What do you need to find a person by phone number for free and without much difficulty? In fact, there are no easy ways, since information about the ownership of numbers is protected by operators and is not subject to disclosure. That is, you cannot call the operator and find out who owns this or that number. But we can still make some attempts. We can also determine the location of some subscribers using geolocation services. In this review you will learn:

  • How to find a person by phone number and find out his first and last name;
  • How to find a person's location;
  • How to legally obtain information about the owner of the number.

The review will also touch on some other issues related to searching for subscriber data.

How to find a person by phone number

It would be nice to have a service at hand in which you could find a person by phone number - enter the number, and after a few seconds the service shows the subscriber’s last name and first name, as well as his residential address. Unfortunately, the existence of such services is illegal, since distribution of subscriber databases and personal data is punishable by law– you can get a significant prison sentence for this.

How can we find a person knowing his phone number? For this we have completely open sources:

  • Social networks and communities;
  • Notice boards;
  • Forums and discussion platforms.

In order to “get through” information by phone number, try entering it in the search form of one of the search engines. If a person often leaves his traces on the Internet, you can quickly get a lot of information about him - region of residence, first name, last name, and in some cases, address. We often leave such data on social networks., on message boards and on many other resources. This method allows you to find out the affiliation of telephone numbers to certain companies engaged in mass or targeted telephone calls. Enter the number into a search engine, and if it really belongs to one of the companies, you can quickly find out all its data.

Find a person by phone number using help services mobile operators It won’t work - they don’t provide such certificates, protecting the personal data of each subscriber. Only law enforcement agencies will be able to obtain complete information about a particular subscriber.

If you are being harassed by calls and telephone threats, file a police report. They will find out the identity of the phone number and take measures to suppress telephone hooliganism.

Should you trust databases distributed on the Internet that can be used to find a person by number? mobile phone? Such databases do exist, but they are most often quite outdated. Often, scammers slip deceptive databases to those in need, containing anything inside, but not telephone numbers. Remember that it is impossible to obtain current and complete information about subscribers through such databases.

This page will help you quickly and without registration find and open a person’s VKontakte page if you know his first and last name, and even better, his address (country, city), age (or year of birth), place of study or work.

Enter your first and/or last name here and click "Find". Search results will open with all VK pages that match this data. Then clarify your request: select a location in the right column - country and city. To narrow your search and quickly find a person, you can specify age or date of birth, school, university, place of work.

Any VKontakte page can be opened and viewed by clicking on the person’s name. But some pages are accessible only to authorized users - this means that you must first log into VK with your name and password.

If you haven't registered yet, do this:

If you can’t find a friend on VK, but you know for sure that he has a page, ask him for a link to the page or his ID (id, page number). And it’s very easy to find a page by ID:

or even from a photo if you don’t know the name:

How to find a person on VKontakte by mobile phone number

Usually such information is a secret, because the VK administration cares about the safety of its users. But you will find a person by phone if he himself indicated the number on his page (opened to everyone). Try it directly from here:

Search for a person on VKontakte by phone number

If the phone number was indicated on the page, enter it here (for example, +79001234567 ) and press "Find".

There are also ways to search on VK using a linked phone number (through “possible friends”), but they do not guarantee that you will find a person. After all, the page may be linked to his other number, which you do not know. In addition, he could prohibit finding it by number. However, here are the ways:

Search by number via the VK mobile application

You can try to find a person by number using mobile application VK on Android:

  1. Write down the person’s number in the phone book on your phone (in “Contacts”).
  2. Install the VKontakte application for Android on your phone.
  3. Go to the application.
  4. Go to the menu "Friends".
  5. Click on + (plus) up.
  6. Click "Contacts - Find friends in your address book."
  7. A confirmation will appear - click "Yes".
  8. Wait a while and you will see all the people whose numbers are saved in your phone and who are not yet your friends on VK - the person you are looking for should be among them.

How to get through a person on VK by number (another method)

VK offers you possible acquaintances from your phone contacts. IN this method You are using a blank smartphone with an empty contact list.

  1. Take your smartphone (after resetting).
  2. You buy a SIM card.
  3. Enter the phone number you want to dial into your address book (contacts).
  4. Install the official VK application.
  5. You give him access to your phone contacts.
  6. Register a new page.
  7. You wait, and after a while VK will begin to show you in “possible friends” the page of the person who is in your contacts. Since he is alone, there is no need to guess.

Search through VK password recovery

There is also a small opportunity to find a person by cell number through VKontakte password recovery. But for this you need to know the last name. If you exit VK, press "Forgot your password" then correctly enter the person’s phone number and last name, the site will show the first name, last name and city. Previously, it was possible to immediately find out the link to a person’s page, but this feature was removed long ago. Therefore, such a search will not give anything new - if you know the number and last name, then you probably know both the city and the name - which means you can find the person, as described above, at the very beginning.

How to find a person on VKontakte by residential address

As for the address, VKontakte users usually indicate their country and city (some also indicate their hometown where they were born), and at the top you can search using this data, just first indicate the person’s first and/or last name at the top and click "Find". When the search window opens, select your country and city. There is no more precise data - street, house, apartment - on the VK website.

How to find a person on VKontakte by university

The full version of VK, when searching for a person, does not allow you to select a university (HEI) until the country and city are selected. If you don’t know where exactly a person lives, but want to search only by the university from which he graduated, you can do this through mobile version VK.

There are situations when you need to find a person, but the only information about him is his registration. How can you quickly find a person in this case?

The article will tell you about existing search methods, the pros and cons of the methods, and whether all methods are available to the common man.


In any country there are specialized databases with personalized information about any citizen living in the territory of that country. Such databases contain detailed information about a person’s personal data - full name, date and place of birth and residence, marital status and places of work, trips abroad, all crimes committed and even size wages.

According to the law of the Russian Federation, such data is stored in closed databases, accessible only to non-departmental bodies, the federal security service, the GRU and SVR, and drug control.

This information is prohibited from disclosure and transfer to third parties without the person’s consent, except in cases provided for by Russian legislation. For example, in the event of a crime.

However, from closed secret databases there are two ways to obtain information about a person:

  1. A citizen is a defendant in a case pending in court. In this situation, a personal lawyer will be able to access closed databases and request the required information. In accordance with the law, a lawyer has the right to request various certificates and documents from government bodies and local municipal bodies in order to provide legal services to his client.
  2. In case of violation of the law, you are the victim. Police officials have access to limited databases where they can find out not only the place of registration, but also the actual residence address of a given person.

Public Information

According to the letter of the law, any person has the right to use available sources of information to obtain information, including public databases - various directories and address books.

Public databases may contain information about registration, profession, date of birth with the written consent of the citizen to use this data.

What open databases are there:

  • open sources of tax information;
  • traffic police;
  • information desks;
  • telephone and address books;
  • bailiff service.

Phone books contain information about a person’s permanent registration – registration, his full name and contact number. A search within one city will most likely be successful. If the city is unknown, it will be impossible to find the person.

An important fact is that in such databases only the name of the owner of the residential premises at a specific address is recorded - the other residents of the apartment are not indicated, even if they are registered in this house.

Another disadvantage is the constant change of information, and therefore reference books do not have time to always be up-to-date. More often than not, data quickly becomes outdated.

An alternative is telephone directories on the Internet. Such bases are more mobile. The chances of finding the right person increase significantly.


An easier and more reliable way to find a person with registration is to contact the local migration service. The FMS contains information such as place of temporary and permanent registration. The migration service has passport and visa departments, all the nuances of registration and a huge database.

Any citizen can contact such a service to find the person he needs.

The search procedure using the FMS includes the following steps:

  1. Contact your local agency.
  2. Present to the authorized person your internal passport as a citizen of the Russian Federation.
  3. Fill out the application provided. It must indicate the reason for searching for the right person, his passport details and other information known to you that may be useful in the search. Leave your details.
  4. Receive a notification from the migration service about the search results and the place of permanent and temporary registration of the wanted person.

The search period for the migration service varies and is approximately from 15 to 30 calendar days.

Please remember that collecting information about other people without their consent is against ethical standards and the law.

You can also send your request to the institution by mail, saving time.


When contacting the police, there is another option for finding a person by registration - by making an unofficial visit to the local police officer. He has information about addresses and citizens living at these addresses.

There is no guarantee that the police officer will give you the information you require, since connections play a role here.

Most likely, he will help you if you knew each other before or have mutual friends. The second catalyst is the human factor - how pleasant you are for him to do you a favor. After all, he is not obliged to provide personal information about other citizens.

Private detective services

A private detective will be able to conduct a secret investigation in which he will find out the necessary information about a person, and much more. He can conduct an observation and provide you with all the information found out.

It should be borne in mind that the cost of his services is not affordable for everyone. But with a private detective, you can quickly find out the citizens living at a specific address.

Find a person by registration address on the Internet

In addition to personally contacting the FMS office, you can also send a request electronically via the Internet. All that remains is to fill out the application and enter your passport information.

On VKontakte

Along with classical ways searching for the right person in various databases and institutions is one of the most convenient and available ways is to search for a person on social networks. Most people do not worry about keeping personal data strictly confidential and leave information about their place of residence, marital status, names of children and their number on various social networks.

In addition, most resources now support the geotagging function - that is, the ability to put a tag on a photo where it was taken geographically. Based on such data, investigations have even been conducted more than once to search for corrupt officials and illegal spending of money. If the person you are looking for geolocates and posts a home photo, then we can assume that you have already found out the actual place of residence given user, and possibly permanent registration.

Let's focus on searching for a person on VKontakte as the most popular network among Russian citizens.

How to find a person in this network?

  1. First, if you have not registered, log in. The link goes to a mobile phone number
  2. The next step is to click the search by people tab. A panel will appear on the right with search parameters: country, city of residence and educational institution, start and end dates of study, the person’s age and gender.
  3. In the top search bar, you can enter the person's name, if you know it. A targeted search can be performed by selecting a person’s age, city of residence, first and last name. The search will be significantly narrowed and it will be much easier to find the right person. The only difficulty is that a person can choose not a real name, but a fake name or the name of a movie/cartoon character he likes, etc. However, it is now proposed to amend the legislation, obliging users to register on social networks using their passport data. In this case, it will be much easier to find a person by registration.
  4. The next way to find a person on VKontakte is through friends. This increases the chances of finding him even more. One of the innovations on VKontakte is the “mutual friends” section and the “possible friends” section. The network itself prompts the user to add possible acquaintances, based on personal data and a connecting friend.
  5. You can post a post in local city groups asking for help finding a person registered at a given address. Perhaps one of the residents or neighbors of the citizen in question will provide guidance and help him cope with this task. The difficulty of such a search lies in the fact that often there is one permanent registration, but the actual place of residence of the owner or tenant is different. It is especially difficult to find a person if in fact he lives in another city.


When starting to search for a person, remember about the existing legislation, violating which is fraught with punishment.

According to the constitution, any person has the right to privacy and non-disclosure of personalized information.

Russian legislation provides for criminal liability for violation of privacy. According to the criminal code, a person who violates the right of another citizen to private life serves a sentence in a place of deprivation of liberty - a prison, or is charged a fine - a lighter punishment.

Punishment according to the letter of the law

The law states: illegal collection of information or personal information about the private life of an individual, as well as disclosure, presentation for public use and dissemination of a citizen’s personal or family secret, without his written consent, is punishable by a fine of up to 200,000 rubles or the amount of wages offender or other income of the convicted person. The period of income or salary to be paid is up to 18 months.

An alternative to the sentence may be forced labor. Their duration varies up to 360 hours, or correctional labor is assigned for a period up to 1 year. Punishment may be replaced by mandatory work for a period of time up to 2 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities (set individually) for a period up to 3 years or without it. Possible arrest for a period of time up to 4 months, or imprisonment for a term up to 2 years with deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period up to 3 years.

The same punishment is provided for the dissemination by persons of a citizen’s private information in a public speech, a publicly displayed work, or the media.

Thus, there are two legal ways to find a person by registration using government resources: if the citizen is a defendant in the case, and if a crime has been committed against you.

The third method is quite rare in practice - if police officers registered the citizen in question and considered that information about him could be disclosed and presented to third parties. In this case, the police take information from databases and provide it upon request. Most often, such situations occur when a person is put on the wanted list or after he has committed a crime.

If you need to find a friend or old acquaintance, best way To search, use social networks or search through mutual friends and acquaintances.

It is unacceptable to use prohibited by law Russian Federation ways to search for a person and information about him.

You can actually find a person through the Internet. And not just find him, but also contact him - send a message and even call him. This is done using special sites. Everything there is simple and free.

First, let's look at quick way search. If we're lucky, we'll find the right person in literally five minutes.

Quick people search

vk.com/search- here you can find people through the social network VKontakte without registration.

Type your first and last name in the top line and click on the “Search” button.

The people found by the site are immediately shown. As a rule, the list is quite large. Therefore, in order to remove unnecessary things, you need to indicate some more data: country, city, age, school or university. There are special fields for this on the right side.

yandex.ru/people - search for people on popular social networks through Yandex. In the search line we type the first and last name, and indicate other data just below. After which the system displays the pages of people found using these parameters.

What to do next. If you have found the right person, then in order to contact him, you need to register on the social network where his page is located. This is a free procedure, after which you can send a message to this user.

In short, it all happens like this:

  • Right-click on the logo/name of the social network (top left). Select “Open in new tab” from the list. This is necessary in order not to lose information about the person.
  • Just now open tab We are looking for a button or link to register. Usually it says “Registration” on it.
  • We fill out something like a small form and do everything exactly as it is written there, that is, we follow the instructions. As a result, we get our own page from which you can send messages.
  • We return to the tab with information about the desired person and update it: right-click on an empty space on the page - “Reload” or “Update”.
  • We are looking for a button or link “Message”, “Write a message”, “Send a message” or something similar. We click, write what we want to tell the person, and send it.

If you have little experience on the Internet, and no experience at all on social networks, then I recommend writing a very detailed message indicating your contacts. Because if you don’t do this, the person will respond through a social network, and you, unknowingly, may simply not receive his message.

Write in detail who you are and where you are from, a short history acquaintance or degree of relationship. Honestly tell him that you don’t know how to use a social network and ask him to contact you in another way (not by writing a message). Indicate exactly how - a phone number with a code or another method of communication (e-mail, Skype, etc.).

How to really find a person on the Internet

If quick search did not give results, but you really need to find a person, you will have to puff. First you need to register on each social network from the list:

ok.ru- Classmates

vk.com- VKontakte

facebook.com- Facebook

my.mail.ru - My world on Mail.ru

vkrugudruzei.ru - Among friends

Start your search immediately after registration. It is not necessary to fill out your page for this. Use different options: full and short name, without and with age, without country/city and with their indication, etc. Also try searching by typing your first/last name in Latin letters.

If you still can’t find the person you need, try looking for his relatives - often it’s much easier to find a relative’s page. And the closer a person is, the greater the chance that his list of friends includes the one you need. Just open the "Friends" section and search there.

Husband/wife, children/grandchildren, close and distant relatives, friends, classmates and fellow students, work colleagues - use all the options. If, of course, the result is worth it :)

When you find the right person, fill out the received (your) page on the social network with your data, at least briefly. I highly recommend adding a personal photo.

Some people do not respond to messages that come from blank pages. This is especially true for pages without a photo or with a “left” photo.

Well, after that, write a message to the person. Who are you, where are you from, when and how did you meet, etc. After sending all this, wait for a response. If a person often visits his page on a social network, then the answer will come soon.

But keep in mind that there are also abandoned pages - those that their owner does not visit at all. This can be determined by the page itself. In Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte, for example, at the top right it is written when the person last logged in. You can also look at the date of the last entries on the page.

Other ways

Yandex.ru and Google.ru are the largest search engines.

How will they help you find people? It’s simple: type your first and last name, click “Find” and see what the search engine returns. Miracles happen.

For example, once I needed to find an old friend, an artist by profession. A search on social networks yielded nothing, but simply by entering his first and last name into a search engine, I found his personal website. Although there was practically no information on it, pages on social networks were indicated. I definitely wouldn’t have found them with a regular search, since fictitious information was provided instead of my friend’s data.

poisk.vid.ru - website of the TV show “Wait for Me.” On it you can leave a request for a search, and also see if someone is looking for you.

Skype is a popular communication program.

Type your first and last name in the “Search” field (top left) and click “Search in Skype.”

To view detailed information about the person found, click on his name in the list. Then click on the avatar - a small picture or photo at the top.

A window will open with an enlarged photo and some information.

If this is the one you need, add him to your contact list. Just don’t be lazy and type in the box instead of the standard text your own - who you are and what you want.

Sooner or later, every person has to face the problem of finding people. The way the world works is that throughout our life, from early childhood, we all acquire more and more new friends and acquaintances. Over time, due to some reasons related, for example, to a change of place of residence, people with whom we were once familiar become lost from sight. Years pass, and one day, looking at an old album with photographs, suddenly an irresistible desire appears to find those about whom nothing has been heard for a long time. And we are desperately trying to find the right person by first and last name by any means possible.

Years of search and hope

Even twenty to thirty years ago, the search for the right person could be carried out in only one way - by making a request through the address bureau. If it was necessary to find a person living in the same city as you, it was enough to drive up to the point where search applications were accepted, fill out the necessary details, and after a while, with a fairly high degree of probability, you could get the address of the person you were looking for. The whole procedure could only take an hour or two. If it was necessary to find someone from another city, the search became somewhat more complicated. I had to send written requests to address bureaus in other cities and wait weeks for a response. Well, if you tried to find a person living in another country, then such searches would drag on for years. And these searches did not always yield positive results. Very often, due to lack of data, requests remained unfulfilled. A huge number of citizens of the former Soviet Union after the end of the Great Patriotic War tried to find their relatives and friends, but many archives were simply destroyed, people’s families were scattered throughout the country, and there was no way to find each other for many decades.

How much easier our lives have become with the advent of the Internet! Now you don’t need to spend years, weeks and even hours to find your loved ones and friends about whom you have not known anything for many years. The search can take a matter of minutes, and you can not only find a person, but also instantly contact him and make yourself known.

Today, there are several opportunities to find a person by first and last name without even leaving your home:

  • through all sorts of social media;
  • through special sites that specialize in searching for people;
  • through city telephone directories;
  • general search by last name and first name using Internet search engines.

Finding a person using social networks

It is with the help of social networks that are popular today that you can not only find the right person, but also find out as much information as possible about him: what he does, what kind of music he listens to, who he communicates with and is friends with, what kind of family he has. You can also look at his photographs and make sure that you have found the right person.

You can search for the right person by specifying only his last name - and upon your request you will receive a list of all users who have that last name. Moreover, the network will also reveal those users whose last names are similar. It’s good if the person you are looking for has a rare surname - this will simplify the choice from the entire list.

But if your friend’s last name is Ivanov, or, for example, Petrov, you will simply drown in the flow of information. Therefore, of course, to simplify your task, you need to remember the person you are trying to find as much information as possible:

  • last name and first name;
  • date of birth;
  • place of residence;
  • place of study;
  • school number.

By the way, by the number of the school where you studied and the year of graduation, you can find all your classmates at once.

Social networks are the most popular, and, accordingly, the most applicable for finding people. It was thanks to them that it became possible in a matter of minutes not only to find a person, and not only to find out any details of his current life, but also to instantly contact him using instant messages.

Site name

Internet address

Approximate number of registered users

Approximate number of daily visits







It is worth noting that the huge number of Facebook users is due to the fact that it is a global social network, i.e. it has registered users living not only in the countries of the former Union, but throughout the world.

Search for a person by request

If the person you are trying to find is not registered on social networks, sites that directly search for people will come to the rescue. To start searching on such sites, you need to make an application, which includes as much information as you have about the person you are looking for. The application is posted on the website, and you periodically check its status.

Here are some sites that work with search requests.

Of course, this is not an instant search, but it is also quite effective.

Find the phone number of the right person

Using telephone directories available on the Internet or paper ones, you can successfully find both the residential address and even the telephone number of the person you need.

We bring to your attention the most popular telephone directories:

The advantage of searching through phone books is that all information is presented in the form of a table that collects basic data about subscribers, and you immediately see the person’s initials, his date of birth, residential address, and telephone number. The main disadvantage of such databases is that their data is often outdated, since the information in them comes from official sources.

“Google to the rescue!”

You can try to find a person by first and last name by using Internet search engines, the most popular of which are Yandex and Google.

If the person you need to find has ever left any information about themselves somewhere, these search engines will help you find it. This could be some kind of advertisements, resumes on job search sites, blogs, mentions on some sites where the subscriber could leave a comment, links to various social networks. With the help of all these links it will be possible, in the end, to find their author.
