Breakdown hard drive into logical parts - a very convenient function of operating systems. According to technical documentation MicroSoft recommends reinstalling Windows once a year, and you can always save the information on a non-primary partition. There are three main ways to split a hard drive into parts:

  1. When installing the system, set the appropriate partitions.
  2. Shrink a volume on an already installed system.
  3. Use third party software.

Step 1. When starting your computer, launch the BIOS and increase the boot priority of the drive.

Note! You can start from the drive differently: wait until the procedure for checking the functionality of the hardware begins and, by opening the boot menu, mark your device as the primary device. optical drive, internal or external.

Step 2. At the initial installation stage, the system prompts you to install specific drivers for system devices SCSI or RAID disk arrays. This page can be ignored.

Step 3. The next stage of installation is the license agreement (EULA). To go to the next page, press F8. If you refuse to accept the terms of the agreement (ESC), the installation is aborted.

Note! The agreement changes in accordance with the release of new builds and service packs. Be careful when installing, using unlicensed software may result in litigation. For example, according to the civil code of the Russian Federation, the copyright holder has the right to demand compensation for damage from a citizen in the amount of 10,000 to 5,000,000 rubles; according to the criminal code - a fine from 200,000 to 500,000, or imprisonment from two to six years. For legal entities and officials, fines are established in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences.

Step 5. Continue installation operating system. After the installation is complete, you will have access to two logical volumes, instead of one.

Partitioning a hard drive by compressing it using a snap-in

Step 1. Open any folder. In the left frame of the window, find the “Computer” icon. By calling the context menu, go to the “Management” section.

Important! To work with disks, you must have administrator rights.

Step 2. Expand the "Storage Devices" list.

Step 3. Open Disk Management.

Step 4. Select the volume you want to shrink, right-click on it and check the “Shrink Volume...” option.

Step 5. Wait for the volume polling process to complete.

Step 6. Specify the amount of disk space allocated for the new partition. The process begins by clicking on the “Compress” button.

Step 7 Wait for the unallocated space to appear on your hard drive. And create a simple volume by calling the corresponding button.

Step 8 Specify the size of the new disk and proceed to the next page of the wizard.

Step 9: Assign a drive letter.

Note! The letters "A" and "B" are reserved for floppy drives. A kind of atavism, but these characters are reserved.

Step 10 Format the volume with the desired file system.

Important! Take your time and uncheck “ Quick formatting" The process is longer, but corrects errors in damaged sectors.

Step 11 Complete the wizard by using the “Finish” button.

Partitioning a hard drive by compression via command handler

Step 1. To enter the command processor, you need to expand “Start” and enter the “cmd” key in the “Search programs and files” line. The launch must be made as an administrator.

Step 2. There is a special “diskpart” section for managing hard drives. You can enter it by entering the command of the same name.

Step 3. To display a table of your computer’s disks, use the “list volume” command.

Step 4. To select a specific volume, use the “select volume x” key, where x is the volume number from the first column of the table.

Important! Please note that the disk is accessed not by name, but by number.

Step 5. The space available for compression is determined using the “shrink querymax” request.

Step 6. The “shrink desired=y” command, where y is the amount of disk space, separates a logical volume of the specified size.

Important! Remember that volume is measured using programmer categories and not the SI system. One gigabyte is not 1000 megabytes, but 1024, take this into account when dividing. When entering the command, do not forget about the syntax - the key "desired", the "=" sign and the size of the new volume are written together.

Partitioning a hard drive using third party software

One of the most popular software products is "EaseUS Partition Master". This product has both a professional version (paid license) and a free one.

Step 1. Open the main program interface of the program.

Step 2. Select the volume to be compressed.

Step 3. In the left frame, use the “Resize/Move partition” button.

Step 4. Specify the size of the freed up disk space in the “Unallocated Space After” box, or by moving the right slider of the volume indicator. Confirm the start of the compression procedure by pressing the “OK” button

Important! Please note that the program provides an optimization option for solid-state drives (OptimizeforSSD). Differences in data storage between standard (HDD) and solid state (SSD) is thatSSDs do not require defragmentation, so the optionoptimizeforSSD will save you time.

Step 5. Wait for the process to complete.

Video - How to partition a hard drive

Video - How to partition or partition a Windows 10 hard drive


We have described four methods hard partition disk. Of the methods described, only one requires additional program. The evaluation of each method is given in the summary table.

Information\NameFormatting the hard driveEquipmentCommand lineEaseUS
LicenseDelivery with operating systemDelivery with operating systemFree
Russian languageDepending on Windows versionDepending on Windows versionNo
Interface convenience (from 1 to 5)4 5 4 5

When you install a new operating system on your computer, you have the option of splitting one hard drive into multiple volumes, be it two volumes, three, or more. If this is not done, then all files will be stored on one disk: both the system and your personal multimedia, installed programs. This is not always convenient; moreover, it is recommended to use a separate volume for the system, approximately 100 MB in size, so that no more information is stored on it, except for the needs of the OS. In this article, you will learn how to divide your hard drive into several new ones and what you need to remember when doing so.

First, you need to go to the Disk Management directory. To do this, hold down the key combination Win + R or Win + k on the Russian keyboard. A search window will open in front of you. In the “Open” line, write the command:
  • diskmgmt.msc

And click “Ok”.

You will see all the disks that are currently on your computer. In the example below, there is only local Disk C, which has all the space allocated. Repeat exactly as instructed to create new volumes.

Right-click on the hard drive.

In the list that appears, select the “Shrink volume” line.

Wait a while for the computer to calculate how much space is completely free and can be allocated to create a new volume. This may take from a few minutes to ten.

After the calculation you will see a window like this. The line “Space available for compression” will indicate the maximum number of megabytes that you can remove from this volume. Simply put, you will shrink the existing space on Drive C and leave it for creating a new volume.
Enter in the line “Size of compressed space” the number of MB by which you are reducing Disk C.

Now two stripes of different colors will appear on the screen, blue is the size of the memory allocated for Disk C, and black is the empty space for the remaining drives.

Right-click on the partition with the black empty space and select the “Create simple volume” line.

Wait until the Create Simple Volume Wizard appears on the screen. Click “next”.

The space of all unallocated memory will be indicated at the top, and at the bottom you need to indicate how much of it you want to allocate for new disk. You can take away all the memory completely or leave some of it on other drives.

Assign your drive letter and click “Next”. You can select almost any letter from the list that opens using the arrow.

The volume can now be formatted. It is recommended to do this every time you create a new disk. Check the “Format this volume as follows” checkbox and select the NTFS format. Check Quick Format.

Why is it necessary to share a hard drive in Windows? First of all, for the security of your personal data. When a hard drive has only one partition, then all the files that are on this drive: programs, documents, photos, files of the Windows OS itself are stored in one place.

Now imagine that the system fails. All your personal files (photos, documents) will most likely be lost. It is much more correct when system files and user files are stored separately from each other.

Physically, they will still remain on the same hard drive, but will be on different partitions. There may be several sections. One, as a rule, is allocated for the operating system and programs (system partition), the other (or others) for user files.

One of the simplest and available ways— partition the hard drive when installing Windows. We discussed how to do this in great detail and with a specific example in . What to do if the system is already installed and there are user files in it, how to partition the disk in such cases?

How to partition a disk with installed Windows system no data loss

Today we will look at how to divide a hard drive into two or more partitions with an already installed OS. And it doesn’t matter at all what edition of Windows you use. This method will be relevant for any version, be it Windows 7 or Windows 10. In addition, if you already have two partitions, but need to create a third, both methods described below are also suitable.

In essence, our task comes down to “pinch off” large section(and in our case this is the only section - system disk C) some part, say 200 GB, and make a separate partition out of it.

This can be done in several ways, including using the Windows operating system itself, which has a special Disk Management tool. This method requires a minimum of effort and in most cases solves the problem without third-party software. Let's start with him.

Before you begin partitioning your hard drive with installed system Windows, you need to take some precautions. If the system has important files- copy them in advance to external storage media (flash drive, external hard disk).

How to divide a hard drive into two or more partitions? Method 1 - using Windows

Let's use the Disk Management tool. In Windows 10, just right-click on the icon My computer, select item Control - Disk Management.

In others Windows versions this tool can be found using a regular search or using a hotkey combination Win+R, and enter the command diskmgmt.msc.

We see the Disk Management window, which displays the user’s disk, which in this case has a size of 465.76 GB (Disk 0). Almost all of the HDD space is allocated to one partition - Disk C. There is also a partition (500 MB) that is reserved by the operating system at the installation stage.

In our case, 465 GB (the entire hard drive) for one system disk is not an affordable luxury, so we will “pinch off” the maximum possible number of GB (as much as the system will allow) and make a new partition from this free space.

As a rule, about 100-150 GB are allocated for the system disk. It all depends on the individual user. 100 GB is quite enough if Windows is installed on the system disk and the most necessary software. If you plan to install modern games in addition to the system and software, then a size of 100 GB will clearly not be enough.

Before performing any operation on a specific hard drive partition, do not forget to select it. Just click on it with the left mouse button and the section will be selected. Only then proceed with the operation.

Let's move on to practice. Let’s select the partition from which we want to “pinch off” space. Right-click on the selected partition and select the command Shrink Volume.

All sizes are in megabytes, please be careful. In a specific example, the maximum number of MB that the system “allows” to be compressed is 237.656 MB (232.09 GB). This means that after compression we will get Disk C with a size of 232 GB and Disk D with a size of 238782 MB (233 GB). Not the best best option. If you are not satisfied with it, and you need to “pinch off” more than what the system offers, then you will have to use third-party software, but more on that later.

When all calculations are completed and the sizes of future partitions are set, click OK(or click Enter). We have a new unrecognized partition (200 GB). Don't rush to exit Disk Management. The procedure for dividing the disk into two partitions has not yet been completed. Select a new partition (200 GB), and right-click and select Create a simple volume.

Start Create Simple Volume Wizard. In principle, everything else is simple, you just need to follow the instructions of the master himself. Check out the screenshots. You are required to give the future partition a letter (in my case it is D) and a file system - NFTS.

Let's see what happened. We have one hard drive and divided it into two partitions: system Disk C (265 GB) and New volume D (200 GB) for storing personal data. By the way, the new volume is now displayed in Windows Explorer.

Now you know how to divide your hard drive into two or more partitions using Windows. If you are satisfied with this method, and it coped with your task, then you can stop there. However, if you are looking for a more optimal option, and, for example, you need to “pinch off” a larger size than the system itself offers, we use third-party software. True, first we need to return the original state of hard disk.

Let's delete the created partition and return it to the system disk. We highlight New volume and right-click on the item Delete volume.

Read the warning and click OK. We get 200 GB that are not distributed.

Carefully check all the numbers and click Next.

We have returned to the original state, when the system has one hard drive and it is almost entirely dedicated to one partition (system).

How to divide a hard drive into two or more partitions? Method 2 - Partition Master Free

It's time to move to third-party software. There is a lot of choice here. There are paid and free options. I recommend stopping at . Why? Time-tested, intuitive interface, free. Unlike Disk tool Management, which Windows offers, Partition Master allows you to shrink a disk partition as long as it is physically possible.

The official website of the program is Go to the website and select the Products - Partition Master Free - section in the top menu Download.

Since the program is free, during its installation you will be prompted to install additional unwanted programs. Many free products work great and perform their tasks perfectly, but since they are free, developers try to somehow make money from them. Be careful and timely uncheck the checkboxes offering promotional products.

1. Start installing the downloaded program. Select the language English and press OK.

2. In the next window, we agree that we will use this software only for our family, check the box and click OK.

3. In the next window (at your discretion) leave only one checkbox - Create a desktop icon(create a desktop icon) and click NEXT.

Installing Partition Master Free in screenshots. Click

5. In the next window, enter your Name And Email. You can enter fictitious data.

6. After installation, click Finish.

The program should start. The interface is completely English, but it is quite simple and using these instructions, dividing a disk in Partition Master Free will not be difficult.

The main program window displays Disk C, which is what you want to split. Its main information is also presented here: file system (NFTS), size - actual (465.27 GB) and used (17.10 GB). Pay attention to the graphic scale of the disk, which is located at the bottom of the window. You can work and execute commands using both options. With a graphic scale, this is a little easier and clearer.

Select the section (left click) that you want to divide (from which you need to pinch off a place), and select (Resize) from the drop-down list of commands.

In the window that appears, grab and move the special slider. It is responsible for the set size of the future partition. We indicate how many GB we need to pinch off. In this case, 322.242 MB (or 314.69 GB) was selected for the new partition.

Pay attention to the bottom of the window. While moving the slider, you are in real time, see how your Disk C will change after compression, and how much will be allocated for the new partition.

I set the size of the new partition to 314 GB, and the size of Drive C will become 150 GB. After that, click OK.

An unrecognized partition (314 GB) appeared. Now we need to make a partition out of this unrecognized space.

Click on it with the mouse and select the command (Create section) from the drop-down menu.

In a new window, I am prompted to enter a partition label and give it a name (Partition Label). Let's say I call it Multimedia. Next, you need to specify the partition letter (Drive Letter). Don't forget about the point Optimizefor SSD, but only if you have an SSD drive. If you are using a regular hard drive, then do not check this item. File System - NFTS. Click OK.

Let's see what happened. System Disk C for which we allocated approximately 150 GB and a section for storing files (Multimedia). This is not the final result yet, but rather a sketch. For the program to perform all operations, you need to click on the button Apply in the top menu.

A pop-up window will appear containing information about the operations that will now be performed. Click YES and the program will begin executing them. The computer will restart and start in download mode. Wait for the operation to complete.

After the process is completed, a window will appear with information that two operations were successfully completed. If you open File Explorer, you can see the new partition created.

Now system files and user files will be stored separately. The task has been completed. As you can see, both described methods work and allow you to partition the disk without losing data. Which one to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. I hope this article was useful and helped you finally understand this issue.

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Convenient distribution of disk space on a computer is one of the fundamental actions for comfortable operation and performance of the operating system. After purchasing a new PC or reinstalling the operating system, the question arises - how to properly partition a hard drive? The standard division into two volumes C and D will not be enough for a large hard drive. Under system files Usually 100-150 GB are allocated, the rest of the disk space will be correctly divided into several parts. This simple action will guarantee the performance of the OS by reducing the rate of fragmentation of the system volume. There are three simple ways to partition in the Windows operating system:

  1. Installation of separate software.
  2. Using internal Windows services.
  3. Separation when installing/reinstalling the operating system.

When using a separate program to partition a disk, you need to prepare, namely:

  • do backup copy important personal files;
  • free up additional space on your hard drive;
  • check the hard drive for possible errors.

Protecting your personal files from loss during further work is the user’s primary task. Photos, contacts and other files should be copied to an external storage device (hard drive, flash drive) or use a file storage cloud on the Internet. After backing up your data, you should make sure you have free space to create a new partition. To do this, just go to “Control Panel” - “Add or Remove Programs”. View the list and remove unnecessary software, which will provide additional disk space.

Once you have enough space for the new partition, you need to check the hard drive for errors. Go to “My Computer” and select required disk and go to “Properties”. Then select the “Service” tab and click “Run check”, check both boxes and wait for completion. At the end of the check, the OS will ask you to restart the PC - confirm. The disk properties interface in Windows 7 and XP is identical, so there will be no difficulties.

Working with partitioning programs

The program interface is configured mainly to solve one problem - how to divide the hard drive into convenient parts. Most software works with different versions Windows 7 and XP, there is both paid services, and for free use. It would be more correct to use programs for free use with a Russian interface.

Very popular: “Partition Magic”, “ Acronis Disk Director", "Aomei Partition Assistant". Each uses a standard menu for working with the disk. All that remains is to select the disk that needs to be divided into parts. Then set the volume for the new partition, its name and file system. Any of the programs will offer two options file system FAT 32 and NTFS. The first is installed when working with Windows 95/98 or Millinium Edition. Starting from XP, NTFS should be selected. For stable operation of the OS, a prerequisite is that all hard drive partitions must be formatted under the same file system.

How to partition a hard drive without installing software

The ability to divide the hard drive into partitions using system services is provided in versions of Windows 7 and higher. To do this, find the “Management” item, located in the “My Computer” folder. In the “Computer Management” menu that opens, open the “Disk Management” tab. A list of disks that are on the PC will appear, as well as hidden section“System Reserved” – system recovery disk. We select drive C or the one that we will divide into two or three parts - additional containers. Open the list of disk functions: right button - “Volume compression”. In the window that appears, select the location where you want to compress the disk. Provided that the hard drive was not previously divided into separate parts, the system will offer to divide it into parts approximately equal in volume. You can set the desired value. If a miscalculation is made, you can return the partition to its previous sizes by selecting “Uncompress volume” in the disk functions. The system disk will be compressed and a new partition will be displayed called “Unallocated”. Open the list of functions and click “Create a simple volume...”. The “Create a Simple Volume Wizard” window will appear on the screen and prompt you to designate the new partition with a letter and give it a name. This is followed by the process of formatting into a file system. Having decided on the option, click “Continue”, and in a few minutes the work on creating a new section will be completed.

Partitioning the hard drive when installing or reinstalling the operating system

Partitions should be created at the moment when the OS installation reaches the point of selecting the partition in which it should be installed. Next steps:

  1. Create a partition for the OS, let it be drive C, and enter its size. If the hard drive initially has 1 TB of memory, you can allocate 100-120 GB for the operating system - that’s enough.
  2. Next, the computer will ask you to allocate a little more space for backup files, you need not to skimp, but click the “Agree” button.
  3. Create a second partition: look for the line “Free disk space”, click “Create”. Next we set the size for it. We call it drive “D” and the button “Apply”. So, there are already two sections.
  4. To create the third partition, proceed in the same way as described above: “Free disk space” - “Create”. We indicate the entire size remaining from the original one.
  5. Click on the “C” drive, which is allocated for the OS and click “Next”. The installation of your Windows 7/8 continues.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated about dividing a hard drive into several departments. Even a novice user can handle this simple process. The main thing is to carry out everything clearly according to the written points, and you will succeed. If done correctly, you will have several disks, in each of which you can store certain folders, files, etc. This will eliminate the problem of constantly searching necessary information on the computer.

The second important advantage of partitioning the hard drive is that when reinstalling the OS, for any reason, all information during the formatting process can be destroyed. And if the computer has the OS on one disk, and all the files on others, the process of destroying the contents will affect only one partition of the hard drive. And the speed of the system itself will be faster, the computer will not freeze, thanks to less “cluttered” departments. Ideal option: two to four sections, depending on the size of your hard drive.

After purchasing a computer or during installation of the operating system, users can split the hard drive into several partitions or leave it unchanged.

Thanks to this, you can conveniently sort all information and files without the risk of losing them in the event of a virus attack or operating system failure.

Next, we will look at how to divide a hard drive (HDD or SSD) into several partitions using the built-in and third party tools Windows.

Additionally, we will figure out how to do this on MAC OS X and Linux (using Ubuntu as an example).

Why do you need to partition your hard drive?

Read also:TOP 15 Programs for Windows disk defragmentation: choosing the best utility

After you succeed in dividing the disk into two or more, then during Windows installations any version will be asked to select the system partition on which the operating system will be installed.

Having chosen the one you need, Windows will prompt you to select one of the available file system formats:

  • FAT is one of the first, and therefore outdated. You should only choose if you plan to work with earlier versions of Windows (95, 98, etc.). This way you can avoid various application compatibility problems. It has a lower file copying speed and does not allow you to work with files larger than 4 GB.
  • NTFS is a modern file system format. Compatibility issues may occur when working with Windows 9.x (if the format is selected for the system drive). Differs more fast work and reliability. Allows you to work with files of any size, without any restrictions.

If you wish, you can format each partition with different file systems to evaluate the quality and speed of their work.

During installation of Windows 7, 8, 10

Read also: TOP 3 Simple ways to clear RAM on a computer or laptop running Windows 7/10

The easiest way split the disk into parts during installation of the operating system. Then you won't have to copy necessary files, make room.

The method is suitable for partitioning a disk during installation of versions 7, 8 and 10 of Windows.

1 Insert a CD or bootable USB flash drive with the operating system image, restart the computer and wait for the Windows Installation Wizard to appear.

3 Buttons for creating and deleting partitions will become available. Before you partition your hard drive, you need to get rid of old volumes. Therefore, first click on the unnecessary sections on the screen and click “Delete”. If you see only one, then there is no need to delete anything. Once the extra sections are erased, you can begin partitioning.

Along with deleting the partition, all information stored on it will be erased. Therefore, before doing this, make sure that you have copied all the necessary information from it.

4 If you did everything correctly, then there will be one available line on the screen in the list of available drives "Unoccupied space" Click on it and below, in the toolbar, select “Create” and in the field that opens, enter the desired partition for the new volume in MB. After this, click “Apply”.

5 Create the desired number of new partitions in a similar way.

After this, do not forget to specify the drive on which the operating system will be installed and click “Next”.

As soon as the program finishes, opening “My Computer” you will see the created partitions.

During installation of Windows XP

Read also: Errors when loading Windows (XP/7/8/10): We deal with the most common ones

Despite the fact that Microsoft has officially stopped supporting XP and releasing updates for it, many continue to use this version of the operating system.

Disk partitioning during XP installation is slightly different from the method for seven or ten.

1 Before partitioning your hard drive on Windows XP, you will have to delete existing partitions. To do this, select the unnecessary volume using the arrows on the keyboard, and then press the “D” button. Confirm the action by pressing the Enter key.

2 After this the line will appear "Unallocated area". We will create the necessary partitions from this disk space. To do this, press “C” on your keyboard and then “Enter”.

3 A new window will appear where you can enter the desired disk size in MB (the maximum and minimum available are indicated in the line above). Confirm your actions by pressing the Enter key.

In the same way, create the required number of partitions, then continue and complete the installation of the operating system.

Dividing a disk via the command line

Since Windows 7 can be divided into 2 disks using system tools, it is most logical to use them without resorting to third-party software.

Although it also has its advantages (about them in another section of the article).

To run "Disk Management"(it is through this program that we will do everything) click on the “My Computer” icon with the right menu button, and then in context menu select Manage.

If for some reason this cannot be done, then use another method. Open "Control Panel"- "Administration"(easy to find via the search form).

Find and open in the list "Computer Management". Then select from the menu on the left "Storage Devices" - "Disk Management".

After opening the utility, you will see a list of available volumes, their location, type and file system used. You only need to divide those where the letter is indicated (C, D, E, etc.).

Volume "Reserved by the system" It won't be possible to break it into parts, because... it is hidden and is needed solely to store files necessary to boot the operating system.

Using the utility you can:

  • divide the HDD or SSD into two or more partitions;
  • delete an unnecessary volume and give its memory to another;
  • change (reduce, increase) the sizes of existing volumes;
  • rename sections, etc.

To immediately launch the program for editing drives, open the Run utility ( shortcut keys“Windows + R”) and enter “diskmgmt.msc” (without quotes) and then press the “Ok” or “Enter” button.

Divide the disk into two

Before you start dividing the volume (in our case, this is drive C), you need to compress it. To do this, select it in the list, and then right-click on it and select “Shrink Volume”.

The program will begin analyzing the space available for compression, after which it will prompt you to manually enter the size in MB that will be allocated for the new volume.

Please enter this information as carefully as possible. If you enter incorrect information the first time, it will be much more difficult to repeat this operation to correct it.

If you share the system disk (on which Windows is installed), then try to leave at least 60 GB on it. For comfortable operation of the computer, it should always have free space(10-20% of total capacity).

Once you decide on the size, click on the “Shrink” button and wait for the operation to complete. After this, “Unallocated space” will appear opposite the selected one, exactly what we just selected.

Creating a new volume

  • Having decided on the size, click “Next”, after which the utility will ask you to select a letter for the new drive (only those available for selection will be in the drop-down list). Here you can connect the volume as an empty NTFS folder.
  • Next, you will be asked to format the future drive using one of the file systems available for selection. We recommend choosing NTFS, and leave the rest of the indicators at default. Despite the terrible threat that all information will be deleted from the partition, feel free to agree and start formatting (after all, we are creating a new partition with nothing on it).

After this, the Create Simple Volume Wizard will complete its work and display brief information regarding the new disk.

Now, after opening “My Computer”, you will see the partition you just created, which can be used to install programs and store files.

Using third party software

Read also:The computer does not see the hard drive - what to do?

In some versions of Windows, the system utility for creating new volumes may work slightly differently.

Therefore, you have to use third-party software that supports working with HDD and SSD.

In addition, unofficial programs have a more understandable and “friendly” interface, making it easier for untrained users to work with sections.

Today we will look at how to partition a Windows 10 disk using the completely free and Russified program AOMEI Partition Assistant.

You can find and download it from the official website of the developer.

  • Launch the program. In the window that opens, you will see a list of available disks, partitions, volumes and their brief description(including removable hard ones).
  • Right-click on the disk you plan to partition and select from the context menu "Split Partition".
  • A new window will open, where in the “New size” field you will need to indicate the capacity of the future drive (should not exceed the volume from the “Original size” field). Enter the information and click “OK” to move to the next step.
  • After this, the program may display a message that the disk was successfully partitioned. But this is not entirely true. For all the changes made to take effect, you must additionally click on the “Apply” button. The utility will warn you that to save the data you will need to restart the computer, after which the operation will be completed successfully.
  • This method is much faster and easier than using system tools because the program automatically reserves the required space and compresses the volume.

    The default file system is NTFS, so if you want to format the future disk in FAT 32, then at the stage Section divisions you will need to click on the button Advanced settings then specify the desired parameters.
