There are many types of headphones and each has its own name. However, if in English The name of each type of headphones has long become a standard; in Russian, thanks to its wealth and the extensive imagination of listeners, headphones are called whatever they call them.

In this article, I will explain to you the correct names of all types of headphones, their parts, and what users on the Internet call them.

In-ear headphones

One of the most common headphones on the market today are in-ear headphones. People also call in-ear headphones: plugs, earbuds, droplets, in-ear, vacuum and many other terms.

In English, the term in-ear headphones has been established; less commonly, these headphones are called earphones.

The name of the headphones “In-ear” is understandable, because these headphones are literally inserted into the ear canal so that the driver is as close as possible to the eardrum so that you can hear the high-quality and full-bodied sound produced by such miniature drivers.

In general, the name “In-Ear” refers to a different form factor of headphones, but people very often confuse these headphones, so it can be attributed to two types of headphones at once.

Small headphones, called in-ear headphones, due to their excellent noise isolation and modern technologies The sound quality is not inferior to full-size competitors, quite often even surpassing them in detail and overall sound quality.

In-Ear Headphones

In-ear headphones are very often confused with in-ear headphones; it’s not difficult to make a mistake, because they look very similar to each other.

But there is one significant difference that radically affects the sound character and sound quality - the lack of sound insulation.

In-ear headphones do not have noise isolation because... they do not have ear pads and do not fit into the ear canal. They are inserted into the auricle and are held there due to the natural curves of the ear cartilage.

Due to the lack of noise isolation, these headphones don't sound good enough to be taken seriously. However, this drawback is also an advantage of the headphones, because... With headphones on, you can perfectly hear everything that happens around you.

In many cases, you can ignore the loss of sound quality in order not to miss the sounds that surround you in real life.

The most prominent representatives of in-ear headphones are the famous Apple AirPods.

Compare the housing structure of in-ear headphones and in-ear headphones, I think now everything is clear to you.

If your primary concern is sound quality, then you need in-ear headphones.

If you need to be able to clearly hear what's going on around you while listening to music, then you need in-ear headphones.

On-ear headphones

On-ear headphones are the younger brothers of full-size, or monitor, models.

In English, the term On-Ear Headphones has been established, which can literally be translated as headphones on the ear.

All over-ear headphones are characterized by the fact that the ear pads of the headphones rest on the auricle, slightly pressing it towards the head, thereby forming passive noise insulation.

The main advantage of over-ear headphones is that they are much more compact. full-size models, but at the same time they can use a full-size serious driver that provides high quality sound.

Despite the fact that on-ear headphones may look very miniature, a full-fledged driver is hidden inside and the sound quality rather depends on the desire of the manufacturing company and almost does not depend on the limitations that may be caused by miniaturization.

Due to the specific way they are worn, over-ear headphones are not suitable for all people. If you don't like things pressing on your ears or pressing them against your head, then over-ear headphones are not for you. If you can easily tolerate close contact between your ears and headphones, then over-ear models should be considered when choosing future headphones.

The sound quality of some over-ear headphones can be very high, comparable to the best full-size models.

Over-ear (monitor) headphones

Full-size, or monitor, headphones are the same form factor that we imagine when we mention the word “headphones”.

The term Over-Ear Headphones has become established in English; it can literally be translated as “headphones around the ear.”

The peculiarity of the design is that the auricle does not touch the headphones at all, the soft ear pad rests on the head and covers the ear, and the inside of the headphones does not reach the ear. In this way, maximum comfort is achieved, because... The ear is a rather delicate part of the body and the lack of contact is the key to high comfort and ease of listening to music.

In addition, thanks to this form factor, engineers are almost unlimited in the use of the most exotic driver technologies, thanks to which the world's best headphones are always over-ear.

Bone conduction headphones

There is a separate small class of headphones that transmit sound not through air, but through vibration of the skull bone.

The term Bone Conduction Headphones is well established in English.

In the beginning, this technology was used for hearing prosthetics, for those people who damaged the eardrum, but the inner ear remained intact. For them, this technological innovation became a salvation, because... they were again able to hear sound in fairly good quality.

Today, these types of headphones are produced by several companies around the world for ordinary consumers. These headphones are great for outdoor sports, as well as for all professions that require full contact with the outside world and at the same time be able to hear sound from the headphones.

Headphones with bone conduction sound are placed on the head; the vibration generators should be in contact with the cheek bone, because it has minimal fat and vibrations from the headphones are transmitted very well to the inner ear.

At the same time, your ears remain completely free; if your hearing is fine, you will hear everything that happens around you and at the same time you will record sound from your headphones.

Bone conduction headphones are not best choice for those who want to experience all the delights of music, but are indispensable in certain cases and circumstances.

What are the parts of headphones called?

Now let’s briefly look at the names of all the main parts of the headphones.


In English the terms are used: ear pads or ear cushions.

In the case of in-ear headphones, the ear pad performs two roles simultaneously: it holds the headphones in the ear and is a part that creates a noise insulation effect. This is very important for comfortable listening to music in high quality.

In the case of over-ear and full-size headphones, the ear pad is necessary for a comfortable fit of the headphones on the head, for noise insulation, if we are talking about closed headphones.

Headphone bowls

The earcups are the body, or outer part housings. The headphone body itself can be called an acoustic chamber, because Typically, sound propagates throughout the entire volume of the headphones, and the shape, as well as the material from which the body is made, also act as an acoustic chamber.

Internal protective mesh

The internal protective mesh of the headphones simultaneously performs two roles: it protects the driver from dust and foreign objects, and acts as an acoustic filter. At first glance, it may seem that the protective fabric mesh of full-size and on-ear headphones can be made of any beautiful material, but this is not so. After all, the sound, passing through the material, will change, but how it will change will depend on the type of mesh and its structure. Therefore, the mesh is an important part of the design; replacing or damaging it can ruin the sound of the headphones.

External protective mesh

The external protective mesh can serve a decorative function if we are talking about closed headphones, or a protective one if we are talking about open models.

Wire socket

If the headphone wire is removable, then the headphones themselves will necessarily have a socket to which the wire is attached to transmit electrical signals.

Wire divider

If the wire goes to each bowl separately, then somewhere in the middle there should be a wire divider that divides one wire into two. It can have a very different design, but functionally it serves as protection for the place where the wire is divided into two parts.

Jack wires

The wire jack is a contact pad that is inserted into the sound source socket to transmit an electrical signal.

The name "Jack" comes from the English term "Jack".

It can have different shapes and sizes, the most common sizes today are 6.3 mm, 3.5 mm and 2.5 mm. Dimension means the cross-sectional diameter of the jack, i.e. A 3.5 mm jack has a diameter of 3.5 mm.

In parallel with the growing popularity of portable devices for listening to music, the demand for devices that transmit sound is also growing. Today their market is so wide that anyone can find a headphone model that suits their technical requirements and finances.

Devices are divided according to technological features, which affect both the quality of the output sound and ease of use.

12 best Xiaomi headphones
12 Best Headphones for Sports
, Headphone pinout

Varieties of design

Headphones are available in 5 form factors:


As the name suggests, they are placed on top of the ears. Since the speaker does not penetrate directly into the ear canal, a considerable amount of sound wave power is required to make listening to audio comfortable. Such headphones are produced either with behind-the-ear arches or with one wide arch-shaped bridge located on top of the head.

5 best on-ear headphones


The variety is now popular, especially among smartphone users. In-ear (or vacuum) headphones penetrate the ear canal as much as possible, eliminating extraneous sounds from outside. In addition, this eliminates vibrations of the membrane, and therefore sound distortion.

6 Best In-Ear Headphones with Enhanced Bass


They are also inserted into the ears, but do not penetrate deep into them. The cheapest type of headphones, they are often included with a smartphone or MP3 player. Such models have been known to users since the 1990s.

5 Best In-Ear Headphones


Their earcups with speakers cover the entire ear area. Models are usually very massive, with a thick cable and powerful sound. They are also distinguished by their considerable price, since they are used for professional work with sound, and not for domestic needs.

5 best over-ear monitor headphones

Full size

They also cover the entire ear, providing sound insulation. Premium devices released today have a compact (often foldable) form factor and a not very long cord. Quite convenient to use with mobile gadgets.

Emitter device

The sound quality directly depends on this parameter:


They are not used everywhere, but only in the most expensive in-ear headphones. They have limited sound quality at low frequencies, but excellent performance. At the same time, they are sensitive and accurately reproduce small details of the audio track.

8 Best Armature Headphones

Iso- and orthodynamic

They have two powerful magnets, between which there is a complex emitter made of a special coated film. Thus, it was possible to achieve high power and clarity of sound. As a rule, this technology is used in a full-size form factor.


Such models are rarely found on the open market. The emitter in them is a thin membrane located between a pair of electrodes. This design can completely eliminate sound distortion, but for connection you will need a special docking station (a device with connectors for various electronics).


The most common option, but not the best. It is a membrane placed in a housing, to which a magnet and a coil are connected. The electric field created in this way acts on the membrane and creates sound. Due to its simplicity, such a device can be placed in a variety of headphones.

Signal transmission method

This factor affects the usability of headphones.


Devices of this kind still hold the position of the most popular and cheapest. Professionals also note improved sound quality compared to wireless ones. The connection is made via a standard 3.5 mm mini-jack (newer models may also have a USB connector or a 6.3 mm jack).

6 Best Wired Headphones


A variety that saves the user from constantly tangled wires. Sound transmission technology can be infrared, radio (these options are almost out of use).

Models with the Bluetooth function are at the peak of popularity, but headphones with WiFi may soon become leaders - they are capable of not only playing music at an impressive distance from the source, but also doing it directly from the Internet. Nutrition wireless devices provided by battery.

Acoustics tightness

This setting affects whether the sound coming from your headphones will be heard by those around you:


The earcups of such headphones have perforations on the outside, through which some of the sound escapes (and external noise can also penetrate into the ears).


The cups do not have perforations, so the sound is completely directed to the owner’s ear, while surrounding sounds are not heard.

Microphone mount

Many headphone models are equipped with a microphone, which is used for telephone conversations, video calls, or sound recording. Headphone microphones are of the following types:


Headphones are a useful thing that can not only help you immerse yourself in listening to music, but also emphasize your individual style. Thanks to the development of personal audio, we have a huge selection of models for every need. In general, it’s easy to get confused in such a variety – this is where our advice will help you: how to choose headphones.

In the classification of headphones, there are four main types:

  • Invoices;
  • Plug-in;
  • Monitor;
  • Inserts.

Each of them is good in its own way, and a lot depends on what you want to get: the highest quality sound, low cost, or convenient listening on the street. However, sometimes it is possible to combine this in one model, so it is important to understand what to expect from a particular type of headphones.


In-ear headphones are classic headphones for portable devices. The name speaks for itself: miniature headphones seem to be “put into” the ears, but do not completely occupy the ear canal. Very often, such headphones can be found bundled with a player or phone.

Typical earbud characteristics:

  • Good (but not the best) sound;
  • Average sound insulation;
  • Low resistance;
  • Low price.

The combination of moderate performance and low price makes earbuds a very popular choice.


In-ear headphones are generally similar to earbuds, but they sit deeper and seem to “plug” the ear canal. This significantly affects the sound and other parameters.

Typical characteristics of in-ear headphones:

  • Good sound;
  • High noise insulation;
  • Low resistance;
  • Average price.

As a rule, in-ear headphones have better sound quality, and they also perform better outdoors due to increased noise insulation. All this justifies their price: the cost of in-ear headphones may exceed the price of in-ear headphones, but the characteristics are also better.


On-ear headphones are a living classic. It was precisely these gadgets that were equipped with the very first portable players. The over-ear headphones are roughly sized to fit your ears, and the left and right channels are connected by a flexible headband. There are also folding versions, models with active noise cancellation, and many other options for on-ear headphones.

Typical characteristics of on-ear headphones:

  • Good sound;
  • Average sound insulation (except for active versions);
  • Low or medium resistance;
  • Average price.

The main advantage of over-ear headphones is ergonomics and style. They sit comfortably on the head and do not tire even after several hours of listening. More expensive models can boast of solid sound, since the size of the speaker in on-ear headphones is noticeably larger than in the in-ear versions. But losses due to external noise also increase: as a rule, noise insulation here is average, unless it is an expensive model with active noise reduction. Overall, on-ear headphones are a good alternative to earbuds.


Monitor headphones are leaders in sound quality. Their task is to provide deep and smooth sound, since the headphones completely cover the ear, providing good noise insulation. The larger size allows for higher quality speakers.

Typical characteristics of monitor headphones:

  • High sound quality;
  • Average noise insulation (depending on open/closed version);
  • High resistance;
  • Higher price.

Despite certain differences in sound and noise insulation between open and closed versions, monitor headphones are the best choice for stationary equipment. Monitor headphones can provide best sound at home, but may not be very practical for the street. Although much here depends on specific model and its design: recently more and more monitor headphones have appeared, designed for universal use at home and outdoors.

Headphones with microphone

Imagine that you are listening to music from your smartphone on the street, and you receive incoming call. The call melody sounds in your ears, but to answer you need to reach for the device. It is inconvenient to speak in such a situation: all due to the fact that ordinary headphones do not have a microphone.

That is why some models are equipped with a built-in microphone, that is, they are a full-fledged headset for a smartphone. Depending on the design, they may have a volume control, as well as a button to answer a call - in any case, you no longer have to reach for the phone.

The microphone can often be found on earbuds or in-ear headphones. The best part is that such modifications cost little more than regular versions, so all other things being equal, you should choose headphones with a headset. This is ideal for any mobile phone or smartphone. They can usually be easily distinguished by their 3.5mm plug with an auxiliary pin.

In addition to earbuds, you can find headsets for games and voice chats on PC. As a rule, these are classic on-ear or monitor headphones with a separate microphone, adjustable in angle. This may also include an intermediate volume control. They can be easily distinguished by two 3.5 mm plugs: separately for headphone sound (green) and separately for the microphone (pink). This headset is perfect for online games on a computer and for communicating via Skype.

Noise insulation

Soundproofing is very important if you plan to listen to music on the road. Good noise insulation will not only allow you to get more pleasure from listening, but also save the charge of the source. Listening at moderate volume also means less fatigue and strain on your hearing. In general, if you hear more music than noise, this is a real plus. What does this depend on?

Passive noise isolation mainly depends on the acoustic design of the headphones (open/closed) and the degree of “envelopment” of the listener’s ears. The quality of materials also plays a special role: good ear pads that fit securely to the ears will immediately dampen most of the extraneous noise. You will be able to hear the voice of the interlocutor or the announcement of a metro station, but these sounds will definitely not interfere with listening.

Closed-back over-ear headphones, as well as portable in-ear models, typically provide a high level of passive noise isolation. You can safely take them with you on the road. In turn, open-back over-ear headphones and basic in-ear headphones do not dampen extraneous noise very well. It is better to save them for home - besides, loud music from them can disturb others.

A radical way to combat noise is with headphones with active noise isolation. They have a microphone that picks up external noise and puts it out of phase with the desired signal. This allows you to significantly reduce even very loud noise, for example, in the subway or on an airplane. With such headphones, it seems as if you are as isolated as possible from the sounds of the outside world: only music flows, and nothing else.

It's easy to imagine that such models are well suited for travel, but you should remember that behind the powerful barrier of active noise insulation you may miss something important. On the street with them you need increased vigilance. In addition, such models are significantly more expensive than conventional ones, and they also require additional power. Most listeners will be satisfied with regular headphones with decent passive noise isolation, which are equally suitable for indoors and outdoors.

Convenience and design

Headphones will accompany you literally every step of the way and, therefore, must be comfortable. For home listening, it will be enough that the headphones have a flexible, adjustable headband, and their ear pads (cups) do not put too much pressure on the ears or head. A lot depends on the type of headphones. It should be remembered that monitor headphones that cover the entire ear are more comfortable for long-term listening.

Ear pads are perhaps the most important detail of headphone ergonomics. Both the listening comfort and the durability of the headphones depend on them. The materials of ear pads come in a variety of different types – from foam rubber and fabric to genuine leather. Earbuds and in-ear headphones often use plastic or silicone. This is largely a matter of taste: one cannot say that one material is necessarily better than another. It is worth trying several types of headphones and ear pads to understand what is optimal for you.

Some models of over-ear and monitor-type headphones have removable ear pads. If over time your headphones become frayed—for example, the leather substitute wears out—then this part can be replaced. Removable ear pads and replaceable wire are good form for monitor headphones. Companies that produce high-quality equipment understand that sooner or later headphones may require service if they are actively used for wear and tear.

When choosing earbuds or in-ear headphones, pay attention to their size, shape and quality of materials. In-ear models are in close contact with the ear canal, so ergonomics are especially important here. Included with in-ear headphones, you can most often find a set of tips of different diameters so that you can choose the most comfortable combination for listening and reliable noise insulation.

Single word worthy headphone models that additionally act as a stylish accessory. Here you can find headphones with various patterns, emblems and designs, or stylization of popular franchises. A striking example is the Skullcandy headphones, decorated with Gothic shards.

Wired and wireless headphones

The vast majority of headphones are connected via a wire with a standard 3.5 mm mini-jack. Some types of monitor headphones are equipped with a 6.3 mm plug for professional equipment, or corresponding adapters, which allows you to connect them to any home equipment.

As you use the headphones, their wire carries additional stress: bends when folded or carried in a pocket, and so on. Over time, the wire may lose contact at the plug or at the base of the headphones - this is the most common problem, well known to any listener.

Some headphone models are equipped with a detachable wire that can be replaced separately in case of a problem. Undoubtedly, this will be of great help if you are planning to buy an expensive model. When purchasing on-ear or monitor headphones, you should pay attention to the possibility of replacing the wire.

In turn, wireless headphones are now gaining popularity. There are several varieties wireless headphones and headsets that use separate radio transmitters or standard point-to-point protocols such as Bluetooth.

Many listeners appreciate the convenience of wireless headphones: they eliminate the problem of always tangled wires in your pocket. However wireless transmission imposes some restrictions, and the sound quality in wireless headphones may be inferior to their wired counterparts. Wireless headphones are powered by batteries or a built-in rechargeable battery, so you will have to monitor their charge.

There are models with wired USB connection. Typically, these are either wireless headphones or enhanced PC headsets. Internal electronics provide increased microphone sound quality, but such models tend to be more expensive than their more modest counterparts.

When choosing headphones, you need to prioritize: high convenience without wires or a reliable wired connection without additional power. At the same time, modern wireless models have advanced enough to compete with traditional wired headphones in sound quality. And some models are able to work equally well with or without a wire.


IN technical specifications, indicated by manufacturers, includes such parameters as speaker size, reproduced frequency range, impedance, cable length, type of acoustic design, and so on. It should be borne in mind that the stated characteristics may differ from actual indicators - especially with regard to the frequency range. Let's start with it.

The range of reproduced frequencies, or dynamic range, is the entire spectrum of sound waves that headphones can reproduce. Here you need to remember that digital sound, in principle, contains a frequency band of 20 Hz - 20 kHz, and beyond this range the human ear can hardly hear anything. We feel low-frequency waves more like vibration: compact headphones will not be able to reproduce, say, a frequency of 5-10 Hz with sufficient strength. Too high frequencies in the region of 20 kHz also lie on the border of the listener’s perception. As we age, the ear's sensitivity in the higher range decreases, and some people already have difficulty perceiving frequencies above 16 kHz.

The conclusion is very simple: there is no need to chase the record numbers stated in the headphone specifications. In reality, the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz is quite enough for you, if it is reproduced fairly fairly by the headphones. Manufacturers can be cunning and indicate a very wide range, for example, 5 Hz - 100 kHz, but in reality you will not hear it. Much more important is the linearity of the amplitude-frequency response, so that the entire range sounds with a volume of ± 3 dB, but this is indicated in the technical specifications much less often.

Speaker size is the physical size of the membrane that produces sound in headphones. Indirectly, this parameter indicates the frequency range: than more speaker– the wider the range of low frequencies it can reproduce. The opposite is also true: the smaller the speaker, the more difficult it is for it to reproduce the low-frequency spectrum. Let's say that if the in-ear headphones have speaker sizes of 9 mm and 13 mm, then the second headphones will most likely give better bass. This parameter is closely related to the acoustic design, which we have already discussed.

Resistance is a parameter with which there are no questions. This is the electrical resistance of the headphones as a whole, taking into account the winding of the speakers and the connection cable. The indicated resistance fairly closely reflects the essence of the headphones: if it is low, then the headphones are well suited for low-power equipment. This includes all portable devices: players, smartphones and the like. Resistance up to approximately 100 ohms can be considered low. The vast majority of earbuds, in-ear and on-ear headphones have exactly this resistance.

If the resistance is high and significantly exceeds 100 Ohms, then this means that the headphone speakers have quite powerful coils, and for adequate sound you will need a high output power. For portable devices you can find special external headphone amplifiers. In stationary audio equipment, as a rule, the output power is already high enough to work with any headphones, including high-impedance ones. Among monitor headphones you can find both models with low and very high impedance.

Be sure to pay attention to the technical characteristics of the headphones so as not to be disappointed in your choice. The combination of the type of headphones, acoustic design, speaker size and impedance already gives a certain picture of the purposes for which a particular model is suitable.

Deciding on the source

Before you search suitable model, You need to decide what technology you plan to use the headphones with. There are several simple rules that will help you avoid making a mistake in your choice.

If you plan to listen to music on the street or in transport, then you need to take care of the convenience of the headphones on the road and sufficient noise insulation. In addition, any portable devices such as an MP3 player or smartphone have relatively weak amplification. Low-impedance headphones with a resistance of about 16-32 Ohms are designed for them. In this case, you will get a good volume reserve without having to go close to the maximum.

Based on these requirements, earbuds or in-ear headphones are best suited for portable technology. In-ear ones are very compact, fit well in the ears when walking, and their cost is very affordable. This is a great option if you want good sound quality at a reasonable cost.

If in-ear headphones are inconvenient for you or you want a model with an original design, then closed-type on-ear options are suitable for portable equipment. You should remember about low resistance - for example, in the region of 32-64 Ohms. Such models will be a good alternative to plugs, and you won’t lose in sound quality.

If you plan to listen to music exclusively at home, then when choosing, it is better to start from monitor models. Open or closed type - to taste. Open models will sound more transparent, while closed ones will give emphasized and elastic bass. Stationary home appliances can handle high-impedance headphones quite well, so there are far fewer restrictions when choosing.


If you approach the question correctly, then your chances of choosing good headphones will increase significantly, and the money will be spent wisely. Our store offers high quality products from leading manufacturers: SONY, PHILIPS, JBL, PANASONIC and others. Among the wide range of headphones, you are sure to find something to your liking.

When buying headphones, it is important to understand that any choice you make will be a compromise in some way. Only the right priorities will allow you to find the optimal solution that satisfies the main requirements. Conventionally, we can distinguish three criteria from which we will have to build. It's about accessibility, portability and, of course, sound quality.

These three terms can be represented in the form of a triangular petal diagram, where the growth of one petal means the contraction of the other two.

Thus, choosing the best sound quality implies a maximum price tag and a rejection of portability. Likewise, an ultraportable wireless headset won't provide the best sound, nor will it likely be cheap. That is why it is important to highlight at least one of the criteria that you are willing to sacrifice.

2. Decide why you need headphones

Headphones, like any gadget, are bought for specific tasks and purposes. You need to understand when and how you will use them. The choice of headphone type depends on the usage scenarios.

For home and office

For use at work and at home, full-size headsets are usually purchased, which provide full coverage of the auricle and the most comfortable fit on the head. This type is ideal for long-term listening to music.

You can also consider over-ear headphones, which, due to their smaller earcups, are usually more compact than full-size ones. They do not wrap around the auricle, but are placed on top. A striking example is .

The most popular among office headphones are closed acoustic models. They have better sound insulation, so your music will not be heard by others. The open type is suitable for home use. These headphones have holes on the outside of the ear cups that allow sound vibrations to travel in the same way as in a natural environment, making the sound more realistic.

When choosing over-ear or on-ear headphones, don't underestimate the importance of ear pad material. Velor or even synthetics make your ears not sweat as much as faux or natural leather.

For the city

For simple walks, it is quite possible to use the previously mentioned on-ear headphones. But if we are talking about moving on the subway and traveling in another public transport, then the best choice would be in-ear headphones, also called earbuds. They are compact, extremely convenient to use and do not create problems when moving in a dense stream of people. One of the best in terms of price and quality ratio can be called.

Headphones of this type are usually complemented by silicone ear pads of various sizes, so that each user can choose the right one. Also very popular are tips made of porous foam, which, heated by body heat, adapt to the human ear canal. Compared to silicone ones, they are less durable, but they hardly distort the sound.

The braid of the wire also plays an important role. One of the most practical is fabric, like, for example, . This prevents the wire from tangling and reduces the risk of damage due to accidental pulling.

Separately, we can highlight completely wireless headphones like. Accessories of this type provide maximum freedom of movement, but their price is quite high. In addition, there is a high risk of simply losing them.

For sports

For running and the gym, in-ear wireless headsets are typically used. They may have neck-mounted arms or ear pads with hooks for better fixation inside the auricle or on its outer part, as is the case with.

Many of these headsets are protected from sweat and even complete immersion under water, which allows you to swim without interrupting your favorite music.

Recently, Bluetooth sports headphones have increasingly been equipped with sensors for tracking physical activity, as is the case with. Such headsets allow you to replace the usual fitness trackers, but they are also much more expensive than their classic counterparts.

For travel

If you fly often and like to listen to music on the road, it makes sense to consider a headset with active noise cancellation. Most often these are large full-size headphones, which can be either wired or. Their ability to block out external sounds allows you to immerse yourself in your favorite music, even if a restless child is sitting next to you.

An important feature of travel headsets is their foldable design. It allows the headphones to take up much less space and reduces the risk of damage when transporting in a bag. Expensive models for better protection often accompanied by a hard case.

For games

The choice of gamers is full-size, over-ear headphones with a built-in or detachable microphone. An important criterion when choosing is the presence of surround sound technology, as in some models. Simulating a 5.1 or even 7.1 configuration will be a big advantage in 3D action games, where you often have to navigate in space by ear.

Most gaming headphones have a long, 2-meter wire. It is important that it has a reliable braid and rigid thickenings at the plugs, eliminating kinks and possible breaks.

Noise reduction is also an important parameter. In this case, this applies to both headphones and a microphone, so that you are not distracted by external factors and can be heard well.

3. Assess the basic characteristics

Regardless of the type and class, all headphones have basic technical characteristics that allow you to form an idea of ​​​​the sound capabilities. When choosing relatively inexpensive headsets, you shouldn’t take such numbers too seriously, but you also shouldn’t ignore them.

Frequency range

This parameter characterizes the spectrum of sounds that the headphones can reproduce. The standard range is 20 - 20,000 Hz. The human ear simply does not recognize more, although in the description of headsets one can often find meanings that go beyond these limits. There is nothing bad about this, but it cannot be called an undeniable advantage either.


Sensitivity tells how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The relationship is direct: the higher the sensitivity, the higher the maximum volume. 95-100 dB or more is considered good for normal use.


This parameter also affects the headphone volume ceiling, but it should only be taken into account by bass lovers using stationary amplifiers. In combination with a high-quality sound source, high-power headphones provide brighter and richer sound. If you are going to listen to music mainly from a smartphone, you are unlikely to be able to unlock the potential of high power.


The nominal input resistance of headphones, also called impedance, affects both volume and overall sound quality. You need to focus on this parameter in accordance with the device with which you are going to use the headphones. For smartphones and portable equipment, you should select headsets with a lower impedance - up to 32 or even 16 Ohms, and for stationary devices - with a higher one, from 32 Ohms.

frequency response

The amplitude-frequency response is demonstrated in the form of a graph and characterizes the quality of transmission of various frequencies.

The minimum number of sharp bends in the frequency response curve indicates a balanced sound and accurate transmission of the original audio material. The height of the curve on the graph reflects the volume in a specific range. “Hump” at the beginning of the frequency response curve, at low frequencies, indicates the bassiness of the headphones.


It should also be noted how to connect wired headphones. Most models on sale have a mini-jack plug (3.5 mm). A regular jack (6.3 mm) can be found on professional-level headsets, and a microjack (2.5 mm) has been very rare lately. Nevertheless, pay attention to what kind of plug the headset has and whether there is an adapter included.

4. Listen and read

Of course, you shouldn’t blindly focus on all the numbers in the characteristics, especially if you choose relatively inexpensive headphones. Two headsets with equal parameters can sound completely different, since the quality is affected by many other features that are not always indicated by the manufacturer in the description.

You can find out for sure whether the selected headphones are suitable for you by listening to them first. This applies to covering and overhead headsets, which specialized stores often allow you to test before purchasing. This is a chance to evaluate not only the sound, but also the ease of fit on your head.

Also, before purchasing, you should definitely refer to reviews and full reviews that can be found on the Internet. Such feedback allows you to get at least some idea of ​​the real sound quality, design features and possible weak points of the device identified after long-term use.

Buyer's checklist

  1. First of all, decide on the maximum price and main use case.
  2. Next, based on the purpose, select the type of headphones: over-ear, on-ear or in-ear.
  3. Select several models of a specific type that fit your budget.
  4. Evaluate the important features of the selected models: ear pad material, wire braid, headband design, and so on.
  5. Study the technical parameters that characterize sound quality.
  6. Check out reviews and reviews online, and see if there's somewhere you can test the headphones before purchasing.
  7. Make your choice.

Useful tips

Any music lover, computer geek and ordinary student today uses headphones, which have already become part of everyday life. But you need to know how to choose the right headphones, which could provide high-quality sound.

The very first thing you need Please note - this is a type of headphones. Many people immediately look at the price and purchase headphones based on this parameter, which is a big mistake.

It is the type of headphones that determines not only the sound quality, but also how comfortable it will be for you to wear them.

It is also very important when choosing headphones to know about some useful functions. For example: noise reduction, Bluetooth, digital optical input. But let's start in order and put everything in order so that it is clear.

Types of headphones - which headphones to choose

Most headphones sold in stores today can be divided into four main types:

Inserts ("tablets");

Plug-in (“plugs”);


Closed type (“monitor”).

The first two types of headphones (pills and earplugs) are worn directly on the ears themselves, which is why they are also called Intra-aural (inside the ear). They are comfortable to wear and can provide good sound. They are also very compact and can be worn with a hat without any problems, which makes them the most popular. Most often, these types of headphones are used for mobile phones, players, tablets and other portable devices.

How to choose good headphones

Now let's take a closer look at each type.

In-Ear Headphones

This type of headphones is usually supplied with players and phones included. But they have several serious disadvantages:

Such headphones transmit noise very easily, which means that in public transport, for example, people around you will hear the sounds coming from your headphones.

Small earbuds are not able to fully reproduce low purities (bass) due to the small diameter membrane.

The shape of the “tablets” is almost always the same, while the human ear is different for everyone. This means that not every user will find these headphones to fit comfortably. Besides, if you touch the wire a little, they will simply fall out.

The most significant advantage is the very low price.

In-ear headphones

These headphones are somewhat similar to earbuds, the main difference being the narrower shape and silicone tips (sometimes they can be rubber). The narrower shape allows you to insert “plugs” deep into the ear, and silicone or rubber tips serve as good sound insulation.

Typically, high-quality in-ear headphones come with several tips of different sizes. This is so that the user can select best option, which will allow the earphone to “sit” firmly in the ear.

The quality of such headphones is an order of magnitude higher than that of in-ear headphones. However, the small diameter of the membrane also brings some limitations in the reproduction of low frequencies.

It is also worth mentioning that in-ear headphones are divided into two types: armature and dynamic, but more on them later.

Overhead headphones

They are also called Supraaural (above the ear). Due to the large size of the membrane, these headphones provide good sound quality that any music lover will appreciate. They also fit well into the ears and are comfortable to wear.

To ensure good sound insulation, manufacturers use special pads, which can be made of foam rubber or a similar material.

Another plus is its low weight, and this despite its rather large volume. They can be used both at home and with a portable device (mobile phone, player) outdoors.

Over-ear headphones can have different mounts. They can be attached to the headband, the back of the head, or on each ear separately (which is very convenient for walking, because you can wear a baseball cap, for example).

Monitor headphones

Manufacturers of monitor headphones sometimes write Circumaural (around the ear) on the box, which characterizes this type.

Monitor headphones are used both at home and in professional settings (in recording studios, for example). They have special cups that cover the entire ear, which prevents outside noise from entering.

The diameter of the membrane is quite large so that sound can be reproduced at all possible frequencies. This is what captivates big fans of high-quality sound.

Perhaps the only drawback is the size of the monitor headphones; they are quite large and take up a lot of space, which means it’s better to forget about mobility.

Types of headphones - which headphones are best to choose

The types of headphones depend on their design. Today all headphones can be divided into:




Isodynamic headphones

Orthodynamic headphones

Dynamic headphones

Most of the headphones you see in stores come in the dynamic type. This type is so called because the headphones that belong to it are based on the electrodynamic principle of conversion.

The design of dynamic headphones includes a membrane (emitter), a coil and a wire. When alternating current is started, a magnetic field is formed around the coil - it is this that transmits vibrations to the membrane.

This type of headphones has become very popular due to its low price. To this day, the design of dynamic headphones is being improved - new materials are added to it, which raises the level of quality of the reproduced sound.

Armature headphones

The name of this type comes from the reinforcement emitter (Balanced Armature). These headphones work differently than dynamic ones. Their design includes a ferromagnetic alloy plate having a U-shape.

The oscillations generated by the plate appear due to the action of a permanent magnet and an alternating field emitted by the coil. The sound comes from the fittings to which the diaphragm is attached. Due to very little distortion, the sound from these headphones is quite clear.

Most often, it is musicians who purchase armature headphones, as they are ideal for performances on stages and radio stations.

It is worth mentioning that such headphones are classified as IEM (In-Ear monitor), that is, in-ear monitor headphones. Unlike dynamic headphones, armature headphones have a rather high price.

Electrostatic headphones

To ensure that such headphones create clear sound, they use a very thin membrane installed between two electrodes. A constant voltage is applied to the membrane, while the electrodes are supplied with an intense high-voltage signal from the audio system.

The voltage between the electrodes determines who it will be drawn to and who it will push away from. As a result, the vibrations of the membrane will clearly repeat the shape of the transmitted electrical signal.

The main advantage of these headphones is their high sound quality. But the price for them is very high, since they have a complex design, and you also need to use a special high-voltage amplifier. Experts recommend using such headphones only with Hi-End and Hi-Fi class audio equipment.

Isodynamic and orthodynamic headphones

These types of headphones allow the user to get balanced, smooth and clear sound reproduction. The difference between these types is mainly their design, while the same technology is used. This is the reason why both of these types are included in the same group.

These headphones create very high quality sound. But there are a couple of disadvantages: firstly, it is high cost, and secondly, to achieve the best sound, you will need to connect an amplifier, which in turn means not only that you can forget about mobility, but also extra financial costs.

How to choose wireless and wired headphones

You should also know how your headphones are connected to the sound source. Two types are known:



If you need freedom of action (say, you drive a car or just move around the office often), then it would be natural to purchase wireless headphones.

But there is one drawback to such headphones - loss of sound signal.

The best choice for those who want to get high-quality sound would be wired headphones.

Types of headphones by cable connection method

Double-sided - the connecting cable is connected to each cup.

One-sided - the connecting cable is connected to one cup, and that in turn is connected to the second by a branch hidden in the bow.

Headphone connectors

Before purchasing headphones, you need to know about the connectors, otherwise you will have to buy an adapter.

Mini-jack 3.5 mm is the most popular, as it is present in almost all devices - suitable for both a player, a mobile phone, and a computer.

Jack 6.3 mm and micro jack 2.5 mm - to connect headphones with such connectors to a smartphone or computer, you will have to purchase the appropriate adapter.

USB is gaining popularity and is used in newer headphones, which are usually released for those who like to chat on Skype.

How to choose headphones for your computer

Headsets are a separate type of headphones. Most often, you can find a model with one or two headphones and a microphone.

Like regular headphones, headsets come in wired and wireless.

Based on their design, headsets are classified in the same way as headphones - invoices(open, closed), plug-in, inserts.

Headset arms

Headphone arms can be divided into three categories: molded, self-adjusting and sliding.

Cast - reliable, but cannot boast of great demand.

Self-adjusting - help to evenly distribute the weight of the headset, reliable, durable.

Sliding - move apart evenly on the sides to adjust the desired size.

Since headsets are the same headphones, but with a microphone, all their characteristics coincide with those mentioned earlier, but we need to talk about the microphone separately.

Microphone in headset

It is worth paying special attention to several important characteristics microphone in the headset. For example, the microphone operating mode - mono or stereo, sensitivity, frequency range and the presence of noise reduction.

Microphone mounts

On a wire - usually present in headsets for mobile phones, earplugs and earbuds.

Fixed - the position of the microphone does not change and the microphone is attached to the ear pad on a small plastic holder.

Movable - you can adjust the position of the microphone, which is attached to a rotating or flexible element.

Built-in microphone - inserted into the headset body, which makes it unnoticeable, but at the same time all extraneous noise from the outside can be heard, which is naturally not very convenient.

Headsets are produced for mobile phones for communicating via Skype.

How to choose the right headphones - terms in the description of headphones

If you have visited a store (real or virtual) that sells headphones and/or headsets, then you should know about some terms that are often used by manufacturers in product descriptions and what these terms mean.


Simply put, this term describes sound quality. The larger the headphone membrane, the better the sound quality. Simple and medium headphones have a range from 18 to 20,000 Hz. More professional headphones can record a range from 5 to 60,000 Hz. But it is worth noting that the human ear is capable of distinguishing sound waves at frequencies from 20 to 20,000 Hz.


This is the maximum volume at a given value of the signal supplied to the headphones (from 30 to 130 dB). Given the same signal level and equal impedance, more sensitive headphones will produce louder sound. The standard is usually taken to be an electrical signal with a power of 1 mW. If you are in a noisy place, then the desired sensitivity threshold should be at least 100 dB.

Resistance (impedance)

Nominal impedance at the headphone input. This indicator depends on the equipment to which you connect the headphones. For example, for players and smartphones, you can choose headphones with an impedance from 16 to 40 Ohms. If you are going to connect headphones to sound card without a special amplifier, you can choose headphones with an impedance of 120-150 Ohms. Headphones with higher impedance are usually used by professionals who use them with special equipment that has a high level of outgoing voltage.


This parameter controls the volume of the headphones. You can find models with power ranging from 1 to 4,000 mW. It is important to know here that listening to sound on headphones maximum volume for a long time, may adversely affect hearing.

The best/popular headphone companies

The companies mentioned in this list took their highest places according to user ratings. Some became famous solely for their quality, others for the ratio of quality and price. But do not forget that in addition to the manufacturer, you should also pay attention to all of the above characteristics.

Let's summarize

Armed with the necessary knowledge, first decide why you need headphones.

Select a manufacturer by comparing several headphone options.

Now you know which headphone model you need. Happy shopping!
