Anyone can have charging problems. Apple models for several reasons at once. This complex device is a high-power microcomputer and therefore requires very careful handling. Therefore, if it is necessary to repair such equipment, you must contact professionals, such as, for example, specialists from the AppsGRADE center

Disturbances during the charging process are often the result of damage to the wire, falling into water, a strong impact, and other reasons.

Why iPhone won't charge: main reasons

The method of repair and its cost will depend on the cause of the malfunction. Let's look at the most common cases, starting with the simplest:

  1. An elementary reason that many for some reason do not pay attention to is defective charger. It may also be damaged by impact or damage to the wire. If your iPhone stops charging from a wall outlet, you should check it with a different charger. If there are no problems, then you should just buy a new charger. This is much cheaper than a full iPhone repair.
  2. If the iPhone does not charge when the adapter is working, it is quite possible that the problem lies in the connector of the phone itself. It may become clogged due to lint if the phone is carried without a case. Also, the connector oxidizes when water gets on it, so you should not use the phone during rain. Service center technicians even encounter situations where a person speaks on the phone while standing in the shower, and then complains about malfunctions. If the connector needs cleaning, it should only be carried out by a specialist, as this is a complex and very delicate job.
  3. If the connector is damaged after being hit or dropped, it must be replaced. This is one of the common solutions to the problem and a quick answer to the question of why the iPhone won’t charge. The new connector can work for many years if the phone is handled properly. It is no secret that the iPhone does not charge in most cases precisely because of incorrect operation. It should be noted that you should not give the gadget to small children, as in this case it may very soon fall to the floor. Young researchers around the world love to experiment, which can cause serious damage to the apparatus.
  4. Many people are interested in why the iPhone does not charge from the computer or does it very slowly? The fact is that a standard USB connection is not designed to charge such a complex device. Since a laptop usually runs several applications at once, the phone spends its charge faster than it gains it. By the way, have you ever wondered why the iPhone charges quickly in airplane mode? The answer is simple: in this mode, everything is turned off additional features, so charging really speeds up.
  5. If the iPhone is discharged and does not charge, then the problem may be related to the controller chip. It may suffer, for example, due to charging a gadget in a car that was not carried out according to the rules. In this case, the technician begins work with diagnostics, which will identify the cause of the violations. Replacing a microcircuit is done quite quickly, especially if you are not turning to amateur beginners, but to real professionals. When figuring out why the iPhone 5 is not charging, the technician will conduct a full diagnosis, since internal parts could have been damaged if it was dropped or otherwise damaged.
  6. One of the biggest reasons why an iPhone won't charge is a faulty battery. It doesn't happen that often, because Apple uses only the most reliable components, but sometimes the battery needs to be replaced. One of the signals that the battery is malfunctioning is that the gadget does not fully replenish its energy reserves, and begins to discharge within an hour. Replacing the battery will result in iPhone charges quickly, and the battery holds a charge well even with several applications running.
  7. Incorrect use, incomplete charging or storing the phone in a discharged state will shorten the battery life, after which the battery will have to be replaced soon. By the way, you know how much time Can Apple battery work? According to the documents, when used correctly, it can easily withstand up to 400 discharge and charge cycles, while the connection time to the adapter should not exceed four hours.

Where to turn if your iPhone won't charge?

Users often have a question about why the iPhone 4S and other models do not charge. If you are faced with the fact that the device does not restore its energy reserves well or refuses to work at all, contact the AppsGrade service center.

Our company carries out all types of repairs, including those related to malfunctions of the charger. If any problems are found in the operation of the gadget, do not open or disassemble it yourself. This will not solve the problem, but will only make it worse. If your iPhone 5 has stopped charging, it is better to immediately contact a service center and leave the matter to professionals.

We work only with legal spare parts for Apple gadgets. We always have everything you need for urgent repairs: new connectors for the adapter, batteries, microcircuits and everything that may be needed to diagnose and restore the functions of your phone. Our employees have been working for a long time, so they all have proper repair experience.

If you don’t know why your iPhone 4 or other models won’t charge, then contact us. With our help, you can quickly solve all problems with charging your mobile device, we are waiting for you!

Every fifth user faces the problem of not being able to charge their iPhone. Often, a breakdown occurs unexpectedly - once again, after connecting the gadget to the charger, it does not respond to the actions of its owner or charges incorrectly. There are several reasons for this malfunction, and in most cases you can fix it yourself by following a few simple steps.

Why iPhone won't charge: reasons and solutions

Regardless of high quality Apple products, the accessories that come with them are not durable and have a long service life. One of the key components is the Lightning cable. This component is quite fragile, so it often fails due to natural wear and tear or improper use.

It is also not uncommon for a user, as an alternative to original Apple accessories, to purchase cheaper analogues, which can be purchased for literally pennies in Chinese and domestic online stores. In more than 70% of cases, such savings lead to burnout of the corresponding microcircuit, which requires professional intervention.

If you suspect that the breakdown is caused by a faulty supplied cable, try charging the device with a working original charger, for example, borrowing it from a friend or colleague. If charging is carried out normally with a third-party adapter, replace the damaged charger cable with a new one.

Charger connector is clogged

If your iPhone stops charging and the problem is not related to a worn-out cable, you should pay attention to the iPhone connector; perhaps foreign objects have entered it or dust/dirt has accumulated in it. Due to the presence of dust particles, the contact between the plug and the charging socket is broken, the mobile gadget cannot receive electrical power, and therefore stops charging.

You can check for problems with the charger input at home. To do this, use a toothpick or any other thin object. Carefully remove any accumulated clogs and try reconnecting your smartphone to the power source.

Important! Perform the operation using a toothpick with maximum care so as not to damage the contacts.

Problems with the operating system

If you observe incorrect operation of the operating system, it may be the problem. If the OS reboots and shows an incorrect charge level, the indicator varies sharply from higher to lower and vice versa, reset the settings to factory settings or update the system. You can perform the operation either independently or with the support of a specialist, but we have already published an article on resetting settings, you can read it here:

Negative effects of moisture

If the phone does not respond either to connecting a working adapter or to an attempt to clean the connector, your device may have become a victim of the aggressive influence of moisture. Once inside the device body, the liquid instantly provokes a corrosion process and oxidation of metal contacts. In this case, the elements stop functioning normally, resulting in the iPhone not receiving power.

This is one of the problems that cannot be solved without the intervention of specialists. If moisture penetrates the connector, try to contact an authorized service center as quickly as possible, whose specialists will clean the device from traces of liquid, perform a full diagnostic and, if necessary, replace components.

Disconnecting cables

In some cases, the smartphone cannot receive a charge as a result of physical pressure. Even if the device fell and did not receive visible damage, this does not mean that its filling remained intact. A slight mechanical pressure is enough to cause the cables to disconnect.

Some users, in order to reduce the cost of repair work, disassemble the mobile device themselves and try to restore its functionality. However, such an intervention can subsequently cost much more! Contact a workshop, where a technician will restore the operation of the connector cables. In addition, this repair is simple and takes a minimum amount of time.

Motherboard failure

Sometimes the lack of charge is caused by serious damage motherboard. Mechanical impact or moisture penetrating inside the phone case disables the microcircuit responsible for powering the gadget.

To restore the operation of the gadget, contact a specialized workshop, where the device will be diagnosed, the specialists will identify the causes of the problem and fix them.

U2 microchip damaged

The smartphone has a smart system designed to control the charging process. The U2 microchip may fail due to a discrepancy between the memory and the characteristics of the outlet into which the device is connected. If excess current is received, a short circuit may occur, as a result of which the phone cannot charge or the process does not occur correctly.

Exhausted battery and software malfunctions

The iPhone has high-quality batteries that can provide a relatively long period of use of the gadget without the need to connect it to a power source. However, these elements have a certain resource, which, when approaching the end, signals the need to replace the battery by excessive overheating of the case, incorrect display of information about the charge level on the screen, and swelling. Sometimes a battery failure has no symptoms, and the user only learns about the need to replace it when connected to the network, when the smartphone stops charging.

The battery needs to be replaced, which can be done at home (if you have the appropriate skills and suitable tools), or by contacting a technical service center.

  1. If, after connecting the power cable, the phone does not respond, remove it and try to connect it again - over time, the contacts wear out, so they are not always able to establish stable contact;
  2. If your iPhone is completely drained, connect it to a power source and wait 5-15 minutes. The battery may need some time to “accelerate”;
  3. If the smartphone does not charge, carefully inspect the wire and adapter for damage; if there is none, try connecting the gadget using another similar charger;
  4. Make sure that the outlet is working properly, for example, by connecting a table lamp or any other device to it;
  5. If charging is slow, replace the adapter with a more powerful one (use original accessories);
  6. Check the serviceability of the cable and connector on your smartphone by connecting it to the port of your computer or laptop;
  7. Try rebooting your gadget or updating the software.
If none of the above recommendations helped restore the functionality of your mobile device, contact professional help to the service center!

Reading time: 4 min

Let's look at the main reasons why your iPhone won't charge and what to do in such a situation.

Charger faulty

This is one of the most obvious, banal reasons. Modern man leads a mobile lifestyle, constantly on the move. Therefore, you have to carry the charger with you. Over time, due to improper storage, the protective sheath of the cable is damaged, exposing the current-carrying information wires. Subsequently, they break, making it impossible to recharge the battery. It’s easy to check the likelihood of a breakdown - just connect the charger to another similar device. If you don’t have one at hand, then contact a service center, where they will test the cable for free, and in case of a malfunction, they will offer to repair it or replace it with a new one.

iPhone charging also includes an AC adapter. Its breakdown is rare, but it does happen. You won’t be able to fix this on your own - you should contact a specialist. You can check the functionality in the same way.

One feature needs to be noted here. Original Apple chargers are expensive, but high quality and reliable. Their operation guarantees the safety of the smartphone. And they last longer, which cannot be said about their Chinese counterparts. They can break as early as the second day. Poor charging will result in voltage surges that will burn out the iPhone board. It is recommended to use chargers from certified manufacturers.

Original chargers have a built-in chip. Operating rooms were taught to detect its presence iOS systems. When contacting a cable without a chip, a corresponding message will pop up on the smartphone screen. Since IOS is closed software, it may not work correctly with protocols not provided for by the firmware. This is another argument to use only original accessories.

The charger connector is broken or dirty


For easy access, many people carry their phone in their pocket, where a lot of lint, street dust and many other small substances accumulate. This leads to the contacts of the Lightning port of the smartphone becoming dirty, which promises problems, among which the inability to charge the gadget is just the tip of the iceberg. Theoretically, the presence of a large amount of dust (an ideal conductor) on conductive parts can lead to short circuit.

You can clean the connector at home. Just use a simple toothpick. Just do not treat it with alcohol or other liquid - this will not improve the quality of cleaning, and it is quite possible to damage the gadget. Also, it is not recommended to use metal objects, even small ones - there is a high probability of damaging one of the fragile contacts.


Small particles of lint or some other material can easily damage the “antennae” of the port. Just one faulty element is enough for charging to become impossible. This type of failure can be determined visually - the connector is clearly visible. If a bent or broken element is found, you must immediately seek help from a service center specialist. Trying to correct the situation on your own will only make the situation worse.

Charger power mismatch

Here we are not talking about the cable, but about the adapter. Its task is to convert input voltage into output power. Usually, a problem arises when you buy a new charger to replace a broken one. Due to ignorance of elementary physics, you can waste money in vain. The output power of the adapter is different: 0.5 A, 1 A, 1.5 A, 2 A, etc. The capacity of the built-in battery must be looked at technical documentation to the phone, and then select the appropriate charger. This leads to another problem.

Problems with charging from a personal computer

It happens when the phone charges normally from the network, but not from a laptop or computer. There is no need to rush to conclusions and think about the worst. The fact is that most USB ports have an output power of 0.5 amps. This is extremely little for iPhone charging. The process will start, but it will take a long time. Either that or the USB port is faulty. Easy to check. Connect the charging cable to the backup connector.

Software fault

The iPhone hardware is tightly connected to the operating system. To the point that the software completely controls the charging process. Inside the iPhone there is a special chip, which is first supplied with current when connected to the network, and then to the battery. This is done to protect the gadget from power surges. When the network is fine, operating system instructs the controller to pass the charge to the battery. But sometimes the software freezes. The issue can be resolved in two ways:

  1. Completely drain your iPhone. Then the firmware will return to its original state and recharging will begin when connected to the AC mains.
  2. Resort to an "emergency reboot". To do this, you need to simultaneously hold down the “Home” and “Power” buttons for 30 seconds.

Component failure

iPhone hardware malfunction is a rare but acceptable option. Types of breakdowns:

  • Battery.
  • Charging controller (chip).

It is difficult to determine on your own what exactly is not working properly. Symptoms of malfunctions are similar.

  • It's not charging.
  • Charging takes too long.
  • The gadget gets very hot.
  • Discharges quickly.
  • Does not detect control cable.

The controller, as mentioned above, is a microcircuit (chip), which can be replaced with a new one if desired. Again, you will have to contact a service center for this. This is not the first time that specialists there have encountered something like this - replacing a component is a trivial matter for them.

After repair, you should check that it is working properly. New batteries (Chinese) may not work correctly or not function at all. Should be right in service center connect the phone and make sure that the process has started.

There are many reasons for the malfunction. Most of them are easy to identify on your own. If the search does not produce results, then contact the service center for help. This will save money, time and nerves.

To always stay connected, do not forget to charge your smartphone in a timely manner. Unfortunately, sometimes mobile device does not react in any way when connected to a power source. If your iPhone is not charging, then the problem can most often be solved with simple steps. We also figured out why sometimes the iPhone does not charge from the Power Bank.

  1. Plug the cable into the gadget.
  2. Insert the second end of the cable into:
    • USB socket adapter.
    • Into the USB port of the computer.
    • Certified Accessory: Externally powered docking station or hub.

After this, you should see a large image of the battery on the screen (in lock mode) or a lightning bolt in the status bar.

If your smartphone does not respond to charging - there is no lightning icon - or shows charging, but is not charging, first check the most simple reasons problems:

  1. If the phone is completely discharged and turns off, and then does not turn on or charge, leave it on charge for 10 minutes. If there is a severe loss of charge, the screen may remain black for the first time, without indicating the process.
  2. Inspect and feel the cable for kinks, breaks and bent contacts. Use only certified wires. If you suspect cable damage, try connecting iPhone 4 with another one.
  3. Inspect the port on your smartphone, especially if you carry an iPhone 7 or 6s with a Lightning connector without a closed case in your pocket. Dust is easily forgotten in the port, the short contact pad of the Lightning cable no longer fits tightly, and therefore the iPhone 6, 6S, 4 or other model does not charge. The solution to the problem is simple - take a clean toothpick and carefully remove the dust and lint. Additionally, blow the port with air and connect it to a power source.
  4. If iPhone 5, 6s or another model does not charge from a computer via USB, switch the wire to a different connector. Some USB ports may simply not work due to their breakdown or incorrect connection, so the PC does not see the connected gadget and does not respond to it.

If after all the checks the iPhone 5, 5S still does not charge, we look further for reasons.

"The accessory is not certified"

In the fight against counterfeits, Apple engineers have taught their products to recognize the authenticity of cables. To do this, the plug is equipped with a special chip that tells the phone which wire it is going to be plugged into the socket. If the iPhone stops charging completely and displays a message about connecting an uncertified accessory, change the cable to an original one.

If such a message appears when using the “original” wire, check its integrity, clean the iPhone port and reboot the device.

Software problems

Another common reason why it won’t charge is failures software. If errors occur in iOS work no command is sent to the controller and charging does not occur. The problem is fixed forced reboot:

  • On iPhone 7 and higher: hold down the power and volume down keys for 10-15 seconds until the Apple logo appears on the display.
  • On iPhone 6s, 5 s and younger: hold down the power and “Home” keys.

And it will turn on, after which it will begin to respond to charging.

When to go to service...

Some problems cannot be resolved on your own. If the power controller breaks down due to impact or water, or the battery life has expired, you will have to contact service. Signs of internal damage - the phone does not charge and does not turn on, quickly loses charge, gets very hot, or the iPhone shows that it is charging, but the charge does not increase.

If you've been using your iPhone for more than a year, its battery will start to drain faster and faster. Over time, the intervals between recharges can be significantly reduced - replacing the battery will solve the problem. Please note that the smartphone has a non-removable battery, so have it replaced by a service center. You can remove the battery yourself only if you can properly disassemble and reassemble the gadget.

Charging from Power Bank

There may be several reasons why an iPhone does not charge from a Power Bank. First, check that the cable is working properly and connect another device to charge. If everything is fine with the wire, and the Power Bank does not charge the iPhone 5s, 6 or another, investigate:

  • Output current: iPhone requires 1 A.
  • Use original Apple wires, not the ones supplied by the Power Bank - too thin a cross-section reduces the voltage and current.
  • The ratio of the capacity of the external battery and the phone: for a successful full charge, the battery capacity of the gadget must be 2 times less. Regular iPhones have 1700-1900 mAh batteries, while the Plus line has 2800-3000 mAh batteries. The Chinese Power bank actual power may not correspond to the declared power.

If all the parameters are in order, but when connected, the Apple gadget does not charge, although other devices on this Power bank regularly increase their charge - the device is not compatible with your smartphone.

If the charging process is progressing, but extremely slowly:

  • Unload applications from your smartphone’s memory - double-click on “Home” and swipe up unnecessary programs. Skype, instant messengers, games, browser with open tabs– they all constantly waste the device’s energy. To speed things up, you can turn off your phone altogether.
  • Calibrate the batteries of the Power bank and smartphone - you need to completely discharge them 2-3 times before turning off the device, after turning them on, leave them to charge to 100%. This will help adjust the power controller and avoid accelerated discharge or sudden shutdown.


We figured out what to do if your iPhone won’t charge from a charger or Power bank. Most causes can be eliminated by the simplest actions - cleaning the port, changing the cable, rebooting the phone. If the phone dies and refuses to turn on after all the manipulations, take it to the service center, where specialists can see and fix the problem.

Modern man has become so familiar with gadgets used for work and entertainment purposes that failure of the charger can cause great distress, disrupt business plans and deprive him of his favorite activities. It is worth understanding the reasons for this phenomenon and finding a way out of the situation in order to return the device to normal operation.

iPhone software crash

A quite common situation is when the phone charges slowly due to incorrect operation firmware. Inside the device there is a controller on a board in the form of a microcircuit. Charging the battery depends on it. It is controlled using software. When charging a smartphone via USB, you send the charge not directly to the battery, but to a board with a controller regulated by a program. The current source is indicated and a charging command is sent.

If the software is frozen, the command is missing, which is why the iPhone remains uncharged. To solve this problem, perform a cardinal reboot of the system. It happens when the phone is turned off. Press Power and Home at the same time, leave the smartphone for half a minute, and then turn it on.

The Lightning port on your iPhone is dirty

Another reason why the phone does not charge well from an electrical outlet or computer is contamination of the port. The overwhelming number of users carry gadgets in their pockets, where debris (dust, lint, hair, etc.) accumulates. Once debris gets into the connector, the smartphone often does not show charging. Most users don't even think about this simple fact. As a result, the plug cannot be installed properly.

Cleaning should be done with a wooden toothpick. Carefully process the hole from the original cable on both sides. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise you may harm your contacts. There is a high probability that you will find entire deposits of “felt”. Blow into the connector and connect power from an external source. If the phone is very discharged, you should keep it turned off for 15 minutes, and then use it as usual.

Computer USB port does not work

Charging may take a long time due to the connector not meeting the requirements of the device. Every computer has multiple ports, so it's worth testing each one in turn to see exactly whether the problem is with your phone or your computer. The reason may be the following:

  • most sockets supply a voltage of 5 V and a current of 0.5 A;
  • standard chargers give 1 A;
  • For iPad charging 2 A required.

As a result, the phone does not receive the required charge. If this is the reason, use regular charging 220 V.

iPhone won't charge due to cable/charger

Real Apple chargers cost quite a bit, which is why they are often preferred to cheap fakes, which are full of them on AliExpress and similar ones. trading platforms. This is the case when the stingy pays twice. Such a purchase will fail faster and may damage the phone itself. Cheaper doesn't always mean better.

If the problem is with the charger, purchase an original Apple product. If even this does not help, check the Lightning cable. It is desirable that it also be branded. Wires made by Apple do not last forever, let alone cheap and low-quality analogues. Use the cord carefully as it is highly fragile. Frequent kinks damage the plastic coating and the conductors. Due to damage, the device may not charge fully.

Many people have encountered a message about the lack of certification of a certain accessory, which is why its effectiveness is not guaranteed. iOS versions starting with 7 ways to recognize foreign, non-genuine USB cables. The Lightning cable plug is equipped with a special chip that identifies the origin of the cord. The Chinese are also not lagging behind, inventing new ways to counterfeit a chip.

You can always choose a cable and charger to suit every taste and color in one of.

iPhone parts are broken

If none of the above reasons applies to your case, the problem is in the phone itself. The battery or charge controller may have failed. Only a service center employee can get to the bottom of the truth. He will repair the U2 chip (the chip in the smartphone board) or install a new one.

After repair, you need to check the functionality of the device. If they install a cheap Chinese part, it may turn out to be defective and will not accept a charge. So connect your phone to the network right on the spot and make sure that the meter has added at least a few percent.

The smartphone only charges when turned off

This problem is often caused by damaged or thinning contacts inside the wire. The incoming energy is not enough to maintain normal operation of the device. The problem may also be in the phone itself: the cable is faulty or there are problems with synchronization.

You can charge your smartphone through a computer, but this will take much longer. In some cases, the indicator may “deceive” you by showing that energy is being supplied, but in fact the charge level will remain the same. Pay attention to running applications. It is likely that they are consuming energy faster than it is being supplied. IN as a last resort you need to change the battery.

The Technari service center will help you solve problems with the battery, a non-working charging port, or other problems that cause your iPhone to not charge. You get free diagnostics, a 6-month warranty on repairs and spare parts, and pay only for the results. .
