The flagship Samsung Galaxy S5 is a powerful, interesting and therefore popular smartphone, albeit expensive. All its many advantages have long been praised in various reviews and tests. In contrast to some unpleasant, let’s say, problems, of which the S-5, like any other device, also has much more than we would like. For example, the Galaxy S5 sometimes has a problem like this: it happens that their WiFi slows down.

Not for everyone, and not always, but it still slows down. And what should an S5 owner do, even if it’s inconvenient to go to forums with such a question? It seems like there is already a whole flagship, but here is such an opportunity. But something really needs to be done.

In general, if your Galaxy S5 also suddenly has a problem with WiFi (and when it does, it’s noticeable), then you can try to resolve it on your own.

First of all, you need to check whether various so-called third party applications, which you probably already managed to install. To do this, reboot the Galaxy S5 in “Safe Mode” (the one that Safe Mode). In this mode, all third-party applications are not turned on, and you can safely test the WiFi speed without interference from them.

To enable safe mode on Galaxu S5, turn off the device, then turn it on again, and while it boots, just press and hold Home button. The S5 will boot up and you will see a Safe Mode icon in the corner of the screen.

If in this way you are convinced that the applications are not to blame, and your Galaxy S5 still has a problem with WiFi, then the next step is to check the case in which you use the smartphone. They say that WiFi plastic is not a hindrance, but experts strongly recommend that you also check the case, since they also come in different plastics. So, we remove the case and test the WiFi connection speed again.

If the case is correct, then we give it a pass and move on. Now we will demolish the WiFi network to which your S5 is connected. Go to “Settings”, tap “WiFi” and see a list of all available networks. We find ours, tap and hold your finger on its name, then “tell” the smartphone to forget it.

At the same time, you can check the WiFi speed of other networks if you know how to connect to your neighbor’s WiFi (and if you don’t). Well, so as not to get up twice.

So, when the S5 is disconnected from your WiFi network and you have removed it from the list of available ones, you need to find it again and reconnect to it again. This way you will update the connection configuration and your Galaxy S5’s WiFi problem may also resolve. At least there is such a possibility and it is quite high.

However! It may well be that all the actions described above will not have the desired result. Those. You've tried everything, but your S5's WiFi speed remains consistently slow. Then, as a last resort, experienced users advise using full reset smartphone settings ( hard reset). Of course, only after backing up all important data.

As a rule, returning to factory settings helps solve most problems with software, but if the cause of the trouble lies in the hardware, then even a hard reset will not bring much benefit. This means your Galaxy S5 has a problem that is best solved in a good service center. Don’t worry, flagships are also repaired...

Experience has shown that every smartphone has its own specific problems, and the Galaxy S5 is no exception. If we are lucky in that the problem is widespread, then the solution will quickly become known. However, this does not always happen, and some problems only appear over time or after a new Android update. Below we present the 10 most common problems and ways to solve them.

My Galaxy S5 is slow

Even after updating your Galaxy S5's Android to Lollipop, the TouchWiz interface is still sluggish. The only thing you can do about bloated software is to disable as many different applications as possible using an application manager. These apps will appear in a new Disabled Apps tab, and you can enable them later if you wish.

You can also replace TouchWiz with another, faster launcher.

If you don't want to part with TouchWiz, you can turn off animations and transitions, get rid of the S Voice shortcut, remove unnecessary widgets, take control of apps and services, and clear the system cache or app cache.

My Galaxy S5 battery is draining too quickly

The S5 troubleshooting guide wouldn't be complete without a section on battery drain. By the way, the problem of battery drain is one of the most common problems with the Galaxy S5. If you want quick solutions to your problems, you can try the tips below.

Reboot your phone, clear the cache partition, adjust the screen saver time, adjust the display brightness, and make sure your other settings aren't draining your battery. If your battery is running low after a new Android update, then you can back up your data and then do a factory reset.

My Galaxy S5 camera crashes

If you find that your phone's camera is failing, there are a few options you can try. First of all, turn off your phone and wait a minute, then turn it on again. This simple scheme helps very often.

Next, try turning video stabilization on and off. By the way, this solution was one of the first for such a problem, and you can do this in the camera settings. Simply open the camera app, tap the gear icon, then tap Video Stabilization until you see the Off icon.

Plus, you probably need to clear your camera app data. Check if you have backup your photos, then go to Settings > Application Manager > Camera and clear the cache and data. If this does not help, then try using another camera app downloaded from the Play Store.

If the camera closes unexpectedly, with the message “Camera failed” or “Camera application not responding,” then this is more serious. All this suggests that the problem is related to the hardware, and this problem is observed in some Galaxy S5. If your phone is one of them, you should report it to Samsung or contact your phone retailer.

My Galaxy S5 is damaged by water

The Galaxy S5 may be waterproof, but there are sure to be people who confuse the concept of "water-repellent" and "waterproof" and plunge their phones into the bath with gleeful faces. Therefore, it is not surprising that this often leads to the failure of phones due to water getting into them.

Our advice is to always make sure the battery cover is firmly pressed down, and try not to expose your S5 to more than the pressure of a light rain. Also, you shouldn't go anywhere that has bleach, the ocean, or just anything with water.

In case your phone stops working after getting wet, do not try to turn it on. Take it apart and dry it with a paper towel, then put the pieces in an absorbent bag for a day or two. After this time, you can reassemble the phone and try to turn it on. If the phone does not turn on, you will have to take it to service center for repairs.

Galaxy S5 overheating problems

If your Galaxy S5 is overheating, there could be a few things causing it. It could be some app that is malfunctioning, so pay extra attention at this point when your phone starts to overheat. If your phone always gets warm while using a particular app, then you should probably reinstall it. Also open the " Running applications» in the application manager and check them out ( upper part list). Check if all of them are running.

Additionally, you can run a performance test to find out if it is simply the main processor running under heavy load that is causing the problem. Of course, increased display time will always lead to heat, as will games with complex graphics, various tasks and increased ambient temperatures. There is no specific solution to the problem if your phone is working under heavy load.

But if your Galaxy S5 gets warm while doing normal things (excluding heavy video games or watching videos with the charger), then you should check the battery and find out if it is swollen or if it has an electrolyte leak. If your phone is still experiencing problems with overheating, then you need to take it to a specialist for a professional inspection and diagnosis.

Galaxy S5 display problems

If you're having trouble with your S5's auto-brightness levels—the display is too bright or too dark in low-light conditions—then you may have a dirty or faulty light sensor. Check to see if there is any dirt or small debris on it. If you see something under the glass above this sensor, then in this case you may need the help of a repair specialist.

Many people also suffer from ghosting, which is caused by images remaining on the screen in the form of a faintly blurred background or remnants of images. Sometimes this problem can be solved if you pay the necessary attention to the elements present on the display that cause such “influxes”, for example, a widget that is constantly on the display or a clock icon.

There are available applications, which with a high degree of probability are able to smooth out the effect of “surges”. We can't say for sure how effective these apps are, but they're worth a try. Another way to minimize screen bleed is to manually set the display brightness to a low level in order to reduce the likelihood of a backlit screen.

Galaxy S5 sensor responsiveness issues

Many users noted the lack of calibration on the touch sensor of the Galaxy S5, that is, the smartphone did not respond to touching the display exactly at the point of contact, but a few millimeters on both sides. And, although Samsung has released updates to correct this shortcoming, some S5 owners are still faced with the problem of inadequate screen sensor response.

Regarding this problem, we can give the following advice: consult the secret service menu of your phone for help. To access this menu, open the dialer and enter the code *#0*#. Enter the Touch sector and check how well your phone responds to touch input. If you have problems that an OS update or factory reset couldn't fix, then you'll have to take your phone to a specialist for an examination.

Problems with the Galaxy S5 fingerprint scanner

Now let's talk about the fingerprint scanner. From our personal experience, we can say that this scanner does not always work correctly, although it has received some improvements thanks to various updates.

Assuming on our part that you don't swipe too quickly, sideways, or with a sweaty finger, the first thing you should do is make sure you're storing your fingerprint in the phone's memory correctly.

Pay attention to exactly how you swipe your finger (make a swipe gesture. It also depends on how you hold the phone). If you register your fingerprint while holding your phone in an unusual way, you should not expect success in the future. Also, register your fingerprints using different methods. Remember, you can always register new fingerprints if you have any problems with them.

Wi-Fi problems

The Galaxy S5 also has problems with Wi-Fi. We won't list them in detail, but let's just say that this phone has an option that can automatically turn off Wi-Fi if the connection quality is poor. This feature is called Smart Exchange and it is capable of switching your connection to cellular network data transfer if the Wi-Fi signal becomes weak. So you should make sure that your Wi-Fi problem has nothing to do with this. To check, use the scheme: “Settings” > “ Wi-Fi Settings» > “Switching Smart Network”.

Wi-Fi problems can also occur when you log into Google Play Store or open another application. If you think your Wi-Fi problems are related to an app, try disabling it using the app manager and then see if the problem goes away. You can also clear the application cache that may be causing shutdowns (or the entire system cache at once), or read our guide on how to improve wifi signal on Android.

Unexpected "death"

At first glance, this problem may seem like the end of your smartphone. Sudden failure (the so-called bug) was a specific problem with the Galaxy S3, and this problem was also observed in other Samsung Galaxy devices.

If your Galaxy S5 starts shutting down without warning, is acting erratically, or doesn't want to turn on at all (provided your battery is charged), then you have no choice but to do a factory reset. This process will delete all your data, so be sure to back it up.

If suddenly this does not give results, then in this case you have a direct route to the Samsung service center. If the problem is with an internal component of the phone, or motherboard, then the specialists of such a center will probably have to help you.

Have you found a solution to any of your problems with the Galaxy S5? Let us know how we can help you.

Samsung Galaxy S5 has been released for exactly a year now and we can already see the difference in performance when comparing it with the new one Galaxy flagship S6. Yes, new smartphone technically more advanced, but this does not mean that it is time to get rid of its predecessor if you want to get a phone faster.

Over time, the Galaxy S5 may become slower and usually require a factory reset. However, you can still find ways to improve the performance of your Galaxy S5. Below you will see some fairly simple tips and choose something that suits you.

Get rid of TouchWiz

One of the main reasons why Samsung smartphones are slow is that TouchWiz is overloaded with features. Please note that installing a custom launcher may solve the problem with slow work and lags, but this will mean that you will be forced to give up many features that are only available in TouchWiz. You can find a compromise if you find a decent alternative launcher, of which there are many on Google Play: Apex, Buzz, Action, Nova, Next and many others.

Disabling startup apps

As soon as you received the Galaxy S5 after purchasing it, some applications were already running on it. They often require quite a lot of smartphone resources and, as you can imagine, this slows down the device. If you already have root rights, then you can configure the system yourself and freeze the operation of almost any application that you do not need when starting your smartphone. Advanced Task Manager will best help you with this. You don't even need root rights for it to work.

Another option is to allow App Manager to access your system so you can disable any apps you don't use. In addition, you should make sure that everything Google apps not set up for automatic synchronization. This also slows down the device a lot, especially if many applications are trying to sync at the same time. And don’t forget about updates - if one application asks for updates, then that’s not so bad. But if there are 20 of them? Think about this: is it worth allowing programs to download updates on their own without your knowledge?

Forget about widgets

If you still have Samsung's default widgets on your Galaxy S5 screen, you might want to get rid of them, especially if they keep updating information. Widgets such as Geo News, S Health, Galaxy Gifts, My Magazine and Galaxy Essentials play a huge role in the “brakes” of the smartphone interface, as they often require synchronization. You can remove almost all widgets without any inconvenience. You can leave what you need and you will see how home screen will become more responsive.

Remove pre-installed apps

You can go even further and get rid of some pre-installed apps. But for this you will definitely need root rights on the Galaxy S5. Calculate for yourself how many pre-installed programs the S5 has that are constantly synchronized, run in the background, and monitor various parameters of the smartphone. All this requires the processor to work with additional load. A huge number of background processes will turn any flagship into a slow smartphone. With root rights, you can uninstall almost any application that you definitely don't need. You can install it back if you suddenly need it. You will notice that the S5 will work faster, but be careful - if you delete something wrong, you can damage the system.

We tried to select the 5 most famous problems of the Samsung Galaxy S5 that owners of this smartphone encountered. In addition to this, we will show you how and what to do in such cases, without going to the service, where you will always have time to take your phone.

  1. Let's start with the first problem: the Samsung Galaxy S5 is not charging (or very slowly).

Use the original Galaxy S5 charger. Try to exclude all possibilities: change the socket, connect to the PC via USB.

If nothing has changed, there are 2 options left: the battery is dead or the charging port. At this point you will have to go to the service center.

  1. Galaxy S5 screen does not respond to touch at all

We will not discuss water ingress or film that would interfere with pressing the screen. From a system perspective, you can try maximizing the screen sensitivity (Settings > Display). There is also a small probability of a similar problem occurring due to some application, although it will be extremely difficult to find out only by deleting all of them one by one. Extreme case- do reset.

If after that there is nothing - the problem is on the hardware side - contact the service.

  1. Poor Wi-Fi or no Wi-Fi at all

The easiest thing to do here is to restart your phone or router. Recently there has been a problem with statistical IP, try registering it manually. For the rest, just look at the settings, maybe there are restrictions, or energy saving.

  1. Slows down and delays loading applications

It has already been proven on the forums that the Galaxy S5 often slows down. But it’s not the games or applications that slow down especially, but the wait for something to launch or turn on. We agreed that the reason: TouchWiz interface. The only solution: play around in the settings, remove animation, effects, and so on. Although some advise changing the launcher, for example to Google Now.

you get samsung phone Galaxy S5 from your pocket or bag, but the screen treacherously does not light up, there is no sound, and in general, the phone does not respond to any of your actions. The first thing that comes to mind is that the battery is dead. It would be the best option in your situation, but often the problem is somewhat more complex.

Why won't Samsung Galaxy S5 turn on?

A modern phone, in fact, is no different from a computer, so it can freeze, glitch, behave strangely and incomprehensibly. This is usually due to the unbridled zeal of the owner of the device to install necessary and unnecessary software, install Root rights, and ignore anti-virus programs.

Another reason why people die Samsung smartphones Galaxy S5 is all about firmware updates. Unfortunately, operating system Android isn't perfect. In each version, the developers consistently eliminate old errors, but make new ones. For some phone models they are not significant, but for others they can be fatal.

Generally, there are a few main reasons why a device might show a telltale dark screen.

But not only software problems can make a phone unviable; the hardware also fails. Main reasons:

  • moisture;
  • blows;
  • manufacturing defect.

Any mobile phone consumes electricity and cannot work without a working and charged battery. Common energy-related problems fall into several types:

  • battery failure;
  • charger failure;
  • loss of contact in the power connector.

How to solve the problem

If the phone stops turning on after failed update If so, the problem can usually be solved with little effort. Many advisers say that it is enough to return to the factory settings, and the smartphone will become operational. But how to do this if the device does not turn on.

The best thing to do is try to turn on the phone using a hard reset

For G alaxy S 5, it is necessary to perform several sequential operations:

  1. Disconnect the battery and reconnect after a few seconds.
  2. Press and hold three buttons simultaneously: “Home” (in the center of the device), “Volume” to maximum and “Power”.
  3. When Samsung appears, release Power On.
  4. You enter the “Recovery Menu” data recovery mode.
  5. Find the item “Wipe data / factory reset” and click the “Power” button.
  6. Confirm item “Yes - delete all user data.”
  7. After some time, after clearing the memory, select “Reboot system now”.
  8. The system will reboot, and if there are no other problems, the phone will work like new.

Do not forget that returning to factory settings will lead to the loss of all data and installed applications.

What to do if your smartphone encounters water

If your phone gets wet or falls into water, try to disconnect the battery as quickly as possible. If the electronics have not yet failed, then it is enough to dry the device by opening its case. But in many cases the phone will have to be sent in for repair. Even if it was possible to resuscitate the device, its performance will remain at risk. Moisture, especially sea moisture, will gradually contribute to the corrosion of the printed circuit board elements and clogging of the moving elements of the vibrator. Therefore, after “bathing”, the smart phone must undergo thorough internal cleaning.

Those who like to hold the phone in their hand and constantly press the power button to calm their nerves run the risk that the phone will not turn on at the most necessary moment. It is easy to replace the button yourself, for those who know how to hold tweezers and a screwdriver. To do this, there is no need to completely disassemble the phone. It is enough to pry the button cover with tweezers or a screwdriver and disconnect the cable. To make sure that the phone does not turn on precisely because of the button, it is enough to close the contacts on the motherboard at the place where the cable is connected. If the device turns on, feel free to change the button. It's hardly worth repairing.

The Galaxy S5 may also not turn on due to the banal reason of the power connector failure. As a temporary and emergency option, you can use the “toad”. This device allows you to charge your battery without your phone. But in this case, the phone will be out of communication while charging. In addition, batteries often fail after several “toad” charging cycles.
