Management and Wi-Fi setup in his house Kashkarov Andrey Petrovich

1.11. Wi-Fi signal distribution via laptop

All possible options implementation Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop or PC, including standard setup methods using Windows 10, as well as with the help of specialized programs, cannot be considered within one book, so let’s turn to the most popular options that have stood the test of time.

Option #1. Wi-Fi distribution can be done using command line and the built-in netsh command in Windows 7.

Requirements: computer 1 – Internet connection (LAN, WiFi, 3G...), a Wi-Fi module, Windows 7 or higher installed, as well as a second computer with a built-in Wi-Fi module. In this case, a relatively simple network (ad-hoc mode) in point-to-point mode is not suitable for connecting to devices that do not support ad-hoc networks (for example, a tablet or phone based on Android OS). The use of this network is necessary mainly for exchanging data between PCs in the absence of the ability to use an access point. The essence of the method consists of several practical steps.

1. Open Start? Control Panel? Network and Sharing Center? Settings general connection or networks.

2. Select: Settings wireless network computer-computer, click Next. Set the network name and security key in Latin, click Next.

3. Open Start? Control Panel? Network and Sharing Center? Changing adapter settings.

Select a network with Internet access and go to Properties. Then go to the tab Access and permission command to public access. On another computer we look for the network we created and connect.

Option number 2. Giveaway Wi-Fi signal using the command line and the built-in netsh Windows 7 command to connect a computer-to-device network with Wi-Fi.

Requirements: computer 1 – Internet connection (LAN, WiFi, 3G...), presence of a Wi-Fi module whose drivers support Virtual Wi-Fi, installed Windows 7 maximum or Windows 8 R2, second PC or (other devices) with a module.

Allows you to connect devices via an access point (Access Point-AP) based on Virtual Wi-Fi software technology. This technology is based on a software access point (Software Access Point – SoftAP), to which you can connect a laptop, phone (supported by Android OS), camera, printer and other devices.

1. Click Start? enter in the search bar cmd? open the command line as administrator.

2. Enter the following line into the command line:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="HomeWi-Fi" key="123qwe123456" keyUsage=persistent, Where ssid="HomeWi-Fi" SSID– network identifier (network name), in our example: HomeWi-Fi; key="123qwe123456"– security key (password), in our example: 1 23qwe123456". Next, click Enter.

3. Then we start the network with the command (also enter into the command line) netsh wlan start hostednetwork, after which in the list network connections the newly created HomeWi-Fi network is visible.

In order to provide Internet access to other devices connecting to our created network, it is necessary to follow the procedure of step 3 described in the “alternative” option (No. 2).

This option has a feature in that when you turn off the distributing laptop or go to sleep, you will need to start the network from the command line again. To avoid having to do this every time, just download this file startWi-Fi. bat and drag it into .

Thus, we set up Wi-Fi distribution from the laptop to other devices.

Option number 3. Using a program for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop. Requirements: according to method No. 2.

This option makes it possible to create an access point based on the described method No. 2, using only graphical program shells. There are a huge number of freely available programs for distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop or PC, so there is no point in describing the setup of each.

Attention, important!

It would be a good idea to purchase a stand-alone Wi-Fi access point, which will save the user from many problems with connecting various devices. If the signal level is insufficient, use an external Wi-Fi antenna with high gain.

Wi-Fi routers: differences and features

Today, a router is one of the most popular devices among Internet users. The market offers a wide range of routers for every taste. Which router is better to choose for home use? It is quite difficult to give a definite answer to this question. Different types of routers, the main factors that you need to pay attention to when choosing a home Wi-Fi modem - all these are important aspects, without which the right choice is difficult.

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The technology for wireless data transmission over local Wi-Fi networks appeared in 1998 thanks to John O’Sullivan, an engineer at the Australian CSIRO Radio Astronomy Laboratory. The first wireless communication protocol standard, IEEE 802.11n, was approved in 2009.

During its development, Wi-Fi technology has gained wide popularity, primarily due to the lack of the need to use wires when connecting to the network. And if Wi-Fi technology was initially used to connect wearable and palm-held computers, now this technology has penetrated into cameras and household appliances, and in multimedia devices, and in control devices. Wireless sensors of various physical quantities - temperature, pressure, humidity, etc. are also widely used. Smart home monitoring and control devices equipped with Wi-Fi modules can perform their functions from any point where a local wireless network is available, and if this network through a router has the ability to access the global network, from any point, where there is internet. Using his smartphone connected to the Internet (via Wi-Fi or GSM), the user can not only view websites, but also manage household appliances, located at any distance from it.

A standard Wi-Fi network scheme contains at least one access point that forms a wireless network with a known identifier (SSID) and encryption parameters, to which at least one client is connected. An access point can be either a specialized device or one connected to global network a router equipped with a wireless radio module. Also, for example, a laptop or smartphone equipped with Wi-Fi modules and connected to the network via cable or GSM technology, respectively, can act as an access point.

In this review we will look at some modules offered by Master Kit that use Wi-Fi wireless technology. Some modules are designed for use in DIY projects, supplied as a printed circuit board with components and without housings, while others are designed as complete devices and are intended to be used out of the box. It should be noted that each of the devices in question is a client of a wireless network; therefore, an access point is required to connect them to the network. You also need to pay attention to which network the device connects to - local or global. Many Wi-Fi devices use portals located on the global network to communicate with other such devices and exchange information. This method of communication allows you to simplify the connection, since it does not require a permanent dedicated IP address of the global network and relatively complex network settings such as NAT (“port forwarding”) for external access to the local network located behind the router’s firewall.

For ease of comparison, the main characteristics of the devices are summarized in a table located at the end of the review.

Our review will begin with Master Kit DIY modules using Wi-Fi technology.

  1. – Wi-Fi relay with thermometer and two relays.

The basis of the device is the widely used Wi-Fi module ESP8266. The module is a microcontroller equipped with a wireless interface. It supports IEEE 802.11 b/g/n standards, with WEP and WPA/WPA2 encryption. The module also has 11 user-accessible I/O ports and wired communication interfaces SPI, I2C, I2S, UART and a 10-bit ADC. There are several freely available development kits (SDKs) with a compiler and libraries that allow you to effectively use the capabilities of the ESP8266.

All this made it possible to create a modern device for mobile control various electrical appliances using smartphones or tablets.

As already noted, the module is designed to work in local networks. If you need to use access to the global network, then the following device will help with this.

  1. – Internet relay with a thermometer and two relays using an MQTT server.

The MQTT (Message Queue Telemetry Transport) network protocol is a simplified data transfer protocol between devices and runs on top of the TCP/IP protocol. This protocol uses a behavioral message transfer design pattern known as “publisher-subscriber”, is very easy to use and administer, does not create large loads on communication channels and works successfully in the presence of problems in these channels, and does not impose restrictions on the format of the transmitted data . MQTT is designed for low-power embedded devices, so its implementation requires minimal processing power that microcontrollers can handle. Thus, the MQTT protocol is, along with some other similar protocols, such as MODBUS or RS-485, an excellent tool for implementing the functions of the Internet of Things - IoT.

Remote control of two relays of 2000 W each;

Reception and transmission to the network of readings from two DS18B20 type temperature sensors connected to it;

Reception and transmission of readings from humidity sensors DHT11 or DHT22, analog sensors using a built-in ADC.

But, in addition to this, it provides reading data from sensors and controlling built-in relays via the Internet anywhere, there is a connection to the global network. When working on the global network, a free MQTT server is used, by default, but you can use another one.

  1. If the previous two devices use the capabilities of the ESP8266 microcontroller, the module includes its own more powerful STM8 series microcontroller and is a device for collecting and transmitting data via Wi-Fi.

The use of the STM8 microcontroller made it possible to implement very wide functionality in a small volume. The module is, on the one hand, a complete device for collecting data on consumed household resources, such as water, heat, gas, electricity, and on the other hand, multifunctional device control and management of executive modules and mechanisms.

The device collects data from sensors and meters connected to it according to a set schedule and transmits this data to the server for further processing and use.

Up to 8 devices in any combination can be connected to one device:

Water meters;

Gas meters;

Electricity meters (when installing an additional CAN or RS-485 interface module);

Temperature sensors, for example;

Water leakage sensors, for example;

Liquid level sensors;

Gas leak sensors;

Actuating devices (electrically driven shut-off and control valves), for example, electrically driven ball valve.

When using additional built-in modules of RS-485 or CAN interfaces, up to 8 Mercury-type electricity meters can be connected to one module, in addition to the 8 devices listed above in the description.

Modules can be combined to increase the number of serviced information collection channels.

The device collects data from meters and sensors and, according to the schedule set in the settings, transmits them to a server located in Russia. In normal mode, data is sent once a day with hourly detail. If an emergency is detected (the water meter has turned off, a leak has occurred, the battery is low, etc.), the device communicates immediately and notifies the owner using PUSH or E-MAIL notifications. The server has a personal account for each user.

IN personal account You can specify on what day and time the server will automatically send readings every month. Testimony can be sent in the following ways: as PUSH notifications, in the form of E-MAIL, directly to the MOS.RU portal. Forget about the routine of manually transferring readings every month!

You can also simply look at the readings and graphs on your mobile phone, tablet or computer using a browser or mobile application for iOS and Android.

The module is powered by three alkaline (Alkaline) AA batteries, duration battery life at least 3 years. When the charge level drops below 10%, a PUSH or E-MAIL notification will be sent to the user.

The device communicates with the server using Internet access through a private or public Wi-Fi network with encryption. Two networks can be used: primary and backup. In the absence of communication, the device collects and stores an hourly log for 1 month, and when it is resumed, it transmits the data to the server. In any emergency situation (the device does not communicate, there is a leak, a break in the communication line to the sensor or meter, etc.), the server will send you a PUSH or E-MAIL notification.

The age of progress and high technology is already persistently knocking on every home. Today, every home has a computer, as well as a bunch of mobile devices: tablets, smartphones, netbooks, transformers (netbooks with a removable touch display or tablets with docking stations) and other devices. It is not surprising that now many people have the opportunity to control various devices through. Starting from lighting to other household electrical appliances. Such installations are called « Smart home» and were already known in the early 2000s, but became widespread among ordinary users only nowadays, when wireless technologies became available to a wide range of users.

Some general information

It’s worth noting right away that to control the light, TV, refrigerator, air conditioner, microwave oven or any other electrical appliance, we need a special station or relay. They happen different types, with different capabilities and functions. For example, the cheapest devices are made in the form of a socket with a remote control remote control. That is, you insert the “Wireless socket” into a regular socket (to connect to the power supply). You turn on the pond compressor in the wireless device (for example, sunsun aco review, etc.), and using the remote control you can turn it off or on. Everything is very easy and very simple!

But there are more expensive and advanced devices that allow you to control household appliances through special applications on tablets and smartphones. In this case, the connection can occur as in local network, and remotely via the Internet.

As you understand, it is simply impossible to describe everything in one article, so we will analyze only two types of Smart Home devices. Control computer functions via Android via Bluetooth.

Wireless outlet

The word “wireless” here means that you can connect to it via Wi-Fi and control its operation. Let's look at how such gadgets work, using the example of a device from Edup. This is a Chinese company, but produces quite high-quality products.

How to use such an outlet?

  1. We connect the device to the power supply (to a regular outlet).
  2. There is a button on the top of the device. Press and hold it until the Wi-Fi indicator starts blinking (if you hold the button but another icon is constantly blinking, then release the button and press briefly again). Thus, we switched the device to search mode for Wi-Fi networks in order to bind to the router.

Now let's move on to the tablet or smartphone (with the help of which remote control will take place). In our case, the application is called Edup Wi-Fi. After installing the application on your tablet, you will have to register.

After that, log into the application using your login. But now there will not be a single device in it: the fact is that you need to add equipment manually, so we exit the application.

Now open the settings of your smartphone (tablet) and go to the “Wi-Fi” section. Turn on the adapter. When the system offers a list of devices available for connection, find your “wireless” outlet and connect to it. The connection we need is called “Wifino1”. After we have connected to the device, we return to the Edup WiFi application.

Here you need to click the “Settings” button, which is located at the very bottom of the screen on the right. Next, click “Initialize Device”. Information about the connected device will be displayed at the top: and its name.

Below you will need to enter the name of your Wi-Fi network in the field. You must enter exactly as indicated in the router, with all symbols, uppercase or lowercase letters, and so on. The name must match absolutely. And, accordingly, enter the password for your Wi-Fi network.

After this, press the “Start” button. The phone will begin sending the necessary commands to Wi-Fi socket. All you have to do is wait for the pairing to be completed. When this happens, the indicator on the outlet itself, which was previously blinking, will stop blinking and will remain constantly on.

Now, when you log into the Edup WiFi app again, the “Devices” section will show your wireless socket connected to the router. Opposite the name there will be a button, when clicked, the device will turn on or off. As you can see, controlling your household appliances via Wi-Fi is a fairly simple and fast process.

"Wireless" relay

The second gadget that will allow you to control the lights in your home via Wi-Fi is a relay. This equipment is more powerful and can withstand higher loads. In this case, everything works directly. That is, the relay itself distributes Wi-Fi, to which you need to connect and then launch the corresponding application and control the operation of the relay in the program.

You don't need to make any special settings. The relay comes complete with setup instructions and a disk with necessary software. In fact, a relay is practically no different from a socket. But if you can control the outlet via the Internet, the relay requires a direct connection via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth.

There are other options for “Smart Homes” with which you can set up control of all household electrical appliances at once. But the cost of such equipment will be appropriate and affordable to few people.

If you want to configure your Wi-Fi router yourself, change the password, the name of your wireless network, or other settings, then in any case, you will first need to go to the router settings. In the control panel, where you can set the necessary parameters. I want to say right away that this is not at all difficult. It doesn’t matter what model of router you have or what manufacturer it is (Tp-Link, D-Link, Asus, Linksys, Zyxel, etc.), following these instructions you can go to the control panel. The principle of operation of all routers is almost the same, which means that we can access the settings using the same instructions. Yes, there are some nuances, we will definitely consider them.

Router, that's what it is independent device, which runs on its own software. And access to it can only be achieved by network cable (in most cases). Many people have a question: what kind of disk and drivers are included with the router? No, there are no drivers there. The router does not require drivers at all. The disk usually contains a special utility with which you can quickly configure the router. But, I would advise setting up the router through the settings, which can be accessed through a browser. And as I wrote above, this is very easy to do.

We will consider two methods: accessing the control panel via a network cable from a computer or laptop, and accessing settings via Wi-Fi from mobile devices (or also from a computer). I recommend using a network cable and a computer for this task. But, if this is not possible, then you can change some settings, or even completely configure the router from your phone, tablet, or laptop via Wi-Fi. If you want to update the firmware, you cannot do this via Wi-Fi.

How to access router settings from a computer

I have seen many articles where they describe some complex actions that need to be performed from the very beginning (checking network settings, getting the router’s IP address via the command line). There is no need to do this, at least not yet. First you need to try going into the settings. If it doesn’t work out, then we’ll watch it possible reasons. Why bother yourself with unnecessary nonsense.

Connecting the computer to the router

We take a network cable, which usually comes with the router (you can use your own cable) and connect one end to the network connector of your desktop computer, or laptop. Photo for clarity:

We connect the second end of the network cable to the router into one of 4 (usually) LAN connectors. They are yellow. For example:

Typically, settings can be accessed at , or . The address of your specific router and the login and password that you will need later can be found on the router itself. Usually, they are written on the bottom of the sticker. An address like . can also be indicated there. For example:

The router must be turned on. Next, open any browser on your computer. You can even Internet Explorer, I have Opera. To go into the settings, we need to write the IP address of the router in the address bar of the browser , or , and go through it by pressing the button Enter. A window will appear asking for your username and password. Again, the default is usually used admin And admin. You can also see this information at the bottom of the device.

If you changed your login and password to enter settings (not to be confused with the Wi-Fi network password), then you need to indicate them. And if you forgot them, you will have to do (article using Tp-Link as an example), and configure it again.

If you cannot find the IP address, login and password of your router, then try first going to the address, and then to Try admin as your login and password. Also, try leaving the password field blank, or specifying 1234.

Set the required parameters and press the button Login, or just Entrance, doesn't matter. Your window itself may look different, it doesn’t matter.

If everything is fine, then you will see the settings of your router.

If not, then now we’ll try to figure out what the problem might be. Scroll below.

We go to the control panel via Wi-Fi: from a phone, tablet, laptop

If, for example, you don’t have a network cable, or you don’t have a single computer at hand, but you need to go into the router settings, then you can use a Wi-Fi connection for this.

One important point: when connecting via Wi-Fi, and not via a network cable, you can make some settings in exactly the same way, or even set up a new router. But under no circumstances update software your router. With this you can simply break it. Flash only when connected via cable. Instructions for .

In principle, we do everything the same way as I described above, starting from the moment we launch the browser, go to the IP address of the router, etc. The only difference is that we connect to the Wi-Fi network of the router, which we need to configure , not via cable. We take our phone, laptop, or tablet and connect it to Wi-Fi (if it is not connected). If, for example, you want to connect to a new router, it will have a standard name and will be unprotected.

I'll show you the example of logging into the control panel from a tablet. Just like on a computer, open any browser and go to the IP of your router (, or Specify your login information.

Settings should open.

That's all, as you can see, everything is very simple. If something doesn't work out, ask questions in the comments.

Doesn't go into settings: possible reasons and solutions

I wrote in more detail about this problem in the article. But, since the problem when the router settings do not open and you cannot access the address and is very popular, I think that this information will definitely not be superfluous. Let's look at the most popular problems:

When you try to go to the IP address, or, the error page not accessible appears, or the page could not be opened.

This means that the computer cannot connect to the router. It doesn't matter via cable or Wi-Fi. First of all, check if there is a connection. Look at the notification bar (bottom right corner), on the connection status. If you are connected via cable, then a computer should be drawn there, it may have a yellow icon, this is normal. If you connect via Wi-Fi, then there should be just a white network (network level). It may also have a yellow exclamation mark.


  • Need to check network settings on the computer. Perhaps you have it in your local network settings (when connected via cable), or wireless (Wi-Fi connection), some static IP settings or other parameters are specified. You need to set automatic IP and DNS acquisition. I have already written about this in detail in the article.
  • If the connection is via cable, then you need to try replacing it. I have come across cases more than once when the problem was in the cable. Or connect via Wi-Fi.
  • If you have Wi-Fi on your computer and you are connecting via cable, then you need to completely turn off Wi-Fi. And vice versa, when connecting via a wireless network, disconnect the cable.
  • If all else fails, do it, perhaps some things are specified in it non-standard settings connections.
  • Also, there is no need to rule out a breakdown of the router itself. This also happens.

Invalid login/password. Or nothing happens after clicking the Login button.

There may be such a problem. We went to the address, a window appeared asking for data, you specified it, but an error appears that the login data was entered incorrectly, or the page simply reloads.


  • Try different versions of the login/password pair. Admin and admin, try leaving both fields blank, or just the password. Will try to specify the password 1234.
  • Try logging in from a different browser.
  • Most likely you will have to reset your router settings (link given above).


There are many manufacturers, and even more models of different routers. And almost everyone has their own nuances regarding settings. But the process of logging into the control panel is almost the same for everyone. I hope that this instruction helped you get into the settings of your router. If you have any problems, write in the comments, we will figure it out together.

Managing a router involves configuring the device. A router is a rather complex network equipment with enormous functionality, and depending on the operating conditions, one or another control is required.

Setting up a router requires certain knowledge; moreover, before starting the setup, you need to connect it to your computer and go into the same settings.

If you do not take into account “exotic” methods (for example, through a telnet terminal), then there are only two main configuration methods:

  1. Or through a special assistant program;
  2. Or through the built-in web interface of the router.

The first method is more convenient for inexperienced users, as it is designed for practically automatic setup with minimal human intervention, while the second method provides finer tuning.

Let's start by connecting to a computer.

Connecting the router to the computer

Any router is equipped with a LAN interface (port) designed for a wired connection to a computer. Also, any computer has an Ethernet port for the same purposes. We take the patch court network cable that usually comes with the router, and connect the router to the computer through these ports.

Preparing the router for settings

You can also establish a connection via a Wi-Fi wireless network, but not all routers and computers have Wi-Fi modules, moreover, the wireless network is less reliable and the connection may be interrupted at the most inopportune moment.

Front panel of the router

After turning on the router, you need to pay attention to its indicator lights, usually located on the front panel. Firstly, to make sure that the router is working (in case the power supply is burned out), secondly, to make sure that the firmware is completely loaded into it RAM and the router is ready to go.

Front panel of the router

Further actions depend on how you intend to configure the router - using the assistant software, or yourself through the web interface.

Let's look at the first option first.

Configuration with specialized software

Helper programs are located on CDs that come with the router. Also, if you have Internet access, you can download it from the manufacturer’s official website.

It should be immediately noted that not all manufacturers develop such programs!

After installing the program, launch it using the shortcut that appears on the desktop. As a rule, the first window that opens is a welcome window with the manufacturer’s logo, in which you need to start setting up the router.

Initial window of the setup program

Further steps depend on the manufacturer, but it all comes down to choosing a provider, entering the necessary passwords and logins specified in the agreement with the provider. In the remaining steps, simply read the messages displayed and agree to them by clicking “Next” or “Ok”.

Configuration via web interface

But it is much preferable, and more professional, to configure via the router’s web interface. But to enter the settings menu in this way, user authorization will first be required, since the router simply will not allow uninvited guests into its settings.

Label under the bottom of the router

The IP address of the router is also found there.

User authorization

So, we connected the router to the computer with a patch cord and turned it on. Next, open Internet Explorer on your computer, in which we enter the network address of the router.

Logging into router settings

Settings menu structure

With very rare exceptions, the menu structure is the same - either on the left or at the top there is a tree of settings items. Many manufacturers also provide help and hints for the selected menu item on the right side of the window. In the center of the window, direct settings are made, that is, managing the router.

Settings menu

It is very good if the menu is in Russian. If it is initially in English, then we are looking for a line like “Language”, since the menu can be multilingual, and English is simply set by default. Let's change it to Russian.

Wi-Fi setup

That's it, all that remains is to carefully read the names of menu items and make settings. For example, we need to set up a Wi-Fi wireless network. We look at the menu names, we need “Wi-Fi”, “Wireless”, “Wireless Network” or something like that.

Let's look at an example of configuration on a router from Netgear

Setting up Wi-Fi

Go to the “Settings” menu, then select the “Wireless Network Settings” submenu. A settings window will open in which we indicate the name of our wireless network, select the channel, mode, and transmission speed. If desired, you can set a password to connect to the network, or leave the login free.

The rest of the router is configured using the same scheme, some of which can be found in the video tutorial:
