Some applications to run on Windows 7 or Windows Vista requires elevated rights and must be run as an administrator. In this case, the request " User Account Control" (User Account Control or UAC), in which the system asks for your consent to launch the application.

Many users incorrectly believe that " User Account Control" only interferes, and they turn it off. In this case, the security of the computer is seriously affected, since the user’s consent to launch applications is no longer required, and any malware can start and operate smoothly. The presence of an antivirus also cannot guarantee 100% computer security.

In this article, I'll show you how to simplify the process of running your favorite applications as an administrator without disabling UAC (fully or partially) and without compromising security.

As an example, we will launch the command line ( cmd) on behalf of the administrator.

Method No. 1 (usual) - launch via the right mouse button (UAC prompt is displayed)

Right-click on the icon desired application and select "":

Method number 2 - launch using "Ctrl+Shift+Enter" (UAC prompt is displayed)

Start, type the desired command in the search bar and click Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

Method No. 3 - set to run as administrator in the shortcut properties (the UAC prompt is displayed)

Right click on the desired shortcut and select " Properties".

Go to the " tab Label", click " Additionally", check the box " Run as administrator":

Check the "Run as administrator" checkbox

Or go to the " Compatibility" and check the box " Run this program as administrator":

Check the "Run as administrator" checkbox in the "Compatibility" tab

Method number 4 - simplify the launch of selected applications using the task scheduler (the UAC prompt is not displayed)

Let's move on to the most interesting method. If there is an application that you run all the time, and it comes from a reliable software manufacturer, for example, this Windows application- you can simplify the launch. Create a shortcut for the desired program does not take more than 2 minutes and this will allow you to get rid of unnecessary actions in the future. Launch the task scheduler (Start ---> All Programs ---> Accessories ---> System Tools ---> Task Scheduler) and click " Create a task":

Specify a Name for the new task and check the " Run with highest rights":

Check the "Run with highest rights" checkbox

Go to the tab Actions, press " Create", in the next window click " Review":

Specify the path to the desired application and click " Open":

Click " OK"

Click "OK"

And once again" OK"

Click "OK"

Close the scheduler and proceed to creating a shortcut.

To create a shortcut on the desktop, right-click and select " Create" ---> "Label":

In the field Object location enter: schtasks /run /tn cmd_admin, Where cmd_admin- the name of the task we created. If the name contains spaces, it must be quoted.

Set the name of the shortcut:

The shortcut is created and ready to use. To change the icon, right-click on the shortcut and select " Properties":

Select "Properties"

Go to the " tab Label" and click "":


Specify the path to the program:

Select the desired icon and close both windows with the " OK"

Now the desired application is launched as an administrator by double-clicking on the created shortcut, and the request UAC is not displayed and security remains intact


By analogy with launching the command line using method No. 4, you can configure the launch of the dialog box " Execute", and the commands entered into it will also be launched as an administrator. The convenience of this approach is that the list of previously used commands is saved, and you can select the one you need from the list.

When creating a task in the scheduler, in the "" window, specify: in the " field Program or script" - rundll32, and in the field " Add arguments" - shell32.dll,#61

Good day, dear visitor. In today’s article, I suggest you consider not the usual installation and configuration of servers and client stations from the very beginning, but the ordinary everyday life of a system administrator. We will consider launching a specific application as an administrator, we will look at what solutions exist and how they differ. The reason why administrators encounter this problem is quite simple; in our IT outsourcing practice, we quite often encounter a situation where an application (especially from domestic developers) is not UAC-oriented, and why is this, ask the application developers. We will test in the Hyper-V virtual environment on virtual machine second generation with Windows 8.1 OS.

Diversity is present

We will consider three utilities:

RunAs - Runs specific tools and programs with permissions different from those granted by the current account. This utility is not third-party; it is included with Windows OS. Help for the runas utility /?

We will test using the built-in utility msconfig.exe, which is included in the Windows OS. This utility can only be launched from an account with administrator rights.

ATTENTION! The utility will be launched from a domain administrator account. In reality, it is not recommended to do this; it is better to create a separate account for such moments.

So, let's try to use the RunAs utility, for this we'll run command line and write the following

Please note that the password you enter will not be displayed.

After successfully entering the password and account name, the msconfig.exe window will open

Now let's create a shortcut to run msconfig.exe from an administrator account.

After successfully entering the password, the already known msconfig.exe will start.

The question suggests itself: will the administrator allow the user to know the password for an account that has administrator rights, the name of which can be easily viewed in the shortcut properties?

And yet, when launching the shortcut, the password will need to be entered every time, which is not convenient for the user; if you try to make his life easier by using the “/savecred” parameter, then you will create a huge hole in the security system.

Here's an example for creating a huge hole:

You want to make life easier for the user, add the “/savecred” parameter

Launch the shortcut and enter the password, when you first start the utility prompts you to enter the password

Enter the password and say goodbye! When you run it again, the utility will not require a password, or rather, it will now not require one at all, you will think “So what!” Let's try changing the launched utility in the shortcut properties, for example, to cmd.exe.

We are trying to launch and...

“Mother! He just cleared the arp cache." I think if you use “/savecred”, then you hardly know what an arp cache is and that you need administrator rights to clear it.

The ExecAs utility is designed to run any programs with rights different from those of the current user. Can be used to run the Locker program with administrator rights from a limited account. This allows operators to be prevented from accessing Locker program database files and generally from running any unwanted programs other than Locker.

ExecAs is a very simple utility that even a schoolchild can work with.

A positive feature is its simplicity.

A negative feature is the lack of work with domain accounts.

So, after creating a local account with limited rights and an account with administrator rights, let's launch ExecAs.

When you first launch it, the application immediately prompts you to enter your account name and password, as well as indicate the path to the application you want to launch. We will run cmd.exe under the name of the local administrator. Please note that the account being entered is indicated without the machine name. To add an application, click on the folder icon, which is located at the end of the “Program” line.

Click “Record”. Our application will be number 1.

Close ExecAs and start again.

As we can see, cmd.exe started immediately when ExecAs was launched. The fact is that if you have one application in the list of launched applications in ExecAs, then this application will be launched immediately, this is quite good, but if you, for example, have more than one application?

Open cmd, go to the directory with the ExecAs application, and launch it with the parameter below

Now we can add another application, for example a calculator

Now if we close and open ExecAs we will see the window above, this should not happen. For this there is a parameter NN - the number of the program to be launched.

Let's create two shortcuts, one for launching cmd, the other for the calculator.

Launch both shortcuts

Don't forget about the program number, which can be changed when adding a program to be launched, and which can be viewed in the list of launched programs.


AdmiLink is a utility with which the Administrator can create a shortcut that allows users with limited rights to run a specific (without the possibility of substitution!) program with the rights of the Administrator (or any other user) without (interactively) entering a password.

A typical application of the AdmiLink program is the administration of secure systems in which the user works mainly under his own limited account, and only individual ones, strictly limited by Administrator runs functions under the Administrator, without knowing his password and without the ability to run other, unauthorized programs.

Another typical example is the use of AdmiLink to launch potentially dangerous programs, such as a Web browser, with reduced rights without entering a password. So, to avoid infecting your machine with a virus, you can run the Web browser under a limited user account, which dramatically reduces the likelihood of damage to the system. In order not to enter the password of a limited user every time, you can create a shortcut on the Desktop to launch a Web browser under a limited user.

How AdmiLink works

The package includes two programs: AdmiRun and AdmiLink.

AdmiRun is a simple console task that can only do one thing - run other programs as Administrator (or any other user). During installation, AdmiRun is copied to the Windows directory so that it is available in any directory. AdmiRun can work both in batch mode (in batch files) and to launch programs interactively (via a shortcut on the Desktop). The call format can be obtained by typing AdmiRun /? Of course, to run programs as Administrator, you need to know the password. On the other hand, for security reasons, the password cannot be shared openly, otherwise the entire security system becomes meaningless. The solution is to transfer the encrypted account (account = user + domain + password). AdmiRun receives the account demonstratively openly, through the command line, but nothing can be understood from it - the account is transmitted as an encrypted key. The key is tied to a specific executable file, without this file AdmiRun simply will not be able to decrypt the account. Therefore, if the user tries to run another program with the same key, he will fail. Moreover, in order to make the life of hackers more fun, keys are generated using random numbers and never repeat.

So, after installing AdmiLink, I advise you to uncheck the box to create all shortcuts during installation and run the utility only from the directory where it is installed, launch AdmiLink.

1) In the “Set the name of the executable file of the program of interest” field, specify the path by clicking on the floppy disk icon. In our case it will be cmd.exe

2) Leave the “Set command line for the executable file” field empty.

This step is optional if there are no parameters. Also, keep in mind that you can specify that account encryption is bound to the command line so that you cannot gain Administrator rights by overriding the command line parameters in the shortcut.
For example, when making a shortcut c:\windows\system32\control.exe timedate.cpl to correct the system time, do not forget to bind encryption to the command line, otherwise, by editing the shortcut, you can launch, for example, c:\windows\system32\control. exe nusrmgr.cpl and gain access to user management, which is not good at all.

3) The field “Set the starting directory of the program to be launched...” is usually filled in automatically

4) Set the program window display mode.

  • SHOW - run a program visible on the screen. This is the normal mode for interactive programs.
  • HIDE - run a program that is not visible on the screen. This is a mode for utilities running in the background.

Go to the “Accout” tab

5) In the “Domain name” field, indicate the NetBios name or full name domain, in our case test.lan.

6) In the “Username” field we can enter Administrator or click “…” to select an account.

7) Enter the password and its confirmation and click “Test”.

Press any key. If the message “Account is good to use” appears, then everything is fine and we move on.

8) Click “Generate AdmiRun launch key”; without this key, the application will fail to launch.

9) Go to the “Link” tab and give the shortcut a name

10) Set the directory, and do not forget about the account under which AdmiLink is launched

11) Set the file and image index for the shortcut. Typically this field is filled in automatically. By default, it is assumed that the image is taken from the program's executable file with index 0.

12) Click “Generate command line” and see the magical gobbledygook

13) Click “Create a shortcut now”

Clicking “Create Shortcut Now” creates a shortcut and resets all fields.

Launch the shortcut

Let's try to change the launched program in the shortcut properties, for example, to a calculator

Let's try to launch the shortcut

Please note that binding to MAC, IP and command line was not performed.

To the conclusion. Don't forget that in running program with administrator rights, you can open the “File” tab, if it exists, of course, and do whatever you want with the OS. These are more OS security issues, so be careful.

All people, peace to you!

This article answers the questions:

  • how to make sure that a certain program always runs with the highest rights;
  • How to configure the program to run as Administrator for all users.

Setting the program to run as Administrator by default

Method No. 1


2 Go to the tab Compatibility. Here you can:

1) or check the box immediately (in this case, the program will be launched as Administrator only by the current user);

2) or press the button Change settings for all users(in this case, you can configure program launch settings for all computer users at once).

Let's say we want a program to run with the highest rights when it is launched by any user on the computer. So we press the button Change settings for all users:

3 In the window that opens, check the box Run this program as administrator and press OK:

4 Now we look at the window again Properties program and see that the daw Run this program as administrator installed and darkened. This means that the setting for all users takes precedence over the current user's settings.

Click OK to save settings and close the properties window:

Method No. 2

1 Right-click on the executable file or shortcut and select Properties:

2 Go to the tab Label and press the button Additionally:

3 Check the box Run as administrator and press OK to save parameters:

Using this method, you can configure the program to run with the highest rights only for current user.

Sometimes it is useful for a program to have more rights than others. For example, such programs include those that support your security in the system, in other words, these are all sorts of utilities for checking your computer for viruses.

But what does running as Administrator give? More rights. But the whole point is that viruses can make it so that they will be launched on behalf of the System, then you will not be able to delete them even in the Task Manager, in any way at all, since you simply will not have the rights to do so. And the programs that you run have the same rights as you, which is why in the Task Manager it says that they are running on your behalf (or rather, the user).

What to do? It's very simple, let's imagine that we want the browser Mozilla Firefox always started with extended rights, what should we do? Open the shortcut properties:

Now in this window, go to the Compatibility tab, there will be a checkbox at the bottom about running as Administrator, check it accordingly and click OK:

Now, when you launch Mozilla Firefox, it will always run as Administrator.

But this is just an example; of course, such a feature is of no use for a browser, but for utilities that remove ad viruses, it’s just right. But there is also a downside, you don’t always need to do this, for example, if you like to play games, then you probably know what trainers are, but in no case should you run them as an Administrator, and to be honest, these trainers are often contain viruses (as well as any keygens). It’s not for nothing that many antiviruses complain about them, saying that they are potentially dangerous software.

How to find programs and features in Windows 10?

Well, I think I also need to write about how to open this window where all the software is installed. Well, that is, the Programs and Features window. I hope this information is useful to someone

So, look, everything is simple here - you need to right-click on the Start icon, there will be a menu, here at the top we select Programs and Features:

By the way, this menu can also be called up with the Win + X buttons! So you hold them down and the menu appears!

After this, a window will open with the following list:

You see, all that is here is all your software. I don’t recommend deleting anything here just like that, because these, well, could be serious glitches. Also, if you suddenly are a more or less advanced user, then I advise you to use the removal utility

Various types software for their correct operation or when installed in operating system Windows 10 often requires administrator rights. To help PC users run utilities with admin rights, we will look at various ways to launch them in the operating system Windows system 10.

How to log into applications with admin rights from the Start screen

For example, we installed two utilities CCleaner And VLC media player and put them on the home screen. The first utility is used to system cleaning, and the second one is quite popular video player. So let's get started. Let's go to the start screen and right-click on the application CCleaner. In the context menu that appears, go to “ Advanced / Run as administrator».

This is what startup looks like VLC media player.

Using this method, you can launch any application pinned to the Start screen.

How to log into a program as an administrator through the Start menu

If you go to the menu " Start" to the tab " All applications", we can find our installed applications CCleaner and VLC media player. The principle of their launch is the same as in the first example. For utility CCleaner shown in the image below.

And for the utility VLC media player in the following figure.

As you can see, the second and first examples are very similar. Therefore, use the option that is more convenient for you.

How to log into an application as an administrator via a shortcut on the desktop

To launch the application CCleaner Let's go to the context menu of its shortcut and select the appropriate item, as shown in the image below.

For the second program the example looks similar.

If you want these programs to run with admin rights in automatic mode , then perform the operations described below. Go to the shortcut properties tab Compatibility" and check the box next to the parameter responsible for run as administrator as shown in the image below.

Also in the shortcut properties on the tab " Label» you can go to a window in which you can also select automatic start with special privileges by clicking the Advanced button.

Running applications as administrator via search in Windows 10

Using the combination “Win” + “Q” or using the shortcut next to the “ button Start» let's launch search box Windows 10 and enter the name of the application we installed as shown below.

Let's click on the result found and select the item we are looking for. Working with the second utility looks the same way.

How to log into the program as an administrator via the console

To run programs with elevated privileges, we need to launch the console itself in admin mode. In Windows 10, you can launch the Command Prompt in this mode in three ways.

First method through the menu " Start».

Second by using Windows search 10 for the phrase " CMD».

AND third by right-clicking on the Start icon or typing the combination Win + X and selecting the appropriate item.

Let's choose one of the methods and run the program in administrator mode. Since the console operates in administrator mode, it will launch utilities in the same mode. For example, to run CCleaner you need to go to the directory in which the utility is installed. To do this, type the following command: cd c:\Program Files\CCleaner After that, type the command: Ccleaner.exe which will open the utility itself. The sequentially typed commands for the utility are shown in the image below.

For utility VLC media player you need to type the commands: cd C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC

In the same way, as shown in the example, you can launch any installed program.

Login under the "Administrator" account

Since for security reasons the Windows 10 operating system has restrictions on master accounts, we use additional options to launch utilities in the mode with special privileges. In order for all the capabilities of the account to be revealed, we need to go to the console as an administrator and type the following command in it:

Now you need to restart your computer and log in under the new entry that appears “ Administrator" In this account, all applications will run with elevated privileges.

This is easy to check. For example, let's run the program " Execute"Using the key combinations Win + R and enter the command " CMD", which we will do. After execution, the console will open in administrator mode, this can be seen at the top of the window.

If we opened the console as a regular administrator, then we can only log into it without extended rights.

After completing the steps described above, you will be able to access all utilities with extended privileges.

Getting access as a regular user

Sometimes there are situations when you need to run some utility with admin rights. For example, your computer is used by an employee at work and his account has restricted access to some programs. To don't give out your password, you can solve this problem remotely by logging into your PC and running the necessary utility with admin rights using your password.

Let's consider working with the uTorrent utility, which has limited access from a regular account. To do this, let's go to context menu uTorrent utility shortcut and in a convenient way for you, we will execute the item responsible for admin rights.

After this, a window will open that will ask for the password for the admin account.

After entering the password, you will open the utility on a regular account, and the user will be able to use the utility.

Let's sum it up

This article discusses all types of starting programs in administrator mode. An example is also considered in which the accounting Windows entry 10 gains enhanced privileges for programs, allowing them to run in administrator mode without using additional options.

I would also like to note that this material will be especially useful for beginners system administrators and experienced PC users. We hope that our readers will take away from our article useful information which will help them solve their problem.

Video on the topic
