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In this project I want to talk about the possible future of Smart Home technology, which after some time will be able to completely change our everyday life, and for some, perhaps, it will be able to save lives. I will also note those physical phenomena and principles thanks to which this technology arose and is developing.

Relevance: Smart Home technology is becoming more and more confident in life and it is necessary to summarize all the most important information about her.

Purpose of the work: give a general idea of ​​the Smart Home technology, show its prospects and note the main physical phenomena that made the emergence of the technology possible.

Research methods : analysis of theoretical data in scientific literature and the Internet

Main part

Let's first figure it out and find out what, after all, is a “Smart Home”? Smart Home technology (or Smart House) is a network of sensors, detectors, and detectors that is connected using a single radio channel, which significantly, or not very much, but makes your everyday life easier. It doesn’t matter what it is: automatic turning off the lights in the corridor and closing front door, or a system for watering home flowers, a mechanism that feeds a beloved pet, or a system that shuts off a leaking water supply pipe in an emergency. If something in your home is triggered based on some kind of algorithm, then it can to some extent be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality. But also, the system “SmartHouse"can be called a huge security system covering entire cities. An example of which will be given below.


There are many reasons why people think about a smart home. Here are some of them:

Sensors that work thanks to the discoveries of physics in the field of electromagnetic waves, installed on the territory of a house or apartment, alarms on windows, as well as video cameras that provide inspection of a house or apartment at any time, and from any device.

A practical control interface located in a convenient location is what people so often lack in a classic home. The system created for the resident allows you to save a person from unnecessary hassle and make life a little easier. For example, heated floors with several specific modes are now being replaced by a convenient system that allows you to specify the exact temperature. And the systems of the future will already operate with even simpler terms “I’m cold” “I’m hot”. The ability to change the amount of light, another quantity introduced by physics, in a room also improves comfort. And also managing systems from your phone, from anywhere in the world where there is an Internet connection, undoubtedly makes life easier and increases user comfort.

Automation will remove various responsibilities from humans. For example, turning lights on and off in a corridor can be easily automated with just one sensor. Heating control is conveniently automated by sensors that recognize the presence of a tenant in the house. Instead of having to adjust thermostats throughout your entire home every time, you only need to set up the system once.

This is one of the most underrated features of smart homes. The ability to change settings or add new mechanisms will allow the user to customize the Smart Home exactly for themselves, and for any life situation. The appearance of children or rearrangements often require not only a change in the location of switches and sensors. With a Smart Home it will be much easier to do this, because now there are systems that allow you not to tie switches and sensors to wires, but to place them anywhere. A smart home should evolve with you.

Remote access
The ability to interact with your home remotely can be very convenient. For example, start heating in a country house or air conditioning in the hot summer. I also include notifications from smart home subsystems in this group. (such as temperature, air humidity, etc.). Monitoring the current condition of your home will help you avoid unpleasant weather-related situations, such as freezing water pipes in severe frosts.


There are several of them:

Principle of radio communication

Principles of Thermodynamics

Principles of physical measurements

Principles of statics


Unfortunately, all technologies have shortcomings, perhaps temporary, but they do exist. And the Smart Home system was no exception. At the moment, one of the main problems of the system, which discourages many from purchasing the system, is its price. At the moment, high-quality systems are not sold for less than 600-700 dollars. Another, no less important reason is that consumers themselves do not fully understand what smart homes are, why they are needed and how they can simplify life.


However, scientists and economic market researchers say that people's ignorance about this system will soon pass, and it will be replaced by a storm - a storm of “Smart devices”, and the market will become $60 billion within 5 years. And I readily believe in this, since the number installed systems The smart home market in North America more than doubled between 2012 and 2014, and this figure is growing exponentially. Each smart home developer sees the future in his own way and tries to solve the most important, in his opinion, everyday problems that the average person faces. More and more startups are offering their products - companies that raised money on crowdfunding platforms are beginning to share the fruits of their developments. Large companies are also warming up the market. The movement is happening on several fronts at once - mobile devices, air conditioning systems, security systems, and set-top boxes are being created. Also, every year, as technologies become more accessible, prices become significantly lower, which opens up this technology, to even more users. So in a couple of years, Smart Home will be available to most people.


According to the Rustelecom company, the market for such systems in Russia at the end of 2012 was estimated at approximately 4 billion rubles. The market for security and response services in the private segment, which can already be considered the forerunner of the complex home automation market, was estimated at a clearly large amount - about 76 billion rubles. The market in Russia is quite developed and large, so products and technologies appear here almost simultaneously with the markets of Europe and North America. But the requirements of Russian clients differ from the wishes of Europeans, and this can be seen in the example of the smart technology market. Experts note that the “green functions” that are in demand in the West are not popular in Russia; in our country, safety is in the foreground. Installations for creating the effect of presence have become very popular in Russia. Meanwhile, private organizations for the protection of individuals. individuals and commercial enterprises, offer security and fire alarms, which are equipped with water, gas, heat leakage sensors and others. Such systems are easily developed and increase their functionality (depending on the user’s wishes) - they can be supplemented with various smart home functions. In addition, security structures are actively introducing services that allow clients to manage the security of their home from a smartphone from anywhere in the world.


Nowadays, when a huge layer of information is on the Internet, freely available, even something as complex at first glance asSmartHouse, can now be created independently.On the Internet you can find a great many articles on this topic: people talk about their experience of installing both the simplest combinations of the category “light by motion sensors depending on the time of day”, and more complex ones, controlled via a computer or with mobile device. Many of these solutions are really interesting and useful in everyday life. But unfortunately, even now, with such accessibility of this technology, not everyone can do it themselves. To do this, whatever one may say, you will need programming skills and electrical knowledge.


TrapWire is global system tracking functionfacial recognition, which was created to detect potential terrorists photographing “important objects” (metro stations, city squares, etc.). The system is also capable of recognizing the faces of wanted criminals from their photographs or sketches uploaded to the system. The system is currently performing well and has already found several dozen criminals. And just with the help of Smart Home technology, the systemTrapWireunites all government video cameras into one huge network. I talked about this system as an example of the fact that Smart Home technology can be used not only to simplify the life of an ordinary user, but also as a significant help for many special services.


This technology has the potential to change and improve the lives of many. Not only to make the life of an ordinary person easier, but also to help special people. services in their work. And perhaps, in ten years, each home will have its own help system, and will develop into a single network.

List of used literature and sources






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A turnkey smart home means reliability, peace of mind and the absence of everyday stress due to burst pipes due to temperature changes in the heating system or burnt-out wiring due to water entering it from a flooded bathroom.

Of course, you can simply buy an alarm system, or change equipment that breaks down every time, bypassing what a Smart Home can offer you, the price, however, will be too high. After all, this is your peace of mind, your health, and your finances wasted.

The Smart Home kit will allow you not to spend money on a guard's salary - your building is an impeccable guard in itself. You also don’t have to worry about the safety of your children - all electrical appliances are turned off, your home is the best nanny who doesn’t require a salary.

Smart home - the latest technologies that save for you!

During your absence from the building, a video chronicle of everything that happens on your territory will be kept. If necessary, the system will simulate the presence of the owner in the house - it will connect control over doors, blinds, lighting, video and audio equipment. The Smart Home will also protect the building from water and gas leaks, put electrical appliances in saving mode or turn them off, control access to a particular room for children, friends and staff with all the accompanying restrictions on certain functions, create the temperature and climate conditions necessary for comfort rooms, and will even heat directly prepared food.

During your presence, the Smart Home system will create pleasant heating after water procedures, close the garage and open gazebo when bad weather begins, turn on pleasant music when you wake up, and create a suitable microclimate in the bedroom and other rooms.

Operating principle of the Smart Home system

All automation of the Smart Home system works thanks to modern KNX technology that controls apartments and buildings.

KNX technology is an inseparable part of the standard electrical network - the preliminary establishment of a method for regulating building systems. The flexibility of the KNX network is based on the modification and expansion of arbitrary functions at any time the user desires.

A reasonable KNX solution is to use a two-wire conductor, which is laid in parallel with the 110 V power supply network. This module connects absolutely all electrical appliances and building systems, and control signals are sent through it, which became possible thanks to absolute resistance to interference and high-speed transmissions.

KNX system components:

Devices and components of the system - power supplies for maintaining voltage, interfaces for connecting programming modules.

Sensors collect data, which is then sent directly to the bus. Typical data are changes in the heating temperature in a building, movement, and manual command entry.

Executing devices - receive an informative command and perform actions. These include controlling doors and blinds and adjusting heating.

Certainly, this system It is almost impossible to install in a house on your own, since the development of a project and system concept implies extensive knowledge of the equipment and how to install it. Therefore, it should be purchased in specialized stores, preferably specializing in security systems. It is worth paying attention to the company “Spetstekhconsulting”. On the company’s website you can purchase a Smart Home system, and the company’s specialists will help you with the choice of equipment.

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It's hard to believe, but at that time Soviet scientists were able to predict the appearance and smart watch, and smartphones, and laptops, and wireless connection of home electronics!

Moreover, all this was supposed to be connected in unified system, organizing something like a smart home.
The Union was already beginning to burst at the seams, but numerous institutes, bureaus and other departments with wonderful abbreviations still continued to work, sometimes producing fresh ideas that were several decades ahead of their time.
The Soviet magazine “Technical Aesthetics” 1987/09 published an article about the SPHINX radio complex, which still amazes with its design and concept. The concept, which anticipated the modern idea of ​​a smart home, was developed by the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Aesthetics (VNIITE).

The institute identified the main drawback of the system of household devices that existed at that time, such as a television, tape recorder, video recorder, computer, printer and acoustics. Actually, there was no system, which was the main drawback. In fact, many devices repeatedly duplicated each other’s functionality, while practically not interacting or combining in any way.
The idea of ​​VNIITE employees was this: to abandon televisions, tape recorders, computers and other devices as self-sufficient devices, replacing them with functional blocks integrated into a system.
Here's how the scientists themselves talked about it: “The central processor receives information from the outside (via air, cable networks, light guides, telephone networks, etc.) or from its own storage devices. The equipment of the near future will retain for some time a different combination of existing storage media from gramophone records to slides. At the next stage, there will be a transition to increasingly universal media on which a wide variety of information will be stored in digital form - music, video programs, slides, educational and game programs, texts... The transition to universal media of ever smaller sizes will lead to a genuine revolution in the design of consumer electronics.”

According to the scientists, the information received by the processor will be able to be distributed across screens, speakers and other blocks. To arrange these blocks throughout the apartment (for example, in one room the processor puts a movie with an audio track on the screen, in another - a video game, in the office it starts a computer with work tasks, and in the kitchen - an audiobook), it was proposed to lay so-called "busbars". In fact, we were talking about some universal cables embedded in the walls that could, firstly, power the electronics, and secondly, control them through the processor.
It’s funny that even then, 30 years ago, the elements of wearable electronics were well thought out: “The most possible unexpected decisions: let’s say, sunglasses that, at the user’s command, turn into a display showing the time or other necessary information (pulse rate, body or ambient temperature).”

In accordance with the concept of VNIITE, a project was developed to equip housing for the near future - SPHINX (Super Functional Integrated Communication System). In the fantasies of scientists, everything looked something like this. A prototype of the SPHINX made of plastic and foam board was provided to evaluate ergonomics and obtain a certificate:

Almost all devices are perfectly recognizable, right? Only the thing that looks like a fantastic spaceship in the lower right corner is confusing. In fact, this is the main element of the SPHINX system - a device that its inventors stubbornly called the “central processor”. It was he who had to receive commands, process them and distribute tasks between functional blocks.
These strange petals in the tail are storage media, analogues of modern SSDs, HDDs, flash drives, or whatever as a last resort CD. In the USSR they were sure that first the universal data carrier would be disk-based, and then crystalline, without moving mechanisms in reading devices.

Unit with central processor SPHINX
Both wired and wireless connection other devices. The developers were confident that the processor would be able to receive information and relay it to other household appliances using a radio signal. In addition, the CPU had to contain a block that converted various types of signals into digital form.
The processor itself acted only as a means to distribute tasks to other devices. Therefore, it is not necessary to store it in a visible place, at least hide it in the sofa. True, then it will be difficult to insert into it those very petals - information storers (let's call them disks). It was assumed that each such disk would provide leisure or workload for one family member. That is, for example, movies and games are recorded on one petal, music and educational programs are recorded on the other, business and educational programs are recorded on the third. creative applications etc.
Required Content CPU should have been broadcast to the display. The apartment could be equipped with any number of screens of different diagonals and speakers of various shapes. As an example, in the living room it was proposed to install a screen with a diagonal of about a meter (about 40 inches) and two powerful speaker systems in the form of spheres.

“Here one can watch films, video programs, TV shows, works of art, other images and soundtracks, play collective computer games, and fragments of a family album can also be displayed here. The family can arrange friendly teleconferences or business meetings. Additional information(time, weather, certificates, other channels, etc.) can be presented on a harmful frame,” they dreamed in the dying USSR. In this description, taken from the magazine “Technical Aesthetics” for 1987, today we can easily recognize online games, instant messengers a la Skype, smart TVs and even electronic photo frames.
The authors of SPHINX either really believed in this, or were simply dreaming, but pointed out that the USSR would launch mass production of large flat-panel LCD displays and plasma TVs before the end of the 1980s. But there was no talk about the production of small color screens, which they also planned to use as part of the SPHINX. Some kind of tablet actually duplicated the large main display, but offered greater mobility.

The smallest screen should have been built into the remote control remote control. “This will allow you to submit any command to the complex using a dialogue system of communication with a computer,” says the device description. In addition, such a remote control could perform the functions of a calculator, clock, timer and miniature TV. And the built-in microphone would provide voice control of the system!
The diagonal arrangement of buttons, as was then considered, was extremely convenient for working with the remote control. Each key had to be backlit, and if necessary, an audible response to pressing could be activated.
These are two options for a large control panel. Blue - touch, in the recess has an additional small manual remote control. White - pseudosensory, in the recess - a telephone receiver. To the right of the keyboard is a pair of “more - less” keys for adjusting any parameters

In addition to the miniature one, it was planned to create a full-size remote control, more similar to computer keyboard. The first option was completely touch-sensitive, the second - with hardware keys and cordless phone in the form of a separate tube. The latter could be connected to a screen in the form of a tablet and get something reminiscent of a modern laptop. Let's add here wireless headphones, small speakers, adjustable when installed according to the angle of inclination - and we get the project of the first smart home in the USSR.

The authors of the SPHINX practically saw no limit to the functionality of their brainchild. First, fun and work, then - much more serious tasks. The system, for example, was supposed to monitor the condition of the house in the absence of the owners, give background information for any questions and even help with medical diagnostics!

However, at that time, all the capabilities of the SPHINX, like the system itself, looked good only on the pages of youth magazines. There could be no talk about creating workable mock-ups, not to mention translating all this into reality. The Soviet Union was rapidly approaching the final stage of collapse, with the distribution of goods using coupons, total shortages, escalating ethnic conflicts and a “parade of sovereignties.” Who cared then about the fantasies of some designers and engineers...

Imagine coming home after work and pressing one button to control the lighting in your home. The lights come on in the kitchen and in the living room, and in your bedroom, if you want, the curtains are illuminated. The lights come on outside. But wait, let's do better. You have a whole control point (like, in fact, an air conditioner). You yourself set your lighting preferences during the day and at night, on weekends - and you won’t have to worry about it anymore.

You're probably thinking, “Damn, I'm going to have to fiddle with the lighting. Because sometimes I need to change the lighting when I’m reading or going away.” Don't worry. The system will be quite smart - it will be possible to pre-program romantic lighting, a “reading room”, a dinner party and other events.

In modern times, such a variety of lighting systems are available that there is enough for everyone, but they are quite expensive, so they are not popular. But in the future they may become a standard. Why not? Controlled Lighting saves time and money, in addition, it performs the duties of an alarm and security system.

Consumption control

Have you ever wondered why we have had smart technologies in our cars for a long time, but not in our homes? Think about it. If you run out of gas, the car will tell you. If the tire pressure is low, too. Even if the door is not closed, the car will start but beep. All these measures not only contribute to safety, but also save your money, preventing expensive repairs if something goes wrong. But at home, none of the appliances will warn you that something is wrong with it. A custom Powerhouse Dynamics station is designed to change that.

The Maine-based company introduced global home energy monitoring program, which monitors your home's energy use, cost, and carbon dioxide output every minute. Through detailed monitoring, the system can tell you when energy consumption increases and why, thereby giving the owner pause. She also monitors the equipment so that you do not spend extra money on its repair. It can even tell you when your equipment will become so old and unusable that it will be cheaper to buy a new one.

Home robots

For years - for decades - we have been regaled with tales of cleaning robots. And now - the 21st century is in the yard, and not a single tireless worker is working within the visibility zone. However, all is not lost. Recently, a one-armed, three-fingered robot was introduced in Germany that could lift objects while cleaning, fetch drinks, and even operate some machinery. Numerous sensors would prevent the moment of an unpleasant, accidental and painful “handshake” if you or your smaller brothers tried to put your hand in the wrong place. The robot is controlled by a touch screen, but also responds to voice commands and gestures.

This is just one version of household robots. There are other actively developing hard workers. Take a look at these robotic monkeys, for example: their range of applications is quite wide. The main thing is that the average person can afford a robot cleaner.

If you've ever been to Asia, specifically Japan, you've probably been fascinated by their toilets. Compared to ours, Japanese toilets look very futuristic. They are littered with buttons and devices whose purpose is sometimes difficult to figure out. Almost all toilets in Japan function as bidets. In Europe and other parts of the world, bidets spray water on you to clean you up a bit. But the new toilets also have a dryer, which eliminates the need for toilet paper.

In addition, Japanese toilets save marriages. In addition to heated seats, the local toilets automatically raise and lower the lids. Built-in deodorants and cleaners work. Self-cleaning toilets using an antibacterial coating are becoming increasingly popular - an indispensable thing in public places. This is not for you.

Even though smart toilets walking around the planet - even if they are not yet visible off our shores - the smartest of them have not yet been born. Their goal is to keep us healthy. Some toilets in Japan already perform urine tests to alert the user in time that he has diabetes, and soon pregnancy, drugs in the blood, or colon cancer will be on the list of predictions. They can even advise you on diet and exercise to stay healthy. But will you listen to the “white master”?

Sentry video system

In many modern films, enterprises and government agencies with software For facial recognition, they usually keep strange loads in secret areas. One day, any of us will be able to install such a program in our own home. For what? A video camera at the entrance will be able to distinguish between friends and family members, strangers and neighbors. After all, not everyone can afford a dog. If a stranger appears at the door, the system will be able to search for his face in the database of the most malicious and not so repeat offenders. Perhaps in the future such a database will be available in the “download on the Internet for free” style. The main thing is that your friends and family members are not on this list.

Today, many companies are working with facial recognition software, both for the corporate and private segments. Even more companies are working to create under total surveillance.

Already in Android Ice Cream Sandwich it became possible to unlock using the appearance recognition method. But he could easily be misled by showing a photograph of the “owner.” So we are still a long way from full-fledged video intercom control systems.

There are a growing number of low-cost home communications control devices that can be controlled using an iPhone app. For example, the Nest thermostat. designed by a former Apple employee, costs only $249 and predictably resembles technology Apple. The thermostat helps you save energy, and with mobile application You can regulate the temperature from a distance.

Robot assistants

While robotic vacuum cleaners like Roomba are no longer surprising, robotic assistants that can clean or even care for the elderly have not yet become part of our daily lives. So far, there are no such smart robots as in the film Robot and Frank, but such assistants have already been developed, such as, for example, Hector, this robot reminds the elderly owner of the need to take the necessary medications, take a walk or make a call.

"Smart Homes" of the Future

In order to predict what life will be like for humanity in the future, you don’t need to be a scientist. The main direction in technical developments, which is already successfully developing, is minimizing the costs necessary for a person to fulfill his life needs. That is why the houses of the future will most likely resemble an obedient robot and will be controlled by the power of human thought.

Already now, people from the wealthiest segments of the population prefer to live in “smart houses” equipped with the latest technology. Such houses have everything: color wireless video intercoms. and doors that open “when” the owner appears, and lights that come on only when a person is in the room and go out when he leaves. And such an indicator as the air temperature in the room depends on the physical condition of the people who are in the room.

Such a home turns on the TV or stereo system itself; it can also independently fill pets’ bowls with food and clean carpets.

In order to understand what kind of houses our great-grandchildren will live in, it is enough to visit the house of B. Gates.

His mansion has 8 floors, 4 of which are underground, which is very beneficial since you don’t have to pay taxes for these floors. The brain of the smart mansion is located in the underground floors. The upper floors are occupied by: a library, a dance floor that automatically changes configuration, an exhibition hall, 24 toilet rooms, 12 guest rooms, and much more.

The pride of B. Gates is the security system that the mansion is equipped with. No one can enter the territory of the house without the knowledge of its owner - along the entire perimeter at a height of 20 meters there are video cameras that conduct round-the-clock surveillance of the territory adjacent to the mansion. On the access road there are devices that read the license plates of cars that are heading towards the house, and depending on the results, they send a signal to the gate - to open it or not.

For guests, B. Gates provides pin badges containing special programs. Depending on what program is installed in the icon, some doors in the mansion will automatically open for the guest, while others, on the contrary, will remain closed.

The art gallery displays world masterpieces based on the preferences of the guests. If guests love classics, then they are shown paintings by Rembrandt, but if avant-garde, then Picasso.

Many of the high technologies of the future are starting to appear now. Elements of smart homes, where the richest people on the planet live, are present in the homes of ordinary residents, for example, many have modern gsm security systems installed in their apartment or house.

If we remember that just ten years ago cell phone was something unthinkable for most of the inhabitants of our planet, and now almost everyone has it, then this can serve as a clear example of the speed with which science is moving forward. Perhaps in just a few years many people will be able to afford to live in a “smart home.”

House of the future, what can it do?

The smart home system of the future is an innovative living environment that can change depending on the wishes of its owner. Thanks to high technologies, owners of apartments and cottages can get an unprecedentedly comfortable and cozy home.

Repeating monotonous routine actions day after day in the current unfavorable environmental situation, a person not only loses precious time, but also feels discomfort. Functional and easy-to-use smart devices provide an excellent opportunity to provide all areas of the home with protection from external and internal threats, conveniently manage all existing appliances and electrical equipment in the house, and save operating costs.

Their significant advantage lies in the fact that they allow you to control security, control any equipment, and receive real-time information from sensors about what is happening in the house at the current moment, while being outside the estate or city apartment.

The components of an intelligent home are so unique and designed in such a way that each of them can interact with the other, ensuring the coordinated operation of engineering structures. By recognizing situations as they occur, future technologies can respond to them in a timely and appropriate manner. For example, if there is a break-in attempt, security systems will not only block windows and doors, but also send a signal to the security console. And, in addition, they will report this to the owner’s phone.

It will be much easier and more convenient to monitor the entire situation in the building. The owner will be able to receive and regulate the situation with water and energy saving, monitor video and audio equipment, humidity and air temperature, lighting wherever he is. He will be able to set certain operating scenarios for each component of the smart home system.

It would be wrong to think that such technology is very difficult to manage. One of her key features is precisely that all actions can take place in automatically. Having established a certain algorithm of actions, the owner can forget about all routine actions.

The light in the apartment or cottage will turn on at a given time or, for example, when the door to the room opens. Security equipment will notify of all attempts to enter the territory, security devices will ensure that a fire does not start in the building, climate control will set the most favorable temperature and humidity for each room separately.

The list of possibilities could be very, very long. Everything that a modern person could dream of has been realized in the smart home of the future.

Smart home is an intelligent control system that ensures coordinated and automatic operation of all utility networks Houses. The concept of an intelligent building: capabilities, technologies, creation of communication systems; automation equipment.

Use of intelligent automation systems. The main parameters of the Smart Home system are energy saving, lighting, climate control system, home penetration control, water leakage control. General scheme control of the Smart Home system.

The concept of the Smart Home system and the principle of its operation. An integrated approach to design and features of electricity, water and gas supply, lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, sewerage. PC-based smart home general control system.

Home automation is a set of devices that allow you to remotely monitor and manage home systems. Concept, functional composition, programs, home automation systems. Control of lighting, climate, household appliances.

Development of a specialized controller that allows you to control the lighting of entrances and hallways. Selection of architecture and justification of the project. Electronic elements, types of power switches, microcontroller. Description of the operation of the controller control program.

The origin and technological development of a system of equipment that provides everyday life, comfort, coziness, communication and security in the home. The essence, functions and operating principle of an intelligent automation system for managing engineering systems of a modern building.

Description of the development of the device. Parameters of optical instruments used in the project. Electrical and thermal characteristics of the KR293KP4V relay. Relay output capacitance in off state. Its insulation voltage. Characteristics of the photodiode FD263-01.

Control system technological process, its lower and upper levels. Characteristics of the automation object, controlled and adjustable parameters. Process control program in UltraLogic language. Calculation of the physical medium for data transmission.

Intelligent control system for air handling units IEVENT. Automated system ventilation and air conditioning control. Functional and fundamental electrical diagrams. Calculation of costs for equipment and system development.

