Surprisingly, such a simple feature as a flashlight first appeared only in iOS 7. Previously, iPhone users had to download third-party programs and tweaks from Cydia to make their mobile devices glow in the dark.

Turning on the flashlight on a modern iPhone is easy. In the article we will tell you how to proceed, and also describe problems that can lead to the flashlight not working.

Activate the flashlight on an Apple gadget like this:

Step 1. Display " Control Center» swipe from bottom to top (can also be done on a locked device).

Step 2. Click on the flashlight icon in the lower left corner.

You can turn on the flashlight this way on iPhones of all generations, starting from the 4th. There is no flashlight on the iPhone 3GS and there cannot be one, because this gadget does not have a flash on the rear camera.

The iPhone 6S and subsequent models received an interesting feature. Thanks to the 3D Touch function, the user of one of the latest Apple devices is able to adjust the intensity of the flashlight light. To do this, just open “ Control Center"and click on the flashlight icon with force. The following menu will appear:

The user can choose one of 3 modes: " Bright light», « Medium light», « Weak light».

How to turn off the flashlight on iPhone?

Turning off the flashlight on an iPhone is done in almost the same way as activating it. Should open " Control Center" and click on the same icon, which, if the flashlight is on, lights up white. After clicking, the icon will change color to gray and the flashlight will stop lighting.

Geeks from the Reddit site have discovered another way to turn off the flashlight on the iPhone - relevant for iOS 7. You need to click on the " Home"to highlight the locked screen of the device, then click on the camera icon located in the lower right corner.

Obviously, this is not an option provided by the manufacturer, but a bug - disabling the flashlight in this way on gadgets with latest versions iOS will no longer succeed.

Why doesn't the flashlight on my iPhone turn on?

There are 3 common reasons why the flashlight on an iPhone may not work:

  • Penetration of moisture into the housing.
  • Mechanical damage to the device, for example due to a fall.
  • A software error caused by the installation of a “wrong” firmware or an inept jailbreak.

The user will be able to solve the problem caused by a software error on his own - he will only need to restore the iPhone from a backup created while the flashlight was working. If there is a physical malfunction of the device, it is better to seek help from professionals - service center specialists.


Even if any of the modern iPhones has a built-in flashlight, no one prohibits owners of Apple gadgets from using flashlight applications from the AppStore. Third party programs much more functional than an ascetic built-in tool: if you want the light to pulsate or transmit an SOS signal in Morse code - please! The best flashlight apps for Apple devices are Flashlight, SOS My Location, Flashlight. (necessarily with a period at the end).

In the spring, I won a prize on one of the resources with reviews (a fixed amount for the purchase), for several months I was looking for something to order (the agony of choosing what to spend the money on usefully :) - one of the selected products was this flashlight for street lighting.

I decided to adapt it to the dacha, for external and internal lighting of a small (but very important by the way! :)"house". In the previous review, I “improved” it and finished it from the inside -. Now I decided to continue this “tradition” and add some ease of use, especially since my wife turned out to be “FOR” with both hands - “she really likes my reviews”(or rather, practical results obtained in the PROCESS of creating reviews;)

Even BEFORE ordering, I figured that the lantern essentially consisted of two spaced-apart lighting blocks and they could be used independently of each other - which is what I needed for my idea.

The courier brought the order, the delivery was quite fast (it took me longer to choose the goods), but the packaging was like “Xiaomi” - that’s what I’ve been “calling” similar ones lately: a simple cheap cardboard box made from “environmentally friendly waste” ;)
Inside there was a block of lights with a sensor, a solar battery, fasteners and instructions

The instructions, of course, are loud, I couldn’t make out the picture at all, “what would it mean,” so I went to the website to look at it, everything is described and drawn there in more detail.

Description from the site (corrected):

Automatically charged during the day from the sun, turned on at night when people approach. An adjustable sensor and two lights allow you to customize the lighting settings that are most convenient for you. Adjustment of sensitivity and duration of illumination suggests comfortable use both for lighting and as an alarm.

Rotary detector has a wide detection range

LEDs: 2 * 11
glow color: white
luminous flux: 450 LM
knob D: light sensitivity
regulator T: glow duration 15s-3 min

Battery: 3.7V 1200mAH 18650
Charging time: 2 days (depends on light intensity)
glow time: 6-8 hours (constant glow)
Solar Panel: 6V 1.2W
protection: IP44
material: ABS

The device consists of several parts:
two lights and a sensor connected into a single (collapsible) structure

Each lantern has 11 really bright LEDs

On the back there are mounting holes with markings and a power switch. I didn’t like that the manufacturer is supposed to mount it in only one position, I will further explain why I consider this a disadvantage
The button is also not installed in the most “suitable” place - it’s difficult to turn on/off a flashlight mounted on the wall

On the side there is a connector for connecting the panel solar battery. It must be said that the flashlight is fully functional even without connection to the battery, it is only used to recharge the battery.

The light and motion sensor is located in a separate housing. Has adjustment of illumination sensitivity and glow time (after the last activation). When moving within the sensor's coverage area, the light is constantly on.

The sensor (and lights) can be rotated on a hinge along two axes. Power and control wires pass through the hinges.

Supplied as a separate unit solar panel. It also has a movable mount.

Panel dimensions

The power cable has a decent length; you can place the panel at a great distance from the lights. I got a length of 5 meters (with the stated 3m)

If the sun is not too bright, the output is about 5 V.

A little about the device’s contents (something that might seem interesting)

The case is made of plastic with decent gaps and there is no declared IP44 here. Well, or rather, on the first point, I can still agree “Protection against penetration of solid objects larger than 1 mm in size,” but the second point is outright crap - “against splashes from any angle” there is essentially no protection, there are plenty of cracks - it’s done relatively “clumsily.” And this applies both to the main body and to individual elements (lights, sensor).

The sensor consists of two halves connected by a pair of screws.
front part

The reverse part with MS is without markings, in principle, nothing special... Soldering is actually quite normal, but without subsequent washing.

One of the lanterns...

Well, the main block...
What’s interesting is that the color marking on the battery connector is like on Japanese cars;) Black is + and red is minus :))) On others it’s different, in short, “at random”

Reverse side of the connection board:((

I tested the battery right away - out of the declared 1200, in reality there were almost 1100, normal!

Like good solution, but for street lighting lithium... what will happen to it after frost is a big question... - one thing is good about availability and prices

Minor modification to the device.

Since the lanterns were ordered to illuminate a “much needed” house (like a toilet), the goal was to illuminate not only the approaches in the dark, but also to illuminate the room inside. There is only one sensor, but I wanted to be able to turn on the internal lighting regardless of the light (and movement) outside, so I decided to remove one from the “stand” and make it a separate “chandelier” with its own independent switch.

Replaced the wiring with a longer one

Later, however, the wire was replaced with a more inconspicuous one :)

I connected this flashlight on the connection board, excluding the sensors

I installed a regular switch inside the room and wired it to it.

The main unit with the external light was secured above the door with some difficulties. The dimensions of the main unit with the flashlight and sensor are of a size that prevents the door from opening (in my case), and the manufacturer did not provide for fastening on the side... At first I wanted to move the sensor next to the flashlight (in the free space), but then I managed to fix it sideways, in this position it is currently working.

I attached the solar panel to the back - where there is a lot of sun during the day

Now I can turn on the lights inside regardless of light or movement

I tried to adjust the light sensor, but I didn’t notice much of a difference; in principle, it starts working at dusk a little early.
Adjusting the glow time sensor works really well - from 15 seconds to several minutes (I didn’t measure the minutes, but the flashlight glowed for a very long time).
The sensitivity of the motion sensor is higher than stated; I got a confident response threshold of more than 6 meters.

In the dark, the lighting is quite bright, with my flashlight setting it reaches approximately the same distance. Perhaps it would have been illuminated further, but the low-hanging branches of the tree interfered. The light is cold white, heterogeneous, with “purple streaks.”

Happy with the purchase! You can illuminate (not bad!) an area without mains voltage (and it can’t be used everywhere for safety reasons). It shines really brightly in the dark; inside the “house” it’s generally as bright as day. It’s probably possible to use it (as the seller suggests) as a light alarm to scare away “uninvited guests,” although what can be stolen from my “house”? ;)


The device was manufactured relatively “cheaply”. In essence, there is no protection from “external influences” or they are very conditional. I didn’t like the fastening (or rather, the lack of ability to fasten sideways). There are no instructions - they could at least describe the purpose of the settings. I am afraid that the use of a lithium battery in winter may be “short-lived” :(

However, if you don’t cling to the described shortcomings, the device is quite functional. I am far from a fan of this store, but I can fully recommend it for purchase - it is worth the money spent!

I'm planning to buy +27 Add to favorites I liked the review +22 +42 Content:

In every house or apartment, the need periodically arises. Among them, the most common question is how to connect a lamp through a switch. This operation is not particularly difficult, and it is quite possible to perform it yourself, without involving specialists. In addition to minimal knowledge of electrical engineering, it is necessary to follow certain rules regarding preparatory work and installation itself. It is recommended that before starting the connection, think over the layout of electrical appliances and apply it to the wall. Only after this can you begin laying wires and installing electrical equipment.

Preparatory work

Before starting work, first of all, you must turn off the mains voltage. To do this, just turn off the machine and check the absence of voltage with the device.

  • Switch. Depending on the need, a one- or two-key model is selected. Each light switch will be slightly different from each other because the wiring diagrams for both fixtures are different.
  • Electrical wire or cable. Selected according to technical characteristics existing electrical network. Particular attention should be paid to the number of cores, their cross-section, material and markings.
  • Junction box. At home, plastic fireproof products that do not conduct electrical current and have small, compact dimensions are usually used.
  • Connecting terminals, electrical tape. Provided by PUE standards for connections and subsequent insulation of contacts.
  • Fasteners. Necessary for fixing installed products.
  • Tester or indicator screwdriver. With their help, you can verify that there is no voltage, since the electrical network must be completely de-energized before starting work.
  • Wire cutters, pliers, pliers. Used to connect conductors to each other.
  • Impact drill or hammer drill. Will be needed when installing hidden wiring in plaster.

When a single-key switch is connected, three wires should be collected in the distribution box. The first is the supply wire for a lamp with a switch, with a voltage of 220 volts, supplied from plugs or a machine. The second will be a two-wire wire connected to the switch. The third wire goes directly to the lamp or fixture. It can also have three cores if the lamp body is equipped with a grounding clamp.

After all the wires have been assembled in the junction box, they need to be stripped of their insulation and prepared for subsequent twisting. After this, you can proceed to assembling the circuit and direct connection.

Connecting the lamp and switch

Complete assembly of the circuit is carried out as follows. The switch is connected in a phase break. When it is turned off, the circuit opens and voltage is no longer supplied to the light bulb. The neutral wire is connected directly to the lamp through the junction box. Thus, the phase passing through the switch makes it possible to turn the lamp on and off, as well as repair and maintain the lamp.

The input phase wire coming from the machine is connected to the same wire going to the switch. For this, it is best to use . The other phase, returning from the switch to the distribution box, is connected to the supply wire connected to the lamp. The neutral wires of the lamp and power are also connected in the junction box.

After this, the connection diagram is visually checked. The wires must be properly connected to each other. In the finished scheme, all twists are additionally sealed using pliers, and PVC tubes are put on top and secured with electrical tape. The twisted wires are carefully placed in the box, after which it is closed with a lid.

The placement of wiring in the junction box is carried out as follows. First, you need to connect a common power cable to it, and then the rest of the wires going to it. One wire of the lamp is connected to the neutral wire of the main wire, and the other to the wire of the switch. The second wire of the switch is connected to the phase conductor shared network. As a result, the working wires of the lamp are connected to the general electrical wiring through a switch.

Thus, the problem of how to connect a lamp through a switch with one key is solved. This circuit is the basis for connecting other switches with a large number of keys.

Double switch connection diagram

An untrained person experiences certain difficulties when connecting a two-key switch. Before installation, it is recommended to study the instructions on how to connect the switch to the lamp to avoid mistakes made by beginners.

First, a three-core power cable is installed and connected to the protective device. One of the wires is connected to the grounding system, if available. Before starting work, the entire electrical network must be de-energized. From protective device the conductor runs into the junction box, after which it is fed directly to the two-key switch. The supply of wires at each connection point must be at least 10 cm. Next, the wires connected to the lamp are inserted into the box.

The ends of the wires must be cleared of insulation, and then connected to each other, taking into account the colors of the insulation of the current-carrying conductors. At the end of installation, you need to check that all connections are correct. For example, at the entrance to the machine, phase wires are located on the left side, and neutral wires are located on the right. After this, the wires are connected to the switch contacts according to the diagram printed on the back of the device mechanism.

How to connect a lamp through a switch from an outlet

Connecting the lamp from the socket through the switch is carried out according to the standard scheme. That is, the phase wire is interrupted, and the neutral wire is connected directly to the lighting source.

The connection is made in a certain sequence:

  • The home electrical network is completely de-energized.
  • A distribution box is mounted into which the wires from the installed socket and the conductors connected to the lamp and switch are inserted.
  • One wire from the lamp is connected to the zero contact, and the phase goes to the switch. The other phase, which comes from the distribution box, is also supplied to another contact of the switch, forming a gap. Due to this break, the power supply to the circuit is turned on and off.

The correct choice of wire cross-section is of great importance. It all depends on the size of the load, that is, on the number of connected lamps. Mandatory requirement is the minimum cross-section of copper wire, which is 1 mm2. For aluminum conductors this value will be at least 2.5 mm2. In addition, the choice of section depends on the laying method, so it is recommended to use it to get the most acceptable result.

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An electric flashlight refers to an additional auxiliary tool for carrying out any work in the presence of poor lighting or no lighting at all. Each of us chooses the type of flashlight at our own discretion:

  • headlamp;
  • flashlight;
  • hand generator flashlight

Diagram of a simple flashlight

The electrical circuit of a simple flashlight \Fig. 1\ consists of:

  • battery cells;
  • light bulbs;
  • key\switch\.

The scheme is simple in its execution and does not require any explanation. The reasons for a flashlight malfunction with this scheme may be:

  • oxidation of contact connections with batteries;
  • oxidation of light bulb socket contacts;
  • oxidation of the contacts of the light bulb itself;
  • malfunction of the key\light switch\;
  • malfunction of the light bulb itself \bulb burnt out\;
  • lack of contact connection with the wire;
  • lack of battery power.

Other causes of malfunction may be any mechanical damage flashlight body.

LED rechargeable flashlight circuit

headlamp with LEDs BL - 050 - 7C

The BL - 050 - 7C flashlight goes on sale with a built-in charger; when such a flashlight is connected to an external AC voltage source, the battery is recharged.

Rechargeable batteries, or rather electrochemical batteries, - the principle of charging such elements is based on the use of reversible electrochemical systems. Substances formed during battery discharge under the influence of electric current- are able to restore their original state. That is, we recharged the flashlight and we can continue to use it. Such electrochemical batteries or individual elements may consist of a certain amount, depending on the voltage consumed:

  • number of light bulbs;
  • type of light bulbs.

A quantity, a set of such individual flashlight elements, constitutes a battery.

The electrical circuit of a flashlight \Fig. 2\ can be considered as consisting of a simple incandescent light bulb or a certain number of LED light bulbs. For any flashlight circuit, what exactly is important? — It is important that the energy consumed by the light bulbs in the electrical circuit corresponds to the output voltage of the power source \battery, consisting of individual elements\.

Reading the connection diagram:

Resistor R1 with a resistance of 510 kOhm and a nominal power value of 0.25 W in the electrical circuit is connected in parallel, due to this high resistance, the voltage in the further section of the electrical circuit is significantly lost, or rather, part of the electrical energy is converted into thermal energy.

From resistor R2 with a resistance of 300 Ohms and a rated power value of 1 W, current is supplied to LED VD2. This LED serves as an indicator light to indicate connection. charger flashlight to an external AC voltage source.

Current flows to the anode of diode VD1 from capacitor C1. A capacitor in an electrical circuit is a smoothing filter; part of the electrical energy is lost during the positive half-cycle of the sinusoidal voltage, since during this half-cycle the capacitor is charged.

With a negative half-cycle, the capacitor is discharged and current flows to the anode of the cathode VD1. An external voltage drop for a given electrical circuit occurs when there are two resistors and a light bulb in the electrical circuit. You can also take into account that when the current passes from the anode to the cathode - in diode VD1 - there is also its own potential barrier. That is, the diode also tends to be subject to some degree of heating, which causes an external voltage drop.

The GB1 battery, consisting of three elements, receives a current of two potentials \+ -\ from the charger \when the flashlight is connected to an external alternating voltage source\. In the battery, the electrochemical composition of the battery is restored to its original state.

The following circuit \Fig. 3\, which is found in LED flashlights, consists of the following electronic elements:

  • two resistors \R1; R2\;
  • diode bridge consisting of four diodes;
  • capacitor;
  • diode;
  • LED;
  • key;
  • batteries;
  • light bulbs.

For a given circuit, the external voltage drop occurs due to all the electronic elements connected in this circuit. One diagonal of the diode bridge of the bridge circuit is connected to an external AC voltage source, the other diagonal of the diode bridge is connected to a load - consisting of a certain number of light-emitting diodes.

All detailed descriptions on replacing electronic elements when repairing a flashlight, as well as carrying out diagnostics of these elements - you can find on this site, which contains similar topics that cover the repair of household appliances.

How to repair an LED flashlight

In my work I sometimes have to use a headlamp. About six months after purchase, the flashlight's battery stopped charging after turning it on for recharging via the power cord.

When determining the cause of the headlamp failure, the repair was accompanied by photographs to outline this topic in a clear example.

The cause of the malfunction was not clear at first, since when the flashlight was turned on to recharge, the signal light would light up and the flashlight itself would emit a weak light when the switch button was pressed. So what could be the reason for such a malfunction? Battery failure or some other reason?

It was necessary to open the flashlight housing to inspect it. In the photographs \photo No. 1\ the tip of a screwdriver indicates the places of fastening \connection\ of the body.

If the flashlight body cannot be opened, you need to carefully inspect to see if all the screws have been removed.

Photo #2 shows a step-down converter in both voltage and current.

You should not look for the cause of the malfunction in the circuit, since when connected to an external source, the signal light lights up \photo No. 2 red LED light\. Let's check the connections further.

In front of us in the photograph \photo No. 3\ there is a light switch for an LED flashlight. The contacts of the push-button switch post are a double light switch device, where for this example the following lights up:

  • six LED lamps,
  • twelve LED lamps

flashlight. As we can see, the two contacts of the switch are short-circuited and a common wire is soldered to these contacts. Two wires are soldered to the following two contacts of the switch - separately, from which current is supplied to the lighting:

  • six lamps;
  • twelve lamps.

It is enough to check the light switch contacts \when switching\ with a probe as shown in photograph No. 4. We touch the common contact \two short-circuited contacts\ with a finger and alternately touch the other two contacts with a probe.

If the switch is working properly, the LED light of the probe lights up \photo No. 4\. The light switch is working properly, we carry out further diagnostics.

The power cord can also be checked here with a probe \photo No. 5\. To do this, you need to short-circuit the pins of the plug with your finger and connect the probe alternately to the first and second contacts of the cable connector. If the probe light comes on, it will indicate that there is no break in the power cord wire.

The power cord for recharging the battery is working properly, we carry out further diagnostics. You should also check the flashlight battery.

The enlarged image of the battery \photo No. 6\ shows that a constant voltage of 4 Volts is supplied to recharge it. The current strength of this voltage is 0.9 ampere/hour. Checking the battery.

The multimeter device in this example is set to the DC voltage measurement range from 2 to 20 Volts so that the measured voltage corresponds to the set range.

As we can see, the device display shows a constant battery voltage of 4.3 Volts. In fact, this indicator should take a higher value - that is, there is insufficient voltage to power the LED lamps. LED lamps take into account potential barrier for each such lamp, as we know from electrical engineering. Consequently, the battery does not receive the required voltage when recharging.

And here is the whole reason for the malfunction \photo No. 8\. This cause of the malfunction was not immediately established - a break in the contact connection of the wire with the battery.

What can be noted here:

The wires in this circuit are unreliable for soldering, since the thin cross-section of the wire does not allow it to be securely attached at the soldering point.

But even this cause of failure can be eliminated, the wiring was replaced with a more reliable section and the LED flashlight is currently operational and works flawlessly.

I consider the presented topic unfinished; examples will be given for you - repairs of other types of flashlights.

That's all for now.


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    I would call it “Notes of a Shitty Electrician”! The author simply does not understand how the circuit works, its elements, and confuses concepts. Using the example of the circuit in Fig. 2: R1 serves to discharge capacitor C1 after disconnecting the flashlight from the network for safety reasons. There is no “loss” of voltage “in the further section”; let the Author connect a voltmeter and look at it to make sure of this. Resistor R2 serves as a current limiter. The VD2 LED not only serves as an indicator, but also supplies positive potential to the + battery.
    Capacitor C1 in this circuit is a damping filter (and not a smoothing filter), and it is on it that the excess alternating voltage is extinguished.
    He also said a lot about the potential barrier - it’s funny to read. And the current is “current of two potentials”?! According to classical physics, current flows from positive to negative potential, and electrons move in the opposite direction.
    Did the author go to school?
    And he has this everywhere. Sad. But someone takes his “revelations” at face value.

    Hello, povaga! My “Oblik 2077” flashlight with one LED stopped charging. I can’t find the diagram, but it’s something like in Figure 3. Difference: there is no capacitor C2, no diode VD5, two resistors and a board with three contacts are soldered to the SA1 switch. I measured the voltage after the bridge - 2 volts, the battery is 4 volts, how can it be charged? Please help me with the operating diagram and electrical diagram. Thank you in advance, best regards, Doldin.

You will learn how to turn on the flashlight in different ways. If your phone has a built-in camera, you can probably turn on the flashlight. On some smartphone models and Android tablets, however, turning on the flashlight is not so easy. We have prepared a selection of the best flashlight apps for you. They can be turned on Samsung smartphones A3, LG, and also Lenovo.

Turn on the flashlight on your phone and walk calmly in the dark. Gateways are not scary!

Before you turn on the flashlight: How to use the flashlight program on Android?

All mobile applications devices that emulate a flashlight using software can harm your smartphone or tablet. You should use the flash of your device’s camera only when absolutely necessary and for a strictly limited time. We do not recommend putting a flashlight on the bell and wasting the battery. Why?

Firstly, such applications for illumination using flash drain the phone very quickly: the gadget’s flash is used, and it is not intended for intensive and long work as a “lighting device” on Android. A camera is a camera, its main functionality is to take photos and videos, and not to be a flashlight for making calls.

Secondly, without exception, all free flashlight applications downloaded from Google Play, heat up mobile device Android and can damage it if the smartphone is used improperly or improperly.

However, don’t worry: the software flashlights for Android discussed in the review are well customizable and easy to control, so they are relatively safe. In any case, don’t be lazy to download the flashlight to your gadget, test your phone with the flashlight and leave the application you like in the Android OS for a long time.

Turning on the flashlight on Android

iPhone owners may be a little luckier, since the Flashlight app is built into operating system. If you have iOS, then we have selected the best flashlights for iPhone especially for you. If you have Android, read the review further :).

Samsung phones have a built-in flashlight. How to enable it on Android? To do this, you need to activate the application through the widget on the home screen.

How to turn on the flashlight on Lenovo, Samsung A3 and Duos

  • Swipe across the home screen to display the widget
  • Find the Flashlight application in the menu. If it is not there, the icon is at the end of the widget menu list.
  • Turn on the flashlight by clicking on the corresponding flashlight icon in the widget.

Video instructions on how to turn on the flashlight:

The second way to turn on the flashlight on Samsung

  1. Tap your finger on any free area on the phone screen
  2. Select "Widgets" from the menu that appears
  3. You need to select the Flashlight widget by scrolling the menu in different directions.
  4. Without releasing your finger, drag the widget to home screen Android.
  5. To turn on the Samsung (Lenovo) flashlight, click on the widget icon.

Download the flashlight to your phone (install the flashlight yourself)

The Samsung flashlight does not cause any complaints, and its capabilities are quite sufficient to illuminate the path, use in emergency situations, and so on. However, if the flashlight is not built into the phone, it doesn’t matter, you can find many alternatives on Google Play. Download the best flashlights for Android through my website. Install the application on your phone and turn it on as needed.

You can download the flashlight for Samsung from the Google Play store. Find the application you like best in this review and download it to your phone using the link. We also advise you to search for other Samsung flashlights in the App Store yourself. To do this:

  1. Open Play Store on your desktop.
  2. Enter the word "Flashlight" or "Flashlight for Samsung phone" into the search bar.
  3. Find an application in the list provided or open several options to familiarize yourself with the characteristics of the flashlights.
  4. Click the Install button and download the flashlight to your phone.
  5. Launch Flashlight on Samsung Phone

Note. Don't forget that using a flashlight for too long can quickly drain your mobile device's battery!

How to turn on the flash on your phone when you make a call

Not everyone uses a flashlight for illumination. Another utilitarian function of the phone's built-in camera is an additional call alarm.

If the flashlight blinks when they call, this is more noticeable than the vibrate mode; the phone hums like a tractor. Many people prefer this method of signaling. Flashlights have some disadvantages (wasteful battery consumption), but given the short operating time, you can turn a blind eye to them.

It lists the apps and I tell you how to turn on the flashlight when you make a call. Turn on flash standard means Android OS is not possible. For this, the FlashonCall add-on and its analogues are used. All of them are available for download on 4pda and Google Play.

Useful commands Ok Google to activate the flashlight

Open Google app or use the Google Now add-on. Click the microphone icon and say one of the following commands:

Ok Google Team Result
  • ok google, turn on (for me) the flashlight!
  • ok google, turn on the flashlight!
The TinyFlashlight app will appear in the search results. Once you install it on your phone, you can run it without voice commands.
  • ok google, turn off the flashlight!
Unfortunately, the team is not working at the moment. You will not be able to turn off the flashlight via voice request; this must be done manually. Don't forget that the application actively uses your phone's battery and drains it very quickly. Therefore, turn off the flashlight immediately.
  • ok google, download flashlight!
This command is similar to the first two and will quickly download the TinyFlashlight app on your phone.
