Well, let’s formulate a few useful rules. Teach your colleagues and... um... other partners to follow them, and peace and tranquility will come to your mail. And maybe not only in her.

1. Unless your job is explicitly to respond to emails quickly, . Only you decide at what speed and to whom to respond, and not the one who demands an answer from you immediately (unless this is your big boss, with whom it is dangerous to conflict, but he can also be trained not to expect quick answers). There are many reasons why you should not rush to write a reply letter - you are busy, the letter requires preparation or thought, etc. There are truly urgent and important questions, but even for them you should be politely asked (!) to answer quickly, and not demand an instant response. All managers should [try] to adhere to this rule in relation to their subordinates (and this is really difficult, believe me), except in cases of direct written order.

2. Don't write long letters. The advice seems banal, but from time to time we all have the desire to write a kilometer-long message (we will consider this a text with more than 5 sentences). Hold back. Nobody likes to read long letters, and if you don’t want to specifically cause irritation, don’t. This rule does not apply to the presentation of any technical problem or a detailed solution, but even in such cases you need to be concise.

3. Avoid unnecessary, I emphasize - unnecessary! - "Thank you". Imagine that you asked someone to send you an important document (and for some reason it cannot be posted on a network share or transmitted in another way). The person responded to your request and sent the document. You write back: “Thank you.” Unless this is a pretty young lady who is sensitive to signs of attention, there is no need to write like that.
Do you know how much an office worker spends on sorting mail? About a third of my working time! If you don’t want to be involved in this nightmare in the life of a member of your (or even a neighboring) team, no “thank you” is needed. If you think it’s important for a person to know whether you received a document or not, relax - by default, he doesn’t care. And that’s right - you need the document, not him. IN as a last resort it will ask you to confirm receipt. The best gratitude is not to clog someone else's inbox.

4. Formulate your thoughts more clearly. Before sending a letter, think about whether the thought, question, or request contained in it is clear enough? Put yourself in the shoes of the person you are writing to. Will he figure it out? Not everyone is as smart and savvy as you.

5. Don't write letters if you don't have to. Think, is it possible to do without this letter altogether? When starting a project, the first thing they do is assess the risks of its failure. Approach the letter in the same way: assess the risks of not writing the letter; will someone’s work really suffer?

6. in the hands of the manager. All the more reason to use this tool as intended - whoever you are escalating the problem to should receive it from you brief description and approaches to solution.
In our country they like to escalate the problem by simply copying their superiors. This is stupidity, not escalation.

7. Try to write letters only to those whom they concern. Often, out of fear, uncertainty or ignorance, employees copy everyone whose name comes to mind. I personally generally try not to read letters in which I am not the addressee. If I'm copy-pasted, I interpret that as “look, maybe you're interested in this topic too.” No, not really, thanks, I have something to do.
Another problem is a violation of common sense. If you are discussing an issue with a customer project, discuss it internally first. There is no need to immediately connect him to correspondence.

8. Check your email from time to time - regularly, but not constantly. Don't stare at the yellow envelope; you don't see a salary there every day. In addition to reading mail, you also (at a minimum) need to work and think.

9. Don't add people to your conversation if they haven't asked for it. I love suddenly receiving a letter with a discussion for a couple of dozen people that has been going on for a week, and the question “what the hell?” people are sincerely surprised: “It’s all written there! Read it yourself!” Yes, now they have fled. If you want something from me, give specific information and a specific question. You can still scroll down a couple of letters, but more is a direct disrespect.

10. I personally am against BCC. If you can’t openly send a letter to a person, don’t send it secretly either.

11. Another rule that I myself often, alas, break is the procedure for parsing unread letters. It is better not to read the correspondence history, but to start from the top, with the most recent letters. This way you will save a lot of time - often the problem that was formulated in a letter a few days or hours ago has already either been solved, is being solved, or is no longer relevant. "Last to come, first to leave."

12. There are people who believe that every letter requires a response. For example, a manager writes to an employee: “Think about how we can quickly solve problem A.” An hour later they meet on the way to the toilet, and the employee explains how he will solve the problem, and the manager agrees. Another hour later, the employee receives a letter “We just agreed that we will solve problem A in such and such a way.” This is reasonable if we are talking about a really complex problem. But it’s definitely not worth writing this about every nonsense.
Likewise, the employee is not obliged to respond to the letter - the problem was discussed and resolved (we will not talk here about situations where the manager and/or employee are idiots or scoundrels; of course, they cannot be avoided without a written recording of every sneeze).

13. You should not insert pictures, for example, a company logo, into your signature. Either it will be displayed incorrectly, or it will be too colorful and annoying. You especially shouldn’t do this if you work for an internal customer. He already knows what the logo looks like, and he’s unlikely to confuse you with someone else.
It’s also annoying when people write two signatures in one letter - in Russian and in English, and with errors in both versions.
Oh, yes, if you received a PhD in your youth, you don’t have to write about it, unless you are an employee of a scientific organization. I personally don’t care whether system administrator Petrov has a PhD - as long as the Internet works.)

14. There is no need to pollute the mailboxes of others with letters to clarify the relationship. Find out about them personally or in private correspondence. The most disgusting thing is letters in the style of “but you are shit”, “thank you for your directness, but no, it’s you who are shit, and your department is also shit.” And this can last for weeks.

15. Literacy is important. Once again: literacy is important. If you are not sure about yours, check the letter with a spell checker before sending. Otherwise, simple formulas work: an illiterate letter from a manager to a subordinate - laughter and disrespect; an illiterate letter from a subordinate to a manager - irritation and complaints about qualifications; an illiterate letter at one level of the hierarchy - a decline in the authority of a colleague in the eyes of others.
Do you care about literacy? I don’t understand why you read this post to the end.))

It seems like I haven't forgotten anything. Or will you add?)

Have a nice time! Today we will talk about backup SMS, by sending all messages from your smartphone to email. This may be required both simply for the purpose of saving correspondence, and for further processing of messages, for example, searching in messages necessary information(contacts, names, prices, etc.) third party applications, which in turn work with E-Mail. Let's look at an option for such copying using a smartphone running Android.

Create a mailbox

To send and save all messages by E-Mail, you first need to register a mailbox; mail from yandex.ru is perfect for this. You can also use your existing mailbox, but I recommend registering a new one. Firstly, over time it will accumulate large number SMS messages that may interfere when working with regular letters, and secondly, if you connect your mailbox to to a third party service for analytics, do not indicate the login and password for the main E-Mail.

Install the SMS Backup + application on your Android smartphone

To send all SMS messages to your mailbox, you will need to install and configure a special SMS Backup + application, which can be downloaded from play.goole.com or apk-dl.com (an alternative for smartphones that do not use Google Play) or .

The application has been tested on Android: 3.xx, 4.xx, 5.xx, 6.xx; Support for version 2.xx is declared.

Setting up SMS Backup +

  1. Launch the application;
  2. After launching the application, in the menu that opens, select the item: Advanced settings;
  3. Next, go to Backup settings;
  4. Check the boxes for Backup SMS and Email subject prefix, uncheck the boxes for Backup MMS, Backup Call log (we don’t need MMS and call history, although you can backup them too);
  5. Return to the previous menu and go to the IMAP Server settings section;
  6. Select the Authentication menu item,

    set the parameter value to Plain text;

  7. Select the Server address menu item, enter the value: imap.yandex.ru:993

  8. Select the Security menu item and enter the value: SSL

  9. Select the Login (You IMAP account) menu item, specify your login, then select the Password (You IMAP account password) menu item, specify the password for yandex.ru mail;
  10. In the main menu, check the box for Auto backup;
  11. Next, go to Auto backup settings, select the Regular schedule menu item and set the time interval with the frequency of which SMS will be sent to the account we specified mailbox(for example every 2 hours).

The SMS Backup + application allows you not only to do backups to E-Mail, but also to recover messages from it. The corresponding recovery settings can be found in the Advanced settings -> Restore settings section.

After sending messages by E-Mail, they will all be placed in a folder called: SMS.

Analyzing SMS sent to Email

After receiving the list of SMS messages to your email address, you can use a special software analyze the data they contain. For example, you can track SMS from a bank with messages about cash receipts and debits, on the basis of which you can keep financial records in automatic mode. I implemented a similar solution for a “joint shopping site”, when all SMS messages from the Bank received by the JV Organizers are collected in one place, analyzed and based on them, the system displays data in the control panel about which of the users who made the order made the payment.

If you need to send copies of some letters in Mail.ru mail to another mailbox (email), i.e. send not all mail, but only that which comes from a specific address or contains some specific words, then according to this detailed instructions" " setup will take 3 minutes.

Step 1. In the mail, find the desired letter in the “Inbox” and mark it with a checkmark, then in the “More” drop-down menu, select “Create filter”:

Step 2. A page with many filter settings will open. To set up a filter for sending some letters to another email, put a tick in the first line “From” and in the column opposite insert the address or part of it from which these letters come. In the second paragraph, we indicate the address to which copies should be sent. In the third paragraph, indicate what to do with the received letter in your mail. Next, enter your email password and click “Add filter”:
Step 3. Now a letter with a forwarding confirmation code is automatically sent to the address you specified; this code must be entered into the appropriate field, which you will find in the left “Filters” menu. The top line will be the unconfirmed forwarding address, click on this link and you will see a field to insert the code:

After setting up, the specified letters will be sent to you and to the address that you specified and confirmed with the code. To set up forwarding all incoming mail please use another .

Without business correspondence nowhere in business, regardless of whether you write on behalf of a company, or on behalf of yourself as a private entrepreneur. Or rather, how you follow its rules. Your potential business partners or clients will largely judge you by how you communicate with them. A business letter is, one might say, the “face” of a businessman. And in order not to lose it, it is important to know about the golden rules of communication in this format.

Rules for business correspondence by email

Since now by email are used much more often than usual, we decided to pay attention to how to properly conduct business correspondence online. Here are a few recommendations that, if followed, will prevent you from losing face in front of your interlocutor.

Mailbox name

The first thing that catches our eye when we open a new message is the address from which it was sent. Many people underestimate the importance of this point and send business letters from personal email accounts. There's nothing wrong with this as long as the email address only contains your name in a human-readable format. But if there are various nicknames like “kissa1988” or “pupsik-26”, then sending a message from such a mailbox is simply unacceptable. Imagine what emotions a person will have when he receives a business proposal from a “babe” or “sweetie”.

Also not welcome in business correspondence postal addresses, which start with info@, inbox@ and the like. They simply aren't taken seriously, and there's a good chance the email won't even be opened. Most best option– is to conduct business correspondence from a mailbox [email protected], where name is your first and last name, company is the name of the company.


In email correspondence, it is possible to send a letter to a direct addressee and copy other recipients. Recipients in the copy of the message are not expected to respond to it. They are like invited observers. Therefore, before sending, determine in advance who exactly you want to receive an answer from and arrange the recipients correctly. However, if possible, do not include multiple people as direct recipients of your email. A situation may happen that none of them will answer you if everyone mentally decides to “shift” this responsibility to another addressee.

If you yourself find yourself in a copy of a business letter, then, as you already understand, the sender is not waiting for your response. But if there is a need to respond specifically to you, then you can do this, but it would be polite to apologize at the beginning of the message for “interfering.”

Formatting a letter

Official business style. In business correspondence, of course, the formal style is used. It lacks adjectives, unnecessary qualifications and details. Only specifics, clarity and logic. After writing a business message, it is useful to read it again and remove all phrases that do not carry any special meaning and do not change the essence of what is being stated. Only when you are sure that all such words and phrases have been removed, then you can say that this rule of writing a business letter has been followed.

Literacy. Saying that it is important to write a message correctly and without errors is the same as saying “a snowman must be made of snow.” However, this rule cannot be ignored. Literacy is the basis of any correspondence. A person writing a business letter with spelling errors is unlikely to be taken seriously by anyone.

Subject of the letter. It is a must to write it. Try to make it short but succinct, so that the recipient can immediately understand at one glance what the letter will be about. The topic should not consist of one word. “Information”, “Question”, etc. – incorrect business letter topics. “Proposal from Company X” is the right topic. If the information in your letter is especially important, then you can mark it with a special “importance” flag, which is available in almost all e-mail services.

Font. The text of the message must, first of all, be readable. Therefore, use the font Arial or Times New Roman, select a medium size (for example, in mail.ru the optimal font size is 3). Don't experiment with fonts or colors. This is inappropriate in business correspondence. Do not use Caps Lock, exclamation points and various special characters (including emoticons). The only thing that is allowed is highlighting some phrases in italics or bold. But try to use this only when absolutely necessary.

For ease of reading and better communication of ideas, you can use subheadings throughout the text of the letter. But there should not be too many of them - no more than 3-4.

One paragraph should not be longer than 4 lines. When we read very long paragraphs, the text blurs together and the main idea can be lost.

Any enumeration and lists should be drawn up using special markers.

Corporate template. It would be great if you developed a branded email template in your corporate style. And you will send all business messages only with this template. This will allow you to stand out from the rest and maintain the formality required by a business message. However, you should not overdo it with “branding” - excessive creativity will only do harm. Still, we are talking about business communication, not entertainment. Don't forget also that recipients can read your messages not only on their computer, but also on mobile devices. Therefore, the template must be optimized for different screen resolutions.

One letter should contain only one news item. And accordingly, only one target action should be expected from the recipient. It is considered incorrect to place several questions, suggestions or requests to the recipient in one message at once.

It should be broken down into the following parts:
- introduction;
- main part;
- conclusion.

In the introduction, briefly state the purpose of the message and the reasons for writing it. The main part is the very essence of the letter. In conclusion, you need to summarize the above - these can be conclusions, requests, instructions, suggestions, and so on. It is highly undesirable to use any “postscripts” in business correspondence. Also avoid aphorisms, metaphors, proverbs, and so on.

If you need to submit in a letter graphic image, then do not insert it into the text of the message itself, but attach separate file. Images may not display correctly on different devices or be completely disabled in the recipient's email program interface. In the text, where necessary, simply indicate “information is in the attached file.” If there are several such files, be sure to write their names.

If you use abbreviations and abbreviations of words, you must be 100% sure that the recipient will understand what is meant by them. In general, it is better to play it safe and not use such things.

Lack of emotions. Business letters should not contain any emotional overtones. At all. Even if you are writing a complaint and you really want to show the fullness of your indignation, or, on the contrary, you sincerely thank your partner for a successful transaction. The message should be restrained and even somewhat cold-blooded. Every person values ​​their individuality, but business correspondence is not the best way to show it. An official letter from a cheerful or sad person, a janitor or a CEO should be the same.

Use of vocabulary. To link sentences in business correspondence, the following stable expressions are used:

  1. for that reason;
  2. based on what;
  3. by virtue of (something);
  4. in accordance with;
  5. based on;
  6. taking into account;
  7. considering;
  8. what served.

And so on. Also in business letters it is allowed to use abbreviations and abbreviations that are generally accepted in the industry within which the message is written. If you doubt whether the addressee will understand a specific abbreviation, it is better to write the phrase in full.

Greetings. Please never use the cliche "Good day." This, one might say, is bad form not only for business correspondence, but also for emails in general. The optimal greeting is “Hello, First Name/Middle Name.” By the way, it’s good to address the recipient of the message by name not only in the greeting, but also further along the text. If you are writing to a person you do not know personally, you must indicate at the very beginning where you got the recipient’s address from.

Letter size. This is not a work of fiction and not your personal thoughts “on the topic.” The message should be as short as possible to convey all the information in it. It is optimal if the text of the letter fits into one “screen”. Reading long letters is tiring, and many people find it annoying.

Replies to letters. When you reply to a message you receive, always click the Reply button, not the Write button. With the first option, your entire correspondence history will be automatically included in your response. This is correct, because a person may not immediately remember who you are and what you want from him if he does not see the background story. Especially if more than five days have passed since the last correspondence. Feel free to quote your interlocutor while responding to his message. This will give him a chance to remember what you talked about before.

Always thank the other person where appropriate. For example, you can write “Vladimir, thank you for your letter” or “Irina Alekseevna, thank you for such a quick response.” Such nuances will show your respect for the interlocutor and soften the mood of electronic communication.

If the interlocutor sent you a message in which he expressed his dissatisfaction or even was openly rude to you, try not to answer him in the same way, no matter how much you would like it. Situations vary, but always respond politely and with restraint.

Of course, the sooner you respond, the better. It's great if you can respond within a few hours. This period is optimal. But let's say we get a response within a few days. Psychologists say that a comfortable time for a person to wait for a response to an email is 48 hours, that is, two days. If you have to wait longer, this may already be perceived as disrespect or ignorance. If the question raised in the message requires more time from you to respond, then be sure to write that you received the letter, accepted it for consideration and will respond as soon as you can. This way the sender will at least not feel ignored.

Conclusion of the letter. You should not write phrases that could be perceived as an attempt at manipulation: “I really hope for beneficial cooperation", "Thanks in advance for your answer" and so on. It is better to say goodbye in email correspondence with the phrases “With respect,” “My sincere wishes,” and the like. Yes, such phrases are cliched, but they are perfectly suited for business communication. In the signature, write your first name, last name, position and company name. Also leave contact details where you can be contacted, other than email.

Dispatch time. Certainly, emails do not imply that they should be read immediately upon receipt. But in business ethics of email correspondence it is considered incorrect to send mail messages on weekends, holidays, late in the evening or at night. Try to stick to standard working hours.

And of course, before pressing the “send” button, carefully check the correct spelling of the recipient’s name and his email address. Re-read the entire text of the message and check it for typos or incorrect phrases.

You have probably already noticed thatupon receiving letters from some authorsin the “to” section there is a list of several dozen emails different people. Moreover, neither you nor these people gave their consent for these emails to be “exposed.” Naturally, some of the recipients will unsubscribe from this mailing list (we are all tired of the flow of spam to our emails). But one thing is certain - all recipients will treat the author of the newsletter as an unprofessional person. And they are unlikely to agree to accept his offer.

How can you do it so as not to send a letter to each recipient separately and at the same time “not to shine before everyone else”?
Almost any postal service allows you to do this.

Let's consider this opportunity using the example of the most popular email address for business mailings: gmail.com

Typically, you use the Compose window to send an email. By clicking on it, you see a new “New message” window, into which you insert everything that is necessary to create and send the letter itself.

We usually insert the emails of our recipients into the “Recipients” window.

Copy means "exact copy". This field is used when you simply want to send an email to someone who is not the primary recipient. This way, you can keep the person in the loop while letting them know that they don't have to respond to the email. But all recipients of this letter see each other’s addresses (and even names).

BCC means "an exact hidden copy." It works the same as Cc, but this field hides all recipient addresses.

Thus, using this field is one of the best ways send a letter to a large number of people and maintain confidentiality. This means you won’t ruin your relationship with them. Using this feature, you can insert up to 30 emails. This means that with one click of a button you can send this letter to 30 recipients at once, without showing their emails.

And, if necessary, you can insert a picture into the body of the letter ( 4 ) or attach a file ( 5 ).

It is this mail that provides the maximum number of editing opportunities.

Similarly, you can send a letter to several recipients at the same time via yandex.ru mail.

Only there are fewer options for editing the text of the letter on this mail. Therefore, I will only show the procedure required to send letters.

Click on “Write” and then in the “To” window ( 1 ) insert the email of the first recipient, and then select the “Copy” function ( 2 ) or "Bcc" ( 3 ). Depending on whether you want all recipients of your letter to see all emails or preserve their right to confidentiality of addresses, select one of the functions. To add each next email to the list, you need to click on the button with the image of a man with a plus sign in front of it ( 4 ). Then you can select your regular recipients from the drop-down list or enter their emails manually.

Pictures can be downloaded from Yandex Disk and files can be attached as usual.

Click on the “Write” button, a window appears in which when you click with the mouse in the “To” window ( 1 ), a drop-down list appears with a list of your regular recipients ( 2 ). You can choose from this list what you need. Or just insert the desired email destination manually.
