Disk Space Fan is an application that analyzes your HD and folders and optimizes them by eliminating junk and duplicated files.

Files and folders are shown in radial mode, so those folders occupying more space are bigger and those with less MBs are smaller. Furthermore, they are in different colors depending on their weight, so it"s easy to detect the ones we want to delete or check.

Disk Space Fan offers an intuitive and friendly interface. It's very easy to use and that makes it to be suitable for any kind of user.

The program also grants access to the folders to check the files in them and then decide whether to eliminate the folder or not.

If you feel your Hard Disk is getting full of junk files, check it and solve the problem with Disk Space Fan.

Visit Disk Space Fan site and Download Disk Space Fan Latest Version!

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Disk Space Fan is a product developed by Disk Space Fan Team. This site is not directly affiliated with Disk Space Fan Team. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.

Disk space is a storage for various files. This storage is available to all users with Internet access. However, few people know that this topic is great for making money. Yes, you can get good money here, it will take a little patience and intelligence. If you pay enough attention to this, you can earn 200 rubles on the Internet every day.

How Disk space works

How can a beginner make money on the Internet? It's not difficult. I recommend that you first upload your file to Disk space, which should immediately go through the archiving procedure. Literally from now on, you can start advertising it on a variety of resources, for example, on websites, blogs and thematic forums. The file owner receives money for each unique (one-time) download. A unique download is one made by one user only once. Of course, this money is still very small - 3 rubles 20 kopecks.

Earning money on Disk space.

This is one of the most simple ways making money based on downloading various files. For successful promotion, you need to pay attention to the competent selection of content; it is this that plays the most important role in achieving success. The content of the content must meet the needs of users who will download the product via the posted link.

Determining the needs of the target audience

Any person at least once in his life has done something that interests him. It is easy to imagine that at a certain time a certain topic becomes relevant for the vast majority of people. In particular, during the session the most common search query is the word “coursework”. Or “Unified State Exam Answers” ​​at a time when final exams begin in schools in our country.

The main task is to determine a list of topics that are interesting to the potential target audience. Here you will need special skills - to be able to correctly assess the situation, analyze the quantity search queries. This data will help to more fully present the operation of this circuit.

Then you need to determine where the traffic will be received.

Keep in mind that to get a correctly formulated answer search engine on key query, you'll have to work a little harder. Working on a website, filling it with well-chosen content, and developing in the chosen direction require a huge amount of time, patience and perseverance. But at the moment there is a simplified option for making money on file hosting services.

How can this be? The answer is simple. The VKontakte social network has its own file storage designed for exchanging information not only inside, but also outside the network. Each file in it corresponds to a specific word (key). To assess possible competition and determine the frequency of requests, each key is checked separately.

For example, the query “coursework” shows a high frequency, which means there is a high possibility that users will want to download it. Therefore, based on the key query, you must come up with a strategy that will help you make money on files.

Strategy for making money on Disk space

In order to develop a competent and profitable earnings strategy, you need to clearly understand the scale of the task and how to accomplish it. Each user can have his own level, according to which he comes up with strategic tricks, introducing them as he progresses.

Next steps.

Now I advise you to come up with a “tasty” name for the file, for example “all_courses.torrent” and assume that you already have an extensive database of all kinds of coursework. After that, you must upload it to the Disk space server, after which you will be provided with a link to download the document.

Next, you should write a text (document) with a similar name (the document format does not need to be changed). The text should be compelling to action, for example: “Now you have at your disposal a huge number of term papers that cannot be found in a free version. Hurry up to download the coursework without paying, the link to the torrent archive is below.”

This document will be a kind of bait. Now you need to find a suitable hook. The link in the form in which you received it (as the owner of the file) should not be posted, since VKontakte will not allow you to click on it. What to do? You need to act like a real fisherman - disguise the hook so that the fish does not notice it.

How to hide a link

In order to disguise the link and get additional income, a special service is used Cat Cut link shorteners. To get best option links, you should run it through Cat Cut. Only after these simple steps can you place a link in the document.

Uploading a document

Next, you need to save the received document, open the “Documents” tab in VK, select the text that was just made from them. Now you need to mark it as “Another document”, for this special marks (keys) are placed.

How to choose keywords? They should reflect the essence of the request. For example, with coursework you can put “ready-made coursework, coursework”, etc. Now you need to add a file and further track user activity on the cat cut service. If there are a lot of transitions, but no downloads occur, it means that either the link was made incorrectly or the text is not professional enough.

The next task is to add the received document to the VKontakte server every hour; it should be at the very top of the search results. Here it will immediately become clear how many times it was viewed and how many downloads there were.

Withdrawal of funds

Payments are made to the most well-known payment systems - WebMoney, Qiwi and Yandex Money. They can be performed either manually or automatic mode. Scheduled withdrawals are made automatically twice a week (Monday and Friday) to the wallet specified by the user.

The user needs to know that payments received in the standard mode are withdrawn without commission. In contrast, early payment requires a commission fee of 5% of the amount requested for withdrawal. The user must take into account that along with downloading the file, he can download a large number of different virus programs. First, malicious content is downloaded and only then can the desired file be downloaded.

Today, making money on Disk space is available to anyone. It is a quick and easy option for good passive income.

Disk-Space is a new file-sharing service that offers affiliate program on monetization of file traffic. The service is focused on exchanging mainly small files.

Tools for users and webmasters

To download user files, the service provides several methods:

There are no restrictions on the total size of uploaded files for users, and the files themselves are stored in the system for up to 30 days. The service prohibits the placement of paid archives.

How to make money on Disk Space

The file hosting service offers several earning options for users:

    • Payment for each unique download of a hosted file (main method);
    • Payment for displaying advertisements on the file download page;
    • Creation of a referral network (attracting new participants).

A unique download means a download final file from a file hosting service through a downloader, which is counted if the user has not downloaded it for a day before.

By collaborating with Disk Space, webmasters can earn up to 3 rubles. on users downloading their uploaded files. Depending on the number of downloads, several are offered tariff plans, according to which payment will be calculated.

By registering for the project, personal account Statistics tools will be available, as well as a personal affiliate link to attract referrals. There is also 24/7 technical support that will help resolve any issues that may arise.


Getting started: 2015
Accepted countries: Russia
Required website: No
Registration bonus: No
Maximum file size: 30 MB
File retention period: 30 days
Payment to webmasters: 100%
Payment currency: rubles
Payment mode: on request once a week (on Sundays)
Minimum payout: 50 rub.
Payouts via: WebMoney
Referral program: 15%
Promotional materials: banners
Technical support: email

Disk space is a file storage that anyone can use, but not make money. Making money there is not so easy; it will require ingenuity and patience. In this article I will talk about how to start making money on disk space.

?It is currently unavailable due to browser blocking. Does its analog file-seven work? Temporarily the price for downloading has been increased to 8 rubles (this is three times more than on diskspace)

All subsequent reports about my actions and earnings are real, but not fully completed and not their full potential has been revealed, since I simply don’t have enough time for everything. If you pay enough attention, you will reach a figure of 500 or more rubles per day.

How does disk space work?

You upload your file, and then it goes through the archiving procedure into an exe archive. Which from now on can be distributed on websites and forums. For each unique download you are credited with 3.2 rubles, namely unique ones. A download made by one user and only once will be unique.

Popular payment systems such as webmoney, Yandex money and qiwi are available for payments. Payments can be made manually, but there are also scheduled payments that are withdrawn automatically to the wallet of your choice every Monday and Friday. Scheduled payments are not subject to interest, but early payment will cost you 5% of the amount you want to withdraw.

But you should be aware that many other programs are downloaded along with your files. All viral content begins to download, and only after that your file is downloaded. This may be familiar to you, as there are a lot of such tricks on the Internet, sometimes to the point where you have to reinstall the system.

Very soon I will release a course that will allow you to earn the same as me. I will present you with a ready-made solution that will work with 100% efficiency. In the meantime, wait for the course to be released and register using my link, which you will find under the video. And also subscribe to blog updates.

Earnings on disk space.

Disk space is a simple, not an easy way to make money. And you probably remember that the main point of making money on disk space is downloading the files you uploaded.

With such earnings, the important details are properly selected content, which you, in turn, will focus on for further success. It is very important that your content matches the needs of users who will take any action where you place the download link.

We determine the needs.

Probably each of us has encountered the fact that he was interested in something? So let’s imagine that there are also days when one topic is interesting to a larger circle of people. Like, for example, “coursework” during the coursework season. Or “Unified State Exam answers”, because everyone suddenly starts going crazy and looking for it wherever possible.

The most important thing is to decide what you will post. You need to know or evaluate the environment well, as well as the frequency of search queries. All this so that you can competently recreate an idea of ​​​​the operation of your circuit.

Now you need to find the place where you can definitely get traffic, and specifically in the topic in which you decide to work. There are many places, you can use Google, Yandex, make your own websites and develop them, but this idea will initially be a failure. And I'll tell you why now.

The point is that search results requires a special approach. Namely: long work above the site, the constantly developing and growing link mass of sites linking to you, well-chosen headings and keywords, and other delights of the “easy life of a webmaster”, I’ll say one thing - it’s not worth it. Websites need to be made for people. And now we are considering a way to make money.

So what to do? Here's what. The point is that in social network VKontakte has its own personal file system for exchange within the network and outside. So each file there is marked with keywords, each keyword need to be checked individually to assess the frequency of updates and competition for them.

And so, let’s say we looked at the request “coursework” and found that the activity is quite frequent, which means there is a possibility that someone is downloading it.

So let's get straight to our strategy and start making money.

Strategy for making money on disk space

I have a good and working strategy for making money, but I don’t want to make it publicly available. If anyone is interested, write to me on VK or in the comments with your VK ID, I will contact you and tell you. At the end there will be a list of payouts and the total amount I earned using my strategy.

Our next steps.

Let’s come up with an inviting name for the file like “all_courses.torrent” and imagine that we have a huge database of coursework. We upload the file to the disk space server and receive a download link.

Now we need to create text document with the same name, only we won’t change the format, and there’s no need to. In our text document we write something like:

“I have collected a huge number of unique coursework, which are now all sold for a fee. Hurry up to download for free before you use your coursework, the link to the torrent archive is below"

And so the bait is ready, now we need a hook, but there is no point in throwing it naked, firstly, the link is strange, and secondly, VK will not let it through and will block the transition. To do this, we will mask it.

Hiding the link title

To disguise it, we need the cat cut link shortening service, and the link shortening service from Google.

I wrote in detail about making money with cat cut and link shortening in this article.

Due to the blocking of the site, I suggest you register on its analog file-seven from the same admins. The methods of earning are similar, and there are no differences other than increased profits. They pay 8 rubles for downloading. In addition to all this, you get flexible download system templates and can earn even more money from downloads in file-seven.

And so we have already shortened the link to cat cut, but VK will still swear at it, and therefore we shorten the shortened link again, but through goo.gl. And after all these manipulations, we can place the finished link in our text.

Save our text document, open the VK tab
