Many people ask me a very pressing question - how to clean the C: drive with Windows - on the system Windows disk There is too little space left, you need to install Windows 10, there is not enough space for applications, etc.? Windows takes up 15-20GB of disk space, and how can I clear the Windows folder of unnecessary files and reduce its size to the original 10GB? Upgrading to Windows 10 requires more free space on the C: drive, how can I clear it to install Windows 10?

Yes, indeed, installing the Windows 10 update requires 8GB of free space on the C: drive, and for owners of devices with system disks of 16GB, 32GB and even 64GB, the issue of free space on C: is very often a very painful issue, because the Windows folder " swells up to 20GB...

    go through the list installed applications and remove everything unnecessary - through the Control Panel and System Settings of Windows 8.1.

    Control Panel / Programs / Unistall Programs – to view and remove classic Windows applications

    Key combination Win+C / Settings / Change PC Settings / PC and devices / Disk space/ See my applications’ sizes - to view and remove modern Windows applications (installed from the store Microsoft Store). When you click on an application in the list, the Uninstall button is displayed to remove an unnecessary application

    Copying the entire contents of the directory C:\Windows\Installer to drive D: (conditionally to the folder D:\WinFiles\Installer) - run from the command line CMD lines(Administrator) command robocopy c:\Windows\Installer d:\WinFiles\Installer /E /V /Z /ETA

    After successful copying, make sure (how to do this - ) that all files have been copied and remove the Installer directory from the c:\Windows folder

    create a link in the c:\Windows folder to the new directory with the installation files that you transferred (conditionally to d:\WinFiles\Installer) - run the command from the CMD (Administrator) command line mklink /D c:\Windows\installer d:\WinFiles\Installer

A SMALL ADDITION to cleaning up the C drive:, which is not in this video (but the question has already been asked

The WinSxS folder is located in C:\Windows\WinSxS, takes up a lot of space and continues to grow. This folder accumulates unnecessary files, such as old system components, and the longer you have the operating system, the larger the WinSxS folder.

Why is the WinSxS folder growing?

When you install any system updates, old files are replaced with new ones, and all old options are saved in the WinSxS folder in case of bugs.

Files from the Windows folder are transferred to WinSxS using hard links, and file managers they are taken as real volume. Therefore, the folder size may be displayed incorrectly, but in fact it usually weighs no more than 15GB.

However, if you want to clean your system of unnecessary files, there are several ways to do it.

Cleaning Windows Updates

At the command line, you need to type cleanmgr, and the built-in utility will show you how much space you can free up. You just need to check “Cleaning Windows updates» and click OK.

If you've been using the same operating system for several years, you'll probably have a few gigabytes of free space freed up.

The next time you restart, Windows 7 will spend a few minutes cleaning up system files before you can see your desktop again. If you don’t have this option, you probably haven’t updated Windows for a long time. Install latest updates system, and it will appear.

Unlike Windows 7, Windows 8 and 8.1 clear updates automatically in the Scheduler. Windows cleans the folder on a schedule using the Microsoft – Windows – Servicing – StartComponentCleanup task, which is automatically launched in background and removes components 30 days after you install updates.

If you want to remove updates manually, open Disk Cleanup, check Windows Update Cleanup, and click OK.

Windows 8.1 provides even more options for deleting files yourself. There you can delete all previous versions, even when 30 days have not passed since the installation of new ones. To do this, you need to launch the command line as an administrator and enter the necessary commands.

For example, one command removes all update versions without waiting 30 days:

DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup

Another removes files needed to remove update packages. After entering this command you will not be able to delete installed packages updates:

DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /SPSuperseded

Another command will remove all old versions of each component. After this, you will not be able to remove all installed service packs:

DISM.exe /online /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase

Removing components on demand

Modern Windows versions allow you to turn on system components on demand. The list of functions is located in the Windows Features window, which can be accessed from the Control Panel.

Even if you have not installed any of them, that is, they are not checked, the components are still stored on your hard drive in the WinSxS folder. If you want to install them, you don’t have to download anything, you can do it from the folder.

However, even unused components take up space on your hard drive, and if you really care free space, you can delete them.

Windows 8 has added a new option that allows you to remove all these files from WinSxS, and if you suddenly need them, you can download them from Microsoft.

To remove components, open the command line and enter the following command:

DISM.exe /Online /English /Get-Features /Format:Table

You will see the different components and their status.

To remove a feature from the system, you can use the following command, replacing NAME with the name of the feature you want to remove.

DISM.exe /Online /Disable-Feature /featurename:NAME /Remove

If you run the /GetFeatures command again, you will see that the feature status has changed to: “Disabled with Payload Removed” instead of just “Disabled”.

Many owners Windows Vista and 7 have probably encountered the fact that the Windows folder grows by leaps and bounds over time. I put up with this until the 40 GB partition with the system began periodically giving me messages that it was running out of free space.

I found one wonderful tool whose magic allows you to reduce the size of the winsxs folder without losing performance/stability/data. First, I did everything described under the cut on my home beech, and now, for the purity of the experiment, I will repeat it on my work one.

0. A little theory

In general, a lot has been said about how Windows uses system disk space, so I will be brief here.

pagefile.sys- swap file. You can disable it if the RAM size is large, or you can adjust the size manually.

hiberfil.sys- the file in which the snapshot is saved RAM when the computer goes to sleep. In the “Disk Cleanup” menu, among other things, there is a “Clean up hibernation files” option. If you do not use this mode, you can clean it. If you regularly “fall asleep” your computer/laptop, then after clearing this file, you will have to use this advice, or simply enter in the command line powercfg -h on && shutdown -r .

Users' personal folders (My Documents, Desktop, Appdata, Main Menu, etc.) can be painlessly transferred to another location either through the properties of the desired folders or via regedit or group policies. This is a separate conversation, I will not consider it here.

It should be noted that any updates and upgrades in the Windows system are reversible, that is, by installing Vista Service Pack 2 (6.0.6002), you can roll back to 6.0.6001, and then to the original build. In order to make all updates installed on the system irreversible, you need to use two system utilities:
vsp1cln.exe- sweeps up debris after installing Vista SP1.
compcln.exe- does the same for SP2.

The system creates restore points on demand and automatically when installing drivers, important updates, on a schedule or on demand. Recovery uses up to 15% of the space on each drive it is on. You can disable it, or you can use “Disk Cleanup” on the “Advanced” tab to leave only the last restore point to save space.

About the folder winsxs the developers wrote that this is the main storage of the OS, and all the rest system files- this is a type of hardlink, blah blah blah..., and yes, accept it as God’s gift that over time the size of the folder will only increase.

1. Preparation

Windows Vista Business 32-bit.
First I found out the size of the winsxs folder - about 4.5 gigs.
Next, all important and recommended updates as of October 8, 2009, including SP1 and SP2, were methodically installed. After completing all the procedures, I downloaded the wonderful Scanner to visually assess the scale of the disaster.

Installing updates transformed the Windows folder.

Now in order:
- compcln.exe - worked for about five minutes.

After that, I make a recovery checkpoint (you never know), get rid of the previous ones, and move on to the most important stage for today.

2. Winsxslite

It's not even a program - it's a .bat file that reduces the size of the winsxs folder. It was written by a certain Christian Bering Boegh and is distributed “as is”, which personally raised some suspicions in me, which could only be dispelled by a successfully executed script. You can find the link latest version script (1.86) with comments from the author.

The script operation includes two phases:
1. Search in the Program Files and Windows files, identical to the files in winsxs.
2. Replacing old versions of a file in winsxs with hard links to newer versions of the file.

You can work with both the online system (that is, a running OS) and the OS image.
Working with the online system looks like this:
- Phase 1 scan;
- Phase 1 apply;
- Reboot;
- Phase 2 scan;

For the script to work, the configuration file config.txt is also used, which specifies exceptions for the first phase (logs, temp, cache, etc.), and language priorities for the second phase (unused localization files are replaced with hardlinks of the corresponding files of other languages), By default, “da-dk=KEEP” is written in the config, which changes to the required line ru-ru=KEEP, uk-ua=KEEP or another necessary one.

Winsxslite will only work if you have the following software:
- SubInACL v5.2.3790.1180;
- PendMoves v1.1 and MoveFile v1.0 ;
- - Command Line Hardlinks;
- Fcmp v1.6 - the author recommends using 1.6;
- MD5File ;
- StringConverter v1.2.

All installed files I put it in the winsxslite folder. If anyone is bored of doing all the procedures themselves, here is the link. There is actually winsxslite, all the necessary software plus a config with the corrected da-dk. The config can be deleted. When you launch winsxslite for the first time, a default config and help file will be created.

3. Results

Looking at the results, I realized that I had made a strategic mistake - I took a laptop for the test that was hardly used at work. That is, the OS was only a couple of days old, and virtually no one was working on the laptop. On a home computer, the results were more noticeable. There, the winsxs folder lost 8 gigs, but to the same 14.8.

Be that as it may, both patients were not harmed, and winsxslite turned out to be an excellent help in reducing the volume of insatiable Windows.

In conclusion, I would like to note that both phases of the script can take from one to two hours of computer work.

P.S. about disk space usage in Win7. None third party programs systems (such as vLite) were not used for castration.

If you are not a novice computer user, then you have probably heard or come across the WinSxS folder. She could not help but raise questions, because... takes up quite a lot of space. And since every megabyte on drive C matters, I think you have a desire to reduce the size of this folder.

Unfortunately, the folder not only takes up a lot of space, but also grows all the time. It contains various unnecessary files, and the longer you work on one operating system, the more WinSxS “weighs”. Well, if you're really worried about windows folder takes a lot windows seats 7, I’ll tell you how to reduce it a little.

Why do you need WinSxS?

The WinSxS folder is a service folder, it is necessary for storing versions system components OS installed previously. In other words, thanks to the contents of this folder, the user can roll back to the previous version of the operating system if necessary.

When old files are replaced by new ones, however, this rule does not work in relation to WinSxS: even old versions are stored in it. Since the replacement process does not occur, it is constantly growing.

How to empty the WinSxS folder

The Internet offers different ways clean this service folder, but almost all of them lead to errors and malfunctions in the OS. At the moment, there is only one option with which you can partially clear the folder, and its essence is as follows:

Of course, after completing all the steps, the WinSxS folder will remain in its place. It will become smaller, because all old versions of files will be deleted, only the penultimate ones will remain. Hence the conclusion is that if you installed the OS recently, then there may be nothing to delete in the folder. And vice versa, if Windows 7 has been on the computer for a long time, then the folder will “lose weight” by a couple of gigabytes.

In general, try it, and remember that the method described above is the only one that will not lead to loss of performance operating system! Therefore, you should not take risks and use other untested methods; you are unlikely to get a positive outcome from them.

The situation in which you run out of space on your hard drive is quite typical. The thing is that the main place is occupied by the folder, which is located in appdata/local.temp and its volume is constantly increasing.

Not only beginners, but also experienced users do not always quickly find a solution to this problem. Let's try to figure out what this folder is responsible for and whether it is possible to delete it.

Temp folder - what is it for?

This folder is important in the system. Its essence is to store temporary files. The thing is that system applications are not always able to completely uninstall certain applications, so clearing temp is necessary produce independently.

Inexperienced users are extremely surprised when hard drive constantly full. And when they find this folder, are surprised at how much it weighs. For some users, the folder can accumulate for many years, so it accounts for a significant part of the busy part of everything hard drive.

The temp folder cannot be deleted - it can only be cleaned regularly. Automatic cleaning of this folder also exists. There are a number third party applications, which at a given time will perform independent cleaning without your help.

Options for cleaning the temp folder in Windows 7 and 8

There are several of them. Choose the one you like.

Standard cleaning method

Let's look at the most common method. But to understand how to clean it, you need to understand how to find it. You can do this in the following way:

  • First you need to do hidden folders visible;
  • After this, you need to find the folder with temporary files (path to folder: Users\Your Account Name\AppData\Local\Temp);

Only after this can you proceed to the most affordable cleaning option.

  • After you have entered this folder, you should delete all elements from it. You can select all files or delete them all at once. But, unfortunately, this procedure almost never works the first time. The reason for this may be various factors. For example, running application can directly affect the ability to delete a particular file. Therefore, for the procedure to go smoothly, you should close all applications and try to uninstall.
  • If turning off all windows does not help, you should restart the device and then try the procedure again.

Cleaning using the system disk

If this method is not suitable for some reason, then you can use another method. This method is as simple as the traditional one, so absolutely anyone can use it.

  • You should open the disk with the system with the right mouse button.
  • In properties you need to click on disk cleanup. This system utility helps to delete not only temporary files accumulated by the system, but also, for example, the “Windows.old” folder. This folder appears when the system is updated, and it is extremely difficult to get rid of it, but this is the topic of a separate article.
  • After clicking the button, select the files that need to be deleted and select cleaning. This procedure does not take much time, and also does not cause errors during removal. Cleaning occurs quickly and irrevocably.

Completely deleting files from a folder via the command line

This solution is extremely convenient and practically time-consuming. The steps are as follows:

  1. You should launch a Command Prompt with administrator rights, and then enter the following command:

DEL /F /S /Q /A “c:\windows\temp\*”

  1. You must confirm the procedure with the Enter key and wait for it to complete.
  2. After the procedure is completed, the folder will be completely cleared.

Constantly produce this action using the command line is not very convenient, so many people prefer to use a variety of cleaning programs.

Read also:

Programs that can be used to clean

There are many different programs that can solve the problem with cleaning the temp folder. They are divided into paid and free, and also carry various functionality.

For example, CCleaner. This program has proven itself to be excellent among most users and has the widest range of functions.

Removal via this program extremely simple. You should go to the “cleaning” menu, and then select the items shown in the screenshot and confirm your choice.

The program has one drawback. The software only works with Windows systems XP and 7 version. Possible compatibility with version 8 of the operating system. But it doesn't work with 10.

Cleaning the temp folder in Windows 10

This procedure on Win 10 is not much more complicated than in previous versions. To clean, you should:

  • Go to the “Options” menu;
  • Then "System";
  • Then select the “Storage” tab and system disk;
  • Check the box with temporary files and clean the system.

Windows 10 also has the option of automatic cleaning. To do this, check the “delete temporary files” option in this folder and enable the memory control function.

In this version of the operating system, it is possible to delete temporary files in a folder using standard method. To do this, you need to find this folder. You can do this manually, or use the search function. You must enter %temp in the search bar, and this folder will immediately appear in Explorer. But, before that, you need to make all hidden folders visible.

Once you have entered this folder, you should clean it up. The easiest way to do this is by selecting all files and deleting them while holding down the Shift key. This solution will eliminate the need for subsequent emptying of the trash can. All files will be immediately deleted irrevocably. You can select all files using the combination Shift+A.

Read also:

Bottom line

If you notice that the temp folder is quickly filling up and there is constantly not enough space on your computer, then using our tips, cleaning it up won’t be difficult.

Everyone chooses the most convenient method of removal, but experts recommend using automatic cleaning tools so as not to constantly remember the need to carry out this procedure.

If the Temp folder weighs a lot and needs cleaning, then knowing the methods, deleting all the files inside it will not be difficult.

To complete the picture, watch this video:
