It often happens in life that a person cannot find a job. The appearance is attractive, there is enough experience, there is education, but still nothing succeeds. As a result, he falls into deep depression and can no longer force himself to do anything.

Unsuccessful job searches can lead to depression

It is important to familiarize yourself with the main reasons for unsuccessful employment. Think about what kind of work will benefit others and be interesting.

Reasons for failure

Inflated expectations are a common occurrence. Can't find a job. I want ideal conditions. In this case, you need to realistically assess the situation and understand that with such requests the search may take a long time.

Consider different options and select the most attractive among them.

Bad resume

Often, applicants provide information that the employer is not interested in. They describe an experience from a previous place that has nothing to do with the new one. They write about skills that are not needed for a new job.

The task of a resume is to display the best aspects of the applicant, to show that he is a worthy candidate for this vacancy.

Inappropriate qualifications

The person studied at the university for 5-6 years. The profession has become irrelevant in the labor market, and graduates cannot get a job.

He needs to go to work that will not bring him pleasure. In such situations, it is better to retrain and become a specialist in the industry that you like.

Poor preparation for an interview

The first thing a recruiter pays attention to is appearance. Often people are irresponsible about this and come to an interview in casual clothes. Some men allow themselves to come in sports shoes, which is not allowed.

The second mistake is being late. It is better to arrive 5-10 minutes earlier.

Other indicators of poor preparation:

  • disinterest;
  • inadequate salary expectations;
  • excessive criticism of former management;
  • lack of basic education;
  • refusal to complete a test task or undergo a probationary period, etc.

The most common reason refusal to cooperate - false information in the resume. Trying to idealize himself, a person crosses boundaries and creates a portrait that does not correspond to him.

Lack of experience or long break

Now everyone needs workers with experience. It is advisable that the period be at least 1 year. This significantly slows down the search process for university students or graduates.

A long break is a problem for many mothers. While on maternity leave, they lose their qualifications.

It is important to engage in personal growth in parallel with the search. It is worth convincing the manager or recruiter of your competence.

Basic mistakes

A person rejects options that are imposed by society as unworthy.

A common stereotype is low pay. This applies to vacancies that do not require higher education, special skills or experience. The main thing is to work hard and hard.

Among these professions:

  • couriers;
  • waiters;
  • baristas;
  • animators;
  • movers;
  • administrators, etc.

If you want to make money, then you need to try to do it. Sometimes a regular courier has a higher salary than an office employee.

Barista is one of the positions that you can get without qualifications.

Wrong search method

Review all vacancies in a row, hoping to see a suitable one best option. Systematization helps in any matter. Decide on the desired location and salary level. For this purpose, there are filters on thematic sites.

Another case is the search for a leadership position. If a person is looking for it in newspaper advertisements, then the search is doomed to failure. A prestigious company posts such information only on its website or on labor exchanges.

Outdated views

Some people never think about starting their own business. It is easier for them to find an employer, keep records in the work book and receive a pension at the end of their work experience. Those who have tried to work for themselves will not enrich others.

Among the alternative options for earning money are the following:

  • freelancing;
  • investment;
  • own business;
  • network marketing.

If a person has low self-esteem, you need to fight it. Always strive to become the best version myself.

Freelancing is a great option for alternative income

Why is it difficult to find a good job?

A person at any age wants to have a decent job. Enjoy what you do and benefit others. Even with the necessary experience, education and personal qualities, you cannot get the desired position. As a result, the applicant becomes depressed and despairs.

Other reasons why searches are delayed:

  1. Poor location of the company. Traveling to the office for more than 1 hour is an option that suits few.
  2. Low salary. While some people need work for pleasure, others need it to pay for their needs.
  3. Boring or dead-end job. The opportunity for career growth and full disclosure of one's potential is an important component of professional activity.

Another reason for a long job search is the fear of taking action. The applicant knows what he needs, but is afraid to send a resume or attend an interview; he believes that his knowledge and skills are not enough for the desired vacancy.

Advice from recruiters: if it's hard to find a job, be humble. There is no need to demand a high salary without demonstrating your own skills or without having a wealth of experience. Start small, develop to become a specialist, and then you won’t have to despair when looking for a job.

Solving the problem

Career coaches advise conducting psychoanalysis and understanding your life goals. Write down your strengths and weaknesses on a piece of paper. This will help you understand which work to avoid and which to pay attention to:

  • think about what inspires you to work;
  • analyze where you get your vital energy from;
  • Decide what is closer to your soul: creativity, working with technology, people.

Having decided on an approximate list of vacancies, begin your development. Read professional literature, visit the necessary forums. If you have work experience in the desired field, you can improve your qualifications. An easy way is paid courses. Their duration is 3-6 months.

Attend various events, you can get useful contacts, among them may be an employer who is looking for new employees after dismissing old ones. According to the rules of good manners, it is correct to ask only general information about the vacancy. It is better to exchange contacts and make an appointment.

Chat with people who already occupy the desired position, find out necessary information. This will help you understand whether your expectations match reality.

First you need to make a list of acceptable vacancies

How to tune in

An effective method is affirmations. These are positive statements that work through self-hypnosis.

List of current affirmations:

  • I am a good specialist;
  • Any employer is happy to hire me;
  • the search for work is fruitful;
  • I almost found my dream job;
  • I have sufficient knowledge for this position;
  • I am always attentive to details;
  • my qualities are suitable for this job;
  • I am successful, punctual, full of strength and energy, etc.

Anyone who doesn't try hard can't find a job. A positive attitude before an interview is the key to success. At first you will need to force yourself to pronounce these statements, later they will sound in your voice involuntarily.

How to find work for different categories of people

Finding a job is a sensitive topic for young mothers on maternity leave, students and retirees. They do not want to hire young mothers and students full-time due to the inability to create an accurate schedule.

For pensioners, the reason is different - limited physical activity. Health problems prevent the increase in productivity that management requires.

There is a solution to such problems: freelancing. The customer does not care what age, social status, or education the performer has. What is important is the fact that work is completed in which all requirements are taken into account. When searching for a performer, his reputation is considered. To test the real skills of an employee, he should do a test task. If successful, long-term cooperation is possible. Advantages of working as a freelancer:

  • payment by bank card 1-2 days after placing the order;
  • Only the employee’s professional skills are assessed;
  • you can work remotely;
  • To work, you only need skills, the Internet and the necessary software.

The main convenience is that work can be done at any time of the day. It is important to submit it within the pre-agreed deadline. The better the skills, the higher the need for such a worker.


Looking for a job is always hard. Unsuitable working conditions, low pay, remoteness from the place of residence - there are many reasons. It is important to make a plan according to which the search will be carried out. Before doing this, think about what your favorite job should be.

Young mothers, students and retirees now also have no problems finding work. There are alternative sources of income. The most popular is freelancing. Any work must be approached responsibly and prepared in advance. Poor preparation can cause another refusal.

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Good afternoon This article will talk about what to do if you cannot find a job for a long time. We will consider in detail all the mistakes and reasons that hinder you on the path to this goal. You will learn how to get out of this situation, and also understand how to get a job if you do not have the proper experience.

Reasons for the long search

Let's look at the most popular reasons that prevent you from finding a job:

  • Little activity

It may seem to you that you are constantly searching, but in reality, you are not making any effort. Today's competition is so high that desire alone will not be enough. Sending your resume and sitting and waiting by the sea for the weather is pointless and useless. Imagine how many applications a good company considers. You have to be interested in something more.

What to do:

  1. Be more persistent and come or call the company that has opened a vacancy. Remind yourself, show that you are ready to do anything to work there. Just don’t overdo it, because intrusiveness can start to irritate.
  2. Try placing a job search ad not only on the Internet, but also in the newspaper, or vice versa. Some companies may not use one resource but be active in another. The same goes for personal searches. You should use different sources.
  3. If you think that exchanges are useless, then they are not. First, the state actually has a motivation to find you a job. Secondly, during this time they will pay at least some money. If you have already passed this stage, then try contacting a recruitment agency. Just be careful as there are a lot of scammers out there these days.
  4. Tell your friends that you are now unemployed. Word of mouth is much more effective than you think. Perhaps one of their buddies or friends is looking for the right person. This way you can find at least a part-time job.
  5. Don't forget to update your application on the website where your resume is posted. Still, new profiles appear, and yours goes lower every time. In addition, this way the employer will be sure that you are still looking for a position and have not just forgotten to delete your resume.
  6. Constantly monitor new vacancies, because sometimes it is better to call immediately than to remain a backup option after someone who does it first.
  • Excessive requirements

Think about it, you may be overestimating your talents. Courage and self-confidence are good, but the employer always has an advantage. If you have little or no experience, and you are applying for a very good vacancy, then there is only one chance in a hundred that you will be chosen. Still, the company is looking for a professional in their field, considering many similar profiles.

If you really know how to do everything, but are looking at an excessively large salary, then difficulties will arise here too. Look at different vacancies in your profession and estimate how much they are willing to pay on average for your skills. You can also omit numbers at all to impress with your skills during an interview. In this case, the person may fall in love with you so much that he will make concessions.

Think about it, maybe you have other expectations? For example, you want a big salary, an easy job, a good schedule, and that it be close to home, as well as countless similar desires. Unfortunately, the ideal job does not exist, and if it does exist, it is usually taken immediately.

Of course, you can find a job you like, but sometimes you have to wait too long for such a chance. If you are not ready to make concessions, then search in parallel with other work that provides at least some income.

High self-esteem is bad, and low self-esteem is bad too. Only if in the first case persistence can save you, then here the problem is more serious. Still, considering yourself unworthy of a certain job is one of the biggest mistakes. Especially when you know how to do it, but you think that there are more professional competitors.

Understand that you can try anyway. If they don't call you back, it's okay. And you need to understand that the reasons for irresponsibility can be completely different, and it’s not necessarily about you.

Get over yourself, because in as a last resort you can refuse.

  • Errors inresume

Very often the reason for the lack of responses is a bad resume. And the point is not even that you are an unqualified specialist, because sometimes even this fades into the background. The problem can be in several nuances:

  1. Too superficial and incomplete . You've covered the main points but haven't added many other criteria. For example, they did not indicate strengths or forgot to note that you have some awards or have completed certain courses that improve your qualifications. All such little things should not be missed, because they often play the greatest role. Imagine that your opponent has six months more experience than you, but has no other advantages. Now think about who the employer will choose?
  2. Too formulaic or there is a lot of unnecessary stuff . If you are looking for a job in a certain profession, then you do not need to indicate absolutely distant school achievements in your resume. Write only what may be useful to someone who views your profile. If a person sees that most of the points are absolutely useless, then this will make him think about your normality.
  3. Absolutely uninteresting and even faceless resume . Of course, this is almost an official document, but it needs to be diluted. Perhaps some work allows for a little frivolity in the text. Just keep in mind that you also need to know the limits.
  4. If you don't see any errors, try looking at other people's resumes. It is best to look for those who are applying for the same position. If you have problems with creativity and want to copy witty lines or interesting details from another person, then do so. Just keep in mind that the company may look at both profiles and notice similarities. Therefore, it is best to monitor the resumes of people who live in another city or even country. This way you will eliminate the possibility of getting into an awkward situation.
  5. You made a lot of grammatical errors in the application form . Managers who are obsessed with spelling rules will notice this immediately. They will not trust a person who does not know basic things.

Sample of a good resume

  • Behaving incorrectly during an interview

You were called and had an interview, but no one called back. Main reasons for silence:

  1. You came unprepared for the meeting and were simply confused . When the manager asked you to tell us about yourself, you got confused and said something incomprehensible. A lot depends on the presentation, because this is why you were called for an interview. If you can’t come up with a beautiful story on the fly, then write and memorize a speech at home. Also understand the answers to questions that the employer may ask.
  2. Caught asking provocative questions . For example, that your children often get sick or that you are planning to have a child in the next year. No company will want to hire a person who will immediately go on maternity leave or will constantly ask for time off. Also, don’t talk about the fact that you quarreled with your previous boss or other colleagues.
  3. Are you constantly silent or talk too much? . Shyness is not a hindrance for some work, but excessive passivity may indicate that this vacancy is not what you really need. Too many words can, on the contrary, confuse your interlocutor or even make you angry. Nobody likes to be interrupted or not listened to.
  • You don't want to find a job

In fact, this happens often. You actually look at vacancies, go to interviews, but things don’t move forward. Read:

Remember, how often did you refuse an internship when you were already invited to do it? Or did you cheat that you couldn't at a certain time? If you constantly use excuses, then the problem is only you.

You feel like the job just isn't right for you. However, why did you apply for this vacancy or even go for an interview? Admit it, is it because they really didn't live up to expectations or is it because you don't want to work?

It's worth noting that this is completely normal. This happens when a person is tired and just wants to take a break. Or you are hoping and using someone else's help, so you don't want to change anything. In any case, you need to be honest with yourself and stop deceiving others. If you need rest, then take a short break. If the problem is laziness, then you should voice this to those who support you. They may even be pleased to help you.

How to deal with the problem?

What to do if there is no work? First, you need to understand the reason for your long search and try to fix it. If you are doing everything correctly, but there are no offers, then the problem may simply be a lot of demand and a small supply. Many firms have collapsed due to the crisis or laid off employees, reducing jobs.

If it's not about you, then under no circumstances should you become discouraged and lose your spirit. When you’re depressed, you won’t want to do anything at all, but what’s happening now won’t last forever. Try to find the positive sides of unemployment, because they exist too. What you can do:

  • Allow yourself to rest. Surely you haven’t had a normal vacation or long weekend. If you don’t have much money, you can go to your parents or relatives. It’s especially great if you have a summer house or someone lives outside the city to actively spend your vacation. You can also finally meet with friends or spend longer with your loved one or children. In this case, it all depends on your budget.
  • Go to some training or courses. Perhaps you lack the knowledge for your desired profession or you are a little behind modern rules. By the way, classes may be on a completely new topic for you. It is not necessary to stagnate in the same place if you are unlucky there. Perhaps you are at a stage when you need to reevaluate your life and change something in it. Think, maybe you have always been interested in something else?
  • Find a hobby. You need to distract yourself and stop thinking about the fact that you are having difficulty finding a job. The best way out of depression is to be actively involved in something. By the way, not every hobby requires a lot of investment, so don’t come up with excuses. By the way, very often a favorite hobby turns into a very profitable business in life. Read:
  • Don't be alone all the time. Loneliness is the main friend of despondency, so go out more. Friends and loved ones will help you get distracted, which means that time will fly by much faster.
  • If you really need money, then get any part-time job or consider a vacancy that didn’t suit you before. This needs to be done if you currently do not have the opportunity to find a job in your specialty. Most likely, the offer will be below your dignity, but it will at least make some money. In addition, a vacancy with a small salary can be very promising, or good bonuses are possible for this job. The main thing is to at least move somehow, because you cannot predict the future.
  • Start working on your thinking. In fact, constantly replaying negative thoughts in your head has the ability to come true. Try using affirmations that have brought many people closer to their goals. We are talking about phrases that the Universe hears more sensitively and quickly executes. The following will help in your case:
    - “I have a great job and I like this place”
    - “They pay me a high salary”
    - “I have a lot of good job offers,” etc.

You must realize that what you don't have now permanent job- this is not a disaster. There is enough work for everyone, because in fact there are a lot of vacancies. Try to change your views on the world at least temporarily and under no circumstances become depressed .

I can’t find a job, what should I do if I have no experience?

The paradox of today is that people don’t hire people without experience, but they have to get it somewhere. In this regard, many young specialists cannot find work in their specialty.

  • You can try looking for vacancies for students, as they often only require education or at least some knowledge. You can start with a small salary, but the future is more important in this situation.

If you are not satisfied with such conditions, then you need to change something in yourself. Try to format your resume in such a way that the employer is interested. You need to show him that you have a lot of advantages, you grasp everything on the fly, and you don’t need to be retrained. Show your imagination and they will definitely be interested in you. ( See a sample of a good resume above).

  • Be persistent and join a company that attracts you. Ask about the availability of any possible vacancies. It is likely that there are now several offers where experience is not required. This is a good opportunity to get a job in the desired company and prove yourself. Very often, successful leaders started from the bottom and achieved what they have only after a few years.

By the way, there are now a lot of alternative professions where official experience is not the most important part. Check out the options that bring good income without an entry in the work book:

  1. Infobusiness
    Now it has become very popular to make money on your knowledge and skills. For example, if you studied well at school and college, then there is a great chance to share this for money. The advantage is that you will not have a boss, and expenses are minimal. Of course, it all depends on what you want to surprise with. By the way, not only a diploma or a gold medal from school, but also various seminars will help increase your price. Learn from others and use it to your advantage.
  2. Remote work
    Working on the Internet is available to everyone and many professions require a minimum of skills and knowledge. Some employers are even willing to train, but, of course, in response to a small salary. In this case, you can get experience there and then go to a place where they will pay more. One of the most popular professions is copywriting. If you can write competently, then you will like this job. You can also consider such vacancies as: online store manager, administrator of groups or social pages. networks, operator, personal assistant, moderator, content manager and many others. Don't be afraid to learn something new. Read:
  3. Blog or vlog
    On a blog, you can write articles on topics that interest you. Also, most readers really like pictures, so add them too. In vlogs you need to film something interesting. As for topics, there are quite a lot of them. Some people talk about travel, others write culinary recipes or reveal secrets about cosmetics. It’s also now popular to make vlogs about your daily routine, because many people are interested in other people’s lives. Find something of your own and create a channel or blog. At first, you will earn money simply from clicks, and then from advertising. If you have a lot of subscribers, then some brands will become interested and offer you to advertise their products on your page. Read:
  4. Hobby
    Turn your favorite thing into a profession. There you will not only have experience, but also skills. You will know some mistakes and subtleties of a certain activity, which will definitely be useful to others. Before you start, it's a good idea to take additional courses to ensure you have some sort of certification. As for the options, there are a lot of them: if you like to cook, create cooking courses, if you like photography, do private shoots, if you like to play sports, become an instructor, etc.

Psychologists say that in order to maintain your own interest in life and change your impressions, you need to change your job approximately every five years. But even those who do not follow this rule still face the problem of finding a new job at least several times in their lives.

But, as it turns out, even those who do this not for the first time make many mistakes. Can they be avoided? Of course, the most competent in this matter are those whose professional activity directly related to the recruiting business. This time you will learn two opinions at once about the main mistakes that people looking for work most often make. Despite the fact that both of them belong to American specialists, all these tips are quite relevant for Russia, especially for those who want to find work in representative offices of large Western companies or simply in reputable Russian companies, says Beatytime.

The first of them was recently published by the American National Employment Counseling Association. Here's what, according to its experts, the 10 main mistakes of job seekers look like:

  1. Bad resume. This piece of paper allows you to make a first impression. If the resume is bad, then there is a high probability that it will be thrown into the trash, and this will be the end of your attempt to get a job in this organization.
  2. Finding a job using newspaper advertisements. This is a very ineffective method. In reality, information about no more than 10% of vacancies reaches newspaper pages. In addition, many job advertisements are dummies. They are published as advertising (if a company is recruiting staff, then its business is going uphill), used to collect commercial information (for example, in this way you can obtain information about the earnings levels of employees of competing companies), etc.
  3. After sending your resume to one company or another, you expect that they will definitely call you or send you a letter. However, in reality this happens extremely rarely. The most polite companies may send a letter saying that they are delighted with your data, but have chosen another applicant for the position. The best way- constant calls to the personnel service with reminders of your existence. Approximately 60% of positive responses are obtained as a result of such calls.
  4. Finding a job exclusively with the help of friends. This is a very dangerous path. Your friends will never be involved in your affairs as actively as you expect. Of course, sometimes they can help you. But it is unreasonable to rely only on their efforts.
  5. After the interview, you are not interested in who you should contact later. This is a very serious miscalculation. You should not be satisfied with answers like “thank you, we will definitely call you back.” Find out who you can call to find out about job prospects.
  6. After the interview, you unsuccessfully try to contact the hiring manager and quit, deciding that your candidacy was rejected. The best way is to call the head of the department where you would like to work and remind him of your candidacy.
  7. Search for work exclusively via the Internet. Many companies post information about available vacancies on their websites. However, you should not count on the goodwill of these companies. About a third of American firms keep such information on their websites in order to “accumulate” resumes. In approximately 10% of cases, information about vacancies is left on the site by mistake.
  8. After the interview, you don't send a thank you note. There is a tradition in American companies that after every meeting with a representative of the company you would like to work for, you are required to write a similar letter (it’s called a “thank you letter”). If the company does not receive such a letter, it regards you as someone who is not familiar with the basics of business etiquette.
  9. You would think that for any company, finding good employees is the number one priority. In fact, the main goal of any company is to make a profit. The second is maximum customer satisfaction. The third is satisfying the requests of the company owners, etc.
  10. Your resume is all about past accomplishments. In this case, it is perceived as an obituary. You must focus on the future: the past can only help prove what you will be able to do in the future.

The second version about 10 mistakes made by job seekers was recently published by the large American recruiting company ProSpring. As you can see, their advice is somewhat different from the previous ones, or rather, complements them, and is intended rather for those who are looking for work not on their own, but through recruitment agencies. In general, it makes sense to listen to both.

  1. You did not use precise instructions about how the company should obtain information about you. If the ad says that you need to send a letter to email- this means you need to act this way, and not send faxes or letters. You never get a second opportunity to make a first impression. If you have shown that you initially do not want to use the established rules, then the first impression of you will be extremely negative and you will have no chance of getting a job.
  2. You did not establish personal contact with the HR employee who interviewed you. Your personal impression is extremely important. Only the person who interviewed you can ensure that your candidacy is taken seriously.
  3. Bad manners. These include, for example, demonstrative mailing of your resume to several dozen companies at once. It is also worth remembering the names of the companies where you sent information about yourself, so as not to get into trouble. And never insult HR employees.
  4. You are applying for a job you don't understand. No comments. Pay attention to the language that is often included in job postings. For example, “the candidate MUST have such and such qualities and experience.”
  5. Bad resume. Every day, recruiters are required to read dozens and hundreds of resumes. They don't have time to read each one and look for what they need. Therefore, you should write briefly and highlight particularly important information.
  6. Practice email etiquette. Recruiters receive dozens and hundreds of resumes by email. To make their work easier and make a favorable impression, you should do one simple thing— call the attached file not resume.doc, but give it your name.
  7. A poorly written or formatted resume. A resume is a way to test literacy, level of education and taste.
  8. Misunderstanding the purpose of a resume. Your strengths should be presented in as much detail as possible and placed at the beginning of your resume. Weaknesses are worth mentioning in passing.
  9. "Blank spots" of the biography. Quite often, resumes contain timing and logical problems. For example, it is indicated in detail what the author did in the period from 1998 to 1999 and from 2001 to 2003. But what happened to him in 1999-2001? In another case, the author, who has a higher education in the field information technology reported that he worked as a salesman in a grocery store for two years. This situation is by no means uncommon, but recruiters need an explanation for it.
  10. Show what you can do! The dream of any manager is a new employee who does not have to spend a lot of time training and retraining. Therefore, HR staff look for candidates with the right skills. If your resume does not have these details, it is unlikely that it will be considered.

Have you had to look for a new job? Or are you busy with it now? If you haven't had difficulty with this in the past and don't have it now, then don't read this article. You can easily find something more useful to do. But for most people, getting a new job is associated with one or another difficulty, and for some it is a serious problem.

You had a job and everything was quite tolerable. But the employer went bankrupt or, reducing its costs, cut your position. And you found yourself thrown into the labor market. Not on the street, there is still a roof over your head. But there is no work and it is unclear when there will be. The employment service does not catch mice, and it is of no use in finding employment. If they offer vacancies, they are completely unattractive. Recruitment agencies are only interested in those who can find a job without them. Those for whom you can get money from your employer. You can’t expect help in finding a job from agencies; they only think about their profits.

Employers are behaving disgracefully. There are almost no responses to the resumes you post on the Internet. And if they call, it’s from some suspicious individuals who look like swindlers. Sometimes an invitation to an interview does happen, but it’s not good enough. They talk and disappear. Or they suggest that it’s better not to take risks and stay at home. There is a feeling of impasse and hopelessness. And your hands gradually drop.

It is especially difficult if you are already over forty. Or you don’t have work experience that’s interesting to employers. Or you live where most enterprises have either already gone bankrupt or are close to it, and work is very bad. There are always serious external circumstances that explain problems with work. If you consider yourself a victim of such circumstances, then you too will have little benefit from reading what follows. Success is achieved by those who seek and find the reasons for failure, first of all, in their wrong actions or omissions.

Despite all the difficulties of the current situation in Russia, about 94% of those who would like to work have a job. And if you are wondering why they have a job and you don’t, then it makes sense to read this article further.

Since 1989, I have been helping businesses find the workers they need. I know very well who puts up what barriers to good work. And what mistakes and omissions are made by job seekers. The vast majority of problems with getting a job are due to a few main reasons, discussed below.

Reason No. 1. A person does not know how to properly look for a job.

A normal person will not undertake to fly an airplane or perform a surgical operation if he has not studied it. But look for a job - please! Many people do not understand that this can and should be learned. And they certainly don’t know how to do it. Looking at a couple of articles on the Internet about how to write a resume and how to behave during an interview is not training, but mere appearance.

At a minimum, you need to study one of the books on how to look for a job or take a full-fledged training course. And find someone who can knowledgeably review your resume, your job search plan, and your readiness for interviews.

With approximately the same business qualities, knowledge, skills, education, experience, age, etc., success is more likely to be achieved by the one who looks for work more correctly.

Reason No. 2. A person wants to get the wrong job and the wrong salary that he really deserves.

For many employers, things are organized in such a way that you can work for years without improving your qualifications and even losing previously acquired knowledge and skills. Some companies are even afraid to train their employees. Like, I’ll train him, and he’ll start looking elsewhere and will sooner find another job. Let him hold on to what he has here. In business, this approach does not contribute to success. And if in the end you have to fire employees, then they have a bad time in the labor market. All other things being equal, they lose to those who, while already working, continued to study, and whose qualifications are higher.

It is especially difficult for such applicants in the labor market to find a new job with the same pay as before. What to do? Either persistently look for a job no worse than the old one, delay the search process and wait for a lucky break or someone’s help. Or honestly admit that you won’t be able to find a job with the same salary, and lower your expectations.

How to correctly assess your true value in the labor market? There are working techniques for this too. But many job seekers do not know how to do this. When looking for a new job, they set the wrong price for themselves and then are surprised that someone else, not them, gets the job.

Reason No. 3. A person lost faith in himself, unsuccessfully trying to find a job. His hands gave up and he sharply reduced his activity.

Quite a common and understandable problem. People have different levels of psychological security. If a person is not confident in himself, then failures in finding a job can greatly reduce a person’s self-esteem and deprive him of faith in success. Here a lot depends on the right mood at the beginning of the search.

Poorly understanding one's pros and cons, and poorly knowing the situation on the labor market, a person may be overly optimistic about the amount of effort required and the time frame to get a new job. Having rose-colored glasses at the beginning of your search can be psychologically very dangerous.

Reason No. 4. The situation on the labor market is objectively difficult. In the region in which a person is looking for work, there are clearly not enough vacancies of the required profile for all applicants.

Most often, this situation is cited as the main reason for problems with a new job. Yes, in relatively small communities this can be a very serious problem. Along with other reasons, this is facilitated by the overproduction of lawyers, economists and some other “specialists” with higher education diplomas.

You need to either significantly reduce your wage requirements, change your profile, or look for a job with relocation. The market requires flexibility in decisions. But at the same time, in big cities, vacancies of almost all profiles appear, only they go to someone else. If so, then the explanation of the situation must be sought in other reasons.

Reason No. 5. The person doesn’t really want to work. Therefore, he seems to be looking for a job, but at the same time he is not overworked and is waiting for a happy occasion.

There are those too. They say that they are doing everything they can and are dependent on relatives. A person is rarely ready to admit that he himself is to blame for his problems with work. Most will tell you the most various reasons, but not their own shortcomings.

In the book “5 Steps to a Decent Job” there are these words: “Looking for a new job is also work. And its success depends on you, on how correctly you will do this work and how much effort and time you will spend on it. If you find yourself unemployed, then you should spend 40 hours a week, and preferably more, looking for a new job.” Wrote this in 2003. But I’m ready to sign up for this today.
