.
  2. Unsuccessful update Windows. It usually happens when installing a large number of updates or installing a low-quality patch. Solved by rolling back installed packages.
  3. Incorrect operation equipment. To find out, you need to conduct a stress test with AIDA64 or analogues. It is also necessary to test the RAM and disk drive operation.
  4. Reset BIOS settings. When changing the drive operating mode (AHCI, IDE, RAID), the system will stop booting and display a stop error. The parameter may be lost due to a dead BIOS battery or a manual reset.
  5. Viruses. Many problems can be attributed to them. But it’s worth checking your computer, for example, with the CureIt program.
  6. Incompatible software. If installing or updating any programs caused a problem, reinstall software product or install the previous version.
  7. Violation of the license agreement. In some cases, a blue screen may appear every hour or two. As a rule, this is due to the fact that Windows is not activated.
  8. There is a problem with the video card or it is overheating. As a rule, it is observed in games or when watching videos. To diagnose, you need to update the driver and perform a stress test. It is also worth paying attention to the temperature of the video card.

If the system does not boot

In some cases, BSOD appears when booting Windows. This makes diagnosis much more difficult. In the case when the system cannot be booted, and the blue screen appears for a moment, or does not appear at all, you need to disable automatic reboot when turned on.

Another option is to use bootable Windows LiveCD, which contains a large number of utilities for diagnosing the problem.

With Windows blue screens of death ( B lue S creen o f D ead) has not come across, perhaps, only a rare lucky person. Most of us had the “fortune” to witness this phenomenon on our own PC. And it drives many people into panic: what if the computer is dead?

In order not to get lost when a blue “lantern” suddenly lights up on the screen, you need to be able to look the enemy “in the face.” That is, learn to find out what led to the appearance of BSoD, assess how critical the situation is and know what to do so that it does not happen again.

Blue Lantern turns on unexpectedly

In progress Windows operation Many errors arise, most of which the system eliminates without the user noticing. But some of them are so serious that continuing the work session becomes impossible. Or the problem that has arisen threatens Windows or hardware with irreversible damage. In such cases, BSoD appears. The system seems to be telling the user: “Sorry, friend, but I had no other choice. If it weren't for the crash, something bad would have happened."

Blue screens of death occur at any stage of computer startup and operation. And the following leads to them:

  • Incorrect operation of device drivers due to poor compatibility with the operating system, conflict with other drivers, damage or changes in parameters.
  • Incorrect operation software, more often than not, which creates its own services - antiviruses, firewalls, hardware emulators, etc.
  • Malware infection.
  • Hardware problems - malfunction of RAM, disk drives, network, sound adapters, video subsystem, motherboard, power supply and other equipment.
  • Abnormal operation of devices - overheating, unstable power supply, overclocking.
  • Violation of data exchange between devices - poor contact in connectors, faulty cables and cables.
  • Device incompatibility.

By the way, a one-time BSoD after connecting a new device to the computer, if in the future everything works flawlessly, can be considered the norm.

What can you learn from the information on the blue screen?

Fortunately, the vast majority of blue screens of death are caused by software glitches that the user can fix independently and relatively quickly, without resorting to reinstalling Windows. Software problems are characterized by random BSoDs with the same or similar error codes.

Hardware “bruises” more often occur under the same conditions (for example, when the load on the video card increases, or when trying to open a large file) and have different codes. Or these codes indicate problems with specific equipment, such as: errors in accessing the device, inability to read, recognize.

However, these signs only allow us to make an assumption about the cause of the problem. To clarify it, more detailed information is needed.

Blue screen death Windows 10 looks like this:

The error information is contained in the line “ Stopcode" In my example this is CRITICAL PROCESS DIED.

By scanning the QR code located here with your phone, you can go to the website windowscom/ stopcode, which contains general tips for troubleshooting. Tips from Microsoft are sometimes useful, but there is nothing there about the cause of your specific case, which means you will have to look for this data in another source, for example:

  • On computer forums.
  • In references for various error codes, in particular on the Docs.Micosoft website and elsewhere.

But this is not entirely complete information. Each error is unique, and the most accurate information about it is contained in the file that the system saves to disk at the time of the failure. Namely, in a small memory dump, which we will learn to analyze. In order for such files to be created, you need to make several small settings.

How to enable the feature to create and save small memory dumps

To save memory dumps on the hard drive, the system definitely needs one, which must be located in the same partition where Windows folder. Its size can be from 2 Mb or more.

  • Go through the context menu to the folder properties " Computer».

  • Click the button in the window that opens Advanced System Settings».

» press the button « Options».

  • In the new window section " System failure" from the list " Writing Debug Information» select « Small memory dump" Let it be indicated as the save location «% SystemRoot%\Minidump"(%systemroot% is the Windows folder).

This completes the setup. Now information about BSoDs will be saved in the above directory.

How to analyze the contents of minidumps

Exists different ways crash dump analysis Windows memory, but we will get acquainted with the most, in my opinion, convenient and simple - using a free utility BlueScreenView .

BlueScreenView is especially convenient because it does not require the installation of cumbersome Debugging Tools packages on your computer for Windows and can be launched from any media, just click on the file of the same name.

The utility interface, despite the lack of Russian language, is very friendly. The main window is divided into 2 halves. At the top is a table of minidumps - files from the Windows\Minidump folder with the date and time of creation (column Crash Time), error code in hexadecimal format (column Bug Check Code), its four parameters and other information. However, it is more convenient to view data about a specific failure in a separate window, which opens by double-clicking on the line of interest (shown below). The main window gives more information about the problem as a whole if BSoDs have occurred repeatedly. It makes it easy to track the dates of incidents and error codes, the frequency of which can be used to judge the nature of the problem.

The lower half of the main window displays the drivers loaded into memory at the time of the emergency for a specific dump highlighted in the list. The lines highlighted in pink show the contents of the event stream stack, and the drivers mentioned in them are most directly related to the cause of the failure.

Let's look at one of the small memory dumps with error code 0x00000154 as an example. I'll say in advance that it was caused by a crease in the cable hard drive. Starting the analysis, let's look at the list of drivers in the event stack. There is nothing here except ntoskrnl.exe - the Windows OS kernel, which, of course, is not to blame for the problem - it’s just that at the time of the failure there was not a single driver in the stack, and it is always present there.

Let's move on. According to Microsoft's website, error 0x00000154 occurs when "a storage component encounters an unexpected exception" and is typically associated with storage issues.

To test this version, let’s evaluate the S.M.A.R.T indicators of the computer’s hard drive, which are monitored by the program Hard Disk Sentinel. On the day of the accident, changes in the following attributes appeared here:

  • 188 Command Timeout.
  • 199 UltraDMA CRC Error Count.

Both indicate data transmission errors on the interface cable. Testing the surface of the hard drive and checking the file structure did not reveal any deviations, so the problem was solved by replacing the cable.

Let's consider another case of a blue screen of death, the cause of which was Kaspersky antivirus. BSoD occurred intermittently during Windows 10 startup and when the computer resumed from sleep mode.

The error was recorded several times under the same code - 0x000000d1, which means the following: "a kernel mode driver attempted to access a memory page in an IRQL process that had too high a priority." This time BlueScreenView pointed out a problem in the NDIS.sys driver, which is responsible for network connections. This means that there is a high probability that the failure is of software origin and is associated with something that uses the network.

To identify the culprit, it was necessary to analyze startup applications. At the early stage of launching the operating system of this PC, not too many programs were launched that were allowed access to the Internet, or rather, only Kaspersky. To confirm its involvement, I again turned to the list of drivers loaded into memory in BlueScreenView and, among what is usually present here, I found kl1.sys, which belongs to the antivirus.

After removing Kaspersky, blue screens no longer popped up.

The BlueScreenView utility allows you to analyze crash memory dumps obtained not only where it is running, but also on another computer. To do this, you don't need to copy them to Windows folder\ Minidump your PC, which is loaded into the default program. Copy them to any convenient location, for example, on your desktop, and tell the program the new location of the directory that should be downloaded.

The function for selecting a folder with dump files is in the “ Options» – « Advanced Options" (opened by the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O) and is called " Load from the following minidump folder».

Having checked the box here, click the button “ Browse" and find the desired directory in Explorer. When you want to return the settings to default, click " Default».

This is how, in a matter of minutes, you can find out the cause of almost any Windows blue screen of death, and by examining the minidumps together, you can identify the source of the problem and successfully fix it. By the way, you can find hints about which driver belongs to what. Recommendations for solving related problems are also provided there.

Blue Screen of Death (BSoD) users modern computers encounter quite often. The resulting error code 0x00000124 indicates that this is a critical system failure detected by hardware using Windows(WHEA). This means that the problem is caused by one of the computer devices.

Why does error code 0x00000124 occur in different versions of Windows?

Error code 0x00000124 indicates system problems with the computer hardware and can occur in any version of Windows.

Possible reasons

  • Software or physical damage to RAM.
  • The RAM timings set in the BIOS (basic input/output system) have failed.
  • Problems with drivers or programs.
  • Incorrect settings when overclocking equipment - video card, processor, RAM.
  • Violation of the established temperature conditions of the equipment. This could be overheating of the power supply, video card or motherboard, or other components and parts of the computer.
  • The BIOS version does not match the requirements of the newly installed hardware and software.
  • Malfunction of the motherboard due to malfunctions.
  • Failure when connecting new equipment due to insufficient power from the power supply.
  • Problems with the hard drive caused by software failures or physical damage to the internal surface of the hard drive.

When error 0x00000124 occurs, the computer immediately shuts down. emergency mode. A blue screen appears, the appearance of which depends on the Windows system you are using, with a message about a problem.

What does the screen look like?

In Windows 2000, the error message and its code are displayed at the top of the screen.

Error message in Windows 2000

In Windows XP and Windows 7, the screens are identical. The error name is displayed at the top: WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR, and the error code is displayed at the bottom. After the code there is an explanation of where exactly the failure occurred and what should be done.

Windows XP and Windows 7

In Windows Vista, only the error code message is displayed.

Error message in Windows Vista

In Windows 8 and Windows 10, the screens are the same. Detailed technical information the error is not displayed, it only says that a failure has occurred and you need to restart the computer.

Blue Screen of Death in Windows 8 and Windows 10

Error 0x00000124 is a kind of fuse against further computer breakdowns. The user must, willy-nilly, solve the problem that has arisen, until which is resolved the system will not be able to operate stably.

It should be noted that the blue screen of death may not be seen at all if automatic system reboot is enabled when a failure occurs. To disable this option, uncheck the “Perform automatic restart” checkbox on the “Options” tab in the “Startup and Recovery” section of the “Advanced” menu of the system properties window. To open it in the main computer “Start” menu, right-click on the “My Computer” tab and select “Properties” from the drop-down list, located at the very bottom. Now you can find out about errors in your computer in a timely manner.

What to do: can I fix everything myself?

If an error occurs with code 0x00000124, you can try to fix it yourself, which is successful in some cases, or contact a service organization for help.

If you have never previously troubleshooted problems associated with various computer malfunctions, then do not do anything yourself without first consulting a professional.

Step-by-step instructions for resolving the error

Video: how to resolve error code 0x00000124?

Video: how to remove the blue screen of death in Windows?

From the description we can conclude that the appearance of error code 0x00000124 indicates serious problems in the computer’s operation that should not be ignored. If you do not take timely measures to troubleshoot the blue screen of death, the system may stop booting altogether.

Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) is one of the most vexing problems that Windows user may collide. Knowing how to determine the cause of the crash is one of the most important forms of diagnosing BSOD. An error with a blue screen code can occur for various reasons, and without analyzing what is causing the error, it is difficult to eliminate it. These are the main reasons for blue screen death BSOD:

  • Driver conflicts- Driver conflicts occur when two or more drivers cannot work with each other properly. This can also happen if multiple drivers are installed for the same device without uninstalling the previous version.
  • Hardware conflicts- Incorrect overclocking of a PC can immediately create a BSOD. Blue Screen of Death can also occur if your RAM sticks are not installed correctly or if a piece of hardware is starting to wear out.
  • Operating system (OS) errors- User error or malware can be removed vitally important files your OS. Significant missing files can result in a crippling error causing your PC to enter a BSOD cycle in which you get a blue screen every time your PC turns on.

Preparing to analyze a BSOD file dump

Whenever a BSOD error occurs, Windows dumps some information about it into a file on your PC, but trying to understand this dump file very complex. One of the easier ways to understand is to use the utility BlueScreenView by NirSoft, a free tool that finds these dump files and displays them in a more user-friendly form. First of all, you should check the settings for the memory dump report in the Windows system itself:

  • Press Win+R and enter sysdm.cpl

Go to the tab Additionally and select Options in the "" column below.

Make sure you have the error logging settings enabled.

Now download the program BlueScreenView, scroll to the center on the site to download the file. You will see three links as in the picture below, select the installer that is most convenient for you. If you want to Russify the program, then find Russian in the table below and download the file. The downloaded file will contain a "BlueScreenView_lng" file, just place it in installation program to the root.

Find out Blue Screen of Death error codes

When you run the program, it will show you errors in files and memory dumps. As you can see in the figure below, I get a blue screen with an ndis.sys error and there seems to be a problem in the ntoskrni.exe file. In the top column I can see the full file dump report, and by right-clicking on it, find in google information for correction. The error is most likely related to the installed virtual machine, or rather be with a virtual one network adapter and an antivirus that creates a blue screen error after sleep mode and the initial boot of the system.

How to Fix Blue Screen of Death Error Codes

I will give a couple of ways of what to do and how to eliminate errors using popular methods:

  • When, for example, a blue screen of death occurs in Windows 10, there will be a QR code that will redirect you to the site.
  • On the website Microsoft There is already a database with BSOD errors and prompting tools.
  • Use the Microsoft Virtual Agent, enter BSOD in the first line and follow the instructions.
  • Microsoft also suggests running

Reading time: 6 minutes. Views 358 Published 12/05/2016

Many of you have probably already heard more than once from friends and acquaintances about such a thing as the Windows 7 blue screen of death that appeared on their computer, also called BSOD ( Blue Screen of Death).

With the appearance of a blue screen, Windows warns us that, and it is advisable to eliminate them in a timely manner. The death screen displays error codes by which you can understand why it is happening, and from this you can conclude which component of the computer is malfunctioning or a software problem.

If your computer with Windows 7 starts to issue a BSOD, then you and I need to understand why it appears, and to do this you need to write down the error code in your notepad or take a photo of the monitor screen, and then fill in the error data in the search bar or, we look for what it means or read the entire article, in it you will find codes for the most common errors due to which the blue screen of death appears. But first, we will do the preparatory work.

Setting up Windows 7 for BSOD diagnostics

In order for you and me to have time to record or photograph the blue screen error code, we need to do some system settings.

You need to disable rebooting the PC when an error occurs, and also enable recording of debugging information in a memory dump.

  • Memory dump— the contents of RAM at a certain point in time, let’s say a special image.
  • Small memory dump - part of memory that is written to hard drive during failures, only the most important information remains there.

In order to go to the system settings, open “Start”, select “Computer”, right-click on it and select “Properties”

A new window will open in which we select the “Advanced” tab and click the “Options” button in the “Boot and Recovery” item

Next, look at the “Recording debugging information” section, where you need to select “Small memory dump 256 KB”

Now your computer is set up, the next time it fails it will not reboot, and you can safely write down the error code or take a photo of it.

Blue screen of death, Windows 7 error codes

Let's now look at the most common error codes.

  • KMODE EXCEPTION NOT HANDLED - the computer generates this error if there is a problem with the hardware (for example, some computer component has failed) or a problem with the drivers.
  • NTFS FILE SYSTEM - problems with file hard system disk, this problem may occur in several cases:

* presence of viruses in the boot area of ​​the hard drive

* damage to the file system structure.

  • INACCESSIBLE BOOT DEVICE – when this error appears, the operating system Windows system indicates that she could not access the boot partition of the disk. There can be many problems that caused this error. For example, a problem in the PC hardware: a damaged hard drive, a faulty controller, faulty individual computer components, or a software problem: viruses or file system errors.
  • IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL – this error may appear if there is a problem with drivers or some Windows system service
  • PAGE FAULT IN NONPAGED AREA – a blue screen of death with this code means that the data that the system is looking for is not in memory; accordingly, when the operating system accesses, for example, data in the paging file, but there is nothing there, such an error will appear. The error often appears due to problems with RAM, system errors Windows services or due to a damaged file system.
  • KERNEL DATA INPAGE ERROR – operating system I can't read data from memory. This error may be caused by faulty RAM, hard drive problems due to unreadable sectors, or HDD controller problems.
  • KERNEL STACK INPAGE ERROR – The OS was unable to read the paging file and write data to the hard drive. The main reasons for this error: a problem with the RAM or hard drive.
  • UNEXPECTED KERNEL MODE TRAP is an error that appears at the system kernel level. The reasons that caused it can be both hardware and software.
  • STATUS SYSTEM PROCESS TERMINATED – error caused by software glitch, problems at work system services, drivers or applications
  • DATA BUS ERROR - a blue screen appears when there is a failure in the RAM or when the video adapter malfunctions.

Blue screen of death Windows 7, what to do?

After you and I have determined what error we are getting, we need to establish the reason why our computer began to malfunction. To do this, you need to remember what latest changes happened on your computer. You may have installed new program or updated drivers for some device. To eliminate the human factor, you need to remove the latest installed programs, and also roll back drivers to previous versions. If errors began to appear after installing new hardware in the system unit, then you need to turn it off and observe the operation of the computer.

In order to resolve the error caused by a software glitch, you need to try the following steps.

  • Roll back installed new drivers to the previous version;
  • Execute Windows startup with last known good configuration;
  • Perform a system restore using the standard Windows function.

I advise you to check the amount remaining free space on the system partition of the hard drive, since a small amount of memory can cause system failures. Don’t forget to check your computer for viruses; to do this, you can use the free Dr.Web Cureit utility or the Kaspersky Lab utility KVRT. If the blue screen of death continues to appear, I recommend installing the latest package Windows updates 7.

Reset BIOS settings By default, the computer components may have been overclocked incorrectly, causing the hardware to operate at incorrect settings that differ from the factory settings, thereby causing malfunctions. To reset the settings, you need to go into the BIOS, press the F5 key and press F10 to save the settings. The computer should restart and apply the new settings.

If you recently climbed into the inside of the system unit to clean dust, then perhaps you connected a connector somewhere incorrectly or not tightly. To eliminate this kind of problem, remove the RAM from the connectors and insert it back until it clicks. Also check the connections of all cables, remove other components installed in system unit and connect again.

In order to exclude failures of RAM and hard drive, perform a stress test on them, for example, with the Aida program. If the components do not pass this test, you need to replace them with known good ones and check the operation of the computer.

That's all for me, now you know what to do with the blue screen of death in Windows 7.
